College and Research Libraries OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Chapter 12. Rev. ed. Chicago: American Library Association, 1975. 64p. $1.50 pa. (75- 28192). (ISBN 0-8389-317 4-X). Anniversaries and Holidays. 3d ed. Chica- go: American Library Association, 1975. 260p. $10.50. (75-23163) (ISBN 0- 8389-0200-6). Aptheker, Herbert. Annotated Bibliography of the Published Writings of W. E. B. DuBois. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus-Thom- son, 1973. 626p. (73-13805). Awards, Honors, and Prizes. 3d ed. (Vol. 1: United States and Canada; Vol. 2: International and Foreign) Detroit: Gale, 1975. 2 vol. (75-4632) (ISBN 0- 8103-0376-0, v.1; 0-8103-0377-9, v.2), Banks, Arthur. A Military Atlas of the First World War. New York: Taplinger, 1975. 338p. $29.95. (77-179660). (ISBN 0- 8008-5242-7). Besterman, Theodore. A W orl.d Bibliogra- phy of African Bibliographies. Rev. ed. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. Unpaged. $25.00. (75-17790). (ISBN 0-87471-749-3). . Besterman, Theodore. A World Bibliogra- phy of Oriental Bibliographies. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. Un- paged. $75.00. (75-17936). (ISBN 0- . 87471-750-7). Bibliografia Chicana: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources, ed. by Arnulfo Trejo. (Ethnic Studies Information Guide Se- ries, vol. 1) Detroit: Gale, 1975. 193p. $18.00. (74-11562). (ISBN 0-8103- 1311-1). Boner, Marian. A Reference Guide to Tex- as Law and Legal History; Sources and Documentation. Austin: University of Texas, 1976. 108p. (75-19408). (ISBN 0-292-77007-3). British Books in Print 1975. New York: Bowker, 1975. 2 vol. $65.00. (2-7 496). (ISBN 0-85021-084-4). Buchanan, Brian. A Glossary of Indexing Terms. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1975. 144p. $9.00. (75-20312). (ISBN 0-208-01377-6). Recent Publications I 187 Burns, Robert W., and Hasty, Ronald W. A Survey of User Attitudes Toward Se- lected Services Offered by the Colorado State University Libraries. (Occasional Paper, no. 121) Champaign, Ill.: Uni- versity of Illinois, Graduate School of Li- brary Science, 1975. 51p. $2.00 prepaid. Cass, James, and Birnbaum, Max. Com- parative Guide to American Colleges for Students, Parents and Counselors. 7th ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1975. 749p. $15.00. (75-6332). (ISBN 0-06-010657- 3). Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Guide to U.S. Elections. Washington, D.C.: Congres- sional Quarterly, 1975. 1103p. $48.50. (75-659). (ISBN 0-87187-072-X). Cornell University Libraries. Petrarch: Cat- alogue of the Petrarch Collection in Cor- nell University Library. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus-Thomson, 197 4. 737p. (7 4-3398). (ISBN 0-527-19700-9). Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Other Word-related Books, 1966-1974, ed. by Annie M. Brewer. Detroit: Gale, 1975. 591p. $48.00. (75-22201). (ISBN 0- 8103-1128-3). Dougherty, James J.; Byrnes, Robin; and Lesso, Maryann C. Writings on Ameri- can History 1973-74; A Subject Bibliog- raphy of Articles. Washington, D.C.: American Historical Association; Mill- wood, N.Y.: Kraus-Thomson, 1974. 266p. (74-13435). (ISBN 0-527-00371-9). Educational Media Yearbook, 1975-1976. New York: Bowker, 1975. 559p. $21.95. (73-4891). (ISBN 0-8352-0834-6). Eisenberg, Diane U. Malcolm Cowley: A Checklist of His Writings; 1916-1973. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1975. 240p. $8.95. (75-8953). (ISBN 0-8093-07 48-0). Fisher, Margery. Who's Who in Children's Books: A Treasury of Familiar Charac- ters of Childhood. New York: Holt, Rine- hart and Winston, 1975. 399p. $22.95. (75-5463). (ISBN 0-03-015091-4). Foster, David W. The 20th Century Span- ish-American Novel: A Bibliographic Guide. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 234p. $8.50. (75-25787). (ISBN 0- 8108-0871-4). Fundaburk, Emma L., and Foreman, Mary D., comps. Art in the Environ- 188 I College & Research Libraries • March 1976 ment in the United States. Luverne, Ala.: Emma Lila Fundaburk, 1975. 223p. $12.00. (75-24620). (ISBN 0-910642- 02-8). Gardiner, George L. Computer Assisted In- dexing in the Central State University Library. (Occasional Paper, no.l20) Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library Science, 1975. 24p. $2.00 prepaid. Guide to the M icro{ilm af the Papers of William Penn. Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1975. 56p. $2.00. Havlice, Patricia Pate. Popular Song Index. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 933p. $30.00. (75-9896). (ISBN 0-8108-0820- X). Hixon, Don L., and Hennessee, Don. Women in Music: A Biobibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 358p. $12.50. (75-23075). (ISBN 0-8108- 0869-2). Humby, Michael. A Guide to the Literature of Education. (Education Libraries Bul- letin, Supplement 1). 3d ed. London: · University of London, Institute of Edu- cation Libraries, 1975. 142p. (ISBN 0- 900008-20-2). Indian Journal of Library Science; A Quar- terly 1 ournal on Library and Information Science. Calcutta: Institute of Librarians, 1975- . Vol. 1-. Langefors, Borje, and Sundgren, Bo. Infor- mation Systems Architecture. New York: Petrocelli/Charter, 1975. 366p. $19.95. (75-5521). (ISBN 0-88405-300-8). Lux, William. Historical Dictionary of the British Caribbean. (Latin American His- torical Dictionaries, no.l2) Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 266p. $9.00. (75- 22223). (ISBN 0-8108-0847-1). Martin, William. Library Services to the Disadvantaged. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1975. 185p. $10.00. (75-12955). (ISBN 0-208-01372-5). Mason, Lauris. Print Reference Sources: A Select Bibliography, 18th-20th Centuries. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus-Thomson, 1975. 246p. (74-79901). (ISBN 0-527-00372- 7). Ricks, Beatrice, comp. Henry ]ames: A Bib- liography of Secondary Works. (The Scarecrow Bibliographies, no.24) Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 483p. $17.50. (75-22128). (ISBN 0-8108- 0853-6). Seltzer, George. The Professional Sympho- ny Orchestra in the United States. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 493p. $17.50. (75-19271). (ISBN 0-8108- 0855-2). Society for Technical Communication. Pro- ceedings of the 22nd International Tech- nical Communication Conference, Ana- heim, Califo.rnia, May 14-17, 1975. Tar- zana, Calif.: Univelt, Inc., 1975. 41lp. $25.00. (ISBN 0-914548-08-05). Stanley, Janet L. Nigerian Government Publications 1966-73: A Bibliography. Ile-Ife, Nigeria: University of Ife Press, 1975. 193p. $19.00. U.S. Library of Congress. Rare Book Divi- sion. Children's Books in the Rare Book Division of the Library of Congress. To- towa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. 2 vol. $100.00. (75-9605). (ISBN 0-87471-579-2). Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, 1975-1976. 16th ed. New York: Bowker, 1975. 2289p. $50.00. (32-16320). (ISBN 0-8352-0824-9). A Union List of Selected Microforms in Li- braries in the New York Metropolitan Area. (METRO Miscellaneous Publica- tion, no.8) New York: METRO (New York Metropolitan Reference and Re- search Library Agency), 1975. 322p. $22.75 prepaid; $25;00 with invoice re- quested. United Nations Documents Index. Cumu- lated Index Volumes, 1-13, 1950-1962. New York: Kraus-Thomson, 1974. 4 vol. (ISBN 0-527-91530-0). Wheeler, Helen R. Womanhood Media Supplement: Additional Current Re- sources About Women. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 489p. $15.00. (72- 7396). (ISBN 0-8108-0858-7). Who's Who in American Politics 1975- 1976. New York: Bowker, 1975. 1090p. $48.50. (67-25025). (ISBN 0-8352- 0827-3). Wood; Deborah A. Directed Cultural Change in Peru: A Guide to the Vicos Collection. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univer- sity Libraries, Dept. of Manuscripts and .. University Archives, 1975. 78p. $4.00. (75-317 44). Yonab, Michael Avi, and Shatzman, Israel. Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Classical World. New York: Harper and Row, 1975. 509p. $20.00. (73-14245). (ISBN 0-06-010178-4). Zachert, Martha Jane K. Standards and Planning Guide for Pharmacy Library Service. Bethesda, Md.: American Asso- ciation of Colleges of Pharmacy, 1975. 89p. (75-30293). ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teach- ing, School of Education, Stanford Univer- sity. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or pa- per copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arling- ton, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desire.d, and include payment for document and postage. Postage charges are $.18 for up to 60 microfiche or for the first 60 pages of paper copy; $.08 for each additional 60 fiche or each addi- tional 60 pages of paper copy. Further information on ordering docu- ments may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education (formerly Re- search in Education) . Learning Materials and Services at the Uni- versity of North · Carolina at Charlotte. J. Murrey Atkins Library, North Carolina Univ., Charlotte, 1974. 