College and Research Libraries populated with no end of interesting folk, very good or very evil. The Tolkien craze was on, and there were fan clubs, buttons, toys, and music (there is a Ballad of Bilbo Baggins by Leonard N imoy. See West's checklist, p. 23). But, as Mr. West's biblio- graphical annotation makes very clear, Tol- kien on another level was the subject of much scholarly dissertation by a host of literary critics during this same period. Lit- erature (fantasy, allegory, mythology); linguistics (speech and music) ; philosophy and psychology (good and evil, power, morality, commitment, the will to act); and religion (Christianity, although never men- tioned by name in LOTR, life and death) -these are some of the topics by which Tolkien is discussed, whether the author intended quite all of this or not. The Tol- kien craze is over now, but the Tolkien phenomenon may not be. Critical works are still being written; Mr. West cites addi- tional works in his foreword and addenda, which were received too late for inclusion in the main bibliography. Furthermore, Tolkien reportedly is working on another major work. Supplementing the alphabetically ar- ranged bibliography of critical works, Mr. West includes a bibliography of Tolkien's writings ( 1922- ) . The latter is arranged chronologically, and this reviewer would have preferred to see the main bibliog- raphy arranged this way as well (with an author index) in order to illuminate the various literary "stages" of Tolkien criti- cism, e.g., book reviews, -1956; general criticism, 1957-64; widespread popularity, 1965-68; intense criticism, 1965- . This suggestion, however, is minor, because the annotations Mr. West chose to include (sometimes the critic's own words) are quite adequate in describing the content of the article or monograph. In addition, the author marks the citations he believes most valuable for Tolkien scholarship, whether favorable or unfavorable to the man. The bibliography does not include articles ap- pearing in the numerous fan magazines, but Mr. West covers the names and general content of these "fanzines" in the foreword. There are two indexes-one for book re- views on individual works by Tolkien, and Recent Publications I 423 the other for titles of all articles cited in the bibliography. It is clear from his search strategy and background in Tolkieniana that Mr. West's bibliographical checklist is authoritative. It should be well received by all who know or wish to know Tolkien.-Dederick C. Ward, University of Colorado. BOOKS RECEIVED NoTE: The titles listed represent books re- ceived at the editorial office that may be of interest to academic librarians. Annual Report of the Librarian of Con- gress, for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1969. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1970. 161p. $3.75. Baxter, Ivy. The Arts of an Island: The Development of the Culture and of the Folk and Creative Arts in Jamaica 1494- 1962 (Independence). Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 407p. (ISBN 0- 8108-0303-8) . Benton, Rita, ed. Directory of Music Re- search Libraries Part II: Thirteen Eu- ropean Countries. (Preliminary Ed.) Under auspices of International Associ- ation of Music Libraries. Iowa City: Univ. of Iowa, 1970. 235p. (paper- bound). Birkle, John, ed. Computer Applications in Management. Princeton, N.Y.: Brandon/ Systems, 1970. 165p. $8.95. Bixler, Paul. Proposed Library Standards and Growth Patterns for Maryland Pub- lic Higher Education Institutions. Spon- sored by the Maryland Council for High- er Education Library Study. Baltimore: 1970. 86p. (paperbound). Britain 1970: An Official Handbook. Pre- pared by the Central Office of Informa- tion. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1970. 522p. (SBN 11-700080-9). Brown, Eleanor Frances. Modern Branch Libraries and Libraries in Systems. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 7 47p. $15.00. Burich, Nancy J. Alexander the Great: A Bibliography. Ohio: Kent State Univ. Press, 1970. 153p. (ISBN 0-87338-103- 3). 424 I College & Research Libraries • November 1970 Carter, A. P., ed. Input-Output Analysis. Vols. 1- II. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company, 1970. 345p. $38.50. Catalog dei Libri Italiani in Commercia. Milano, Italia: Associazione Italiana Ed- itori, 1970. 864p. Cetron, J. Marvin, and others. Technical Resource Management: Quantitative Methods. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1969. 236p. $1 0.00. Clayton, John. The Illinois Fact Book and Historical Almanac 1673-1968. Carbon- dale: Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1970. 568p. ( 68-21417 ) . Davies, Ruth Ann . The School Library: A Forc e for Educational Excellence. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1969. 386p. $9.95. Dollen, Charles, comp. Abortion in Con- text: A Select Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J .: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 150p. (ISBN 0-8108-0337-2). Empfehlungen fur die Zusammenarbeit zwischen H ochschu lbibliothek und In- stitutsbibliotheken. Bad Codes berg: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1970. 32p. (paperbound ) . Epstein, Erwin H. , comp. Politics and Ed- ucation in Puerto Rico: A Documentary Survey of the Language Issue. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 257p. ( ISBN 0-8108-0309-7). Gelling, Margaret; Nicolaisen, W. F. H.; and Richards, Melville, comps. The Names of Towns and Cities in Britain. (edited by W. F. H. Nicolaisen). Lon- don: B. T. Batsford, 1970. 215p. (7134- 0113-3 ) . Havlice, Patricia Pate. Art in Time. Me- tuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 350p . ( ISBN 0-8108-0333-X). Hixon, Donald L. Mus~c in Early America: A Bibliography of Music in Evans. Me- tuchen N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 607p. ( ISBN 0-8108-0374-7). Inter-Departmental Reference Service, comp. Serial Titles Newly Acquired. Supplement to the Union List of Serials, 3rd ed. ( 1969 Cumulation). Manila: College of Public Administration, Univ. of Philippines, 1969. 237p. (paperbound). Jacobs, Roderick A. and Rosenbaum, Peter S., eds. Readings in English Transfor- mational Grammar. Waltham, Mass.: Ginn and Co., 1970. 277p. (76-88102 ) . Jacobson, Nolan Pliny. Buddhism: The Religion of Analysis. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1966. 202p. (paperbound). (ISBN 0-8093-0463-5 ). Jenkins, Frances B. Science Reference Ser- vices. 5th ed. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1969. 231p. $2.95 paperback; $10.00 hardcover. Kujoth, Jean Spealman. Reading Interests of Chi.Zdren and Young Adults. Metuch- en, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 449p. (ISBN 0-8108-0307-0). Lodge, Thomas and Greene, Robert. A Looking Glasse for London and En- gland. (An Elizabethan Text edited by Tetsumaro Hayashi). Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 229p. (ISBN 0- 8108-0348-9). Menditto, Joseph. Drugs of Addiction and Non-Addiction, Their Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Bibliography 1960- 1969. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston Publishing Co., 1970. 315p. (79-116588). Musiker, Reuben. Special Libraries: A General Survey with Particular Refer- ence to South Africa. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 215p. (ISBN 0- 8108-0310-0). National Library of Australia. Ninth An- nual Report 1968-1969. Canberra: 1970. 28p. (paperbound). North, Jeanne B., ed. ASIS: Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, Cooperating Information Socie- ties. v. 6. 32nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Calif. October 1- 4, 1969. West- port, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing Cor- poration, 1969. 532p. Parker, Dorothy. Guide for an Agricultural Library Survey for Developing Coun- tries. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press , 1970. 182p. $5.00. Pater, Alan F. and Pater, Jason R., comps. and eds. What They Said in 1969: The Yearbook of Spoken Opinion. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Monitor Book Co., 1970. 485p. (SBN 9600252-2-7). Perrine, Richard H. Library Space Survey of Texas Colleges and Universities. Tex- as College and Univ. System, Coordinat- ing Board Study Paper, no. 10. Austin: 1970. 60p. (paperbound). Schalit, Michael. Guide to the Literature of the Sugar Industry. New York: Else- vier Publishing Company, 1970. 172p. $10.00. Schick, Frank L. and Crawford, Susan, eds. Directory of Health Sciences Libraries in the United States 1969. Chicago: American Medical Association, 1970. 197p. (paperbound). Science Information Research Center. Re- search 1969/1970: Annual Progress Re- port. Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Information and Computer Science. Atlanta: 1970. 84p. (paper- bound ) . Sharp, Donald B., ed. Commentaries on Obscenity. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 333p. (ISBN 0-8108-0316- X). . Shoemaker, Richard H., comp. A Check- list of American Imprints for 1827. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 341p. ( ISBN 0-8108-0336-4). Slavens, Thomas P. The Development and Testing of Materials for Computer-As- ABSTRACTS Abstracts I 425 sisted Instruction in the Education of Reference Librarians. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. of Michigan, 1970. 178p. (USOE Project Report. Project No. 8-0560; Con- tract No. OEC-5-9-320560-0043). Stone, C. Walter, comp. Academic Change and the Library Function. Papers .. . Pennsylvania Library Assoc., 1970. 