College and Research Libraries the allocation of book funds? Additionally, intralibrary questions of power and respon- sibility are interwoven with classical prob- lems relating to territorial imperatives, ad- versary relationships, tradition, and innova- tion. This, then, is the background on which the concrete problems are displayed. Among the major themes under review are the consequences of approval plans, faculty and/ or library responsibility for book selec- tion, acquisitions policies, rare book/ spe- cial collections versus ordinary needs, bud- get cuts and increases; faculty challenging the relevancy of purchases, and the ques- tion of such axioms as "building on strength." These, and issues such as the in- tellectual prerequisites and perspective of library staff and faculty in collection de- velopment, focus on topics germane to aca- demic librarianship today. Perhaps the most important element in congealing these studies into a coherent whole is the dex- trous interplay of issues and personalities .. The ability to isolate problems and, addi- tionally, to place the problems in a realistic matrix of human interaction demonstrates considerable sensitivity to the forces at work. This is a constructive and provoca- tive book which, hopefully, will find its way into the hands of both students and prac- titioners.-W. Stuart Debenham, ]r., As- sistant Director, Ohio College Library Cen- ter, Columbus. OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Ackoff, Russell L., ed. Systems and Man- agement Annual 1974. New York: Petro- celli Books, 1974. 620p. $24.95. (74- 6464). (ISBN 0-88405-280-X). Armitage, Andrew D., and Tudor, Dean. Annual Index to Popular Music Record Reviews, 1973. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1974. 681p. (73-8909). (ISBN 0- 8108-0774-2). Bell, Inglis F ., and Baird, Donald. The English Novel, 1578-1956; A Checklist of Twentieth-Century Criticisms. Ham- den, Conn.: Shoe String Press, 1974. 168p. (74-8609). ISBN 0-208-01442-X). Body, Alexander C. Annotated Bibliogra- phy of Bibliographies on Selected Gov- ernment Publications and Supplementary Recent Publications I 83 Guides to the Superintendent of Docu- ments Classification System; 4th Supple- ment. Kalamazoo: Western Michigan University, 1974. 142p. (67-28593). Bull, Storm. Index to Biographies of Con- temporary Composers. v.2. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 567p. $18.50. (64- 11781). (ISBN 0-8108-0734-3). Cambridge Research Institute. Omnibus Copyright Revision; Comparative Analy- sis of the Issues. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Information Sci- ence, 1973. (73-84952). (ISBN 0-87715- 103-2). Clapp, Jane. Professional Ethics and Insig- nia. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 863p. $27.50. (74-10501). (ISBN 0- 8108-0735-1) . Covo, Jacqueline. The Blinking Eye: Ralph Waldo Ellison and His American, French, German and Italian Critics, 1952-1972. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 230p. $6.50. (74-13042). (ISBN 0-8108-0736- X). Davis, Donald G. Comparative Historical Analysis of Three Associations of Profes- sional Schools. (Occasional Papers, no. 115) Urbana, Ill.: Graduate School of Library Science, University of Illinois, 1974. 39p. $1.00. (ISBN 0073-5310). Directory of American Scholars. 6th ed. New York: Bowker, 1974. 4v. $148.50. (57-9125). (ISBN 0-8352-0635-1). Directory of Health Sciences Libraries in th e United States, 1973. Chicago: Amer- ican Medical Assn., 1974. 196p. $15.00. (74-14292). Farber, Evan 1., and Walling, Ruth, eds. The Academic Library: Essays in Honor of Guy R. Lyle. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1974. 171p. $6.00. (74-2098). (ISBN 0-8108-0712-2). Fink, Gary M. Biographical Dictionary of American Labor Leaders. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1974. 559p. $19.95. (74-9322). (ISBN 0-8371-7643-3). Fout, John C. German History and Civili- zation, 1806- 1914; A Bibliography of Scholarly Periodical Literature. Metuch- en, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1974. 362p. (74- 10803). (ISBN 0-8108-07 42-4). Fundaburk, Emma L. Art at Educational Institutions in the United States. Metuch- en, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 670p. (74- 3187). (ISBN 0-8108-0715-7). 