College and Research Libraries 336 I College & Research Libraries • July 1975 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Abortion Bibliography for 1973. Comp. by Mary K. Floyd. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1974. 237p. $11.00. (72-78877). (ISBN 0-87875-056-8). African and Black American Studies. Comp. and ed. by Alexander S. Birkos and Lewis A. Tambs. (Academic Writer's Guide to Periodicals, Vol. 3). Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1975. 208p. $11 .. 50. (74-31262). (ISBN ~87287- 109-6). The African Book Publishing Recor.d. Ox- ford, England: Hans Zell, 1975- . Quar- terly. $30.00, surface mail; $37.50, air mail. Arnold, Darlene B., and Doyle, Kenneth 0. Education/ Psychology Journals: A Schol- ar's Guide. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 143p. $6.00. (7 4-23507). (ISBN 0-8108-0779-3). Barron's Profiles of American Colleges. V.1, Descriptions of the Colleges. 9th ed. Woodbury, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series, 1975. 971p. $18.00, cloth; $6.95, paper. (68-58041). (ISBN 0-8120-5069- X, cloth; 0-8120-0152-4, paper). Batty, Linda. Retrospective Index to Film Periodicals 1930-1971. New York: Bow- ker, 1975. 425p. (74-34246). (ISBN 0- 8352-0660-2). Biography News: A Compilation of News Stories and Feature Articles from Ameri- can Newspapers Covering Personalities of National Interest in all Fields. Ed. by Frank Bair and Barbara Nykoruk. (Vol. 1, no.1, January 1974; published month- ly.) Detroit: Gale, 1974- . $75.00 an- nual subscription. Birkos, Alexander S., and Tambs, Lewis A. East European and Soviet Economic Af- fairs: A Bibliography (1965-1973). Lit- tleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1975. 170p. $10.00. Black American Writers, 1773-1949: A Bib- liography and Union List. Comp. by Geraldine 0. Matthews and the Mrican- American Materials Staff, School of Li- braiy Science, North Carolina Central University, Durham, N.C. (Series Seven- ty). Boston: G. K. Hall, 1975. 221p. $16.95. (ISBN 0-8161-1164-2). Black Names in America: History and Meaning. Collected by Newbell N. Puck- ett. Ed. by Murray Heller. (Series Seven- ty). Boston: G. K. Hall, 1975. 561p. $29.50. (7 4-13553). (ISBN 0-8161- 1140-5). Bloomberg, Marty, and Weber, Hans H. World War II and Its Origins: A Select Annotated Bibliography of Books in En- glish: Littleton, Colo.: Libraries U n- limited, 1975. 311p. $13.50. Boston Interlibrary Loan Directory. Comp. by Marianne Pfaff. Burlington, Mass.: Northeastern University, 1974. 214p. $5.00. (Order from the Bookstore of Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass.) Calve-Woodrough, Lise, and Faubert, Mi- chel. Recueil d' exemples illustrant les Regles de catalogage anglo-americaines. Montreal, Quebec: ASTED, 1975. 165p. $5.55. Ceynar, Marvin, ed. Creativity in the Com- municative Arts: A Selective Bibliogra- phy, 1960- 1970. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1974. 120p. $8.50. (74-18202). (ISBN 0-87875-062-2). Childers, Thomas. The Information-Poor in America. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 182p. $6.00. (74-19482). (ISBN 0-8108-0775-0). Christiano, David, ed. Human Rights Orga- nizations and Periodicals Directory 1975. Berkeley, Calif.: Meiklejohn Civil Liber- ties Institute, 1974. 97p. (74-24010). (ISBN 0-913876-06-2). Computing and the Decision Makers· Where Does Computing Fit in Institu: tional Priorities? Proceedings of the EDUCOM Spring Conference. April 17- 18, 1974. Princeton, N.J.: EDUCOM, 1974. 372p. $6.00. (74-84809). Conference on the Conceot of Academic Freedom, University of Texas at Austin, 1972. Concept of Academic Freedom. Ed. by Edmund L. Pincoffs. Austin: U ni- versity of Texas, 1975. 272p. (7 4- 20852). (ISBN 0-292-71016-X). Contemporary Crafts Market Place. Comp. by American Crafts Council. (1975- 1976 ed.) New York: Bowker, 1975. 502p. (75-518). (ISBN 0-8352-0806-0). Crosland, Andrew T. A Concordance to F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby., Detroit: Gale, 1975. 425p. $35.00. (7 4- 11607). (ISBN 0-8103-1005-8). Directory of Foreign Manufacturers in the United States. By Jeffrey S. Arpan and David A. Ricks. Atlanta: Georgia State University, School of Business Adminis- tration, 1975. 174p. $11.95, cloth; $7.50, paper. (74-30494). (ISBN 0-88406-091- 8, cloth; 0-88406-088-8, paper). English Prose, Prose Fiction, and Criticism to 1660: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by S. K. Heninger (American Liter- ature, English Literature, and World Lit- eratures in English Information Guide Series, Vol. 2). Detroit: Gale, 1975. 