College and Research Libraries 352 I College -& Research Libraries • September, 1967 for Community and Junior Colleges estab- lished March 4, 1960, at the Teachers Col- lege, Columbia University, with the aid of a grant from theW. K. Kellogg Foundation. Three aims of the project were: ( 1) to prepare an increasing number of young ad- ministrators for the community and junior colleges ; ( 2) to provide coordinated profes- sional development (in-service and refresh- er) opportunities for persons already in administrative positions; and ( 3) to provide a program of research and service. One of the first problems identified was the absence of an up-to-date selective bibli- ography in the community junior college field. In order to solve the problem, students of two advanced seminars during the spring and autumn semesters of 1965 prepared an annotated bibliography. The editor, Emory W. Rarig, Jr. , administrative assistant in the Center for Community Colleges, Teachers College, refined the compilation which ap- pears in this volume. In the foreword the director of the Center for Community Col- leges, Walter E. Sindlinger, cautions that "this effort represents merely a beginning," and that it is hoped that future seminars will continue to update and expand the work into the "selective, annotated directory to the important community junior college literature and research works" originally planned. Bibliographies are presented for eight subjects: ( 1) history of the community jun- ior college; ( 2) functions and purposes of the community junior college; ( 3) organiza- tion and administration of community junior colleges; ( 4) community junior college stu- dents ; ( 5) community junior college pro- grams; ( 6) community junior college per- sonnel; (7) community junior college facil- ities; ( 8) research in the community junior college. For these topics there are 391 entries, some of which are duplicated within the eight sections. Two hundred eighty-seven authors (including associations) are listed in the author index. An annotated bibliog- raphy of research tools precedes the main bibliography. Criteria for the selectivity within each of the eight subjects is not cited. This would have been helpful to the user in determin- ing the time scope of selection. Journal arti- cles and books are included. It is pointed out in the foreword that many of the major works in higher education have been ex- cluded since the references chosen deal di- rectly with the community junior college. Spot checks indicate that the annotations are well done. The organization of the entries into sub- ject areas, although limited, is a contribu- tion to bibliographic literature.-Harriett Genung, Mt. San Antonio College. The Brasenose Conference on the Auto- mation of Libraries. Ed. by John Harri- son, and Peter Laslett. London: Mansell, 1967. 173 pp. $6.50 (66-30544). As explained in the preface, this volume contains the papers presented at the Anglo- American Conference on the Mechanization of Libraries held in Oxford, England, June 30 to July 3, 1966. More commonly referred to as the Brasenose Conference, it brought together some sixty-five British and Amer- ican librarians and others concerned with the application of computers to libraries and library work. The three days at Erase- nose College marked a historic venture in trans-Atlantic cooperation. The British also emphasized that the event was equally his- toric in the resulting cooperation between the British Museum and the librarians at Oxford and Cambridge. An excellent sum- mary of the conference from the American point of view appears in the Library of Congress Information Bulletin, July 14, 1966, Appendix I. Ten papers, none previously published, are presented along with the four speeches at the opening dinner. The actual discussion following each paper has been partly repro- duced, and the volume concludes with a discussion of future activities by the con- ference participants. The editors plead that they have taken " ... drastic action with the verbatim transcript. Speeches have been compressed, sentences rearranged, grammar amended, and whole areas of discussion completely left out." It is true that often far more is spoken than goes well into print, and what is said often records badly. It is for these reasons and in order to publish as quickly as possi- ble that the editors claim this approach. Unfortunately, under these circumstances there was no question of reproducing the slides which accompanied some of the pres- entations of the papers. In at least one in- stance, this lack is sorely felt by the reader. It also seems that the discussions, if pre- sented at all, would have been better repre- sented by including enough material to pre- serve both the continuity and the spirit of the remarks for the reader. The first paper is a statement of the situa- tion at the British Museum, The Bodleian library, Oxford, and Cambridge University library, presented jointly by A. H. Chaplin, R. Shacklenton, and J. C. T. Oates of the above libraries respectively. This introduc- tory paper presents a picture of the progress and the past relationship of the three British libraries as regards computers and comput- ing. The second paper, by A. J. Wells of the British Museum, describes a few of the problems which seem special in producing the British National Bibliography by com- puter, if such a thing is to be considered. The author indicates a hope that a detailed study of the problems will be undertaken shortly. The sixth paper, also presented by two Britishers (A. M. Cain and J. W. Jolliffe of the British Museum) , is a general discussion of the problems associated with input, out- put, and processing by computer where a variety of languages and corresponding character sets exist. The general reference is to a large library with a large existing rec- ord file such as the British Museum. The remaining seven papers are author- itative presentations by the Americans par- ticipating in the conference. Ralph Parker of the University of Missouri library reviews a total system approach to the internal use of computers in a library. In the next paper, Fred Kilgour of the Yale University library, discusses comprehensive modern library sys- tems. His paper contends that libraries will necessarily evolve into information-based networks if the efficiences of the computer are to be best utilized. Foster Palmer of Harvard University li- brary discusses conversion of existing rec- ords in large libraries, with detailed refer- ences to the experience of converting parts of the Widener library shelf list. While a great deal of technical detail is included, the author makes it clear that it was includ- ed to provide an idea of some of the ques- tions that have to be faced. The following Book Reviews I 353 paper in the series, presented jointly by Henriette Auram and Barbara Markuson of the Library of Congress, is a lengthy review of L. C.'s Project MARC, an experiment in the distribution of machine-readable cata- loging data. At the date of this paper Proj- ect MARC was not yet an operational real- ity, but the basic approach and design phi- losophy presented are those carried through to the operating environment. Ritvars Bregzis of the University of To- ronto discusses levels of bibliographic con- trol and presents the concept of a reactive catalog. Automated bibliographic control is proposed as a necessary part of an Inter- national Bibliographic Information System of the future. In the next paper Charles Austin, Office of Management Policy, De- partment of Health, Education, and Wel- fare , presents factors related to sharing of bibliographic information. Particular refer- ence is made to the operating distribution system of the National Library of Medicine, using cataloging data produced by a com- puter. The author lists ten postulates relat- ing to the sharing of bibliographic informa- tion. In the final paper Irwin Pizer of the SUNY Upstate Medical Center library re- views a proposed computerized biomedical network for the State University of New York. The proposed system would include both a computerized network and Long Dis- tance Xerography Facsimile Transmission equipment. It is interesting to note that more recent versions of the proposal are available. This collection of papers will provide a brief look at mechanization in large libraries for the reader who is not familiar with the subject. The fact remains, however, that this volume will not be .easy reading if the read- er is not versed in at least elementary com- puter concepts. For the reader already fa- miliar with the American library automation scene, the look at British efforts provided by the first three papers mentioned is per- haps of greatest interest. This collection as a whole can be classed as neither tutorial nor state-of-the-art. The tone of the conference as expressed by the editors seems to have been preserved intact -for the most part it was a matter of the American delegation expounding and the British (and the reader) listening.-Bruce W . Stewart, T exas A&M University.