College and Research Libraries NEW Up-To-Date Books From Noyes Data NOYES DATA has developed two new techniques of vital Importance to those who wish to keep abreast of rapid changes in technology and business conditions: 1) our advanced publishing systems permit us to produce durably-bound books within a few months of . manuscript acceptance; 2) our modern processing plant ships all orders on the day after they are· received. HARDCOVER BOOKS-EARLY 1977 PESTICIDES PROCESS ENCYCLOPEDIA by M. Sittig: Presents available information on the manu- facturing processes of practically all pesticides .used in agriculture. 558 entries describing large- scale syntheses with alternative pathways. Often with flow diagrams and waste schematics. Thor- oughly indexed as to raw materials, chemicals and trade names. ISBN 0-8155-0643-0; $48 SOLVENT-BASED PAINT FORMULATIONS by E.W. Flick: Like its companion volume Water-Basild Paint Formulations, this eminently practical book is intended for professional formulators in the paint and coatings industry. Only the most modern formulas are included and lead-bearing raw materials have been avoided altogether. ISBN Q-8155-0644-9; $28 TEA AND SOLUBLE TEA PRODUCTS MANUFACTURE by N.D. Pintauro: Describes all steps in the manufacture of all types of tea products. Nonleaf tea products include: Instant TBB, Tea Mixe•, Canned Tea, Bottled TBB, Cold-Packed TN, Liquid Concentrates, Frozen Concentrates. At the end of the book are chapters on agglomeration and tea bag construction. ISBN 0-8155-0645-7; $32 SAUSAGE PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY 'by E. Karmas: This. Food T.echnology Review is the third i_n a three-volume series describing various methods of meat processing. Processed meat is meat treated and modified to yield certain desirable and palatable products, usually much easier to chew than fresh meat. Sausage is by far the most popular processed meat product. 176 pr.oces~s relating to sausage making. ISBN 0-8155-0646-5; $39 .REINFORCED PLASTICS AND ELASTOMERS-RECENT DEVELOPMENTS by M.W. Ranney: De- scribes over 180 processes relating to all aspects of the manufacture of reinforced thermosets, thermoplastics and elastomers. Much of the technology relating to interfacial adhesion -of fabrics and glass or metal fibers in an organic matrix is common to both reinforced plastics and elastomers, particularly tires. ISBN 0-8155-<>647-3; $39 WASTE TREATMENT WITH POLYELECTROLYTES AND OTHER FLOCCULANTS by S.J. Gutcho: These substances make possible the recycling of wastewater to a purity acceptable and useful in population centers· and industry . Correctly applied, organic flocculants promote the processes whereby suspended solids and colloidal materials in the water are agglomerated into masses suf- ficiently large to settle. 136 process descriptions. ISBN 0-8155-0648-1; $39 SPECIAL TV STEELS-RECENT DEVELOPMENTS by G.B. Rothenberg: This book describes the preparation, properties and uses of special pt,~rpose steels. It presents formulation and evalua- tion da_ta for all wpes 9f carbon steels, high strength low alloy steels, tool steels, stainless steels; heat resisting steels, constructional steels and magneto-electric steels. 203 processes emphasizing the latest advances in · steel production. ISBN 0-8155-0649-X; $39 ndc NOYES DATA CORPORATION NOYES BUILDING, PARK ·RIDGE, NEW JERSEY 07656 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teach- ing; School of Education, Stanford U niver- sity. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (HC) from the ERIC DoC'vt- ment Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should in- clude ED number, specify format desire:d, and include payment for document and postage. Further infor11Ultion on ordering docu- ments and current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. On Line Bibliographic Retrieval: An In- structional Resource for Classes. By Jef- frey C. Griffith. Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles. 1976. 70p. (ED 121 242, MF-$0.83, HC-$3.50) This paper proposes a rationale and a plan for using on-line data base retrieval services to provide bibliographies tailored to the informa- tion needs of college students. It examines the possible applications of such a service, esti- mates costs per class and per user, and outlines the objectives, evaluation procedures, and costs of a two-stage feasibility study of the program. Results of discussions with instructors and stu- dents concerning the program and examples of on-line searches conducted for different courses are presented and discussed. Library Population: Survey of Use Char- acteristics of Visitors to UW Libraries. By Judith Fiedler. Educational Assess- ment Center, Office of Institutional Edu- cational Research, Univ. of Washington, Seattle. 1975. 