College and Research Libraries EUGENE P. SHEEHY Selected Reference · Books of ' 1969-70 lNTRODUCfiON THIS ARTICLE CONTINUES the semian- nual series originally edited by Con- stance M. Winchell. Although it appears under a byline, the list is actually a proj- ect of the Reference Department of .the Columbia University Libraries, and notes are signed with the initials of the indi- vidual staff members. 1 Since the purpose of the list is to pre- sent a selection of recent scholarly and foreign works of interest to reference workers in university libraries, it does not pretend to be either well balanced or comprehensive. Code numbers (such as AA 71, 2BD89) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide to Reference Books and its supplements. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliografia venezolana. Afio 1, no.1- , Enero/Marzo 1970- . Caracas, Bibli- oteca Nacional, Centro Bibliografico Ven- ezolano, 1970- . Quarterly. Publication of this bibliography repre- sents Venezuela's first major effort to re- gain bibliographic control since the last is- sue of Anuario bibliogrdfico venezolano (Guide AA732) covering through 1954. Books, pamphlets, government publications, and periodical articles published in Vene- zuela, plus materials about Venezuela or by Venezuelan authors published abroad are arranged according to Dewey classification. Detailed citations are provided, generally including full name of author, complete title, place, publisher, date, pagination, and series. To complete bibliographic coverage since 1954, the Biblioteca N acional has pro- posed a series of retrospective bibliogra- phies to be published according to the fol- 36/ lowing schedule: 1967_:_68, 1969, 1955-60, 1961-66, and then, 1970. Presumably, quarterly issues of Bibliografia venezolana will be superseded by annual cumulations. If this goal is achieved, a valuable refer- ence series will be available for .librarians ~J?.d scholars.-].S. British Museum. Dept. of Printed Books. A Short-Title Catalogue of French Books, 1601 - 1700, in the Library of the British Museum, by V. F. Goldsmith. Folke- stone, Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1969- . Fasc.1- . (In progress) 70-76327. Contents: Fasc.1, A-B. £5. Although appearing in a different for- mat, this work continues chronologically the Museum's Short-Title Catalogue of French Books 1470- 1600 (Guide AA462). Basi~ally an author catalog, the completed work will contain about 35,000 entries for seventeenth-century books "written wholly or partly in French, no matter where pub- lished" and those "in no matter what lan- guage, published or printed at any place which today forms a part of metropolitan France."-Foreword. It lists works appear- ing in the General Catalogue of the Mu- seum (Guide AA67), works acquired since 1955, a.nd some earlier accessions not found in the printed catalog. In addition, three extensive collections of "Mazarinades" are here ·fully listed for the first time. Nine more fascicles are planned for publication over the next two and a half years, the final part to include extensive indexes.- E.S. Mashkova, Mariia Vasil'evna. Istoriia rus- skoi bibliografii nachala XX veka (do oktiabria 1917 goda). Moskva, Kniga, 1969. 492p. 1r., 2k. 70-457301. As the author indicates in her introduc- tion, this is the first comprehensive history of Russian bibliography of the beginning of the twentieth century. It is intended as Selected Reference Books of 1969-70 I 31 a continuation of Nikolai V. Zdobnov's Is- toriia russkoi bibliografii do nachala XX veka (3d . ed., Moscow, 1955). The work covers in great detail such topics . as con- temporary and retrospective bibliographies of both books and periodicals; bibliogra- phies of suppressed writings and of the output of the many political organizations of the period; the achievements of several important Russian bibliographers; and the development of bibliographic organiza- tions. An index of names is provided. Im- pressive in the thoroughness of its scholar- ship, the volume is an important contribu- tion to the study of Russian bibliography. -N.S. Short-title Catalog of Books Printed in Italy and of Books in Italian Printed Abroad, 1501-1600, Held in Selected North American Libraries. Boston, G. K. Hall, 1970. 3v. $95. An American finding-tool for books from a historical period of great interest to scholars, this is a very welcome addition to Italian bibliography. Scope is defined in the title; format is that of the British Mu- seum's Short-title Catalogue of Books Print- ed in Italy (Guide AA561). Arrangement follows that of the British Museum work, listing entries primarily by author, and add- ing some items not in the earlier catalog. Forty-two American and Canadian libraries reported locations, but unfortunately Har- vard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, The Uni- versity of California, and Huntington li- braries are absent from the list. The index of printers and publishers is an indispensi- ble adjunct to a work of this kind, with entries chronologically arranged under each name. On the whole, this is a scholarly work, carefully edited, and of great inter- est to academic libraries.-G.L. ENCYCLOPEDIAS Bol' shaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia. Tret' e izd. Glav. Red. A. M. Prokhorov. Mosk- va, Izd-vo