College and Research Libraries tion the annual losses before and after installation. Another section of interest to the reader is the "synopsis of user's experience" where the author has surveyed the field (using a good sample of various kinds of libraries- public, academic , school , and special) to determine the effectiveness of each system and its compatibility with individual librar- ies . The reader who is contemplating acquir- ing a theft detection system will want to use Knight's report as a companion to Bahr's Book Th eft and Library Security Systems , 1978-79. Bahr offers informative advice on conducting various inventories to help de- termine the needs of the system and the loss rate , while Knight's survey will be in- dispensable when it comes to gathering comparative information on individual man- ufacturers. If Knight can be faulted for any de- ficiency, it would be that further editing of the manufacturers ' responses would have been helpful. As it is presented , the infor- mation tends to become very tedious ; a more resourceful presentation of this infor- mation would be helpful in her next report. All librarians who want to gain insight into particular theft detection systems should consult this work.-George Charles New- man , Findlay College, Findlay, Ohio Editor's Note: Papers presented at the 1978 ACRL national conference in Boston have recently been published in the 583- page volume , New Hori zons for Academic Libraries, edited by Robert D . Stueart and Richard D. Johnson (New York: K. G . Saur, 1979. $29. LC 79-12059. ISBN 0-89664- 093-0). The volume includes the seven theme papers first published in the March 1979 issue of this journal as well as the sixty-six contributed papers presented at other con- ference sessions. They are grouped into the following sections: administration and man- agement , bibliographic control and automa- tion , bibliographic instruction, cooperation , economic aspects , the librarian's role , re- sources , and services. Many of the contrib- uted papers include revisions and updatings not present in the microfiche copies distrib- uted at the conference. Recent Publications I 581 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF ) or paper copy (PC ) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service , P.O . Box 190 , Ar- lington , VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired , and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtain e d from a recent issu e of Re- sources in Education. A Survey of User Attitudes Toward Selected Services Offered by the OISE Library. Ontario Inst. for Studies in /Education, Toronto. 1978. 75p. ED 168 464. MF- $0.83; PC-$4.82 . A survey of faculty and students to assess user needs and satisfaction with collections and selected library services is described, and the re- sulting data are reported . Questionnaire construc- tion, sampling and di stribution , and response rate and factors are discussed. Data analysis is broken into major categories, which include responses to general questions regarding libJary use and gen- eral questions about the OISE library collection . The second category is further broken into the rating of books and periodicals in the specific fields of adult education , applied psychology , cur- riculum , educational administration and planning, higher education, history and philosophy, mea- surement , evaluation and computer applications, sociology , and special education. General ques- tions about the library focus on satisfaction with library hours , difficulty in locating material , ref- erence and information service (including satisfac- tion with reference services), interlibrary loan use , orientation effectiveness , circulation services, special collections (including audiovisual and cur- riculum resource materials), and library facilities . Conclusions are itemized from the results of each major subdivision of the questionnaire . Appen- dixes include copies of the questionnaires used. Criteria for Collection Analysis in the Academic Library. By Catherine Yan- cheff. 1978 . 