College and Research Libraries MARVIN E. WIGGINS The Development of Library Use Instructional Programs Considerable duplication of effort exists in library use instructional development. Much duplication could be eliminated and universality increased, if instruction were formulated under basic instructional psychology principles. The development of instructional programs at Brigham Young University Clark Library indicates how instructional psychology techniques can provide valid and effective instruction with guaranteed high levels of learning. Each program defines the behav- ioral objectives and matches these objectives with test questions. Then instruction consistent with the test and the behavioral objectives is written. Finally each program is statistically validated. Average learn- ing from such programs has increased from the thirtieth to the eight- ieth percentiles. EvERY DAY PATRONS WALK OUT of our libraries convinced that there is little or nothing in our collections on their top- ics of study. Of course, frequently there is a great amount of information; the patron simply doesn't know how to find it and is often too timid to ask for help. During the summer of 1970, the Brigham Young University library launched a new program in an attempt to solve this problem-to teach its entire student body basic library skills. Dissatisfied with the usual approaches to library instruction, the library decid- ed to call on the expertise within its own university community in formulat- ing several effectively designed instruc- tional packages which could be statis- tically validated. A team of librarians, English instruc- tors, educational psychologists, and non- Marvin E. Wiggins is coordinator of ref- erence services, Brigham Young University library, Provo, Utah. print media specialists combined efforts to design five library instructional pro- grams that would meet the needs of all lower division students of the univer- sity. Inasmuch as sophomore English programs were already teaching basic bibliographical techniques and were reaching a majority of the students, the English composition department was asked to be a key contributor to the con- tent of a basic library instruction pack- age. Several philosophical criteria were agreed upon: First, all instruction would be de- signed to meet the immediate needs of the student at the grade level for which it w~s to be administered. Second no attempt would be made to teach e~erything a student would ever need to know throughout his entire coi- lege career in any one concentrated ef- fort. This meant that basic information would be dealt with at the lower divi- sion level and specialized instruction in specific disciplines would be reserved I 473 474 I College & Research Libraries • November 1972 for upper division and graduate levels of study. Third, only a brief orientation would be given to freshman students. For mo- tivational reasons, actual instruction in the use of library facilities would be given at the sophomore levels of the curriculum. This would better meet BYU research needs beginning at this stage of the students' program. Fourth, instructional efforts would be planned to meet the needs of upper di- vision and graduate students but efforts would begin at the lower levels in order to build a foundation for such instruc- tion. Fifth, all instruction would be pro- vided as much as possible within the li- brary building itself. Sixth, all instruction would be supple- mented with actual assignments. Stu- dents would be tested within the library and tests would be computer graded and routed to their instructors for evalua- tion purposes. Finally, in order to provide high mo- tivation in learning, a high level of suc- cess would be built in. Students must feel the time they spend is worthwhile. 1 The focus of the effort was on five instructional programs: ( 1) a taped tour of the library, ( 2) use of the card catalog, ( 3) use of basic periodical in- dexes, ( 4) use of basic indexes to bib- liographies, book reviews, essays, and newspapers, and ( 5) general use of cur- rent U.S. government documents. Four of the five programs are now in operation, with the remaining one ex- pected to be completed by January 1973. 2 Because of the simplicity of the taped tour concept, the program will be dealt with briefly in this paper. The card catalog program is much more in- volved with instructional techniques and has become a model for the next three programs now in various stages of development. For this reason, the second program will be discussed in more de- tail. In order to assist students in locating physical facilities and basic services, a forty minute walking cassette tape tour was designed to be ·given to all BYU freshmen. The tour would be a require- ment of the freshman English curricu- lum. Criteria were defined to establish what the student should be able to do as a result of taking the tour. Alterna- tive methods of instruction were exam- ined, such as physical tours given by li- brarians, slide-tape and videotape pre- sentations, and cassette tapes with hand carried playback units. The cassette taped tour was adopted for four rea- sons: First, a taped tour can be an effective, yet inexpensive, way to introduce 4,000 or more students a year to a large library complex. Students simply check out a cassette tape player and the information on the tape will do the rest. Slide-tape and videotape presentations are best for showing fixed locations but present a difficulty in linking one location to an- other. Second, cassette players can be ob- tained for less than $20. Students may come at their own convenience through- out the day and large numbers of stu- dents can be handled throughout a se- Inester without much notice of their presence. Third, cassette tapes can be easily and quickly updated by either