College and Research Libraries THOMAS KIRK A Comparison of Two Methods of Library Instruction for Students in Introductory Biology What should be taught in a library instruction program for general biology students is presented and two ways of providing the instruc- tion are discussed. The two methods, lecture-demonstration and guid- ed exercise (form of programmed instruction), are described, and evaluated for their effectiveness. The evaluations considered are stu- dentl ability to collect a satisfactory bibliography, scores on two ob- jective exams on library skills, and studentl attitudes toward the li- brary instruction program. It is concluded that neither method is su- perior, although the guided exercise continues to be used, for the rea- sons given. Improvements in the program are suggested. LmRARY INSTRUCTION should be an im- portant component in the education of today's undergraduate students. There is not only a definite trend toward more undergraduate independent study but also a growing need for continued learning in years beyond one's formal education. 1 • 2 Without library skills, a person is likely to use and reuse only a minimum number of library resources. While fundam ental instruction in the use of the card catalog, Readers' Guide, and other basic reference and indexing tools is essential, it is important that colleges and universities go beyond this and develop in students a more sophisti- cated understanding of the library.3 To be effective, instruction in the use of the library needs to be an integral and fundamental part of the course work. Course assignments should b e de- signed to get students to use patterns of behavior felt to be desirable in efficient Mr. Kirk is the science librarian, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. use of the library. 4 Here a great deal of responsibility rests with the faculty be- cause: If he (the student) can successfully com- plete the academic program by reading the text, attending lectures, and passing an ex- amination based on text and lecture, there is little stimulus for him to build compe- tence in res earch or research tools. 5 This library instruction beyond the introductory level should provide an op- portunity for the student to carry out the actual steps of a library search. In fact, the study described here attempts to measure the effectiveness of a library instruction technique designed to have students learn by doing. The study was carried out at Earlham College using a class of approximately 190 students in a general biology class which the stu- dents took as part of their general dis- tribution requirement in science. CoNTENT OF THE LmRARY INSTRUCTION In planning any program of library . j 465 466 I College & Research Libraries • November 1971 instruction, it is necessary to develop a list of the skills and knowledge to be taught. The following list describes the information which the faculty and li- brarian thought to be important for the students of the Introductory Biology course. This list was developed out of our experience with the scientific litera- ture and several years' observations of the ways in which undergraduates can make the most effective use of this lit- erature. I. General types of reference books and some specific examples A. Encyclopedias: e.g., McGraw- Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, revised edition, 1966. B. Dictionaries: e.g., Gray, Diction- ary of the Biological Sciences, 1967, and King, Dictionary of Genetics, 1968. C . Monographs D. Serials 1. Periodicals 2. Annual reviews E. Bibliographies II. Periodical indexes and scientific ab- stracting services A. Biological Abstracts, its organi- zation, how to use the author and key word indexes. B. Science Citation Index, its uniqueness, how to use it. III. The Library Card Catalog. The im- portance of using the subject head- ing list ( Library of Congress List of Subject Headings Used in the Dictionary Catalog, 7th ed., 1966) is to be emphasized. This includes recognition and meaning of the see, see also to, and see also from references in the subject heading list. Also to be included is the use of subject heading tracings found on the author card of a book known by the student, as a method of se- lecting subject headings. IV. A general understanding of the or- ganization of scholarly scientific literature and the relationships among the various types A. Journal and report literature (Primary). The backbone of science or biology. The reports of original research. B. Journals, monographs, reviews, and review series ( Secondary literature). The synthesis and surveys of science. C. Handbooks, dictionaries, ency- clopedias, texts (Tertiary litera- ture). Literature intended for a specific purpose, which presents only specific information, data, or definitions. In addition, liter- ature intended as instructional material, especially literature designed to provide a broad survey of a field for the be- ginner. This material is based on secondary sources. V. Search strategy. While most of the items listed above are concerned primarily with knowledge to be learned, this item ( and VI) involves the activities and routines compris- ing search strategy. It requires knowledge of the basic search strat- egy: the initial use of encyclopedias and texts, followed by location of monographs and reviews, and final- ly a search