College and Research Libraries 550 I College & Research Libraries • November 1977 papers are readable, and the price is not exorbitant in today' s terms. PRECIS (Pre- served Context Indexing System), de- veloped by Derek Austin and his associates at the British National Bibliography, is probably the most important innovation in indexing since coordinate indexing was de- veloped by Taube in the 1950s. The workshop combined descriptions of PRECIS and its use at the British Library with papers on research and applications elsewhere. Austin's three papers on de- velopment of the system, its syntax and semantics, and management aspects go into more useful detail than the several articles that have appeared. Jutta S¥)rensen's paper on multilingual aspects presents us with tantalizing glimpses of the possibilities of automatic translation of PRECIS strings so that indexing done in one language can serve several others. Intellectually, such transformations appear to be possible; it is teo early to judge yet whether they would be operationally practicable. The section on research projects contains three comparisons of PRECIS with subject headings and title words, by Phyllis A. Richmond, Valentina de Bruin, and Ann H. Schabas. De Bruin's report will be of spe- cial interest to academic librarians because the eventual goal of her work is to apply PRECIS in the library of the University of Toronto. She devised comparative PRECIS, subject headings, and keyword indexes for books in special subjects for departmental librarians to use. Richmond compared PRECIS (from BNB), LC subject headings (from OCLC and NUC), and a KWIC in- dex; while Schabas offered an SDI ( Selec- tive Dissemination of Information) service from UK MARC tapes, comparing retrieval on titles, PRECIS subject headings, and combinations of these. The first two found that PRECIS provided more access points and more precise indications of the subject matter of the work than did subject head- ings. Titles performed as poorly as would be expected. Schabas' study was still in progress, but the results appear to be simi- lar. In the section on practical applications there are reports of manual PRECIS appli- cation in a Canadian high school library, of audiovisual indexing at the College Bib- liocentre in Ontario, and of film indexing at the National Film Board of Canada. The authors are all enthusiastic over the quality of access available with PRECIS. C. Donald Cook provides a thoughtful discussion of the future of practical appli- cation of PRECIS in North America iii the context of subject heading dominance via Library of Congress and National Library of Canada practice. The reviewer is left with some questions that are not criticisms either of this book or of the PRECIS system, but rather of the nature of "where should we go from here?" How costly is PRECIS to apply com- pared with current systems? A study1 has been performed that should answer this question, but the results have not been dis- seminated in the United States. Since many of the horrid examples given in comparisons with subject headings are simply bad cataloging and not inherent in the system, how would PRECIS fare if its authority files contained as many millions of records as LC's subject heading files? If LC and North American libraries final- ly face the logical consequences of the knowledge that the present subject heading system is breaking down and decide to adopt a new system, should PRECIS be adopted o;r should we go back to square one and try to determine what kind of sys- tem would best meet our needs?-Jessica L. Harris, Associate Professor, St. John's University, Jamaica, New York. REFERENCE 1. British Library. Working Party on Classifi- cation and Indexing, Final Report (R&D Re- port No. 5233; London: British Library, 1975). Simpson, Antony E. Guide to Library Re- search in Public Administration. With a Preface by Marc Holzer. New York: Center for Productive Public Manage- ment, John Jay College of Criminal Jus- tice, 1976. 