College and Research Libraries BEVERLY P. LYNCH A Framework for a Comparative Analysis of Library Work A measure of organizational technology was developed to compare the work of fifteen functional departments in three academic ~ li- braries. The s.tudy suggests that work performed in various depart- ments of academic libraries is similar regardless of the department and that, in general, predictable events, routine operations, and rela- tively low knowledge requirements constitute the technologies or work of the departments. ALTHOUGH MANY ASSUMPTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE about the comparative na- ture of library work, 1 few investigators have analyzed library work systematical- ly and empirically so that the work of one library department can be compared with that of another. Recent analyses have been made at the task level, not at the job or departmental level, with the purpose of determining which tasks, as- sumed to be routine, can be assigned to a clerical employee and which tasks, as- sumed to be discretionary, must be per- formed by a professional librarian. 2 The investigation reported in this paper makes no assumptions about the nature of library tasks. 3 It studies the charac- teristics of library work and develops a measure of the work of library de- partments that, though administered to individuals, permits the aggregation of individual scores in order to produce a single departmental score that can be compared to other departmental scores. The framework for the study is de- rived from the work of Charles Perrow, Beverly P. Lynch is executive secretary, Association of College and Research Li- braries. 432/ who defines organizational technology as the actions that an individual per- forms on an object, with or without the aid of tools or mechanical devices, in order to make some change in that object. The object, or "raw material" may be a living being, human or oth- erwise, a symbol or an inanimate ob- ject.4 For the purposes of the study three di- mensions of the nature of work, that is, technology, are considered: materials technology, the nature of the raw mate- rials entering a department; operations technology, the nature of the tech- niques used to convert the raw materials into finished products; and knowledge technology, what the organization's members must know in order to convert the materials into the finished product or service. Perrow's theory of technology makes possible a comparison of library depart- ments by an analysis of their work into three measurable and common ele- ments: the materials or events that are the cause or subject of the work; the methods or search strategies that are used to do the work; and the knowledge that the workers must have to complete the work. If these elements are demon- strably common ones and can be mea- sured, then library departments can be compared systematically and empirical- ly. THEORY OF ORGANIZATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND METHODOLOGICAL IssUEs Perrow's theory has influenced many recent investigations in complex organi- zations.5 However, current studies on technology have remained exploratory because the boundaries of the construct, technology, still are not clear, and the operational variables drawn upon to measure it, that is the .. domain of ob- servables,''6 are so large that it is difficult to decide which variables to include. In- vestigators might agree on some of the prominent observables related to tech- nology, but they dispute the inclusion of others. The diHerences among the studies of Woodward, the Aston group, Rage and Aiken, and Perrow reflect the current disagreements on the definition of tech- nology and methods of measure- ment. 7- 10 Woodward and the Aston group define and measure technology at the system level, using methods of ob- servation and interviews with top ad- ministrators. Woodward defines technol- ogy according to the technical complexi- ty of the production processes. The As- ton group considers the level of auto- mated machinery and other techniques the organization uses in its workflow. Both concepts of technology are suit- able primarily in the study of large industrial organizations and are con- cepts easily measured by observation or by information obtained from key in- formants. Woodward pioneered in classifying industrial production, in terms not of its organization but of its technology and according to the technical complexi- ty of the overall productive process. She achieved this rationale by a reanalysis of her data after a fruitless attempt to Comparative Analysis I 433 understand the conduct of one hundred businesses using classical principles of management. Woodward's insight di- rected subsequent investigators to view technology as a crucial variable. The definitions of Zwerman, Fullan, Meiss- ner, and Grimes, Klein, and Shull large- ly embody her viewpoint that technolo- gy is to be measured by the complexity of the whole system of production.ll-14 To Woodward's understanding of technology as an entire production sys- tem, the Aston