College and Research Libraries ANDREW MELNYK Architecture of Academic Libraries in Europe-Bibliography, 1960-1970 WHEN CHECKING library literature one easily notices that planning and build- ing libraries in the United States is one of the most popular subjects. Academic libraries occupy a special place in this endeavor. However, as surprising as it may seem, American authors, especially writers of periodical literature on this subject, are quite unconcerned with the latest trends in the field of planning academic libraries in other parts of the world. This bibliography, although selective, should be of help to those wishing to approach the problem from the broader aspect. Its compiler is convinced that in recent years no other country accom- plished more in the field of academic library architecture than the United States. But periodic and thorough perusal of what is being done elsewhere pro- vides important architectural informa- tion, especially concerning new design concepts and library planning on limited budgets. Hopefully, this compilation will not only be justified in terms of its immedi- ate usefulness but will also provide an impetus for further search in the field. SECTION 1 GENERAL WoRKs Association of Technical Institutions and Association of Principles of Technical Mr. Melnyk is assistant professor of li- brary science, Wilbur Wright Campus, City College of Chicago. 228 I Institutions. Technical College Build- ings: Second Interim Report, the Col- lege Library. A.T.I. ( 1962-1963). Bleton, Jean. "Construction of Univer- sity Libraries: How to Plan and Re- vise a Project," UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries (Nov. 1963), 307-15. Bleton, Jean. "Les salles de lecture gen- erales dans les bibliotheques univer- sitaires: resultats d'une enquete faite par la Commission F.I.A.B. pour la construction et l' equipement des bib- liotheques (General r eading rooms in university libraries: results of an in- quiry made by the FlAB for the con- struction and equipment of libraries), Libri 13, no.1 ( 1963), 61-69. Brawne, Michael. Libraries: Architec- ture and Equipment (Text also in German). London: Praeger Publish- ers, 1970. Fairhurst, Harry. "A New University Prospect; II. Accommodating the Li- brary in the New University." As- lib Proceedings 17 (April 1965), 107- 11. Furlong, Norman, ed. L ibrary Practice for Colleges of Education. Library As- sociation, 1966. Chapter 3: Planning, Accommodation and Furnishing, by J. Simmons, p.38- 60. Harrison, John, and Laslett, Peter, eds. The Brasenose Conference on the Au- tomation of Libraries. London: Man- sell, 1967. Hingorani, R. P. "Library Architecture: A Bibliography," Lucknow Librarian 2, no.4 (March 1964), 251-67. Humphreys, Kenneth William. "Libraries Architecture of Academic Libraries I 229 in New Universities," International Li- brary Review 2, no.3 (July 1970), 3{J7- 28. Kluth, Rolf. "Bibliotheksstruktur und Baustruktur (The structure of the li- brary and the structure of the build- ing)," Zeitschrift fiir Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 12, no.1 ( 1965), 3- 33. Library Association. Colleges of Tech- nology and Further Education Subsec- tion. College Libraries: Recommend- ed Standards of Library Provision in Colleges of Technology and Other Es- tablishments of Further Education. Li- brary Association, 1965. (Library buildings), Architektur und Wohnform 73, no.7 (Oct. 1965), 351- 95. "Library Planning and Buildin!!: An An- notated Select Bibliography," Library and Information Bulletin (Library As- sociation) 1, no.3 ( 1967), 69--80. Liebers, Gerhard. "Tendenzen im Bib- liotheksbau: Wissenschaftliche Biblio- theken (Trends in library building: research libraries)," V erband der Bib- liotheken des Landes N ordrhein-West- falen Mitteilungsblatt 19 (March 1969), 15-42. " (New building abroad)," Architectural Forum 118 (June 1963), 104-05. Pevsner, Nikolaus. "Libraries: Nutrimen- tum Spiritus," article