College and Research Libraries ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teach- ing, School of Education, Stanford U niver- sity. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche ( M F) or paper copy (HC) from the ERIC Docu- ment Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should in- clude ED number, specify format desired, and include payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. A Mathematical Model of the Illinois Inter- library Loan Network. Project Report Number 4. By William B. Rouse and Sandra H. Rouse. Coordinated Science Lab., Illinois · Univ., Urbana. 1976. 27p. ED 126 879. MF-$0.83, HC-$2.06. Relatively recent developments, ranging from microfilm catalogs to networked circulation sys- tems, have the potential of removing much of the uncertainty from the routing of interlibrary loan requests. The opportunity of purchasing location and availability information changes the performance of a model interlibrary loan network. Data collected in Illinois show that lo- cation information is very valuable and that filmed catalogs may be worth several hundred dollars per year to the Illinois Interlibrary Loan Network (ILLINET). Illinois experience also indicates that local availability information, ob- tained from an automated circulation system, has minimal value, but the same information, made available throughout a network, reduces the time to satisfy a request. Libraries for College Students with Handi- caps; A Directory of Academic Library Resources and Services in Ohio. Ohio State Library, Columbus. 1976. 35p. ED 126 882. MF -$0.83, HC-$2.06. A directory of services for the handicapped in Ohio college and university libraries is the result of a 1975 survey. Alphabetically ar- ranged entries provide the name, address, and telephone number of each institution as well as the name of a person to contact for more in- formation. Special services provided by each Recent Publications I 177 library are identified. These may include pro- VISIOns for obtaining materials for the visually and physically handicapped as well as special- ized reference services. Also listed are the in- stitutions' items of special equipment-electric, large-print, and shield typewriters; opticons; braille writers; magnifiers; tape recorders. In- formation on accessibility is also provided. College Library Program: Second Annual Progress Report to the Council on Li- brary Resources and the National En- dowment for the Humanities, for the Year July 1, 1975-]une 30, 1976. Univ. Libraries, Kentucky Univ., Lexington. 1976. 30p. ED 126 900. MF-$0.83, HC -$2.06. The second annual report on the activities of the University of Kentucky Library's In- structional Services Department is divided into three sections, and this document includes the first two. The first section describes in detail the provision of library instruction and orientation to 7,000 students during the year. Tables sum- marizing statistical information on the program comprise the second section. Guide to the University of Kentucky Li- braries. Univ. Libraries, Kentucky Univ., Lexington. 1976. 299p. ED 126 901. MF-$0.83, HC-$15.39. This collection of instructional materials com- prises the third section of the 1975-76 annual report on library orientation and instruction at the University of Kentucky. General guides and instructional materials include: (1) an intro- duction to learning resources and services pre- pared for the orientation of new students; (2) a general guide to the university's libraries; (3) guidelines for orientation tours; ( 4) a three- unit key to library resources, with suggestions and pre- and post-tests. Guidelines for freshman English tour leaders and search procedures for a history course are also provided. Specialized guides contain information sources for history, psychology, and anthropology as well as infor- mation on newspaper resources, material on al- coholism and teenagers, and reference sources for current events. Present and Impending Developments Based on Actions by LC. Subgroup 1: Interim Report. Appendix 1. Library, Univ. of California, Los Angeles. 1975. 24p. ED 126 929. MF-$0.83, HC- $1.67. Changes made at the Library of Congress are considered and analyzed for their impact on the library of the University of California, Los An- 178 I College & Research Libraries • March 1977 geles. The four LC changes analyzed are: (1) the adoption of the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Monographs (ISBD(M)); (2) desuperimposition (tl;le re- turn to use of the smallest, rather than the largest, element of organization as the first part of an entry); (3) proposed changes in LC sub- ject headings; and ( 4) the use of LC classifica- tion at UCLA without modification. The advantages and disadvantages of these changes are discussed and charted against seven areas of impact-catalog, shelving order, library user, library processes, serials, automation, and op- portunity for and value of consistency. Com- parisons of UCLA and LC classification numbers are included, along with letters from library staff opposing the use of unmodified LC numbers. Bibliographic Instruction Program. U niv. Libraries, Wisconsin Univ.