29p. ED 168 496 . MF- $0.83; PC-Not Available from EDRS. An assessment of literature from journals , re- ports, and monographs on criteria for the analysis of academic library collections reveals that there 582 I College & Research Libraries • November 1979 Newspapers On Microfilm Exclusively from Research Publications, Inc. The Washington Post The London Times Le Monde THE DAILY AND SUNDAY TELEGRAPH (London) THE SCOTSMAN (Edinburgh) EVENING STANDARD (London) AL AKHBAR (Cairo) THE AGE (Melbourne) LLOYD'S LIST JOURNAL DE GENEVE THE STRAITS TIMES and SUNDAY TIMES OF SINGAPORE THE BANGKOK POST For complete information on our newspapers on microfilm write: reseamlications, inc. 12 Lunar Drive Woodbridge, CT 06525 are four primary methods that have been em- ployed in the past and are still being used: (1) impressionistic, (2) bibliographic list comparison, (3) measuring unit costs, and (4) quantitative standards. Only recently have there appeared relatively innovative approaches, such as the ap- plication of new technology, bibliometrics, and more illustrative sampling techniques. In addi- tion , there have been more frequent and varied discussions as to how the results of these analyses might be more fully utilized. A national effort toward developing readily available profiles of published materials, to be used in conjunction with institutional profiles for analytical and evaluative purposes, would be a logical step in collection analysis considering the fact that com- puter technology awaits a practical application. The Educational Information System for Ontario. Summary of Final Report. By Ethel Auster and Stephen B. Lawton. Ontario Inst. for Studies in Education, Toronto. 1978. 26p. ED 168 500. MF- $0.83; PC-$3.32. This report summarizes the findings of the EISO project, which was funded in 1975 to de- velop, evaluate, and analyze an information dis- semination system based upon computerized re- trieval of bibliographies. With much of the re- search component completed, the service compo- nent is operational, providing Ontario educators with on-line bibliographic references in education and the social sciences and with access to original documents . Findings of the report are reviewed in four areas: (1) It identifies EISO users over the past three years, presents their reasons for seek- ing information, provides analyses of how infor- mation they received impacted upon their local situations, and identifies factors that contributed to the use or nonuse of information received. (2) It describes factors affecting interview effective- ness in on-line bibliographic retrieval, outlines a five-stage pattern or structure in negotiation, dis- cusses the use of open and closed questions and the part role and status play in interview relation- ships, and develops a preliminary model of the negotiation process. (3) It discusses a systems evaluation model of user satisfaction with EISO. (4) And it reviews the current status of EISO- the result of research, development, dissemina- tion, and evaluation. Self-Study of the Ezra Lehman Memorial Library. By Berkley Laite and others. Shippensburg State College, Pa. 1978. 86p. ED 168 527. MF-$0.83; PC- $6.32. This self-study of the Ezra Lehman Library at Shippensburg State College presents the analyses and recommendations of two library task forces-one on organization, communication, goals and objectives, and one on user relations. The responsibility of the first group was to de- velop recommendations for necessary or desirable changes in the library's organizational structure and communication processes and to design an ongoing process for the formulation of goals and objectives. The internal library structure was ex- amined using a systems approach, and a ques- tionnaire was designed to measure staff attitudes concerning critical organizational issues. Sev- enteen preliminary recommendations were pro- posed . The second task force used data gathered Recent Publications I 583 Eastern Kentucky Univ., Richmond. 1977. 66p. ED 168 528. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. This manual for student assistants employed in the government document section of the Eastern Kentucky University Library covers policy and procedures and use of the major reference tools in this area. General policies and procedures re- lating to working hours and conditions , and gen- eral responsibilities are discussed, as well as shelving rules and procedures for federal and state documents and microfiche. Circulation of government document materials and policy on keeping of statistics are included , along with sample logs and other record-keeping forms . The basic reference sources covered include the Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publica- tions , ERIC'S Resources in Education , the Con- gressior~;al Information Service Index (CIS), and the American Statistics Index. A subject index is also included . in the library user survey to analyze and com- ment on the library's public service functions, the collections , and the physical facilities. The sur- vey, administered to classroom and administrative faculty as well as to a student sample, received a response rate of 47 .5 percent and 58 percent, re- spectively. This task force proposed twenty-four preliminary recommendations . Staffing and or- ganizational charts, organizational profile display, - circulation and holdings data, the user survey Information Desk: Testing a Prescribed questionnaire, and a memo outlining library sup- Model in the Local Environment. By port of the MBA program are appended. Dennis W . Dickinson and Ruta Pempe. 1978. 32p. ED 168 585. MF-$0.83 ; Student Manual. Comp. by Diana L. PC-$3.32. Stapleton . John Grant Crabbe Library, This study was conducted in order to ascertain lrtm F. w. FAxon comPAnY, me. Library Magazine Subscription Agency 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090 Tel : 800-225-6055 (toll-free) • 617-329-3350 (collect in Mass. and Canada only) 584 I College & Research Libraries • November 1979 Spacemaster's space RHC-SPACEMASTE R, manufacturer of almost 100 miles of movable compact shelving for the world's largest library, has the expertise and manufacturing capabilities to help YOU master your space. Whether it is manually or electrically operated movable shelving or free standing shelving, SPACEMASTER has a space-saving solution for you. RHC-SPACEMASTER, a major manufacturer of library and file shelving, and equipment, is distributed nationally. Call or write Andrew Fenton today. RHC-Spacemaster Institutional Products Division 1400 N. 25th Avenue Melrose Park, IL 60160 (312) 345-2500 the need for an information desk in a large re- search library with decentralized reference ser- vice where, on the basis of a preponderance of evidence in the available literature, a consider- able demand for such a service would be ex- pected . The desk was located in the center of the library's entrance lobby with the intent of answer- ing directly any questions that did not require the staff to leave the desk and referring patrons to appropriate resources or departments. Staff recorded patron inquiries on a questionnaire that provided a list of anticipated questions and space to record any that were unspecified. Classification of questions by type was determined inductively after data had been collected, and questions about the library were coded on the basis of the usual distinctions of relative complexity and need for specialized knowledge . Analysis of the data reveals that , contrary to expectations, significant demand for services usually provided by an in- formation desk is limited to only a few weeks per year. Library Formula: Report and Recommen- dations. Report number 79-1. By Norman M. Fischer. Washington State Council for Postsecondary Education, Olympia. 1978. 87p. ED 168 589. MF-$0.83; PC- $6.32. This report presents comprehensive recom- mendations in the library budget formula area for public two- and four-year institutions in Washing- ton based on recommendations adopted by the council in 1976 with some revisions . A review and analysis of statistical data supplied by the four-year institutions and community college sys- tem in the areas of staffing, collections, use, ac- quisitions, and institution size , provides the basis for the recommendation that the library resources portion of the formula be stated in terms of number of acquisitions per year , based on mathematically determined relationships of acqui- sitions to collection size derived from the experi- ence of comparison institutions and states. These acquisition units would then be converted into dqllar amounts based on each institution's experi- · ericed unit costs adjusted for inflation. Questions w~re raised regarding staff years and binding . TTese questions were primarily related to the in- terpretation of the recommendations and accom- p4nying definitions and guidelines contained in the council's final report. As a consequence, slight modifications to three recommendations , more explicit guidelines, and specific examples of interpretations of recommendations have been added to the " Operations Element" section of the report. The National Library of Canada: Twenty- five Years After. By Ian Wees. National Library of Canada , Ottawa. 