College and Research Libraries ) EUGENE P. SHEEHY Selected Reference Books of 1972-73 INTRODUCTION T ms ARTICLE CONTINUES the semiannu- al series originally edited by Constance M. Winchell. Although it appears under a byline, the list is actually a project of the Reference Department of the Co- lumbia University Libraries, and notes are signed with the initials of the indi- vidual staff members.1 Since the purpose of the list is to pre- sent a selection of recent scholarly and foreign works of interest to reference workers in university libraries, it does not pretend to be either well balanced or comprehensive. A brief roundup of new editions of standard works, con- tinuations, and supplements is presented at the end of the column. Code num- bers (such as AA 71, 2BD89) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide to Reference Books and its supplements.2 NATIONAL BmLIOGRAPHY Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group. The Pakistan National Bibliography, 1947-1961. [Karachi]: National Book Centre of Pakistan, [1973- ] . Fasc. 1- . (In progress) 73-166386. Contents: fasc.1, General works to Islam, 001 to 297. In 1967 the Pakistan Directorate . of Archives and Libraries issued the :first 1. Diane Goon, Rita Keckeissen, Anita Lowry, Eileen Mcilvaine, Nancy Schroeder, Doris Ann Sweet, Barbara Wendell; School of Li- brary Service, Evelyn L. Kraus; Internation- al Affairs, Mary Ann Miller. 2. Constance M. Winchell. Guide to Reference Books ( 8th ed.: Chicago: ALA, 1967 ) ; Sup- plement I (Chicago: ALA, 1968); Supple- ment II (Chicago: ALA, 1970); Supplement III (Chicago: ALA, 1972). volume, covering 1962, of a Pakistan National Bibliography ( Suppl. 3AA84) as provided for in that country's copy- right act of 1962. Responding to the need for a more current record, the Di- rectorate next issued a volume covering ·1968, the :first of a proposed annual se- ries; it also announced plans for :filling the 1963-67 gap with two volumes cov- ering 1963-64 and 1965-67. The work under consideration here is a retrospective bibliography covering publications from the time Pakistan be- came an independent nation to 1962 when the official national bibliography began publication. Arrangement is by Dewey Decimal Classification and works in all languages are covered. It is expect- ed that the bibliography will be com- plete in seven fascicles, the last two to be devoted to periodicals and to indexes by author, title, and subject.-E.S. DICTIONARIES Barnhart, Clarence L.; Steinmetz, Sol; and Barnhart, Robert K. The Barn- hart Dictionary of New English Since 1963. Bronxville, N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1973. 512p. $12.95. 73-712. This is a dictionary of some 5,000 words which entered the English lan- guage between 1963 and 1972. As part of the selection process, suggested words were checked against the standard En- glish dictionaries and only those which had not appeared were approved for in- clusion here. Thus, 1963 is a flexible beginning date, and words (such as "Wasp") which were fairly common in the language before that date are in- cluded. Words not included are ''highly technical or scientific terms used largely /35 36 I College & Research Libraries • January 1974 in professional work, dialect and slang expressions of limited currency, nonce or figurative terms created for ephemer- al use, . . . and proper names or acro- nyms unless of extraordinary impor- tance or currency."-Explanatory notes. "Each entry has one or more quota- tions of a length sufficient to help con- vey the meaning and flavor of the term," and these are drawn from news- papers, magazines, and books published in England, Canada, or the United States. Emphasis is on "the utility of the quotation," and no attempt was made to give the earliest quotation available. Therefore the work's usefulness for strictly historical purposes is limited, and the reader is not given a clear indi- cation as to when the word became com- mon in the language. This qualification aside, the dictionary is entertaining to read and appears to be accurate and use- ful.-E.M. GoVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Bond, Maurice Francis. Guide to the Records of Parliament. London: HMSO, 1971. 352p. £3.25. 72-176284. The Clerk of Records of the House of Lords Record Office has compiled this guide to the published and unpub- lished "records preserved within the Pal- ace of Westminster: the records of both Houses of Parliament; all documents which have been presented to the two Houses or purchased by them; and the papers which have accumulated in the various Parliamentary and non-Parlia- mentary offices of the Palace. The ear- liest in date are those of the fifteenth century, the latest those of the 1969-70 session of Parliament." -Pref. Within the description of each class of documents the author has included historical notes and information on reader access as well as lists of pub- lished indexes and relevant books. There is a very good index. Scholars contemplating projects involving use of parliamentary documents should be grateful to Mr. Bond for easing pre- liminary research.