splicing or making a new master. Videotapes are ex- pensive to produce, particularly if the final project is to have a professional polish, and are often out-of-date before production is completed. Fourth, minimal personnel are needed for distributing and repairing cassette player units. The dean of electronic media was called in to assist in the development of the cassette tour, at which point the con- tent of the tour was agreed upon. The length was held to twenty minutes of recorded time (forty minutes of walk- ing time) to hold the interest of the student. An actual tour was recorded from which a script was written. The script was scrutinized by seven subject librarians, several English instructors, a sample of freshman students, foreign students, and strangers to the university. A computer-graded test was designed to be administered as a pre- and/ or posttest, as well as to provide a re- inforcement of learning, supply feed- back to instructors of students taking the tour, and to supply statistical data for continual revision and updating. The exam was given to 100 students from five freshman classes as both a pretest and posttest. Pretest scores showed that freshman students could locate just under 30 percent of the ser- vices and facilities determined to be of importance. After the tour, the figure increased to 80 percent. Except for pe- riodic evaluation, students normally take only the posttest. The tour has been in full use since September 1970 and has been received enthusiastically by both faculty and stu- dents. Departments other than English have also required the tour, including our Graduate Department of Library Science, senior classes in French and zoology, guided studies courses, and business education. Use by other depart- ments will diminish each year since up- coming juniors and seniors will have al- ready taken the tour during their fresh- man year. As mentioned earlier, the card catalog program deals with a higher degree of learning and a greater sophistication in development. The card catalog program drew from the expertise of the univer- sity's Department of Instructional Re- search and Development, a graduate ed- ucational psychology curriculum con- cerned with the development of instruc- tional programs.3 Six terminal objectives were devised utilizing six areas of card catalog use: ( 1) filing rules, ( 2) call numbers, ( 3) Instructional Programs I 475 cross references, ( 4) author, title, and subject cards, ( 5) tracings, and ( 6) use of the Library of Congress subject headings catalog. A terminal objective tells what kind of behavior the student should be ex- pected to display as a result of instruc- tion. A terminal objective on the use of tracings would be, for example, if a student were given a subject for exami- nation in the card catalog, he would be expected to determine additional related subject headings to books of specific in- terest and then use those subject head- ings in an expanded search of his topic. Enabling objectives are necessary to define the means of development and realization of terminal objectives. The terminal objective on tracings utilized three enabling objectives. The student should be able to ( 1) provide a defini- tion of the term "tracings" as used on card catalog cards, ( 2) explain where the tracings are on the card, and ( 3) . understand that tracings can be used to (a) determine the type of information found in the book, (b) know what sub- jects and added entries have been as- signed to the book, and (c) tell what ad- ditional subject headings could be con- sulted for information related to a par- ticular book. Each of the six terminal objectives was written in similar detail with their enabling objectives. Whenever an en- abling or terminal objective was written, a test question was formulated that could measure the objective. All such questions were compiled into an exam which was administered to four skilled and four unskilled subjects. The test was called a "task analysis" and its pur- pose was to verify the hierachial ar- rangement or level of difficulty and the desirable order for presentation of the objectives. It would also determine the ability of the expert and the nonexpert to perform the behavioral objectives. Reference and cataloging librarians served as the skilled group and sopho- 476 I College & Research Libraries • November 1972 more students served as the unskilled group. The librarians scored 98 percent correct on the test in forty-eight min- utes while the students answered only 32 percent correct in two and one half hours. Students were required . to termi- nate their test after two and one half hours. The task analysis confirmed the selection of objectives and their ar- rangement in a logical hierarchy. The next step was to finalize the pre- and posttest items as a result of the task analysis. The instructional package was then formulated to be consistent with the tests and behavioral objectives sup- ported by the test. A modified programmed instructional approach was adopted by which each en- abling and terminal objective would be taught. Instruction was placed on tapes which were accompanied by a work- book. The concept for each enabling objective was explained and illustrated, followed by a question calling for a student response. A delay in the tape permitted sufficient time to lapse for making a response. After the delay, the correct answer was given with an ex- planatory note. In most cases, repetition tied the concepts together until the ter- minal objective was understood. To illustrate the procedure, an exam- ple on tracings is given in Figure 1 from a later printed version of the program. Previous to the information illustrated (Figure 1), the student was taught where the tracings were located on the card. The example demonstrates how he is instructed as to the