1978. 59p . ED 168 591. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. Although calls for a National Library began as e arly as 1883, the cornerstone of the future na- tional library was the Canadian Bibliographic Centre, established in 1950, which began work on the national bibliography and national union catalog. When the National Library of Canada was established in 1953 under the direction of W. Kaye Lamb , the National Library Act became ef- fective and Canadian publishers were required by law to deposit two copies of each new book they published at the National Library. From 1956 to 1966, the library moved to a different building, the staff began cataloging the collections and or- ganizing material transferred from the Library of Parliament, and the organizational structure took shape . In 1968, after another move to the Na- tional Library a~ Archives Building, the Office of Library Resou ces was created and Guy Syl- vestre was appoi ted National Librarian . Since that time , var· s new divisions have been created to deal with changing needs, including the automation of library service. Profile of Library Users. William Russell Pullen Library, Georgia State University. Institutional Research Report No. 78-21. By Janet E . Kodras and James E . Prather. Office of Institutional Planning, Georgia State Univ ., Atlanta. 1978. 72p. ED 168 595. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. A survey was conducted of library users of the William Russell Pullen Library at Georgia State University to determine who is using the library, how often respondents use it, how they rate the library's various collections and services, and how the library is used throughout the day and week. The survey instrument was distributed at pre- determined time periods to all those entering the library; fifty-two percent of 6,406 distributed sur- veys were returned. An analysis of the data was performed , cross-classifying the respondents ' opinions about the library with their demographic factors and then with the time variables . Findings showed that, when compared to the general stu- dent population , a disproportionate number of males, upperclassmen, and liberal arts and busi- ness administration students were library users . Eleven percent of the library users were not affiliated with Georgia State University . No evi- dence of major barriers to use was found, and a large majority of students appeared to be satisfied with the library's collections and services, though faculty members' opinions were not as high . The survey instrument and data tables are provided . . Recent Publications I 585 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS American Publisher's Directory: A Guide to Pub- lishers of Books , journals , Maga zines , Direc- tories, Reprints , Maps , Micro editions , Braille Books , and Book Clubs. New York: K. G. Saur , 1978 . 390p . $19 .50. "Consisting of over 25 ,000 entries , the direc- tory lists areas of specialization , addr e sses , telephone and telex numbers and the ISBN publisher's prefix where available. " Antebellum Writers in NeuJ York and th e South. Ed . by Joel Myerson. Dictionary of Literary Biography , V.3. Detroit: Gale, 1979 . 383p . $42. LC 79-15481. ISBN 0-8103-0915-7 . "Provides bio-bibliographical essays on sixty- seven authors who wrote or began writing their major works during the period, 1820-1860. " Barraclough , Geoffrey . Main Trends in History. Main Trends in the Social and Human Sci- 'ences, 2 . New York: Holmes & Meier Pub- lishers , Inc. , 1978 . 259p . $9.50. LC 79-12662. ISBN 0-8419-0505-3. (Available from: Holmes & Meier Publishers , Inc. , 30 Irving Place , New York, NY 10003 .) " Originally published as chapter 3 of Main trends of research in the social and human sci- ences , pt.2." Campbell , Malcolm, comp . Directory of Com- puter Based Information Retriev al Services. Nathan , Queensland, Aust.: Griffith Univ . Li- brary, 1979. 