-E.M. BIOGRAPHY Academic Who's Who, 1973-1974; Uni- versity Teachers in the British Isles in Arts, Educa-tion and Social Sci- ences. London: Black, [1973]. 52lp. $21.95. A new and long-needed reference source, this biographical dictionary aims to include university teachers in the British Isles "in all disciplines except the sciences, whose first appointment was more than five years ago." -Pref. Infor- mation was collected by questionnaire to the individual and corrected to Au- gust 1972. Compact entries, with liberal use of abbreviations, are arranged al- phabetically and include name, honors, degrees, present position, birth and mar- riage dates, number of children, educa- tion, past career, publications, and cur- rent address. A long list of the abbrevi- ations used is given. Biennial revision and publication are planned, and a vol- ume covering science and engineering teachers is under consideration.-R.K. Sen, Siba Pada, ed. Dictionary of N a- trional Biography. Calcutta: Inst. of Historical Studies, 1972- . v.l- . (In progress; to be in 4v.) Rs. 400 the set. 72-906859. Contents: v.l, A-D. Limited to the period 1800 to 1947, but including personalities from the whole of pre-1947 India, this promises to be an important biographical source for the area. It aims to deal with "peo- ple from all walks of life-politics, re- ligious and social reforms, education, journalism, literature, science, law, busi- ness and industry, etc.-who made some tangible contribution to national life from the beginning of the 19th century to the achievement of independence." -Pref. Some living persons are includ- Selected Reference Books of 1972-73 I 37 ed. Figures at the local as well as the national level are considered, but the in- dividual must not only have "achieved some reputation in his own sphere of work or profession but must also have made some contribution, either directly or indirectly, to the growth of national consciousness or development of soci- ety." In general, figures in the perform- ing arts and athletics are omitted, but are to be included in supplementary vol- umes. Articles are signed; bibliographies are appended. The four volumes for the 1800-1947 period are expected to encompass about 1,400 biographical sketches. Supplemen- tary volumes are planned for the 1947- 1972 period, and these will exclude liv- ing persons.-E.S. PIITLOSOPHY Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas. Philip P. Wiener, editor in chief. New York: Scribner's, [1973]. 4v. $35 per v. 72-7943. "The historian of ideas makes his particular contribution to knowledge by tracing the cultural roots and historical ramifications of the major and minor specialized concerns of the mind."- Pref. It is in the light of this notion that the Dictionary has been compiled. Its "pivotal ideas" are those of histori- cal importance in many disciplines, cul- tures and eras, chosen systematically from seven categories: nature and sci- ence; human nature; literature and art; history and historiography; economic, legal and political ideas and institu- tions; religion and philosophy; mathe- matics and logic. Treatment in long, signed, scholarly articles is cross-cultural, chronological, or analytical-often all three. There is an impressive list of con- tributors with indication of their arti- cles; bibliographies and cross-references are useful features. Until the projected index is published, readers must depend on the "analytical table of contents" and "list of articles" to locate informa- tion under such unfamiliar formula- tions (which appear in their alphabeti- cal place) as '1egal concept of free- dom" or "unity of science." -R.K. RELIGION Langevin, Paul-11:mile. Bibliographie bib- lique ... 1930-1970. Quebec: Presses de l'Universite Laval, 1972. 935p. 72- 225363. Title also in English, German, Itali- an, and Spanish. Gleaned from 356 Catholic books and periodicals, this bibliography is intend- ed for the Bible scholar interested in the Catholic point of view. The 21,294 citations (some of which are repetitions under a number of subject headings) in five Western languages have been or- ganized into a classed arrangement with five principal divisions: Introduction to the Bible; Old Testament; New Testa- ment; Jesus Christ; and Biblical themes. In accordance with the multilingual character of the work, the several hun- dred subject headings used as subdivi- sions are given in separate indexes for French, English, German, Italian, and Spanish. There is also an author index. In a tipped-in note the author prom- ises to make up for the narrowness of the work's theological scope by publish- ing a second volume in about four years' time, which will cover the same period and will be ecumenically inclu- sive. Until then, the present volume will surely be of great use to those who need its viewpoint, and it can serve as a mod- el to all for its bibliographic clarity and careful organization.-E.L.K. Lehmann, Ruth Pauline. Anglo-Jewish Bibliography, 1937-1970. London: Jewish Historical Society of England, 1973. 