of the periodical indexes. It also requires recognition of where to start the process with an indi- vidual search. In addition, students should recognize when a search step is no longer useful, when to retrace a step, and when to skip a step. One of the undefinable and un- measurable aspects is the develop- ment of a personal method of search and the confidence to use it efficient- ly. VI. The analysis of a subject so that the proper questions might be asked of the literature. This is perhaps the most difficult of skills to teach. This analysis is seen to include in part Two Methods of Library Instruction I 467 the answers to the following ques- tions. A. What is the subject? Its content? What fields are related to it? B. Is the bulk of information in the field newly discovered or has it been well known for a number of years? C. What are the controversial as- pects or the major questions of disagreement settled at present? D. Who are the important scientists who have contributed to the subject? E. Do certain organisn1s predom- inate as the objects of study for the subject of interest? (For example: Drosophila in genetics; Plana ria in chemical learning) F. How is the subject expressed by authorities in the field? Is the terminology confusing? Syno- nyms? METHOD OF LIBRARY INSTRUCTION On the basis of the registration fig- ures for the enrollment in the Introduc- tory Biology Laboratory sections, two groups were formed for the purpose of comparing two methods of library in- struction. The students had been tested on library skills learned in high school and no significant difference was found between the two groups. Both groups were then given library instruction dur- ing the first full week of classes. The · instruction consisted of either a two- hour lecture demonstration by the li- brarian or a guided exercise done by the students individually at their own speed in the library. Identical information was presented in both forms of instruc- tion. The Lecture-Demonstration The lecture-demonstration was a two- hour presentation covering the essen- tials of the search strategy plus the me- chanics of using the reference tools and card catalog. The reference tools were presented in the same order they were likely to be used when carrying out a search. Transparencies were used to il- lustrate pages from the reference tools. The students who received the lec- ture-demonstration were assigned the following readings to be completed be- fore they came to the lecture session. 1. "Bibliography of Basic Reference Sources." This is an annotated bibliog- raphy, which the librarians had pre- pared, of the most important encyclo- pedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, and periodical indexes the students were likely to use. Annotations briefly de- scribed the titles, their functions, and pointed out their limitations. 2. "The Card Catalog." This is a brief discussion of the card catalog de- signed prin1arily to introduce the stu- dents to guide cards and check tracings in the subject half of the card catalog. 3. "Guide to Science Citation Index." A folder on how to use the S.C.I. pub- lished by the Institute for Scientific In- formation. 4. "Literature of Science and Tech- nology." McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 2d ed., v. 7, p.242a-242f. McGraw-Hill, 1966. 5. Bottle, Robert. The Use of Bio- logical Literature, p.9- 13, 35- 40, 53- 57. The Guided Exercise This was the experimental method and was designed to guide the student through an actual library search on a particular problem. By doing this, we hoped to show him and have him ex- perience using the methods considered appropriate for library research. This educational tool, called here the guided exercise, is a cousin to the programmed instruction technique which has proven so useful in recent years. However, the guided exercise depends on more than just going through printed frames at 468 I College & R esearch Libraries • November 1971 one's place of study. It requires the stu- dent to go to the library and actually carry out a series of steps which encom- pass a n appropriate search strategy as outlined earlier. Sample pages from the exercise follow. S AMPLE p A GES FROM SECTION 1 OF THE GuiDED ExERCISE Page 30 1. Mollusca (phylum) 2. Cephalopoda (class) 3. Octopodida (order) 4. Invertebrates 5. Nervous system 6. Visual discrimination-visual search 7. Octopus Referring back to the list of key words developed in 29 will give us a complete list of key words to be clarified. What remains is to identify the actual subject heading using the subject heading list, and then to check them in the card catalog. Check the key word Nervous System in the list of subject headings to find what the proper heading is and if there are any re- lated terms that might be useful. What is the proper heading? Are th ere any related terms that would be us eful? Page 31 The proper heading is Nervous System. (There are no useful related terms.) Check under the subject heading N er- vous System in the catalog and list the use- ful volumes. Page 32 The books listed under Nervous System seem to deal only with human and verte- brates, while Octopus is an invertebrate. You will notice that the heading Nervous System has several subheadings, such as Addresses, Collected works. What useful books appear und er these headings? Page 33 Nervous