210p. $5.95. Simpson has provided a well-written, comprehensive guide to library research that should serve as a model for guides in other social science disciplines. While de- signed specifically for researchers and stu- dents in public administration, this volume encompasses material of use to all fields of the social sciences and, therefore, supple- ments guides such as The Student Social- REPRINTS /J!---~. /. "11 RELEASED(I~A1~~ '18 Nelson. K.: THE IMPACT OF WAR ON AMERICAN LIFE Nicola, T.: ATLAS OF ORTHOPAEDIC EXPOSURES O'Fiaherty , F.: THE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF LEATHER Oldenburg, 0 . & Holladay, W.: INTRODUCTION TO ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Osserman , R.: TWO -DIMENSIONAL CALCULUS Palmer, E.: FUNCTIONAL GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASE Pauley , B.: THE HAPSBURG LEGACY 1867-1939 Peppier, H.: MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY Perrin, 0 . D. : ORGANIC COMPLEX lNG REAGENTS : St ructure, Behavior . and Appl ica tion to Inorganic Analysis Perrin & Finegold : PATHOBIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT Perry , E. & Weissburger, A.: TECHNIQUE OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Vol. IV Pestle & Thomson : DYNAMICS Vol. II Pflanze, 0.: UNIFICATION OF GERMANY 1848 -1871 EPS Phill ips, E. L. : DAY TO DAY ANXIETY MANAGEMENT Pipe, P.: PRACTICAL PROGRAMMING Pirofsky : AUTOIMMUNITY AND THE AUTOIMMUNE MEMOL YTIC ANEMIAS Pirson,S. : OIL RESERVOIR ENGINEERING Polsky , H.: COTTAGE SIX Pratt & Gwynne: RANGELAND MANAGEMENT Prier : BASIC MEDICAL VIROLOGY Rademacher. H. : LECTURES ON ELEMENTARY NUMBER THEORY Randall : NERVOUS CONTROL OF THE HEART Rankama, K.: THE PRECAMBRIAN (THE GEOLOGIC SYSTEMS) Vol. I Vol. II Vol . III Vol. IV Rankama, K.: PROGRESS IN ISOTOPE GEOLOGY Reich . L. & Schindler, A.: POLYMERIZATION BY ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS Reid, W.: THE REFORMATION : REVIVAL OR REVOLUTION? EPS Restle, F.: PSYCHOLOGY OF JUDGEMENT AND CHOICE Richter : American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists Symposium Monographs CELL MEMBRANES AND PATHOLOGICAL ASPECTS Rieser: INSULIN MEMBRANES AND METABOLISM Riklan & Levita : SUBCORTICAL CORRELATES OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR Riley , C.: OUR MINERAL RESOURCES . Ringenberg , L. : COLLEGE GEOMETRY Roberts : BLOOD FLOW MEASUREMENT Russek : THE PAUL D. WHITE SYMPOS I UM : MAJOR ADVANCES IN CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Russek & Zahman : CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY Saaty , T.: LECTURES ON MODERN MATHEMATICS Vol. I Vol. II Vo l. III Sansone , G.: ORTHOGONAL FUNCTIONS Vol. 9 Sarvetnick , H. : POLYV INYL CHLORIDE Schwartz, A. M.: SURFACE ACTIVE AGENTS AND DETERGENTS Schwartz, H.: INTRODUCTION TO SPECIAL RELATIVITY Scott. A.: ACTIVE AND NONLINEAR WAVE PROPAGATION IN ELECTRONICS Segal & Kirkpatrick : ENGINEERING IN THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Sellin, T. S.: DELINQUENCY : SELECTED STUDIES Shader, R.: PSYCHOTROPIC DRUG SIDE EFFECTS Sk illing, H. H.: TEACHING - Engineering , Science, Mathematics Sm ith , C. R.: MECHANICS OF SECONDARY OIL RECOVERY Smith : NEUROPATHOLOGY OF THE ALIMENTARY TRACT Snead, R. E.: ATLAS OF WORLD PHYSICAL FEATURES Solomon, D. H.: THE CHEMISTRY OF 0 RGANIC Fl LM FORMERS Stipe, G.: THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL THEORIES Stone, F., Gay & Lee: International Trauma Symposium : RESEARCH ON THE CASE OF THE INJURED Strehlo)'V. R.: FUNDAMENTALS OF COMBUSTION Sutton, 0 .: MICROMETEOROLOGY Sweetman : FOOD SELECTION AND PREPARATION Takacs. L.: COM!!INATORIAL METHODS IN THE THEORY OF STOCHASTIC PROCESSES Tammes: ELECTRONICS FOR MEDICAL AND BIOLOGY LABORATORY PERSONNEL Thielsch, H.: DEFECTS & FAILURES IN PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING Rev. ed . Thorp, E. 0 .: ELEMENTARY PROBABILITY Todd, C. D.: ZENER AND AVALANCHE DIODES Trentin : CROSS-REACTING ANTIGENS AND NEOANTIGENS Trice: ALCOHOLISM IN AMERICA Waddell, J.: PRACTICAL QUALITY CONTROL FOR CONCRETE w/ corrections Wagner, A. F. & Folkers·. K.: VITAMINS & COENZYMES Wasmuth & Wasmuth : LAW AND THE SURGICAL TEAM Weitz, H.: BEHAVIOR CHANGE THROUGH GUIDANCE w/ corrections & new material Westbrook , J.: INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDS Weyl & Marboe: THE CONSTITUTION OF GLASSES - A Dynamic