364p. £5. 73-159467. Modeled on the Magna BibUotheca Anglo-]udaica (Guide BB292) and the 38 I College & Research Libraries • January 1974 Nova Bibliotheca Anglo-]udaica (Guide BB286), the main focus of this classi- fied bibliography is the history of the Jew in Great Britain, and it serves to update and supplement the material found in the earlier volumes. However, Lehmann (who also compiled the Nova Bibliotheca) has not attempted to up- date the historical source material listed in Cecil Roth's Magna Bibliotheca. Periodical articles make up a large portion of the material included, but other published and unpublished items -books, pamphlets, conference pro- ceedings, and programs of synagogue services-are listed. In addition to the author I subject index, there is a detailed table of contents which affords subject access. The author has supplied brief descriptive notes for titles which are not indicative of content, and analytics are provided where necessary. Inasmuch as this is not intended as an exhaustive bibliography, the user is cautioned to consult basic British sources for supple- mentary information. On the whole, this scholarly and thorough bibliogra- phy follows in the tradition of its pred- ecessors mentioned above, which are standard in the field of Jewish bibliog- raphy.-B.W. LITERATURE Contemporary Literary Criticism. De- troit: Gale Research 1973- . v.1- . $25 per v. 76-38938. This is the first in a projected series of volumes which will quote excerpts from previously printed criticism on im- portant contemporary literary figures. In this first volume about 1,100 excerpts are included regarding 200 authors from various countries, who are living or have died since 1960; all excerpts are in English, and have been chosen from books and periodical articles published within the past twenty-five years. The authors included may have written sci- ence fiction, detective novels, or fantasy, as well as the more conventional types of fiction, drama, or poetry; some evalu- ations of nonfiction are also included if this genre is significant for a particu- lar author, e.g., James Baldwin or Paul Goodman. A brief note on each au- thor's significance usually includes a ref- erence to his appearance in the Gale series Contemporary Authors. A second volume is promised for late 1973; it will · include new authors, new material on authors previously considered, and cu- mulative indexes of authors and critics. The new series will probably remind users of the Ungar Library of Literary Criticism for modern British, American, German, Romance, and Slavic litera- tures ( Suppl. IBD42, 2BD85, 3BD37). While the Ungar arrangement (excerpts grouped under an author's individual titles) is more convenient for ready ref- erence, C LC seems to take a greater number of quotations from books and essays than from contemporary book re- views. Physical format of the new series is attractive and sturdy, and the biblio- graphical references are adequate.- D.G. Jahn, Jahnheinz; Schild, Ulla; and Nord- mann, Almut. Who's Who in African Literature; Biographies~ Works~ Com- mentaries. Tubingen: Erdmann for the German Africa Society, 1972. 406p. il. $15. In this companion volume to J ahn' s Bibliography of Creative African Writ- ing · ( 1971), more than 400 modem sub- Saharan authors who have written in African and European languages are represented. Novelists, poets, essayists, critics-even politicians, if they are au- thors of creative works-are included. The literatures of North Africa and Ethiopia are excluded. Biographical sketches appear in alphabetic order. In- tentionally short, and admittedly un- even, they cover name, dates, country, education, career, and book titles. Where possible, critical comments are Selected Reference Books of 1972-73 I 39 quoted with authors of the critiques mentioned but sources omitted; biblio- graphical details for such criticism and for titles mentioned in the articles ap- pear in J ahn' s Bibliography . . . , to which the reader is referred. Two lists are appended: "Authors grouped by lan- guages" and "Authors grouped by coun- tries." Photographic portraits of many of the subjects illustrate the work.- R.K. Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900- 1930; the Beginnings of the Modern Period. Cambridge: University Pr., 1973. 1083p. $55. 70-171679. Inasmuch as the final volume of Al- lardyce Nicoll's six-volume History of English Drama, 1660--1900 (Guide BD 373) appeared in 1959, this volume comes as a kind of bonus. "The present book," the author explains, ". . . both is and is not a continuation of the more extended 'history' concerned with the years 1660-1900. It is a separate volume: yet it could not have come into being if the theatrical activities of the preceding ages had not already been examined." In addition to the historical survey of the course of drama in the British Isles during the period, there is an impressive "Handlist of plays" ( p.452-1053) sim- ilar to those found at the end of each volume of the earlier work, and a good index.