System-- Invertebrates Bullock, Structure and Function in the Nervous System of Invertebrates Sci/ QL/ 925/ B8.5 1965. Lentz, Primitive N ervous Systems Sci/ QL/ 935j L4.3 Refer to the list on page 30; check key words no. 1 and 4 in the red book for their proper headings. Page 34 The oorrect form of the key words is: Mollusks Invertebrates Now check these headings in the catalo g for useful titles. Page 35 Mollusks Physiolo gy of Mollusca Wilbur and Yonge ScijQL/ 43ljW5.8 Invertebrates An Introduction to the Behavior of In- vertebrates Carthy Sci/QL/ 364/ C3 Inve1teb1·ate Structure and Function Barrington ScijQL/ 364/ B3 The list of books we have d eveloped pro- vides a substantial list of tertiary and sec- ondary sources useful to this topic. Normal- ly the next step is to sift through the ma- terial you have collected and to pick out the important information and bibliographic sources that lead to additional information. The guided exercise is divided into thre e sections. Section 1 emphasizes the starting places in library research: t exts and/or en cyclopedias. In d ealing with the encyclop edia, the use of the index and the value of the bibliographies are covere d. The card catalog is introduced as a locating d evice and is later us ed as a subj ect index to the library's collec- tion. In the use of the card catalog, the value of the Library of Congress List of Sub ject He adings is en1phasized. In addition, the use of tracings as a meth- od of identifying subject headings is il- lustrated. The annual review as an im- portant class of literature is stressed and its use to undergraduates is indicated. Section 2 of the guided exercise d eals with the use of the Science Citation In- dex. In addition to showing how it works and how it may be useful, stu- Two Methods of Library Instruction I 469 dents are introduced to the library's seri- als file. Section 3 is concerned with the use of Biological Abstracts and the skills need- ed to make effective, efficient use of it. This section b egins by typifying a key word index, specifically the key word in- d ex of Biological Abstracts. An illustra- tion of how a subject must be analyzed for key words to use in searching Bio- logi·cal Abstracts is included. The or- ganization of the abstracts found through the index is also presented. It should be noted that the guided ex- ercise is not entirely self-sufficient. There are other materials used in con- junction with the guided exercise. These additional materials are the same as those assigned to the lecture group. The difference being that the students in the exercise group read them when appro- priate as they did the exercise while the lecture group students read all the items before coming to the lecture-demonstra- tion. EvALUATION OF THE LIBRARY INSTRUCTIO N While the library instruction was giv- en during the first \Veek of classes and there were several informal opportuni- ties to make use of the instruction for class work, the first real opportunity came with the first examination. This exam consisted of a single essay ques- tion on a specific subject related to the general area of the subject being stud- ied. Four examples of the questions used follow. FouR ExAMPLES oF LIBRARY EXAMINATION QuEsTIONS GIVEN TO GENERAL BIOLOGY STUDENTS The Questions Given for the First Biology Examination 1. Downtown businessmen are continual- ly concerned with the excrement covering the outsides of their buildings. They, of course, have tried many things to remove the producer of the excrement-the Star- ling-from urban United States. Discuss the ecology of these increasing Starling populations and the problems involved in controlling them. 2. Populations can be controlled exter- nally by density dependent factors as well as by factors independent of density. Or populations can be controlled from within by factors which are generally density de- pendent. Go to the literature, which can be found in journals, and select and describe three examples of populations which are controlled by external factors. State the fac- tors, describe the population and their fluc- tuations with respect to the factors. Do the same for three populations which are con- trolled by internal factors. You may want to begin your literature search with a sec- ondary source; however, no answer which stops with a secondary source and does not consult the primary literature and docu- ment the example as such will be accepta- ble. When you have accurately described your six examples with the data, you may write a 200-word summary on the signifi- cance of factors which control these p opula- tions. 3. Energy flow in the ecosystem: The transformation of solar energy to chemical energy by plants conforms to the laws of thermodynamics: Solar energy assimilated by plants = Chem- ical energy of growth of plants (including seeds, exudates, etc.) + Energy of respira- tion For herbivores the situation is similar: Chemical energy eaten by heterotrophs Chemical energy assimilated by hetero- trophs + Chemical energy of faeces pro- duced by heterotrophs Furthermore : Chemical energy assimilated by hetero- trophs = Chemical energy of growth of het- erotrophs (including production of young and excretory products) + Energy of res- piration At each transfer of energy heat is evolved. The end result conforms to the laws of thermodynamics and may be ex- 470 I College & Research Libraries • November 1971 pressed: Solar energy entering the system equals h eat energy leaving the system. Our interest lies in what happens to the energy after it enters the systems and before it leaves. Refer to an ecological journal (or any other primary source) available in the library, and provide one specific example which illustrates each of the three above equations, i.e., three separate examples. Your examples should include the specific. 