12p. (ED 121 246, MF- $0.83, HC-$1.67) During a typical week of spring quarter 1975 interviews were conducted with 3,802 people as they left facilities at the Univ. of Washing- ton library system. The randomly selected re- spondents included students, staff members, and faculty of the university, as well as non- university members. In particular, the study in- vestigated the use of library resources for research purposes and the sources of off-campus Recent Publications I 85 funding for such research use. Among the re- spondents who reported support for research use, clear patterns of use of certain facilities and services appeared. The majority of the users, however, proved to be students primarily engaged in studying on library premises for class-related activities. Documents Education Project. By Lynn Cooper, and others. Community Informa- tion Specialist Program, Univ. of Toledo, Ohio. 1975. 34p. (ED 121 247, MF- $0.83, HC-$2.06) Due to a shortage of staff at the Carlson Li- brary at the Univ. of Toledo, user access to the documents collection outside of the normally staffed hours has depended upon the resource- fulness of the user. A survey showed that users ·were unfamiliar with access procedures. In or- der to make documents more readily available, the staff developed a series of guide sheets, a script/ slide presentation, and a display on doc- ument use located in the library's main con- course. Each was intended to impress library users with the variety of documents available and to provide an explanation of the access tools. Samples of the guides and the slides are provided. Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Computer Re- trieval System. By Eva L. Kiewitt. Grad- uate Library School, Indiana Univ., Bloomington. 1976. 22p. (ED 121 261, MF-$0.83, HC-$1.67) PROBE, a batch-mode information retrieval program used to search the ERIC data base, was developed by Indiana Univ. To evaluate the effectiveness of the program, questionnaires were given to the users of 200 consecutive searches during February 1973. Relevance ratios were computed by comparing the num- ber of documents considered useful by the user to the number retrieved. For searches using ERIC descriptors, the average relevance ratio was 54.7%. For searches using natural language, it was 42%. It was found that the cost of a de- scriptor search was $14.42 when 150 searches were run each month and $9.18 per search when 300 searches were run. The cost of ab- stract searches was $22.25 for 150 searches per month and $17.01 for 300 per month. Based on these findings and a separate user study, it was concluded that the PROBE service was satisfying the user and was cost-effective in that it could become self-supporting at a nominal fee. UCLA Working Group on Public Catalogs. Final Report. By Jean Aroeste, and oth- 86 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 ers. Univ. Libraries, Univ. of California, Los Angeles. 1976. 21p. (ED 121 322, MF-$0.83, HC-$1.67) The problems related to expanding card cata- logs at the UCLA library have been compound- ed by a desire to stay compatible with the changing conventions of the Library of Con- gress and by an increasingly stringent budget. The reports of three committees at UCLA led to a decision in favor of the long-term goal of an on-line public catalog for all the UCLA li- braries, with the intermediate goal of retaining the present public card catalogs until the on- line system is well established. This report re- views the essential criteria used to make that decision, including the advantages of the sys- tem, its relation to existing systems, problem areas, and costs. A Guide to BALLOTS Network Services. · Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif. 1976. 199p. (ED 122 744, MF-$0.83, HC- $10.03) The Bibliographic Automation of Large Li- brary Operations Using a Time-Sharing System (BALLOTS) is a computer-based interactive system which supports the acquisition, catalog- ing, and bibliographic searching processes in the Stanford Univ. libraries. This document provides extensive descriptions of ( 1 ) the BALLOTS system; ( 2) its files and indexes; ( 3) formats and procedures for its use; ( 4) search procedures; ·and ( 5) computer com- mands used to manipulate the system. A Review of Potential Components for the Western Bibliographic Network. By Karl M: Pearson, Jr. Western Interstate Com- mission for Higher Education, Boulder, Colo. 1976. 77p. (ED 122 750, MF- $0.83, HC-$4.67) Described are existing components that could be linked together to form a western biblio- graphic network or could provide products and services for network members. The components reviewed are: ( 1 ) state library agencies, re- search libraries, state and multistate library net- works, and other regional organizations in the 17 -state western region and the province of British Columbia; ( 2) organizations acting as bibliographic utilities to offer centralized, on- line computer support for technical processing, reference, and interlibrary loan; ( 3) catalog, serials, citation, and inventory control types of bibliographic data bases; and ( 4) · telecommuni- cations services. A survey of union serials data bases in the West is appended. SDILINE Evaluation. By Nancy G. Blase. Library, Univ. of Washington, Seattle. 