group added analysis and measurement of the characteristics of such a system, largely in terms of the concept workflow. As one of its five measures, the group employed the de- gree of automation of production equipment. Although the idea of work- How serves as a valuable generalizing concept for systems of industrial pro- duction, it appears inadequate to ex- plain the technology of certain other organizations. The Aston group, measur- ing technology in terms of workflow characteristics, was unable to distin- guish among service organizations - on the basis of technology. Woodward's important contribution in bringing a new variable, technology, into the study of organizations was lim- ited in its conception to industrial pro- ducers. Perrow, by extending the theo- retical perspective, freed investigators from this limitation. By identifying materials, operations, and knowledge as aspects of technology, Perrow extended the boundaries of organizational tech- nology beyond the confines of produc- tion systems. Perrow and the team of Rage and Aiken define and measure technology at the individual level; thus procedures and work characteristics at the system level are excluded from their measures. Instead, they ask many individuals in the organization about their work and aggregate the responses for an organi- zational score. Rage and Aiken base their study on Perrow's theory but de- 434 I College & Research Libraries • November 1974 fine technology as overall routineness in the work. They measure the technolo- gies of social ·welfare and health agen- cies by means of structured interviews with professional staff members selected from various levels in the organization. Perrow measures the technology of in- dustrial firms through questionnaires submitted to all salaried-exempt employ- ees, that is, foremen and above. The re- sults of · the Hage and Aiken study and the Perrow study suggest that Perrow's theory of technology can produce a comparable measure of the work done in a variety of organizational settings. It is not a simple matter to separate the conceptual or theoretical issues from the empirical issues or issues of method. The attempt to apply Perrow's theory of technology to library work in this study had important consequences for the research design. The method used to investigate library technologies followed that used by Perrow and Hage and Aiken. Individuals in various li- brary departments were asked questions about their work. The answers to the questions then were aggregated to get departmental scores. Although this method can be criticized for reflecting only attitudes about work and not the work its·elf, it was an assumption of this study, as it was in the other studies, that the characteristics of work itself are being measured. Organizational research has not yet determined which individuals to ask in order to get an organizational score and how to aggregate individual scores. Some investigators base their scores on the responses of managers or a few top administrators in each organization. Others select their respondents accord- ing to social position, weighting posi- tions to reflect their differential impor- tanc.e. Perrow asks all salaried~exempt employees, but he suggests that in the study of some organizations it would be ·important to survey all personnel.15 ·Each of these methods has its prob- lems. Some research · suggests that the participant's perception of · the organiza- tion is a function of his location in the organization.16 By relying upon the re- sponses of one or several respondents, the investigator assumes that the percep- tions of his respondents are the same as those of other participants . in the orga- nization and that the variable under study is observable on all dimensions. By sampling respondents ·in various so- cial positions, the investigator encoun- ters complex problems concerning the selection of positions, the weighting of positions to reflect their differential im~ portance, and the treatment ·of indi- viduals having multiple roles. If he weights the from' all full-time people equally, he might bias the de- partmental score in favor of those posi- tions most frequently occurring and neglect the important characteristic of differentiation in social structUre. RESEARCH DESIGN AND MEASUREMENT Departments assigned the functions of book selection, acquisitions, catalog- ing, circulation, and . refer~nce in the main library of three large academic li- braries were selected for study. These departments perform the 'central core of library activities and can be found in most large academic ' libraries. Al- though these five operational functions were studied in all three lihraries, the organizational patterns so varied that six departments were studied in one li- brary, five in the second, and only four in the third~ An effort was made . to .match the li- braries according to size of budget, size of staff, and number of d<;>ctoral pro- grams maintained by the universities in which the libraries are loc~ted. As the libraries were guaranteed anonymity, their exact