175p . $7 .50 Aust. ISBN 0-86857- 060-5. (Available from: The Library , Griffith Univ. , Nathan, Queensland, 4111 Australia. ) Previous edition entitled Computer Based In- formation Retrieval Services: With Special Ref- erence to Their Availability in Australia. Chicorel , Marietta, ed . Chicorel Index to Liter- ary Criticism in Books: U.S.A ., Canada. Chicorel Index Series , V.23. New York : Chicorel Library Publishing Corp. , 1978. 350p. $66. LC 78-58455. ISBN 0-87729-914-5. Provides access to the major critical literature about the works of 335 American and Canadian creative writers . Chicorel, Marietta, ed . Chicorel Index to Poetry in Anthologies and Collections in Print 1975- 1977. Chicorel Index Series , V.5 , 5A. New York: Chicorel Library Publishing Corp ., 1978 . 2v. $132. LC 75-9587. ISBN 87729-251-0. This two-volume work indexes poems in 375 anthologies published from 1975 through 1977. Material included does not duplicate citations in earlier edition. Danton , J. Periam , and Pulis, Jane F. , with the assistance of Wallman, Patiala Khoury. Index to ........ SF·810CN ·VENDING~ • Sharp SF-810CN copies on You won't have to hassle IU'L''"""' ... '~ "bond" papers or expen- treated stocks. This saving feature is a big help in days of tight library budgets. SF-810CN has a stationary so it'll copy pages from books breaking their backs. dry toner system means messy will never touch you or your floor. speaking about your floor, .,.,._,...,.,,.,....desk-top copier will take room. And because we you feel about noise, weve it very quiet. for reliability, there is an inte- microprocessor for trouble- rtJ"'.L ... ,...·."' ...... But in case something wrong, the SF-810CN self- . system tells you what it is. In fact, the SF-810CN is so reliable, you'll probably make more money on this overdue copier than you ever could on overdue books. For a free demonstration, or for more information, send in this cou- pon or call your authorized Sharp Copier professional. Hes listed in the Yellow Pages. And do it soon. Your library really needs this machine in circulation. ,-------- Sharp Electronics Corp. I 10 Keystone Place, Paiamus, N.J. 07652 1 D Please send me more information on your SF-810CN Copy-Vending Machine. 1 D Please set up a demonstration. I N,~·~---------------------- 1 I LIBRARY/CO .. _________________ _ I STREET CITY ___________ _ I ~Arn __________ zw ____ __ 588 I College & Research Libraries • November 1979 Festschriften in Librarianship 1967-1975. New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 354p. $49.50. ISBN 3-598-07034-9. (Distributed by Bowker. ) Companion volume to the Index to Festschrif- ten in Librarianship published in 1970. In- dexes 6,000 articles on librarianship that have appeared in 136 festschrift volumes. Facts and Figures on Government Finance . 1979. ·20th ed. Washington, D.C .: Tax Foundation, Inc., 1979. 288p. $10; $7.50 members. LC 44- 7109. Federal Regulatory Directory 1979-80. Washing- ton, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc. , 1979. 786p . $22.50. ISBN 0-87187-185-8. Will be published annually. Provides profiles of the fifteen most important regulatory agencies as well as descriptions of other agencies, d e- partments , and small government units with regulatory powers. A history of government regulation is also included. Fomerand, Jacques; Van de Graaff, John H .; and Wasser, Henry. Higher Education in Western Operating Budget Cuts? Less staff for equal work? Save time and trouble, get the most for your money with service designed to meet your needs. Reduce staff time in claim work and direct or- dering - let us do the work. Any book in print (U.S. and Canada) can be supplied with custom invoic- ing and prompt, accurate reporting of back ordered titles. Give us a trial order and see what our "Con- cerned Service" can do for you! Call 517 -849-2117 Collect - the BOOK HOlJSE SINCE 1962 JOBBERS SERVING LIBRARIES WITH ANY BOOK IN PRINT 208 WEST CHICAGO STREET JONESVILLE . MICHIGAN 49250 Europe and North America: A Selected and Annotated Bibliograp hy . New York: Council for European Studies, 1979. 