College and Research Libraries 552 I College & Research Libraries • November 1977 agist's Handbook, The Student ;political Scientist's Handbook, and The Student Economist's Handbook. The guide under review differs from most in that it emphasizes bibliographic tools and techniques necessary for research, rather than stressing descriptions of jour- nals, theories, etc. While such information is provided, it is not included at the ex- pense of bibliographic information. Tradi- tional topics, such as the card catalog, indexes/ abstracts, bibliographies, and gov- ernment documents, are discussed, as are archival research and computer literature searching. Regarding the card catalog and govern- ment documents, one statement is some- what misleading. Simpson indicates that "The only separately published items gen- erally not [emphasis in original] included in the catalogs are those special collections of documents maintained on microform" (p.87). Many libraries, especially those em- ploying SuDocs classification, do not cata- log documents in any format, not only microform. This criticism notwithstanding, this is an excellent guide that will be of use to researchers and students in a wide range of social science disciplines.-David R. Mc- Donald, Social Science Bibliographer, Far- rell Library, Kansas State University, Man- hattan. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Ackroyd, Ted J. Health and Medical Econom- ics: A Guide to Information Sources. Eco- nomics Information Guide Series, v. 7. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 149p. $18.00. LC 73- 17567. ISBN 0-8103-1390-1. Allison, A. F., and Goldsmith, V. F. Titles of English Books and of Foreign Books Printed in England: An Alphabetical Finding-list by Title of Books Published Under the Author's Name, Pseudonym or InitiaLs. Volume II, 1641-1700. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1977. 318p. $30.00. LC 76-21206. ISBN 0-208-01625-2. American Library Association. Ad Hoc Com- mittee to Revise the ALA Personnel Organi- zation and Procedure Manuals. The Person- nel Manual. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 39p. LC 77-5539. ISBN 0-8389- 0239-1. American Library Association. Book Catalogs Committee. Guidelines for Book Catalogs. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 45p. LC 77-1240. ISBN 0-8389-3190-1. Asian American Librarians' Caucus. Bibliogra- phy Committee. Asian Americans: An Anno- tated Bibliography for Public Libraries. Chi- cago: American Library Assn., 1977. 47p. LC 77-8014. ISBN 0-8389-5507-X. Intended as a basic list of Asian American titles for purchase by public libraries. In- cluded are adult and children's titles covering the major Asian American groups: Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Korean Americans, and Filipino Americans. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Copyright and Educational Media: A Guide to Fair Use and Permissions Procedures. Washington, D.C.: Association for Educational Communications and Tech- nology and the Association of Media Produc- ers, 1977. 28p. $3.95 ($2.95 to AECT mem- bers). ISBN 0-89240-004-8. Balachandran, M. A Guide to Trade and Se- curities Statistics. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pie- rian Press, 1977. 185p. $14.95. LC 77-73818. ISBN 0-87650-07-7. Provides subject analysis of thirty serials in the area of trade and securities statistics. Balachandran, Madhava. A Subject Approach to Business Reference Sources. Univ. of Illi- nois Graduate School of Library Science Oc- casional Papers, no. 128. Champaign, Ill.: Graduate School of Library Science, Univ. of Illinois, 1977. 45p. $2.00. Bayliss, Gwyh M., comp. Bibliographic Guide to the Two World Wars: An Annotated Sur- vey of English-Language Reference Materi- aLs. New York: Bowker, 1977. 578p. $30.00. LC 77-70292. ISBN 0-85935-013-4. Guide to selected guides and publications about the two world wars. Each entry con- tains full bibliographic information on the publication. Choix et acquisition des documents au Quebec. Volume 1: Principes et applications. In col- laboration and under the direction of Michel Theriault. Montreal: ASTED (Association pour I' avancement des sciences et des tech- niques de la documentation), 1977. 293p. $15.00. Clarke, Thomas E. R & D Management Bibli- ography, 1976. Ottawa, Ont.: The Innova- tion Management Institute of Canada, 1977. 183p. $17.50. Contains references to articles, books, and conference proceedings in the area of re- search and development management in in- dustrial and government laboratories. Name _______ -'""---"-------'""-'---------- Address ______ ___, ________ _.... ____ ......__.....__ City_. -· -------.._;;...-=--~-...;._::..