College and Research Libraries E U G E N E P. S H E E H Y Selected Reference Books of 1966-67 I N T R O D U C T I O N T H I S A R T I C L E continues the semi-an- nual series1 originally edited by Con- stance M. Winchell. Though it appears under a byline, the list is actually a project of the reference department of the Columbia University libraries, and notes are signed with the initials of the individual staff members.2 Since the purpose of the list is to pre- sent a selection of recent scholarly and foreign works of interest to reference workers in university libraries it does not pretend to be either well-balanced or comprehensive. Code numbers (such as AD34, DB79) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide to Reference Books.3 P E R I O D I C A L S Irregular Serials i? Annuals: An Interna- tional Directory. E d . l - . New York: Bowker, 1967- . Biennial with annual supplements. Emery Koltay, ed. "A classified guide to current foreign and domestic serials, excepting periodicals is- sued more frequently than once a year."— (t.-p.) Full publication information on more than fourteen thousand five hundred serials issued annually, less frequently than once a year, or irregularly, is offered in this new directory. Planned as a companion to VI- rich's International Periodicals Directory, the new work follows the general format and classified arrangement (with title and subject index) of Ulrich's. Similarly, it is 1CRL, January and Julv issues starting January, 1 9 5 2 . 2 Linda Benson, Marilyn Goldstein, Rita Keckeissen, Joan Krengel, Evelyn Lauer, F r e d Oser. 3 Constance M. Winchell, Guide to Reference Books ( 8 t h ed.; Chicago: ALA, 1 9 6 7 ) . "international in its coverage, attempting to include material in languages using the Roman alphabet or having abstracts, sub- title, or some information in English." (Pref.) Only titles whose most recent is- sue is later than Jan. 1, 1960 are included. Here, then, is a guide to a wide range of current annuals and irregular continuations, whether yearbooks, transactions, proceed- ings, reports, or the many "advances" and "progress in" volumes. (Surely the seeming- ly comprehensive listing of these latter se- ries will prove a boon to science librarians.) An added feature is the "Title Grouping of International Meetings' Publications." This is both a needed and welcome addi- tion to the reference shelf.—E.S. Paris. Bibliotheque Nationale. Departement des Periodiques. Catalogue collectif des periodiques du debut du XVIIe siecle a 1939 conserves dans les bibliotheques de Paris et dans les bibliotheques uni- versitaires des departements. Paris: Bib- liotheque Nationale, 1967. T.4. Contents: T.4, R-Z. 1056p. This volume represents the first successful attempt to establish a union list of peri- odicals for France, an endeavor which has spanned some thirty years. Though it cov- ers the end of the alphabet, it is the first of the set to appear; volumes 1-3 will be is- sued in inverse order. Titles listed date from the early seven- teenth century to 1939. The compilers re- gret the circumstances which forced them to accept so early a cut-off date, but hope to extend coverage by a series of supplements. Emphasis is on French periodicals, but for- eign titles held in the seventy-three con- tributing libraries are included as well. Ex- cluded are daily papers after 1849; alma- nacs; annual directories; administrative pub- lications; extremely fragmentary holdings; and, generally, publications of limited in- terest, such as local church bulletins, alum- / 65 66 / College <6- Research Libraries • January 1968 ni magazines, etc. Also excluded are Slavic periodicals in the Cyrillic alphabet, as these are listed in the Catalogue collectif des periodiques slaves en caracteres cyrilliques (Guide AF105). However, if a Slavic pe- riodical title also appears in the Roman alphabet, it will be so listed with a cross- reference to the Cyrillic catalog. Entry is under the first word of the title not an article. Thus, there will be multiple entries under such titles as "bulletin," "annuaire," "acta." These publications will be regrouped under issuing bodies in an index in the pro- posed fifth volume. Each entry includes a catalog description of the title; dates of publication; brief notes on title changes, other language editions, supplements, cu- mulative indexes, issuing body, etc.; the holding library or libraries, with call num- bers and exact holdings. Title changes are outlined in a single notice de rassemblement for each periodical; separate, full entries for each of the alternate titles provide cross- references to this listing. The completed work will be an invalua- ble reference tool in any library which re- lies heavily on the Union List of Serials and the British Union Catalogue of Peri- odicals for bibliographic searching.—L.B. G O V E R N M E N T P U B L I C A T I O N S DiRoma, Edward, and Rosenthal, Joseph A. A Numerical Finding List of British Com- mand Papers Published 1833-1961/62. [New York]; New York Public Library, 1967. 