-E.S. Place, Jean-Michel and Vasseur, Andre Bibliographie des revues e.t journaux litteraires des xrxe et xxe siecles. Paris: Editions de la Chronique des Lettres Franc;aises, 1973- . v.l- . (In progress) v.1, 250F. 73-162181. This bibliography promises to be the most complete and detailed listing of French literary periodicals, both little magazines and established reviews, pub- lished during the nineteenth and twen- tieth centuries. The descriptions, vary- ing in length from a few pages to more than a hundred, include for each peri- odical a reproduction of the cover, changes in title (if any), frequency (both announced and actual), place of publication, format, advertising matter, volume numbering, price, the names of the editors, and full listing of the con- tents of each number, with pagination. Students of literature will be pleased to find, in addition, a history of each jour- nal, a list of collaborators, excerpts from important or representative arti- cles, and contemporary views of the magazines. Titles will be listed as the in- formation becomes available, and in- dexes will appear when the set is com- plete. One only wishes that locations had been provided: a check of the Biblio- theque Nationale's Catalogue collectif des periodiques reveals that reporting li- braries hold a complete set of only four out of the seven titles in the first vol- ume. It is unfortunate that such rare material, which the editors admit to be "pratiquement introuvables sur le mar- che et qui ne figurent que rarement au catalogues des principales bibliotheques franc;aises et etrangeres" cannot be mi- crofilmed and made widely available.- N.S. THEATER ARTS Schoolcraft, Ralph Newman. Perform- ing Arts Books in Print; an Annotat- ed Bibliography. New York: Drama Book Specialists, [1973]. 761p. $32.50. 72-78909. Among the features which distinguish this work, a "thoroughly revised, rewrit- ten, and updated edition of Theatre Books in Print" [Suppl. 1BG2] from its predecessor are the greatly expanded sections on dance and motion pictures and an entirely new section on "Mass Media and the Popular Arts." However, the basic concept of the work as an an- notated guide to the books currently in print remains the same. While seeking to cover all books on the performing arts now available in English in the 40 I College & Research Libraries • January 1974 United States, it includes books in other languages "only when they treat an as- pect of theatre not fully covered by works in English."-Introd. Further- more, "no plays or collections of plays are included except those of Shake- speare, or those scholarly editions which provide, in addition to a text, an exten- sive study of the background, the style, the playwright's intentions, etc." Subject access to the approximately 12,000 entries is provided for only by the classification system under which they are arranged. This consists of four major divisions: Books on Theatre and Drama; Books on the Technical Arts of the Theatre; Books on Motion Pictures, Television, and Radio; Books on the Mass Media and the Popular Arts. These are further broken down under appropriate geographical, historical, bio- graphical, technical, and/ or generic headings, but for the most part the sub- divisions do not delineate specific sub- jects. Descriptive annotations indicate the content and general thesis of a work, and call attention to bibliogra- phies, indexes, illustrations, or other special features. A certain amount of inconvenience results from the division of the work into two sections, the first containing works published before De- cember 31, 1970, and the second those published during 1971. Fortunately there is a single author I editor index and a single title index for the two sec- tions. With its broad interpretation and cov- erage of the performing arts and its an- notations, this serves as a valuable list of currently available material. A sup- plement, Annotated Bibliography of New Publications in the Performing Arts, now appears quarterly to cover books published since 1971.-A.L. Young, William C. Documents of Amer- ican Theater History. Chicago: Amer- ican Library Assoc., 1973- . v.1- . il. (In progress) $25 per v. Contents: v.1, Famous American play- houses, 1716-1899; v.2, Famous Ameri- can playhouses, 1900-1971. When completed, this series will con- stitute "a multivolume anthology of primary and secondary source reading . . . intended as a basic reference tool for librarians, scholars, students, and others interested in the American thea- ter." -Pref. Types of documents in- clude diaries, letters, journals, autobiog- raphies, newspaper articles and reviews, magazine articles, playbills, publicity materials, and architectural descriptions. Most sources are contemporary with the event or matter under consideration, but more modern sources are sometimes quoted. Verbatim transcripts of the doc- uments are given. The first two volumes are concerned with the physical structure of 199 Amer- ican playhouses, criteria for selection having been historical, architectural, so- cial, and cultural importance. Within the overall chronological arrangement there are sections for New York thea- ters, regional theaters, etc., with chrono- logical arrangement therein. Each vol- ume has three indexes: alphabetical by name; geographical by location; and personal name and theatrical specialties. Further volumes are to deal with actors and actresses, designers, directors and producers, playwrights, and major events of American theater history. A fascinat- ing find for the browser, the set will provide a wealth of information for the research worker.