__.:;....::;.. __ _ State· _______ ZiP·---- -·· . . DUKANE . DUKANE CORPORATION/AUDIO VISUAL DIVISION/ DEPT.CRL-11 /ST. CHARLES, ILLINOIS 60174 554 I College & Research Libraries • November 1977 Consumers Index to Product Evaluations and Information Sources 1976 Annual. Editor- in-chief, C. Edward Wall. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1977. 263p. Quarterly plus an- nual cumulation $69.50. LC 74-25361. ISBN 0-87650-080-7. Continuing Education: A Guide to Career De- velopment Programs, 1977. New York: Gay- lord Professional Publications; Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1977. 696p. $39.95. LC 77- 71331. ISBN 0-915794-10-1. "A guide to programs and learning centers that provide advanced training in the thou- sands of jobs and professional specialities en- compassed in more than 150 major career areas." The Corning Flood: Museum Under Water. Editor, John H. Martin. Associate editor, Charleen K. Edwards. Corning, N.Y.: The Corning Museum of Glass, 1977. 60p. LC 77-73627. ISBN 087290-063-0. Describes the restoration of the Corning Mu- seum of Glass after the flood in June 1972 and offers suggestions for disaster planning the museum gained from the experience. Crouch, Milton, and Raum, Hans, comps. Di- rectory of State and Local History Period- icals. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 124p. LC 77-4396. ISBN 0-8389-0246- 4. Demers, Jacques. Gestion des documents audio- visuels dans les bibliotheques des colleges francophones du Quebec. Publications de l'Ecole de bibliotheconomie, no. 6. Mon- treal: AS TED (Association pour 1' avance- ment des sciences et des techniques de la documentation), 1977. 307p. $20.00. Detroit. Public Library. Kate Greenaway: A Catalogue of the Kate Greenaway Collec- tion, Rare Bcok Room, Detroit Public Li- brary. Compiled by Susan Ruth Thomson. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1977. 2llp. $30.00. LC 77-5222. ISBN 0-8143- 1581-X. Educators Guide to Free Filmstrips. 29th ed. Compiled and edited by Mary Foley Hork- heimer and John C. Diffor. Randolph, Wis.: Educators . Progress Service, 1977. 174p. $10.00. LC 50-11650. ISBN 0-87708-072-0. Foreign Trade Marketplace. Edited by George J. Schultz. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 662p. $48.00. LC 76-20342. ISBN 0-8103-0981-5. Consists of two major parts. Part One gives an overview of the mechanics of international . trade from the standpoint of American com- panies. Part Two is a directory of business contacts, financing sources, insurance trans- port services, and a variety of other market- ing and supporting services or references. Great Treasury of Western Thought: A Com- pendium of Important Statements on Man and His Institutions by The Great Thinkers in Western History. Edited by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren. New York: Bowker, 1977. 1,771p. $29.95. LC 77-154. ISBN 0-8352-0833-8. Twenty chapters containing quotations from biblical times to modern times on basic hu- man themes. Some of the subjects covered are man, family, love, ethics, economics, and liberty and equality. Hillard, James M. Where to Find More: A Handbook to Reference Service. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977. 122p. $6.00. LC 77-6406. ISBN 0-8108-1039-5. Supplements and updates the author's Where to Find What, published in 1975. Describes reference sources under 225 subject head- ings. Johnson, Steven L. Guide to American Indian Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899. The Library of American Indian Affairs. N.Y.: Clearwater Publishing Com- pany, 1977. 503p. $30.00. LC 75-45321. ISBN 0-88354-107-6. Includes annotations for 10,000 documents found in the serial set covering the American Indian. "For each document the entry pro- vides the Serial Set number, date, source, title and subjects covered." Kurth, William H., and Zubatsky, David S. Recommended Procedures for the Internal Financial Auditing of University Libraries. St. Louis, Mo.: Washington University Li- braries, 1977. 96p. (Photocopy for $3 avail- able from Washington University Libraries, St. Louis, MO 63130.) Lyman, Helen Huguenor. Literacy and the Na- tion's Libraries. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 212p. $12.50. LC 77-4450. ISBN 0-8389-0244-8. Discusses "the procedure to be followed by public librarians in developing their pro- grams to serve the illiterate." Sample pro- grams, funding sources, and kinds of material needed for the literacy collection are given. Markotic, Vladimir, and Petrunic, T., comps. and eds. Ethnic Directory of Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington. Calgary, Alberta: Western Publishers, 1977. 81p. (Available from Western Publishers, P.O. Box 30193, Station "B," Calgary, Alberta, Canada.) Markotic, Vladimir, comp. and ed. Assisted by T. Petrunic. Ethnic Directory of California. Calgary, Alberta: Western Publishers, 1977. 