148p. $7.50 pa. Research workers in British history and widely related fields should welcome the appearance of this new finding list which makes it possible quickly to "ascertain the volume in the collected series of British Sessional Papers in which any particular Command Paper printed from 1833 through 1962 appears without having to refer to the annual numerical lists." Since, in most libraries, the numerical lists are bound with the yearly alphabetical indexes (see Guide AH58, annotation), the new list should prove a considerable time saver when the Command number is known. Numbers in the five Command series (1-Cmnd. 1843) are here set out three columns to the page, followed by the date of the session, the volume number in Roman numerals, and the page number for the Parliamentary set in Arabic numerals.—E.S. DISSERTATIONS Magner, Thomas F. Soviet Dissertations for Advanced Degrees in Russian Literature and Slavic Linguistics, 1934-1962. Uni- versity Park, Pa.: Department of Slavic Languages, Pennsylvania State Universi- ty, 1966. lOOp. $3 ea. Based on the author's compilations made during a summer's work at the Lenin li- brary, this catalog lists 1,313 dissertations in the field of Balto-Slavic literature and linguistics. Theses are arranged by subject; there is no author index. A detailed table of contents and an index of writers as sub- jects facilitate use. Since gaining access to the subject matter of Soviet dissertations has always been a problem for Western scholars, this guide will surely be most welcome to the subject specialist.—E.L. BIOGRAPHY Biographical Dictionary of Republican China. Howard L. Boorman, ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967- . v.l- . Contents: v.l, ai-Ch'ii. 483p. $20. Concentrating on outstanding figures of the period between the Wuchang revolt in October 1911 and the inauguration of the Central People's Government at Peking in October 1949, this new work is intended as a supplement to A. W. Hummel's Emi- nent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period (Guide AJ106). Both living and deceased persons are included, with a total of six hundred biographies planned for the completed set. Balanced coverage of significant areas of activity and change in republican China was the aim, but the editor points out that some fields (e.g., medicine) are sparsely represented, and others are omitted alto- gether. "The basic form of each article is a brief identifying paragraph followed by an account of the person's background, early life, career, writings, and family." (Pref.) Articles vary in length from one to several pages and, for various reasons (such as problems of translation and edit- ing), are unsigned.—E.S. Selected Reference Books of 1966-67 / 67 Bode, Ingrid. Die Autobiographien zur deutschen Literatur, Kunst und Musik, 1900-1965. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, [1966]. 308p. (Repertorien zur deutschen Literatur- geschichte. Bd.2) Citations for more than five hundred pub- lished autobiographies and diaries are listed by author in the first part of this volume. Unless a later edition is more complete, the listing is for the first edition only. All entries include brief identification of the author, and indication of the contents of the work cited. Part II is an alphabetical listing of persons mentioned in the auto- biographies, thus providing a key to per- sonal relationships and influences often easily overlooked because of the lack of in- dexes to many publications of this nature. A final section groups the titles under broad headings indicating the areas of activity of the authors (e.g., literature, art, theater). Altogether it is a most useful tool for re- search concerned with the personalities of German cultural history in the twentieth century.—E.L. Who's Who in American Politics; a Bio- graphical Directory of United States Po- litical Leaders. Ed.l- , 1967/68- New York, Bowker, 1967- . Biennial. $25. Ed. by Paul A. Theis and Edmund L. Henshaw, Jr. The purpose of this new book is "to pro- vide a basic reference volume covering im- portant political figures and public servants active today in the U.S." (Pref.) It con- tains twelve thousand five hundred biogra- phies, arranged alphabetically, of political personalities ranging from the President to local political figures, including former, liv- ing office holders as well as those outside the usual political categories "who never- theless exert political influence"; this en- compasses political party officials. Infor- mation was gathered by questionnaire, and includes the expected biographical data. Users should note that a number of omis- sions not discovered until after printing made it necessary to include an addenda section at the end. Two appendixes give state delegations to the 90th Congress, and governors of the states. This addition to the list of specialized "who's who" volumes has been prompted, undoubtedly, by the increased interest in political activity of recent years, and the data about strictly local or minor office holders and party offi- cials is not easily available anywhere else. A new edition is planned in two years' time.—F.O. P H I L O S O P H Y Voumvlinopolos, G. E. Bibliographie cri- tique de la philosophic grecque depuis la chute de Constantinople a nos jours, 1453-1953. tAthens; Presses del'Institut Frangais d'Athenes, 1966]. 