-E.S. EDUCATION Willingham, Warren W. The Source Book for Higher Education: A Guide to Literature and Information on Access to Higher Education. New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1973. 481 p. $15. 72-97458. Access to higher education as under- stood by the author of this work in- cludes "all the factors that influence Selected Reference Books of 1972-73 I 41 young people's aspirations for higher education; the social and financial bar- riers to education; and those aspects of the whole process that determine wheth- er educational opportunity is real and worthwhile." -Pref. As a consequence of this broad definition of its subject area, the bibliography touches on a great many general social issues of the day, most notably the status of women and racial minorities in society. An at- tempt has been made to select for inclu- sion the most important contributions to the literature over the last ten years or so. Arrangement is based on a conceptual framework constructed by the author and displayed graphically in chart form; the reader beginning a subject search will need to use the chart as a guide. Author and title indexes increase the usefulness of the work. Each topical section is preceded by introductory para- graphs which provide an evaluation of the literature on that topic. The entries themselves contain good descriptive an- notations. One important additional feature is a section on "Access Agents" and "Sources of Information" which describes organizations (e.g., research centers ) , special programs, periodicals, and other special resources. All in all this should prove a very useful bibliog- raphy for both education specialists and researchers in related fields.-D.A.S. ANTHROPOLOGY Saito, Shiro. Philippine Ethnography; a Crritically Annotated and Selected Bibliography. Honolulu: Univ. Pr. of Hawaii, [1972]. 512p. $12. (East-West bibliographic series, 2) 72-92068. This bibliography will provide direc- tion for the researcher, graduate stu- dent, or librarian seeking a good foun- dation in the literature of Philip- pine ethnography. Its materials include books, journal articles, mimeographed papers, and official publications in West- ern languages from the early Spanish period through 1968 in the field of cul- tural anthropology. Most of the entries have signed annotations and are rated on a scale of one to five-"poor" to "excellent primary data." Physical an- thropology is excluded unless an item deals with a specific cultural-language group; folklore and linguistics have been deemphasized because they are cov- ered by other bibliographies. Four main sections (General; Luzon; The Bisayan and Palawan Islands; Min- danao and Sulu) are each subdivided by subject, with an additional cultural- linguistic breakdown for the geographi- cal areas. The compiler has adapted the subject headings of G. P. Murdock's Outline of Cultural Materials (4th rev. ed. New Haven, HRAF, 1967) for use here, and explains how those headings may be used to pursue an elusive topic which may not appear in the table of contents or guide to subject headings of the present work. This suggests another aspect of the volume's usefulness as a basic tool: its introductory discussion of nther major sources covering the field.- M.M. STATISTICS American Statistics Index ... A Com- prehensive Guide and Index to the Statistical Publications of the U.S. Government, 1973- . Washington: Congressional Information Service, 1973- . Annual, with monthly sup- plements. $790 per yr. 73-82599. Contents: pt.1, Index; pt.2, Abstracts. The stated aim of this service is to be a master guide to the statistical publica- tions of the United States government. At present that goal has not been fully realized: currently, the work lists only those statistical compilations issued by "people-related" agencies; coverage of agencies dealing primarily with "eco- nomic-activity" statistics will begin in 1974. Publications issued periodically, either regularly or irregularly, as well 42 I College & Research Libraries • January 1974 as monographic titles are listed so long as they are items available to the public. Materials which give statistical informa- tion in nontabular as well as tabular form and "statistics related" publica- tions (such as bibliographies and Con- gressional committee hearings) are in- cluded if they conform to all other cri- teria for inclusion. Abstracts are arranged by accession numbers which indicate the issuing agency and the type of publication; thus, all periodical publications of the Bureau of the Census are listed togeth- er. There is a subject/name index, an index by categories (i.e., with geograph- ic, demographic, and economic break- downs), and a title index. A detailed ex- planation of the sample abstracts ap- pears in both the index volume and the abstracts volume, and apparently every effort has been made to make ASI as use- ful and understandable as possible. Monthly supplements (only eight of which are to appear in 1973) are also is- sued in two parts; they report changes on publications included in the annual volume and provide information on new publications.