43p. (ED 107 260, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.95). The Media Committee of the Atkins Li- brary performed a three-month study to re- view the library's existing policies on media resources and services and to make recom- mendations for improvement and expan- sion. As a result, the integration of all learning materials and services at the uni- versity was proposed, with the desired ob- jective of attaining better overall services for the university community through more efficient use of personnel and resources. A Recent Publications I 189 major administrative reorganization was proposed to lodge all responsibility for me- dia resources, services, and programming within one campus agency. Further specific recommendations were made covering staffing, facilities, services, and the handling of nonprint media. Using the Morgan Library: A Tour and Exercise. By Joel S. Ruthstein and Betty Hacker. Libraries, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, 1975. 20p. (ED 107 265, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58). For the past two years the Morgan Li- brary at Colorado State University has made use of self-guided exercises to orien~ new students to the physical layout of the library and to teach them about basic tools and methods of library research. Students may choose from instructional units on dif- ferent topics, but all have the same format. Each requires the student to conduct a hy- pothetical literature search, making use of the card catalog and periodical indexes, then locate the appropriate materials on the shelves. Test questions throughout the unit gauge the student's progress. This report contains three sample units on the topics of moving pictures, rock music, and sexism in education. N ASIC at MIT. Final Report, 1 March 1974 through 28 February 1975. By Alan R. Benefeld and others. Electronic Sys- tems Lab., Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge, 1975. 103p. (ED 107 226, MF-$0.76, HC-$5.70). Computer-based reference search services were provided to users on a fee-for-service basis at MIT as the first, and experimental, node in the development of the Northeast Academic Science Information Center (NASIC). Development of a training pro- gram for information specialists and train- ing materials are described. Testing, user surveys, and fifteen months of operational experience show that (1) a moderate but growing demand exists for computer-based reference search services; (2) 77 percent of users perceive the service to be cost- effective; (3) promotional efforts need to be very intense both to increase general awareness of the service and to tum aware- ness into actual use; (4) many different 190 I College & Research Libraries • March 1976 promotional mechanisms are needed: the best are oriented toward the immediate, personal needs of the potential user; (5) cost affects the class of user, but it is only one of many factors that influence a per- son's decision to use the service; (6) searches are often interdisciplinary and re- quire several sources; (7) information spe- cialists need extensive training and practice searching to attain desirable levels of com- petence; and (8) integration of these ser- vices within the library environment may require organizational staffing accommoda- tion in addition to the commitment and en- thusiasm of participants. Current and Retrospective Sources of Ma- chine Readable Monograph Cataloging Records: A Study of Their Potential Cost and Utility in Automated System Devel- opment at the University of Minnesota. By Audrey N. Grosch. Bio-Medical Lib., Univ. Libs., Univ. of Minnesota, Minne- apolis, 1975. 56p. (ED 107 280, MF- $0.76, HC-$3.32). Alternative approaches to the building of monographic bibliography files for an on- line data management system using mini- computers at the University of Minnesota Libraries' Twin Cities Campus center are described. Secondary and primary sources of the Machine-Readable Catalog- ing (MARC) II records are considered- including Blackwell-North America, Infor- mation Dynamics Corporation, BIBNET, and the Ohio College Library Center (OCLC)-as potential sources of retro- spective and current MARC II records. File overlap comparisons and a sample of the University of Minnesota Libraries' Twin Cities Campus Union Catalog are included. In addition, methods of partial retrospective conversion and costs of using other biblio- graphic files in machine-readable form are presented-specifically the University of Chicago Library, the University of Califor- nia at Berkeley, and the New York Public Library Research Libraries files. Cost-effec- tiveness analyses of the various alternatives are presented. A Mathematical Model of the Illinois Inter- library Loan Network: Project Report Number Two. By William B. Rouse and others. Coordinated Science, Lab., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 1975. 