1975. 36p. (ED 122 775, MF-$0.83, HC-$2.06) The Univ. of Washington libraries offers a monthly computerized retrieval of medical lit- erature ( SDILINE ) based on a profile of inter- est supplied by the user. To evaluate user response to the service 136 questionnaires were sent out; 119 were returned. Among the major findings of the survey were: SDILINE is of major value in alerting users to new articles in their field; SDILINE printout is closely scanned by most requestors; the time lag in SDILINE citations does not bother requestors; and most requestors felt that SDILINE complemented other similar services, such as "Current Con- tents." Microform Centralization Project: A Survey of Current Practice and Possible Applica- tion in Bizzell Library. By Marvin C. Guilfoyle. Univ. Libraries, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman. 1976. 62p. (ED 122 785, MF-$0.83, HC-$3.50) When a decision was made to centralize microform collections at the Univ. of Oklaho- ma's Bizzell Memorial Library, the author was asked to make recommendations to the library administration on organizing such a collection. After studying the relevant literature and the existing situation at the library, the author pre- pared a report covering ( 1 ) reasons for using microforms; ( 2) bibliographic control of micro- forms; ( 3) room, equipment, and staff; and ( 4) promoting the collection. Recommenda- tions also cover policy considerations in regard to definitions, microform types, reduction ratios, formats, polarity, bibliographic integrity, and conversion to microform from hard copy. A bibliography is included. A Mathematical Model of the Illinois I flier- library Loan Network: Report Number Three. By William B. Rouse and Sandra H. Rouse. Coordinated Science Lab., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana. 1976. 59p. (ED 124 179, MF-$0.83, HC-$3.50) A mathematical model was used to consider alternative request routing policies for use in the Illinois Library and Information Network. Given data on interlibrary loan demands, the probability of request success, processing and delivery times for various libraries, and a net- work request routing policy, the model predict- ed the probability of satisfying a request, the average delay in receipt of the desired item, the cost, and processing loads. Comparing re- source centers in the network revealed that II- linois State Library (ISU) and University of Illinois Libraries ( UOI) are superior to Chi- cago Public Library ( CPL) and Southern Illi- nois University ( SIU) in terms of probability of request success and average processing times. When CPL and SIU were removed from the model, performance was not significantly de- graded. While available data were too limited to make a strong recommendation for removing CPL and SIU from the network, a careful data collection procedure should be pursued to study the network and perhaps at some time in the future to automate data collection. Implementation of the Ohio College Li- brary Center's Proposed Serials Control Subsystem at the University of South Florida Library: Some Preliminary Con- siderations. By Anne Twitchell and Mary Sprehn. U niv. of South Florida, Tampa. 1976. 37p. (ED 124 220, MF-$0.83, HC-$2.06) An evaluation of OCLC' s proposed serials control subsystem was undertaken to determine what effect the system would have on the op- eration of the serials department at the Univ. of South Florida ( USF) library. The system would consist of three components: ( 1 ) claim- ing-identifying missing issues and generating claim notices; ( 2) binding-identifying a com- pleted binding unit from data input in the serials check-in records; and ( 3) check-in--on line storage and automatic update of check-in information. The check-in subsystem will be implemented in the near future. Each sub- system is described with special emphasis on how it relates to the present USF manual sys- tem, and an effort is made to provide cost and time comparisons to existing procedures. A Personalized System of Instruction in Library Use. By Gerald F. Maginnity. Instituto Tecnol6gico de Monterrey, Mexico. 1976. 14p. (ED 125 530, MF- $0.83, HC-$1.67) In response to a survey which showed library users to be deficient in research skills, the Tech- nological Institute of Monterrey, Mexico, devel- oped a programmed course in library skills using the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI ) . The course structure featured mastery learning, self-pacing, student tutors, and em- phasis on. written materials. Each unit con- tained an introduction which attempts to motivate the student, followed by instructional objectives and materials, and evaluation. The elective course consisted of twelve units cover- ing library resources, specialized sources in en- gineering and business administration, and Recent Publications I 81 research techniques which enable students to investigate topics in their own fields of interest. The Networking of Interactive Bibliograph- ic Retrieval Systems. By Richard S. Mar- cus and J. Francis Reintjes. Electronic Systems Lab., Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge. 1976. 172p. (ED 125 533, MF-$0.83, HC-$8.69) Research in networking of heterogeneous in- teractive bibliographic retrieval systems is being conducted which centers on the concept of a virtual retrieval system. Such a virtual sys- tem would be created through a translating computer interface that would provide access to the different retrieval systems and data bases in a uniform and convenient way, even for the inexperienced user. An experimental interface, called CONIT, has been built to test the virtual system concept. Initial evaluation of CONIT, which connects four retrieval systems, suggests that the virtual system approach could be cost effective. Particular attention was focused on the requirements for a common command lan- guage, ease of use, and message interpretation and protocols in a networked interface. Classification and Arrangement of Micro- forms in Academic Libraries. By Debora Shaw. 1976. 12p. (ED 125 537, MF- $0.83, HC-$1.67) Results of a survey on a classification and arrangement of microforms in 147 moderate sized college and university libraries in the United States are presented. Statistics on the size of microform holdings and arrangement of microforms are given. The absence of standards for arrangement of and access to microforms is discussed, and treatment of periodicals in microforln is further analyzed. A Survey of Administrative-Organizational Patterns of Non-Print Media Programs in Academic Libraries in Tennessee. By Florine Smith Fuller. 1976. 281p. (ED 125 561, MF-$0.83, HC-$15.39) An investigation to determine the administra- tive and organizational role of the library in nonprint media programs in institutions of higher education in Tennessee was carried out using the survey and interview method. The findings showed that one-third of the respond- ing libraries did not have and were not plan- ning a comprehensive collection of nonprint materials ·With" compatible equipment. More than half the respondents indicated that their institutions have or are planning curriculum laboratories, but only half will be under the ad- 88 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 ministration of the library. Of those having or planning a centralized audiovisual equipment distribution center, 70 percent indicated that the administration of it will be under the li- brary. The lack of trained personnel to process and organize nonprint materials housed outside the confines of the library or the multipurpose facility was widely reported. Libraries and Audio-Visual Center Cost Al- loca~ion Study. By Miriam A. Drake. Li- braries and Audio-Visual Center, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. 1976. 87p. (ED 125 566, MF-$0.83, HC-$4.67) A 1975 cost analysis study of the Purdue University Library and Audio-Visual Center collected data to ascertain the cost of services and materials during the fiscal year 1975 and to identify the allocation of costs among user groups, among library functions (e.g., process- ing, client services), and among end uses (e.g., instruction, research) . This report describes the methodology used and states the results in the form of written analysis, circle graphs, and tables. I ndice de Indices en la Biblioteca de Hun- ter College para el Estudiante Hispano. By Alberto Talero Bielsa, and others. Hunter College Library, City Univ. of New York. 1976. 34p. (ED 125 586, MF-$0.83, HC-$2.06) Designed for Spanish-speaking students of Hunter College of the City Univ. of New York, this guide explains the use of seventy English- language indexes found in the college library. The explanations are given in Spanish in order to simplify the process of library research for students who are not completely comfortable with English. Each index is listed alphabetical- ly by title with an explanation of the subjects it covers, how it is used, and where it is located in the library. A subject index and floor plans of the library are also given. The Use of a Microfiche Catalog for Pub- lic Service an.d On-Line Retrieval of Bib- liographic Data. By C. C. Griffith and R. M. Hayes. Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Univ. of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles. 1976. 74p. (ED 125 665, MF-$0.83, HC~$3.50) Preliminary inquiries into the feasibility of placing the union catalog of the Univ. of Cali- fornia Libraries on microfiche are reported. Re- cent developments in the use of microform catalogs are reviewed, and an extensive table is given which summarizes the characteristics of existing microform catalogs. Another section describes the potential applications of the Image Systems CARD (Compact Automatic, Retrieval and Display) reader, a random access microfiche retrieval and display device with a capacity of 780 fiche. The discussion empha- sizes the ability of the CARD to be integrated with a computer terminal to provide interactive access to microfiche. The advantages and dis- advantages of a microform catalog for the Univ. of California at Santa Cruz Library are dis- cussed as an illustrative example. A topically- organized bibliography of over fifty items and tables of cost data are given. Appendixes ex- plain the cost formulas used. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS The Academic Who's Who, 1975-1976: Univer- sity Teachers in the British Isles in the Arts, Education and Social Sciences. 2d ed. De- . troit: Gale, 1975. 784p. $38.50. Africa South of the Sahara, 1976-77. 6th ed. London: Europa, dist. by Gale, 1976. 1,149p. $63.00. (LC 78-112271) (ISBN 0-900-36294-4) Allison, Antony F., and Goldsmith, V. F. Titles of English Books (And of Foreign Books Printed in English). Volume I, 1475-1640. Hamden, Conn.: Archon, 1976. 176p. $15.00. (LC 76-21206) (ISBN 0-208-01619- 8) This volume includes titles from Pollard and Redgrave, and volume 2 is to cover the pe- riod of Wing (1641-1700). American Men and Women of Science. 13th ed. Edited by the Jaques Cattell Press. New York: Bowker, 1976. 7v. $300.00. (LC · 6- 7326) (ISBN 0-8352-0866-4; ISSN 0065- 9347) Association of Research Libraries. Office of University Library Management . Studies. Staff Performance Evaluation Program at the McGill University Libraries: A Program De- scription of a Goals-Based Performance Eval- uation Process with Accompanying Super- visors Manual. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, Office of University Library Management- Studies, 1976. 42p. $7.00 prepaid. Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association. Bibliography of Corporate Social Responsibility: Programs and Policies. 1976/ Volume 5. San Francisco, Calif.: Bank of America, 1976. 82p. $2.00. Fifth annual bibliography of books, articles, films, company reports, and speeches "con- ceived as a roadmap to the maze of material dealing with corporate, government and oth- er group responses to contemporary social problems." (p.1) (Available from Bank of America, Editorial Services Dept. #3124, P.O. Box 37000, San Francisco, CA 94137.) Beale, Walter H. Old and Middle English Poet- ry to 1500; a Guide to Information Sources. (American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide series, v.7) Detroit: Gale, 1976. 454p. $18.00. (LC 74-11538) (ISBN 0-8103-1247- 6) Annotated bibliography with 1,329 entries of primary and secondary works, presenting extensive lists of edition and criticism. Bibliographical Essays in Medieval Jewish Studies. (The Study of Judaism, v.2) New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1976. 392p. $17.50. (LC 76-18313) (ISBN 0-87068-486-8) Collections of essays on Jewish history, phi- losophy, and rabbinics from late antiquity through the mid-seventeenth century. A Bibliography of Noise for 1974. Compiled by Judith Kramer-Greene. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. 175p. $10.00. (LC 72-87107) (ISBN 0-87875-078-9) Biographical Dictionary of the Federal Judi- ciary. Comp. by Harold Chase and others. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 381p. $38.00. (LC 76- 18787) (ISBN 0-8103-1125-9) Includes federal judges for the period 1789- 1974. Bloomberg, Marty, and Weber, Hans. An Intro- duction to Classification and Number Build- ing in Dewey. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Un- limited, 1976. 199p. $12.50 U.S. and Canada; $15.00 elsewhere. (LC 76-26975) (ISBN 0-87287-115-0) British Music Yearbook. A Survey and Direc- tory with Statistics and Reference Articles for 1976. 4th ed. New York: Bowker, 1976. 750p. $22.50. (ISBN 0-85935-035-5) Brophy, Peter. COBOL Programming; an Intro- duction for Librarians. London: Clive Bing- ley; Hamden, Conn.: Lirtnet Books, 1976. 153p. $9.00. (LC 76-2022) (ISBN 0-85157- 215-4 Bingley; 0-208-01527-2 Linnet) Canada. Statistics Canada. Cultural Institutions Section. University and College Libraries in Canada. Bibliotheques des universites et des colleges du Canada. 1971-72. Ottawa: Sta- tistics Canada, 1976. 136p. $2.10. Second in a current statistics series, contain- ing data on library holdings, expenditures, facilities, personnel, and salaries. Chi, Ch'iu-lang, and Deeney, John J., eds. An Annotated Bibliography of English, Ameri- can, & Comparative Literature for Chinese Scholars. Taipei: Western Literature Re- Recent Publications I 89 search Institute, Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences, 1975. 604p. $5.50. Approximately 3,500 entries for publications in listed fields "with special attention given to East-West literary relations and Asian lit- eratures." Location symbols for twenty li- braries are provided. Conference on Research on the Second World War, Washington, D.C., 1971. World War II: An Account of Its Documents. Edited by James E. O'Neill and Robert W. Krauskopf. (National Archives Conferences, v.8) Wash- ington, D.C.: Howard Univ. Pr., 1976. 