Interpretation Vol. I, Fundamentals of the Structure of Inorganic Liquids and Solids Vol. II , Part 1, The Constitu ti on and Propert ies of Some Representative Glasses Vol. II , Part 2, The Constitution and Properties of Some Representative Glasses Wilcox , C. H.: ASY~PTOTIC SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS Williams, R. & Lansford , E.: THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BrDCHEMISTRY Wolf & Crowder : AN INTRODUCTION TO BODY FLUID METABOLISM Wright, F. B.: RURAL WATER SUPPLY & SANITATION Wymore, A. W.: A MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING The Elements Youden, W. J.: STATISTICAL METHODS FOR CHEMISTS Zimmerman & Anson : ANATOMY AND SURGERY OF HERNIA 2nd ed . Orig . ed. 1969 32 pp . 4.25 Or ig. ed. 1971 406 pp . In Prep . Or ig . ed . 1966 136 pp . 12 .50 Orig . ed. 1965 44 8 pp . 22 .00 Orig. ed . 1967 424 pp . In Prep. Orig. ed . 1968 469 pp . 17 .50 Ori g. ed . 1967 131 pp . 8.75 Ori g. ed. 1972 202 pp . pp b. 4.50 Orig . ed . 1967 464 pp . In Prep. Orig . ed . 1964 376 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1973 151 pp . 22.00 Ori g. ed . 1951 858 pp . In Prep . Or ig. ed . 1968 407 pp . In Prep . Ori g. ed . 1968 128 pp . 4.25 Orig . ed. 1977 6.50 Orig. ed . 1966 80 pp . ppb. 2.25 Orig.ed . 1969 537 pp . 24 .00 Or ig. ed . 1958 746 pp . 29 .50 Or ig. ed . 1962 185 pp . 4.95 Or ig. ed. 1976 342 pp . 23 .50 Or ig. ed . 1966 715 pp . 16.25 Orig . ed . 1964 156 pp . In Prep . Or ig. ed. 1965 251 pp . 15.00 Orig. ed . 1964 279 pp . In Prep . Or ig. ed . 1966 454 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1967 325 pp . In Prep . Or ig. ed . 1970 288 pp. In Prep. Or ig. ed . 1963 705 pp. 32 .50 Or ig. ed . 1966 750 pp . In Prep . Or ig. ed . 1968 128 pp . ppb . 4.50 Ori g. ed . 1961 24 7 pp . In Prep . Ori g. ed . 1971 199 pp . 18.00 Ori g. ed . 1967 168 pp . 10.95 Orig. ed . 1969 356 pp . 19 .00 Or ig. ed . 1959 348 pp . In Prep . Ori g. ed . 1968 324 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1972 184 pp . 20 .00 Ori g. ed . 1973 400 pp . 37 .50 Or ig. ed . 1971 384 pp. 25.00 Or ig. ed . 1963 175 pp . In Prep. Orig. ed . 1964 183 pp . In Prep . Ori g. ed. 1965 321 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1959 425 pp . 18.00 Orig . ed. 1969 266 pp . 15.95 Ori g. ed. 1958 855 pp. 32 .50 Orig . ed . 1968 458 pp . In Prep . Ori g. ed . 1970 340 pp . In Prep . 0 rig. ed . 1967 496 pp. 22 .50 Ori g. ed . 1969 161 pp . 9.00 0 rig. ed . 1970 302 pp . 13 .50 Abridged ed. 1976 6.50 Orig. ed . 1966 504 pp . 24 .50 Orig. ed. 1972 128 pp. 15.95 Orig . ed . 1972 158 pp . 14 .50 2nd Revised ed . 1975 370 pp . 18.50 Orig. ed . 1967 675 pp. In Prep . Or ig. ed . 1971 196 pp . 14.00 Orig. ed . 1968 480 pp . In Prep . Or ig. ed . 1953 346 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1954 645 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1967 274 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed. 1971 253 pp . 12 .25 Orig . ed . 1965 416 pp . 18.50 Ori g. ed . 1966 162 pp . In Prep. Orig . ed . 1970 278 pp . In Prep . 0 rig. ed . 1967 138 pp . 10.25 Orig . ed . 1967 160 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1962 402 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1964 532 pp . 27.50 Orig. ed. 1969 424 pp . 15.95 Orig . ed . 1964 225 pp . 11.50 Orig. ed . 1967 680 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed. 1963 427 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1964 464 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed . 1967 1583 pp . In Prep . Orig . ed . 1964 259 pp . In Prep. Oriq. ed . 1967 894 DP . In Prep . Orig . ed . 1964 261 pp . 6.95 2nd ed. 1956 347 pp. 12.50 Orig . ed . 1967 361 pp. 14.50 Orig. ed . 1951 136 pp . In Prep . Orig. ed. 1967 370 pp . 