255p. $18.00. (73-16980). (ISBN 0- 8103-1233-6). European Manuscript Sources of the Amer- ican Revolution. Comp. and ed. by W. J. Koenig and S. L. Mayer. New York: Bowker, 1975. 328p. $27.50. (ISBN 0- 85939-001-0). Every Librarian a Manager. Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Indiana Chapter, Special Libraries Association and Purdue University Libraries and Audio-Visual Center, September 27- 28, 1974. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue Uni- versity, 1974. 85p. $7.00. (Make checks payable to Indiana Chapter, Special Li- braries Association and send to Miriam Drake, Conference Coordinator, Library Offices, 363 Stewart Center, Purdue Uni- versity, West Lafayette, Ind.) Fine Arts Market Place. 1975-1976 ed. Ed. by Paul Cummings. New York: Bowker, 1975. 497p. (73-2497). (ISBN 0-8352- 0792-7). Floyd, Mary K., comp. A Bibliography of Noise 1972. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1974. 126p. $10.00. (72-87107). (ISBN 0- 87875-054-1). The Foundation Directory. 5th ed. New York: Columbia Univ. Pr.; the Foundation Center, 1975. 516p. $30.00. Fourth Directory af Periodicals Publishing Articles on English and American Liter- ature and Language. By Donna Gersten- berger and George Hendrick. Chicago: Swallow, 1975. 234p. $3.50. (7 4-21506). (ISBN 0-8040-0675-X, cloth). The Future of Card Catalogs; Report of a Program Sponsored by the Association Recent Publications I 331 of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1975. 67p. $3.00, prepaid. Goode, Stephen H., comp. Population and the Population Explosion; A Bibliography for 1972. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1974. 271p. $15.00. (72-87106). (ISBN 0- 87875-053-3). Greek Library Bibliography; !Publications and Articles in Greek and Other Lan- guages (1698-1972). Athens: Athens College, 1974. 318p. $10.00. (73- 83691). Grobani, Anton, ed. Guide to Baseball Lit- erature. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 363p. $15.00. (74-17223). (ISBN 0-8103- 0962-9). A Guide to Yugoslav Libraries and Ar- chives. Comp. by Slobodan Jovanovic and Matko Rojnic. (no.2, Joint Committee on Eastern Europe Publications Series). Columbus, Ohio: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Ohio State University, 1975. 113p. $3.50. Harrah, David F., and Harrah, Barbara K. Conservation/ Ecology; Resources for En- vironmental Education. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 323p. $12.00. (7 4- 23055). (ISBN 0-8108-0780-7). Harrison, Cynthia E., ed. Women's Move- ment Media: A Source Guide. New York: Bowker, 1975. 269p. $13.95. (75- 2484). (ISBN 0-8352-0711-0). Historic Documents of 1974; Cumulative Index 1972-74. Washington, D.C.: Con- gressional Quarterly, 1975. 1,050p. (72- 97888). (ISBN 0-87187-069-X). Hu, Teh-Wei, Booms, B. H., and Kaltrei- der, Lynne W. A Benefit Cost Analysis of Alternative Library Delivery Systems. (Contributions in Librarianship and In- formation Science, no.13). Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1975. 286p. $12.50. (7 4-5989). (ISBN 0-8371-7528-3). Index Omnibus; A Guide to the Internally Produced Indexes in the Central Depart- ments of Los Angeles Public Library·. Comp. by Sally Dumaux. Los Angeles: Southern California Answering Network, Los Angeles Public Library, 1974. 56p. $2.00. Index to American Little Magazines, 1900- 1919. Comp. by Stephen H. Goode. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1974. 3 vol. 338 I College & Research Libraries • July 1975 $82.50. (77-97476). (ISBN 0-87875-026- 6). Index to Statistics and Probability: Loca- tions and Authors. By Ian C. Ross and John W. Tukey. (Vol. 5 of Information Access Series) Los Altos, Calif.: R and D Press, 1973. 1,092p. (72-86075). (ISBN 0-8827 4-004-0). Lazorchik, Frank, comp. Film Studies; A Selective Guide to Materials in the U.C.S.B. Library. Santa Barbara: Univer- sity of California, University Library, 197 4. 68p. $2.00, handling charge. (Make checks payable to the Regents of the University of California.) Library Bibliographies and Indexes: A Sub- feet Guide to Resource Material Avail- able from Libraries, Information Centers, Library Schools and Library Associations in the United States and Canada. 1st ed. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 30lp. $58.00. (74- 26741). (ISBN 0-8103-0390-6). Library Resources for International Educa- tion: A Report Submitted by the Task Force on Library and Information Re- sources to the Government/ Academic Interface Committee, International Edu- cation Profect, American Council on Ed- ucation. (Occasional paper, no.l) Wash- ington, D.C.: 1975. 