College and Research Libraries ELEANOR G. STEINKE and ROBERTS. TANNEHILL, JR. Regional Medical Library Planning in the Southeastern United States Planning for expanded, and more effective, information services in the United States has been stimulated by the provision for the establish- ment of regional medical libraries under the Medical Library Assist- ance Act of 1965. A description is given of a proposed decentralized, cooperative regional biomedical information system to serve the South- eastern United States. THE CoNGRESS of the United States passed into law on October 22, 1965, an act that has far-reaching .consequences for medical libraries in the United States. The Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965 authorized funds for: construction of new, and the renovation, expansion, or rehabilitation of existing, medical li- brary facilities; training of medical li- brarians and other information specialists in the health sciences; special fellow- ships to practitioners in the sciences re- lated to health for the preparation of special literature projects; conducting re- search and investigations in the field of medical library science and related ac- tivities; improvement and expansion of the basic resources of medical libraries and related facilities; and the develop- ment of a national system of regional medical libraries. Never before has federal financial sup- port of this magnitude been available to the medical library profession. Yet nev- Miss Steinke was librarian and Mr. Tan- nehill information scientist in the Vander- bilt University Medical Center Library in Nashville, Tennessee. This paper was pre- sented before the 3rd International Con- gress of Medical Librarianship, May 1969, in Amsterdam, the Nether lands. er before have medical libraries had to cope with such an expansion of knowl- edge in the health sciences, an expan- sion that has resulted in an explosive growth in the quantity of, and major changes in the nature of, biomedical in- formation, materials, and publications. Coupled with this problem is the lack of a "corresponding growth in the facil- ities and techniques necessary adequate- ly to coordinate and disseminate among health scientists and practitioners the ever-increasing volume of knowledge and information which has been devel- oped in the health science field. . . . "1 Faced with these considerable problems, medical libraries are beginning to re- ceive the benefits of this legislation which was enacted to stimulate new ac- tivity in the field of biomedical informa- tion. Prior to the legislative establishment of a national regional library program, health scientists and practitioners across the United States received regional type services officially from the National Li- brary of Medicine at Bethesda, Mary- land. This function of NLM is based on one of its primary responsibilities, which 1 U.S. Congress. Public Law 89-291, S.597, October 22, 1965 (Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965). p. l. I 327 328 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969 is to serve "as a national medical infor- mation resource for medical education, research, and service activities of federal and private agencies, organizations, in- stitutions, and individuals."2 However, the primary sources of such services to health scientists and practitioners have been the larger medical libraries, which have for years provided limited, de facto regional library services to their immedi- ate geographic regions. The additional funds resulting from the Medical Library ·Assistance Act of 1965, and its accom- panying provisions of designating spe- cific medical libraries as official regional medical libraries, have permitted these libraries to engage in programs which will improve traditional services, devel- op new services, reach a larger user pop- ulation, improve a region's health sci- ences information resources and informa- tion personnel, develop more effective cooperative mechanisms among medical libraries, and improve region-wide com- munication networks. It is in the expansion of de facto re- gional library services into fully devel- oped, effective programs that the chal- lenging question of "how to do it" must be grappled with, and a decision made. At the time of this writing, four regional medical library applications have been approved and funded, with approximate- ly six others to be activated. These four are the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine at Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts; the University of Wash- ington, Health Sciences Library, Seattle, Washington; the Library, College of Physicians, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and the John Crerar Library, Chicago, Illinois. In each instance the decision as to what the organizational system for the regional library would be, has re- quired serious study and analysis of the 2 "Public Health Service: statement of organization functions and delegations of authority." Federal Regis- ter, 33:5, Thursday, 9 January 1968. proposed