size, location, . and historical development cannot be diSClosed. Measuring of Technology The major instrument used to gather the data · was ·a precoded~ ·· f6rced-choice questionnaire.17 The respondents were able to answer a majority of the ques- tions on a one-to-::seven Likert-type scale which specified extreme values, for ex~ ample, "definitely true" to "definitely false." The questionnaire items were de-· signed to measure the theoretical cate- gories that correspond to the Perrow model and to previous research on tech- nology. The purpose was to draw up an inclusive list of content ideas and items under each category. The literature on technology and work, the descriptive case studies of organizations, and the li- brary literature provided the basis for the questions. In order to control for questions on routineness that · might re- flect an individual's satisfaction With his job rather than the nature of his job, measures of satisfaction used by other investigators were included in the ques- · tionnaire. The questionnaires were dis- tributed to all full-time staff members, both professional and clerical, in each. of the departments being studied. . It was assumed that the reality of depart-. .Comparative Analysis I 435 mental technology would be reflected more closely in the aggregation of scores of all full-time staff members than in the aggregation of any other group. · Factor analysis and item analysis tech- niques were used in the scale construc- tion.18 Eighty-eight variables from the questionnaire were analyzed in the first factor analysis. The questionnaires re- tunied from the respondents in the · fif- teen departments were merged into one data set ( N = 384) in order to have a ratio of four cases to one variable. Be- fore the data were merged, the distribu- tion on the responses to the questions from each library wa.s compared. The distributions were similar on nearly all questions. The risk of distortion from merging appeared minimal. Ten major factors emerged in the first analysis. These factors are reported in · Table 1. The questionnaire items forming the factors are listed in the Appendix. Scales then were constructed for each factor from questionnaire items that loaded .4 or above on that factor. Scores TABLE 1 FACTOR LoADINGS: FACTOR ANALYSIS OF QuESTIONNAIRE lTEMs 0 Item Factorst Numbert II III IV v VI VII VIII I .756 . .039 .086 .195 -.001 .086 .023 -.035 \ 2 .574 .254 -.086 .253 -.091 .088 .028 .235 3 .030 .762 -.037 .197 -.033 .055 .064 -.058 4 .061 ·.731 .040 .307 .031 -.005 -.052 .010 5 .015 .018 -'.692 .103 -.022 - .016 -.049 .. 219 6 .117 .149 .422 .387 -.002 -.125 -.149 -.032 . 7 . . 186 -.009 .400 .285 -.082 .157 -.098 - .046 8 .034 . .051 - .045 .794 .072 .006 .130 .181 9 .038 : .. 034 .061 .783 .042 ' -.048 .457 .386 10 ·.059 .. ..009 -.064 .758 -.028 -.012 .116 .273 11 .017 .067 .064 .758 -.034 .031 .078 ' .117 12 .065 -.046 -.153 .716 -.018 .038 .101 .083 13 . -:~027 . .118 -.041 .. 692 .102 .103. .091 .143 14 .030 .189 .110 .669 .039 .106 -.044 .102 15 . . 178. . \"' .029 ,.061 .501 .083 :-.242 .125 .114 16 ...:.064 . 076 .024 .570 -.014 -.027 . -.116 -.020 0 Varimax orthogonal rotation; principal component analysis. Loadings 2'::: .4 are underlined. t See Appendix . for listing of forty-six items and ten factors. · IX X .027 .017 .052 -.145 .016 .025 -.081 .101 -.035 .049 .002 -.049 -.028 -.009 .012 . . 103 .079 .013 -.018 .158 -.053 .156 -.003 .094 .026 .071 .052 .118 -.027 -.039 -.062 .100 436/ College & Research Libraries • November 1974 TABLE I -Continued Item Numbert 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 .163 .010 .212 -.169 .084 -.034 .067 .091 -.007 .035 -.038 .136 -.015 .112 -.053 .002 .070 .015 .076 -.087 -.003 .060 -.107 -.083 .040 -.080 .044 II .158 .222 .165 .032 -.043 .064 .154 .032 .034 -.028 .001 .006 .059 .051 -.063 .048 .030 -.117 .032 -.087 -.004 .113 -.161 -.128 .193 .042 .060 III .060 -.063 -.039 .030 .047 -.056 .012 .027 -.074 .041 - .032 -.080 -.015 -.048 -.157 -.068 -.192 .125 -.086 -.044 .086 -.026 -.090 -.011 -.012 -.051 -.050 -.063 .091 .016 .089 -.072 -.144 -.021 .092 .203 IV .604 .548 .532 .018 .090 .121 .136 .018 .350 .144 .425 .577 .319 .184 .192 .486 .126 .124 .220 .008 .127 .107 -.199 .004 -.188 .315 .316 .327 .139 .166 representing each factor scale were con- structed by first coding the items in the appropriate direction and then adding them together. The simple procedure of adding item scores in order to get a fac- tor score produces results almost iden- tical with the more elaborate procedures necessary to compute scores from the item factor loadings.19 A correlation matrix of these scores then was comput- ed and a principal components factor analysis was calculated on the matrix using the varimax rotation. Three major factors reported in Table 2 emerged in Factorst V VI VII -.064 .169 .080 .740 .651 .639 .054 .219 -.028 -.018 .015 .079 .093 .069 -.021 .035 .032 -.020 -.057 -.131 .062 .129 -.037 -.143 .174 .038 .022 .086 .054 .160 .074 .127 -.030 .232 .007 .162 .037 -.020 -.048 .654 .081 .726 .007 -.057 .457 .085 .747 -.038 -.136 -.047 -.014 .038 -.050 -.042 -.081 .028 .066 -.022 .002 .151 .070 .146 .125 -.057 .652 .463 .180 .070 -.034 .310 .133 .083 .005 .185 .076 .075 -.105 -.059 -.114 .061 -.013 VIII -.050 .036 .105 .072 -.092 .134 -.069 .072 .386 .174 IX .073 .005 .083 .266 .084 .145 .058 .266 .079 .005 X .077 .007 .035 .051 .112 -.043 -.061 .051 .013 .072 .227 .036 .023 .210 -.006 .116 .697 -.058 .120 .662 .085 .254 .619 -.141 -.051 .595 -.082 .113 .589 -.175 -.007 .589 -.051 -.151 .444 -.127 .231 .416 -.112 .176 .093 .803 .027 -.103 .675 -.002 -.110 .659 .037 .105 .625 -.218 .021 .483 -.035 .093 -.010 .710 .177 .048 .703 .005 .053 .094 -.057 .052 -.054 .037 .029 .145 -.223 .129 .222 .154 .691 .075 .462 .172 .423 this second factor analysis. The three ·factors reflect those aspects of work that have been interpreted as technology by recent investigators. The first factor, combining the overall rou- tineness, morale, and job satisfaction scales, resembles Hage and Aiken's mea- sure of technology. The Hage and Aiken measure of technology consists of five items: cwould you describe your work as being very routine, somewhat routine, somewhat non-routine, or very non-routine? People do the same job in the same way every day. One thing peo- 1 I Comparative Analysis I 437 TABLE 2 FACTOR LOADINGS OF SCALES DEVELOPED FROM THE FIRST FACTOR ANALYSIS 0 Factors 1 2 3 Scales Based on Reliability Overall Library Task First Factor Analysis Coefficientt Routineness Technology Interdependence h2 I. Predictability (.5) .227 .693 -.039 .558 II. Routineness of Operations ( .7) .075 .654 .162 .516 III. Insufficient Knowledge ( .3) -.186 .657 .135 .498 IV. Overall Routineness ( .9) .621 .448 .057 .762 V. Interdepartmental Task ( .5) .061 -.006 .758 .602 Interdependence VI. Internal Task Interdependence ( .5) .092 .173 .488 .303 VII. Satisfaction ( .8) .762 .138 -.022 .608 VIII. Morale ( .8) .808 -.031 -.144 .720 IX. Discretion (Rules ) ( .7) -.128 .117 .688 .606 X. Discretion (Job Autonomy) ( .7) .531 .054 .265 .622 Percent of Total Factor Variance 29.2% 20.8% 19.4% Percent of Total Variance 16.9% 12.0% 11.3% o Principal components analysis; Varimax rotation. Loadings ~ .6 are underlined. t Cronbach's alpha coefficient of internal consistency. pie like around here is the variety of work. Most jobs have something new happening every day. There is some- thing different to do every day."2° Factor 1, however, also includes the morale and job satisfaction scales and suggests that a major confounding of routineness with satisfaction may exist as these vari- ables are measured in the present study. The second factor, labeled library technology, reflects the essential vari- ables of Perrow's concept of technolo- gy. Seven questions form the three scales that loaded together on this fac- tor: 1. Think of all the kinds of events that cause your work. How often would you say you are able to an- ticipate and predict the nature of these events? 2. How often do you encounter the same kinds of problems in your work? 3. To what extent are the work deci- sions you make dissimilar from one day to the next? 4. Many library jobs require the use of searching procedures of one kind or another. To what extent are the searching procedures you use dissimilar from one day to the next? 5. Are the events that cause your work easy to handle? 6. There are parts of my job that could be eliminated without really affecting the work of the library. 7. It is impossible to learn enough about this job to handle all of the problems that come up. Questions one and two measure the perceived nature of the raw materials, that is, the "presence or absence of ex- ceptional cases" of Perrow's model. The search behaviors required to deal with the cases, the second major aspect of Perrow's technology variable, are mea- sured by questions three and four, which ask about the similarity of li- brary search procedures and work deci- sions. The knowledge dimension of Per- row's theory is tapped by questions five to seven, which ask whether the events causing the work are easy to handle and whether it is easy to learn enough about the job to handle all of the problems that come up. Overall routineness loaded on this second factor at .448. The loading sug- gests that routineness of work may be 438 I College & Research Libraries • November 1974 related to Perrow's technology. The loading however could be a fluke due to error in the measures. Overall routine- ness was excluded from the description of factor 2 for several reasons: overall routineness loaded heavily on factor 1 with morale and satisfaction; predicta- bility, routinEmess of operations, and in- sufficient knowledge loaded above .6 on factor 2; and these three dimensions · re- flect Perrow's theoretical definition of technology. The third factor com hines the scales that measure task interdependence and rules. Lawrence and Lorsch have used task interdependence as a measure of organizational technology, altholl;gh they measure task interdependence dif- ferently.21 The loading of internal task interdependence on this third