-Parkside. 1976. 62p. ED 126 937. MF-$0.83, HC-$3.50. The librarians of the library /learning center at University of Wisconsin-Parkside provide a description of their bibliographic instruction program. Instructional objectives are outlined in accordance with the needs ·of students, fac- People Serving People! Our greatest assets are the skilled and trained people giving you 11Con- cerned Service" - the penonalized service that makes your problems ours. No computer gives you continu- ing errors; our people make sure that you get quick, accurate an- swers. You will find that we give fast service, designed to meet your needs every time. Try the Book House now and see what we mean! Call ·517-849-9361 Co.llect A The House of Superior n. Library Service BOOK HOUSE 208 West Chicago Jonesville, Mich. 49250 ulty, community, those with special needs, and staff. These objectives cover such areas as loca- tion of materials and equipment; the librarian as a resource; use of library catalogs, indexes, audiovisual materials, and equipment; use of microforms; use of basic references; biblio- graphic citations; and research techniques. There is a brief description of each of the pro- grams: an orientation slide-tape, thirty small guides, a self-paced basic library skills work- book, advanced bibliographic instruction work- books, an academic skills/ general library instruction slide-tape, and the preparation of special course-integrated instruction. Objectives are detailed for all six of these programs. Eval- uation procedures des·cribed involve informal feedback, pre- and post-tests, and student eval- uation. The student evaluation form, a library skills test, a list of future projects, and data on program costs are included. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Africa Contemporary Record. Annual Survey and Documents, 1975-76. Colin Legum, ed- itor. Elizabeth Clements, executive editor. New York. African Pub. Co., 1976. 1v. ( vari- ous pagings) $50.00. LC 70-7957. ISBN 0- 8419-0157-0. Alternatives: A Guide to the Newspapers, Mag- azines, and Newsletters in the Alternative Press Collection in the Special Collections Department of the University of Connecticut. ,2d ed., rev. and enl. by Joanne V. Ak.eroyd. Bibliographic Series, no. 5. Storrs: Univ. of Connecticut, 1976. 128p. $3.00. (Payment must accompany order: Acquisitions Depart- ment, Univ. of Connecticut Library, Storrs, CT 06268.) Lists about 1,500 alternative and under- ground serial titles in the library's collection. Anderson, Martin, ed. Conscription: A Select and Annotated Bibliography. Hoover Biblio- graphical Series, no. 57. Stanford: Hoover Institution Pr., 1976. 453p. $15.00. LC 75- 41906. ISBN 0-8179-2571-6. Axford, Lavonne B., comp. English Language Cookbooks, 1600-1973. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 675p. $45.00. LC . 76-23533. ISBN 0-8103- 0534-8. - A bibliography providing information on more than 10,000 cookbooks. Arranged al- phabetically by title with author and subject indexes. Berlinski, David. On Systems Analysis: An Es- say Concerning the Limitations of Some Mathematical Methods in the Social, Polit- ical, and Biological Sciences. Cambridge: MIT Pr., 1976. 186p. LC 76-13444. ISBN 0-262-02120-X. Best Reference Books: Titles of Lasting Value Selected from American Reference Books An- nual 1970-1976. Bohdan S. Wynar, editor. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1976. 448p. $18.50. LC 76-45781. ISBN 0-87287- 163-0. Bill, E. G. W. A Catalogue of Manuscripts in Lambeth Palace Library; MSS. 1907-2340. Oxford: Clarendon Pr., 1976. 379p. $55.00. ISBN 0-19-920079-3. Bloomberg, Marty, and Evans, G. Edward. In- troduction to Technical Services for Library Technicians. 3d ed. Littleton, Colo.: Librar- ies Unlimited, 1976. 298p. $10.00. LC 76- 43294. ISBN 0-87287-125-8. Books in Other Languages: How to Select and Where to Order Them. 1976 ed. Leonard Wertheimer, languages co-ordinator. Assisted by Mary Cern~. Ottawa: Canadian Library Assn., 1976. 129p. $15.00. ISBN 0-88802- 115-1. Arranged alphabetically under thirty-two lan- guage groupings, the guide presents informa- tion on selection aids and suppliers. Updates and expands data from earlier edition of 1974. Children's Authors and Illustrators: An Index to Biographical Dictionaries. Dennis La Beau, editor. Gale Biographical Index Series, no. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 1'72p. $15.00. LC 76-23534. ISBN 0-8103-1078-3. Covers biographical material that appears in twenty-six publications. Choice: A Classified Cumulation, volume 1-10, March 1964-February 1974. Edited by Richard K. Gardner and Phyllis Crumm. As- sisted by Julia Johnson. Totowa, N.J.: Row- man and Littlefield, 1976-77. 