region's library user population, information resources, information ser- vices, cooperative networks, geographic size, and available communication re- sources. Only after these parameters were defined could a general philosophy of operation be developed, and from this philosophy, bounds set for services, re- sources, administrative structure, and other needs. The philosophy chosen for determin- ing a regional library's service and ad- ministrative structure falls somewhere within the limits set by the extremes of complete decentralization and complete centralization. That complete centraliza- tion is not presently feasible for medical libraries providing service to large user groups is indicated by the National Li- brary of Medicine's operation of the na- tional regional library network, its de- centralized indexing network, and its ex- perimental shared cataloging network. Complete, total decentralization has not been attempted in regional medical li- brary structures, because the disadvan- tages of duplication, increased cost of op- eration, and lack of effective adminis- trative control are difficult to relate to a viable operation. The Southeastern United States has also offered a challenge in the planning of a regional medical library. It is the purpose of this paper to describe the basic concepts developed at Vanderbilt University for a decentralized-coopera- tive regional library structure in the Southeastern section of the United States. The Vanderbilt University Medical Center Library has for years provided limited library services outside of its im- mediate area of service responsibility, thus assuming the function of a de facto regional medical library. The Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965 stimulat- ed Vanderbilt to produce a plan that would adhere to the goals of the Act in Regional Medical Library Planning I 329 bringing improved and expanded bio- medical information services to the large health sciences user population in the Southeastern United States, this area encompassing the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Car- olina, Tennessee, and the Common- wealth of Puerto Rico. Guidelines pub- lished by the National Library of Medi- cine led to a series of meetings begin- ning in 1966, which brought representa- tives of the region's health sciences ed- ucational and library community into the active development of the regional plan and of the natural and feasible service configuration for the region. It became evident early in Vander- bilt's planning for a regional medical li- brary system that conditions existed in the Southeastern United States not com- mon to the geographic regions of the re- gional medical libraries already estab- lished. Demographic data for the pro- posed region shows 9 per cent of the nation's health manpower located in the Southeast (Appendix 1). Yet to serve this large user population with medical library services, there is no single, strong, general medical information resource. Rather, the Southeastern United States has twelve medical school libraries, each having a collection of information re- sources that is qualitatively and quanti- tatively similar to the collections of the other eleven medical school libraries (Appendix 2). With the existence of fairly equivalent medical information resource strengths in the Southeast as a parameter that could not be ignored in the design of a regional biomedical information system, a pertinent question is, "What aspects should be considered for an effective re- gional medical library?" The support of the school administration, library staff capability, available physical space, available computer resources, support of regional health sciences groups and li- braries, and availability of health related information resources are important to the overall capability of a library to serve as a regional library, and should be in- cluded in the aspects to be evaluated. A proposal was filed for a Southeastern Regional Biomedical Information Sys- tem ( SERBIS) based on a balance be- tween the extremes of complete central- ization and complete decentralization. The regional medical library system was to be organized around a centralized ad- ministrative and triage structure located at Vanderbilt University, and a coopera- tive services structure which would uti- lize the information resource strengths at selected locations throughout the re- gion. The philosophies which were pro- pounded at the series of meetings held during the period 1966-1968, and which were analyzed and combined with Van- derbilt's concepts and set forth in its pro- posal, received support throughout the Southeast. Many of these concepts also found ready acceptance in the compet- ing applications for a regional medical library. All told, three applications were filed with the National Library of Medi- cine for a regional medical library in the Southeastern United States. The concept of the Southeastern Re- gional Biomedical Information System as developed by Vanderbilt University included the following objectives: 