229p. $6; $4.50 members. (Available from : CES, 1404 Interna- tion al Affairs Building, 420 West 118th St., Co- lumbia University, New York, NY 10027.) "Presents a selected list of annotated books, ar- ticl es, dissertations, government reports , and international agency publications dealing with post-secondary education systems in non- communist industrial societies of Western Europe and North America." Freedman, Maurice. Main Trends in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Main Trends in the Social and Human Sciences, l. New York : Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc. , 1978. 176p. $8.50. LC 79-12927. ISBN 0-8419-0504-5 . "Originally published as chapter 1 of Main trends of research in th e social and human sci- ences, pt.2. " The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion , 1978. Wil- mington, Del.: Scholarly Resources Inc., 1979. 300p. $49.50 . LC 79-11610 . ISBN 0-8420- 2159-0. Handbooks and Tables in Science and Technol- ogy. Ed . by Russeli H. Powell. Phoenix , Ariz. : Oryx Pr. , 1979. 184p. $22.50. LC 78-31168. ISBN 0-912700-27-0. Hayashi, Tetsumaro, ed. A Study Guide to Stein- beck ( Park II ). Metuchen, N .J. : Scarecrow, 1979. 244p. $11. LC 74-735. ISBN 0-8108- 1220-7. Sequel to A Study Guide to Steinbeck: A Handbook to His Major Works by Hayashi published in 1974 . Historic Documents of 1978. Washington, D .C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1979. 964p. $39. LC 72-97888. ISBN 0-87187-1 40-8. Includes a cumulative index for 1974-78. Hiifner, Klaus , and Naumann, Jens. The United Nations System-International Bibliography-Vas System der Vereinten Nationen-Internationale Biblio graphie. N.Y. ; Munich: K. G. Saur, 1976-79 . V.1: Learned Journals and Mono- graphs 1945-1965 . 519p. $52.75. ISBN 3-7940-2250-5 Munich; V.2A: Learned Jo~rnals 1965-1970. 286p. $42. ISBN 3-7940-2251-3 Munich ; V.2B: Learned Journals 1971-1975. 436p. $52.75. ISBN 3-7940-2252-1 Munich ; V.3A: Monographs and Articles in Collective Volumes 1965-1970. 492p. $52.75 . ISBN 3-7940-2253-X Munich ; V.3B: Monographs and Articles in Collectiv e Volumes 1971-1 975 . 692p . $52.75 . ISBN 3-7940-2254-8 Munich. Institute for Sex Research . Sex Research: Bibliog- raphies from the Institute for Sex Research . Comp . by Joan Scherer Brewer and Rod W. Wright. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Pr., 1979. 212p. LC 78-31942. ISBN 0-912700-48-3 . Provides access to books , periodicals , confer- ence papers, cassette tapes and films that re- port objective studies of human sexual behavior and attitudes . International Directory of Social Science Re- search Councils and Analogous Bodies. Comp. by The Conference of Social Science Councils and Analogous Bodies (CNSSC). N.Y. ; Munich: K. G . Saur , 1978 . 159p. $10.75 . ISBN 0-89664-149-X New York; ISBN 3-598-40000-4 Munich . Jaffa, Herbert C. Modern Australian Poetry , 1920-1970: A Guide to Information Sources. American Literature , English Literature , and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series , V.24. Detroit: Gale , 1979. 241p . $24 . LC 74-11535. ISBN 0-8103-1242-5 . Joramo , Marjorie K. , comp . A Directory of Ethnic Publishers and Resource Organizations. 2d ed . Chicago: American Library Assn ., 1979. 102p. $8.50. LC 78-31753 . ISBN 0-8389-3223-l. journal Holdings in the Baltimore-Washington Area. 1979. Washington , D .C .: Metropolitan Washington Library Council , 1979. 880p . $135. (Available from: Metropolitan Washington Li- brary Council , Suite 201 , 1225 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington , DC 20036.) Many hard-to-find and esoteric journals are in- cluded in this list of more than 11,000 peri- odicals held by seventy area special , federal , academic, and public libraries . journalist Biographies Master Index: A Guide to 90 ,000 References to Historical and Contempo- rary Journalists in 200 Biographical Directories and Other Sources . Ed. by Alan E. Abrams. Gale Biographical Index Series, no.4. Detroit: Gale , 1979. 380p . $40 . LC 77-9144. ISBN 0-8103-1086-4 . Kingston , Irene , and Benjamin , William A. , eds . Directory of European Business Information. Paris : Center for Business Information, 1979. 