College and Research Libraries Letters United States Public Documents To the Editor: Alan Edward Schorr's review of my In- troduction to United States Public Docu- ments (C&RL, July 1975) compels a r~­ sponse owing to its lack of balance and fairness. The reviewer takes me to task for allotting "a scant eleven lines to the 1909 Checklist whereas Schmeckebier and Eastin . . . have four pages on this important ref- erence work." Schorr fails to add that on p.83-84 I devote thirty lines to the monu- mental Checklist '70 compiled by Dan and Marilyn Lester. My intent, clearly ex- pressed in the Preface, was not to rewrite Schmeckebier. It would have been fatuous of me to repeat in detail what he has cov- ered so well. Indeed, the existence of seminal works like Schmeckebier and Boyd/Rips permit- ted .me t~ emphasize current commercial tools (Schmeckebier cites no commercial sources) and include fifty illustrations (Schmeckebier has none); in short, to write a contemporary introduction to the field. The reviewer, who is an expert docu·· ments librarian, has perhaps forgotten that most students and many reference librarians perceive documents with trepidation. My inclusion of a number of basic sources (which Schorr calls "seemingly infinite") was addressed to the above audiences .as exemplary rather than definitive. Such an enumeration was a successful feature of Boyd/ Rips but is not articulated in Schmeckebier from the concepfual locus of provenance. And it may surprise the re- viewer to learn that series such as Driver and All Hands are used not infrequently by patrons in metropolitan public libraries as well as post libraries on military installa- tions. After emphasizing the negative, the re- viewer concludes that my text "is a current, COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES well-written volume which should prove useful as an elementary manual in gradu~ ate library programs and for those unfa- miliar with the complex world of federal publications." I appreciate those kind re- marks but would have liked to see mention in the review of documentation to support Schorr's conclusion.-Joe Morehead, School of Library and Information Science, State University of New York at Albany. Theories X, Y, and Z To the Editor: Donald Morton's article, "Applying The- ory Y to Library Management" (C&RL, July 1975), points up .a basic flaw in Mc- Gregor's analysis of administration. In real- ity, management covers a broad spectrum from authoritarianism to anarchy. Whereas McGregor thought management could pro- ceed from the authoritarian mode (Theory X) directly to the optimal, desired mode (Theory Y), in fact there has been error in the direction of a permissive, laissez-faire mode (Theory Z?). In the application of such management theory to the academic library, it was per- haps inevitable that "Theory Z" be ap- proached, given the altruistic, service orien- tation of librarians, the collegial atmosphere of the academic library, and the momentum of social change. "Theory Z" could be af- forded in the sixties, but pressure for finan- cial accountability now forces management to choose either Theory X or Theory Y. Theory Y management of academic li- braries will depend on the willingness of administrators and faculty to share their leadership roles in constructive policy for- mation and implementation. The scarcity of true Theory Y management leaders could be considered the problem of our age.- W illiam A. Garrabrant, Savitz Learning Re- source Center, Glassboro State College, Glassboro, New Jersey. I 513 Review journals from Pergamon Press New November 197 5 Molecular Aspects of Medicine Editors: H. BA U M, Chelsea College, University of Lon don and J. GERGELY, Boston Biomedical Research Institute, Mass. Annual subscription rate 1976 (volume 1, 6 issues) $40.00 Volume 1 No. 1 Radioimmunoassay and Reproductive Endocrinology W.P. COLLINS and J.F. HENNAM, King's College Hospital Medico/School, London CONTENTS: Indices of Reproductive Function. Principles of Radioimmunoassay. Methods for the Measurement of Gonadal Steroids and their Metabolites. Methods for Assessing the Production of Hypothalamic and Pituitary Hormones. The Measurement of Local Hormones. ISBN 0 08 020379 5 128 pp $15.00 flexicover November 1975 Progress in Neurobiology Editors: G.A. KERKUT, University of Southampton, England and j.W. 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