1. coordination of the strengths and competencies of health sciences in- formation resources, personnel, and services which were available in the region; 2. the development of health sciences library materials and other informa- tion resources capable of meeting at least 90 per cent of all information de- mands from within the region; 3. provision for advanced training for individuals seeking careers in health science information; 330 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969 4. availability of continuing education for persons already in the field of health science information; 5. cooperation with national libraries, other regional medical libraries, and biomedical information systems for the maximum utilization of health science information resources and services; 6. continuing evaluation programs to as- sure the effective dissemination of health science information to the re- gion's users. In addition to the preceding objec- tives, the Vanderbilt philosophy was based on a number of other factors, pri- mary of which were: ( 1) the non-exist- ence of a single, strong, medical library; · ( 2) the expressed support of medical librarians in the Southeast for a coopera- tive, decentralized approach to the re- gional medical library; ( 3) the existence of a national Regional Medical Program; and ( 4) the existence of the Joint U ni- versity Library system in Nashville, in which the Vanderbilt Medical Center Li- brary represents one of five divisions. The JUL were cited as an operational model of a decentralized, cooperative library system. The developers of the Vanderbilt pro- posal for a regional medical library con- sidered the feasibility of a highly cen- tralized, large collection of the informa- tion resources necessary for effective re- gional service. Though such a resource structure has a number of advantages, the disadvantage of cost precluded fur- ther consideration. The average size of the collection of ten medical school libraries in the South- eastern United States is slightly less than 65,000 bound volumes, with four librar- ies below · the average. To attempt to bring any one of these libraries up to a collection strength necessary for highly centralized services to the Southeast would be financially prohibitive, the cost of the material being but one part of a financial picture that includes space to house the material, and personnel for processing and maintenance of the col- lection. In terms of information resources, the philosophy of decentralized cooperation for the Southeastern Regional Biomedi- cal Information System was to be carried out by the Regional Cooperative Acqui- sitions Plan (RECAP). Under this plan, twelve medical school libraries in the Southeastern region, each being desig- nated a sectional library, would be re- sponsible for in-depth collecting of in- formation materials in specific subject fields. These subject areas were to be de- termined by the expressed interests of the libraries and the needs of the users with final approval being awarded b; the Regional Medical Library system's Executive Council. Under such an ar- rangement, it should have been possible to make available within the region at least one copy of every scholarly bio- medical publication. This concept was inspired by the Farmington Plan of 1948, which provides for the acquisition of foreign material by American libraries on .a subject area basis. Decentralized cooperation was evi- dent in other regional services to be of- fered to health sciences personnel throughout the Southeast, including loan of material, photoduplication, reference services, and current awareness services. The primary role for Vanderbilt in the regional medical library system was to provide back-up support to the sectional libraries and to act as a triage, or trans- fer, center, to administer the RML sys- tem program, to provide and coordinate information services, training programs, continuing evaluation and monitoring programs; and to develop new and im- proved methods of information transfer and new services as such became feasi- ble. Each sectional medical library would act as the service center for its portiqn of the region, and as a develop- Regional Medical Library Planning I 331 er of its peculiar subject area strengths for the benefit of the entire region. Such a service structure was in keeping with the desired factor of cooperation as stated by the medical libraries in the region. In attempting to develop an effective regional service structure, Vanderbilt ap- proached the problem from three differ- ent directions. First, a mechanism for the involvement of the user in policy making was established in the proposal; second, procedures for the continumg evaluation of regional services would be initiated; and third, close relationships with Regional Medical Programs for Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke would be established. The administrative structure for the Regional Medical Library provided for an Advisory Council at each sectional library, each Advisory Council to com- prise