236p. 27F. Writings by and about Greek philoso- phers of the past five hundred years are the subject of this bibliography. Philoso- phers are entered chronologically within century subdivisions, a biographical note on the philosopher being followed by listings of his own works and of works about him. At the end of each century division a brief summary of the era's philosophical trends and developments is provided. An extensive bibliography of bibliographies is appended, and there is an index of names.—E.S. R E L I G I O N Berkowitz, Morris I., and Johnson, J. Ed- mund. Social Scientific Studies of Re- ligion: a Bibliography. [Pittsburgh]: Uni- versity of Pittsburgh Press, [1967]. 258p. $7.95. Entire runs of certain periodicals in the fields of social science, anthropology, and religion were searched in the initial stages of compilation of this bibliography. Further citations were added from a large number of other periodicals—so large a number that it was decided to concentrate on English language materials and to list no books pub- lished prior to 1945 and not subsequently reprinted. Even so, the bibliography runs to six thousand items. Emphasis is on studies which relate religion to other social-be- havioral variables, though the compilation intends to cover "as much of religious ex- perience as social scientists can study." (Introd.) Items are arranged in a classi- fication system of nine major categories (e.g., Religion and social issues; Religion 68 / College <6- Research Libraries • January 1968 and social change), with more than one hundred and twenty subdivisions. Numerous cross-references are provided and there is an author index, but the user must rely on the classification outline for the subject ap- proach.—E.S. LINGUISTICS LLBA; Language and Language Behavior Abstracts. v.l,no.l- , Jan. 1967- . New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967- . Quarterly. $22.50 per v. Edited at the University of Michigan Center for Research on Language and Learning Behavior (Ann Arbor) in collab- oration with the Bureau pour l'Enseigne- ment de la Langue et de la Civilisation Frangaise a l'Etranger (Paris). This new international abstract journal published simultaneously in Europe and America is designed to provide "compre- hensive, rapid, selective" access to scholarly articles "whatever the disciplinary focus" relevant to language and language behavior. More than six hundred journals in twenty- two disciplines and twenty languages are now (July 1967) scanned. This is an in- crease of a hundred journals since the first issue of the volume. Each number contains close to a thousand entries. The abstracts, averaging about a hundred words, are grouped in four subject areas: linguistics, psychology, communication sciences, and hearing; there are appropriate subdivisions for each discipline. Entry gives author, title (with English translation if in a foreign language), abbreviated journal title, date, volume, and paging. Abbreviations of titles are fully explained and publishers (with addresses) are listed. An author index is appended. Format is of "computer" type, and production is by photo-offset.—R.K. L I T E R A T U R E Curley, Dorothy Nyren, and Curley, Arthur, comps. Modern Romance Literatures. New York: F. Ungar, 1967. 510p. $12.50 (A library of literary criticism) Similar to Mrs. Curley's volume on mod- ern American literature (Guide BD219) and to R. Z. Temple and M. Tucker's com- pilation for modern British literature, this work is concerned with the major European writers employing the Romance languages in the twentieth century or at the turn of the century. To a great extent, these are the writers who appear in English transla- tion. For each author excerpts from criti- cal appraisals are given from books as well as from American and foreign periodicals, with exact citations. A selective list of the author's works is also included. An index of critics completes this volume in the series updating Moulton's Library of Liter- ary Criticism (Guide BD339).—M.G. Istituto Italiana di Studi Germanici in Roma. Repertorio bibliografico delta let- teratura tedesca in Italia, 1900-1965. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1966- . v . l - . 78000. (Sussidi Eruditi, 18) Contents: v.l, 1900-1960. This long bibliography (5,459 entries) lists Italian books and articles on German literature and Italian translations from the German. Also included are some articles in tangential areas: philosophy, art, religion, politics. Authorship is Italian, except for a short list of the work of foreign scholars in Italian. Arrangement is alphabetic by au- thor, or in the case of translations, bv translator. This serves well the purpose of searching otherwise hard-to-find writings of modern Italian scholars, but is no aid in identifying Italian translations of German originals. Presumably this difficulty will be overcome by use of an index which will appear in volume two, together with the writings of 1961-1965.—R.K. Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon, and Colby, Vineta. European Authors, 1000-1900; a Bio- graphical Dictionary of European Litera- ture. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1967. 