in Architectural Review, Oct. 1961, London. Piasecki, Wladyslaw. "Hlavni tendence vyvoje vystavby knihoven v soucasne do be (Main contemporary trends in li- brary building)," Technicka knihovna 1 ( 1965), 1-11. Priest, Gordon. "The Design and Use of a Library," Education Libraries Bulle- tin 24 (Autumn 1965), 15-24. Royal Institute of British Architects. Li- brary. Libraries: University and Col- lege: A List of Books, Pamphlets and Periodical Articles in the R. I. B. A. Library. R. I. B. A., 1961. Sauvenier-Goffin, Elisabeth. "Tendances actuelles dans les constructions de bib- liotheques universitaires (Current trends in university library construc- tion)," Archives Bibliotheques et M u- sees de Belgique 33, no.2 ( 1962), 235- 43. Schild, Johannes. "Zur Problematik und Methodik der Planung von Biblio- theksbauten an Universitaten und Hochschulen (On the problems and methodology of planning library build- ings at universities and colleges)," Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen 83 (Jan. 1969), 16-22. Schlitt, Gerhard. "Grosraumbiiros und grosse Biiroraume in Bibliotheken (Landscape offices and large office layouts in libraries)," DFW (Doku- mentation Fachbibliothek Werksbii- cherei) 18, no.4 (June 1970), 127- 30. Seth, Jan. "Att bygga universitetsbiblio- tek (Building university libraries)," Biblioteksbladet 55, no.7-8 (1970), 244-47. Strehl, Laurenz. "Symposium: Moderner Bibliotheksbau (Symposium on mod- em library building)," Bib los ( Aus- tria) 19, no.1 ( 1970), 19-33. Stromeyer, Rainald. Europiiische Biblio- theksbauten seit 1930. Wiesbaden: Ot- to Harassowitz, 1962. Thompson, Anthony. Library Buildings of Britain and Europe; An Interna- tional Study, with Examples Mainly from Britain and Some from Europe and Overseas. London: Butterworths and Co., 1963. . Tombor, Tibor, "Vallalati es kutat6inte- zeti miiszaki konyvtarak tervezee (Planning of technical libraries in en- terprises and research institutes ) ," OMKDK M6dszertani Kiadvanyok 25 ( 1966). 186p. (Summaries in English, Russian, and German.) University Library Buildings (filmstrip). Paris: UNESCO, 1962. Verhoef£, J. "Trends in Library Build- ing," Libri 15, no.1 ( 1965), 56-61. Wierzbicki, Jerzy. "Optymalne rozwia- 230 I College & Research Libraries • May 1972 zania architektoniczne wsp6lczesnych bibliotek wyzszych zakladow nauko- wych w Evropie (The best layouts of contemporary libraries in higher edu- cational institutions in Europe)," Roc- znik Biblioteki N arodowef 3 ( 1967), 5-28. SECTION 2 INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES Austria-General Kroller, Franz. "Neue Erkentnisse des Bibliotheksbaues (New insights into library building)," in Osterreichische Bibliothekartag, Admond, -7 Sep- tember, 1968. Vortriige und Kommis- sionssitzungen ( Biblios-Schriften) 51, 25-56. Austria-Individual Libraries University of Innsbruck Library Stranzinger, Oswald. "Die Bibliotheksor- ganisation in der Innsbrucker Baufa- kultat (Organization of the library of the Faculty of Architecture, Innsbruck), Bib los (Austria) 19, no.3 ( 1970, 201- 06. University of Vienna Library Dettelmaier, Rudolf ... Die Erweiterungs- bauten der Universitatsbibliothek Wien (Building additions of the uni- versity library, Vienna)," Bib los 15, no.3 ( 1966), 182- 93. Finland-General Tammerkann, Eeva-Maija. "Tietellisten Kirjastojen Kehittamissuunnitelmia (Development plans for university and research libraries in Finland)," Kirjastolehti 60, no. 7 ( 1967), 213-18. Wierzbicki, Jerzy ... Biblioteki Universy- teckie w Finlandii (University librar- ies in Finland)," Przegland Bibliotec- zny 31 (July 1963), 161-67. Finland-Individual Libraries Helsinki University Library Kauppi, Hilkka M ... Teknillisen Korkea- koulum Kirjasto U usissa Tiloissa (The new building of the Helsinki Technical University Library)," Kirfastolehti 63, no.6 ( 1970), 192-93. Sievanen-Allen, Ritva ... Muuan Kirjasto- suunnitelma: Laaketieteellinen Kes- kuskirjasto (The new quarters of the Medical Central Library of the Uni- versity of Helsinki)," Kirfastolehti 61, no.4 ( 1968 ), 126-27. Tornudd, Elin ... The New Library Build- ing of Helsinki University of Tech- nology," Tidskrift for Dokumentation 26, no.4 ( 1970) , 47- 52. Jyvaskyla Teachers College Library Raittila, Pekka ... Pedagogiska Hogskolans i Jyvaskyla Bibliotek (Jyvaskyla Teachers College Library)," Nor disk Tidskrift for Bok-och Biblioteksviisen 49, no.3 ( 1962), 97- 107. France-General "Bibliotheques Universitaires ( Universi- ty Libraries)," L' Architecture Fran- Qaise no.251- 52 (July-Aug. 1963), 5- 32. Bleton, Jean. ..Les Nouvelles Biblio- theques Universitaires et Municipals Fran9aises (New university and munic- ipal libraries in France)," Association des Bibliothecaires Fran9ais, Bulletin d'Informations 31 (March 1960), 31- 37. Ferguson, John. Libraries in France. Shoe String Press, 1970. Lelievre, Pierre. ..Bibliotheques U niver- sitaires D' Aujourd'hui et de Demain (University libraries today and tomor- row)," L' Architecture FranQaise no. 251-52 (July-Aug. 1963 ), 5-7. France-Individual Libraries Bibliotheque de L'Universite de Bordeau Guinard, Jacques ... La Nouvelle Section des Sciences de la Bibliotheque de l'Universite de Bordeau (The new Sci- ence Department at the University Library of Bordeaux)," Bulletin des Architecture of Academic Libraries I 231 Bibliotheques de France 10 (Aug. 1965)' 293--308. Bibliotheque Universitaire de Clermont- Ferrand Archimbaud, Jacques. "La Nouvelle Sec- tion de Medicine et de Pharmacie de la Bibliotheque U niversitaire de Cler- mont-Ferrand (New division of med- icine and pharmacy at the library of the University of Clermont-Ferrand)," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 13 (Dec. 1968), 519-30. Sart, Marie-Therese. "U ne Nouvelle Sec- tion a la Bibliotheque U niversitaire de Clennont-Ferrand (New section of the Clermont-Ferrand University Li- brary)," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 12 (May 1967), 191- 93. Bibliotheque Universitaire de Dijon Baithelemy, Odette. "La Nouvelle Bib- liotheque Universitaire de Dijon (New library of the University of Dijon)," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 8 (July 1963 ), 277- 85. Bibliotheque U niversitaire de Grenoble Chauveinc, Marc. "La Section Sciences de la Bibliotheque Universitaire de Saint-Maltin-d'Heres (Science depart- ment of the University Library of Grenoble)," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 14 ( April1969), 139-50. Kravtchenko, Suzanne. "La Section Droit- Lettres de la Bibliotheque U niversi- taire de Grenoble Saint-Martin-d'Heres (Department of law and arts at the University Library of Genoble) ," Bul- letin des Bibliotheques de France 14 (April 1969), 131- 38. "La Nouvelle Bibliotheque Universitaire de Grenoble (The new university li- brary at Grenoble)," Bulletin des Bib- liotheques de France 5 (Jan. 1960), 17- 20. Trainar, Pierre. "La Section Medecine et Pharmacie de la Bibliotheque Univer- sitaire de Grenoble ( Department of medicine and pharmacy of the U ni- versity Library of Grenoble)," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 14 (April 1969), 151- 56. Bibliotheque Universitaire de Lyon-la- Doua Rocher, Jean-Louis. "La Bibliotheque Universitaire de Lyon-La-Doua Apres Cinq ans de Fonctionnement (The Lyon-La-Doua University Library af- ter five years in use)," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 15 (Nov. 1970)' 543- 73. Bibliotheque Universitaire de Nancy Thirion, Gerard. "La Nouvelle Section Lettres de la Bibliotheque Universi- taire de Nancy (New humanities sec- tion of the U Diversity Library of Nan- cy) ," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 13 ( April1968), 155-63. Bibliotheque Universitaire d'Ors.ay Garnier, Gabriel. "La Nouvelle Biblio- theque Scientifique Universitaire d'Or- say (The new science library at the University of Orsay) ," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 7 (Dec. 1962)' 565-70. Bibliotheque Universitaire de Poitiers Giraud, Jeanne. "La Nouvelle Biblio- theque Scientifique U niversitaire de Poi tiers (New science library at the University of Poi tiers ) ," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 9 (Sept.