-B.W. PoLITICAL SciENCE Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe; histori- sches Lexikon zur politischsozialen Sparche in Deutschland. Hrsg. von Otto Brunner, Werner Conze, Rein- hart Koselleck. Stuttgart, Ernst Klett Verlag, [1972- ]. v.1- . (In prog- ress) Contents: v.1, Adel-Diktatur. When complete in four volumes, this new work will offer long, monographic articles on about 130 socio-political terms and concepts. The first volume in- cludes twenty-two articles by as many scholars working singly or in collabora- tion. Articles are signed, range in length from about twenty to eighty pages, and include many bibliographic references; they are presented in alphabetical se- quence, with occasional grouping of closely related terms (e.g., "Bund, Biind- nis, Foderalismus, Bundesstaat," p.582- 671; "Casarismus, Napoleonismus, Bona- partismus, Fuhrer, Chef, Imperialismus," p.726-71). Each entry is systematically treated: an introductory section giving the derivation and meanings of the term is followed by sections tracing its history and development in social, po- litical, and philosophical contexts from earliest times to the present. A headnote for each entry outlines the subsections under which the term is discussed. A general "Bibliographie der Lexika, Worterbiicher und Nachschlagewerke" appears at the end of the first volume, p.93Q-48.-E.S. INTERNATIONAL 0RGANIZA TIONS Reno, Edward A. League of Nations Documents, 1919-1946; a Descriptive Guide and Key to the Microfilm Col- lection. New Haven, Conn.: Research Publications, Inc., 1973- . v.1- . (To be in 3v.; $500 the set) 73-3061. Contents: v.1, Subject categories IA through IV. 282p. Working from several more or less complete sets of League of Nations documents found in the libraries of the United Nations in New York and Ge- neva, Research Publications, Inc. has prepared a microfilm edition of League documents which is as complete as any that is likely to be assembled. Inasmuch as the microfilm set includes large num- bers of working papers and documents never revised for formal publication, it covers a great many items not found in Marie Carroll's Key to League of N a- tions Documents (Guide CJ143) and the League's own catalogs, since those volumes were concerned only with items placed on public sale. The work under consideration, then, is a guide prepared expressly for use with the microfilm edi- Selected Reference Books of 1972-73 I 43 tion, but one which should also prove independently useful. In the microfilm edition documents have been grouped according to eigh- teen subject categories, then by type of document (e.g., Council documents, Cir- cular letters), then chronologically. This first volume of the guide deals with categories lA, Administrative Commis- sions; IB, Minorities; IIA, Financial questions; liB, Economic questions; III, Health; and IV, Social questions. For each item is given: the document num- ber, place of issue if other than Ge- neva, subject title of the document, and a descriptive abstract. Listings in the guide follow the filming sequence, and reel indicators are provided at appropri- ate intervals. Two further volumes will provide similar treatment for the re- maining subject categories. Although one might wish for more specific subject indexing beyond the broad categories, the descriptive notes will be a valuable aid to the research worker and are clearly the result of much painstaking work. On the whole, the guide shows a concern for effective use not often found in connection with large-scale microform publications.- E.S. HISTORY & AREA STUDIES Birkos, Alexander S. and Tambs, Lew- is A. Latin American Studies. [Kent, Ohio] Kent State Univ. Pr., [c1971]. 359p. (Academic writer's guide tope- riodicals, 1) 70-160685. ' ---East European and Slavic Stud- ies. [Kent, Ohio] Kent State Univ. Pr., [c1973]. 572p. (Academic writ- er's guide to periodicals, 2) $7.50. 