1016p. $18. Reflecting both the developing concept of a unified field of Western culture and the growth of comparative literary study, this volume contains 967 biographies of writers of thirty-one different literatures. Major and minor writers of types varying from "schoolmen and mystics, humanists and troubadours, and the precursors and inventors of the national tongues" all find a place here. The chronological criterion Selected Reference Books of 1966-67 / 69 for inclusion is: birth after 1000 AD and death before 1925. "The sketches have been written and edited with the general reader, rather than the research student, in mind." (Pref.) There are 309 portraits, and short bibliographies are provided. Most articles are signed by the contributors, nearly all of whom are faculty members in depart- ments of literature in various colleges and universities.—F.O. Milic, Louis Tonko. Style and Stylistics; an Analytical Bibliography. New York: Free Press, [1967,. 199p. $5.95. "The student of stylistics must not be surprised to find himself venturing beyond literary criticism, into aesthetics, linguistic philosophy, logic, epistemology, personality theory, the psychology of perception and learning, linguistic pathology, mathematical linguistics, statistics, computer technology, sociology, and anthropology, not to mention the branches of linguistics itself." (Introd.) This bibliography of more than eight hun- dred items is, therefore, both wide-ranging and selective, but all items are related to the study of style. Most citations are in English, with some in French, German, or Italian. Items are grouped chronologically within five categories: theoretical, methodo- logical, applied, bibliographies, and omni- bus. Rather than ordinary annotations, a system of "descriptors" has been employed, and both author and topical indexes are supplied for maximum usability. The prac- tice of starring items recommended for introductory study, the indication of readily accessible reprints of many items, and the inclusion of a glossary of key terms all add to the work's usefulness for the beginning student, but it will be welcomed by the established scholar as well.—E.S. Severs, J. Burke, gen. ed. A Manual of the Writings in Middle English, 1050-1500. By members of the Middle English Group of the Modern Language Association of America. New Haven: Connecticut Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences, 1967- . Fasc.l- . Contents. Fasc.l, Romances. $12.50. Based upon A Manual of the Writings in Middle English 1050-1400 by John Edwin Wells (New York, 1916), and its supple- ments 1-9 (1919-51). This long-awaited revision is both a re- writing and an expansion of Well's Manual (Guide BD317). Not only are the critical bibliographies updated, but the scope has been broadened to include sixteenth-cen- tury literature. In addition, the commentary is a fresh evaluation of the literature and the scholarship of its critics. This first fas- cicule corresponds to Chapter I of Wells, and subsequent parts will cover later chap- ters in accordance with the original scheme. Arrangement is that of Wells: in two parts, the first identifying each piece by form, date, manuscripts, source, content, and summarizing scholarly critical views. Part II is the bibliography, listing for each work the manuscripts, printed editions, and critical materials. The bibliographies re- peat all Wells's entries and are intended to be complete through 1955. They also give all important studies up "to the present (that is, date of going to press)"—presum- ably late 1965—but spot checking shows few imprints later than 1955. A list of journal titles, a "volume-year correspond- ence chart," and an index of medieval au- thors and titles make the work easy to use. —R.K. M O T I O N P I C T U R E S Dictionnaire du cinema. Sous la direction de Raymond Bellour et Jean-Jacques Bro- chier. Paris: Editions Universitaires, [1967]. 763p. 35F. The compilers of this highly selective biographical dictionary of the film world here offer 273 biographies as illustrative of all aspects of film art and of all eras of cinematography. In order to achieve geo- graphical and artistic diversity, they were forced to be selective within a productive country or a popular genre. Intended for the film amateur, the dictionary emphasizes the current film, but a concerted effort was made to do justice to the silent screen as well. Four scope articles comprise the first section of the book. Articles of the main section, arranged alphabetically by biogra- phee, are of varied length, but share the same basic outline: a brief biographical sketch, a list of credits, a short bibliogra- phy, and a critical review of the artist's 70 / College <6- Research Libraries • January 1968 achievements. The criticism is generally lengthy and far more detailed than the biography. Thus, the dictionary is, as its title indicates, more a dictionary of the film than of film-makers, with emphasis on one's contribution to the world art of the film. Articles are signed with initials; there is an index of names cited.—L.B. Vizcaino Casas, Fernando. Diccionario del cine espanol, 1896-1965. Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1966. 313p. 400 ptas. Many names not likely to be listed in previous directories are contained in this first biographical dictionary devoted en- tirely to the Spanish film. Artists of all as- pects of film-making are included: directors, cameramen, technicians, musicians, actors, producers, critics. Non-Spanish figures are generally included only if they have worked in at least three Spanish films. The dic- tionary presents articles of varying length; for the productive artist the list of credits is partial. The author laments the factual void in which he had to work, and warns that the birth dates provided, especially for women, should be considered more gallant than precise.