4. Document three examples of homolo- gy and three examples of anology in the evolution of plants or animals. Is phylogen- ie classification the b es t way to do it, or would a more ecological-o~·iented taxonomy be b etter? What are the advantages of each? The students were asked to spend ap- proximately five hours in the library re- searching the assigned topic. Then, on the basis of the data collected, they were to write a paper, of no more than 1,250 words. This type of exan1ination was repeat- ed three more times, making a total of four questions for the two tern1s. The faculty graded thes e exams. In addition, the librarian evaluated the bibliogra- phies of a randomly selected sample of the students in the two groups. The bib - liographies were evaluated on the basis of five criteria: ( 1) the appropriateness of the references cited to scholarly work in science and biology; ( 2) the in- clusion of the most important secondary sources; ( 3) the inclusion of a variety (within certain limits) of primary ·sources; ( 4) the total number of ref- erences; and ( 5) the format of the bib- liography. The results of the evaluation of the bibliographies which accompanied the papers written for Library Exams 1 and 2 are recorded in Table 1. The means for the bibilography scores for Exam 1 were 18.60 for the lecture group and 16.34 for the exercise group. A test for significance of difference showed that the difference was not significant. On the second exam the bibliography scores of 20.13 (lecture group) and 21.63 ( ex- ercise group) were significantly different at the .20 level of confidence. TABLE 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY EvALUATION RESULTS Median bibliography score of Biology Exam # 1 T -test for significance of difference Average grade on paper with bibliography Median bibliography score of Biology Exam # 2 T -t est for significance of difference Average grade on paper with bibliography 0 Not significan t 00 Significant a t the .20 level Lecture Group Exercise Group 18.60 16.34 B- B 20.13 21.63 B A- At the beginning of the second term of the course, two library tests were giv- en. The first, "Library Test Number One," was the traditional multiple- choice-Inatching type, and was construct- ed by the experimenter. The second exam was titled the "Controlled Asso- ciation Exam" or "Library Test Nuin- ber Two." This controlled association technique was first developed by W. S. Verplanck, Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee.6 It makes us e of a procedure which Edward Green, Institute of Educational Technology, Teachers College of Columbia Univer- sity, refers to as "controlled associa- tion." Briefly, it consists of presenting a list of stimulus words to the student. The student is instructed to respond to a stimulus word by writing down up to four words which he thinks are most meaningfully associated with the stimu- lus word in the context of the course. The responses are tabulated and a score is assigned to each of the response words. For those words which are uniquely good associations, a score of Two Methods of Library Instruction I 471 three points is assigned. For those words which are clearly erroneous associations, a score of zero is assigned. For the vast number of intermediate and ambiguous responses, a score of one is assigned. Clearly, the decision as to what consti- tutes a uniquely good or a uniquely er- roneous response to a given stimulus word is subjective. However, it is prob- ably no more subjective than a determi- nation of any other response where oth- er testing techniques are employed. The advantages of this procedure are twofold. First, scoring can be automat- ed, thereby yielding the reliability and ease of other objective testing methods such as multiple choice. Second, the uni- verse of responses from which the stu- dent may choose what he believes to be correct is not limited, as in multiple choice, which presumably gives some of the advantages of the short answer, es- say-type examination. There are two drawbacks to this pro- cedure. One is that if students are aware of the nature of the examination, they may prepare for it simply by learning a set of associations by rote. In this study the students were unaware of this type of examination before they actual- ly took it. The second disadvantage has to do with the volume of material which is collected from a group of stu- dents in one of these testings. The sheer number of responses calls for computer tallying and scoring. The results of these two tests are in- cluded in Table 2. In summary, the dif- ferences that exist are not significant and the test results therefore do not demonstrate the superiority of either in- structional method. In order to get some feedback from students, a student evaluation of their library instruction was given at the end of Term II. In addition, the biology faculty gave a student evaluation