College and Research Libraries ~OWELL J. HEANEY Bibliographical Scholarship in the United States, 1949-197 4: A Review The period from 1949 through 1974 has been a significant one in the field of analytical bibliography in the United States. American writers have helped to establish new standards of editorial procedure and bibliographical description, have refined bibliographical techniques, and have applied those principles and techniques to subfects as diverse as early printing and twentieth-century literature. As part of this ef- fort they have studied all the aspects of the history of the printed book, particularly in the United States. This review attempts to sug- gest, by citation of major books and articles and by example, the .range and quality of the work accomplished. ALTHOUGH No ONE woULD suGGEST that the year 1949 marked the beginning of analytical bibliography in the United States, the appearance in that year of Fredson Bowers~ Principles of Biblio- graphical Description and Curt F. BUh- ler, James G. McManaway, and Law- rence C. Wroth's Standards of Biblio- graphi~al Description did mark a turn- ing point in the field. The purpose of this review is to note, specifically or by example, the more significant work in analytical bibliography and the history of the printed book accomplished in the United States from 1949 through 1974, wherever that work may have been pub- lished. More complete bibliographical infor- mation on books and articles mentioned Howell ] . Heaney is rare book librarian of the Free Library of Philadelphia. This article is based on a paper delivered at a meeting of the Committee on Rare mid Precious Books and Documents at the Fortieth General Council Meeting of the International Federation . of Library Asso- ciatfons, in Washington, D.C., in November 1974. . in the course of this paper is given in the bibliography at its conclusion. The scope of the review is that of the annual "Selective Check List of Bib- liographical · Scholarship" launched by Fredson Bowers with the list for 1949 in the third volume of Studies in Bib- liography.1 This means that emphasis is put on ''primary investigations deal- ing with printing and publishing his- tory, and bibliographical treatment of authors and their books, together with such critical or textual studies as are based on bibliographical evidence or the interpretation of basic documents,"2 and, for the period of the later Renais- sance to the present, on English and American literature and American his- tory. This is to leave for review by an- other writings on bibliography in the broadest sense, of which Archer Tay- lor's A History of Bibliographies of Bibliographies ( 1955), Book Cata- logues: Their Varieties and Uses ( 1957), and Catalogues of Rare Books: A Chap- ter in Bibliographical History ( 1958) are striking examples, and the impor- tant works of critical enumerative bib- /493 494 I College & Research Libraries • November 1975 liography published in the past twenty- six years, works of the sort called by Stanley Pargellis "the kind the great in- novators began."3 In general, the framework for con- sidering the books and articles discussed here is the outline of ABHB: Annual· Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries,'* as adapted from Bibliography in Britain. · Finally, if the reader is to retain a sense of balance, he must remember that the contribution of scholars in the United States is only part of a broad and continuing effort to understand the history of books more fully and to make bibliography a more effective tool of scholarship. GENERAL WoRKS The continuity of that effort is evident in the two books already mentioned. Fred- son Bowers' Principles of Bibliographical Description is a vigorous and exhaustive extension of the work of McKerrow and Greg. With broader application than to ear- ly English literature, it is a direct answer to James G. McManaway's proposals for descriptive bibliography in his essay in Standards of Bibliographical Description: "general agreement that the purpose of bib- liography i's to describe the ideal copy of each book after the examination of every surviving copy"; "a uniform terminology" with "a precise definition of terms, particu- larly state, issue and edition"; and "a gen- erally accepted formulary of collation."5 The reaction to Bowers' stand then is evident in the three essays in Standards of Bibliographical Description. Curt F. Biihler points out that the incunabulists had long since established a universally accepted sys- tem of description and gently but firmly suggests that the general application of the Greg- Bowers formulary and shorthand would present difficulti'es. McManaway, al- though in agreement with Bowers, devotes most of his essay to the consideration of printing house practice and its meaning for the bibliographer and editor. Lawrence C. Wroth expresses a strong feeling that, at least i'n the field of Americana, exhaustive bibliographical description would be ·a misapplication of time and energy subject to the law of diminishing return, a text on which Herman W. Liebert expands in Bib- liography Old & New (1974). In the years since the appearance of his Principles, Bowers has been equally active in three areas of bibliographical scholar- ship. He has refined those principles, most notably in "Bibliography, Pure Bibliogra- phy, and Literary Studies" (1952), "Pur- . poses of Descriptive Bibliography, with Some Remarks on Methods" (1953), and "Bibliography Revisited" (1969). He has written on "Some Relations of Bibliography to Editorial . Problems" (1950), Bibliogra- phy and Textual Criticism (1964), and "Multiple Authority: . New Problems and Concepts of Copy-Text" (1972). He has applied the principles he has set down in work as diverse as his editions of The Dra- matic Works of Thomas Dekker (1953- 1961) and The Dramatic W arks in the Beauinont and Fletcher Canon (1966- 1970), and Whitman's Manuscripts: "Leaves of Grass" (1860), a · Parallel Text (1955) and The University of Virginia Edition of the Works of Stephen Crane (1969- ). W. W. Greg's pioneer work on the ra- tionale of copy-text and the calculus of variants has been carried forward by Vin- ton A. Dearing's A Manual of Textual Analysis (1959) and Principles and Prac- tice of Textual Analysis (1974), Paul Baender' s "The Meaning of Copy-Text" (1969), and G. Thomas Tanselle's "The Meaning of Copy-Text: A Further Note" (1970), with a growing attention to the problems and variants presented by differ- ent periods and circumstances. Editorial procedure has been discussed by editors of particular works in their in- troductions, by American contributors to the conferences on editorial procedure at the University of Toronto, and, amon-g oth- ers, by R. C. Bald in his "Editorial Prob- lems-A Preliminary Survey" (1950), by Cyrus Hoy in "On Editing Elizabethan Plays" (1972), by William B. Todd in "Bibliography and the Editorial Problem in the Eighteenth Century" (1951), by Fredson Bowers in "Some Principles for Scholarly Editions of Nineteenth-Century American Authors" ( 1964), and more re- cently by James E. Thorpe in Principles of Textual Criticism (1972) -and by Matthew J. Broccoli and others in The Authols In- tention (1972). Indeed, . in "The SCADE Series: Apparatus for Definitive Editions" (1973) Bruccoli describes· the extension of ,the procedure to the publication of the ap- paratus only, without the text, for definitive editions of works in copyright or works that it is not feasible to republish. All these deal with the field of literature, but Edwin Wolf, 2nd, has reminded us in "Evidence Indicat- ing the Need for Some Bibliographical Analysis of American Printed Historical Works" (1969) that the. Americanist can profit from attention to the history of his text. Articles like that of James B. Meriwether and Joseph Katz, "A Redefinition of 'Issue'" (1972); William B. Todd's "Observations on the Incidence and Interpretation of Press Figures" ( 1950) and "Press Figures" (1953); and G. Thomas Tanselle's "The Identification of Type Faces in Bibliograph- ical Description" (1966), "The Recording of Press Figures" (1966), "A System of Color Identification for Bibliographical De- scription" (1967), "The Use of Type Dam- age as Evidence in Bibliographical Descrip- tion" ( 1968), "Copyright Records and the Bibliographer" (1969), "The Bibliographi- cal Description of Patterns'' (1970), "The Bibliographical Description of Paper" ( 1971), "Book-Jackets, Blurbs, and Bib- liographers" ( 1971), and ''Bibliography and Science" (1974) suggest a further book in the field of bibliographical descrip- tion based on the work of these and other authorities in the past twenty-six years. Its author would draw heavily on the publica- tions surveyed in Tanselle's "The Periodical Literature of English and American Bibli- ography" (1973), and would, hopefully, find useful "The Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1949" through that for 19726 and the volumes of ABHB: Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries for 1970 and following years. INCUNABULA The contribution of the United States to the study of incunabula from 1949 through 197 4 has been distinguished and varied. Bibliographical Scholarship I 495 Curt F. Buhler's Rosenbach lecture on in- cunabula printed in Standards of Biblio- graphical Description (1949) modestly suggested modifications in the standards long since established for his field, his The University and the Press in Fifteenth-Cen- tury Bologna (1958) centered on a given place, and his The Fifteenth-Century Book: The Scribes, the Printers, the Decorators (1960) on the transition from the manu- script to the printed book. As a happy tribute, his major articles to 1966 have been collected and published by the Grolier Club in Early Books and Manuscripts (1973). Frederick R. Goff's stUdies have ranged from "The Four Florentine Editions of Savonarola's Predica dellarte del bene morire" ( 1950) to The Permanence of Johann Gutenberg (1971), with Incunabu- la in American Libraries: A Third Census (1964) and its Supplement (1972) his ma- jor work. Rudolf Hirsch's contributions have been regular, many building toward his Printing, Selling and Reading, 1450-1550 (1967) and its second printing (1974) with a supplemental annotated bibliograph- ical introduction. The acquisition by the Morgan Library early in 1954 of the Romont copy of the Missale speciale Constantiense generated a literature as to its date sufficient to support an entirely separate survey. Allan Steven- son's conclusions, based on his view of the manufacture, distribution, and use of paper in the mid-fifteenth century, are most fully stated in The Problem of the "Missale spe- ciale'' (1967). Curt F. Buhler's appear in a series of articles, including "The Con- stance Missal and Two Documents from the Constance Diocese" (1956), "Who Print- ed the Missale speciale Constantiense?" (1957), "Another View of the Dating of the Missale speciale Constantiense" (1959), and "Last Words on Watermarks" (1973), an essay of broad application which con- cludes with the suggestion that "it would seem wise-at least for the immediate pres- ent-to treat the evidence that watermarks may provide for dating incunabula with some caution." Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt has given us Peter Schaeffer (1950) and Gutenberg and the Master of the Playing Cards (1966) with its ingenious theory as to Gutenberg's 496 I College & Research Libraries • November 1975 experiments toward · the mechanical decora- tion of his Bible. Elizabeth L. Eisenstein has examined the effects of the invention of printing in "Some Conjectures about the Impact of Printing on Western Society" (1968) and "The Advent of Printing and the Problem of the Renaissance" ( 1969). Walter L. Heilbronner' s Printing and the Book in Fifteenth-Century England: A Bib- liographical Survey ( 1967) is a most help- ful annotated guide to bibliographies and critical works in a special segment of the field. A score of lists, including Christopher U. Faye's Fifteenth Century Printed Books at the University of Illinois (1949), Dorothy M. Schullian and Francis E. Sommer's A Catalogue of Incunabula and Manuscripts in the Army Medical Library (1949), Phyl- lis W. G. Gordan's Fifteenth-Century Books in the Library of Howard Lehman Good- hart (1955), and Thomas E. Marston and Leon Nemoy's Incunabula in the Yale Uni- versity Libraries (1955), bridged the gap between Margaret Bingham Stillwell's In- cunabula in American Libraries: A Second Census (1940) and Goff's third census of 1964. The publication of Stillwell's The Awakening Interest in Science during the First Century of Printing (1970), a survey of the . more important publications in mathematics, medicine, natural science, physics, and technology, and her The Be- ginning of the World of Books, 1450 to 1470 (19,72), a chronological ordering of the books of the first twenty years of print- ing in Europe, saw the dream of a lifetime of work with early printed books realized. SIXTEENTH- AND SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY BooKs Studies like Stillwell's are d.ependent on the existence of basic guides, and here the student of the book in the sixteenth and even the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- turies is at ·a disadvantage as compared with the incunabulist. Specialization in even the basic listing of what was printed after 1500, whether by country and region or by subject, is desir:;tble, perhaps even in- evitable, and the past tw~nty-six have seen the publication of a number of such .lists as well as work to'ward the revision of lists already published. William A. Jackson reported on the · progress of his revision of Pollard and Redgrave in "The Revised STC~' (1955), and Katharine ·F. Pantzer wrote in "The Serpentine Progress of the STC Revision" (1968) on her continuation of the work after Jackson's death. The third volume of Donald G. Wing's Short-Title Catalogue . .. 1641-1700 appeared in 1951, and the first volume of the revision, on which he was at work at the time of his death, was published in 1972. · Volumes such as Paul G. Morrison's In- dex of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in ... "A Short-Title Catalogue ... 1475- 1640'' (1950), William Warner Bishop'·s A Checklist of American Copies of ~~Short­ Title Catalogue" Books (2d ed., 1950), and Edwin Wolf, 2nd's A Check-List of the Books in The .Library Company of Phila- delphia in and Supplementary to Wing's "Short-Title Catalogue, 1641-1700" (1959) have expanded the usefulness of both Pol- lard and Redgrave and Wing and helped to carry us over from edition to edition of the bibliographies themselves. For the con- tinent The Rosenwald Collection: A Cata- logue (1954), edited by Frederick R. Goff and supplemented by periodic reports on additions (principally ·in the Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress), in- cludes important sections. Two parts of the proposed series of full~dress catalogs of books and manuscripts in the Department of Print~g and Graphic Arts of the Har- vard College Library have also appeared, Ruth Mortimer's French 16th Century Books (1964) and her Italian 16th Cen- tury Books (1974). pAPER AND p APERMAKING Dard Hunter and Allan Stevenson were the major writers in the United .States on paper and papermaking in the twenty:-six years between 1949 and 1974. If Stevenson was sometimes inclined to press his view of the dating of books · on the basis of paper with more vigor than caution, he certainly advanced .bibliography by his insistence, in essays such as his Observations on Paper as Evidence (1961) and the introduction to the second volume of the ~catalog of Hunt's botanical books (1961), that paper be taken into account "in bibliographi'cal studies and noted · in bibliographical de- scriptions. He not only refined· the tools at our _d~sP,~sal !Q,~ : . tpe , study of paper, as in "his e'dition of · Briquet · (1968), but also gave us a model of the application of his views in the portion ·of the Hunt catalog he compiled. Dard Hunter's magnificent pri- vately printed Papermaking by Hand in America (1950) was, happily, followed by an expansion of the text made available at moderate cost, Papermaking in Pioneer ·America (1952). The extension of his work will depend on a series of regional studies such as W. C. Adams' "History of Paper- . making in the Pacific Northwest" (1951) and Marcus A. McCorison' s "Vermont Pa- permaking, 1784-1820" (1964) and his "Addenda" to that article (1965). PRINTING, TYPEFOUNDING, AND PRESSES As with paper, the interest of American writers in typefounding and the history of presses and press making has been largely engaged by American subjects. Lawrence C. Wroth's revised edition of his Abel Buell of Connecticut (1958) enlarged a work first published in 1926, while Rollo C. Sil- ver's Typefounding in America, 1787-1825 (1965) and The American Printer, 1787- 1825 (1967) broke new ground. Hope- fully, studies such as his "Efficiency Im- proved: The Genesis of the Web Press in America" (1970) will build toward books extending his earlier work. Jacob Kainen' s George Clymer and the Columbian Press (1950) and Richard E. Huss' The Develop- ment of Printerl Mechanical Typesetting Methods, 1822-1925 (1973) stand at the beginning and end of the period under re- view, the one an account of the first major American improvement of the printing press and the other of the sometimes pain- ful progress toward what must have been the dream of every master printer, if not of every compositor, from the time of Guten- berg. UNITED STATES IMPRINTS The listing of books about America, in- cluding those on what is now the United States, antedates the founding of the re- public by almost a century and a half. The listing of the imprints of what is now the United States followed our independence, and may be traced from the work of Isaiah Thomas, as a collector and writer on the history of printing in America, through the .bibliographies of Hildebum, Seidensticker, and Evans to the present. Indeed, Charles Evans' great effort to list our imprints from the earliest of 1639 Bibliographical Scholarship I 497 through those of 1820 was rounded at 1800 with the publication of volume 13 of the American Bibliography ( 1955), the work of Clifford K. Shipton, seventy-five years after Evans had begun gathering material and fifty-two years after the appearance of the first volume of his bibliography. Vol- ume 14, an author-title index by Roger P. Bristol, was published four years later, and Bristol's Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers Indicated by Charles Evans in His "American Bibliography'' in 1961. Ship- ton and James E. Mooney's alphabetical short-title Evans was published in 1969. Bristol's Supplement to Charles Evanl ''American Bibliography" appeared in 1970, his index to the supplement the following year, and his first list of additions and cor- rections in 1972. Roughly the same years saw the publica- tion of th,!3 volumes of Ralph R. Shaw and Richard H. Shoemaker's American Bibliog- raphy: A Preliminary Checklist far 1801 [-1819] (1958-1966) and those of Shoe- maker's A Checklist of American Imprints for 1820 [-1829] (1964-1973), the vol- umes for the last four years compiled with the assistance of Gayle Cooper, and two volumes of indexes by M. Frances Cooper. A volume for 1830, compiled by Gayle Cooper, appeared in 1972. The work is to be continued by Scott Bruntjen, Roger C. Greer, Michael H. Harris, and William A. Stoppel, with each of them responsible for a decade from the 1830s through the 1860s. The efforts at listing the imprints of par- ticular states and cities which began with Evans' predecessors were given special im- petus during the 1930s by the work of the American Imprints Inventory of the His- torical Records Survey under the direction of Douglas C. McMurtrie. The material gathered by the American Imprints Inven- tory workers, despite its limitations, has served as a guide to workers in the same field since. The latest volume published di- rectly from the American Imprints Inven- tory files is the Check List of Wisconsin Imprints, 1864-1869 (1953), but for almost twenty years, beginning in 1951, students in the Dep~rtment of Library · Science of the Catholic University of America wrote master's theses based on short runs of the cards in the Inventory files preserved at the Library of Congress. 