College and Research Libraries 4061 College & Research Libraries • September 1965 interviews and process charts. These · rep- resent the best guesses to date, not to be used slavishly, but with some confidence and a willingness to refine them in the light of future experience, just as the other cost elements must be kept current. The study has widely refrained from identifying the libraries which use these processes. Librarians will continue their search for improvement in a dynamic tech- nology. They well may wonder if any meth- od will endure through the five to ten years it takes to amortize purchased equipment. Use of rental, leasing, trade-in, processing center, and service bureau arrangements re- flect this growing desire for flexibility. The study does not mention the changing role for catalogs in card form in the face of im- pending shifts to book catalogs or eventual console conversion. Nor does it look with any prophetic vision at the greater depth of control achievable over small units of in- formation, even the individual character or its component bits, when using a digitized system such as the automatic tape type- writer. The power to select and re-order in- formation stored in paper tape for multiple purposes which is afforded by the Friden Selectadata unit, the special-purpose au- tomation of the Crossfiler, or the general capability of any computer, all introduce valid considerations outside the apparent scope of the study. The report is basically a search for lowest isolated cost among those methods presently available to li- braries for accomplishing a very prescribed task. By subtracting least cost from another, it is possible to obtain a fair measure of how much annual cost is attributable to in- tentional choice of a system over the min- imum that would have to be paid in any case to get the job done the cheapest way. Librarians should be aware that they now have some useful comparative data where before there was none, but they should not feel hindered from going against or beyond its advice for good reason.-Earl Farley, University of Kansas. Moving Library Materials. By Peter Spy- ers-Duran. Rev. ed. Chicago: Library Technology Project, ALA, 1965. 63p. $2.50 (65-23947). This study is based on a bibliography of the subject which covers the years 1930 to 1961, and on a questionnaire which includ- ed thirty-one library moves in the range of 8,000 to 700,000 volumes. As the author points out, it is difficult to find a single com- prehensive analysis of the techniques of moving library materials. The present work is designed to outline the theoretical and practical requirements for moving books and library materials in libraries of every type and size. The arrangement of the study falls into three broad topics. The first section deals with the major steps involved in planning and scheduling the move. This analysis in- cludes a time and motion study. In the sec- ond section, the author discusses critically four types of moving methods. The last section is a collection of model specifications and contract forms. The use of such forms is necessary when a library move is being offered to professionals on a competitive basis. The text is clear, concise, and thorough in treatment, and is supplemented by a large number of tables and illustrations. Table I is particularly useful in that it presents an analysis of the questionnaires returned by the libraries. The bibliography emphasizes articles that have appeared since 1950. Un- fortunately, several of the citations in the text are not entered in the bibliography. This study is deceptive in its simplicity. It should prove to be a valuable handbook to all librarians contemplating a move, espe- cially those who wish to compare several possible methods, or those who have had no experience with operations of this kind.- Michael Bruer, University of Notre Dame. Libraries of the Future. By J. C. R. Lick- lider. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1965, xvii, 219p. $6. (65-13831). It can be an illuminating exercise in imaginative fantasy to extrapolate from present technology in order to describe the library of the future. This book is one of the best of these exercises. Author Licklider de- scribes the "procognitive" system (the suc- cessor to the library?) of the year 2000. Al- though explicitly stated as not the objective of this book, the question is apparent on every page: how do we get from here to there? This is a problem that every librarian must face in the next decade, for technology . ..