97p. $3.00. Lolley, John. Your Library; What's in it for You? New York: Wiley, 1974. 152p. $2.95. (73-18293). (ISBN 0-471-54365- 9). McKenney, Mary. Divorce: A Selected An- notated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 163p. $6.00. (74- 22423). (ISBN 0-8108-0777-7). Mandelik, Peter, and Schatt, Stanley, camps. A Concordance to the Poetry of Langston Hughes. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 296p. $40.00. (74-11251). (ISBN 0- 8103-1011-2). Manuscripts on Microfilm; A Checklist of the Holdings in the Manuscript Division. Comp. by Richard B. Bickel. Washing- ton, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1975. 82p. $1.15. (74-19073). (ISBN 0-8444- 0141-2). (Available from the Superintend- ent of Documents.) Marco, Guy A. Information on Music: A Handbook of Reference Sources in Euro- pean Languages. Vol. 1, Basic and Uni- versal Sources. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1975. 164p. $11.50. The Metric Sy·stem; A List of Sources. On- tario, Canada: College Bibliocentre, 1975. SOp. $7.00. (ISBN 0-88860-019- 4). Molnar, John E., comp. Author-Title Index to ] oseph Sabin's Dictionary of Books Relating to America. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1974. 3 vol. $115.00. (74- 6291). (ISBN 0-8108-0652-5). Moore, Norman D. Dictionary of Business Finance and Investment. Dayton, Ohio: Investor's Systems, 1975. 543p. $25.00, library ed .; $14.95, American standard ed. (7 4-29447). Native Americans of North America; A Bib- liography Based on Collections in the Li- braries of California State University, Northridge. Comp. by David Perkins and Norman Tanis. (Bibliography Series of the University Libraries, Vol. 2). North- ridge, Calif.: California State University, 1975. 558p. $12.00. (Send payment in advance to the CSUN Library in care of David Perkins.) Nickel, Mildred L. Steps to Service; A Handbook of Procedures for the School Library Media Center. Chicago: Ameri- can Library Assn., 1975. 124p. (7 4- 19420). (ISBN 0-8389-0161-1). Phair, Judith T. A Bibliography of William Cullen Bryant and His Critics, 1808- 1972. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1974. 188p. $12.50. (74-18203). (ISBN 0-8785-964- 9). Photography Market Place. Ed. by Fred W. McDarrah. New York: Bowker, 1975. 436p. $14.95. (75-833). (ISBN 0-8352- 0803-6). Polish Books in English 1945-1971. Comp. by Janina Hoskins. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1974. 163p. $1.55. (74-6163). (ISBN 0-8444-0123-4). Poteet, G. Howard. Published Radio, Tele- vision, and Film Scripts: A Bibliography. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1974. 245p. (74- 18201). (ISBN 0-87875-063-0). Progress in Urban Librarians hip; A Seminar on Community Information Needs and the Designing of Library Education Pro- grams to Meet These Needs. Comp. by Theodore Samore. (Library Science Studies, no.4). Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin, School of Library Science, 197 4. 128p. (7 4-620030). (Copies avail- able upon request; send self-addressed 9-by-12-inch envelope with $.18 post- age.) . Reel, Jerome V. Index to Biographies of Englishmen, 1000-1485, Found in Dis- sertations and Theses. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1975. 704p. (74-19807). (ISBN 0-8371-7846-0). Register of Research into Higher Education 1974-5 Mainly in the United Kingdom Incorporating the Register of Research and Innovation in Medical Education. London: Society for Research into High- er Education, with the Association for the Study of Medical Education, 1974. 152p. £ 3.60. Robinson, F. J. G., and Wallis, P. J. Book Subscription Lists; A Revised Guide. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Harold Hill and Son for the Book Subscriptions List Project, 1975. 120p. (ISBN 0-9004- 6330-9). Rush, Theressa G., Myers, Carol F., and Arata, Esther S. Black American Writers Past and Present: A Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 2 vol. $30.00. (7 4-28400). (ISBN 0-8108-0785-8). Russell, Phyllis J. A Guide to Cana.dian Health Science Information Services and Sources. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Library Association, 1975. 34p. $3.50. (ISBN 0- 88802-103-8). Sheets, Sarah L. Children and Dying; An Exploration and Selective Bibliographies. Rev. ed. New York: Health Sciences, 197 4. 106p. (7 4-26698). (ISBN 0- 88238-539-9). Smith, Ray. Permanent Fires: Reviews of Poetry, 1958-1973. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 149p. $6.00. (74- 22230). (ISBN 0-8108-0757-2). Style Guides for Technical Reports, Jour- nal Articles, Dissertations, Term Papers, Publications, Theses. Santa Barbara: University of California, University Li- brary, 1975. 26p. $1.00, handling charge. (Make checks payable to Regents of the University of California.) Subject Directory of Special Libraries and Recent Publications I 339 Information Centers. Ed. ·by Margaret L. Young and others ( 1st ed.) Detroit, Mich.: Gale, 1975. 5 vol. $90.00, set; $25.00, vol. (ISBN 0-8103-0288-8). Sunderland, Lane V. Obscenity; The Court, the Congress and the Presi.dent's Com- mission. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Re- search, 197 4. 127p. $3.00. (7 4-29416). (ISBN 0-8447-3149-8). Thompson, Lawrence S. A Bibliography of French Revolutionary Pamphlets on Mi- crofiche. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1974. 653p. $25.00. (74-18197). (ISBN 0- 87875-047-9). Tolzmann, Don H., comp. German-Ameri- cana: A Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 396p. $15.00. (74- 28085). (ISBN 0-8108-0784-X). Tomkinson, G. S. A Select Bibliography of the Principal Modern Presses J>ublic and Private in Great Britain and Ireland. 1st U.S. ed. London: First Edition Club, 1928; San Francisco: Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, 1975, reprint. 264p. $20.00. (75- 2752). (ISBN 0-915346-00-1). Turner, Pearl. Index to Handicrafts, Model- making and Workshop Projects; fifth sup- plement. (Useful Reference Series, no. 102). Westwood, Mass.: F. W. Faxon, 1975. 650p. $18.00. (36-27324). (ISBN . 0-87305-102-5). West Suburban Hospital Association. Con- sortium for Information Resources. Dy- namics of Hospital Library Consortia. Waltham, Mass.: West Suburban Hos- pital Association, 1975. 304p. (75-6611). Women's Studies: A Guide to Publications and Services Available in the Library of the University of California at Santa Barbara and in the Santa Barbara Area. Comp. by Albert Krichmar. Santa Bar- bara, Calif.: University of California, 1975. 71p. $2.00. (Order from: Librari- an's Office, Library, University of Cali- fornia, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. Make checks payable to the Regents of the University of California.) Woodbridge, Hensley C. Ruben Daria: A Selective Classified and Annotated Bibli- ography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 245p. $10.00. (74-30490). (ISBN 0-8108-0790-4). Editor's note: With the special assistance of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, we are able to resume publica- tion in this issue of selected abstracts of documents of particular interest to academ- ic librarians. The followin-g abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teach- ing, School of Education, Stanford Univer- sity. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche ( M F) or pa- per copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arling- ton, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desire.d, and include payment for document and postage. Postage charges are $.18 for up to 60 microfiche or for the first 100 pages of paper copy; $.08 for each additional fiche or each additional 1 00 pages of paper copy. Further information on ordering docu- ~nts may be obtained from a recent issue qf Resources in Education (formerly Re- search in Education) . African-American Materials Project Ex- periment in Regional Cooperation. Fi- nal Report. By Carol J. Hall. North Caro- lina Central Univ., Durham. 197 4. 30p. (ED 095 835, MF-$0.75, HC-$1.85). The African-American Materials Project was a three-year venture in bibliographic control of Mrican-American materials. It was a regional project, designed to locate and describe materials in six Southern states. The project was divided into three periods. Phase I was devoted to locating ex- isting collections. During Phase II substan- tial progress was made toward locating manuscripts and archives, theses, oral his- tories, and pre-1950 imprints. Phase III ac- tivities included completion and distribution of a consortium list of materials purchased with a special purpose grant and submis- ·sion of a manuscript to a publisher. 340 I ABSTRACTS Overview Study for the Purdue Universi- ty Libraries and Audio-Visual Center Circulation System. By William L. Corya and others. Purdue Univ., Lafay- ette, Ind. 1973. 