19.50 ROBERT E. KRIEGER Publishing Co., Inc. 645 r~ew York Ave., Huntington, N.Y. 117_43 552 I College & Research Libraries • November 1977 agist's Handbook, The Student ;political Scientist's Handbook, and The Student Economist's Handbook. The guide under review differs from most in that it emphasizes bibliographic tools and techniques necessary for research, rather than stressing descriptions of jour- nals, theories, etc. While such information is provided, it is not included at the ex- pense of bibliographic information. Tradi- tional topics, such as the card catalog, indexes/ abstracts, bibliographies, and gov- ernment documents, are discussed, as are archival research and computer literature searching. Regarding the card catalog and govern- ment documents, one statement is some- what misleading. Simpson indicates that "The only separately published items gen- erally not [emphasis in original] included in the catalogs are those special collections of documents maintained on microform" (p.87). Many libraries, especially those em- ploying SuDocs classification, do not cata- log documents in any format, not only microform. This criticism notwithstanding, this is an excellent guide that will be of use to researchers and students in a wide range of social science disciplines.-David R. Mc- Donald, Social Science Bibliographer, Far- rell Library, Kansas State University, Man- hattan. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Ackroyd, Ted J. Health and Medical Econom- ics: A Guide to Information Sources. Eco- nomics Information Guide Series, v. 7. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 149p. $18.00. LC 73- 17567. ISBN 0-8103-1390-1. Allison, A. F., and Goldsmith, V. F. Titles of English Books and of Foreign Books Printed in England: An Alphabetical Finding-list by Title of Books Published Under the Author's Name, Pseudonym or InitiaLs. Volume II, 1641-1700. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1977. 318p. $30.00. LC 76-21206. ISBN 0-208-01625-2. American Library Association. Ad Hoc Com- mittee to Revise the ALA Personnel Organi- zation and Procedure Manuals. The Person- nel Manual. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 39p. LC 77-5539. ISBN 0-8389- 0239-1. American Library Association. Book Catalogs Committee. Guidelines for Book Catalogs. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 45p. LC 77-1240. ISBN 0-8389-3190-1. Asian American Librarians' Caucus. Bibliogra- phy Committee. Asian Americans: An Anno- tated Bibliography for Public Libraries. Chi- cago: American Library Assn., 1977. 47p. LC 77-8014. ISBN 0-8389-5507-X. Intended as a basic list of Asian American titles for purchase by public libraries. In- cluded are adult and children's titles covering the major Asian American groups: Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Korean Americans, and Filipino Americans. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Copyright and Educational Media: A Guide to Fair Use and Permissions Procedures. Washington, D.C.: Association for Educational Communications and Tech- nology and the Association of Media Produc- ers, 1977. 28p. $3.95 ($2.95 to AECT mem- bers). ISBN 0-89240-004-8. Balachandran, M. A Guide to Trade and Se- curities Statistics. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pie- rian Press, 1977. 185p. $14.95. LC 77-73818. ISBN 0-87650-07-7. Provides subject analysis of thirty serials in the area of trade and securities statistics. Balachandran, Madhava. A Subject Approach to Business Reference Sources. Univ. of Illi- nois Graduate School of Library Science Oc- casional Papers, no. 128. Champaign, Ill.: Graduate School of Library Science, Univ. of Illinois, 1977. 45p. $2.00. Bayliss, Gwyh M., comp. Bibliographic Guide to the Two World Wars: An Annotated Sur- vey of English-Language Reference Materi- aLs. New York: Bowker, 1977. 578p. $30.00. LC 77-70292. ISBN 0-85935-013-4. Guide to selected guides and publications about the two world wars. Each entry con- tains full bibliographic information on the publication. Choix et acquisition des documents au Quebec. Volume 1: Principes et applications. In col- laboration and under the direction of Michel Theriault. Montreal: ASTED (Association pour I' avancement des sciences et des tech- niques de la documentation), 1977. 293p. $15.00. Clarke, Thomas E. R & D Management Bibli- ography, 1976. Ottawa, Ont.: The Innova- tion Management Institute of Canada, 1977. 183p. $17.50. Contains references to articles, books, and conference proceedings in the area of re- search and development management in in- dustrial and government laboratories.