representatives of the health sci- ences users in each sectional library's service area. An Executive Council would have representatives from each of the region's Advisory Councils, as well as an elected chairman and ex officio members of the regional medical library's administrative structure. The Executive Council would formulate regional medi- cal library system policy. These adminis- trative mechanisms would, it was felt, insure a continuous flow of constructive criticism, recommendations, and sugges- tions on regional medical library policies, which would, in turn, make it possible to maintain a viable service structure. The administrative mechanism just de- scribed is relatively subjective. Such was desirable, but objective data on services were also needed. This need was met by the evolution of a program of continu- ing evaluation, utilizing appropriate statistical and survey data collection and processing techniques. Evaluation activities not only lead to the improve- ment of operational services, but also to the development of new services. The services to be provided by the regional medical library must be avail- able to the user in an optimal manner in order that the system be effective. Indi- cated by this statement are such activ- ities as an operable regional communica- tions network, and trained information workers at all levels of the regional med- ical library system. The regional medi- cal library proposed to approach the lat- ter via seminars and workshops for li- brarians and other information person- nel, a consultant service for hospital and medical libraries, the fostering of re- cruitment programs for personnel at the professional level, and cooperation with educational institutions in the establish- ment of new programs for the education and training of regional library and in- formation specialists, and for non-pro- fessional personnel. The development of a regional com- munication network was well under- way among the twelve medical school libraries, which already utilized teletype- writer service connecting all but two of the proposed sectional libraries. In the future the communication network will be extended to lower levels of informa- tion service, such as the hospital, and even the individual physician. A W A TS network will permit the use of the tele- phone over regional distances at highly economical rates. When the techniques become technically and economically feasible, such communication modes as telefacsimile, television, and computer data transmission will be utilized. Especially important to the develop- ment of a regional communication net- work, as well as to other aspects of the regional medical library system, are the Regional Medical Programs for Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke (RMP). Each of the RMP's has the capability of establishing close, effective communica- tion with health services personnel. It has been suggested that the regional medical library will be responsible for 332 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969 developing information services, and the RMP' s will assume the responsibility for disseminating information to the user and for developing communication methodologies. Such a cooperative ap- proach is attractive, and was fundamen- tal to the Vanderbilt regional medical library system proposal. Initial activity in this direction is underway now in a number of RMP's across the nation, and close relationships between Regional Medical Programs and regional medical library systems will continue to develop. The Vanderbilt Medical Center Li- brary, as mentioned earlier, is one part of an operational, cooperative, decen- tralized library system known as the Joint University Libraries. In operation since 1936, it is a cooperative library project of Vanderbilt University, George Peabody College, and Scarritt College. It has been tested operationally, and has proven a number of the methodologies incorporated in the Vanderbilt philoso- phy. These methodologies include a cen- tralized coordinating administration of the five member libraries (equivalent to the sectional libraries in the proposed regional medical library); development and maintenance of a union catalog; the preparation of an automated serials un- ion list; coordination and transfer of in- formation services; and mechanized co- ordination of acquisitions. The existence of successful operations such as were contemplated for the Southeastern Re- gional Biomedical Information System lent support to the Vanderbilt proposal. This paper has not attempted to dis- cuss specific details of the Vanderbilt proposal. To attempt such would merely result in a reiteration of the proposal it- self. It attempts rather to record the de- velopments leading up to the Vanderbilt proposal and the philosophies upon which the proposal was based. Vander- bilt based its proposal for a regional med- ical library on cooperation and decen- tralization, for it is felt that the provision of effective, efficient health sciences in- formation services, training