168p. (Available from Western Publishers, P.O. Box 30193, Station ''B," Calgary, Al- berta, Canada.) Media Review Digest 1977. Editor-in-chief, C. Edward Wall. Managing editor and head cataloger, Elinor J. Schwartz. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Pierian Press, 1977. 542p. $79.50/ yr. plus one supplement. LC 73-172772. ISBN 0-87650-085-8. Medical and Health Information Directory. A Guide to State, National and International Organizations, Government Agencies, Educa- tional Institutions, Hospitals, Grant-Award Sources, Health Care Delivery Agencies, Journals, Newsletters, Review Serials, Ab- stracting Services, and Libraries and Infor- mation Centers. Edited by Anthony T. Kruzas. Detroit: Gale, 1977. 664p. $48.00. LC 77-82802. ISBN 0-8103-0266-7. National Health Insurance. Comp. and ed. by Tyrus G. Fain in collaboration with Kath- arine C. Plant and Ross Milloy. Public Docu- ments Series. New York: Bowker, 1977. 554p. $29.95. LC 77-22947. ISBN 0-8352- 0960-1. National Library of Canada. Resources Survey Division. Checklists of Law Reports and Stat- utes in Canadian Law Libraries, 2: United Kingdom and Irish Republic (EIRE) Law Reports. 1977. 528p. Ottawa: National Li- brary of Canada, Resources Survey Division, 1977. 528p. $5.00 Canada; $6.00 other coun- tries. ISBN 0-662-00675-5. Prucha, Francis Paul. A Bibliographical Guide to the History of Indian-White Relations in the United States. Chicago: Univ. of Chi- cago Pr., 1977. 454p. $6.95 paper. Cloth li- brary edition: $17.50. LC 76-16045. ISBN 0-226-68477-8 paper; ISBN 0-226-68476-8 clothbound. Reference Sources, 1977. Edited by Linda Mark. Ann Arbor, Mich.: The Pierian Press, 1977. 430p. Priced on a sliding scale from $19.95 to $35.00. LC 77-79318. ISBN 0- 87650-084-X. Current guide to reference materials re- viewed in such publications as Booklist, Choice, and Library Journal. "Information for each publication includes verified main entry, full bibliographic information and price, LC headings, Dewey numbers, and annotations and review quotations from se- lected sources." Rosa, Alfred F., and Eschholz, Paul A. Con- temporary Fiction in America and England, 1950-1970: A Guide to Information Sources. American Literature, and World Lit- eratures in English Information Guide Series. Detroit: Gale, 1976. 454p. $18.00. LC 73- 16990. ISBN 0-8103-1219-0. Rufsvold, Margaret I. Guides to Educational Media. 4th ed. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1977. 159p. $5.00. LC 77-5058. ISBN 0-8389-0232-4. "A comprehensive listing of published cata- logs, currently available, which are devoted Recent Publications I 555 to nonprint educational media." Rulers and Governments of the World. Volume 2, 1492-1929. Comp. by Bertold Spuler. New York: Bowker, 1977. 779p. $45.00. LC 77-70294. ISBN 0-85935-009-6. Alphabetical listing by country or political territory of heads of state and principal gov- ernment ministers. Their place and date of birth and death are given, where the infor- mation is known. Schorr, Alan Edward, comp. Government Doc- uments in the Library Literature, 1909-1974. Ann Arbor, Mich.: The Pierian Press, 1976. llOp. $6.95. LC 77-70340. ISBN 0-87650- 071-8. Guide to articles, books, conference proceed- ings, and reviews covering all aspects of gov- ernment documents librarianship. Science Update-77. Edited by Thomas G. Aylesworth and Stanley Klein. Syracuse, N.Y.: Gaylord Professional Publications, 1977. 224p. $50.00. ISBN 9-915794-11-X. Essays discuss the most recent progress tak- ing place in science research laboratories throughout the world. Szeplaki, Joseph, comp. Bibliography on Car- dinal Mindszenty (1892-1975). Youngs- town, Ohio: Catholic Hungarians' Sunday, 1977. 31p. $1.50 + $.25 postage and han- dling. LC 77-80152. (Available from: Catho- lic Hungarians' Sunday, 1739 Mahoning Ave., Youngstown, OH 44509.) Szeplaki, Joseph, comp. Hungarian Newspapers in Microform Available in the United States and Canada. Youngstown, Ohio: Catholic Hungarians' Sunday, 1977. 19p. $1.50 + $.25 postage and handling. (Available from: Catholic Hungarians' Sunday, 1739 Mahon- ing Ave., Youngstown, OH 44509.) Women's History Research Center. Female Ar- tists Past and Present. Berkeley, Calif.: Women's History Research Center, 1974. 158p. $6.00 to individual women. $7.00 to groups and institutions. (Available from Women's History Research Center, Inc., 2325 Oak St., Berkeley, CA 94708.) A directory /bibliography of women in the visual arts. Individual women have been list- ed alphabetically according to the media in which they work. Women's History Research Center. Films By and/or About Women, 1972: Directory of Filmmakers, Films, and Distributors Interna- tionally, Past and Present. Berkeley, Calif.: Women's History Research Center, 1972. 72p. $3.00 to individual women. $5.00 to groups and institutions. (Available from Women's History Research Center, Inc., 2325 Oak St., Berkeley, CA 94708.)