498 I C allege & Research Libraries • November 197 5 · More significantly, the influence of both McMurtrie and the Inventory carried over into the four volumes issued under the auspices ·. of the Committee on Bibliogra- phies of American Imprints of the Biblio- graphical Society of · America (the last of them was Lester Hargrett's Oklahoma Im- prints, 1835- 1890, publi'shed in 1951), and a score of other bibliographies from George W. Belknap's McMurtrie's "Oregon Im- prints": A Supplement (1951) to his Ore- gon Imprints, 1845- 1870 (1968). Among like publications of the past twenty-six years special mention should be made - of John Alden's Rhode Island Imprints, 1727- 1800 (1950), Cecil K. Byrd and · Howard H. Peckham's A Bibliography of Indiana Imprints, 1804-1853 (1955), Marcus A. McCorison' s Vermont Imprints, 1778-1820 (1963) with its supplement (1968), and Byrd's A Bibliography of Illinois Imprints, 1814- 1858 (1966), any one of which would serve as a model for a similar bibliography. Of broader scope than any of these is Thomas W. Streeter's Bibliography of Tex- as, 1795-1845 (1955-1960), for its two vol- umes on Texas imprints· include a full ac- count of the newspapers published in Texas before 1846, . with · locations of extant files; its third volume is devoted to Mexican im- prints on Texas; and its · fourth and fifth volumes are devoted to imprints on Texas printed in the United States and' Europe. The results of his work justified the more than thirty . years Streeter devoted to it, and his introductions. and notes raise the fin- ished bibliography to the level of first-rate · historical . writing. · Marjorie L. Crandall's Confederate Im- prints: A Check List Based Principally on the Collection of the Boston Athenaeum (1955) and Richard B. Harwell's More Confederate Imprints (1957) and Confed- erate Imprints in the University of Georgia L ibraries (1964) are more general than the bibliographies of the imprints . of partic- ular states, and essays such as Frederick R. Goff's "Early Printing in Georgetown (Po- tomak), 1789- 1800" (1958) continue the tradition of localized studies pursued so ef- fectively by McMurtrie. Zoltan . Haraszti's The Enigm4 of the Bay Psalm Book (1956) is an example of the result of close atten- tion to an important book. Klaus G. Wust' s "German Printing in Virginia: A Check List, 1789- 1834" · (19.53) and Walter Kline~ felter's "The· ABC Books ·of the Pennsylva- nia Germans" . (19.73), and James - H. Fra.; ser's "Indian Mission Printing: A '·Bibliogra- phy" (1968) and his "Indian Mission Print- ing in Arizona: An Historical Sketch and Bibliography" (1969) are examples of · at- tention to printing for special · groups. Dorothea N. Spear's Bibliography of Ameri- can Directories through 1860. (1961) and Milton Drake's · Almanacs of the United States (1962) are examples of attention to special classes of publications. While the listing of private press books has not been as regular in this country as in England, James · Lamar Weygand ·has given us news .and reviews of such presses over the years in the American Book Col- lector, and bibliographies and accounts of private presses by others, many· of them privately printed, have 'included Dorothy and David Magee's Bibliography of the Grabhorn Press, 1940- 1956, with a Check- List, 1916- 1940 (1957); Herbert Cahoon's The Overbrook Press Bibliography, 1934 .... 1959 (1963), Norman H. Strouse's The Passionate Pirate ( 1964) on Thomas Bird Mosher, and · Benton L. Hatch's A Check List of the Publications of Thoma.S Bird Mosher ('1966). · BooK ILLUSTRATION . . . ' . ~ In the study of book illustration, as in other fields, scholarly publication follows on the gathering ·of adequate collections. Three collections have -had a special influ- ence on American ·studies of illustration in ~he past twenty-six years: Lessing J. Rosen- wald's, given to the Library of Congress; Philip Hofer'S; ' given. to Harvard; and Sin- clair Hamilton's, given to Princeton. The catalogs of the first two have already been cited here. Hofer's collection has supported numerous _publications, including his own Baroqu,e . nlustration: A Short Survey (1951). The · catalog of Hamilton's . collection, Early American Book Illustrators and Wood Engravers~ - 1670- 1870 (1958), has been ex- tend~d by' a supplement published in 1968. The plan .of his catalog~with its division between books published prior to the nine .. century considered chronologically and those of the . nineteenth century con- sidered under the na~es of their illustra- tors, with accounts of the work of the artists of both periods-makes the volumes much more than a guide to the collection. Among the individual figures on whom detailed studies have appeared are Paul Revere (Clarence S. Brigham's Paul Re- vere's Engravings, J954), Hablot K. Browne (Albert Johannsen's Phiz .. Illustrations from the Novels of Charles Dickens, 1956), and Blake (including Geoffrey Keynes .and Ed- win Wolf, 2nd's William Blake's Illuminat- ed Books: A Census, 1953, and numerous papers by G. E. Bentley, Jr., Charles Rys- kamp, and others). BooKBINDING Although Dorothy .Miner's remarkable The History of Bookbinding, 525-1950 A.D.: An Exhibition (1957) showed the range of bindings available in this country, in the study of binding, as in the study of printing, American writers have been prin- cipally concerned with American work. Mi- chael Papantonio, with Hannah D. French and Carol and Willman Spawn, has given us Early American Bookbindings from the Collection of Michael Papantonio· (1972), a fully illustrated and annotated catalog of examples of leather bindings from 1669 to 1864. The 1941 edition of Bookbinding in America by Hannah D. French, Joseph W. Rogers, and Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt was reprinted in 1967, with bibliographical sup- plements covering ·the literature of the twenty-five years from 1941 to 1967 added to each of its three sections , Lawrence S. Thompson has written on "Hand Bookbind- ing in the United States since the Civil War" (1954), and C. Clement Samford and John M. Hemphill, II, have given us a pioneer study, Bookbinding in Colonial Virginia (1966). French has described the work of An- drew Barclay (in "The Amazing Career of Andrew Barclay, Scottish Bookbinder, of Boston," 1961), John Roulstone (in "John Roulstone's Harvard Bindings," 1970), and Caleb Buglass (in "Caleb Buglass, Binder of the Proposed .Book of Common Prayer, Philadelphia, 1786," 1970); and the Spawns the work of Robert Aitken (in "The Aitken . Shop: Identi-fication of an Eighteenth-Century Bindery. and . Its Tools," 1963) and Francis Skinner (in "Francis Skinner, Bookbinder of Newport: An Eigh- · Bibliographical Scholarship I 499 teenth Century Craftsman Identified by His Tools,"· 1965). Frederick B. Adams, Jr.'s Bookbinding by T. ]. Cobden-Sanderson: · An Exhibition ( 1969) is a sh·iking example of what can be accomplished in a small .space. Finally, Joan St.C. Crane in her series on "Rare and Seldom-Seen Dust Jackets of American First Editions," beginning in Serif 7 (1970), ·and G. Thomas Tanselle in his "Book-Jackets, Blurbs, and Bibliogra- phers" (1971) have redirected our atten- . tion to the importance ·of book jackets as bibliographical e.vidence. . PuBLISHING AND BooKSELLING In the field of publishing, which is close- ly related to that of printing, discussed earlier, the publications of the period under review are very nearly bracketed by the ap- pearance of the second edition of The Book in America: A History of the Making and SeUing of Books in the United States (1951) by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Law- rence C. Wroth, and Rollo G. Silver, and John Tebbel's A History of Book Publish- ing in the United States, vol. I, The Crea- tion of an Industry, 1630-1865 (1972). Books and essays such as LeRoy Hewlett's "James Rivington, Tory Printer," in Books in America's Past (1966), edited by David Kaser, Kaser's own _Messrs. Carey & Lea of Philadelphia (1957), and Carl J. Web- er's The Rise . and Fall of I ames Ripley 0 s- good (1959) have shown us publishers of the eastern seaboard in different eras. Bertram W. Kom's "Benjamin . Levy: New . Orleans Printer and Publisher" (1960), supplemented by his "Additional Benjamin and Alexander Levy Imprints" (1968), Kaser's Joseph Charless: Printer in the Western Country (1963), . Albert H. Greenly's A Bibliography of Father Rich- ard's Press in Detroit (1955), Walter Sut- ton's The Western Book Trade: Cincinnati as a Nineteenth-Century Publishing and Book Trade Center (1961), Lota M. Spell's Pioneer Printer: Samuel Bangs in Mexico and Texas (1963), and Madeleine B. Stern's Imprints on History: Book Publish- ers and American Frontiers (1956) have taken us farther west. Warren S. Tryon and William Charvat's !he Cost Books of Ticknor and Fields and Their Predecessors, 1832-1858 (1949) and 500 I College & Research Libraries·· November 1975 Kaser's The Cost Book of Carey and Lea, 1825-1838 (1963) have shown us the pub- lisher in his counting house. John H. Pow- ell's The Books of a New Nation: United States Government Publications, 1774-1814 (1957) exhibited the new federal govern- ment as publisher; and C. Harvey Gardi- ner's Prescott and His Publishers (1959), an author's relationship with his publishers. A host of possible subjects for further study is suggested by directories such as A Direc- tory of the Book-Arts and Book Trade in Philadelphia to 1820, Including Painters and Engravers (1950) and A Directory of Printing, Publishing, Bookselling and Allied Trades in Rhode Island to 1865 (1958), both by H. Glenn and Maude C. Brown, and A Directory of the St. Louis Book and Printing Trades to 1850 (1961) by David Kaser. Much useful work of the same sort remains to be done. With some · exceptions-Clarence S. Brigham's "American Booksellers' Cata- logues, 