College and Research Libraries ABSTRACTS (Abstracts given below are selected from those prepared for publica- tion in Research in Education by the ERIC Clearinghouse for Library and Information Sciences at the University of Minnesota. Unless otherwise noted, copies of the following documents are available, by purchase, in microfiche or hard copy format, from the ERIC Docu- ment Reproduction Service, National Cash Register Co ., 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20014. Orders must include ED or LI number.) Academic Librarians hip in the I nter·na- tional Milieu, Proceedings of a Confer- ence for Academic Librarians . . . , October 14, 1967. Manhattan: Kansas State University, 1968. 84p. (ED 022 515, MF-$0 .50 HC-$3.44). This collection of papers provides a kind of handbook for academic librarians who are preparing to serve as library con- sultants in foreign countries. The papers describe challenges facing the American librarian working with and adjusting to foreign cultures. The papers include ( 1) "On Getting Ready for an Overseas Li- brary Assignment" by Thomas R. Buck- man; (2) "Mghanistan: Libraries and Li- brarianship" by Neva L. White; ( 3) "The Literary Tradition" by James A. McCain; ( 4) "Land-grant College Libraries in the Moslem World" by Wayne R. Collings; ( 5) "Pressures on the Consultant" by G. A. Rudolph; and ( 6) "International Dimensions of Librarianship Influencing Libraries in the United States" by Marietta Daniels Shepard. A list of participants in the conference is provided. An Analytical Approach to Duplication and Availability. By M. K. Buckland and I. Woodburn. Lancaster: Lancaster University, 1968. 26p. (University of Lancaster Library Occasional Papers, No. 2; ED 022 560, MF-$0.25 HC- $1.12). As part of a project designed to con- struct a mathematical model of the opera- tion of an academic library, a research team determined the usefulness of a quan- titative approach to making decisions about 174/ the number of copies of each item that a university library should provide. Using the reserve collection of the University of Lancaster Library as a basis, a mathemati- cal relationship was established between the number of requests, the length of the loan period, the number of copies, and a standard of service (defined as "immedi- ate availability"). It was found that the Poisson distribution could justifiably be used to relate the average request rate to the number of copies and the degree of availability likely to be achieved. A table was produced which can be used in a predictive manner insofar as the request rate itself can be predicted. A method of estimating the average request rate from incomplete data was also devised. It was concluded that a mathematical relation- ship between the factors concerned can be established. The chief difficulty lies in pre- dicting the level of demand for library services and, more generally, in under- standing the factors which determine it. Some Irwplicatwns for Library Manage- ment of Scattering and Obsolescence. By M. K. Buckland and I. Woodburn. Lancaster: Lancaster University, 1968. 28p. (University of Lancaster Library Occasional Papers, No. 1; ED 022 502, · MF-$0.25 HC-$1.20). A research project is being conducted to construct a mathematical model of the operations of an academic library to be used in making managerial decisions. As part of this project, this report examines Bradford's Law of Scattering and the fall- off of use of documents as they age. A series of mathematical analyses indicates how these two laws can be used together to indicate optimal decisions in the man- agement of collections of journals. These decisions include the number of titles to be taken, the length of time retained, and the choice of binding policies. Imaginary pe- troleum libraries in various circumstances are used to illustrate the conclusions. An Evaluation of the Utility and Cost of Computerized Library Catalogs. Final Report. By J. L. Dolby and others. Los Altos, Calif.: R and D Consultants Co., 1968. 214p. (ED 022 517, MF-$1.00 HC-$8.64). This study analyzes the basic cost fac- tors in the automation of library catalogs, with a separate examination of the influ- ence of typography on the cost of printed catalogs and the use of efficient automatic error detection procedures in processing bibliographic records. The utility of auto- mated catalogs is also studied, based on data from a random sample of the shelf- list of a medium-sized university library. An investigation of several large univer- sity and public libraries shows that the collections of mature libraries grow at a rate close to the rate of growth of the Gross National Product, and the signifi- cance of this relationship as a library man- agement tool is discussed. Numerical meth- ods for determining useful ratios of the size of library files and the number of en- try fields in the stru.cture of the record are given and applied to the use of machine- readable catalog data in the production of bibliographies. It is concluded that mech- anization of the cataloging function is nec- essary and inevitable, and it is recom- mended that the machine-readable catalog data be used to produce printed book cat- alogs and special purpose bibliographies. Appended is a description of the selec- tion of a random sample from the shelf- list of the Fondren Library at Rice Uni- versity. Feasibility of School and College Library Processing through Public Library Sys- tems in New York State. New York: Nelson Associates, 1966. 