factor, al- though not as high as the other two fac- tors, is consistent with the factor and lends support to the interpretation. The seven-item scale, reflecting Per- row's definition of technology, becomes the. tool' of analysis and the evaluation of the technology of library depart- ments that is discussed below. Unfortu- nately, there are no independent mea- sures of technology that can be used to validate the scale.22 Theoretical dis- . agreement on the definition of technol- ogy and variations -in the measures of technology will continue while the study of organizational technology still is in its early stages. In the present study the· scale measuring library technology be- gins the empirical investigation of a theoretical perspective of library work. The reliability of the scale, measured by Cronbach's alpha coefficient,23 was .55. CoMPARATIVE ANALYs~s OF LmRARYWORK The data reported in Table 3 support the expectation that the functional de- partments in the three libraries would have similar technologies and would cluster together on the technology scale. The result resembles those in studies of TABLE 3 DEPARTMENTAL · MEAN ScoRES ON TECHNOLOGY Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Score 20.125 23.462 24.500 25.797 26.290 26.513 26.636 27.212 27.632 . 27.886 27.958 28.500 28.775 29.550 29.666 Department . reference reference reference 0 catalog catalog catalog serialst acquisitions 0 acquisitions serials* acquisitions§ circulation circulation circulation searching 0 Includes book selection function. Library c n A B c A A B A c c c A B A t Combines serials acquisitions and record keeping. t Combines serials acquisitions, cataloging, and rec- ord keeping, § Faculty m embers and departmenta!' libraries do the book selection. functional units in industrial organiza- tions in which departments of sales, production, finance, and research and development clustered together.24 Because the .functional groups clus- ter together, it is possible to consider the characteristics . of the . departments in terms of the nature of the work they do without taking 'into account the spe- cific organizational settings in which the departments operate. Similarities among the same functional departments have been assumed by librarians before. Now the data provide some evidence to sup- port that assumption. Based on the rank ordering of the fifteen departments, a functional department in an academic library resembles the same functional group in another academic library with regard to the nature of its materials, operations, and knowledge more closely than it does different functional depart- ments within its own library. The measure of technology developed in this study discriminates ·among the various departments whether the depart- ment deals primarily with clients or ma- terials. The reference departments ( dealing primarily .with _clients) and the Comparative Analys,is I· 439 1;ABLE 4 ONE-WAY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF TECHNOLOGY BY LmRARY DEPARTMENT · .· . . . . . (FIFTEEN CATEGORIES) . ., ... Degrees Source Sum of Squares ·of Freedom Mean Square F Ratio Level of Significance Between groups · 1224.4375 Within groups 12337.8021. Total · 13562.2396 catalog departments (dealing primarily with materials) score higher on the tech- nology scale than do the serials ( materi- als), acquisitions (materials), and cir- culation (clients and materials ) depart- ments. Perrow's model is important be- cause it provides a means by which dif- ferent typ~s of organizations can be compared. The instrument developed in this study is important because it shows that Perrow's theoretical construct can be measured in a variety of organiza- tional settings. The scores indicate that differences exist among departmental technologies. To test this hypothesis, that is, that the fifteen library . departments differ with respect to their technologies [ H o: m1 = m2 = ma .. · . = m15], a one-way .analysis of variance was applied to the data. The results, presented in Table 4, are significant at the .001 level. The evi- dence supports the .conclusion that de- partments do differ with respect to their technologies. .. Although Table 4 shows that the li- brary departments participating in . this study differ with respect to their tech- nologies, it does not disclose which de- partments are making the difference. The ranking of departments in Table 3 shows that the functional groups clus- ter together despite differences · that might exist · regarding specific depart- mental assignments or responsibilities. That table, ·however, offers no informa- tion about whether the · functional groups differ significantly on their tech- nologies. In .. order . to provide some evi- dence on ·~se .. matters~ the catalog de- partment in library B was used as a ref- 14 87.4598 2.262 p < .001 369 33.4358 383 . erence group and a multiple regression analysis using dummy variable cod~g was applied to the data. Using multiple regression, the library departments are the independent variables and technol- ogy is the dependent variable. The