services, evaluation services, cooperative acquisi- tions policy, and, in the future, informa- tion research services to the user re- quire such a philosophy. Medical libraries in the Southeastern United States have an enviable record of informal sharing of resources, and a formal, cooperative region-wide struc- ture is needed to achieve full benefits from the information resources. The emerging pattern is one of an inter-insti- tutional cooperative system designed: ( 1) to mobilize existing local resources; ( 2) to expand and build on these strengths, by a program of coordinated in-depth collecting; ( 3) to offer rapid access to scientific information; and ( 4 ) to coordinate the Regional Medical Li- brary with similar developments na- tionally and internationally. A coopera- tive structure among the Southeastern United States medical libraries would of- fer the advantage of a system sufficiently large to take advantage of modern tech- nological developments, and to instigate cooperative library research projects, in- cluding the application of data process- ing techniques for reference and re- search, and to prevent unnecessary du- plication of facilities and services. The sharing of resources is not a simple mat- ter but once accomplished it will result in a greater wealth for all users. • • APPENDIX 1 DEMOGRAPHIC DATA -SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES Data Category Biomedical research funds FY 1966 (in millions of $) Hospitals ( 1966) . . . . . l ' Total non-federal physicians ( 1966) Pharmacists ( 1965 ) Dentists, non-federal ( 1965) Dieticians and Nutritionists ( 1960) Chiropractors ( 1965) Physical Therapists ( 1965) . Psychologists ( 1964) . . . Nurses (professional) (1962) . . . Speech Pathologists, Audiologists ( 1965) Veterinarians (1964 ) . . . . Optometrists (1966 ) Podiatrists ( 1965) Medical students ( full-time, part-time and special 1966-1967 ) TOTAL Health Sciences Personnel % Health Sciences personnel in the categories per state in Southeastern U.S. Alabama Florida 4.525M 119 2,781 1,581 1,068 505 294 55 42 5,252 109 411 184 28 312 12,622 11.97% 10.043M, 142 8,454 3,679 1,834 703 764 223 182 16,809 270 664 514 170 548 34,814 33.00% Georgia Mississippi 6.792M 120 4,378 2,414 1,259 799 428 81 91 7,942 171 535 287 49 663 19,097 18.10% 2.007M 95 1,735 1,005 628 326 150 32 29 3,213 56 193 130 8 298 7,803 7.40% NATIONAL DATA Puerto Rico 1.345M 47 2,036 852 15 (Includes other U.S. outlying areas) 45 4 58 215 3,227 3.06% I. Total health services personnel in the United States, 1960. Professional, technical, and kindred II. Percentage of the nation's health manpower in the Southeastern United States . ( 105,483 -;- 1,167,218) X 100 = 9.3% S. Carolina Tennessee 1.303M 65 2,046 1,131 578 399 156 47 27 5,254 47 185 166 15 308 10,359 9.82% 10.587M 115 4,344 2,242 1,539 607 183 76 97 6,497 185 317 320 42 1,112 17,561 16.65% Total 36.602M 703 25,776 12,904 6,906 3,339 1,990 559 468 44,967 842 2,305 1,659 312 3,456 105,483 100% t"-4 ~ ~ ~ ~ § 1,167,218 :;:s ~· 334 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969 APPENDIX 2 RESOURCE DATA-SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES I. General Libraries University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa) Emory University (Atlanta) . . . University of Florida (Gainesville) . . . . . . . . . . University of Georgia (Athens) . . . . . . . . . . . Joint University Libraries (Peabody, Vanderbilt, Scarritt) (Nashville) Volumes 1,039,536 898,313 1,213,855 683,698 1,047,193 813,551 313,053 315,887 599,404 842,833 University of Miami (Miami) . . University of Mississippi (Oxford) . . University of Puerto Rico (Rio Piedras) . University of South Carolina (Columbia) University of Tennessee (Knoxville) . II. Medical Libraries (March 1968) Current Bound Journal Vol. Titles University of Alabama (Birmingham) 82,379 1,800 Emory University (Atlanta) 71,772 1,113 University of Florida ( Gainesville) 113,122 1,433 Medical College of Georgia ( Augusta) . Meharry Medical College 60,154 1,183 ( Nashville) 22,300 466 University of Miami (Miami) 65,000 1,325 University of Mississippi (Jackson) • • 0 • 57,000 1,700 University of Puerto Rico, School of Med. and Dentistry (San Juan) 47,974 1,525 Medical College of So. Carolina (Charleston) ( 1964-65) 38,281 625 University of Tennessee (Memphis) . . Vanderbilt Univ. Med. 72,062 1,582 Center (Nashville) 72,868 1,321 Collection: Subject Area Strengths medicine, dentistry, nursing general medicine, nursing, diabetes medicine, pharmacy general medicine neurophysiology, general medicine medicine, nursing medicine medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health anatomy, pharmacy cardiology, nuclear medicine, radiation biophysics, nursing (1966) Special Collections Reynolds Hist. Weinberger ( Hist. of Dentistry) Tye ( Hist. of Med. ) Rare Book Coil. Bowcock (Diabetes ) None Volumes 6,000 220 1,800 1,074 80 History of Med. 3,000 Robert Hodes Memorial 102 (neurophysiology) Weinstein College (books by and about physicians) 342 None None None Hist. of Med. 3,000