50p. Strean, Herbert S., ed. New Approaches in Child Guidance. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 313p. (ISBN 0- 8108-0330-5). Sunderman, Lloyd F. Artistic Singing: Its Tone Production and Basic Understand- ings. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 159p. (ISBN 0-8108-0315-1). Weaver, John T., comp. Forty Years of Screen Credits, 1929- 1969. 2 v. Metuch- en, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970. 1458p. $35.00. A Year Book of the Commonwealth, 1970. 2d ed. London: H.M.S.O., 1970. 800p. $12.60. The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the Clearing- house for Library and Information Sciences of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC / CLIS), American Society for Information Science, 1140 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 804, Washington, D.C. 20036. Documents with an ED number may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or hard copy (HC) from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, Na- tional Cash Register Company, 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Mary- land 20014. Orders must include ED number and specification of format desired. A $0.50 handling charge will be added to all orders. Payment must accompany orders totaling less than $5.00. Orders from states with sales tax laws must include payment of the appropriate tax or include tax ex- emption certificates. Documents available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia 22151 have CFSTI number and price following the citation. Survey of Current Systems for Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI). By Edward M. Housman, ed. Washing- ton, D.C.: American Society for Informa- tion Science, Special Interest Group on Selective Dissemination of Information, 1969. 150p. (ED 038 982; available from CFSTI as AD 692 792, MF-$0.65 HC -$3.00 ) . Reproductions of 100 fact sheets re- ceived in response to a comprehensive sur- vey of known and suspected Selective Dis- semination of Information (SDI) systems are organized into operational, pilot, and planned systems. The survey form was de- signed to give a detailed picture of system design features, organized so that the read- er can rapidly locate systems with specific 426/ College & Research Libraries • November 1970 characteristics of interest. These fact sheets are published not only to serve an educa- tional function but to encourage direct in- formal contact among persons interested in SDI. For this reason, each system descrip- tion contains the name, address, and phone number of the system operator. Desirable Characteristics of a Scientific Publication System. By Robert G. Kin- kade. Washington, D.C.: American Psy- chological Assoc., Office of Communica- tion Management and Development, 1970. 19p. (ED 038 995, MF-$0.25 HC-$1.05). The six characteristics of an Experimen- tal Publication System (EPS) evaluated are: ( 1) prompt dissemination, ( 2) focused distribution, ( 3) diversity of content, ( 4) catalog of abstracts, ( 5) articles printed separately, and ( 6) low acceptance cri- teria. Approximately 20 percent of the psy- chologists who might be interested in the subject matter are covered by the system. The most popular characteristic was prompt dissemination; the least popular was low acceptance criteria. A focused distribution plan should take factors other than stated interests into account. Authors do not take advantage of the diversity of content char- acteristic. The Catalog of Abstracts is con- sidered useful and articles printed separate- ly are desirable but not essential to a sci- entific publication system. Data concerning the low acceptance criteria characteristic are inconsistent. Post-Master's Education for Middle and Upper-Level Personnel in Libraries and Infonnation Centers. Final Report, Phase I. By James J. Kortendick and Elizabeth W. Stone. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Univ. of America, Dept. of Library Science, 1970. 542p. (ED 038 985, MF-$2.00 HC-$27.20). A major way of upgrading the profession of librarianship is through a post-master's education program. This data base for the curriculum development of such a program utilized two data-gathering instruments ( 1) a questionnaire and ( 2) interviews. The data are presented under three head- ings: ( 1) questionnaire results, Chapters III, IV, V and VI; ( 2) interview results, Chapter VII; and (3) summary, conclu- sions, and recommendations for further study, Chapter VIII. Summarized, the con- clusions were: ( 1) the program should use an interdisciplinary approach, ( 2) a sys- tems format should be used in planning and implementing the program, ( 3) the approach should be practical and based in the library school, ( 4) a multimedia ap- proach to instruction should be used, ( 5) motivational factors should be used to reach a substantial number of librarians, and ( 6) the program should be offered on a part-time basis for financial reasons. Ta- bles and graphs are used to illustrate the information gathered. Supply and Demand Analysis of Man- power Trends in the Library and In- formation Field. By August C. Bolino. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Univ. of America, Dept. of Economics, 1969. 87p. (ED 038 986, MF-$0.50 HC-$4.45). Library manpower data are analyzed un- der five main headings: ( 1) employment trends, ( 2) expenditures, ( 3) salaries, ( 4) placements, and (5) conditions of supply. The detailed, cross-section, statistical analy- sis focuses on the specific category of pro- fessional academic librarians. Analysis of the five main areas revealed: ( 1) profes- sional employment in college and univer- sity libraries showed the fastest gain; ( 2) there is a heterogeneity between public and public school librarians and academic li- brarians; that is, there is a one-way mo- bility; ( 3) salary components of the total academic library expenditures are declining while the book share is rising; ( 4) the fed- eral share of library materials is a significant percentage of the total; ( 5) the number of special libraries has grown most rapidly since 1945; (6) librarians' starting salaries are lower than most other professionals; ( 7) salaries of academic and special li- brarians are higher than those of public or school librarians; (8) the number of li- brary science degrees has tripled since 1960; ( 9) the number of junior college library programs has grown rapidly; and ( 10) li- brarian shortages are based on the number desired; if they were based on sources of supply and effective demand, the shortages would be small. ANYLTS' Cost Projections and Suggested . Phase-In Schedules; A R·eport to the Board of Trustees. New York: Associa- tion of New York Libraries for Technical Services, 1969. 45p. (ED 039 007, MF- $0.25 HC-$2.40). This report, along with the separate re- port by Drake Sheahan/Stewart Dougall Consultants entitled, Book Processing Fa- cility Design, available as ED 038 992, should clear up two unfounded assump- tions that ( 1) the actual processing of 2,500,000 volumes cannot be done at one location and ( 2) the printing times re- quired are too unrealistic to be handled on the computer peripheral equipment. The Drake Sheahan/ Stewart Dougall report in- dicates that 2,500,000 volumes can be processed more efficiently in one location than is now being done in nineteen differ- ent locations or than could be done in six different locations. Cost projections in this document are based on data in that report. Estimates of computer print-times indicate that all the reports which must be handled, as well as all the cards which must be pro- duced, are well within the capability of the equipment contemplated. The assumptions and methodology used to project unit costs are included. Book Processing Facility Design. New York: Sheahan Drake/ Stewart Dougall, Marketing and Physical Distribution Con- sultants, 1969. 76p. (ED 038 992, MF- $0.50 HC-$3.90). The Association of New York Libraries for Technical Services ( ANYL TS) is es- tablished to develop and run a centralized book processing facility for the public li- brary systems in New York State. ANYLTS plans to receive book orders from the twen- ty-two library systems, transmit orders to Abstracts I 427 publishers, receive the volumes from the publishers, print and attach pockets, print and insert catalog cards and book cards, apply spine labels, overjacket book covers, and ship processed books by library to the library system. The recommended process- ing operation will require a physical fa- cility containing 18,800 square feet and is estimated to cost $56,640 per year. At a projected rate of $10,000 per man year ( 1976) and an average work force of 66 employed; labor will cost $660,000 per year. Equipment investment is estimated to be $221,000. The processing operation recommended is a manual system supple- mented by two labor-saving mechanical de- vices. Our first General Catalogue in two years - just cut o ut and send for yo ur compl imentary copy. Gent lemen: Please se nd me free copies of the new AMS 197 0 General Catalogue 0 Pl ease se nd me yo ur Mo nthl y Avai lability Reports 0 I already receive yo ur Mo nthl y Availab il ity Reports Na me ________ _ Posi tion __ •• Library ____________ _ Street------------- - City ___ _ _ St ate Z ip __ AMS PRESS, INC. I 7 Conduit St. . Lo ndon W . I. E nglan d 56 E. D St.. N .Y .. N .Y. 10003