56p. (ED 107 287, MF-$0.76, HC-$3.32). The development of a mathematical model of the Illinois Library and Informa- tion Network (ILLINET) is described. Based on queueing network theory, the model predicts the probability of a request being satisfied, the average time from the initiation of a request to the receipt of the desired resources, the costs, and the pro- cessing loads. Using a hypothetical net- work, two sets · of operating policies are analyzed: . those emphasizing minimum de- lay and those that maximize the probability · ~ of successfully meeting user requests. Cost constraints and value judgments about tradeoffs between delays and the proba- bility of satisfying user requests are con- sidered in the context of network operating policies. The impact of union listings of holdings, automated circulation at the in- dividual libraries, and computer-controlled networks are analyzed. Future plans for network modeling together with the equa- tions used in the network simulation are also presented. Black Religion: A Bibliography of Fisk Uni- versity Library Materials Relating to Various Aspects of Black Religious Life. By Johnny J. Wheelbarger. Fisk Univ., Nashville, Tenn., 1974. 22p. (ED 107 309, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58). Undertaken as a project in the ethnic studies internship program at Fisk Univer- sity in 197 4, this bibliography identifies materials of potential interest to those studying black religion. Entries are listed under seven categories: (I) black religion, (2) the church and race relations, ( 3) church and state in relation to black re- ligion, ( 4) church work, (5) ministers and the ministry, (6) oral history taped inter- views, and (7) audiotape collections. Report of the Commission on Librarianship at Stanford. Libraries, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif. 1975. 144p. (ED 108 564, MF-$0.76, HC-$6.97). The Commission on Librarianship at Stanford was created in May 1972 to ex- ~ amine the role and status of librarians at the university including professional rela- tionships, effective use of librarians, salaries and personnel practices, and the involve- ment of librarians in the library and uni- versity environment. The commission's study groups conducted their inquiry through literature reviews and through questionnaires distributed at Stanford and at other academic and research libraries in the United States. The prime recommenda- tion of the study was that a Librarians' As- sembly be founded consisting of all librari- ans at the university. The assembly would serve to improve communication between librarians, increase staff involvement in policy formation, and formulate recommen- )! dations to the chief library administrative officers on library operations and personnel policies . The study also examined the role and responsibilities of Stanford librarians in terms of collection development, biblio- graphic control, public service, library in- struction, and management. Twenty-two additional recommendations were made concerning salaries, personnel classification schedules, personnel practices, and employ- ment benefits for librarians. Procedures for Salvage of Water-Damaged Library Materials. By Peter Waters. Ad- ministrative Dept., Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1975. 40p. (ED 108 657, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.95). Procedures for salvaging water-damaged books, film, archives, and other library ma- terials are outlined, from assessment of damage to final returning of books to shelves. Advice is given on removing the • , materials, packing, freezing, drying, treat- ing for mold, sterlizing, removing mud, forming a salvage team, evaluating losses, salvaging the catalog, keeping records, con- trolling humidity and temperatures in work and storage areas, and handling the chemi- cals necessary in the process. Initial emer- gency procedures are summarized. Appen- dixes list sources of assistance, services, sup- plies, and equipment. Planning for Priorities: A Survey of Aca- demic Library Use. By Gail Schlachter. California State Univ., Long Beach, 1975. 