-Oct. 1964), 387- 99. Bibliotheque U niversitaire de Reims Condamin, Jeanne. "La Nouvelle Bib- liotheque Scientifique Universitaire de Reims ( New .science library of the University of Rheims) ," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 12 (April 1967), 145-53. Bibliotheque Universitaire de Rennes Sansen, J. A. "La Nouvelle Bibliotheque U niversitaire de Rennes (The new uni- versity library at Rennes ) ," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 5 (Dec. 1960)' 453- 66. 232 I College & Research Libraries • May 1972 Bibliotheque Universitaire de Rouen Laurent, Pierre. "La Bibliotheque Uni- versitaire de Rouen (Rouen University Library)," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 10 (July 1965), 261-69. Bibliotheque N ationale et U niversitaire de Strasbourg Schlumberger, Simone. "La Section de Medecine de la Bibliotheque Nation- ale et Universitaire de Strasbourg (The Medical Department of the Na- tional University Library of Stras- bourg) ," Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France 10 (Nov. 1965), 375-79. Germany-General Karl, Hans. Die Vorbereitung der Bau- planung von Wissenschaftlichen Bib- liotheken in der DDR (Preparation of building plans for research libraries of the German Democratic Republic). Berlin, 1966. Germany-Individual Libraries Bibliothek der Technischen Hochschule, Aachen Lohse, Gerhart. "Der Aachener Biblio- theksneubau (New library building in Aachen)," Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes N ordrhein-W estfalen Mit- teilungsblatt 16 ( 1 April 1966), 110- 12. Lohse, Gerhart. "Der Neubau der Biblio- thek der Technischen Hochschule Aachen ( New library building of the Technical University, Aachen)," Zeit- schrift fiir Bibliothekswesen und Bib- liographie 14, no.2 ( 1967), 83- 87. Lohse, Gerhart. "Neubauvorbereitungen fur die THB Aachen; ein Bericht (Plans for a new library building for the Technical University in Aachen; a report)," Zeitschrift fiir Bibliothekswe- sen und Bibliographie 9, no.1 ( 1962), 31- 42. Universitatsbibliothek in Bonn Burr, Victor. Der Neubau der Univer- sitatsbibliothek Bonn (The new build- ing of the University Library of Bonn)," Biblos 10, no.1 (1961), 1-19. Burr, Victor. "Die Problematik des Bib- liotheksbaus und der Neubau der Bonner Universitatsbibliothek (On the problems of library buildings and the new building of the University Library in Bonn)," V erband der Bibliotheken des Landes N ordrhein-W estfalen Mit- teilungsblatt 12 (Oct. 1962), 186--96. Vago, P., and Bornemann, F. "Die Uni- versitatsbibliothek in Bonn (The Uni- versity Library at Bonn)," Baukunst und W erkform 15, no.3 ( 1962), 132- 34. Wenig, Otto. "Die Feierliche t.Jbergabe des Neuhaus der Universitatsbiblio- thek Bonn am 16. Juni 1962 (Official dedication of new library building of the University of Bonn)," Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes N ordr- hein-Westfalen Mitteilungsblatt 12 (Oct. 1962), 173--77. Universitatsbibliothek Bochum PHung, Gunther, and Adams, Bernhard. Elektronische Datenverarbeitung in der Universitiitsbibliothek Bochum (Electronic data processing at the university library at Bochum) ," Bo- chum: Schurmann and Klagges, 1968. Universitatsbibliothek Giessen Ostrem, Walter M. "Daring Design for a German Library at the University of Giessen,'' Wilson Library Bulletin 38 (Jan. 1964), 406--07. Schawe, Josef. "Die Neue Universitats- bibliothek Giessen; zum Abschluss des Neubaues (New university library in Giessen; on the occasion of the com- pletion of its new building)," Zeit- schrift fiir Bibiothekswesen und Bib- liographie 7, no.2 ( 1960), 127- 39. Universitatsbibliothek und Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover Schlitt, Gerhard, and Tehnzen, Jobst. "Universitatsbibliothek und Technische Inform a tionsbibliothek Hannover; Fun£ - Architecture of Academic Libraries I 233 Jahre irn Neuen Gebaude (University and Technical Libraries in Hannover; Five years' use of the new facilities ) ," Dokumentation F achbibliothek W erk- sbiirherei 18 ( 1969-70), 1- 32. Universiti:itsbibliothek Marburg Haenisch, Wolf. "Neubau der Univer- sitatsbibliothek Mar burg (New build- ing of the university Library of Mar- burg)," Zeitschrift fiir Bibliothekswe- sen und Bibliographie 15, no.3 ( 1968) , 190- 92 .. Great Britain Gehani, T. G. "Some Impressions of British Library Buildings and Some Reflections on Our Future Library Buildings," Herald of Library Science 2 (Oct. 1963 ), 231- 36. "Libraries in the Space Age," Book Col- lector 16 (Summer 1967), 151- 60. New Library Buildings, 1963- 1964: Ar- ticles and Reports Reprinted from the Library Association Record for De- cember, 1964. Library Association, 1964. "Non-public Library Buildings in the U.K.-a Select Bibliography, 1959:._ 1960," Lib1'ary Association Record 63 (Feb. 1961), 48-49. Reynolds, J. D., ed. Library Buildings 1965. Library Association, 1966. Sidwell, Leslie. "The Planning of Li- brary Buildings," Library Association Record 72 (March 1970), 93- 94. Smith, Denison Langley, and Baxter, Eric George. College Library Admin- istration, in Colleges of Technology, Art, Commerce and Further Educa- tion (Chapter 2: Planning and Equip- ment, p.l7- 39). Oxford University Press, 1965. Stockham, Kenneth Alan. "Library Build- ings in the 1960's," Library World 71, no.834 (Dec. 1969), 177- 80. "University Libraries in England: War- wick, Keele, Exeter and the J. B. Mor- rell Library, York," Library World 68 (March 1967), 239- 53. Great Britain-Individual Libraries University of Aberdeen Library Burman, C. R. "Aberdeen University Li- brary: New Science Library," SLA News (Scottish Library Association) 78 (March 1967), 8- 10. University of Birmingham Library Humphreys, Kenneth William. "Birming- ham University Main Library," Li- brary Association Record 63 ( 1961), 40-41. University of Durham Library Pace, George Gaze. «University Library, Durham," Architectural Review 135 (Jan. 1964), 31. University of Edinburgh Library Fifoot, E. R. S. "Edinburgh University Library's New Building," SLA N ews ( Scottish Library Association) 83 (Jan. 1968 ), 11- 14. "Glasgow and Edinburgh University Li- braries," Architectural Review 137 (Jan. 1965), 26. University of Glasgow Library "Library at Glasgow University," Ar.chi- tects Journal (16 April 1969), 1043- 58. Imperial College of Science and Tech- nology Library Currie, Clifford William Herbert. "Plan- ning of the New Library of the Im- perial College of Science and Tech- nology," Libri 15, no.1 ( 1965), 17- 22. Leeds Polytechnic Library Flint, J. H. "Some Problems of Plan- ning for Optimum Efficiency: Leeds Polytechnic," Library World 71 (May 1970)' 334-t. University of London Library Gummer, H. Margaret, and Catton, Ray- mond. "New Periodicals Wing of the University of London Library," I our- nal of Documentation 17 (June 1961), 96-105. 234 I College & Research Libraries • May 1972 Scott, Charles F. "Microforms Reading Room at the University of London Li- brary," MICRODOC 6, no.3 (1967), 65-67. University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Li- brary Mitchell, William Smith. "The Universi- ty Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne," Library Association Record 63 ( 1961 ) , 35-40. University of Oxford Library "Bibliotheque Universitaire a Oxford. Grande-Bretagne," L' Architecture d' Au- fourd'hui 32 (June 1961), 27. University of Reading Library "Reading University Library's New Building," Library World 65 (June 1964), 411- 13. University of Salford Library "Salford University Library: Work Be- gins on Phase One," Library World 70 (July 1969), 193. University