par- tial correlations in Table 5 show what relevance technology has in differentiat- ing between each department and the catalog department in library ·B. The correlations are tested for significance by means of the F test. 25 The catalog. department in library B was selected as the reference group because it was the largest department in terms of full- time staff, and it contained a serials- cataloging and record-keeping unit and a searching unit that were separate de-: partments in other libraries. The results, presented in Table 5, show that the reference department . in library C, the circulation departments in libraries A and B, and the searching department in library A differ . signifi- cantly from the catalog department . on their technologies. The departments in the functional groups . of cataloging and acquisitions do not differ significantly from the catalog department selected as the reference group. These comparisons suggest that, de- spite the clustering of functional groups and the differences in depart- mental scores, the work of functional departments in academic libraries is . not as different as is assumed. In terms of the predictability of . the material, the routineness · of operations, and the knowledge necessary for performance, there might be relatively little difference in the work performed in the function- 440 I College & Research Libraries • November 1974 TABLE 5 COMPARISONS OF PARTIAL CORRELATIONS BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY AND THE CATALOG DEPARTMENT, LmRARY B, VERsus THE OTHER LIBRARY DEPARTMENTS Partial F Value with Partial 1 and 369 Level of Department Correlation Degrees of Signifi- and Library Coefficients Freedom cance reference c -.136 6.94727 p < .01 reference B -.070 1.89427 n.s. reference A -.046 .79250 n.s. catalog B referent catalog c .021 .15883 n.s. catalog A .033 .39107 n.s. serials A .023 .20164 n.s . acquisitions B . 049 .90306 n.s. acquisitions A .064 1.52133 n.s. serials c .098 3.60160 n.s. acquisitions C .083 2.53122 n.s. circulation c .072 1.92459 n.s. circulation A .135 6.88554 p < .01 circulation B .133 6.63148 p < .01 searching A .111 4.62363 p < .03 al departments of these academic li- braries. Although there are differences among the departments, the differences are small. This finding suggests that in future studies it may be possible to gen- eralize about the work of the academic library as a whole and to compare li- brary technology with the technologies of other types of organizations. How- ever, the data also suggest that when the measure of technology is refined and more items are written that measure the technology construct, stronger depart- mental differences will be discovered. The measure as it now exists may be too gross to identify the differences in the technologies that distinguish the work of one library department from that of another. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION This study attempts to develop a mea- sure that would enable comparisons of the work of various library depart- ments. The study identified underlying characteristics of work, or what is called library technology; measured these char- acteristics in each department; and then compared the departments on the char- acteristics. The characteristics of work that formed the concept technology are re- lated to three major aspects: 1. The raw materials or the events that are the cause or the subject of the work. The essential characteris- tic of the department's raw materi- als is whether the material is per- ceived to be predictable or unpre- dictable. 2. The methods or search strategies that are used to convert the materi- als into finished products. The es- sential characteristic is whether the department's operation is routine or not. 3. The knowledge required of the worker in order to complete the work. The essential characteristic is whether the knowledge of the department's work is sufficient or not. The results suggest that the three characteristics of technology are interre- lated. When the department's raw ma- terials are basically predictable, its op- erations are routine and the level of knowledge required is low and quite sufficient for completion of the work. Conversely, when the department's raw materials are basically unpredictable, its operations are basically nonroutine and the level of knowledge required is high and relatively insufficient for comple- tion of the work. Data were gathered by questionnaire from a sizable number of participants in each department and then aggregated in order to get an organizational score. Equal weighting was used in gathering the data from the organizational par- ticipants, although the complex prob- lems posed by weighting could not be solved in this study. By adopting a research design that de- pends upon aggregation, the study a·s- 1 sumes that the perceptions of work at the individual level can be aggregated to measure the work at the departmen- tal level. Although the results of the ag- gregations reflect the reality of the de- partmental technologies as observed by the