College and Research Libraries The Accuracy of Federal Academic Library Statistics AMERICAN ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Were overjoyed to receive the annual ( 1962- 63) compilation of academic statistics so early (February) and yet including so high a percentage (70 per cent) of the institutions surveyed. 1 A closer exam- ination of the figures revealed, however, certain imperfections and misleading in- clusions and omissions that deserve some attention and analysis. This is not a crit- icism of the Library Services Division, but rather of a great many of the re- spondents. The figures given for "volumes" and for "volumes added," especially in rela- tion to expenditures indicated for "books and other library materials," should cause particular concern. There are, to say the least, many rather odd figures here. For example, one library, without any footnote explanation, suddenly in- creased from less than twenty-five thou- sand volumes added during 1961-62 to more than three times that number, while the amount shown for "books and other library materials" only increased approx- imately 50 per cent. Upon inquiry, the librarian of this institution stated that "from storage in one attic we removed. forty thousand items, some of which have been cataloged, but in the main we are as yet unsure of the number which will be added. The addition of a large number of volumes also included about one-fourth public documents, state and federal, and almost fifty thousand volumes in micro- text." The preceding year neither of these items had been counted, but somehow, in this and other academic libraries, 1962- 1 Increased to 90 per cent in June, with the ALA- LAD published supplement. All figures herein are based on the original document. BY ELI M. OBOLER Mr. Oboler is University Librarian, Idaho State University, Pocatello. 63 became a great year for including mi- crotexts in "volumes added during the year" and "number of volumes at end of the year." As a matter of fact, although this par- ticular institution did not bother to state publicly that microtexts were included for the first time, five institutions did so state. Interestingly enough, at the same time thirteen academic institutions included a footnote stating that their figure for 1962- 63 ({excludes microprints, microcards, microfilms, and other forms of micro- text." Just what valid comparisons may be drawn from such utterly different figures is puzzling. The farther one goes into this labyrinth or wonderland of academic statistics, the "curiouser and curiouser" they get. Under "number of volumes at end of year," only three institutions indicated "estimated" in a footnote. Yet eighty-nine others had figures for this item ending in round num- bers. It would take considerable statisti- cal coincidence for so many libraries to come to the end of one particular year with exactly "50,000" or "10,000" or similarly obviously rounded-off figures. Yet they did not admit that their count was estimated; therefore, such figures go in to be compared with the data given by those who have kept very strict count. Upon examination of these eighty-nine institutional reports, one finds that in 1961-62 forty-eight gave rounded-off fig- ures. The above phenomena merely give 494 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES grounds for speculation, but one could draw rather definite conclusions from in- stitutions which, when asked specifically, as the questionnaire did, for "number of volumes added during fiscal year (report actual number of volumes acquired, DO NOT subtract volumes withdrawn)" went ahead and gave "net" figures. How would it have been possible for such institutions to have determined net figures without first having the gross figures? Since they had the gross figures, why did they not give them as requested in the question- naire? Further examination is also revealing. Included in the footnotes were various explanations referring to the specific data on "number of volumes at end of year" and "number of volumes added during year." One footnote stated, "excludes mi- - croprints . . . " as cited above. Some stated, "an estimated figure"; some stat- ed, "excludes bound periodicals," al- though the definition of volumes given on page one of the questionnaire stated clearly that "a volume is any printed, typewritten, mimeographed, or processed work, bound or unbound, that has been cataloged or fully prepared for use. In- cludes microcards, microfilms, micro- prints, and other forms of micro text." Some stated, "excludes government docu- ments." Some stated, "change in fiscal year on a calendar basis; the number of volumes added is for eighteen-month pe- riod." Some stated, "includes only fully cataloged and processed books and peri- odicals," which sounds like another way of saying "excludes microtext," but could mean any one of a number of things. One said, "includes data for high school li- brary." Is this a useful statistic for com- parative purposes within academic cir- cles? One said, "excludes microfilms and . recordings; includes 150,000 microcards." This same institution indicated a little over 150,000 volumes in 1961-62 and over 400,000 for 1962-63. One footnote, which is used by several institutions, stated, "excludes government documents." NOVEMBER 1964 The instructions on page one of the ques- tionnaire are not clear. The key phrase here is "fully prepared for use." Is a government document that has been as- signed any kind of a classification num- ber arranged any particular way so that it can readily be found and circulated "fully prepared for use?" Different li- braries, obviously, differ on this. One library states in a footnote that its listing of "number of volumes at end of year" includes "government serials." This all seems to indicate the necessity for clarification by definition of what is wanted by the United States Office of Ed- ucation and by the library profession; a better understanding of what is being asked for is needed by those who fill in the questionnaires. Furthermore, the Of- fice of Education should probably print only those statistics that make sense. For example, does it make sense to print a particular figure for one year in a category such as "number of vol- umes at end of year," and a figure next to it of "number of volumes added dur- ing year" that could not be compatible? Here are a few examples of such incom- patibility. One institution, in 1961-62, had fewer than fifty thousand volumes. It indicates five thousand volumes added during year, and then shows one hundred thousand volumes at the end of 1962-63! Another showed sixty thousand volumes at the end of 1961-62, an addition of nine thou- sand volumes during this past year, and then claims over one hundred thirty thousand for "number of volumes at end of year" 1962-63. Still another shows less than ninety thousand last year, addi- tions of less than seven thousand, and total volumes now of almost one hundred thirty thousand. This is remarkable arith- metic! Another school's holdings went from a little over seventy thousand last year to over one hundred thousand this year, with "number of volumes added during year" being indicated as under five thou- 495 sand. How can one add under five thou- sand to just over seventy thousand and come up with a total of over one hundred thousand? Such figures as these should not be included in a compilation of com- parative data. At least, such figures should have been indicated as "estimated." One of the most interesting examples of arith- metic found was of a school that had un- der twenty-five thousand books in 1961- 62, claimed gains of well under a thou- sand, and then showed the number of volumes at end of year at over thirty-five thousand! Correspondence with college librari- ans leads to the conclusion that the pres- sure to "keep up with the Joneses" has become, in many instances, so consider- able that academic librarians have simply put down figures that look nice rather than accurate figures. 2 It is to be hoped that the studies now in process under the auspices of the Council on Library Resources, aimed to standardize library statistics, will be suc- cessful. At least, academic librarians should be aware of what they are doing, and the Office of Education should be aware of what it is doing. Putting to- gether indiscriminate statistics into what look like highly organized charts and ta- bles will still produce results and figures which are misleading and inaccurate. What good is the so-called analytic re- port, if the statistics it analyzes are dis- parate and dissimilar? 2 The state university library supervised by this writer has well over three hundred thousand govern- ment documents. These are not included in the totals reported to the federal government, because such publications, although they are kept in bureau order and within each bureau by type of publication and then numerically, are not considered by us as being "fully ready for use" in terms of the government definition . Those few documents in the writer's library which will get better use if they are fully cataloged and specified and placed among the books in the regular collection are included in the totals, but no others; nor, in this library, have microtexts in any form been included in final reported totals, mainly because of the confusion as to how they are to be counted. William H. Carlson, director of librar- ies of the Oregon State University, re- cently said that "figures appearing in such statements [referring to statements as the ones issued by the Office of Edu- cation and the Association of Research Libraries] are very rough and sometimes, in a comparative sense, even misleading evidence of comparative strength. Some- times, too, the figures used become sus- pect. Over decades and centuries the process of adding annual accretions to the accumulated base, and withdrawing the worn out, the lost, and the obsoles- cent may get badly out of gear .... Com- mon-sense observation also indicates that sometimes, either knowingly or unknow- ingly, figures used have become padded."3 Federal academic library statistics as now presented are undoubtedly accurate reports of replies to questionnaires, but a great many of the individual items pre- se·nted are inconsistent or obviously falla- cious. No matter how precise and clear the questions asked may be, academic li- brarians must still rely on the accuracy of replies. And no one can examine the 1962-63 figures, especially in relation to previous data, without strong misgivings as to their usefulness for comparative purposes because of the many distortions and inaccuracies they contain. Action on a nationwide scale toward achieving the obviously impossible- complete and accurate figures on the holdings of all academic libraries-is imperative. Each college or university head librarian perhaps has the profes- sional obligation to make a physical in- ventory of his library's holdings at least once each five years; he certainly should provide accurate statistics yearly to the Office of Education. •• a "The Field Headquarters of the Mind : Measures of Library Excellence," Improving College and Uni- versity T eaching, XII (Spring 1964), 68-69. 496 C 0 L L E G E A N D R E S E AR C H L I B R A R IE S