70- 160685. These are the first titles in a projected seven-volume area studies series; subse- quent volumes will deal with Mrica, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific area, Western Europe and Scandinavia, and the United States and Canada. Each volume lists current serials and mono- graphic series which accept English-lan- guage articles for publication. Information given for each serial in- cludes: editor, address, sponsor, fre- quency, editorial interest (in terms of chronological period, geography, and topical subject), editorial policy, and notes on abstracting, indexing, and spe- cial features. There are four indexes -general, chronological, geographical, and broad topical-which list journals that are either unrestricted in scope, or restricted in terms of chronology, geog- raphy, and/ or topic. These indexes should help the user determine which serials he wishes to consult or submit manuscripts to. The detailed notes on editorial policy with regard to length of manuscript, payment, style manual, or bibliographic apparatus preferred, etc., are informative and useful to the would-be contributor.-D.G. Simmons, John Simon Gabriel. Russian Bibliography, Libraries, and Archives. [Twickenham, Eng.: Anthony C. Hall] 1973. 76p. £1. Although the specific purpose of this bibliography of bibliographies is to aid the student in Russian studies at Ox- ford, it will serve equally well else- where. The author, Slavonic librarian at Oxford, here makes available the lat- est edition of bibliographic aids pre- pared for students taking his course in Russian bibliography. Assembled on the basis of personal inspection of the items, the lists include 714 selected citations for Russian and a few Western language bibliographies ranging in form from monographs and serials to encyclopedias and biographical dictionaries with substantial bibliogra- phies, and guides to libraries and ar- chives. Works are arranged in seven sec- tions: general bibliographies; Russian history; literature; political and social 44 I College & Research Libraries • January 1974 thought; philosophy; theology; and lin- guistics. In addition to an abbreviations list and author and title indexes, three appendixes have been added to make the compilation more generally useful. These are ( 1) a transliteration table, ( 2) notes on the "Granat" encyclopedia, and ( 3) a table of reprint information. A further aid is the inclusion of loca- tion symbols for eight British and American libraries. Although critical an- notations would' have been welcome in the absence of the lectures which would elaborate this work, the volume will still be very helpful as a guide to the loca- tion of highly useful materials, many of them tucked away in out-of-the-way sources.-E.L.K. Thibault, Claude. Bibliographia Cana- diana. [Don Mills, Ont.] : Longman [1973]. 795p. $25. In offering his "one 'easy' volume [of] the major printed sources and writings in the field," the author lists more than 25,000 items (books to 1970; articles to 1969) in a comprehensive bilingual bibliography which should prove indispensable to students and re- searchers to Canadian history, and al- most equally useful to students of the early period of American history. Ma- terials were selected for national, rather than local or regional relevance, and for trends in historiography. Arrangement is topical and chronological. After sec- tions on general materials and special subjects, a chronological order is fol- lowed. Entries are serially numbered; periodical abbreviations are listed. Pref- atory matter and terms used in the in- dex and table of contents appear in both French and English. The table of contents carefully delineates subdivi- sions of the work, and thus supplements the index which is less specific than it might be.-R.K. Walne, Peter, ed. A Guide to Manu- script Sources for the History of Lat- in America and the Caribbean in the British Isles. [London] : Oxford Univ. Pr. in collaboration with Inst. of Latin American Studies, Univ. of London, 1973. 580p. £12.50. 73- 165634. Part of a series sponsored by th~ In- ternational Council on Archives, this ex- tensive guide surveys the archival and manuscript sources for the history of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Philippine Islands preserved in public and private repositories in the British Isles. For England the listing is alpha- betical by county, then city; Scottish, Welsh and Irish locations follow in the same scheme. Archives of business form a separate section, and here repositories are grouped under the appropriate term rather than by geography (i.e., banking and finance, mining, railways). The ap- pendix, "The British in South America -an archive report," is a reprinting of a 1965 article which surveys archival col- lections located throughout South Amer- ica. Descriptions of materials are usual- ly short and include the series, class mark, or manuscript number. A very full index of names, places, and sub- jects impresses even the superficial read- er with the wealth of materials listed for social, economic, and political his- torians.-R.K. NEW EDITIONS AND CONTINUATIONS The Bibliotheque Nationale has be- gun to issue a ten-year cumulation of its Catalogue general des livres im- primes: auteurs, collectivites-auteurs, an- onymes, 1960-69 (Paris: 1972- ), which will extend and supersede the 1960-64 edition ( Suppl. 