590p. $75. ISBN 2-85993-001-9. (Available from : FIND/SVP, 500 Fifth Ave ., New York, NY 10036 .) Looking at Union Lists in Metropolitan Washing- ton : Report of the Library Council 's Task Force on Union Lists. Report no. 79-101. Washington , D .C.: Metropolitan Washington Library Council, 1979. 54p. $3 nonmembers. Provides information about the union lists available in metropolitan Washington " and makes short- and long- term recommendations for improving the production and dissemination of union lists." The MacNeil/Lehrer Report: Broadcast Review and Index. Sanford, North Carolina: Microfilm- ing Corporation of America, 1979- . V.1 , no.1- . $20/yr.; $95/yr. microform service (microfiche or 35mm microfilm). Published quarterly with an annual cumulation. Summarizes and indexes the daily TV Recent Publications I 589 MacNeil/Lehrer Report broadcasts. Main Trends in A esthetics and the Sciences of Art. By Mikel Dufrenne and others. Main Trends in the Social and Human Sciences, 3. New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers , Inc. , 1978. 418p. $14.95. LC 79-12758. ISBN 0-8419-0507 -X . " Originally published as chapters 4 and 5 of Main trends of research in the social and human sciences , pt.2. " Muench, Eugene V. Biomedical Subject Head- ings: A Reconciliation of National Library of Medicin e ( Me SH ) and Library of Congress Subject Headings. 2d e d . Hamden, Conn . : Shoe String Pr. , 1979. 774p. $52.50. LC 78- 27206. ISBN 0-208-01747-X. New York Times Information Bank. Key Issues: Issues and Events of 1978 from "Th e New York Times" Information Bank. Ed. by Elizabeth Stabler. Series ed., Mitchell Rapoport and Nancy Volkman . News in Print. New York: Arno Pr. ; New York : Bowker , 1979 . 257p. $21.95. LC 78-32143. ISBN 0-8352-1140-1. Provides abstracts of articles from sixty news- papers and magazines dealing with ten domes- tic and international events of 1978. Oceana's Standards for an Inte rnational Law Collection. Dobbs Ferry , N.Y.: Oceana Publi- cations, Inc. , 1979. 1v. unpaged . Free on re- quest. (Available from: Oceana Publications , Inc., 75 Main St ., Dobbs Ferry , NY 10522.) Includes an article by Philip L. Cohen entitled " Publishing in International Law." Palmer, Pamela, ed ., with Bohanan , R. D. The Robert R. Church Family of Memphis : Guide to th e Pap e rs with Sel ected Facsimiles of Documents and Photographs. Occasional Publi- cation of the Mississippi Valley Collection, no.10. Memphis, Tenn. : John Willard Brister Library, Memphis State Univ. Pr., 1979. 87p . . $7 .50. ISBN 0-87870-060-9. " Presents a biographical sketch of the Robert R. Church family of Memphis, lists the hold- ings of the Church family papers, and explains the scope and content of each series within the collection." Pollay , Richard W. , ed . and comp. Information Sources in Advertising History. Westport , Conn.: Greenwood Pr. , 1979. 330p. $22 .50. LC 78-75259. ISBN 0-313-21422-0. Reister, Floyd Nester. Private Aviation: A Guide to Information Sources. Sports , Games, and Pastimes Information Guide Series , V.3. De- troit: Gale, 1979. 140p. $22. LC 79-84660. ISBN 0-8103-1440-1. Reynolds, Flora Elizabeth, comp. The jane Bourne Parton Collection of Books on the Dance: A Selected Bibliography. Oakland , Calif.: Mills College Library, Eucalyptus Pr., 1977. 20p. $5.50. 590 I College & Research Libraries • November 1979 Ricoeur, Paul. Main Trends in Philosophy. Main Trends in the Social and Human Sciences, 4 . New York : Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc., 1978. 496p . $15.50. LC 79-14080. ISBN 0-8419-0506-1. "Originally published as chapters 7 and 8 of Main trends of research in the social and human sciences , pt.2." Salz, Kay, comp. and ed. Craft Films: An Index of International Films on Crafts. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 1979. 156p . I $19.95. LC 79-14780. ISBN 0-915794-08-1. Serial Holdings in the Linda Hall Library. 1979. Kansas City, Mo .: Linda Hall Library, Science and Technology , 1979. 662p. $30. Includes all serials entered through April 30, 1979. Letter from library announces this list "includes all titles in the library's serial collec- tion and will be the final issue in the present format." Library plans to issue by 1981 or 1982 a holdings list of current titles only with entries based on AACR II. The 1979 list will remain in the foreseeable future as the basic source for identifYing retrospective serial titles. Shipley, Peter. Directory of fressure Groups and Representative Associations , 2d ed. New York: Bowker, 1979. 