95p. (ED 095 898, MF -$0.75, HC-$4.20). This overview study examines the sys- tems presently used at Purdue University to circulate library and audiovisual materi- als in the general library, the twenty-eight departmental libraries, and the audiovisual center. Also examined are three basic ap- proaches to the automation of library circu- lation systems, with examples drawn from systems already in operation. In addition, the impact of the emergence of consortia of libraries dedicated to cooperative pro- cessing of materials has been considered and incorporated into the design. The con- clusion of the design team is that the on- line system at Ohio State University be adopted with minor modifications for use at Purdue. Of particular interest in a tech- nical sense are the recommendations for use of a new technology, light pens reading bar-encoded labels, and the adaptation of an existing operational circulation system from another university. The proposed sys- tem will also have an impact on other fu- ture university applications because of the inclusion of the bar-encoded, machine-read- able label on the university passport usable for many purposes. Student Guide Bibliographies for the Mc- Lennan Library, McGill University. Montreal, Quebec. 197 4. 767p. (ED 096 942, MF-$1.20, HC-$36.60). The McLennan Library of McGill Uni- versity ha$ created these student guide bib- liographies as library orientation tools. They cover reference materials in specific subject areas in the social sciences and humanities, with special reference to their locations in McLennan Library. The guides are intend- ed for the master's level student and have proved useful to advanced undergraduates and faculty. A Longitudinal Study of the Costs and Benefits of Selected Library Services: Initial Exploration and Framework. Working Discussion Document No. 7 4/ 6-1. By Gordon Wills and Christine Oldman. Cranfield Inst. of Tech. (En- gland), School of Management. 1974. 31p. (ED 096 944, MF-$0.75, HC- $1.85). The purpose of the investigation is to identify an operationally viable research methodology for assessing the value derived from selected library services at Cranfield Institute of Technology and to evaluate and comment on the costs of providing such value. Four population groups are critical in the development of the expected value of library services. These are the library policymakers, the library staff, the faculty, and the students. Field studies were car- ried out for students in management and mechanical engineering. The four popula- tions were investigated by means of inter- views and attitude surveys. Proposals for the continuation of this research are made. Administrative Integration of Information Resources and Services in Universities in Canada and the United States. By Helen A. Howard. 1974. 27p. (ED 096 945, MF-$0.75, HC-$1.85). Eight Canadian and U.S. universities that have combined several information ser- vices under one administrator were studied. These services include the library and one or more other information handling func- tions such as audiovisual services, technical aids to instruction, computing services, tele- communications, bookstore, artistic proper- ties, university press, and printing services. The main objective was to determine to what extent new organizational models exist, the configuration of these models, and whether there is any trend or pattern de- veloping. Rationales for such combined ser- vices are discussed, along with the benefits and problems of multiple information ser- vices and the characteristics of their ad- ministrators. Retrieval of Non-Print Information with Recommendations for Gallaudet Col- lege. By Fern Edwards. 197 4. 132p. (ED 096 958, MF-$0.75, HC-$6.50). Recent Publications I 341 With the purpose of designing a learning center to fit the instructional programs of Gallaudet College, a review of the litera- ture and visits to twenty schools and col- leges were made and options considered for the provision of nonprint materials. The costs, advantages, and utility of various nonprint retrieval systems are analyzed, specifically videocassette systems, televi- sion and dial access equipment. Library fun~tions necessary in the support of a non- print collection are defined, including selec- tion of materials, with emphasis on faculty participation; organization and housing of the collection; personnel; dissemination; outreach to students and faculty; and evalu- ation. Recommendations are then made, in the form of performance objectives through 1980 for the development of the nonprint retri~val services at Gallaudet College Li- brary. Cost estimates are provided for achieving these objectives. Because the pro- vision of such a learning center has impli- cations for the total program of the college, suggestions are made for increased coordi- nation between the library and students, faculty, and administration. Scientific and Technical Libraries in Ken- tucky. By Russell H. Powell and David E. Gleim. Kentucky Univ., Lexington, · Coli. of Engineering. 