1AA16, 2AA16). Works in Latin and non-Latin alpha- bets are segregated as in the earlier set, and a single volume has been received of each series: Serie 1, Caracteres latins, t.1, A-At; Serie 2, Caracteres non latins, t.1, Caracteres hebra1ques. Selected Reference Books of 1972-73 I 45 Recent additions to the Harvard Li- brary's "Widener Shelflist" series ( Suppl. 1AA13, 2AA14, 3AA11) include no. 42--43, ' Philosophy and Psychology (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Lib., 1973. 2v. $95); no.45-46, Sociology (Cam- bridge: 1973. 2v. $85); and no.47-48, French Literature (Cambridge: 1973. 2v. $75). Each title represents another substantial segment of the Harvard col- lections; all are computer-produced and follow the now familiar practice of presenting the classification schedule followed by classified, chronological, and author/title listings. The Oral History Collection of Co- lu mbia University, edited by Elizabeth B. Mason and Louis M. Starr (New York: Oral Hist. Res. Off., 1973. 459p. $12.50), represents a third edition of the catalog of this oldest and largest of such collections, and appears on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the project. There are entries under nearly 2, 700 names in the alphabetical sequence, fol- lowed by an index of broad subjects and an index of names mentioned in the descriptive annotations. · Cos by Brinkley's Directory of I nsti- tutional Photocopying Services ( Suppl. 3AB21) appeared under varying titles from 1959 to 1969. A fifth edition, edit- ed by Joseph Z. Nitecki (Weston, Conn.: Microform Review, 1973. 105p. $4), has the title Directory of Library Reprographic Services and provides in- formation on types of photocopying services, charges, time required for fill- ing orders, etc., at 242 libraries through- out the United States and Canada and a few libraries abroad. Long one of the best and most used desk dictionaries, Webster's New Colle- giate Dictionary (Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam, 1973. 1535p. $7.95) has appeared in an eighth edition. The publisher claims more than 150,000 en- tries in this edition, with some 22,000 new words and meanings represented. The French-English part of Harrap's New Standard French and English Dic- tionary (Guide AE230) is now available in a "completely revised and enlarged edition" under the editorship of R. P. L. Ledesert and Margaret Ledesert (London: Harrap; New York: Scrib- ner's, 1972. 2v. $49.50). Whereas this re- vision of "Mansion" boasts a new lay- out and the addition of numerous tech- nical terms, scholars have noted a fail- ure to sufficiently update many of the older entries. . Volume 10, 1871 to 1880, edited by Marc La Terreur (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1972. 823p. ), is the third volume of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography ( Suppl. 1AJ10, 3AJ19) to be published. It deals with persons who died between the years indicated and in- cludes biographies of 57 4 persons by 256 scholar contributors. Like the previ- ous volumes, it appears simultaneously in English and French editions. Contin- uing the 1901-35 necrology (Guide BD579), a new volume complementary to Kiirschners deutscher Literatur-Kalen- der has appeared as its N ekrolog 1936- 1970 (Berlin, W. de Gruyter, 1973. 871 p. ) under the editorship of Werner Schuder. It includes biographical sketch- es of persons appearing in the Litera- tur-Kalender who died during the 1936-- 70 period, with indication of place and date of death. Burke and Howe's American Authors and Books (Guide BD214) has been published in a "3d rev. ed." (New York: Crown, 1972. 719p. $12.50) under the editorship of Irving and Anne Weiss. Material has been updated to 1970. Poetry anthologies published through December 31, 1970 are indexed in the 6th edition of Granger's Index to Poetry (New York: Columbia Univ. Pr., 1973. 2223p. $80), edited by Wil- liam J. Smith. A total of 514 antholo- gies are indexed, 114 of them being new volumes or new editions of older works which are indexed here for the first time. 46 I College & Research Libraries • January 1974 Compiled by Donald J. Munro, Writ- ings on British History, 1946-48 (Lon- don: Univ. of London, Inst. of Hist. Res., 1973. 622p. £12), is the first vol- ume to be published since the series (Guide DC 128, Suppl. 2DC16, 3DC20) was taken over from the Royal Histori- cal Society by the Institute of Historical Research. It shows some modification in the classification (with a view to making long sections more manageable) and, in general, items are noted only in a single section rather than being given multiple listings as in earlier volumes. A second volume of the "Office-Holders in Mod- em Britain" series is devoted to Officials of the Secretaries of State, 1660-1782 (London: Athlone Pr., 1973. 119p. £4.50). Like its predecessor, the volume is compiled by J. C. Sainty; it is "de- signed to make available lists of the of- ficials who served in the offices of the Secretaries of State between the Res- toration in May 1660 and the reorgani- zation of the secretariat which took place in March 1782." An introductory history of the offices is presented along with the lists.-E.S.