1734- 1800" in Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth (1951) and John Al- den's "Pills and Publishing: Some Notes on the Engli'sh Book Trade, 1660-1715" (1952), and a number ·of studies already cited in connection with publishing-the more important accounts of bookselling to appear in the past twenty-six years have been biographies or autobiographies. Henry Stevens' Recollections of ]ames Lenox was republished in 1951, edited by Victor Hugo Paltsits, and Wyman W. Parker has en- larged our knowledge of Stevens through his Henry Stevens of Vermont (1963). Ed- win Wolf, 2nd, and John F. Fleming in Rosenbach: A Biography (1960) have shown us "Dr. R," warts and all, if not all warts. Among the autobiographies are Charles P. Everitt's Adventures of a Trea- sure Hunter (1951), David A. Randall's Dukedom Large Enough ( 1969) David Magee's Infinite Riches ( 1973) and Leona Rosten berg and Madeleine B. Stern's Old & Rare: Thirty Years in the Book Business (1974). E. Millicent Sowerby's lively Rare People and Rare Books (1967) must be conceded to England, although much of her life has been spent in the United States. Although they deal with private and institutional ·col- lecting as well as bookselling, two masterly articles by Cordon N. Ray should also be mentioned here: "The Changing World of Rare Books" . (1965) ·and "The World of Rare Books Re-examined" (1974). In the area of the legal, economic, and social aspects of the history of books, Fred- erick R. Goff has given us an account of "The First · Decade of the Federal Act for Copyright, ·179G-1800," in Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth ( 1951). Other volumes are Frederick S. Siebert's Freedom of the Press in England, 1476-1776 (1952), and Lyman R. Patterson's Copyright in Histor:. ical Perspective ( 1968). Leona Rosten berg's The Minority Press and the English Crown: A Study in Repression, 1558-1625 (1971) extends her researches in English publish~ ing in the sixteenth and seventee.nth cen- turies. JOURNALISM In the area of newspapers and journalism the appearance of Clarence S. Brigham's Additions and Corrections to ''History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820" (1961), and volume 4 of Frank Luther Matt's A History of American Mag- azines (1957), covering the period 1885- 1905, reminded us of the tremendous debt we already owed those two scholars. As with imprints generally, so with news- papers, the bulk of the material to be dealt with after the earliest perjod has suggested regional studies such as Muir Dawson's History and Bibliography of Southern Cali- fornia Newspapers, 1851-1876 (1950), and "A Bibliography of Newspapers in Fourteen New York State Counties" (1971 and fol- lowing) by Sylvia G. Faibisoff and others. Newspapers and periodicals together have been treated by language, as in Ray- mond R. MacCurdy's A History and Bibli- ography of Spanish-Language Newspapers and Magazines in LOuisiana, 1808-1949 (1951) and Karl J. R. Arndt and May E. Olson's Die deutschsprachige Presse der Amerikas, 1732-1968: Geschichte und Bib- liographie (1973), or by other special as- pects, as in Gaylord P. Albaugh's "Ameri- can Presbyterian Periodicals and News- papers, 1752-1830, with Library Locations'' ( 1963 and following) and . Alfred L. Bush and Robert S. Fraser's American Indian Periodicals in the Princeton University Li- brary: A Preliminary List (1970). Histories of paiticular newspapers and periodicals have included David Ayerst's The "Manchester Guardian'': Biography of a Newspaper (1971), Richmond P. Bond's The ''Tatler'': The Making of a Literary Journal (1971), Spencer L. Eddy, Jr.'s The Found- ing of the "ComhiU Magazine" (1970), and William E . . Ames' A History of the "National Intelligencer" (1972). Finally, studies covering the whole range of printing and publi'shing and allied fields in the United States, from the earliest to those published in 1969 and major works appearing early in 1970, are listed by well- conceived classes in G. Thomas Tanselle's impressive Guide to the Study of United States Imprints (1971) .. DESCRIPTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY Since the annual checklist compiled for Studies in Bibliography, on which this re- view is largely based, did not extend to bibliophily, book collecting, libraries, and librarianship (except to the extent that ar- ticles on those subjects appeared in the publications of pibliographical societies), consideration of those subjects must be omitted here. There remain to be consid- ered notable examples of the application of the principles of descriptive bibliography published between 1949 and 197 4, which fall in Class M in the scheme of ABHB: Annual Bibliography of the History of ·the Printed Book and Libraries. American ef- forts, books and articles taken together, have been vigorous, and almost equally di- vided among English literature, American literature, American history, and other sub- jects. It is impossible to do inore here than suggest, by example, the range and quality of the work accomplished. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERA TUBE In the field of English literature Charl- ton Hinman's The Printing and Proof-Read- ing of the First Folio of Shakespeare (1963) stands as proof of the valuable re- sults that can be achieved by attention to detail in cases where the circumstances and the nature of the material justify the effort involved. Donald C. Gallup's T. S. Eliot: A Bibliography (rev. ed., 1969), Archibald Hanna, Jr.'s John Buchan, 1875-1940: A Bibliography (1953), and John J. Sl~cum and Herbert Cahoon's. A . Bibliography of Bibliographical Scholarship I 501 ]ames Joyce (1882-1941) (1953) all deal comprehensively with a particular author. George H. Healey's The Cornell Words- worth Collection (1957} and George L. McKay's six-volume catalog of the Steven- son Library· ... Formed by Edwin J. Reinecke (1951-1964) describe major col- lections in the hands of universities, as does Alexander D. Wainwright's Robert Louis Stevenson: A Catalogue of the Henry E. Gerstley Stevenson Collection (1971). Any account of the bibliography of American literature since 1949 must begin with Jacob N. Blanck's Bibliography of American Literature (1955- ), which is now drawing to a close. The bibliogra- phies of individual authors published in the past twenty-six years range from Thomas F. Currier~s A Bibliography of Oliver Wen- dell Holmes (1953), edited by Eleanor M. Tilton, through Emily E. F. Skeel's A Bib- lioaraphy of the Writings of Noah Webster (1958), edited by Edwin H. Carpenter, Jr., to Matthew J. Bruccoli's F. Scott Fitzgerald (1972) in the newly established Pittsburgh Series in Bibliography. Studies of special classes of literature have been as varied as Albert Johannsen's The House of Beadle and Adams and Its Dime and Nickel Nov- els (1950) and its supplemental volume of 1962; Lyle H. Wright's successive Ameri- can Fiction, 1774-1850 (2d rev. ed. , 1969'), American Fiction, 1851-1875 (1957), and American Fiction, 1876-1900 (1966); Rog- er E. Stoddard's A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets Unrecorded in Oscar Wegelin's "Early American Poetry, 1640- 1820'' (1969); and d'Alte A. Welch's A Bibliography of American Children's Books Printed Prior to 1821 (1972). AMERICAN HISTORY Among the important bibliographies to appear in the field of American history have been Robert W. G. Vail's Voice of the Old Frontier (1949), Thomas W. Streeter's Bibliography of Texas, already mentioned, and the eight volumes (1966-1970) of the catalog of the sale of his collection. This last stands head and shoulders above the usual auction catalog because of the inclu- sion, of so many of Streeter's notes, written during the forty years and more in which the books. were collected. Valerian Lada- 502 I College & Research Libraries • November 1975 Mocarski's Bibliography of Books on Alaska Published Before 1868 (1969) presents the ·early record of what is now the most north- ern of our states, and a .group of striking works, including Neal Harlow's Maps of San Francisco Bay from the Spanish Dis- covery in 17 69 to the American Occupation (1950), Lloyd A. Brown's Early Maps of the Ohio Valley: A Selection . . .. from 1673 to 1783 (1959), and Carl I. Wheat's Mapping the Transmississippi West, 1540- 1861 (1957-1963), gives us the geographi- cal setting of American history. OTHER SUBJECTS Other subjects as diverse as medicine (Robert B. Austin's Early American Medi- _cal Imprints . . . 1668- 1820, 1961, and Francisco Guerra's American Medical Bib- liography, 1639-1783, 1962), botany (Ra- chel McM. M. Hunt's Catalogue of Botani- cal Books [to 1800], 1958-1961, in her col- lection), tobacco (Sarah A. Dickson and Perry H; O'Neil's Tobacco: A Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings Acquired since 1942 in the Arents Tobacco Collection at the New York Public Library from 1507 to the Present, 1958-1969), al- chemy (Ian MacPhail's Alchemy and the ·occult: A Catalogue of Books and Manu- scripts from the ColleCtion of Paul and M a'ry Mellon. Given to Yale University Li- brary, 1968), and religion (Margaret T. Hills' The English Bible in America . . . 