College and Research Libraries ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources , School of Educa- tion , Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF ) or paper copy (HC ) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190 , Ar- lington , VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. A Report on the Level and Rate of Book Theft from the Main Stacks of the Doe Library at the University of California, Berkeley. By Neal K. Kaske. Univ. Li- braries , Univ. of California, Berkeley . 1977. 70p. ED 165 726. MF-$0.83 ; HC-$3.50. In order to determine the extent of loss due to theft of books and bound journals from the main stacks of Doe Library, three types of inventories were conducted: a volume count, an item-by-item inventory of the D-classed materials, and three sample inventories. Depending on certain as- sumptions, the results show that losses could range as high as 4.48 percent and that there is strong evidence of an increasing rate of theft. Recommendations for improving methodology in a proposed follow-up to this study are provided, as well as tables presenting the collected data. Appended are the results of the loan department service survey, a draft proposal for measuring the level of theft from the main stacks of Doe Li- brary, and the code book for those who desire to obtain in machine-readable form the data col- lected in the sample inventories. A Study of Book Detection Systems Effec- tiveness and the Levels of Missing Mate- rials at the University of California, Berkeley. By Neal K. Kaske . Univ. Li- braries , Univ. of California, Berkeley . 1978. 81p. ED 165 727. MF-$0.83 ; HC-$4.67 . A number of sample inventories were con- ducted to measure the effectiveness of the Tattle-Tape book detection systems used in the Moffitt Undergraduate Library and the general reference services area of Doe Library, and to es- Recent Publications I 485 tablish baseline data for missing materials in four branch libraries (education-psychology, engineer- ing, environmental design, graduate social sci- ences). The utilization made of these collections was also assessed, and additional useful informa- tion regarding missing materials from these and other collections was gathered. Data ~hies pre- sent the levels of missing materials for each collec- tion studied, profiles of each collection, collection utilization statistics, and specific inventories of each collection. Appended are the code book for the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), which was used to analyze the data; search forms for each branch ; instructions for diagnostics and searchers ; the inventory coding form and code book for education-psychology; the 1974 inven- tory of the Moffitt Library; the 1976 and· 1977 in- ventories of the general reference services collec- tion at Doe Library ; and a task chart and schedules for the project. Costs of Owning, Borrowing, and Disposing of Periodical Publications. By Vernon E. Palmour and others. Arlington, Va. : Pub- lic Research Institute. 1977. 72p. ED 165 745. MF-$0.83; HC-$3.50. Working from the pr~mise that for any given periodical title there is some frequency of use at which it becomes cheaper for a library to acquire the publication than to borrow it, this report presents a mathematical model for estimating the costs of options associated with acquiring peri- odicals. Cost elements included in the model are initial cost, annual recurring cost, internal use cost, internal borrowing cost, external borrowing cost, storage cost, disposition (weeding) cost, and subscription cost. The report shows how, given these variables , the model can determine the crossover or break-even point at which the cost of borrowing equals the cost of owning. Appendixes include a detailed derivation of the cost model and the associated computer program written in APL, details concerning the cost surveys, and re- sults generated from the model helpful in answer- ing questions concerning the acquisition , mainte- nance, and discarding of back issues of peri- odicals. Scholarly and Research journals: Survey of ·- Publisher Practices and Present Attitudes on Authorized journal Article Copying and Licensing. Analysis of Returns to Questionnaires Developed by and Dis- tributed for the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU). By Bernard M. Fry and others. Bloomington: Graduate Li- brary School, Indiana Univ. 1977. 218p. 486 I College & Research Libraries • September 1979 ED 165 746. MF-$0.83; HC-Not avail- able from EDRS. The report tabulates and analyzes responses to two questionnaires returned by 531 (out of 1,672) profit and nonprofit publishers of 974 (out of 2,552) United States scholarly and research jour- nals. Certain categories of periodicals were excluded because they were not believed to ordi- narily contain communications useful for scholarly purposes , or they were considered to have little economic impact. The questionnaires dealt , among other things, with present practices and anticipated future practices after the new copyright law (P.L. 94-553) goes into effect on January 1, · 1978, with respect to the supplying of authorized copies directly or through agents or clearinghouses; permitting photocopying beyond the exceptions provided in the new statute; and acceptable prices for authorized article photo- copying or the supplying of authorized photo- copies . Responses are tabulated by circulation size, subject matter, and type of publisher. Both the complete journal and publisher question- naires are provided, as well as a sample accom- panying letter and follow-up letter. Also included is the National Serials Data Program (NSDP) se- rial data sheet for publishers . Researching Historical Problems. An Intro- duction to Basic Resources. By Michael Stuart Freeman. Hanover, N.H.: Library, Dartmouth College. n~d. 14p. ED 165 766. MF-$0.83; HC-$1.67. The Dartmouth College Library has produced this slide/tape individualized instruction module to assist students in researching historical prob- lems. The seventy-nine-slide lesson begins with methods of organizing a search and continues through collecting information and analyzing the utility of research strategy. Information sources cited include numerous general materials such as the Readers' Guide, specific resources such as America: History and Life, and such indexes as the Bibliographic Index. A User's Guide to the Jones Microtext Cen- ter. Hanover, N.H.: Library, Dartmouth College. 1978. 21p. ED 165 767. MF- $0.83; HC-$1.67. Included in this user's guide to the Jones Mi- crotext Center at Dartmouth College are instruc- tions on how to locate and use items in the mi- crotext collection and descriptions of the center's holdings and other services. The types of mi- Midwest Library Service 's University Press Selection Pl'an Offers a Big Extra! It 's a Pre-Publication Catalog This catalog is the only one of its kind in our industry and by using it a librarian can MONITOR University Press Publishing. The catalog is pro- duced twice a ye ar in a revis ed, updat e d form . It 's still another example of how we attempt to anticipat e a library ' s n e eds and to off e r s er- vices accordingly. For more information on thi s plan, call us on our Toll-Free WATS Line 1-800-325-8833 Missouri Customers Call Collect: 0-314-739-3100 Ask for Mr. Lesser " 19 Ye a rs of Service to College and University Librari es" Midwest Library Service 11443 St. Charles Rock Rd., Bridgeton, Mo. 63044 croform are defined, and the use of both the card and serials catalogs is explained. These various collections, identified by source, are presented with a brief scope note: journals, newspapers, personal papers, theses, American Periodical Se- ries, American Statistics Index Microfiche Li- brary, British Sessional Papers, Early American Imprints, English Books, English Literary Peri- o