College and Research Libraries space to this problem, as it seems to be a major one related, as it is, to what librarians themselves know and do. Too often, librar- ians are somehow removed from what is going on on their campuses; they are still too often inadequately educated (an M.L.S. is no longer enough!); they read too few books and journals in the right fields; they romanticize the faculty and, among those, they too often pick the wrong models in col- lection development work; and they make too few efforts to participate in the total in- tellectual life of the academic community, and so it is no wonder that we can be de- scribed as providing more and more re- sources that are used less and less. Osburn is reasonably sanguine about the present developments in the field, de- velopments that will address some of the problems he raises. He is generally positive about our efforts to use regional and na- tional networks, sophisticated data bases, cooperative collection programs, and new management tools to make our libraries more receptive to the real needs of the academic community, not the needs we perceive them to have or those we think they ought to have. I repeat, an excellent piece of work.- Stuart Forth, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Advances in Librarianship. V. 9. Edited by Michael H. Harris. New York: Academic Pr., 1979. 294p. $21. LC 79-88675. ISBN 0-12-735009-0. State-of-the-art reviews (STOAS) are a means of coping with the branching and twigging characteristic of scholarly publica- tion. Trouble is, STOAS also branch and twig. In the broad, overlapping fields of communications, ' information science, and librarianship there are now three annual and one quarterly (Library Trends) reviews. The three annual ones are: Advances in Li- brarianship (considered here); the Annual Review of Information Science and Technol- ogy (ARIST), now in its fourteenth volume ; and a new one, Progress in Communication Sciences, the first volume of which Mary B. Cassata reviewed in the September 1979 C&RL. Competition is said to result in increased Recent Publications I 14 7 quality. Whether or not this is the cause, Advances in Librarianship has improved. Now under the editorship of Michael Har- ris, who last year stepped up from assistant when Melvin Voigt moved on to found Progress, the current volume of Advances is both timely in content and (relatively) lively in presentation. For large, affiuent libraries supporting major programs in librarianship, information science, and communications, the three ser- vices supplement one another. However, the library forced to choose among the three has a number of permutations and combinations to consider in determining which would best serve the pattern of needs among its clients. In addition to the differing foci implied in the titles of the three services, there are other differences among them and within any given volume of each. ARIST, for example, represents the traditional scientific model, describing in terse, almost tele- graphic, style the findings of the studies A.N.Z.A.AS. CONGRESS Contributions in the sciences, social sciences and humanities. Between 400 and 900 indiv- idual papers each year, most not published anywhere else! Now indexed in Chemical Abstracts and APAIS (Australian Public Affairs Information Service). Proceedings of Annual Congresses of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, now available: • from 1970 (42nd Congress) onwards, on diazo microfiche at 24x reduction •with author index (1970-76) •with author, title and KWOC indexes (1977-) • by standing order or singly Contact : Technical Services Librarian University of New South Wales P.O. Box 1, Kensington.N.S.W. Australia . 2033 148 I College & Research Libraries • March 1980 cited with lean analysis and synthesis of the data where appropriate. Advances, on the other hand, apparently gives more latitude to its reviewers. The very concept of what a review should be varies from chapter to chapter. While it is true that most of the Advances reviews !\tick to descriptions of trends found in a hundred or so references, George W. Whitbeck and his associates went to the other extreme in the section "Funding Sup- port for Research in Librarianship." De- spairing of getting much help from pub- lished literature, the reviewers designed their own questionnaire study, on which they based their conclusions. They cite only six references. Perhaps the best use of the freedom en- joyed by contributors to Advances is seen in Abraham Bookstein and Karl Kocher's expli- cation of operations research (OR) as applied to libraries. It not only describes pertinent literature but also weaves the analysis into the clearest primer on OR to come down the pike so far. Similarly, Carmel Maguire has produced the same effect by a different route, that of historical and documentary description of the background and current state of Austra- lian librarianship. The present reviewer, who has spent some time in Australia, found this summary comprehensive, well con- densed, lucid, and enlightening. Although not exactly scintillating throughout, Advances provides many cases of challenging reading in the arid land of what Cassata has described as "pretentious and heavy handed" STOA prose. A good example of this is found in Charles W. Evans' review of "The Evolution of Parapro- fessional Library Employees." The reaction of one paraprofessional staff member of the University of Oregon Library, Rebecca S. Bragg, administrative assistant, interlibrary loan service, confirms the lively character of the chapter whether or not one agrees with her generalization-Bragg found that the review "clearly defines and explains the his- tory of the paranoia that most professional librarians have regarding paraprofessionals: that upgrading paraprofessionals would downgrade professionals." In contrast to the systematic master plan of ARIST, the apparently eclectic policy of Advances has produced a more timely and lively volume, perhaps at the expense of comprehensive coverage of the field over a period of years. In the matter of indexing, Advances does not come off well. Not only has the author index been dropped this year but the sub- ject index also consists of a virtually useless four pages which add little to the table of contents. The current ARIST, in contrast, devotes forty-seven pages to a true author and subject index plus a nine-page KWOC index to the whole set. Whereas Advances has never published a detailed cumulated index, ARIST did so in 1976. Following is an abbreviated contents list of this excellent aid to updating one's awareness of the state of affairs in the im- portant areas reviewed: "Intellectual Free- dom in Librarianship" (David K. Berning- hausen); "User Fees" (Thomas J. Waldhart and Trudi Bel}ardo); "Paraprofessional Li- brary Employees" (Charles W. Evans); "Measuring Library Effectiveness" (Rose- mary Ruhig Du Mont and Paul F. Du Mont); "Operations Research in Libraries" (Abraham Bookstein and Karl Kocher); "Funding for Research in Librarianship" (George W. Whitbeck, Jean Major, and Herbert S. White); "Medical Librarianship" (Donald D. Hendricks); and "Australian Li- brary Service" (Carmel Maguire).-Perry D. Morrison, University of Oregon, Eugene. Stoffie, Carla, and Karter, Simon. Materials & Methods for History Research. Library Edition. Bibliographical Instruction Se- ries. New York: Libraryworks, >1979. 75, 101p. $14.95 (plus $1 postage and han- dling). LC 79-306. ISBN 0-918212-07-3. Available from: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 64 University Pl., New York, NY 10003. (Workbook available for $4.95 each, minimum order five copies.) Materials & Methods for History Re- search is the first publication in the Mate- rials and Methods bibliographic instruction series. It is "designed to familiarize history students with the basic types of information sources available in the discipline, to intro- duce important examples of each type and to prepare students to use those information sources efficiently and effectively." The au- thors attempt to accomplish these goals by