1973. 99p. (ED 096 961, MF-$0 .75, HC-$4.20). Based on initial questionnaires, plus fol- lowup contacts and interviews, this survey documents for the first time the holdings, rates of growth, and information res~urc~s available at seventy-two of Kentucky s sci- entific and technical libraries. Included are library book collections that emphasize the business, economic, biological, physical, medical, and engineering sciences. The Relationship between Use of the Sea- ver Scieme Library of the University of Southern California and Selected Personal Characteristics of the Stud.ent Population. By Shirley Joyce McFall. 1974. 80p. (ED 096 964, MF-$0.75, HG-$4.20). A study was undertaken to examine the relationship between use of Seaver Science Library at the University of Southern Cali- fornia and selected personal characteristics 342 I College & Research Libraries • July 1975 of students in four science classes (two un- dergraduate, two graduate), selected from those courses for which materials were on reserve at Seaver library. Results proved use of Seaver library to be highly course re- lated and showed a strong correlation be- tween class standing and increased use of books, journals, indexes and abstracts, ref- erence service, and card catalog. The Duplication of Monograph Holdings in the University of California Library System. By William S. Cooper and oth- ers. Inst. of Library Research, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 197 4. 38p. (ED 097 883, MF-$0.75, HC-$1.85).. Cooperative book acquisition plans and improved systems of interlibrary lending are intended to eliminate duplication of li- brary holdings. In order to calculate possi- ble savings, an investigation of how much duplication exists in the libraries on the various campuses of the University of Cali- fornia was made. Estimates were developed for the extent of the overlap of the mono- graph 'holdings of the UCLA collection with those of the other southern University of California campuses, and of the monograph holdings of the Berkeley collection with those of the other northern campuses. The historic usage rates of the overlapped por- tions of the collections also were estimated. The methodology by which these estimates were obtained is quite general and with appropriate modifications should be appli- cable in investigations of a similar nature in other library systems. College of Education Libraries Research Project. Final Report, Volume 1 Report. By W. H. Shercliff and others. Didsbury College of Education, Manchester, En- gland. 1973. 315p. (ED 098 917, MF- $0.75, HC-$15.00). The College of Education Libraries Re- search Project was commissioned by the Department of Education and Science at Didsbury College of Education, Manches- ter, England. The topics investigated in- cluded the aims and objectives of college of education libraries, effective use of li- brary materials, funding, book selection methods, staffing requirements, staff and student library use, and student book buy- ing habits. Data for the report were gath- ered from surveys, questionnaires, use studies, circulation analyses, existing statis- tics, inventories, budgets, and various types of visits and investigations. The study was comprehensive, covering all the standard in-house library functions, plus interlibrary loans, audiovisual materials, and bookstores. College of Education Libraries Research Report. Final Report. Volume 2 Appen- dices. By W. H. Shercliff and others. Didsbury College of Education, Man- chester, England. 1973. 214p. (ED 098 918, MF-$0.75, HC-$10.20). This volume contains the appendixes to the report of the College of Education Li- braries Research Project (ED 098 917) commissioned by the Department of Edu- cation and Science, Didsbury College of Education. It includes tables, graphs, sta- tistical data, letters, questionnaires, and some narrative text on the subjects of effec- tive library materials use, funding and ex- penditures, materials selection, staffing, staff and student library use, and students' book buying habits. Structuring for a Collection Development Policy. Wayne State Univ., Univ. Li- braries. 1974. 