84 I College & Research Libraries • January 1975 Goldstone, Adrian H., and Payne, John R. John Steinbeck; A Bibliographical Cata- logue of the Adrian H. Goldstone Col- lection. Austin, Tex.: University of Tex- as at Austin, 1974. 240p. (73-620234). Gunter, P. A. Y. Henri Bergson, a Bibliog- raphy. Bowling Green, Ohio: Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green University, 1974. 457p. $17.50. (74- 78456). (ISBN 0-912632-31-3). Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library. Index to Art Reproductions in Books. Metuch- en, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 372p. (74- 1286). (ISBN 0-8108-0711-4). International Index to Film Periodicals 1973. New York: Bowker, 1974. 395p. $28.50. (72-1964). (ISBN 0-8352-0742- 0). Keaveney, Sydney S. American Painting; A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale Research, 1974. 260p. $18.00. (73- 17522). (ISBN 0-8103-1200-X). Kniefel, John L. Air Laws and Treaties of the CO"AlECON-States. Berlin: 1974. 4v. (73-92728). (ISBN 3-921334-03). Library of Congress. Classification Sched- ules: A Cumulation of Additions and Changes through 1973. Detroit: Gale Re- search, 1974. 32v. $650.00. (73-8530). (ISBN 0-8103-0765-0). Medieval and Renaissance Studies: A Lo- cation Guide to Selected Reference W arks and Source Collections in the Li- braries of the University of North C aro- lina at Chapel Hill and Duke University. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Library, 197 4. 325p. $5.00. (Order from Humanities Division, Uni- versity of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.) Monograph Abstracts. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Xerox University Microfilms, 1973- Mountain Plains Library Association. Con- ference on Interlibrary Cooperation. Ly- ons, Col.: Mountain Plains Library Assn., 1973. 67p. National Archives Microfilm Publications Deposited with the Regional Archives Branch, Chicago Federal Archives and Records Center, During 1971, 1972, 1973. Chicago: Federal Archives and Records Center, 197 4- National Science Foundation. U.S.-U.S.S.R. Copyright Negotiations on Scientific and Technical Journals, June, 1974. Washing- ton, D.C.: National Science Founda- tion, 197 4. 52p. Radials Bulletin; Research and Develop- ment-Information and Library Science. London: Library Association, 1974- Record and Tape Reviews Index. 1973. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 692p. $20.00. (72-3355). (ISBN 0-8108-0720- 3). Rodgers, Bernard F. Philip Roth: A Bibli- ography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 104p. $5.00. (74-16224). (ISBN 0-8108-0754-8). Rozsa, Gyorgy. Scientific Information and Society. The Hague: Mouton, 1973. 159p. Dfl., 24,-. (79-184751). S.antaVicca, Edmund F. Four French Dra- matists: A Bibliography of Criticism of the Works of Eugene Brieux, Fraru;ois de Curel> Emile Fabre, Paul Hervieu. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 197 4. 177p. (74-7495). (ISBN 0-8108-0755-6). Smith, Myron J. The American Navy, 1865- 1918: A Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 372p. (74-4230). (ISBN 0-8108-0720-3). Smith, Myron J. The American Navy, 1918- 1941: A Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 445p. $15.00. (74- 11077). (ISBN 0-8108-0756-4). Statistics Sources. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale Re- search, 1974. 892p. $45.00. (74-2163). (ISBN 0-8103-0396-5). Steiner, William A. F. P. Classification Scheme and List of Subject Headings for the Squire Law Library, University of Cambridge. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oce- ana, 1974. 159p. (73-19917). (ISBN 0- 379-20060-0). U.S. Office of Education. Bibliography of Research Studies in Education, 1926- 1940. Detroit: Gale Research, 1974. 4v. $175.00. (74-1124). (ISBN 0-8103- 0975-0). Vaughn, Robert V. The Virgin Islands of the United States: Social, Economic, and Political Conditions Referred to in Re- cent Periodical Literature. Christiansted, St. Croix: Aye-Aye Press, 197 4. 166p. $9.95. Wasserman, Paul. Consumer Sourcebook. Detroit: Gale Research, 197 4. 593p. $35.00. (74-10494). (ISBN 0-8103- 0381-7).