of the entire course. This latter evaluation in- cluded some questions on the library component of the course. TABLE 2 REsULTS OF LIBRARY TEsTs # 1 AND # 2 Median score on Library Test # 1 Standard deviation T -test for significance of difference Median score on Library Test #2 Standard deviation T -test for significance of difference 0 Not significant. Lecture Exercise Group Group 23.30 23.93 4.26 3.51 0.98° 48.30 46.27 19'.23 13.86 0.73° On the library's evaluation form stu- dents were asked to rate the library in- struction which they had received. Two of the questions provide the most use- ful information; this is presented in Table 3. This table gives the percent- ages of students who checked the vari- ous categories. The student evaluation results (Table 3) indicate that the students' opinions of their library instruction did not dif- fer significantly. Also, their opinions as to what they learned do not differ be- tween the two groups. A significant dif- ference does appear when asked wheth- er the students had personal help from the librarian (Table 3). Of the group that had the guided exercise, only 43 percent had personal help, while 65 per- cent of the lecture group had such help. There are two possible explanations. One, the exercise group may not have needed as much help; however, the re- sults of the students' opinion of what they learned conflicts with that reason. Second, the lack of extended (two hours) contact with the librarian during the lecture may have inhibited the guid- ed exercise students from asking ques- tions. Which mechanism is operating here rmnains an unanswered question but is one which deserves serious investi- gation. Table 4 presents a portion of the re- sults of a 1nuch larger evaluation which I. II. III. 472 I College & Research Libraries • November 1971 TABLE 3 REsULTS OF STUDENTs' EvALUATION OF THEIR LIBRARY INSTRUCTION Degree to Which This Method of Instruction Was Helpful Very helpful Helpful Not very helpful Useless Did you receive personal help from the librarian in seeking out literature for your test questions? Yes No TABLE 4 Lecture Group 12% 66 20 2 65 35 RESULTS OF A PoRTION OF THE BIOLOGY EvALUATION WmcH Is RELATED TO LIBRARY INSTRUCTION Statements Presented to Students In the Biology course, the library was . . . A. overemphasized B. appropriately emphasized C. not emphasized enough Comment briefly on the library examinations as an educational device A. valuable B. not valuable Examinations and quizzes other than the library type exams A. My lab section ... 1. used them 2. didn't use them B. My lab section ... 1. should have used them more 2. should not have used them more c. I learned-- from them than from library examinations 1. less 2. the same 3. more D. I worked harder for . .. 1. library examinations 2. other hour exams Exercise Group 16% 54 28 3 43 57 Total Number Responses per Statement 96 29 66 1 87 80 7 98 45 53 37 18 19 42 20 11 11 42 39 3 CoNcLusroNs Percentage of Total Responses per Item 30% 69 1 92 8 46 54 49 51 48 26 26 93 9 the biology faculty carried out covering the entire Biology 11 and 12 course. The portion included here covers the stu- dents' responses to questions about their opinions of the examinations. The students' overall evaluation of the library component of the course as revealed in the second student evalua- tion was very positive. This enthusiasm is quite encouraging since they also felt that the library examinations required more work then other hour exams. It is expected that a carefully de- signed instructional program which takes into account a clear set of objec- tives and the structure and objectives of the course in which the program is used should be a superior method in compari- son with the less original, more straight- forward lecture. However, the results of the experiment do not provide cause for selecting the exercise over the lee- Two Methods of Library Instruction I 473 ture. Of the four different sets of eval- uation results, three show no difference of significance, while for the one that did, the level of significance was low ( .20 level). Table 5 presents the T -test for significance of difference calculated from the four sets of data. TABLE 5 T-TEST FOR SIGNIFICANCE OF DIFFERENCE T-Test Type of Evaluation Calculation Significance Bibliography scores from Biology Exam # 1 (Table 3) 0.55 Bibliography scores from Biology Exam # 2 (Table 3) 1.65 Library test # 1 (Table 4) 0.98 Library test #2 (Table 4) 0.73 None .20 level None None The students' evaluation of their li- brary instruction and of the library as- pects of the course also provides no ba- sis for choosing one method over the other. As was discussed earlier, the lec- ture group did ask for more :lndividual help than did the exercise group. How- ever, because there may be factors at work other than the superior skills of the exercise group, it is not possible to use the student evaluation results to sup- port any claims about the superiority of one method over the other. One must conclude, therefore, that the instructional method is superior nei- ther in its ability to teach the use of the library, nor in its ability to promote an appreciative attitude toward the library. Thus, any decision as to which method to use in subsequent classes must be based on other criteria. The faculty and the library staff have continued to use the