32p. (ED 098 927, MF- $0.75, HC-$1.50). The scholarly record, produced, distrib- uted, and procured because of complex so- cial values and by means of complex bu- reaucratic institutions, is now so large and continues to grow at such a pace that the task of identifying what should be pur- chased and retained for a particular library agency requires a highly abstract verbal model to explain. Collection development policy statements are not reducible to a logico-mathematical model because the ranges of each of the variables that are in- volved in the decision-making process are wide. A perspective is developed based on the communication structure of scholarship and on the system of information dissemi- nation. Given these two institutionalized and interrelated systems, a structure can be devised to serve as guidelines for making decisions on the extent of Wayne State Uni- versity's collecting through establishing the kind and extent of the participation of the university in the scholarly communication process. A Study of Academic Librarians' Salaries and Privileges. By Rex C. Hopson. U niv. Library, Univ. of New Mexico, Albu- querque. 197 4. 6p. (ED 098 958, MF- $0.75, HC-$1.50). In order to acquire information for use by the University of New Mexico General Library Faculty Salary Committee, a ques- tionnaire was sent to eleven university li- brary directors in nearby states. Nine re- sponded. Results of the study showed that in most universities librarians have faculty status, but are on eleven-month contracts. Degrees, experience, and rank are the major influences on salaries, with raises based on cost of living and merit. Beginning salaries for 1974-75 ranged from $8,640 to $10,340, average salaries from $11,704 to $14,557, and highest salaries (excluding directors) from $14,340 to $28,525. Directions and Shortcuts to Book Order- ing. Second Revised Edition. Edited by M. P. Schaberg, Univ. Library, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 1973. 17p. (ED 098 964, 'MF-$0.75, HC-$1.50). Intended mainly for internal use, this manual provides an outline of procedures for library acquisitions at the University of North Carolina. There is information on fis- cal matters; routing; request forms; expedit- ing factors; use and usefulness of various kinds of catalogs; photocopying; standing orders; ordering procedures for second copies, undergraduate library materials, and the reserve reading collection; notifications of availability and cancellation; ephemeral materials; and procedures for initiating a periodical subscription. A Media Resources and Services Budget- ary Analysis and Allocation System for the Minnesota State College System. Edited by Dale K. Carrison. 197 4. 12p. (ED 099 004, MF -$0.75, HC-$1.50). A budgetary analysis and allocation sys- tem for college and university media (au- diovisual and library) resources and ser- vices is proposed which is aimed at help- ing administrative personnel to make deci- sions concerning future needs. This Minne- Recent Publications I 343 sota Plan, used for the state college system, proposes a media materials budget based on three components-an annual base bud- get of $100,000 per institution, a materials 'budget of $15 per FTE student and faculty (to be divided 85 percent for program ma- terials and 15 percent for special alloca- tions), and a collection deficiency supple- ment, to be determined by a formula called minimum materials collection size. A media services staffing formula is also produced, based on the amount of public services, technical services, and production services. Information-Seeking Behavior of College Students Using the Library to do Re- search. A Pilot Study. By Jeffrey G. Reed. 197 4. 36p. (ED 100 306, MF- $0.75, HC-$1.85). Relatively little is known about the infor- mation-seeking patterns of students using college libraries. In order to assess the bib- liographic search process of students, a questionnaire and log form were given to fifty-five undergraduate students at Buck- nell University's Bertrand Library. Forty- seven students completed the log and ques- tionnaire. Each of the thirty-nine usable re- sponses was examined, evaluated, and rated on the basis of six rating scales concerning the statement of the research topic and the conduct of the search. A number of con- clusions can be drawn from the informa- tion gathered: In general, students seem poorly skilled in use of a college library. In- structions on how to use the library seem to have little effect. Students at Bucknell tend to search the card catalog most fre- quently by subject. Students seem unskilled in translating their questions into terms compatible with the library system. Stu- dents frequently fail to consult appropriate, key bibliographic information sources. Logi- cal progression and systematic approaches to checking sources of information often ap- pear to be absent. The conception of re- search on the part of many students ap- pears to be limited and unsophisticated. Selective Dissemination of Microfiche Documents in a University Setting- Phase I. By J. C. Meredith. 