1777-1957, 1961) have received careful at- tention. CoNcLUSION A number of forces have contributed to the results summarized here. With the close of World War II there was a great increase in the collections of public and private libraries in the United States. The study of these collections produced an increased number of scholarly pub- lications, for example those of the Hu- manities Research Center at the Univer- sity of Texas and those based on the Barrett Collection at the University of Virginia. The work of the Bibliographi- cal Society of America, the Bibliograph- ical Society of the University of Vir- ginia, the· Grolier Club, and other learned and bibliophilic societies, and grants from public funds and private -foundations ' have. assured interest and support for bibliographers. New peri- . ~dicals . devoted to publishing their work ·appeared, notable among them Studies in Bibliography ( 1948-1949 and follow- ing)' j~st established at the start of our . period, and Proof ( 1971 ) , in its fourth volume at the close. During the same years the Papers · of · the Bibliographical Society of America has prospered and expanded. Although we have lost the _Boston Public . Library Quarterly, the Bulletin · of the New York Public Li- brary has been revived after a brief suspension, as has the H m:vard Library Bulletin, and a number of college and university library periodicals 'have been established or enlarged. All of these forces have had their ef- fect,· .but in the end bibliography is the work of dedicated men and women. In the · opening years of the period re- viewed here scholars such as Harry Mil- ler Lydenberg, Victor Hugo Paltsits, ·William Warner Bishop, and Clarence S. Brigham, whose careers had begun a half-century earlier, were still in the field. Fortunately, the tradition they fol- lowed has been carried forward. Last year brought us C. _ William Miller's Benjamin Franklin's Philadelphia Print- ing, 1728-1766: A Descriptive Bibliog- raphy ( 197 4), in which every advance in -- bibliographical technique of the past twenty-six years has been brought to bear with admirable precision and re- sults. This year has seen the publication of Edwin Wolf, 2nd's The Library of ]ames Logan of Philadelphia, 1674-1751 ( 1975), which presents the most impor- . tant of our early collectors and his books. with wit and erudition. We may presently expect a new catalog of the Rosenwald Collection at the Library of Congress; the completion of ·the Bibli- ography of American Literature; vol- umes in the second hundred edited . un- der the auspices of the Center for Editions of American Authors; and the appearance of the revised Short-Title Catalogue. With such work to Jts credit the United States may hope to make as Bibliographical Scholarship I 503 full a contribution to bibliographical studies in the years ahead as it has in the past. REFERENCES 1. The "Selective Check List" was continued in Studies in Bibliography through that for 1972 in volume 27 (197 4). This paper is based on the twenty-four annual lists and the listing of publications of 1973 and 1974 in volumes .4 and S of ABHB: Annual Bib- liography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries, edited by Hendrik D. L. Vervliet, scheduled for publication by Mar- tinus Nijhoff at The Hague in. 1975. The author acknowledges his debt to his col- leagues in compiling the "Selective Check List" and the contribution of th~ United States to ABHB: Lucy Clark and Fredson Bowers, who compiled "Part II: Later Ren- aissance to the Present" of the "Selective Check List" for 1949; Rudolf Hirsch, who compiled "Part I: Incunabula and the Early Renaissance" of the lists for 1949 through 1962; Derek A. Clarke, who was responsible for Part I for. 1963 through 1972; and Ru- . dol£ Hirsch, who has . )~ined him i~. compil- ing the contribution of the United States to ABHB. Finally, he is especially indebted to Dr. Hirsch for his kindness in reading the section of this paper dealing with incunabula in manuscript and making suggestions for its improvement. . . 2. Fredson Bow~rs, writing in the introduction to "A Selective Check List of. Bibliographi- cal Scholarship for 1949," Studies in Bibli- ography 3:292 (1950-51). · 3. Stanley Pargellis, "Gesner, Petzholdt, et al," Papers · of the Bibliographical Society of America 53:15-20 ( 1959). 4. ABHB: Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book . and Libraries, vol. 1, Publications of i970, and following volumes; ed. by Hendrik D. L. Vervliet (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973- ) . 5. Curt F. Buhler, James G. McManaway, and Lawrence ·C. Wroth, Standards of Biblio- graphical Description · (Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr.; 1949), p.70-73. 6. The lists for 1949 through 1954 were re- printed, with the addition of the list for 1955 and an index, as Studies in Bibliogra- phy, Decennial Extra Volume, volume 10 ( 1957). Those for the next seven years were reprinted, with an index, as Selective Check List of Bibliographical Scholarship, Series B, 1956-1962 (Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1966). The lists for 1963 through 1972 are to be found in the volumes of Studies in Bibliography from . volume 18 ( 1965) through volume 27 (1974). BmLIOGRAPHY Adams, Frederick B., Jr., comp. See Cobden- Sanderson, Thomas J. Adams, W. C. "History of Papermaking in ·.the Pacific Northwest," Oregon Historical Quar- terly 52:21-37, 83--100, 154-85 ( 1951) . . Albaugh, Gaylord P. "American Presbyte.rian Periodicals and Newspapers, 1752-1830, with Library · Locations," ] ournal of Presbyterian History 41:165-87 ( 1963), and following volumes. . . Alden, Jolin. "Pills and Publishing: Some Notes on the English Book Trade, 1660-1715," Li- brary, 5th ser. 7:21-37 ( 1952 ). ---. Rhode Island Imprints, . 1727-1800. New York: Bowker for the Bibliographical Society of America, 1950. American Imprints Inventory Project. Wiscon- sin. A Check List .of Wisconsin Imprints, 1864-1869. Madison, Wis.: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, l953. Ames, William E. A History of the "National intelligencer." Chapel Hill, N.C.: Univ. of North Carolina Pr., 1972. Arndt, Karl J.. R., and Olson, May E. Die deutschsprachige Presse (fer Amerikas, J 732- 1968: Geschichte und Bibliographie. Pullach/ Miinchen: Verlag Dokumentation, 1973. Austin, Robert B., comp. See U.S. National Li- brary of Medicine. Ayerst, David. The "Manchester Guardian": Biography of a Newspaper. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ. Pr., 1971. Ba~nder, Paul. "The Meaning . of Copy-Text," Stu9,ies in Bibliography 22:311-18 0969). Bald, R. C. "Editorial Problems-A Preliminary Survey," Studies in Bibliography 3:3-17 (1950-51). Beaumont, Francis. The Dramatic W arks in the Beaumont and Fletcher c ·anon. General edi- tor Fredson Bowers. 2 . vols. Cambridge: Univ. Pr., 1966-70. · Belknap, George W. McMurtrie's ···oregon Im- 504 I College & Research Libraries • November 1975 · prints": A Supplement. Portland, Oreg.: Bin- fords & Mort, 1951. ---. Oregon Imprints, 1845-1870. Eugene, Oreg.: University of Oregon Bookshop, 1968. Bishop, William Warner. A Checklist of Ameri- can Copies of "Short-Title Catalogue" Books. 2d ed. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Univ. of Michigan Pr. , 1950. Blanck, Jacob N. Bibliography of American Literature. Vol. 1-. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Pr., 1955- . Six volumes have been published from 1955 through 1973. Bond, Richmond P. The ~Tatler": The Making of . a Literary Journal. Cambridge, _ Mass.: · Harvard Univ. Pr., 1971. Bowers, Fredson. Bibliography ami Textual Criticism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964. ---. "Bibliography, Pure Bibliography, and Literary Studies," Papers of the Bibliograph- ical Society of America 46:186-208 (1952). ---. "Bibliography Revisited," Library, 5th ser. 24:89-128. ( 1969). · ---. "Multiple Authority: New Problems and Concepts of Copy-Text," Library, 5th ser. 27:81-115 (1972). ---. Principles of Bibliographical Descrip- tion. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. Pr., 1949. ---. "Purposes of Descriptive Bibliography, with Some Remarks on Methods," Library, 5th ser. 8:1-22 (1953). -----. "Some Principles for Scholarly Editions of Nineteenth-Century American Authors," Studies in Bibliography 17:223-28 (1964). ---. "Some Relations of Bibliography to Editorial Problems," Studies in Bibliography 3:37-62 (1950-51 ). ---, ed. See Beaumont, Francis; Crane, Stephen; Dekker, Thomas; and Whitman, Walt. Brigham, Clarence S. Additions and Corrections to ~History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820.-" Worcester, Mass.: American Antiquarian Society, 1961. Also in Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 11:13-62 (1961). ---. . "American Booksellers' Catalogues, 1734-1800," in Essays Honoring Lawrence C. \Vroth, p.31-67. Portland, Maine: An- thoensen Press, 1951. ---. Paul Revere's Engravings. Worcester, Mass.: American Antiquarian Society, · 1954. Briquet, Charles Moise. The New Briquet . . • C. M. Briquet Les Filigranes. . . . A F ac- simile of th~ 1907 Edition with Supplemen- tary Material Contributed by a Number of Scholars. Edited by Allan Stevenson. 4 vols. Amsterdam: Paper Publications Society, 1968. Bristol, Roger P. "Additions and Corrections to Bristol's Supplement to Evans," Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society · 82:46- 64 ( 1972). ---. The American Bibliography of Charles Evans. Volume 14-Index. Worcester, Mass.: American Antiquarian Society, 1959. ---. Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers Indicated by Charles Evans in His ''American Bibliography." Charlottes- ville, Va:: Bibliographical Society of the Uni- versity of Virginia, 1961. ---. Index to .. Supplement to Charles Evans' 'American Bibliography.'" Charlottes- ville, Va.: Univ-.' ·Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1971. . ---·. SupPlement to Charles Evans' .. Ameri- can Bibliography." Charlottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical So- ciety of America and the Bibliographical So- ciety of the University of Virginia, 1970. Brown, H. Glenn, and Brown, Maude C. A Di- rectory of Printing, Publishing, Bookselling and AUied Trades in Rhode Island to 1865. New York: New York Public Library, 1958. ---. A Directory ·of the Book-Arts and Book Trade in Philadelphia to 1820, Including Painters and Engravers. New · York: New York Public Library, 1950. Brown, Lloyd A. Early Maps of the Ohio Val- ley: A Selection ... from 1673 to 1783. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Univ. of Pittsburgh Pr., 1959. Browne, Hablot K. Phiz. IUustrations from the Novels of Charles Dickens, by Albert Johann- sen. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pi., 1956. Broccoli, Matthew J. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Univ. of Pittsburgh Pr., 1972. ---. "The SCADE Series: Apparatus for Definitive Editions," Papers of the Biblio- graphical Society of America 61:431-35 (1973). ---, and others. The Authors Intention . Washington, D.C.: Center for Editions of American Authors, 1972. Biihler, Curt F. "Another View of the Dating of the Missale speciale Constantiense," Li- brary, 5th ser. 14:1-10 ( 1959). ---. "The Constance Missal and Two Docu- ments from the Constance Diocese," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 50:370-75 ( 1956). ---. Early Books and Manuscripts. New York: Grolier Club, 1973. ---. The Fifteenth-Century Book: The Scribes, the Printers, the Decorators. Phila- delphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr., 1960. ---. "Last Words on Watermarks," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 67:1-16 ( 1973). . . ---. The University and the Press in Fif- teenth-Century Bologna. Notre Dame, Ind.: Mediaeval Institute, University of Notre Dame, 1958. ---. "Who Printed the Missale speciale C onstantiense?" Book Collector 6: 253-58 (1957). ---; McManaway, James G.; and Wroth, Lawrence C. Standards of Bibliographical Description. Philadelphia: Univ. of Penn- sylvania Pr., 1949. Bush, Alfred L., comp. See Princeton Univer- sity. Library. American Indian Periodicals. Byrd, Cecil K. A Bibliography of Illinois Im- prints, 1814-1858. Chicago: Univ. of Chi- cago Pr., 1966. ---, and Peckham, Howard H. A Bibliog- raphy of Indiana Imprints, 1804-1853. Indi- anapolis, Ind.: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1955. Cahoon, Herbert. The Overbrook Press Bibli- ography, 1934-1959. Stamford, Conn.: Over- brook Press, 1963. ---,joint author. See Slocum, John J. Carpenter, Edwin H., Jr., ed. See Skeel, Emily E. F. Charvat, William, joint author. See Tryon, WarrenS. Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas J. Bookbindings by T. ]. Cobden-Sanderson: An Exhibition. Compiled by Frederick B. Adams, Jr. New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, 1969. Cooper, Gayle. A Checklist of American Im- prints for 1830. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1972. Cornell University. Library. The Cornell Wordsworth Collection. Compiled by George Harris Healey. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell U niv. Pr., 1957. Crandall, Marjorie L. Confederate Imprints: A Check List Based Principally on t~e Collec- tion of the Boston Athenaeum. 2 vols. · Bos- ton: Boston Athenaeum, 1955. Crane, Joan St.C. "Rare and Seldom-Seen Dust Jackets of American First Editions," Serif 7:27-30, 7D-73 (1970), and following vol- umes. Crane, Stephen. The University of Virginia Edi- tion of the Works of Stephen Crane. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Vol. 1-. Charlottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1969- Vols. 1, 4-9 published 1969-73 .. Currier, Thomas F. A Bibliography of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Edited by Eleanor M. Til- ton. New York: New York Univ. Pr., 1953. Dawson, Muir. History and Bibliogr(l1fhy of Southern California Newspapers, 1851-1876. Los Angeles: Dawson's Bookshop, 1950. Dearing, Vinton A. A Manual of Textual Analy- sis. Berkeley, Calif.: Univ. of California Pr., 1959. ---. Principles and Practice of Textual Bibliographical Scholarship I 505 Analysis. Berkeley, . Calif.: Univ. of Califor- nia Pr., 1974. Dekker, Thomas. The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. Edited by Fredson Bowers. 4 vols. Cambridge: Univ. Pr., 1953-61. Dickson, Sarah A., comp. See New York. Pub- lic Library. Arents Tobacco Collection. Drake, Milton. Almanacs of the United States. 2 vols. New York: Scarecrow, 1962. Eddy, Spencer L., Jr. The Founding of the "Cornhill Magazine." Muncie, Ind.: Ball State University, 1970. Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. "The Advent of Print- ing and the Problem of the Renaissance," Past and Present 45:19-89 (1969). ---. "Some Conjectures about the Impact of Printing on Western Society," Journal of Modern History 40:1-56 (1968). Everitt, Charles P. Adventures of a Treasure Hunter. ·Boston: Little, 1951. Faibisoff, Sylvia G., and others. "A Bibliogra- phy of Newspapers in Fourteen New York State Counties," New York History 52:190- 214 (1971), and following volumes. Faye, Christopher U. Fifteenth Century Printed Books at the University of Illinois. Urbana, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois Pr., 1949. Fleming, John F., joint author. See Wolf, Ed- win, 2nd. Rosenbach. Fraser, James H. "Indian Mission Printing: A Bibliography," New Me~ico Historical Re- view 43:311-18 (1968)'. ---. "Indian Mission Printing in Arizona: An Historical Sketch and Bibliography," Journal of Arizona History 10:67-102 (1969). Fraser, Robert S., comp. See Princeton Univer- sity. Library. American Indian Periodicals. Frencp, Hannah D. "The Amazing Career of Andrew Barclay, Scottish Bookb~nder, of Boston," Studies in Bibliography 14: 145-62 (19§.1). --·-- . ''Caleb Buglass, Binder of the Proposed Book · of Common Prayer, Philadelphia, 1786," Winterthur Portfolio 6:15-32 (1970). ---. "John Roulstone's Harvard Bindings," Harvard Library Bulletin 18:171-82 (1970). ---, joint author. See Papantonio, Michael. - ,,--; Rogers, Joseph W.; and Lehmann- Haupt, Hellmut. Bookbinding in America. Reprinted, with bibliographical supplements. New York: Bowker, 1967. Gallup, Donald C. T. S. Eliot: A Bibliography. rev. ed. London: Faber; New York; Har- court, Brace & World, 1969. Gardiner, C. Harvey. Prescott and His Publish- ers. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1959. Goff, Frederick R. "Early Printing in George- town (Potomak), 1789-1800," Proceedings 506 I College & Research Libraries • November 1975 of the American Antiquarian Society 68:107- 34 (1958). ---. "The First Decade of the Federal Act for Copyright, 1790-1800," in Essays Honor- ing Lawrence C. Wroth, p.101-28. Portland, Maine: Anthoensen Press, 1951. - - -. ''The Four Florentine Editions of Sa- vonarola's Predica dellarte del bene morire," New ..P olophon 3:286-301 ( 1950). ---. Incunabula in American Libraries: A Supplement to the Third Census. New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1972. - - -. Incunabula in American Libraries: A Third Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Re- corded in North American Collections. New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1964. The Permanence of Johann Gutenberg. Austin, Tex.: Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, 1971. ---, ed. See U.S. Library of Congress. Goodhart, Howard Lehman. Fifteenth-Century Books in the Library of H award Lehman Goodhart. With a Description and Check List by Phyllis Walter Goodhart Gordan. Stamford, Conn.: Overbrook Press, 1955. Gordan, Phyllis Walter Goodhart, camp. See Goodhart, Howard Lehman. Greenly, Albert H. A Bibliography of Father Richard's Press in Detroit. Ann Arbor, Mich.: William L. Clements Library, 1955. Guerra, Francisco. American Medical Bibliog- raphy, 1639- 1783. New York: Lathrop C. Harper, 1962. Hamilton, Sinclair. See Princeton University. Library. Early American Book Illustrators. Hanna, Archibald, Jr. John Buchan, 1875- 1940: A Bibliography. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1953. Haraszti, Zoltan. The Enigma of the Bay Psalm Book. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1956. Hargrett, Lester. Oklahoma Imprints, 1835- 1890. New York: Bowker for the Biblio- graphical Society of America, 1951. Harlow, Neal. Maps of San Francisco Bay from the Spanish Discovery in 1769 to the American Occupation. San Francisco, Calif.: Book Club of California, 1950. Harvard University. Library. Department of Graphic Arts .... Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Part I: French 16th Century Books. Compiled by Ruth Mortimer. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Pr., Bel- knap Press, 1964. --- .... Catalogue of Books and Manu- scripts. Part II: Italian 16th Century Books. Compiled by Ruth Mortimer. 2 vols. Cam- bridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Pr., Belknap Press, 1974. Harwell, Richard B. Confederate Imprints in the University of Georgia Libraries. Athens, Ga.: Univ. of Georgia Pr., 1964. - - -. More Confederate Imprints. 2 vols. Richmond, Va.: Virginia State Library, 1957. (Supplements Marjorie L. Crandall's Con- federate Imprints, entered above.) Hatch, Benton L. A Check List 9f the Publica- tions of Thomas Bird Mosher. Northampton, Mass.: Gehenna Press for Univ. of Massa- chusetts Pr., 1966. Healy, George Harris, camp. See Cornell Uni- versity. Library. Heilbronner, Walter L. Printing and the Book in Fifteenth -Century England: A Biblio- graphical Survey. Charlottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical So- ciety of the University of Virginia, 1967. Hemphill, John M., II, joint author. See Sam- ford, C. Clement. Hewlett, LeRoy. ''James Rivington, Tory Print- er," in Books in America's Past, edited by David Kaser, p.166-93. Charlottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia for the Bibliographi- cal Society of the University of Virginia, 1966. Hills, Margaret T. The English Bible in Ameri- ca ... 1777-1957. New York: American Bible Society and New York Public Library, 1961. Hinman, Charlton. The Printing and Proof- Reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963. Hirsch, Rudolf. Printing, Selling and Reading, 145D-1550. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowit~ 1967. ---. Printing, Selling and Reading, 1450- 1550 . Second Printing with a Supplemental Annotated Bibliographical Introduction. Wies- baden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1974. Hofer, Philip. Baroque Book Illustration: A Short Survey. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Pr., 1951. Hoy, Cyrus. "On Editing Elizabethan Plays," Renaissance and Reformation 8:9()-99 (1972). Hunt, Rachel McM. M. Catalogue of Botanical Books in the Collection of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt. 3 vols. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Hunt Botanical Library, 1958- 61. Vol. 1, Printed Books 1477-1700, compiled by Jane Quinby; Vol. 2 in 2 vols., Introduction and Printed Books 1701-1800, compiled by Allan Steven- son. Hunter, Dard. Papermaking by Hand in Ameri- ca. Chillicothe, Ohio: Mountain House Press, 1950. ---. Papermaking in Pioneer America. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr., 1952. Huss, Richard E. The Development of Printers' Mechanical Typesetting Methods, 1822- 1925. Charlottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1973. Jackson, William A. "The Revised STC: A Progress Report," Book Collector 4:16-27 (1955). Johannsen, Albert. The House of Beadle and Adams and Its Dime and Nickel Novels. 2 vols. Norman, Okla.: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1950. ---. The House of Beadle and Adams and Its Dime and Nickel Novels. Vol. 3, Supple- ment, Addenda, Corrigenda, etc. Norman, Okla.: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1962. ---, comp. See Browne, Hablot K. Kainen, Jacob. George Clymer and the Colum- bian Press. New York: The Typophiles; San Francisco, Calif.: Book Club of California, 1950. Kaser, David. The Cost Book of Carey and Lea, 1825-1838. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsyl- vania Pr., 1963. ---. A Directory of the St. Louis Book and Printing Trades to 1850. New York: New York Public Library, 1961. ---. ] oseph C harless: Printer in the West- ern Country. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsyl- vania Pr., 1963. ---. Messrs. Carey & Lea of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr., 1957. Katz, Joseph, joint author. See Meriwether, James B. Keynes, Geoffrey, and Wolf, Edwin, 2nd. Wil- liam Blake's Illuminated Books: A Census. New York: Grolier Club, 1953. Klinefelter, Walter. "The ABC Books of the Pennsylvania Germans," Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society 7:1-104 (1973). Korn, Bertram W. "Benjamin Levy: New Or- leans Printer and Publisher," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 54:221- 64 (1960). Supplemented by his "Addition- al Benjamin and Alexander Levy Imprints," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 62:245-52 (1968). Lada-Mocarski, Valerian. Bibliography of Books on Alaska Published Before 1868. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Pr., 1969. Lazare, Edward J., comp. See Streeter, Thom- as W. The Celebrated Collection of Ameri- cana, Index. Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut. Gutenberg and the Master of the Playing Cards. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Pr., 1966. ---. Peter Schaeffer. Rochester, N.Y.: House of L. Hart, 1950. ---, joint author. See French, Hannah D. Bookbinding in America. ---; Wroth, Lawrence C.; and Silver, Bibliographical Scholarship I 507 Rollo G. The Book in America. 2d ed. New York: Bowker, 1951. Liebert, Herman W. Bibliography Old & New. Austin, Tex.: Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, 1974. McCorison, Marcus A. Additions and Correc- tions to ~'Vermont Imprints, 1778-1820." Worcester, Mass.: American Antiquarian So- ciety, [1968]. ---.Vermont Imprints, 1778-1820. Worces- ter, Mass.: American Antiquarian Society, 1963. ---. "Vermont Papermaking, 1784-1820," Paper Maker 33, no. 1:19-28, no. 2: 23-31 (1964). And "Addenda," Vermont History 33:351-52 (1965). MacCurdy, Raymond R. A History and Bibli- ography of Spanish-Language Newspapers and Magazines in Louisiana, 1808-1949. Albuquerque, N.Mex.: Univ. of New Mexico Pr., 1951. McKay, George L., comp. See Yale University. Library. A Stevenson Library. McManaway, James G., joint author. See Buhler, Curt F. Standards of Bibliographical Description. MacPhail, Ian. Alchemy and the Occult: A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts from the Collection of Paul and Mary Mellon. Given to Yale University Library. 2 vols. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Library, 1968. Magee, David B. Infinite Riches: The Adven- tures of a Rar-e Book Dealer. New York: P. S. Eriksson, 1973. Magee, Dorothy, and Magee, David. Bibliog- raphy of the Grabhorn Press, 194o-1956, with a Check-List, 1916-1940. San Francis- co, Calif.: Grabhorn Press, 1957. Marston, Thomas E. See Yale University. Li- brary. Incunabula. Meriwether, James B., and Katz, Joseph. "A Redefinition of 'Issue."' Proof 2:61-70 (1972). Miller, C. William. Benfamin Franklin's Phila- delphia Printing, 1728-1766: A Descriptive Bibliography. Philadelphia: American Philo- sophical Society, 197 4. Miner, Dorothy E. See Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. Mooney, James E., joint author. See Shipton, Clifford K. National Index of American Im- prints. Morrison, Paul G. Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in ... "A Short-Title Cata- logue ... 1475-1640." Charlottesville, Va.: Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1950. Mortimer, Ruth, comp. See Harvard University. Library. Department of Graphic Arts. Mott, Frank Luther. A History of American 508 I College & Research Libraries • November 1975 Magazines. Vol. 4, 1885-1905. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Pr., 1957. Nemoy, Leon, comp. See Yale University. Li- brary. Incunabula. New York. Public Library. Arents Tobacco Col- lection. Tobacco: A Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings Acquired since 1942 in the Arents Tobacco Collection ... from 1507 to the Present. 10 pts., compiled by Sarah A. Dickson and Perry H. O'Neil. New York: New York Public Library, 1958- 69. Olson, May E., joint author. See Arndt, Karl J. R. O'Neil, Perry H., comp. See New York. Public Library. Arents Tobacco Collection. Paltsits, Victor Hugo, ed. See Stevens, Henry. Pantzer, Katharine F. "The Serpentine Progress of the STC Revision," Papers of the Biblio- graphical Society of America 62:297-361 (1968). Papantonio, Michael; with French, Hannah D.; Spawn, Carol M.; and Spawn, Willman. Early American Bookbindings from the Col- lection of Michael Papantonio. New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, 1972. Pargellis, Stanley. "Gesner, Petzholdt, et al.," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 53:15-20 (1959). Parker, Wyman W. Henry Stevens of Vermont. Amsterdam: N. Israel, 1963. Patterson, Lyman R. Copyright in Historical Perspective. Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt Univ. Pr., 1968. Peckham, Howard H., joint author. See Byrd, Cecil K. A Bibliography of Indiana Imprints. Powell, John H. The Books of a New Nation: United States Government Publications, 1774-1814. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsyl- vania Pr., 1957. Princeton University. Library. American Indian Periodicals in the Princeton University Li- brary: A Preliminary List, by Alfred L. Bush and Robert S. Fraser. Princeton, N.J.: [Princeton University Library], 1970. ---. Early American Book Illustrators and Wood Engravers, 167G-1870: A Catalogue of a Collection of American Books . . . in the Princeton University Library. With an Intro- ductory Sketch ... by Sinclair Hamilton . Princeton, N.J.: Priqceton University Li- brary, 1958. ·· ---. Early American Book Illustrators and Wood Engravers, 167G-1870: A Catalogue of a Collection of American Books . . . in the Princeton University Library. Vol. 2, Supple- ment. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univ. Pr., 1968. ---. Robert Louis Stevenson: A Catalogue of the Henry E. Gerstley Stevenson Collec- tion, the Stevenson Section of the Morris L. Parrish Collection ... and Items from Other Collections in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. Compiled by Alex- ander D. Wainwright. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Library, 1971. Quinby, Jane, comp. See Hunt, Richael McM.M. Randall, David A. Dukedom Large Enough. New York: Random, 1969. Ray, Gordon N. "The Changing World of Rare Books," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 59:103-41 (1965). ---. "The World of Rare Books Re-exam- ined," Yale University Library Gazette 49: 77-146 (1974-75). Rogers, Joseph W., joint author. See French, Hannah D. Bookbinding in America. Rostenberg, Leona. The Minority Press and the English Crown: A Study in Repression, 1558-1625. Nieuwkoop: B. DeGraff, 1971. ---, and Stern, Madeleine B. Old & Rare: Thirty Years in the Book Business. New York: Abner Schram, 1974. Samford, C. Clement, and Hemphill, John M., II, Bookbinding in Colonial Virginia. Char- lottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia for Colonial Williamsburg, 1966. Schullian, Dorothy M., comp. See U.S. Armed Forces Medical Library. Shaw, Ralph R., and Shoemaker, Richard H. American Bibliography: A Preliminary Checklist for 1801[-1819]. 20 vols. and 3 vols. of indexes, corrections, and addenda. New York: Scarecrow, [1958-1966]. Shipton, Clifford K. The American Bibliography of Charles Evans ... Volume 13, 1799- 1800. Worcester, Mass.: American Antiquari- an Society, 1955. ---, and Mooney, J ame.s E. National Index of American Imprints .through 1800: The Short-Title Evans. 2 vols. Worcester and Barre, Mass.: American Antiquarian Society and Barre Publishers, 1969. Shoemaker, Richard H. A Checklist of Ameri- can Imprints for 1820[-1829]. 