College and Research Libraries 472 I College & Research Libraries • September 1979 special services for undergraduate students , which Braden lists among her top ten priorities. Maybe such articles have been omitted from this volume because they are being saved for that future volume? Maybe they are still waiting to be written? Despite these gaps , this volume certainly deserves a place on the shelves in most academic libraries and in all faculties and schools of library science . It should be read by all U gLi librarians-perhaps even ~s preparation for some new substantive and objective articles on why and how we pro- vide the services this volume describes.- Sheila M. Laidlaw, University of Toronto , Toronto , Ontario. REFERENCE 1. James Davis, " The Changing Role of the Undergraduate Library in Uni versities," in E. ] . ] osey, ed., New Dimensions for Academic Library Service (Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1975), p. 73. Taylor, P . J. Information Guides: A Survey of Subject Guides to Sources of Informa- tion Produced by Library and Informa- tion Services in the United Kingdom. British Library Research & Development Report No. 5440. London: British Li- brary, Research and Development De- partment, 1978. 106p. £6. $12. ISBN 0-905984-22-6 . ISSN 0308-2385. (Avail- able from : Publications , British Library , Research and Development Dept. , Shera- ton House, Great Chapel St. , London S1V 4BH.) A survey of 1,600 library and information services in the United Kingdom by Aslib in 1977 investigated the form and range of production of brief printed subject guides to sources of information. This study also iden- tified areas of overlapping effort and possi- ble strategies for the coordination of effort. Emphasis was placed on the instructional function of the guides. The 530 guides ex- amined indicate that compilation and pro- duction of such publications is not a major activity of the agencies, and the material is more often produced by higher education units with "considerable investment of re- sources in their production within these sec- tors." Three series of information guides produced in the United States are also de- scribed. Analysis of the guides compared subject coverage, duplication of coverage, subject specificity, content, form of entry and lay- out, physical format, design features, style of presentation and written expression, page layout, use of annotations, and arrangement of contents. Some of the outstanding guide series are discussed (appendixes include copies of Sci- ence Reference Library [British Library] Guidelines and MIT Pathfinders and Library of Congress Science Tracer Bullets) as well as the role of guides in user education. Useful even beyond survey results for U.K. librarians is an appendix indexing sub- jects covered by information guides with reference to issuing institutions. Other ap- pendixes include a bibliography of pub- lished guides to literature/information sources and examples of design work. Those already printing information guides and those contemplating it will find valuable sections on responsibility for production , pricing, and sale of guides , tests of readability of guides , and design considera- tions. With the increasing popularity of this type of publication , this survey identifies important considerations to be taken up by U .S. librarians as well as those in the U.K. The report should be included in collections of academic libraries planning printed user service projects.-Mary Pound , The Univer- sity of Texas at Austin. Progress in Communication Sciences. V.l. Edited by Melvin J. Voigt and Gerhard J. Hanneman. Norwood, N.J .: ABLEX Pub- lishing Corp., 1979. 198p. $17.50. ISBN 0-89391-010-4. ISSN 0163-5689. Pretentious and heavy handed at times , volume one of the series Progress in Com- munication Sciences, edited by Melvin J. Voigt and Gerhard J . Hanneman, never- theless bears monitoring. The stated objective of the series is to document specific aspects of the great number of rapid changes occurring in com- munication systems and, along with these changes, to focus on the concomitant and inevitable fallout: social change. Moreover, an important goal of the series is to keep abreast of, and report on, research-in- A Selection of New Fall Reference Books Request the complete Fall Catalog, free of charge BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION AND THE CHILD: An Annotated Bibli- ography. by Hazel B. Benson. {Contemporary Problem s of Childhood, No . 3) . { 1979) . xxiii, 400 pages . BBM / LC79-7358. ISBN0-313-21489-1. $27.50 WOMEN IN AMERICAN MUSIC: A Bibliography of Music and Literature. Compiled and Edited by Adrienne Fried Block and Carol Neuls"Bates. {1979). Approx . 325 pages . NBW / LC 79-7722 . ISBN 0-313-21410.7 . $29.95 DICTIONARY OF IRISH LITERATURE. Robert Hogan, Editor-in-Chief. {1979) . Approx . 776 pages. HDI / LC 78-20021. ISBN 0-313-20718-6. $39 .95 POPULAR HINDUISM AND HINDU MYTHOLOGY: An Annotated Bibli- ography. Compiled by Barron Holland . {1979) . xxvi, 394 pages, fig . HPH / LC 79-7188. ISBN 0-313-21358-5. $29.95 INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF HISTORICAL STUDIES: Contemporary Research and Theory. Edited by Georg G. Iggers and Harold T. Parker. {1979) . Approx. 512 pages. lCD/ LC 79-7061. ISBN 0-313-21367-4. $35.00 KABUKI ENCYCLOPEDIA: An English- Language Adaptation of Kabuki Jiten. by Samuel L. Leiter. {1979). Approx . 