197 4. 19p. (ED 100 309, MF-$0.75, HC-$1.50). 344 I College & Research Libraries • July 1975 Governors State University (Illinois) has developed and studied a system of se- lective dissemination of microfiche docu- ments. Twenty-six faculty members in sci- ence and engineering were interviewed in depth to determine their information needs, interest categories, and descriptors to be used in searches. Individual profiles were constructed for each faculty member. These were sent to National Technical Informa- tion Service (NTIS), which then retrieved documents from its data base on a regular basis for the faculty. Some changes at NTIS, and the categorical structure used, made the service less relevant than it might have been and somewhat difficult to use. An Investigation into the Feasibility of Merging Three Technical Processing Operations into One Central Unit. By Robert W. Burns, Jr. 197 4. 264p. (ED 100 341, MF-$0.75, HC-$17.40). Three contiguous schools in the upper midwest-a teacher's training college and a private four-year college in one state, and a land-grant university in another-were studied to see if their libraries could merge one of their major divisions-technical ser- vices-into a single administrative unit. Potential benefits from such a merger were felt to be economic, political, social, and educational. The investigator found that these schools were not yet ready for such a merger. Several alternative courses of ac- tion were suggested which would allow the schools to begin preparing for such a move as painlessly as possible. Supporting the study is a methodology for analyzing li- brary cooperative proposals including a questionnaire, interview techniques, a sta- tistical analysis of acquisition (on-order) files to determine potential overlap, a pro- cessing diary study, flow process charts, a staff dispersion study, cost analysis, and a policies and procedures analysis chart. The Independent Research Library. By William S. Budington. NCLIS-NPLIS Related Paper Number Four. 197 4. 3lp. (ED 100 390. MF-$0.75, HC-$1.85). In the United States there are fifteen to twenty independent research libraries de- signed to provide the corpus of records nec- essary to intellectual inquiry in one or more disciplines, in dimensions as complete as possible, and with the optimum provision of scholarly apparatus and physical con- venience. The rare nature of much of the collections of these libraries requires special handling and highly trained staffs, and of- ten means restricted public access. Because of these special circumstances, research li- braries may not be able to permit the gen- eral public access mentioned in the Nation- al Program for Library and Information Services. They would be able to participate in making their material available to the scholarly public with support in the form of: assistance in preparing and issuing ma- jor catalogs and bibliographies; equipment for photoduplication and transport of need- ed records; and transport of qualified users to the libraries. Additional support is need- ed to maintain the collections and for train- ing of staff. The recognition of the indepen- dent research libraries as a national infor- mation resource and their support would be a great service to the scholarly commu- nity. National Program of Library and Infor- mation Services of NCLIS: Implication for College and Community College Li- braries. By Beverly P. Lynch. NCLIS- NPLIS Related Paper Number Eight. 197 4. 28p. (ED 100 394, MF -$0.75, HC-$1.85). Since college and junior college libraries are imbedded in the organizational frame- work of the colleges they serve, the per- spective of the colleges with regard to edu- cational planning at the national level will bear directly on the library's role in the Na- tional Program for Library and Information Services. As educational costs rise and available moneys decline, college libraries will be asked to demonstrate that a nation- al plan for sharing library resources and building information networks will be cost beneficial. The resources of many college libraries would be inadequate to meet the standards required for participation in a national program. Financial support would be needed to bring them up to standard. To meet the expectations of the college community from a nationwide library net- work, the federal government must insure reciprocity in the exchange of services.