College and Research Libraries ... LOUIS KAPLAN Participation: Some Basic Considerations on· the Theine Of Acadeine In this article three questions are asked: (1) whether faculty status for librarians automatically leads to greater participation in manage- ment; (2) whether the academic department is the best model for li- brarians; and (3) whether lack of skill in introducing participation may not lead to disillusionment. Studies are cited showing that facul- ty participation in the governance of higher education ris being erod- ed, and examples are given of currently-discussed models of govern- ance. INTRODUCTION wHAT ARE THE EXPECTED ADVANTAGES of staff participation in the making of management decisions? According to some librarians, we can expect an accel- eration in the professionalization of li- brarianship, improved morale, an in- crease in innovative ideas, and better service to library users. 1 On the other hand, because participation is new to many librarians, we do not know wheth- er these favorable developments will necessarily ensue. Although for some observers, faculty status for librarians leads naturally to greater and significant participation in the making of academ- ic-management decisions, our evidence indicates that the granting of faculty status will not necessarily bring about significant participation. The Association of College and Re- search Libraries has recommended fac- ulty status for librarians, and the reor- ganization of libraries a·s teaching units, with deans and departmental chairmen. Mr. Kaplan is professor at the University of Wisconsin Library School, Madison. Before accepting this model for librar- ies we should note that professors are themselves disturbed by the "manage- rial" revolution in higher education, which has resulted in a new tier of of- ficials standing between faculty and those who make administrative decisions of importance to higher education. As a result, new models of academic orga- nization are being discussed. Some librarians believe that faculty status and participation will transform them into