College and Research Libraries 390 I College & Research Libraries • July 1979 not about collection development but is a compilation of fourteen previously unpub- lished, annotated subject bibliographies (or bibliographical essays in some cases). The work is focused on "the needs of a medium sized public library or undergraduate library clientele," and the bibliographies, designed to serve librarians building collections for general readers, should be very useful. The book's major strength is that it contains good bibliographies on areas of current interest-microcomputers, the aged, bioethics, farming-as well as such popular topics as careers, fantasy, dogs, and science fiction. -William Schenck, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Schaefer, Barbara Kirsch. Using the Mathematical Literature: A Practical Guide. Books in Library and Information Science, v.25. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1979. 141p. $19.75. LC 78-24537. ISBN 0-8247-6675-X. Here is another book written by a librar- ian for librarians who need access to the mathematics literature. I suppose it is ask- ing too much to hope that real library users might find it and enjoy it: these nonlibra- rians might be helped by its simple, direct descriptions of classification systems and card catalogs and a careful explanation of what Mathematical Reviews is all about. It is a sprightly up-to-date book covering selectively the literature of mathematics: greatest emphasis is put on pure or "core" mathematics without much dallying in the interdisciplinary swamp of applied mathe- matics, except for brief chapterS on statistics and operations research, which are com- paratively self-contained subjects. There is a definite bias toward American literature, especially the publications of the American Mathematics Society. Mathematics is ·one of the more international disciplines, and there is no mention of such important sources of papers as the French Seminaire publica- tions. The book begins with a concise history of mathematics, followed by an informative chapter on the nature of mathematics and its literature. Mathematical activity · is di- vided into three segments; research, appli- cations, and exposition. While the needs of the mathematical researcher can be satisfied by access to a comparatively small amount of literature, applications-oriented mathe- matics is widely dispersed through a variety of subjects and a diverse collection of jour- nals and abstracts. The third segment, exposition, involves bringing together research from both pure and applied sources to arrive at consolida- tions, simplifications, and relations within a general body of theory. According to Schaefer, this last area is the most neglected and difficult: mathematics is less susceptible to rapid review than the rest of the sciences due to its abstract nature, dependence on old as well as new literature, and specializa- tion. The next area of discussion is information needs of mathematicians depending on the depth, currency, and focus of their interest. How the library and publishers organize lit- erature to meet these needs is mentioned, along with the different forms this literature takes: journals, society publications, abstracts, monographi<;: series, and reference sources are included . The book ends with two brief chapters on applied subjects, statistics and operations research, where the literature is pretty well packaged. No men- tion is made of the lack of a computer searchable data base for mathematics or the problems involved in this. This is all presented in a fresh, direct style. I have only a few specific gripes. First, there is no mention of handbooks such as the CRC mathematics handbooks: even with the advent of hand calculators some tables are still useful to mathemati- cians. Second, for historical searches by au- thor I find it useful to remember the se- quence from Poggendorff; through the Royal Society Catalog, 1800-1900; the In- ternational Catalog (math section) 1905-15; the ]ahrbuch uber die Fortschritter der Mathematik , 1864-1936; then the Zen- tralblatt, beginning in 1931; and Mathemat- ical Reviews, beginning in 1940. With this sequence you can access almost 200 years of mathematics literature. Third, there is too much concentration and explanation in Schaefer's book on the publications of the American Mathematics Society and not enough editorial comment on such things as the lack of a cumulated annual index for Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts. Altogether this is a useful and practical guide to mathematics literature. It would be most applicable to college libraries rather than large research collections in mathemat- ics, where there would be more stress on foreign literature.-Alice W. Hall, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- bridge. Lewanski, Richard C., comp. Subject Col- lections in European Libraries. 2d ed. New York: Bowker, 1978. 495p. $52.50. ISBN 0-85935-011-8. Roberts, Stephen; Cooper, Alan; and Gil- der, Lesley, comps. Research Libraries and Collections in the United Kingdom: A Selective Inventory and Guide. London: Clive Bingley; Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1978. 285p. $25. LC 78-11560. ISBN 0-85157-258-8 Bingley; 0-208- 01667-8 Linnet. The two works of similar genre, by neces- sity selective and geographically limited, are both designed }o aid the researcher and li- brarian, but their philosophies are some- what different, as an examination of the arrangement of the contents reveals. Lewanski believes in a strict subject ap- proach as defined by the eighteenth edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification, which necessitates the repetition of information on libraries that may be strong in more than one subject. The author is himself aware of the shortcomings of the scheme for his pur- pose, yet so stern is his commitment to this approach that he adds only one index-an alphabetical key to the classification scheme. The Roberts and others work, on the other hand, arranges the selection of UK li- braries in alphabetic order in four groups: (1) national, specialist, and public libraries, (2) university libraries, (3) polytechnic libraries, (4) Scottish central institutions. Al- though not mentioned in the table of con- tents, some references to libraries in North- ern Ireland are sprinkled among the first three categories. There are four indexes to this work: subject, name of collection, geo- graphical, and list of libraries; the latter ar- ranged in the same order as in the body of the text seems redundant. Both works try to give essential informa- tion about the libraries, including address, name of librarian, date of foundation, size, Recent Publications I 391 access, services rendered, hours, etc. (Roberts even lists phone and telex num- bers.) This information, although unevenly supplied within each work, seems to be more detailed and exhaustive in Roberts. Both works list publications and guides de- scribing the collections and libraries with each entry, the only difference being that more general guides are found in Lewanski after the subject entry while Roberts lists them in the beginning of the work (p.13- 18). Apart from the difficult task of obtaining, sorting, interpreting, and arranging massive materials, which the authors of both works had to face, Lewanski had to surmount in addition the problems of multilingual en- tries with diacritical marks (which he omits throughout) and the uniform transliteration of non-Roman scripts. In general, he suc- ceeds in this and even translates the Slavic, Finno-Ugric, Greek, Albanian, and Turkish names of libraries, albeit not always idiomat- ically, which may in some instances be mis- leading. There are other types of mista~es which are almost unavoidable in a large and complicated work as this. There are the usual misprints such as "Kunliga" for Kungliga (p.481b last entry), "Franois- kanska" for Franciskanska (p.26 top), "Stata" for Stat (p.23a second entry from bottom). Pancevo is situated in Voivodina, not Slovenia as given (p.465a entry 4 from top). Apparently some misplacement occurred also in the subjects; at least the description of the collections would so indicate. Thus, for example, under 686 Printing-History and Technology for France, one finds the Vivarez collection of ex libris that is not ac- counted for under 097 Book-Plates. The above imperfections notwithstanding, every well-stocked reference department will want to acquire both works. As Lewanski requests, the scholar and re- searcher should continue to suggest im- provements and make corrections so that the next edition will be exact and complete.-Miroslav Krek, Brandeis Uni- versity, Waltham, Massachusetts. Wright, Kieth C. Library and Information Services for Handicapped Individuals. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1979. 196p. $15 U.S. and Canada; $18