269p. $15.00. (LC 74-34112) (ISBN 0-88258- 053-1) Texts of eighteen· papers presented at 1971 conference sponsored by National Archives and Records Service. Continuing Library Education Network and Exchange. Membership Directory, June 1976. Washington, D.C.: Continuing Li- brary Education Network and ·Exchange (CLENE), 1976. 288p. $15.00. Criminal Justice; a Selected Bibliography of U.S. Government Publications on the High School Debate Topic for 1976-77. Washing- ton, D.C.: Congressional Information Ser- vice, 1976. 36p. $1.00. Includes listings for 772 publications selected from· data bases maintained by CIS. Diagram Group. Musical Instruments of the World: an Illustrated Encyclopedia. New York: Two Continents Publishing Group, 1976. 320p. $16.95. (LC 76-21722) (ISBN 0-8467 -0134-0) Includes descriptions (with more than 4,000 drawings) of musical instruments of all kinds and from all ages; divided into families ac- cording to the Hornbostel and Sachs system of classification, as well as under more fa- miliar historical and geographical categories. Directory of European Associations. Part 1: National Industrial, Trade & Professional Associations. Editor: I. G. Anderson. 2d ed. Beckenham, Kent: CBD Research Ltd.; De- troit: Gale, 1976. 557p. $65.00. (LC-76- 11697) (ISBN 0-900246-19-7) Provides information on over 9,000 national organizations and regional organizations of national significance, superseding the pre- vious edition (1971). Energy Information Abstracts. New York: En- vironment Information Center, 1976- . V.1, no.1- . $185.00, per year. A new bimonthly service from publisher of Environment Abstracts, The Energy Index, The Energy Directory, and Energy Regula- tion Update Service. Falk, Byron A., Jr., and Falk, Valerie R. Per- sonal Name Index to •The New York Times Index; 1851-1974. Succasunna, N.J.: Rox- 90 I College & Research Libraries • January 1977 bury Data Interface, 1976- . (LC 76- 12217) Total set to consist of twenty-two volumes including three to four million entries of names included in the indexes. Volume I (price, $19.50) includes letter A. Tentative price for complete set, $600- $650. Film Literature Index; a Quarterly Author- Subject Periodical Index to the International Literature of Film. 1973 and .1974 Annual Cumulations. Albany, N.Y.: Filmdex, 1975- 76. 2v. $62.50 each vol. (LC 74-642396) (ISSN 0093-6758; ISBN 0-8352-0936-9 1973 vol.; 0-8352-0937-7 1974 vol.) Annual cumulations of the quarterly Film Literature Index, indexing by subject and author film literature appearing in periodi- cals. · Floyd, Mary K., comp. Abortion Bibliography for 1975. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. 295p. $12.00 (LC 72-78877) (ISBN 0-87875-096- 7) Harmon, Robert B. Developing the Library Collection ·in Political Science. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 198p. $7.50. (LC 75- 44396) (ISBN 0-8108-0898-6) Annotated bibliography for use as selection tool and aimed primarily at public, junior college, and high school libraries. Heard, Priscilla S. American Music 1698-1800; an Annotated Bibliography. Waco, Texas: Markham Press Fund, Baylor Univ. Pr., 1975. 246p. (LC 75-14907) ". . . includes all entries pertaining to music from the American Bibliography by Evans and Shipton, and the supplement by the American Antiquarian Society which covers the addenda of Bristol." (p.15) Helmbold, F. Wilbur. Tracing Your Ancestry; a Step-by-Step Guide to Researching Your Family History. Birmingham: Oxmoor House, 1976. 210p. $9.95. (LC 76-14109) (ISBN 0-8487 -0415-0) A practical guide for individuals tracing their family histories. A separately issued Logbook ($3.9S, ISBN 0-8487-0414-2) contains blank forms, whose use is described in the volume. Hickerson, H. Thomas; Winters, Joan; and Beale, Venetia. Spindex II at Cornell Univer- sity, and a Review of Archival Automation in the United States . Ithaca, N.Y.: Dept. of Manuscripts and University Archives, Cornell University Libraries, 1976. 90p. $3.00. (LC 76-12176) Evaluation of work of Cornell's Dept. of Manuscripts and University Archives in archival automation and an examination of the archival profession's first attempt to de- velop a multi-institutional automated net- work. Hoffman, Herbert H. Descriptive Cataloging in a New Light: Polemical Chapters for Li- brarians. Santa Ana, Calif.: Rayline Printing Co., 1976. 17lp. $4.00. Howard University, Washington, D.C. Institute for the Study of Educational Policy. Equal Educational Opportunity for Blacks in U.S. Higher Education: an Assessment. Washing- ton, D.C.: Howard Univ. Pr., 1976. 330p. $6.95-paper. (LC 75-43488) (ISBN 0- 88258-072-8) The first annual report, describing status and needs of blacks in higher education for year 1973-74 and serving as a general reference work, summarizing available data on this subject. Hutchinson, William K. History of Economic Analysis: a Guide to Information Sources. (Economics Information Guide Series, v.3) Detroit: Gale, 1976. 