of Sheffield Library "Bibliotheque U niversitaire. Sheffield. Grande-Bretagne," L' Architecture a Au- jourd'hui (Sept. 1960), 136-38. "Bibliotheque Universitaire de Sheffield (Library of the University of Shef- field)," L'Architecture FranQaise no. 251- 52 (July-Aug. 1963), 69--73. University of Strathclyde Library Wood, Charles G. "Andersonian Li- brary, the University of Strathclyde: An Account of a New Conception in University Library Provision," Library Association Record 67 (Nov. 1965), 383-87. University of Sussex Library "Library of the University of Sussex," Library Association Record 67 (May 1965)' 157- 62. Spence, Basil, and others. "Bibliotheque de l'universite du Sussex, Grande Bretagne (Sussex University Library, Great Britain)," L'Architecture d'Au- jourd'hui 35 (March 1965), 76-79. Hungary-Individual Libraries Milcolc Technical University Library Prohl, Peter. "Der Bibliotheksneubau der Technischen Universitat fiir Schwer- industrie in Miskolc (The new library building of the Technical University for Heavy Industry at Miskolc ),"Zen- tralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen 83, no.3 (March 1969), 145-52. Ireland-Individual Libraries Queen's University Library, Belfast Harvard-Williams, Peter. "New Science Library at Queen's University, Bel- fast," Library World 71 (March 1970), 263- 66. Trinity College Library, Dublin Hurst, F. J. E. "Trinity College Library Dublin: Proposed New Library," Li- brary Association Record 63 ( 1961), 45- 48. "New Library for Trinity College, Dub- lin," Library World 69 (Nov. 1967), 132. "Thoughtful Design Wins Trinity Col- lege (Dublin) Competition," Progres- sive Architecture 42 (Sept. 1961 ), 67. · "Young Architect Wins Dublin Prize," Liaison (Library Association New Sheet) (July 1961), 53. Nether lands-Individual Libraries Amsterdam University Library Woude, S. van der. "De Nieuwe Uni- versiteitsbibliotheek te Amsterdam (New Amsterdam University Li- brary)," Bibliotheekleven 46 (May 1961)' 221-28. Nijmegen University Library Kievits, A. P. M. "De Nieuwbouw van de Universiteitsbibliotheek te Nijme- gen (The new building at the Uni- versity Library at Nijmegen) ," Biblio- theekleven 50 (Jan. 1965), 1-10. Architecture of Academic Libraries I 235 Poland-General Piasecki, Wladyslaw. "Das Erste Modu- lar Bibliotheksgebaude in Polen (The first modular library building in Po- land)," Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswe- sen 81 (Sept. 1967), 535-47. Scandinavia-General Harrison, Kenneth Cecil. Libraries in Scandinavia. rev., 2d ed. British Book Center, 1970. Nissen, Harald, "Nye Universitetsbiblio- tek i Danmark og Sverige: Inntrykk fra en Studiereise (New university li- braries in Denmark and Sweden; im- pressions of a study-tour)," Bok og Bibliotek 35, no.3 (May 1968), 241- 45. Sweden-Individual Libraries Chalmers University of Technology Li- brary Hemlin, Krik. "Chalmers Tekniske Hogs- kolas nya Bibliotek (New library of the Chalmers University of Technol- ogy)," Tidskrift for Documentation 17, no.5 ( 1961), 57- 60. English trans.: Library World 64 (July 1962), 10-12. Royal Institute of Technology Library Bjorkbom, Carl. "Kung!. Tekniska Hogs- kolans Bibliotek i nya Lokaler ( Re- construction of the library of the Royal Institute of Technology)," Nor disk Tidscrift for Bok-och Biblioteksviisen 49, no.2 ( 1962), 68-78. Switzerland-Individual Libraries University of Basle Library Senn, Otto. "Der Moderne Bibliotheks- bau am Beispiel von Basel (Modern library building; the example of Basle )," 39, no.6 ( 1963 ), 161-76. U.S.S.R.-General Pashchenko, F. N. "Directions and Tech- nical Specifications for the Design of Libraries in Specialized Schools of Higher and Secondary Education in the USSR," Libri 14, no.2 ( 1964) , 136- 67. Pashchenko, F. N., and Vinogradov, V. "Design and Construction of Large Li- braries in the U.S.S.R.," UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries 24 (Nov. 1970), 309- 18.