560 pages. LKE/ LC 78-73801. ISBN 0-313-20654-6 . $39.95 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF THEATRE,DANCEANDFOLKLORE FESTIVALS. by Jennifer Merin; with Elizabeth B. Burdick . A Project of the International Theatre Insti tute of the United States, Inc. {1979) . Approx . 496 pages . MTF/ LC 79-9908. ISBN 0-313-20993-6 . $19 .95 BLACK CHILD DEVELOfMENT IN AMERICA 1927-1977: An Annotated Bibliography. Compiled by Hector F. Myers, Phyllis G . Rana and Marcia Harri s. A Project of Fa non Research and Development Center . (1479). xxii, 470 pages, author & subject indexes. FBC/ LC 78-20028 . ISBN 0-3I3-20719-4 . $29 .95 HUMAN NONVERBAL BEHAVIOR: An Annotated Bibliography. Compiled by Constance E. Obudho . {1979) . Approx . 208 pages. OBH / LC79-7586 . ISBN0-313 -21094-2. $I8.95 INFORMATION SOURCES IN ADVERTISING HISTORY. Edited and Compiled by Richard W . Pollay . {1979). xiv, 337 pages. PIA / LC 78-75259. ISBN 0-313-21422-0. $22.50 ATLANTIC RECORDS: A Discography. Compiled by Michel Ruppli . {1979). 4 volumes. RALI LC 78-75237 . ISBN 0-313 -2I 170- 1. Set price $95 .00 FRENCH DEVOTIONAL TEXTS OF THE MIDDLE AGES: A Bibliographic Manuscript Guide. Compiled by Keith V. Sinclair. {I 979). Approx . 248 pages. SFT I LC 79-7587. ISBN 0-313-20649-X. $35 .00 FAMILY RESEARCH: A Source Book, Analysis, and Guide to Federal Funding. Prepared by Wakefield Washington Associates Inc . (1979) . 2 volumes. WFR / LC 79-7732 . ISBN 0-313-21139-6. Set price $95 .00 A DICTIONARY OF INTERNA- TIONAL FINANCE. by Julian Walmsley . (1979) . Approx. 270 pages. WIF/ LC 79-17753 . ISBN 0-313-20974 -X. $27.50 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN PENOLOGY: An Introductory Guide. by Vergil L.Williams . {1979). xvi,530pages. WAP I LC77-94751. ISBN0-313-20327-X. $29.95 PERSPECTIVES ON LEGAL AID: An International Survey. Edited by Frederick H . Zemans . {I979). 363 pages . ZLA/ LC79-883. ISBN0-313-20986-3. $27 .50 GREENWOOD PRESS, INC. • 51 Riverside Avenue, Westport, CT 06880 474 I College & Research Libraries • September 1979 progress going on in the areas of informa- tion transfer, communications impact (uses and effects), and governmental regulations in the communications and information sec- tors. Finally, significant developments in the areas of planning and policy by national and international organizations are to be re- ported upon. Such a program for any series on the present and future state of communications, within the context of understanding com- munication processes and technology vis-a- vis improved access to information for "all of the world's citizens," is no small bite, and it becomes particularly hard to swallow when the first taste from a menu "intended for scholars, students, and others" becomes somewhat indigestible. It becomes obvious to this reviewer that volume one, at least, offers little middle ground for comprehend- ing. On the one hand, there is the "ho-hum" "primacy/recency" -type argument over form-versus-content attributes in the deci- sion to view or not to view 'IV when that could have been handled more eco- nomically; and, at the opposite extreme, the Heritage on Microffilll Rare and out-of-print titles and documents on 3Smm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. GENEW\L MICROFilM COMP~Y 100 Inman St. , Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel. (617) 864-2820 complex formulas used in measuring re- trieval effectiveness (in the context of document or information retrieval) appear overly specialized even for "scholars," not to mention, certainly, "students and others." That both discussions should appear in the same book (and sequentially!) seems to be stretching credulity. But this may be a con- sequence of the planned breadth of the se- ries and a function of the scheduling of writers and essays; perhaps future volumes may well even things out. The very first chapter of the book, which deals with the search for basic principles in the behavioral and communication sciences, serves a useful purpose, particularly if con- sidered from the vantage point of being an interactive and dynamic process through which one discipline's theory and research may benefit another. This chapter discusses the fundamental concepts of human infor- mation processing, problem solving, knowl- edge utilization, and information input over- load. Equally provocative is the chapter on de- velopment theory and communications pol- icy, which in itself is so new as to elude definition,. scope, and methodology. But the search for an integrated approach to com- munication planning should entail an analysis of the work that has already been carried out by the leading thinkers in the field if a developing nation is to make the most reasonable choice in communications technology and policy for its own situation. One of the strengths this volume com- municates is the consistency of organiza- tional format, chapter to chapter. Each be- gins with a complete contents/outline on its title page; is generously illustrated with charts, graphs, or formulas; has clear and precise subject headings; and concludes with adequate, if not extensive, reference sources. Finally, the author and subject index for the volume appears to be usefully constructed.-Mary B. Cassata, State University of New York at Buffalo. Requiem for the Card Catalog: Management Issues in Automated Cataloging. Edited by Daniel Gore, Joseph Kimbrough, and Peter Spyers-Duran. New Directions in Librarianship, no.2. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. 200p. $17.50.