60p. (ED 021 571, MF -$0.50 HC-$2.48). This document examines the feasibility Abstracts I 175 of including school and college libraries in a public library centralized processing sys- tem proposed in LI 000 343, "Centralized Processing for the Public Libraries of New York State" (Nelson Associates for the New York State Library, 1966). It is con- cluded that school and college libraries should not be included in the proposed system at first since their inclusion would result in delays in service to ail libraries involved. However, there is no reason why a joint program for processing school, col- lege, and public library materials might not be established in the long run. Analy- sis of the school and college library re- action to a questionnaire on centralized processing is appended. Cataloguing and Classification in British University Libraries. A Survey of Prac- tices and ProcedU?·es. By Joan Fried- man and Alan Jeffreys. Sheffield: Shef- field University, Postgraduate School of Librarianship, 1967. 37p. (ED 021 565, available from the publisher for 10 shil- lings). This comparative survey of current prac- tices in classification and cataloging of printed materials was concerned with six questions: ( 1) What procedures are in- volved in cataloging and classification? ( 2) Could some of this work be done by a centralized cataloging service? ( 3) Who is doing the work of cataloging now and what are his qualifications? ( 4) What pro- portion of library time and money is being spent on cataloging? ( 5) Is there any de- gree of uniformity in the cataloging prac- tices of the various university libraries? ( 6) Are the resultant catalogs being used? The questionnaire used as a basis for the survey was distributed to sixty-nine British college and university libraries with a re- turn rate of 7 4 per cent. The information given relates to the situation as of the end of 1965 and for the purposes of the analy- sis the replies were categorized according to type and size of library. The rna jor part of the document presents the analysis of each question in the questionnaire and al- so the relationships found among some of the questions. It was concluded that more study of classification schemes and the kinds of information desirable in a catalog 176 I College & Research Libraries • March 1969 entry is needed. The effective use of mechanized techniques in the future will demand more standardization of practices among librarians than exists at the present. Development of an Integrated, Computer- Based, Bibliographical Data System for a Large University Library. Annual Re- port to the NSF. By Herman H. Fussier and Charles T. Payne. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Library, 1968. 66p. (LI 000 984, available from the Clearing- house for Federal Scientific and Techni- cal Information, as PB 179-426, MF- $0.65 HC-$3.00). The project's second year ( 1967/68) was devoted to upgrading the computer operating software and programs to in- crease versatility and reliability. General conclusions about the program after twen- ty-four months of operation are that the project's objectives are sound and that ef- fective utilization of computer-aided bib- liographic data processing is essential to the objectives. The difficulty in debugging an integrated on-line system of programs, problems with transitions from non-auto- mated to automated systems, and the lack of some necessary peripheral equipment for library operations have resulted in some delays. In 1967/ 68 the project involved the following tasks: (A) development of bibliographic data processing system; (B) implementation in library operations; (C) character sets; (D) Project MARC; (E) circulation; (F) processing operations studies; and (G) cooperative library sys- tems development. Appendix A is a dia- gram of the University of Chicago com- puter network. Appendix B presents pro- duction samples from high-speed printer with library print train. Appendix C is a brief listing ( 28 pages) of the University of Chicago Library processing programs. University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Li- brary Serials Control System. Compre- hensive Report. By Audrey N. Grosch. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Libraries, 1968. 91p. (ED 021 577, MF -$0.50 HC-$3.72). A batch-mode, computer-based, serials system was developed for the bio-medical library, a departmental library at the Uni- versity of Minnesota. Patterned after the "arrival card" system now in use in sever- al libraries, it is designed so that serial check-in is done by marking off the issue on a printed list of serial issues expected during the month, based upon predictions made by the computer. Any gifts or un- expected issues or supplements (about 20 per cent of the total) which do not appear on the check-in list are handled by use of a serial check-in form. This . information is added to the master file and at the end of the month corrections to the prediction codes, if necessary, are made. Other month- ly printouts are: (I) a serials master list which contains all the information collect- ed about each serial title ( 7,800 in all) ; ( 2) a patron holdings list, a list to be used by patrons containing less information than the previous list; and ( 3) bindery list of items for which volumes are completed. The first two lists are supplemented by daily cumulative supplements prepared from the daily input cards made when a serial issue arrives. A cost analysis made in connection with the project shows that the average cost per transaction is $0.71 in the new system. Mechanized Information Services in the University Library-Introduction and Summary. Final Report on Mechanized Information Services in the University Library. Phase !-Planning. Part I. By R. M. Hayes. Los Angeles: UCLA, In- stitute of Library Research, 1967. 