—L.B. E D U C A T I O N Sasnett, Martena Tenney, and Sepmeyer, Inez. Educational Systems of Africa; Interpretations for Use in the Evaluation of Academic Credentials. Berkeley: Uni- versity of California Press, [1967]. 1550p. S30. Constituting the first step in a six-part revision and expansion of the 1952 work, Educational Systems of the World (Guide CB41), this volume depicts in chart and outline form the educational patterns of forty-four African nations. It is a note- worthy effort toward providing the Ameri- can admissions officer with information necessary for evaluating a college appli- cant's record. Each national study is pref- aced by a brief historical statement. Data reported for each educational system re- volve around curricular offerings, the ex- aminations required, and the certificates, diplomas, and degrees awarded at the vari- ous stages in the educational process. A bibliography at the end of the work in- cludes both general works on Africa and those dealing specifically with education. Appendixes provide supplementary treat- ment of the major secondary examinations. Recommendations on the granting of credit for African credentials, and proposals for academic placement of students in U.S. institutions are among the important as- pects of this rather specialized but much needed compilation.—J.K. SOCIOLOGY Aldous, Joan, and Hill, Reuben. Interna- tional Bibliography of Research in Mar- riage and the Family, 1900-1964. [Min- neapolis]: Minnesota Family Life Study Center and the Institute of Life Insur- ance, 1967. 508p. $15. (Distr., Universi- ty of Minnesota Press) The first international and interdiscipli- nary bibliography of twentieth-century books and articles on marriage and the family, this work makes use of machine procedures to assemble and classify the 12,850 references included. The volume is divided into five sections: the first analyzes the works ac- cording to the Keyword-in-Context system; the second arranges them by subject; and the third offers a complete reference list providing full bibliographic information on each citation arranged by its alphameric reference code. Author and periodical lists make up the last sections of a useful guide to the literature of this field.—M.G. G E O G R A P H I C A L N A M E S Sealock, Richard Burl, and Seely, Pauline A. Bibliography of Place-name Literature: United States and Canada. 2d ed. Chi- cago: ALA, 1967. 352p. $7.50. Nearly thirty-six hundred items are in- cluded in the new edition of this exten- sive bibliography of United States and Canadian place-name literature. Lists sup- plementary to the 1948 edition (Guide CK88) appeared in the journal Names be- ginning in 1955, and these references, to- gether with citations to other new materials, have been incorporated into the present bibliography. Items are numbered in this edition, and there are separate author and subject indexes.—E.S. Selected Reference Books of 1966-67 / 71 C L A S S I C A L A N T I Q U I T I E S The Praeger Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Civilization. New York: Praeger, t1967]. 491p. $15. Originally published in French as Dic- tionnaire de la civilisation grecque (Paris, 1966), this reference book focuses upon "the civilization that took shape in Greece during the second millennium BC, spread throughout the civilized world, and re- mained a living force well into the Chris- tian era." (Pref.) Thus it is not simply an- other classical dictionary. It is chiefly the work of an archaeologist, Pierre Devambez (chief curator of Greek and Roman antiqui- ties at the Louvre), working in collabora- tion with a literary historian, a philosopher, and a professor of Greek. A principal ob- jective of the work is to emphasize the real, day-to-day or "familiar" aspects of Hellen- istic life, giving an adequate background to the more well-known "eminent figures and splendid creations" of the culture. To this end the volume is fully illustrated in black and white. Articles appear in dictionary ar- rangement, are written in a concise and interesting manner, and all are signed.— F.O. H I S T O R Y Bruun, Henry. Dansk historisk Bibliografi, 1913-1942. Udgivet af den Danske His- toriske Forening. K0benhavn: Rosenkilde og Bagger, 1966- . v.l- . Contents: v.l, Indledning; Politisk His- toric samt Stats- og Kulturforhold til og med Erhvervsliv. 641p. 49.50 Kr. When complete in six volumes, this new series will offer a comprehensive bibliogra- phy of writings on Danish history published 1913-1942. It will thus bridge the gap be- tween Erichsen and Krarup's work of the same title (Guide DC37) covering through 1912 and the previously-published volume edited by Bruun (Guide DC38) covering publications of the period 1943-47. The new series will include some fifty-two thou- sand items in a classed arrangement similar to that used by Erichsen and Krarup. Vol- umes 1-2 will cover political, economic, and cultural history; volume 3, topographi- cal and regional history; and volumes 4-5, biographical works. The final volume will be an index to the series.—E.S. Dictionnaire de la politique frangaise, pub- lie sous la direction de Henry Coston. Paris: Librairie Frangaise, [1967]. 