usefulness of tracings in research. An attempt was made throughout the program to use examples the student would encounter in his own use of the card catalog. This was so that the learn- ing situation would be real, self-moti- vating, and a positive experience. Six tapes were produced, one for each section, corresponding to the six termi- nal objectives to be learned. The pretest was organized into the same six sections. This way a student could take the pre- test, score his own test, and determine which of the sections he needed to study and in what detail. Should the student need detailed tapes for all six objec- tives, he would need to allot one hour and thirty minutes for his self-instruc- tion. The student could ask for any or all six, thus permitting him to take his instruction in more than one sitting. Should a student know most of the information in a section, a second al- ternative was established. A nonpro- grammed summary of rules was listed in the back of the workbook by which he could quickly pick up the few de- tails missed on the pretest. The pretest was designed to take the student to the library card catalog and require him to look up the information and respond to a correct multiple choice alternative. The final step in the instructional de- velopment was to validate the program so that there would be assurance that the instruction was effective in teaching the intended information. Inasmuch as students signed up for English composi- tion courses by section number, and most sections were listed as being taught by "staff," it was felt that a random sample was easily available by taking 161 sophomore English students from three sections. Students were offered the incentive of extra credit for participat- ing in the experiment. The students were randomly divided into three groups: ( 1) Group I (seven- ty-three students), receiving the taped programmed instruction; ( 2) Group II (fifty-one students), receiving the non- programmed written summation of rules; and ( 3) Group III (fifty stu- dents ) , serving as a control group and receiving no instruction. All groups were given the same pre- test in their respective classrooms. The pretest was designed to be a fixed loca- tion test that could be taken anywhere. Students in Groups I and II decided 251.08 M853p 280.1 Sa56c Moser-Rath, Elfriede, ed. Predigtm iirlein der Barockzeit; Exempel, Sage, Schwank und F a bel in geistlichen Quellen des oberdeutschen R au mes. Berlin, De Gruyter, 1964. xvi . 5-14 p . 25 em . (S uppl e ment·Serie zu F a bula ; Zeitschrift fur Erzilhlforsc h ung. Reihe A: Texte, Bd . 5) Bibliography : p . [ 5 14) ·533. 1. Sermo ns, German- Hi st. & crit. 2. Catholic Church- Sermons- H ist. & crit. :1 . Homil et ica l illustrations- Hi st. & crit. I. Title . (Series : Fabula . Su ppl e ment Serie. Reih e A : Texte, Bd . 5 ) BV 4208.G3M6 64-57943 LibraryofCongress (!) FIG. 4 Local churc h councils. Sanderson, Ross Warren, 1884- Church cooperation in the United States; the nation -wi de bac kgrounds and ecumenical significance of state and loc al councils of churches in their historical perspective. [New York] Association of Council Secretaries, 1960. 272 p. 25 e m . Includes bibliography . 1. Local church councils. 2. Interde nomina tio nal coo peration. 3. Christian union-Hist . I. Title. BV626.S3 Library of Congress 280.1 [61f3] FIG. 5 6(}-13189 Figure 1 Question 4 Look at figure 4 and decide how many subject headings are suggested by the tracings. Let us now see how the tracings could be of help to you in a research project. Suppose you wanted to do a paper on the .subject "Local Church Councils." You would first look up that heading in the card catalog and you might find only one card - indicating only one ·book on this subject. The card you would find is illustrated in figure 5. The title of the book listed on the card is Church Cooperation in the United States. If you didn't know how to use the tracings, you would be limited to this one book to use in your research . Question 5 ·With your knowledge of trac- ings, the listing on the card in figure 5 refers you to how many other subject headings? If you were to look up the other two subject headings in the card catalog, you might find that "interdenominational cooperation" has six books under its heading and that "Christian union history" has an additional eleven books under its heading. This would make a total of seventeen books from which you could choose to do research. 478 I College & Research Libraries • November 1972 from their own pretest results which sections of instruction they should take, knowing they would be tested again on the amount of learning they had achieved. Group I took the taped pro- grammed instruction and Group II re- ceived the nonprogrammed summation of rules. Groups I and II were again given the pretest ( P AI). All groups then took the posttest. Again, the pretest is a fixed location test. However, the post- test was designed to give the student ex- perience with the card catalog itself. Time was limited to one hour on the posttest on the presumption that if a student were given all the time he de- sired he could find most anything. The one-hour maximum was ten minutes longer than the skilled librarians took on the task analysis test, a test of similar composition and length. The unskilled students in the task analysis had been cut off after two and one half hours. Therefore, a student could complete the entire program in one hour and thir- ty minutes for instruction and one hour for the posttest. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS A summary of the results are given below in Table 1. An analys is of convariance using PBI as a covariate and the Scheffe and Least Significance Differences test showed significant differences between experimental and control groups ( 18.6 TABLE 15 MEAN ScoRES PBI Instruction PAl PT n=73 yes/no n= 51 n= 50 Group I 9.8 yes 22.4 21.5 Group II 9.5 yes 19.2 18.6 Group III 9.0 no no 12.7 PBI -pretest before instruction ( 29 questions) P AI -pretest after instruction ( 29 questions) PT -posttest after instruction ( 26 questions) Group I -receiving taped programmed instrucfion Group II -receiving nonprogrammed summation of rules Group III--control group receiving no instruction and 12.7) and between the two experi- mental groups ( 21.5 and 18.6) both at less than the .01 level of significance. Groups I and II showed the same level of significance for the mean gain scores between PBI and the posttest, 11.7 and 9.1 respectively. This was an increase from 32 percent to 84 percent for Group I and from 32 percent to 72 per- cent for Group II. The gain of the con- trol group from the PBI to the posttest (9.0 to 12.7) was nonsignificant.6 IMPLICATIONS Significant differences between the control and experimental groups indi- cate the possibility of designing effective instructional packages for learning to use the card catalog and possibly other kinds of library systems. Differences be- tween the programmed and nonpro- grammed forms of instruction em- ployed in this study indicate a slight but important improvement in favor of programmed instruction. Finally, the total scores of the second pretest given after instruction (a fixed location test) and the posttest ( a test requiring the student to perform by looking up the answers in a card catalog) suggest the effectiveness of publishing the entire program in a print rather than tape for- mat utilizing a fixed location test. This would permit other institutions to draw effectively upon our experience without rewriting the program to fit their indi- vidual library card catalog. In order to take advantage of the lat- ter finding, the taped programmed in- struction was redesigned into a standard but printed programmed text format and published. It utilizes a fixed loca- tion and self-scored pre- and posttest. Students determine from their pretest scores which of the six sections or chap- ters they need to study in detail. At the end of each chapter there is a one-page summary of rules corresponding to the alternative offered Group II in the study. Students may then choose either, depending upon how well they perform on the pretest. The summary also pro- vides an easy review of the information covered in each chapter for learning re- inforcement and for final preparation before taking the final test. The entire program ends with a fixed location post- test similar to the pretest, which can be graded by the student. Brigham Young University still makes use of the posttest requiring the stu- dents to go to the card catalog. It is felt that there is not only an advantage with slight improvement in performance, but that there is a motivational reward in actually using the card catalog. It also permits us to computer grade the tests for continual evaluation and for rout- ing of learning results to the student's instructor. The instructor is thus freed from having to devise a test for student evaluation purposes. 7 Such satisfactory results have been obtained on the card catalog program that future instructional programs ( pe- riodical indexes, indexes to bibliogra- phy, and book review essays and news- papers, and current U.S. Government Instructional Programs I 479 documents) will follow the same or sim- ilar procedure and printed format. SuMMARY The study's most valuable finding is a determination of the feasibility of developing basic library use instruction that can be shown statistically to pro- vide significant learning and at the same time meet the needs of a large number of libraries. The card catalog program in question can best be adopted by those institutions using the Dewey classifica- tion and either LC or Sears subject headings. However, the instruction could also be easily adapted to libraries which use LC or a mix of the LC and Dewey classification systems. The amount of literature on library use instruction is so staggering that a constant concern to the author is how effective such programs may be and how they could be used elsewhere, thus avoiding the vast duplication of each other's work. If such programs can be developed scientifically, the evidence of widespread usability would be more eas- ily accepted and adopted. REFERENCES 1. The author is indebted to Millicent Palmer, Library Instruction Librarian, Southern Illi- nois University library at Edwardsville, Illi- nois, for her theoretical influence on the BYU program. 2. The first two programs are available for dissemination from J, Reuben Clark Jr. Li-· brary, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84601. The remaining three programs are awaiting publication. 3. The author is indebted to Charles Bradshaw, a graduate assistant at BYU, for his assist- ance in devising and testing the behavioral objectives, designing the instructional pack- age, and statistically validating the program. The author is also indebted to Dr. R. Irwin Goodman, director of the Brigham Young University Instructional Development Pro- gram who, in conjunction with Dr. M. David Merrill, chairman of the BYU Department of Research and Development, devised the philosophical model for which this program was developed. 4. Reprinted from Charles I. Bradshaw with Marvin E. Wiggins and Blaine Hall, Using the Library: The Card Catalog. (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1971), p. 78-80. 5. Unpublished data provided by Charles I. Bradshaw. 6. Ibid. 7. Institutions desiring a copy of our depart- mental posttest for developing a similar one to use with their card catalog can obtain one from the General Reference Office, J. Reuben Clark Jr. Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84601, for $.50.