10 vols., the last four compiled with the assistance of Gayle Cooper, and 2 vols. of indexes by M. Frances Cooper. New York [and Me- tuchen, N.J.]: Scarecrow, 1964[-1973]. ---, joint author. See Shaw, Ralph R. Siebert, Frederick S. Freedom of the Press in England, 1476-1776. Urbana, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois Pr., 1952. Silver, Rollo G. The American Printer, 1787- 1825. Charlottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1967. ---. "Efficiency Improved: The Genesis of the Web Press in America," Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 80:325-50 (1970). ---. Typefounding in America, 1787-1825. Charlottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia for the Bibliographical Society of the Univer- sity of Virginia, 1965. ---, joint author. See Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut. The Book in America. Skeel, Emily E. F. A Bibliography of the Writ- ings of Noah Webster. Edited by Edwin H. Carpenter, Jr. New York: New York Public Library, 1958. Slocum, John J., and Cahoon, Herbert. A Bib- liography of ]ames Joyce (1882-1941). New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Pr., 1953. ·Sommer, Francis E., comp. See U.S. Armed Forces Medical Library. Sowerby, E. Millicent. Rare People and Rare Books. London: Constable, 1967. Spawn, Carol M., and Spawn, Willman. "The Aitken Shop: Identification of an Eighteenth- Century Bindery and Its Tools," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 57: 422-37 (1963). ---. "Francis Skinner, Bookbinder of New- port: An Eighteenth Century Craftsman Identified by His Tools," Winterthur Port- folio 2:47-61 (1965). ---, joint authors. See Papantonio, Michael. Spear, Dorothea N. Bibliography of American Directories through 1860. Worcester, Mass.: American Antiquarian Society, 1961. Spell, Lota M. Pioneer Printer: Samuel Bangs in Mexico and Texas. Austin, Tex.: Univ. of Texas Pr., 1963. Stern, Madeleine B. Imprints on History: Book Publishers and American Frontiers. Bloom- ington, Ind.: Indiana Univ. Pr., 1956. ---, joint author. See Rostenberg, Leona. Stevens, Henry. Recollections of ]ames Lenox. Edited by Victor Hugo Paltsits. New York: New York Public Library, 1951. Stevenson, Allan. Observations on Paper as Evidence. Lawrence, Kans.: University of Kansas Libraries, 1961. ---. The Problem of the "Missale speciale." London: The Bibliographical Society, 1967. ---, comp. See Hunt, Rachel McM. M. ---, ed. See Briquet, Charles Moi:se. Stillwell, Margaret B. The Awakening Interest in Science During the First Century of Print- ing. New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1970. ---. The Beginning of the World of Books, 1450 to 1470. New York: Bibliographical So- ciety of America, 1972. ---. Incunabula in American Libraries: A Second Census of Fifteenth-Century Books Owned in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1940. Stoddard, Roger E. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets Unrecorded in Oscar Wegelin's Bibliographical Scholarship I 509 "Early American Poetry, 164D-1820." Provi- dence, R.I.: Friends of the Library of Brown University, 1969. Also in Books at Brown 23: 1-84 (1969). ---. "Further Addenda to Wegelin' s Early American Poetry," Papers of the Bibliograph- ical Society of America 65:169-72 (1971). Streeter, Thomas W. Bibliography of Texas, 1795-1845. 5 vols. Cambridge, Mass.: Har- vard Univ. Pr., 1955-60. ---. The Celebrated Collection of Ameri- cana Formed by the Late Thomas W. Street- er. 7 vols.; and a volume of Index compiled by Edward J. Lazare. New York: Parke- Bernet Galleries, 1966-70. Strouse, Norman H. The Passionate Pirate [Thomas Bird Mosher]. North Hills, Pa.: Bird & Bull Press, 1964. Sutton, Walter. The Western Book Trade: Cin- cinnati as a Nineteenth-Century Publishing and Book-Trade Center. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State Univ. Pr. for Ohio Historical So- ciety, 1961. Tanselle, G. Thomas. "The Bibliographical De- scription of Paper," Studies in Bibliography 24:27-67 (1971). ---. "The Bibliographical Description of Patterns," Studies in Bibliography 23:71-102 (1970). ---. "Bibliography and Science," Studies in Bibliography 27:55-89 (1974). ---. "Book-Jackets, Blurbs, and Bibliogra- phers," Library, 5th ser. 26:91-134 (1971). ---. "Copyright Records and the Bibliogra- pher," Studies in Bibliography 22:77-124 (1969). ---. Guide to the Study of United States Imprints. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Pr., Belknap Press, 1971. ---. "The Identification of Type Faces in Bibliographical Description," Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 60:185- 202 (1966). ---. "The Meaning of Copy-Text: A Fur- ther Note," Studies in Bibliography 23: 191-96 (1970). ---. "The Periodical Literature of English and American Bibliography," Studies in Bib- liography 26:167-91 (1973). ---. "The Recording of Press Figures," Li- brary, 5th ser. 21:318-25 (1966). ---. "A System of Color Identification for Bibliographical Description," Studies in Bib- liography 20:203-34 (1967). ---. "The Use of Type Damage as Evi- dence in Bibliographical Description," Li- brary, 5th ser. 23:328-51 (1968). Taylor, Archer. Book Catalogues: Their Varie- ties and Uses. Chicago: Newberry Library, 1957. ---. Catalogues of Rare Books: A Chapter ------------------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------------ 510 I College & Research Libraries • November 1975 in Bibliographical History. Lawrence, Kans.: University of Kansas Libraries, 1958. ---. A History of Bibliographies of Bibliog- raphies. New Brunswick, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1955. Tebbel, John. A History of Book Publishing in the United States. Vol. 1, The Creation of an Industry, 163D-1865. New York: Bowker, 1972. Thompson, Lawrence S. "Hand Bookbinding in the United States since the Civil War," Libri 5:97-121 (1954). Thorpe, James E. Principles of Textual Criti- cism. San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library, 1972. Tilton, Eleanor M., ed. See Currier, Thomas F. Todd, William B. ''Bibliography and the Edi- torial Problem in the Eighteenth Century," Studies in Bibliography 4:41-55 (1951-52). ---. "Observations on the Incidence and Interpretation of Press Figures," Studies in Bibliography 3:171-205 (1950-51). ---."Press Figures," Library, 5th ser. 7:283 (1953). Tryon, Warren .S., and Charvat, William. The Cost Books of Ticknor and Fields and Their Predecessors, 1832-1858. New York: Biblio- graphical Society of America, 1949. U.S. Armed Forces Medical Library. A Cata- logue of Incunabula and Manuscripts in the Army Medical Library, by Dorothy M. Schullian and Francis E. Sommer. New York: H. Schumann, 1949. U.S. Library of Congress. The Rosenwald Col- lection: A Catalogue of Illustrated Books from Celebrated Presses, and of Bindings and Maps, 115D-1950, the Gift of Lessing ]. Rosenwald to the Library of Congress. Edited by Frederick R. Goff. Washington, D.C. [The Library of Congress,] 1954. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Early Amer- ican Medical Imprints ... 1668-1820, by Robert B. Austin. Washington, D.C.: Public Health Service, 1961. Vail, Robert W. G. Voice of the Old Frontier. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr., 1949. Wainwright, Alexander D., camp. See Prince- ton University. Library. Robert Louis Steven- son: A Catalogue. Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. The History of Bookbinding, 525-1950 A.D.: An Exhibition. Edited by Dorothy Miner. Baltimore, Md.: Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery, 1957. Weber, Carl J. The Rise and Fall of ]ames Ripley Osgood. Waterville, Maine: Colby College Press, 1959. Welch, d' Alte A. A Bibliography of American Children's Books Printed Prior to 1821. Worcester and Barre, Mass.: American Anti- quarian Society and Barre Publishers, 1972. Wheat, Carl I. Mapping the Transmississippi West, 154D-1861. 5 vols. San Francisco, Calif.: Institute of Historical Cartography, 1957- 63. Whitman, Walt. Whitman's Manuscripts: "Leaves of Grass" (1860), A Parallel Text. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1955. Wing, Donald G. Short-Title Catalogue ... 1641-1700. 3 vols. New York: Columbia Univ. Pr. for Index Society, 1945-51. ---. Short-Title Catalogue ... 1641-1700. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Vol. 1-. New York: In- dex Committee of the Modern Language As- sociation, 1972- . Wolf, Edwin, 2nd. A Check-List of the Books in the Library Company of Philadelphia in and Supplementary to Wing's "Short-Title Catalogue, 1641-1700." Philadelphia: Li- brary Company of Philadelphia, 1959. ---. "Evidence Indicating the Need for Some Bibliographical Analysis of American Printed Historical Works," Papers of the Bib- liographical Society of America 63:251- 77 (1969). ---. The Library of ]ames Logan of Phila- delphia, 1674-1751. Philadelphia: Library Company of Philadelphia, 1974 [i.e., 1975]. ---,joint author. See Keynes, Geoffrey. ---, and Fleming, John F. Rosenbach: A Biography. Cleveland, Ohio: World, 1960. Wright, Lyle H. American Fiction, 1774- 1850. 2d rev. ed. San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library, 1969. ---. American Fiction, 1851-1875. San Ma- rino, Calif.: Huntington Library, 1957. ---. American Fiction, 1876-1900. San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library, 1966. Wroth, Lawrence C. Abel Buell of Connecticut. rev. ed. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan Univ. Pr., 1958. - --, joint author. See Buhler, Curt F. Stan- dards of Bibliographical Description; and Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut. The Book in America. Wust, Klaus G. "German Printing in Virginia: A Check List, 1789-1834," Report of the So- ciety for the History of the Germans in Maryland 28:54- 66 (1953). Yale University. Library. Incunabula in the Yale University Libraries, by Thomas E. Marston with Leon Nemoy. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Library, 1955. ---. A Stevenson Library: Catalogue of a Collection ... Formed by Edwin ]. Rei- necke. Compiled by George L. McKay. 6 vols. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Library, 1951-64. Keep your departments up-to-date with the everchanging periodicals world. • Binding • Reference • Serials Records They all need Faxon's ',1\.ltt~~· ,..-1" ••t),\.,.... ~, ._no" ~',ue•O• t1\lll""c."l\lllt•"" • t111fl 1 • ... Serials Opdating Service Quarterly a quarterly newsletter containing the most current information on various serials titles. All changes (title, frequency, etc.) and bibliographic irregulari- ties (additional volumes, delays in publication, etc.) are reported as Faxon is made aware of them. Each issue contains an average of 650 entries. A full-year subscription costs only $7.00; two-years $13.50; three-years $20.00. Throughout the year, special issues containing additional information that Faxon feels will be of value to librarians will be offered to subscribers at no additional cost. A special Membership Issue is planned for 1975. Sample copies are available on request. 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