1088p. $15.75. As indicated in the preface, this work has been compiled with the desire to be as objective and accurate as possible in treat- ing a field where conjecture and emotion prevail. In one alphabet we are given a list- ing of those politicians, parties, journals, and terms of the past whose influences have lasted to our own day, and of those contemporary institutions and people of notable impact. The "nonconformity" of the editorial policy is demonstrated by the fact that many obscure personages are included whereas certain "pontiffs" have been omitted. The main body of the work is supplemented by appendixes listing presidents and cabinet members since 1870 and the distribution of votes for elections and referendums since 1945. In a work that presents itself as a scholarly effort the absence of bibliographic citations is regrettable.—E.L. Dollinger, Philippe, and Wolff, Philippe. Bibliographie d'histoire des villes de France. Paris: Klincksieck, 1967. 752p. 60F. At head of title: Commission Interna- tionale pour l'Histoire des Villes. Third in a series (Guide DC225) de- voted to the histories of European cities, this volume is concerned with France and contains selective bibliographies covering 311 cities. Extremely well organized, the basic arrangement is by province, followed by general references; then by city (grouped by departement), with more spe- cific sources given. For each locale refer- ences are given in a fixed classified arrange- ment beginning with bibliographies and guides to archives, and continuing through ecclesiastical, cultural, and intellectual his- tory. Approximately ten thousand titles are listed, including books and periodical arti- cles. There are indexes of authors, cities, and provinces, and a detailed map of France rounds out an extremely useful vol- ume of interest to historians, geographers, archaeologists, and architects.—M.G. 72 / College <6- Research Libraries • January 1968 Nevins, Allan, Robertson, James I., and Wiley, Bell I. Civil War Books; a Critical Bibliography. Baton Rouge: Publ. for the U.S. Civil War Centennial Commission bv Louisiana State University Press, 1967- . v.l- . $20 the set. A comprehensive and up-to-date anno- tated and critical bibliography of the major works of Civil War historical literature, this is the first of a two-volume work intended for the scholar and the general reader. The work will be divided into fifteen subject sections from military aspects to economic and social conditions of the Union, each section headed by a scholar in the field. Titles include accessible primary and sec- ondary sources in book or pamphlet form for which Library of Congress cards exist. Cards are reproduced through the collation, each followed by a critical note, and ar- ranged by author within divisions. The more than twenty-seven hundred titles in the first volume are clearly and concisely treated, and when the second volume ap- pears with an additional three thousand titles and an index to the entire work, a highly valuable contribution to the organi- zation of a wealth of material on the Civil War will have been achieved.—M.G. Taylor, Sidney, ed. The New Africans; a Guide to the Contemporary History of Emergent Africa and Its Leaders. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, [1967]. 504p. S7.50. Written by fifty correspondents of Reuters News Agency, this guide attempts to pre- sent up-to-date information on each of the newly created nations of Africa. Brief, rather journalistic, accounts of the history and recent political events are given for each country, including statistics on indus- trial and agricultural production and on exports. Brief biographical sketches of lead- ing political figures are included at the end of each section, and there is an index to all the biographies in the work. While the volume is useful for the additional bio- graphical material not found elsewhere, its political coverage is too sketchy to be of lasting value.—J.K. S C I E N C E Pandex. New York: Pandex, 1967- . Quar- terly, with annual cumulations. $460 per year; $390 for educational institutions. This ambitious new reference tool, pub- lished as microfiche, analyzing some two thousand journals, is designed to index "the world's scientific and technical periodicals" and thus provide an interdisciplinary index with both subject and author approaches. Computer technique and traditional index- ing methods have been combined to list a considerable amount of technical informa- tion in small format. Arrangement is alpha- betic by subject word with full article title given in "wrap-around" style and with sub- ject and secondary word in solid caps to aid in scanning. For an article whose title contains six telling subject words, there will be six listings. In addition, an author sec- tion permits searching from that point of view. Fiches are numbered and carry head- line words to indicate contents; guide words stand at the head of each column of text. Grammatical variations of a word and its foreign equivalents are dealt with as a single subject term. Entry gives full biblio- graphical information, with journal title abbreviated according to the list distributed to subscribers. The page is crowded, but uses both upper and lower case type and is readily legible.—R.K. ••