25p. ( LI 000 494, available from the Clear- inghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, as PB 178-441, MF -$0.65 HC-$3.00). Under funding from the National Sci- ence Foundation, the Institute of Library Research of the University of California (Los Angeles) has carried out a study of mechanized information services in the university library. The basic premise of the study is that magnetic tape data bases are becoming available from a variety of na- tional sources and that they are a form of data which university libraries will begin to acquire. The purpose of the study was to explore the validity of the premise and define some of its consequences. The re- sults of the study have been prepared as a final report, consisting of thirteen parts (LI 000 494-LI 000 506). The first part is the "Introduction and Summary." It pre- sents as the context within which to view the ~tudy, a projection of the role which mechanization will play in the university library and the pace at which it will de- velop over the next ten to fifteen years. Within that context it then discusses the issues-policy as well as technical-raised by mechanized information services in the university library. For each issue, the ap- proach taken to study it is described and the results (as reported in other parts of the report) are summarized. Colorado Academic Libraries Book Proc- essing Center. Final Report. Phase I and Phase 11. By Lawrence E. Leonard and others. Boulder: University of Colo- rado Libraries, 1968. 388p. (LI 000 827, available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Infor- mation, as PB 178-421, MF-$0.65 HC -$3.00). This report summarizes the results of a fourteen-month study to ( 1) examine the feasibility of establishing a book processing center to serve the nine state-supported college and university libraries in Colo- rado; and ( 2) conduct a simulation study of the proposed center. The report covers: background, operational characteristics of participating libraries, cost analysis, busi- ness office procedures, proposed operating specifications for the book processing cen- ter, approval plan utilization, a generalized stochastic model for simulating the opera- tion of a book processing center, and re- sults of a library user attitude survey. It is concluded that a centralized book process- ing center is feasible, with benefits for participating academic institutions in the cost savings, personnel specialization, and library automation. Recommendations em- phasize establishment of a processing charge, processing both English language and foreign language materials, an auto- mated bookkeeping system, automated processing procedures, development of current awareness bibliographies, and a central depository of standard times for performing technical services activities to be established by the ALA Resources and Abstracts I 177 Technical Services Division. Appendices include a sixty-eight item bibliography, d - tailed numerical data from the study, and the questionnaires and research tools used. Equipment for Facsimile Transmission be- tween Libraries; a Description and Com- parative Evaluation of Three Systems. By H. G. Morehouse. Reno: University of Nevada Library, 1967. 30p. (ED 021 566, available from the publisher, $1.00). Three makes of telefacsimile equipment are described and compared: ( 1) Xerox Magnavox Telecopier; (2) Datafax 1824 and DialjDatafax; and ( 3) Alden II Doc- ufax. The models described are thought to be potentially useful to libraries, spe- cifically for the purpose of transferring copies of printed pages from one library to another. Each system is capable of op- erating at minimum cost by using a single voice-grade telephone line. In this report the operating principles and characteristics of each model are described and the re- liability and copy quality assessed. Cost are compared and tabulated for equip- ment, supplies, and telephone line service in two hypothetical library systems, one comprising two libraries and the other, ten libraries. It is concluded that all three of these makes of equipment perform with sufficient reliability and copy quality for most library purposes. The type of equip- ment to select for a specific library applica- tion is determined primarily by the antici- pated volume of use, the quality and ca- pacity of telephone lines to be used, and the nature of the mat erial to be transmit- ted. Evaluation of Generalized File Manage- ment Systems. Fina l Report on Mecha- nized Information Services in the Uni- versity Library. Phase !-Planning. Part 6. By Kevin D. Reilly. Los Angeles: UCLA, Institute of Library Research , 1967. 46p. (LI 000 499, available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, as PB 178- 441 MF -$0.65 HC-$3.00). This report describes various aspects of generalized or task-oriented programmin g system and in particular, how their fea- 178 I College & Research Libraries • March 1969 tures can be adapted for retrieval from ( typical) information center and library data bases such as those described in a previous report (LI 000 498) . It is not meant to be comprehensive in the sense that all such systems are discussed; in- deed, many systems have necessarily been omitted . The discussion begins with al- ready existing systems (Control Data Cor- poration's Information Oriented Language ( INFOL), the IBM-1401 Combined File Search System ( CFSS) ) . It then turns to systems now or about to be available in the near future (Informatics Inc.'s MARK IV). The final portions treat more ad- vanced systems not now available (Inter- national Business Machine's Generalized Information System (GIS) ) . The treat- ment is primarily descriptive and to some extent provides a survey of the features of the above systems as they might be ex- ploited in an environment characterized by a very large-scale (both in the format and content senses) data base problem. Natum of Typical Data Bases. Final Re- port on Mechanized Inf01·mation Serv- ices in the University Lib1·ary. Phase !