243p. $18.00. ( LC 73- 17578) (ISBN 0-8103-1295-6) Contains 1,090 entries (most annotated) to literature on economic theory for period 1600- 1940, arranged in six chapters by school of thought. Index to Free Periodicals. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Pr., 1976- . V.l, no.l- . $15.00, year. Author, title, subject index to the contents of fifty-five periodicals free to libraries. To be issued twice a year. . International Federation of Library Associa- tions. International Office for UBC. Exam- ples of ISBD(M) Usage in European Lan- guages. London: IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1976. 28p. $5.00, paper. (ISBN 0-903043-08-4) (Available in North America from Canadian Library Association, 151 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5E3.) International Federation of Library Associa- tions. Special Libraries Section. Geography and Map Libraries Sub-Section. World Di- rectory of Map Collections . Edited by Wal- ter W. Ristow. (IFLA Publications, 8) Miinchen: Verlag Dokumentation, 1976.· 326p. DM 48 . (ISBN 3-7940-4428-2) Descriptions of 285 collections in forty-five countries based on returns from a 1972 questionnaire. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the B-ible; an Illustrated Encyclopedia. Supplementary vol. Nashville: Abingdon, 1976. 987p. $17.95. (LC 62-9387) (ISBN 0-687-19269-2) Contains more than 650 entries, 140 of which are new, with cross references to original four-volume set. Ireland, Norma 0., comp. Index to America: Life and Customs-Eighteenth Century. Westwood, Mass.: F. \V. Faxon, 1976. 187p. $12.00. (LC 76-7196) (ISBN 0-87305-108- 4) First published volume in a four-volume series (other three to record 17th, 19th, and 20th centuries). Alphabetized subject index based on contents of 116 books "which can be found in major libraries." Kehde, Ned, ed. The American Left, 1955- 1970; a National Union Catalog of Pam- phlets Published in the United States and Canada. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1976. 515p. $25.00. (LC 76-8002) (ISBN 0-8371- 8282-4) Kramer-Greene, Judith. Venereal Disease Bib- liography for 1974. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 197&. 446p. $15.00. (LC 71-189843) (ISBN 0-87875-080-0) Fourth annual supplement to Venereal Dis- ease Bibliography, 1966-1970 (Whitston, 1972). Lambeth Palace. Library. Calendar of the Pa- ]Jers of Charles Thomas Longley, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1862- 1868; in Lambeth Pal- ace Library. Comp. by J. E. Sayers and E. G. W. Bill. London: Mansell, dist. by ISBS (P.O. Box 555, Forest Grove, OR 97116), 1976. 79p. $32.50. Library of Congress Classification Schedules. A Cumulation of Additions and Changes, 197 4-75. Detroit: Gale, 1976- . $225.00. (ISBN 0-8103-0850-9) Set of thirty-one cumulations including changes incorporated in LC' s quarterly Addi- tions and Changes for 1974 and 1975. Sup- plements Gale's Cumulation . . . through 1973. McGill University Thesis Directory. Prepared for the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Re- search. Frank Spitzer and Elizabeth Silves- ter, editors. Volume I: 1881-1959. Montreal: MeGill-Queen's Univ. Pr., 1976. 931p. $20.00, paper. (ISBN 0-7735-0278-5) Contains 4,600 listings. Volume 2, published earlier, covers 1960 to 1973. Magnotti, Shirley. Master's Theses in Library Science, 1970-1974. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. 198p. $10.50. (LC 75-8232) (ISBN 0-87875-100-9) Matos, Antonio. A Guide to Reviews of Books From and About Hispanic America 1973. Guia a las reseiias de libros de y sabre Hi- spanoamerica 1973. Detroit: Blaine Ethridge, 1976. 980p. $45.00. (LC 66-96537) (ISBN 0-87 917-046-8 ) Index and summaries of reviews of 2,235 books (most Spanish language) appearing in 314 periodicals in 1973. Microform Market Place 1976-1977: an Inter- national Directory of Micropublishing. 2d ed. Weston, Conn.: Microform Review, dist. by Bowker. 194p. $14.95. ( LC 74-4811) (ISBN 0-913672-00-9) Micrographics Equipment Review. Editor, Wil- liam R. Hawken. Weston, Conn.: Microform Recent Publications I 91 Review, 1976- . V.1- . Price for yearly ser- vice for libraries varies according to book and periodicals budget, ranging from $85.00 to $125.00. " ... devoted primarily to reports on user equipment in this rapidly expanding field." (p.4) Moline, Gloria. An Evaluation of Approval Plan Performances: the Acquisition of Titles in Political Science. (Studies in Librarian- ship, no. 1) San Jose, Calif.: Dept. of Li- brarianship, San Jose State Univ., 1975. 110p. Ohio Historical Society. Guide to Ohio News- papers, 1793-1973. Union Bibliography of Ohio Newspapers Available in Ohio Li- braries. Stephen Gutgesell, editor. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Historical Society, c1976. 412p. $20.00. (LC 75-225) (ISBN 0-87758-004-9) Orne, Jerrold. The Language of the Foreign Book Trade; Abbreviations, Terms, Phrases. 