College and Research Libraries 372 I College & Research Libraries • July 1979 and administrative functions of an industrial information service as well as to advise in- formation officers, librarians, and manage- ment on various aspects of the acquisition, analysis, processing, storage, retrieval, dis- semination, and use of new and significant information. The introductory chapter, presenting an overview of the information explosion and its implications for manage- ment, is lucid, comprehensive, and very carefully written. The material in this monograph is sys- tematically presented; the authors wri.te clearly, and the text is liberally supplied with well-chosen examples and the latest references. Based on their extensive experience in both conventional and nonconventional in- formation products, services, and systems, the authors offer very practical recommen- dations on services, facilities , personnel, policies, and procedures for establishing and maintaining an industrial information service and center. Of special interest is the summary data on the industrial library systems of the Fortune 500 companies (Appendix B). Another interesting feature of this publication is a chapter by Robert A. Kennedy of the Bell Telephone Laboratories Libraries and In- formation Systems, Murray Hill, New Jer- sey, in which he focuses on practices at the premier industrial library in operation to- day. In summary, this is an excellent book and should be read by all persons engaged in the management of industrial libraries and information centers and systems. It is highly recommended as a required textbook for courses in industrial librarianship, informa- tion systems and services, and information storage and dissemination technology.-] at a S. Ghosh, Ardmore, Pennsylvania . Symposium on Retrieval of Medicinal Chemical Information, Anaheim, Califor- nia, 1978. Retrieval of Medicinal Chemi- cal Information. W. Jeffrey Howe, Mar- garet M. Milne, and Ann F . Pennell, eds. Based on a symposium cosponsored by Has your library tried Midwest Library Service's University Press Approval Plan? It's comprehensive, automatic and very timely! Our University Press Approval Plan encompasses 100 University Presses (including Cambridge, Oxford, and Toronto), which account for more than 99% of all University Press Publishing. We pride ourselves on quick ship- ments- with NO delays. For more information on this plan, call us on our Toll-Free WATS Line 1-800-325-8833 Missouri Customers Call Collect: 0-314-739-3100 Ask for Mr. Lesser "19 Years of Service to College and University Libraries " Midwest Library Service 11443 St. Charles Rock Rd., Bridgeton, Mo. 63044 the Divisions of Computers in Chemistry and Chemical Information at the !75th Meeting of the American Chemical Soci- ety, Anaheim, California, March 13-17, 1978. ACS Symposium Series , 84. Wash- ington, D. C.: American Chemical Soci- ety, 1978. 23lp. $23. LC 78-21611. ISBN 0-8412-0465-9. ISSN 0097-6156. This symposium was organized to exam- ine some important current developments in the storage, retrieval, and manipulation of types of data that are associated with medicinal chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry, in governmental agencies, and in related organizations. For those librarians willing to turn a few pages and browse here and there and not be put off by the some- what forbidding technical aspect of the pa- pers presented here , there are insights and information of real value to the professional. The discussion starts off with a definition of "medicinal chemistry" as that area of synthetic organic chemistry that deals with the preparation of molecules likely to have some desired physiological response. But when you learn that all this chemical talk is only one element in a much larger set of functions in the total drug development process, the text begins to grab the atten- tion of anyone interested in information sci- ence and library networks. The chapters are expanded versions of the papers presented at the symposium as well as several additional invited papers , and it is very obvious that a number of the authors' names include technical and special librar- ians . Information systems are described and evaluated in detail from the National Cancer Institute , National Library of Medicine , Office of Naval Research , and such com- mercial establishments as Rohm and Haas, Parke Davis, Upjohn , and Merck Sharp & Doh me. The development of a safe and useful drug, which is an extremely complex and costly process, may interest only a few li- brarians ; but 'when the extraordinarily di- verse types of information necessary to sup- port this process are described in terms of the data banks and computer terminals and on-line activities of the present day , then interest rapidly widens-the applications are so similar to the day-to-day bibliographical processing features of our own systems in Recent Publications I 313 academic libraries. Although the report is a state-of-the-art view fn a very special seg- ment of medical and special librarianship, the "transfer points" are very obvious and enlightening. It is very clear we are all going in the same direction when future trends in chem- ical information are discussed. Integration, they say, means the pulling together of dis- crete in-house systems and the creation of automated interfaces (read networks, if you will) with public and government systems along the lines of some kind of national linkage . That is of foremost concern. Another extremely important trend is toward greater end-user orientation : make the systems a working tool of the public who will use them ; don't limit them only to the trained information specialist. Heard that before? As the subway sign says , you don't have to be Jewish to enjoy Levy's rye bread . Nor indeed do you have to be a science librarian to get something worthwhile out of this book.-Dat.iid Kuhner , The Claremont Col- leges, Claremont , California . Martin , Murray S. Budgetary Control in Academic Libraries. Foundations in Li- brary and Information Science, v. 5. Greenwich , Conn : JAI Press, 1978. 219p . $21. LC 76-5648. ISBN 0-89232-010-9. This is an excellent discussion of academic library administration viewed from the spe- cial (and , therefore , limited) perspective of the library budget. As stated in the preface, "There is no pretense that this is a defini- tive study of budgetary practices, nor that it will answer all questions that could be asked." The approach is practical rather than theoretical , focusing upon budget mak- ing and budgetary control as fundamental administrative activities which are continu- ous. The end product is a conceptual framework within which administrators in any size academic library should be able to construct appropriate budget procedures, even though the examples given pertain ex- clusively to rather large research libraries . The text is divided into thirteen chapters beginning with a discussion of "The Need for Fiscal Management" ; proceeding through discussion of the development, presentation, and control of the library