- Planning. Pmt 5. By Kevin D. Reilly. Los Angeles: UCLA, Institute of Li- brary Research, 1967. 51p. (LI 000 498, available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Infor- mation, as PB 178-441 , MF- $0 .65 HC - $3.00). The nature of typical mechanized data bases with which university information centers and libraries will be working is examined to provide background informa- tion for data base retrieval efforts. Format and content of the data must be taken into consideration before meaningful retrieval can be achieved. Hence both of these as- pects are treated in detail. The discussion covers a range of data bases , including nationally sponsored projects such as Med- ical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sys- tem (MEDLARS), Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC), the United States Census Tapes (1 / 1000 sample), and the Educational Resources Information Center ( ERIC) report resumes. Also discussed are some local projects , including the Uni- versity of California, Los Angeles, Brain Information Service System and a gener- alized Metropolitan Center Data Bank. Various types of formatting are presented in this array of data bases, and several ex- amples among types of requests that can be directed against such data bases are considered. The report is followed by another which assesses the applicability of generalized or task-oriented programs to these data bases (LI 000 499). Expe1·imental On-Line Mathematics Cita- tion Data Base. Final Report on Mech- anized Information Services of the Uni- versity Library. Phase !-Planning. Pmt 8. By Mary L. Tompkins. Los Angeles: UCLA, Institute of Library Research, 1967. 31p. (LI 000 501, available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, as PB 178- 441, MF-$0.65 HC-$3.00). A Mathematical Citation Index was started in March 1965 under the auspices of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Computing Facility. Before the compilation of citations for this index could begin, however, it was necessary to pro- duce an index to abbreviations of serial titles in the field of mathematics. The re- sult of this effort was the first volume of a projected series of Minimum Abbreviations of Serial Titles (MAST) indexes, which are permuted indexes to serial title ab- breviations. Twenty-five journals of signifi- cance in mathematical research were then chosen for further processing by asking mathematicians to list those journals in which significant research appears . The citations from these journals were key- punched and then edited using an on-line cathode ray tube display terminal system. Seven hundred citations to books were al- so checked to determine why each had been cited. Until authors differentiate be- tween pedagogic and research citations to books and are specific as to pages or chap- ters, there seems little to be gained by their inclusion in a citation index. Appen- dices include examples of the MAST in- dex, a list of core journals in mathematics (as determined by this and other research) , a list of the mathematics books most fre- quently cited, and keypunching instruc- tions for the Mathematical Citation Index. Summary of Symposia on Mechanized In- formation Services in the University Li- brary. Final Repo1·t on Mechanized In- formation Services in the University Li- brary. Phase !-Planning. Part 2. By Mary L. Tompkins. Los Angeles: UCLA, Institute of Library Research, 1967. 91p. (LI 000 495, available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, as PB 178- 441, MF- $0.65 HC-$3.00). A series of symposia were conducted to provide forums for discussion of the prob- lems arising when introducing into the sin- gle campus university library media which can be processed by computers. The first symposium explored the relationship be- tween the university library and national network systems. The second concerned the relationship of mechanized clerical processing to mechanized information sys- tems in the library. The other three sym- posia brought information scientists to- gether with University of California fac- ulty in the social, physical, and life sci- ences. The emphasis was on pragmatic problems-economic, technical, and admin- istrative-which confront the university li- brary in efforts to supply expanded infor- mation services. The specific issues which were discussed were ( 1) whether informa- tion systems are viable in themselves; ( 2) whether a single university should acquire its own machine readable stores or use the service from tapes stored elsewhere; ( 3) what types of data bases satisfy the needs of the faculty and students; ( 4) whether such services in the university should be lodged in the library or the computer cen- ter; and ( 5) what are the technical prob- lems which arise? This report presents a general discussion of these issues, some likely answers to them, and what appeared to be the opinion of the attendees of the symposium . The background material pre- sented at the symposia are summarized in the appendices. Inventory of Available Data Bases. Final Report on Mechanized Info1·mation Serv- ices in the University Library. Phase I- Planning. Part 3. By Joan C. Troutman. Los Angeles: UCLA, Institute of Li- brary Research, 1967. 