62p. (ED 108 669, MF-$0.76, HC--,$3.32). At California State University, Long Recent Publications I 191 Beach, 1,263 students and faculty members responded to a questionnaire regarding the university library. The four-part instrument questioned the respondents' faculty position or student class, course level, and major; their use of the library, both type and fre- quency; attitudes toward staff collection, and hours; and desired evening and week- end hours for various service areas. The major results of the survey were indications of a strong desire for more weekend hours, especially for the reserve book room, cur- rent periodicals, and microforms. Handbook for English 48: Introduction to Library Research and Bibliography. Edit- ed by Carol A. Rominger. Univ. Library, Univ. of California, Davis, 1975. 121p. (ED 108 670, MF-$0.76, HC-$5.70). A handbook has been produced at the University of California at Davis for an English course titled "Introduction to Li- brary Research and Bibliography." The course includes term project, practical as- signments, and eight lectures. Objectives for the student include familiarizing him- self or herself with the library's resources, increasing competence in information loca- tion techniques, developing a systematic method of research, and learning the prin- ciples and forms of documentation. Stu- dents also learn about library history, orga- nization, procedures, and terminology. Cooperative Information Network Interli- brary Loan Non-Filled Request Study. By Jack Plotkin. Cooperative Information Network, Stanford, California, 1975. 45p . (ED 110 020, MF-$0.76, HG---$1.95). To explain why member libraries were failing to fill interlibrary loan requests, this study surveyed twenty-six public, school, community college, university, and special libraries throughout the Cooperative Infor- mation Network (CIN). The study was de- signed to discover: which libraries were chosen for loans, how soon patrons wanted loan information, how long it took to fulfill patrons' requests, the effectiveness of the source choice, and material (by subject area) that was not available. It was deter- mined that CIN was fulfilling its major ob- jective of providing better library service to all its constituents, but there was room 192 I College & Research Libraries • March 1976 for improvement in the number of nonfilled requests with no reply (32 percent in this study). Quantitative Approaches to the Manage- ment of Information/ Document Retriev- al at the University of,.lllinois. Edited by William B. Rouse. Grad. School of Li- brary Science and Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Il- linois, Urbana, 1975. 48p. (ED 110 025, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.95). Three papers based on projects produced in a course entitled Operations Research and Library Management, jointly sponsored by the Department of Mechanical and In- dustrial Engineering and the Graduate School of Library Science are reported and explained. Topics covered include an as- sessment of faculty interest in an informa- tion retrieval service; modeling closed- stacks document retrieval; and the effect of geographic dispersion of the collection on document retrieval time. Evaluation of Service at the General Ref- erence Desk, University of Oregon Li- brary. By Wyma Jane Hood and Monte James Gittings. School of Librarianship, Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, 1975. 65p. (ED 110 038, MF-$0.76, HC-$3.32). A descriptive study was conducted em- ploying questionnaires distributed to users and staff members. The adequacy of infor- mation and instructional staff performances, their attitude toward patrons, and the rela- tive proportions of reference and nonrefer- ence questions were explored. It was rec- 1.( ommended to the staff that methods of per- formance evaluation should be instituted and periodic self-evaluations should be un- dertaken, according to reference service standards set by the American Library As- sociation. Machine Readable Data Faxon, the world's only fully automated library maga- zine subscription agency, offers serials control information in machine readable format. If your library has data processing support, or if you plan to make use of automation, Faxon will supply this service for your library. . ::::: ::: :·:'::;;:::::::::: lfiAi:'i F.w. FAxon :::::::::::: I .................... .. ,."'' IU!!J comPAnY 1nc. .......... .. , ·~;::::: ~ : ~ ;':: :~; : :: : ; :;;" ,, ;·,~:~~:::7.,7.~·=-.~~~~~~~:::::::::::: w I tt