College and Research Libraries ties in this volume are the following: publi- cations are too numerous, and many are of such minimal value that stockpiling can- not be justified; lack of satisfactory micro- text reading devices for individual owner- ship and use; inadequacy and cost of bibli- ographic information; deteriorating paper; delays in cataloging; high costs in terms of time, money, and frustration of borrowing from other libraries. He then outlines twen- ty-one programs of research which he be- lieves will provide solutions to most of these current research library problems. Grants from the Council on Library Resources and financial assistance from other sources have already brought more than half of these problems under study. Many of the facili- ties that will be needed are already available in developmental stages: telefacsimile trans- mission, computer indexing, high ratio-re- duction photography, improved individual microtext reading devices, specialized in- formation centers, and computer controlled typesetting systems. . The Future of the Research Library ap- pnses us of the progress already made against problems that plague research li- braries and becomes a useful guide for future library research. It does not predict the early obsolescence of books, but it pro- poses a reasonable course that makes maxi- mum use of all devices, gadgets, and ideas that have possible implication for the ac- quisition, storage, and retrieval of knowl- edge. It gives comfort and hope to librarian- ship and the scholarly world and places all of us more in Verner Clapp's debt for imaginative leadership at a critical period in library history.-Benjamin E. Powell, Duke University. Scientific and Technical Libraries; Their Organization and Administration. By Lucille J. Strauss, Irene M. Strieby and Alberta L. Brown. (Library Science and Documentation, vol. 4) New York: In- terscience, 1964. 398p. $8.50. (64-15421). This is an extensive revision of the book Technical Libraries: Their Organization and Management, published in 1951, which was edited by the senior author of the present work. There is considerable similarity in the organization of the chapters, but the content has been brought up to date. Even parts which are quite similar to the previous text (because no basic change was needed) have been rewritten in a more readable style. Attention has been directed to the many changes in nomenclature, techniques, services, and functions which have taken place in science and technical libraries in the last fifteen years. As an example of the differences between the editions, the reviewer examined the chapter dealing with the filing and indexing of nonbook materials (called "miscellane- ous" in the 1951 edition). The earlier edi- tion has nine pages of text and thirty-two citations. The new edition has twenty-seven pages of text and eighty-seven citations. Only seventeen of the citations are dated prior to 1950, and many recent references through 1963 are included. Ten pages of material on "nonconventional indexing for information retrieval" are included in the new edition, and there are some details on technical reports, which were not men- tioned in the earlier edition . Writing about special libraries is difficult because of the wide range of subjects, size of staffs, diversity of functions, and other dissimilar factors. Librarians operating small libraries may find adequate details for their limited needs, whereas librarians of rather large libraries will consider some of the coverage rather skimpy. One book cannot satisfy all needs or all points of view. These authors are to be commended for undertak- ing this compilation, which must fall short of an encyclopedic treatment and yet in- clude ยท enough substance to satisfy most of its intended audience. The Preface indicates that this book, within the over-all concept of "an introduc- tion to the organizational procedures and essential functions," is directed toward four specific objectives: ( 1) to meet require- ments of practicing librarians in the fields covered; (2) to be a source of operational and bibliographical information for new members of the profession; ( 3) to serve as a text for library school students and others whose interests are in the literature of the physical and life sciences; ( 4) to present an over-all perspective to the management of an organization as to what is involved in the establishment of a library. All of these objectives seem to be met to some extent 438 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES within the intended framework. Profession- al terminology has been kept within the range of understanding by nonprofessional interested readers, or has been explained, when necessary. The extensive references and suggestions for additional sources of information are in- dicative of the wealth of information avail- able to practicing special librarians who need to go beyond the scope of this compila- tion. The authors have deliberately and wisely refrained from going into minute de- tail about machine systems or the advanced area of information storage and retrieval, which by now, require separate books. A brief overview, with bibliographical refer- ences and addressing of leading manufactur- ers, is adequate for the purposes of this manual. New members of the profession or those for whom work in a science-technical li- brary is a new experience will welcome the insight into this specialized library field. It is suitable as a text for library school students studying science libraries. It can serve as a supplementary text for those studying the bibliography of the sciences, since in addition to the many references throughout the text, the Appendix (p. 305- 388) includes a well selected list of basic reference publications and bibliographies for a number of specific subject fields. This book should provide a better per- spective for management of the complexity of special library organization and services and the possibilities of real assistance to the promotion of company objectives which can be developed through a well run library. There are, nonetheless, categories of in- terested librarians for whom this manual will not provide all the necessary and useful information. One group consists of academic librarians such as those in branch libraries in science .and engineering in university li- braries. These have important problems re- lating to their operation with regard to the university library as a whole; with parts of the system which may supply some of their needs (centralized acquisition, for example) ; with the faculties and/ or faculty library committees; and similar problems differing from those in industrial company libraries. Another category of librarians who will look in vain for special information of value to them are those in military I naval scien- tific libraries. For example, no mention was found of the multiple problems involved with classified reports, governmental pro- cedures, etc. There are also shortcomings in the in- dexes. The Author Index appears to refer only to the places in the text where the author is mentioned. The bibliographic in- formation must then be found in the "bib- liography" sections at the end of the chap- ters. But no reference is made in the Index to the many equally useful citations in the "supplementary references" appended to each chapter. Nor are references included in the Author Index which have corporate author or title entries. None of the refer- ences in the long Appendix are cited in the Author Index. The Subject Index contains some defi- ciencies. There are no cross references. In- formation about reference books is listed under "basic reference publications." Ma- terial on serials is included under "periodi- cals." Machine systems are entered under "information retrieval syst~ms." Abstract bulletins issued for library users are listed under "library bulletins." There are some errors in alphabetical sequence. "Interlibrary loan" is entered before "insurance"; "mime- ograph" is entered after "minicard."-Jo- hanna E. Tallman, UCLA. Books Briefly Noted Bibliography of Use Studies. By Richard A. Davis and Catherine A. Bailey. Philadel- phia: Drexel Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Library Science, 1964. (Graduate School of Library Sci- ence, Project No. 195). lOOp. $1.50. SEPTEMBER 1964 Catholic Subject Headings. A List Designed for Use with Library of Congress Subject Headings or the Sears List of Subject Headings. Ed. by Oliver L. Kapsner, O.S.B. 5th ed. Collegeville, Minn.: St. John's Abbey Press, 1963. 439