57p . (LI 000 496, Abstracts I 179 available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Infor- mation, as PB 178-441, MF-$0.65 HC -$3.00). This survey of data bases emphasizes reference data bases only and is intended to be indicative of the variety and num- ber of magnetic tape files in existence of a type which might be utilized in an infor- mation service center in a university li- brary. It reflects both projects undertaken on a large national scale and those which serve the needs of particular organizations. The information assembled about each of the twenty-nine tape files, where possible, is: ( 1) address and director of the creat- ing agency; ( 2) a brief description of its nature and contents; ( 3) file characteristics and size; ( 4) availability and cost; and ( 5) references to further documentation. It was found that those files created for specific purposes of a parent organization were not necessarily designed for capa- bility for each readability for other pur- poses, while data bases available from or- ganizations in the business of maintaining data bases and providing a variety of serv- ices are generally easy to read and well documented. Most of the existing data bases have simple, hierarchically arranged, field structures. Record formats, however; from one file to another are virtually un- related. Standards for Cataloging of Magnetic Tape Material. Final Report on Mech- anized Information Services in the Uni- versity Library. Phase !-Planning. Part 4. By Joan C. Troutman. Los Angeles: UCLA, Institute of Library Research, 1967. 35p. (LI 000 497, available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, as PB 178- 441 , MF-$0.65 HC-$3.00). A method is defined for library catalog- ing of magnetic tape files. The needs of the reference librarian and the patron are taken into consideration, as well as the particular requirements inherent in the form of the material. Basically, the catalog record must serve three functions: ( 1) it must present a conventional and approach- able record of library holdings, including entry, title, date, a brief description, a 180 I College & Research Libraries • March 1969 serials holding record where applicable, and subject analysis; ( 2) it must indicate the physical and logical nature of the ma- terial on a tape, including the format of the data and any associated programs and documentation; ( 3) it must serve as an aid in formulating search requests relating to a file. A sample catalog format and as- sociated instructions, as well as illustrative examples, which fulfill these requirements are presented. The possibility of a union catalog is also discussed. Undergraduate and Junior College Librar- ies in the U.S. A Report Prepared for the National Advisory Commission on Libraries. New York: Nelson Associates, 1968. 105p. (ED 022 484, MF-$0.50 HC-$4.28). This study was conducted to assess un- dergraduate and junior college libraries and to consider future development. Ma- jor trends are seen as: resources not in- creasing as rapidly as the college popula- tion; increased demands on libraries due to changes within colleges; new technolo- gy; changing characteristics of library ma- terials; increased pressure for inter-library cooperation and service to the non-college public; greater participation by the fed- eral government; more selective acquisi- tion; library experimentation and chang- ing staff needs. Problem areas include: in- creased demand for .college library fa- cilities; inadequate collections; staffing; unique problems of junior college libraries; the need for national leaders in technical areas; copyright restrictions; a need for re- search and planning; existing federal legis- lation and governmental programs affect- ing college libraries; and lack of focus in college educational programs. A major rec- ommendation is the establishment of a na- tional commission to plan and coordinate programs and determine which college li- brary projects should be approached at the fe deral, regional, and state levels. Other recommendations involve the Higher Edu- cation Act, library education and job clas- sification, a demonstration project for jun- ior college libraries, and copyright and other legislation. A bibliography of forty- eight items is appended. Experience with Library of Congress MARC Tapes. Final Report on Mecha- nized Information Services in the Uni- versity Library. Phase !-Planning. Part 7. By A. Wendell Yeatts and Kevin D. Reilly. Los Angeles: UCLA, Institute of Library Research, 1967. 39p. (LI 000 500, available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical In- formation, as PB 178-441, MF -$0.65 HC-$3.00). The purpose of the Library of Congress Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) pilot project was to provide libraries with catalog data encoded on magnetic tape in order to determine the feasibility of cen- tralized computerized cataloging in support of library functions. Sixteen participants were selected on the basis of expressed interest, available staff, access to comput- ers and associated equipment, and pro- posed applications. The weekly tapes were used by the participants for two basic purposes: ( 1) using the data in everyday library processing, and ( 2) using the data to provide extra services such as machine searching. Experiences at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), which used the MARC information to produce catalog cards and alphabetize subject lists for use in book selection, indicated that there were problem areas both in using the programs provided and in creating new programs for processing tapes organ- ized in the MARC format. In general the experiments at UCLA demonstrated that ( 1) it takes longer to plan and implement automated library procedures than most library administrators suspect, and ( 2) a full-scale nationwide MARC distribution service could not be realistically utilized without a substantial "lead time" for li- braries to prepare themselves for process- ing the data. A listing of the programs developed at UCLA is also given.