investigator, little is known about how greatly the aggregation biases the results. Although the scale developed in the study was successful ·in discriminating among the fifteen departments as to technology, the diHerences are small. Generally, prediCtable events, routine operations, and relatively low knowl- edge requirements constitute the tech- nologies of all of the library depart- ments participating in this study. This outcome indicates that the na- ture of the work performed in the functional departments of academic li- braries is similar regardless of the de- partment in which the work is per- formed. This conclusion is tentative, Comparative Analysis I 441 however, for the instrument, as it now exists, is less refined than ultimately de- sirable. It is .a useful tool in exploring departmental technologies, but it cannot identify those subtle technological dif- ferences that might exist among the li- brary departments. This study also attempted to link Perrow's model of technology to its em- pirical domain. In the continuous inter- action between theory and research, the next step is to refine the instrument, demonstrate its validity, and then to test the propositions suggested by Per- row's model. If the variables are mea- sured carefully and reliably, it is expect- ed that the application of the technolo- gy theory of organizations will extend the knowledge and understanding of or- ganizational differences in libraries and provide a method by which library de- partments and libraries can be com- pared in an objective and systematic fashion. APPENDIX Questionnaire Items That Form the Factors and the Scales Factor I. Predictability of Events 1. Think of all the kinds of events that cause your work. How often would you say you are able to anticipate and predict the nature of these events? 2. How often do you encounter the same kinds of problems in your work? Factor II. Routineness of Operations 3. Many library jobs require the use of searching procedures of one kind or another. To what extent are the searching procedures you use dissimilar from one day to the next? 4. To what extent are the work decisions you make dissimilar from one day to the next? Factor III. Insufficient Knowledge 5. There are parts of my job that could be eliminated without really affecting the work of the library. 6. It is impossible to learn enough about this job to handle all of the problems that come up. 7. Are the events that cause your work easy to handle? Factor IV. Overall Routineness 8. My job is monotonous; the work itself provides no basic interest. 9. To what extent is your present job a real challenge to what you think you can do? 10. The longer I hold my job the more boring it becomes. 442 I College & Research Libraries • November 1974 11. In my, job there is. something new happening .ev.ery day. 12. My job gives me the chance to dp the things I do best. · 13. Are the _~f;}veJ.l.~S that. cause your. work int~resting? . . . . .. ._ . . : 14. How . would you describe your work? .All of it is routine ... All of it is non-routine. 15. Reg¥~g .your training and . skills, would you say· you now have much more than needed for your present job . . . . . . 16. My job ·is frustrating, but it is never dull. . 17. The work I do keeps ' changing and t have to change to · keep up with it. 18. How much variety is there in the events that cause your work? 19. Do the events. that cause your work seem repetitious? Factor V. interdepartmentai Task Interdependence . . . . I . . 20. What percent of the tasks you do must be done before someone else in another de-:- partment can do his work? . . 21. What percent [of the tasks connected with your job] depends upon someone else in another department doing his job first? · 22. ·In niy jop there is emphasis on the actual production records. ., , _!_· Factor VI. Internal' Task Interdependence 23. What percent [of the tasks connected with your job] depends on someone else in your department doing his job first? _ . 24. What percent .of the tasks ·you do must be. done before someone else in your depart- ment can do his work? . · Factor VII. Satisfaction 25. How satiSfied are you with your present job when you compare it with · similar posi- tions in other departments or in other libraries? · 26. How satisfied are you with the progress you are making toward the goals that you set for yourself in your present position? 27. How satisfied are you with your present . job when you consider the expectations you had when you took the jqb? . . . 28. How satisfied are you with your present job in light of your career expectations? Factor VIII, Morale 29. In general, ·how is the morale ·of the staff in this department? 30. It is difficult for new and original ideas to receive consideration in this department. 31. This department is organized in such . a way that the supervisors can let us know when we are doing well. 32. How about your own morale? 33. Are the people: in your department kept informed about the library's policies and long..;range objectives? 