guided exercises in teaching the use of the library to gen- eral biology students. Once it was estab- lished that the exercise would do as ade- quate a job as the lecture, we began to look at other factors which might rec- ommend one method over the other. In the following paragraphs, the reasons we have continued to use the exercise are outlined. In addition, some improve- ments in the program that were imple- mented in later years are discussed. The criteria used in making a judg- ment as to which method to use includ- ed: ( 1 ) the time needed to prepare the materials necessary for teaching under the two programs; ( 2) the student time spent in the instructional program; ( 3) flexibility of the two methods; and ( 4) the potential burden caused by the guid- ed exercise's reliance upon actual use of the library during the instruction. The time spent in preparing the ex- ercise and the lecture, because of their great similarity, was essentially the same. Therefore, initial investment of time is the same. The long-term investment of time, however, would be greater for the lecture method. The exercise, once prepared, needs only minor revisions. Related to this is the flexibility which the program permits: Any time an indi- vidual student or group of students needs the instruction, the guided exer- cises are available. Furthermore, a stu- dent can proceed at his own pace. Be- cause of its division into three parts, it can be done in stages so that the entire four or five hours needed for comple- tion does not need to be invested at one time. Furthermore, if a student needs instruction on only one aspect, he need do only the appropriate section of the exercise. The amount of time students spend during the instruction is obviously great- er for the exercise method. This is, un- fortunately, inherent in the nature of the exercise, and little can be done ex- cept for some internal improvement in the program. Finally, the question of whether the exercise burdens the library collection, especially key items that every student uses, must be faced squarely. Is the li- brary willing to have certain items used 474 I College & Research Libraries • November 1971 as heavily as is required for the use of the exercises? There are certain steps that can be taken to alleviate the pro b- lem. These steps include: ( 1) When large groups of students are involved, give the exercise to part of the group at different times; ( 2) have several ex- ercises in widely different areas; ( 3) purchase multiple copies of the most heavily used items. These measures will not solve the problem; they will only re- duce its seriousness. IMPROVING THE INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN In order to make the exercise method of instruction more efficient and useful, certain necessary changes were carried out when the program was repeated. These changes included: 1. Additional guided exercises in oth- er subject areas were written. These new exercises were on: "internal factors in population size control" and c'chromo- some mapping using mitotic recombina- tion." This variety, as suggested earlier, did help to relieve much of the crowd- ing and heavy use of some materials. This did not, however, prevent heavy use of the basic tools-encyclopedias, dictionaries, the card catalog, and peri- odical indexes. 2. The assignment of the exercise was spread out over a two-week period. Be- cause the exercise was considered a lab- oratory assignment it could be alternat- ed with another laboratory assignment. In this way one-half the class did the li- brary exercise one week while the other half of the class did another laboratory assignment. The next week the assign- ments were reversed. 3. One of the major failures of the initial experiment was the faculty's ig- norance as to the best sources for the examination questions. In order to cor- rect this problem and to help insure that only questions which could reason- ably be answered on the basis of the li- brary's holdings were used, all questions were searched by the library staff prior to giving them to the students. This search made possible a more detailed evaluation of the bibliographies associ- ated with the examination questions. It is significant that a study of the correlation between the grades received from the faculty on the library exami- nations and the bibliography scores re- ceived fron1 the librarian revealed greater correlation in the second year than in the first. 7 REFERENCES 1. Luella Snyder, The Second Kind of Knowl- edge, p.3. 2. D aniel Bell, "Reforming General Educa- tion," in Improving College Teaching, p.351. 3. P. B. Knapp, The Monteith College Library Experiment, p.ll (Citing Proposal to the United States Office of Education, p.l-2, by Patricia B. Knapp). 4. Snyder, The Second Kind, p.6- 7; Knapp, ibid., p.39-40. 5. Snyder, ibid., p.7. 6. Unfortunately, nothing has been published on this technique. This author's information comes from communication with Louis Wil- cox of the Earlham Biology Department. Wilcox has had contact with Edward Green of Columbia University. The computer pro- grams used to score this exam were revised from those used at Columbia University. 7. The correlation figures were as follows: orig- inal experiment -.16 (lecture group), and .53 (exercise group); second-year class sec- tions .80, .80, .87, .82 (all used exercise).