3d ed. Chicago: ALA, 1976. 333p. (LC 76- 117 48) (ISBN 0-8389-0219-7) Ozone Depletion in the Atmosphere: An An- notated List of References. (Library Bib- liography Series No. 3) Orlando, Florida: Florida Technological University Library, 1976. 24p. Parker, Franklin, and Parker, Betty June. American Dissertations on Fa reign Educa- tion. Vol. VIII, Mexico. Troy, N.Y.: Whit- stan, 1976. 456p. $16.00. (LC 73-155724) (ISBN 0-87875-086-X) Previous volumes of abstracts in this series have included Canada, India, Japan, Africa, Scandinavia, China, and Korea. Phythian, B. A. A Concise Dictionary of Eng- lish Slang and Colloquialisms. 2d ed. Boston: The Writer, 1976. 208p. $4.95. (LC 76- 3524) (ISBN 0-87116-099-4) The Picture Reference File. Edited by Harold H. Hart. New York: Hart, 1976- . $60.00, each vol. (LC 75-31405) (ISBN 0-8055- 1160-1) Vol. 1, entitled A Compendium, includes 2,228 pictures culled from a broad range of sources (all in the public domain) and in ninety-six subject categories. Subsequent vol- umes will be devoted to individual subjects. Population and the Population Explosion; a Bibliography for 1974. Comp. by Charles W. Triche and Diane S. Triche. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. 292p. $15.00. (LC 72- 87106) (ISBN 0-87875-081-9) Poston, Susan L. Nonformal Education in Latin America; an Annotated Bibliography. Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Pub- lications, 1976. 268p. $15.00. (LC 75- 620142) (ISBN 0-87903-108-5) Annotated listing with 1,230 entries of publi- 92 I C allege & Research Libraries • I anuary 1977 cations from U.S. and Latin American coun- tries from 1940 to 1975. Poteet, G. Howard. Death and Dying; a Bib- liography 1950-1974. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. 192p. $12.50. (LC 76-24093) (ISBN 0-87875-105-X) A bibliography of the literature of the psy- chology and emotion of death and dying. Sections for books (by author) and periodi- cal literature (by subject). Overall author index. Based on search of periodical indexes, abstracting services, and bibliographies. Rohn, Peter H. Treaty Profiles. Santa Barbara, Calif.: CLIO Books, 1976. 356p. $30.00. (LC 73-83352) (ISBN 0-87436-131-1, v.6) A companion volume to the author's five- volume World Treaty Index. A Selective Guide to Materials for Mental Health and Family Life Education. 1976 ed. New York: Mental Health Materials Center; dist. by Gale, 1976. 947p. $65.00. (LC 76- 3916) Third edition containing more than 500 en- tries, over 200 new entries and 300 revised from second edition (1973). Sex Discrimination in Athletics. Title IX of the Education Act of 1972: A Selected List of Readings. (Library Bibliography Series No. 2) Orlando, Florida: Florida Technological University Library, 1976. 6p. Smith, Betty, ed. Journals in Translation. Bos- ton Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire: British Library Lending Division, 1976. 83p. £ 2.00. (ISBN 0-85350-159-9) A bibliography and guide to over 500 jour- nals for which scheduled English-language translations are available. In addition to a main alphabetical sequence, there is a KWIC index of English-language titles. Stat·istics Europe: Sources for Social, Economic, and Market Research. 3d ed. Comp. by Joan M. Harvey. Beckenham, Eng.: CBD Re- search Ltd., dist. by Gale, 1976. 467p. $40.00. Cites sources of statistical data for all coun- tries of Europe, including Turkey and the U.S.S.R. The Thanatology Library; a Collection of Books and Audio Visual Materials on Death, Be- reavement, Loss, and Grief. Brooklyn: High- ly Specialized Publications, 1976. 32p. $1.00. (LC 76-5680) Annotated bibliography of books (in print) and audiovisual materials on death, bereave- ment, loss, and grief. Thomas, Alan R. The Library Cataloguing Cur- riculum, USA: a Survey of the Contemporary Compulsory Instruction. London: .Panizzi, 1976. 77p. (ISBN 0-9504909-0-3) A survey, 1973-74, of the cataloging curricu- lum in ALA-accredited library schools. Thomas, Peter A. Towards a Complete Micro- form Library. ( NRCD Publication 4) Hat- field, Hertfordshire: National Reprographic Centre for Documentation, Hatfield Poly- technic, Endymion Road Annexe, 1976. One microfiche. £ 0.30, prepaid. (ISBN 0-85267- 091-5) Triche, Charles W., and Triche, Diane S. The Sickle Cell Hemoglobinopathies: a Compre- hensive Bibliography, 1973-1975. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. 140p. $9.50. (LC 73- 85959) (ISBN 9-87875-104-1) Supplements the bibliography, same title, covering 1910-1972 ( Whitston, 197 4) World Guide to Universities. 2d ed. Part I. Europe. New York: Bowker, 1976. 2v. $86.00. (ISBN 3-7940-1130-9) Wynar, Bohdan S., ed. Reference Books in Paperback; an Annotated · Guide. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1976. 317p. $14.00, cloth U.S. and Canada; $17.00, else- where; $10.00, paper U.S. and Canada; $12.00, elsewhere. (LC 76-44238) (ISBN 0-87287-166-5) First edition published in 1972.