9v. C8 vols. reviews and 1 vol. index) $395.00, 9 vols. (Vol. 9, Index, sold separately at $49.50.) ISBN 0-87471-792-2 (nine-volume set); 0-87471-897-X, index volume. A cumulation in subject-classified arrange- ment of the reviews of 58,700 books covered in the first ten years of publication of Choice. Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Congressional Quarterly's Guide to Congress. 2d ed. Wash- ington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1976. 1 v. (various pagings) $49.50. LC 76-41925. ISBN 0-87187-100-9. Contemporary Authors. Cumulative Index, Vol- umes 1-64. Including References to Con- temporary Literary Criticism, Volumes 1-5, and Something About the Author, Volumes 1-8. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 138p. Cumulative Index to the Annual Catalogues of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Publications, 1922-1972. Arlington: Carrollton Pr., 1976. Electrifying 1975-1976 PICK'S CURRENCY YEARBOOK* 20thEdition. 8-1/2" x 11". Cloth. 784 pages. ISBN 0-87551-275-5. This annual is the most complete single source of current moRetary in- formation in print. Contains a compre- hensive description and appraisal of 109 major currencies and accessory units, a supplementary review of 38 minor monies, and latest develop- ments in International gold markets including monthly bar and coin prices for ten years. There is also a complete survey of official exchange rate struc- tures as well as a ten-year record of monetary depreciation. Resident and nonresident transferability regulations and domestic currency restrictions are discussed. PRICE. . $120.00 o 1955-197 4 (19 volumes) available on micro- film (16mm, 20:1 reduction-positive image). Postpaid price: $350.00. ALL THE MONIES OF THE WORLD* A Chronicle of Currency Values 6" x 9". Cloth. 620 pages. ISBN 0-87551-610-6. Historical dictionary of money values. Fulfills the need for a standard refer- ence work for students and profes- sionals alike. Recommended by U- brary Journal for business, financial and economics libraries. The volume is a complete chronology of kinds and values of currencies used since man's first experiments with a medium of exchange. PRICE . . $80.00 0 Also available on seven, 1 05mm x 148 mm microfiche cards. Postpaid price: $24 .95. 21 WEST STREET • NEW YORK, N.Y. 10006 180 I College & Research Libraries • March 1977 2v. $165.00. LC 76-26730. ISBN 0-8408- 0141-6. Cumulative Subject Guide to U.S. Government Bibliographies, 19"24-1973. Compiled . by Edna · A. Kanely, with an introduction by Joseph Morehead. Arlington: Carrollton Pr., 1976. 7v. $695.00. LC 76-43592. ISBN 0- 8408-0151-3, Approximately 40,000 bibliographies . (either self-contained or included in other publica- tions) identified from the Monthly Catalog for the period 1924-1973. Arranged alpha- betically by subject. DeVore, Ronald M. The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Historical, Political, Social, & Military Bib- liography. War/Peace · Bibliography Series. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Books, 1976. 273p. $17.50. LC 76-17575. ISBN 0-87436- 229-6. Employee Organizations and Collective Bar- gaining in Libraries. Margaret A. Chaplan, editor. Library Trends, v.25, no. 2, October 1976. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1976. p.419-557. $4.00. European Congress on Information Systems and Networks, 2d, 1975, Luxembourg. S(3cond European Congress on Information Systems and Networks, Luxembourg, 27-30 May 1975. Miinchen: Verlag Dokumentation, 1976. 231p. $16.00. ISBN 3-7940-5164-5. (Available from Unipub, Box 433, Murray Hill Station, New York, NY 10016.) Hidaru, Alula, and Rahmato, Dessalegn, eds. A Short Guide to 'the Study of Ethiopia: A General Bibliography. African Bibliograph- ical Center, Special Bibliographic Series, new series, no. 2. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1976. 176p. $12.75. LC 76-27128. ISBN 0-8371-9284-6. A selective guide to materials In the Ethiopi- an languages and in English compiled in 1972. Hutcheson, John D., Jr., and Shevin, Jann. Citi- zen Groups in Local Politics: A Bibliograph- ic Review. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1976. 275p. $19.75. LC 76-23441. ISBN 0- 87436-231-8. " ... this bibliography focuses on the organi- zation, activities, strategies, and impacts of citizen groups attempting to influence local governmental decision-making processes in the United States" (p.x). Most material in- cluded is from 1951-75. International B-ibliogr.(.lphy of the Book Trade and Librarianship. Fachliteratur zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen. 11th ed., 1973-1975. New York: Bowker, 1976. 