123p. $18. ISBN 0-85935-063-0. First edition published in 1976 under the title Guardian Directory of Pressure Groups and Representative Associations. Survey of Vendors of Automated Circulation Systems-Systems Interface. Report no. 79-102. Washington, D.C.: Metropolitan Washington Library Council, 1979. 24p. $3 nonmembers. Sykes, Paul. The Public Library in Perspective: An Examination of It's Origins and Modern Role. London : Clive Bingley; New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 184p. $13 .25. ISBN 0-85157-284-7 Bingley; ISBN 0-89664-401-4 Saur. Tanis, Norman E. ; Perkins , David L. ; and Pinto, Justine, comps . China in Books: A Basic Bibli- ography in Western Language . Foundations in Library and Information Science, V.4. Green- wich, Conn .: JAI Pr., 1979. 328p. $35. LC 77-24396. ISBN 0-89232-071-0. Taylor, L. J. FLA Theses: Abstracts of All Theses Accepted for the Fellowship of the Library As- sociation from 1964. London: The British Li- brary, Library Association Library, 1979. 90p . £6.50. ISBN 0-904654-20-6. (Available from: Reference Division Publications, British Li- brary, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG England.) Tooley, R. V. English Books with Coloured Plates 1790 to 1860: A Bibliographical Account of the Most Important Books Illustrated by English Artists in Colour Aquatint and Colour Lithog- · raphy. Rev. ed. Kent, Engl.: Dawson, 1978 . 452p. $45. ISBN 0-7129-0905-2 . Urban Business Profiles: An Examination of the Opportunities Offered by 18 of the Most Com- mon Types of Small Businesses, and a Guide to Their Establishment and Successful Manage- ment. Small Business Research Library Series, V. I. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 388p. $30. LC 79- 14909. ISBN 0-8103-1027-9. USSR Facts & Figures Annual. V.3, 1979. Ed. by John L. Scherer. Gulf Breeze, Fla.: Academic International Pr. , 1979. 308p. $38.50. ISBN 0-87569-071-8 0 Wallace, Mary Elaine, and Wallace, Robert. Opera Scenes for Class and Stage. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr.; London: Feffer & Simons, Inc., 1979. 260p . $17.50. LC 78- ll095. ISBN 0-8093-0903-3. Provides access to 700 excerpts from 100 operas arranged by voice categories. Includes four indexes: Index of Operas; Index of Arias and Ensembles; Index of Composers; and Index to Editions of Piano-Vocal Scores. Washington Researchers. Sources of Aid and In- formation for U.S. Exporters. Ed. by Donna M. Jablonski, Washington, D.C.: Washington Researchers , 1979. 250p. $30. LC 79-89013. White, Paul F., ed. Index to the American jewish Archives: Volumes I-XXIV. Publications of the American Jewish Archives , no.X . Cincinnati, Ohio: American Jewish Archives, 1979. 435p. $25. (Available from: Ktav Publishing House, Inc., 75 Varick St. (431 Canal St.), New York, NY 10013.) Wilson, William K., and Wilson, Betty L., eds. Directory of Research Grants 1979. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Pr., 1979. 333p. $37.50. LC 76- 47074. ISBN 0-912700-33-5. Wolcke, Irmtraud Dietlinde, ed. Fachkatalog Afrika-Subject Catalog Africa-Catalogue- matieres Afrique. Munich; New York: K. G. Saur, 1979 . V.l: History, 273p. $26. ISBN 3-598-02851-2; V.2: Politics . 269p. $43. ISBN 3-598-02852-0 Munich. ISBN 0-89664-070-1 New York; V.3: Literature. 358p . $43. ISBN 3-598-02853-9 Munich. ISBN 0-89664-073-6 New York. Holdings as of September 1977 of the Africa subject catalog of the Stadt-und Univer- sitatsbibliotek Frankfurt/Main. Other volumes are in preparation . . Writers for Young Adults: Biographies Master Index . An Index to Sources of Biographical In- formation about Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Nonfiction Writers, Songwriters and Lyricists, Television and Screenwriters Who Are of Interest to High School Students and to Teachers, Librarians, and Researchers In- terested in High School Reading Materials. Ed. by Adele Sarkissian. Gale Biographical Index Series, no.6. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 199p. $24. LC 79-13228. ISBN 0-8103-1083-X.