34. How helpful is your supervisor in enabling you to carry out your work? 35. U nnecessaty procedures are kept to a minimum in this department. 36. Most of the people in this .department are uncertain about the way they should do their j?bs. · Factor IX. Rules 37. About ·what proportion of your normal daily activities are guided by written manuals or . dire'ctives that set forth the way in which you are to perform your job? 38. How often does a rules manual cover what you are working on? . 39. How often do you refer to written manuals or. directives? 40. With regard to those tasks . that' are guided by written rules and manuals, how strict is your supervisor in. requiring you to follow these rules? · 41. There · are a lot of. rules, policies, procedures and .standard practices ohe has to know in order to do his work well in this department. · · Comparative Analysis I 443 Factor X. Job Autonomy 42. How much responsibility do you have in deciding how your job is to be carried out? 43. I have little control and final say over how I do my job. 44. How much freedom do you have in deciding exactly how you do your own work? 45. Generally speaking, how frequently does your supervisor check your work? · 46. In this department people are often permitted to use their own judgment as to how to handle ·various problems. REFERENCEs 1. Mary Lee Bundy and Paul Wasserman, "Professionalism Reconsidered," College & Research Libraries 29:5-26 (Jan. . 1968 ) ; Raynard C~ . Swank, "The C11talog Depart- ment in the Library Organization," Library Quarterly 18:24-32 (Jan. 1948). 2. Leslie Beth Rothenberg et al., "A Job-Task Index for Evaluating Professional Utiliza- tion in Libraries," Library Quarterlv 41: 320-28 (Oct. 1971); Social, Educational Research and Development, Inc., A Task Analysis of Library Jobs in the State of Illinois (Silver Spring, Md.: 1970). 3. For a more complete report of ~ study see Beverly P. Lynch, "Library Technolo- gy: A Comparison of the Work of Func- tional Departments in Academic Libraries" (Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Wisconsin- Madison, 1972). 4. Charles Perrow, "A · Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Organizations," American Sociological Review 32:195-96 ( Aprill967). 5. A. J. Grimes, S. M. Klein, and F. A. Shull, "Matrix Model: A Selective Empirical Test," Academy of Management Journal 15:9-31 (March 1972); Jerald Hage and Michael Aiken, "Routine Technology, So- cial Structure and Organizational Goals," Administrative Science Quarterly 14:366- 7 6 ( Sept. 1969 ) . 6. Jum C. Nunnally, Psychometric Theory (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967), p.85. 7. Joan Woodward, Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (London: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1965). 8. David J. Hickson, D. S. Pugh, and Diana C. Pheysey, "Operations Technology and Organization Structure: An Empirical Re- appraisal," Administrative Science Quarter- ly 14:378-97 (Sept. 1969). 9. Hage and Aiken, "Routine Technology." 10. Charles Perrow, "Working Paper on Tech- nology and Structure," mimeographed (Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin, 1970). If. William L. Zwerman, New Perspectives on Organizatwn. Theory . (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pub. Corp., 1970). 12. Michael Fullan, "Industrial Technology and Worker IntegJ;ation in the Organiza- tion/' American Sociological Review 25: 1028-39 (Dec. 1970). · 13. Martin Meissner, Technology and the Worker (San Francisco: . Chandler Pub. Co., 1969). 14. Grimes, Klein, and Shull, "Matrix Model." 15. Perrow, "Working Paper on Technology and Structure." · 16. W. Richard Scott, "Professionals in Hos- . pitals: Technology and the Organization of Work," in Basil S. : Georgopoulous, ed., Organization Research on Health Institu- tions (Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Re- search, Univ. of Michigan, 1972), p.l39- 58. 17. Lynch, "Library Technology," p.l14-35. 18. R. .J. Rummel, Applied Facto:r . Analysis (Evanston: Northwestern Uiliv. Pr., 1970); George ·w. Bohrnstedt, "Reliability and Va- lidity Assessment in Attitude Measure- ment," in Gene F. Summers, ed., Attitude Measurement (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1970)' p.B0-99. ' '. 19. David · L. Featherman, "Achievement Ori- entations and Socio-economic Career At- tainments," American Sociological Review 37:131-43 (Aprill972). 20. Hage and Aiken, "Routine Technology," p.368. 21. Paul R. Lawrence and. Jay W. Lorsch, Or- ganization and Environment . (Boston: Graduate School of Business Administra- tion, Harvard Univ., 1967). · · 22. Lynch, "Library Technology," p.3Z-:.37. 23. Lee J. Cronbach, "Coefficient .Alpha and the Internal Structure of Tests," Psycho- metrika 16:297-334 (1951 ). 24. Raymond G. Hunt, "Technology and Or- ganization," AcOdemy ' of - Management Journall3:235-52 (Sept. 1970); Arthur M. McAnally, "Departments i11 University Li- braries," Library Trends 7:448-519 (Jan. 1959). 25. Jacob Cohen, "Multiple negression as a General Data-AnalYtic · System," Psycholog- ical Bulletin 70:42643 ( 1968). ' t ; !·' \ ., ; .•