704p. $49.50. LC 73-700. ISBN 3-7940-1247-X. ISSN 0071- 3627. Includes relevant publications which ap- peared from 1973 to 1975 as well as supple- mentary material from the period 1969 to 1973 which fomied the basis for the lOth edition. Inventories and Registers: A Handbook of Techniques and Examples. A Report of the Committee on Finding Aids. Chicago: So- ciety of American Archivists, 1976. 36p. $4.0(). ". . . an · attempt by the committee to de- scribe present practice in a broad range of archival institutions thought to have effective finding aid programs" (p.5). Kemp, D. A. The Nature of Knowledge: An In- troduction for Librarians. London: Clive Bingley; Hamden, Conn.: ·Linnet Books, 1976. 199p. $10.00. LC 76-28343. ISBN 0- 208-01528-0, Linnet; 0-85157-216-2, Bing- ley. ". . . this book is an attempt to promote the concept that a full understanding of librar- ianship and information science involves an awareness of some, at least, of the other con- tributory branches o~ learning" (p.9). . Kretschman, Karen L., comp. Legal Novels: An Annotated Bibliography. Legal Bibliography Series, no. 13. Austin: School of Law, Univ. of Texas, 1976. 27p. $10.00. Updates, expands, and includes an original listing published by Judge Wigmore in 1908. Kretschman, Karen L., comp. Selected Bibliog- raphy on Child Abuse and Neglect. Legal Bibliography Series, no. 12. Austin: School of Law, Univ. of Texas, 1976. 26p. $10.00. Covers pertinent sources in government doc- uments-federal and state-from turn of the century to the present. LaBarr, Dorothy F., and Singer, J. David. The Study of International Politics: A Guide to the Sources for the Student, Teacher, and Researcher. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Press, 1976. 2llp. $17.95. LC 76-12545. ISBN 0- 87 436-233-4. Langefors, Borje, and Samuelson, Kjell. Infor- mation and Data in Systems. New York: Pet- rocelli/Charter, 1976. 124p. $14.95. LC 76- 40028. ISBN 0-8840-349-0. A text providing an introduction to data as the means of representing information and so to provide a background for the design of information systems. Low, Jane Grant-Mackay. The Acquisition of Maps and Charts Published by the United States Government. Occasional Papers, no. 125. Champaign, Ill.: Graduate School of Li- brary Science, Univ. of Illinois, 1976. 36p. $2.00. Lyday, Leon F., and Woodyard, George W. A Bibliography of Latin American Theater Criticism, 1940-1974. Guides and Bibliogra- phies Series, no. 10. Austin: Institute of Latin American Studies, Univ. of Texas, 1976. 243p. LC 76-45126. ISBN 0-292- 70717-7. . Marconi, Joseph V. Indexed Periodicals: A Guide to 170 Years of Coverage in 33 In- dexing Services. Ann Arbor: Pierian Pr., 1976. 416p. $65.00, LC 76-12242. ISBN 0- 87650-005-X. Alphabetical listing . of periodical and .serial titles indexed in 33 American, British, and Canadian periodical indexes, covering the period, 1802 to mid-1973, and including ap- proximately 11,000 periodical and serial ti- tles, title changes, and cross-references. To be updated by installments in Serials Review. Merrett, Christopher Edmond. Map Catalogu- ing and Classification: A Comparison of Ap- proaches. Occasional Publications Series, no. 7. Sheffield: Univ. of Sheffield, Postgraduate School of Librarianship and Information ~ci­ ence, 1976. 30p. The· Nat·ional Directory of Chicano Faculty and Research. Bibliographic and Reference Se- ries. Los Angeles: Azthin Publications, Chi- cano Studies Center, UCLA, 1976. 14lp. $10.00, cloth; $7.00, paper. A directory, completed in 1975, containing the names of more than 1,400 Mexican American and Mexican scholars in various disciplines, particularly that of Chicano studies. Pages: The World of Books, Writers, and Writ- ing. 1- Matthew J. Bruccoli, editorial di- rector. C. E. Frazer Clark, Jr.c, managing edi- tor. Detroit: Gale, 1976-. $24.00 per vol. LC 76-20369. ISBN 0-8103-0925-4. Magazine in book format (v.l, 304p.) with articles about writers, writing, publishing, li- braries, bibliography, and book collecting. Quay, Richard H. Research in Higher Educa- tion: A Guide to Source Bibliographies. New York: College Entrance Examination Board, 1976. 54p. $3.50. LC 76-40377. Rakowski James P. Transportation Economics: A Guide to Information Sources. Economics Information Guide Series, v.5. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 215p. $18.00. LC 73-17584. ISBN 0- 8103-1307-3. "The purpose of this volume is to give the reader a comprehensive listing, with annota- tions, of the major books in transportation economics and the field of business logistics" (p.xiii). Reynolds, Michael M. Maryland: A Guide. to Information and References Sources. Gmde to State Information and Reference Sources, no.7. Adelphi, Md.: Research and Reference Recent Publications I 181 Publications, 1976; 15lp. $11.95. · ISBN 0- 917698-00-2. Rocq, Margaret Miller, ed. California Local History: A Bibliography and Union List of Library Holdings. Supplement to the Second Edition Covering Works Published 1961 Through 1970. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Pr., 1976. 113p. $15.00. LC 70-97912. ISBN 0- 8047-0908-4. Steele, Colin. Ma;or Libraries of the World: A Selective Guide. New York: Bowker, 1976. 479p. $18.50. ISBN 0-85935-012-6. A guide to 300 selected great libraries of the world. Alphabetically arranged by country. Tsien, Tsuen-Hsuin. Current Status of East Asian Collections in American Libraries, 197411975. Washington, D.C.: Center for Chinese Research Materials, Association of Research Libraries, 1976. 67p. LC 76- 43535. A survey based on analysis of questionnaires returned from ninety-three libraries. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul- tural Organization. World List of Social Sci- ence Periodicals. L-iste mondiale des perio- diques specialises dans les sciences sociales. 4th ed., rev. and enl. Prepared by the Inter- national Committee for Social Science Infor- mation and Documentation. W odd . Social Science Information Services, L Paris: Unesco Pr., 1976. 382p. $24.00. ISBN 92- 3-001293-9. (Available from Unipub, Box 433, Murray Hill Station, New York, NY 10016.) / United Nations Statistical Pocketbook. World Statistics in Brief. 1st ed. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs Statistical Office, Statistical Papers, Series V, no. 1. New York: United Nations, 1976. 243p. $3.95. (Sales no. E.76. XVII.6). First in a new series of annual com- pilations of basic international statistics, with data selected from the various statistical pub- lications compiled by the United Nations and other international organizations. Wersig, Gemot, a~d Neveling, Ulrich, comps. Terminology of Documentation: A Selection of 1,200 Basic Terms Published in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish. Paris: Unesco Pr., 1976. 274p. $21.45. ISBN 92- 3-001232-7. (Available from U nipub, Box 433, Murray Hill Station, New York, NY 10016.) .. . . . intended to help standardize basic ter- minology in the rapidly developing field of documentation" (Preface). Index to America: Life and Customs by Nonna Olin Ireland A long-needed reference tool on American social life and customs is now being published in a 4-volume series. The first available volume is the 18th Century; future volumes will cover the 17th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Social and home life, amusements, education, village and city development, agriculture and industry, personalities and politics are emphasized in each volume, with a brief inclusion of history and wars. The series is selective rather than com- prehensive, concentrating on the most recent publications and including some classic, standard works available in university, public, and school library collec- tions. Arrangement is alphabetical by subject. Appendices list the women indexed in each volume;· books particularly suitable for young people are designated. For a complete description of the Series, write for ou_r Publications Catalo_g. In the Useful Reference Series of Library Books. 18th Century -ISBN 0-87305-108-4 Library Binding 187 pp. $12.00 17th Century- ISBN 0-87305-107-6 Library Binding Forthcoming 1977 [®f]F.W. F~u!!;!o~!o~PADY, 10(. 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, MA 02090 Ne-w FroDlABC-Clio _______ ......._ The History of Ideas A Bibliographic Introduction Volume II: Medieval and Early Modern Europe Jeremy L. Tobey Each volume in this four-volume series covers the reference works, books, and articles that focus on a particular period, problem, or development in the history of ideas. Volumes in the series cover the history of ideas from classical antiquity to the death of Issac Newton in 1727. Auth- pr/title index. vii, ca. 256 pages. LC 76- 8017. CIP. February 1977. $19.75 case- bound only. (IBSN 0-87436-239-3). The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Historical, Political, Social, and Military Bibliogra- phy. Ronald M. DeVore. Chronology. Author/title index. xxiiv, 273 pages. CIP 1976. $17.50 casebound only. (IBSN 0- 87436-299-6). Citizen Groups in Local Politics A Bibliographic Review John D. Hutcheson, Jr., and Jann Shevin Covers books, monographs, guides, hand- books, articles, reviews, and dissertations published since 1960. Annotations sum- marize the content of each work and, when applicable, the methods, objectives, and results of the research involved. Author index. xi, 275 pages. LC 76-23441. CIP. 1976. $19.75 casebound only. (ISBN 0-87436-231-8). The Study of International Politics: A Guide to the Sources for the Student, Teacher, and Researcher. Dorothy F. LaBarr and J. David Singer. Author index. ix, 211 pages. LC-76-12545. CIP. 1976. $17.95 casebound only. (IBSN 0-87436-233-4). American Bibliographical_ Center-Clio Press •. Riviera Campus, P.O. Box 4397, 2040 A.P.S. Santa Barbara, CA 931031 A I 8 I C 1-~~ 1