College and Research Libraries 180 I College & Research Libraries • March 1980 sonal name, title, and subject) at the end of the work provide access to any item in the text. Perhaps as a result of the time involved in organizing and annotating such a great wealth of material, some of the information is dated. For example, numerous Superin- tendent of Documents classifications have been changed. More distressing is the ab- sence of any mention of the Department of Energy, established in 1977, and the lack of any reference to the publications of the Executive Office of the President. A longer introduction with a more detailed explana- tion of the organization of the work would also have been useful. Nevertheless, as a guide to executive publications of the U.S. government, O'Hara's work is without peer and is a sig- nificant contribution to the growing refer- ence literature dealing with U.S. govern- ment publications.-Steven D. Zink, Col- lege of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are · bq,sed on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Ar- lington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Evaluation of CAMLS Experimental ILL System. A Report Prepared for the Li- brary Council of Greater Cleveland by the ILL Evaluation Task Force. By Henry York and others. Cleveland Area Met- ropolitan Library System, Ohio. 1978. 17p. ED 168 502. MF-$0.83; PC- $1.82. This report is an evaluation of an interlibrary loan system that was put into operation for a six-month experimental period beginning January 1, 1978, by the Cleveland Area Metropolitan Li- brary System (CAMLS), a regional cooperative network of nineteen public, academic, and special libraries in northern Ohio. The objective of the system was to increase efficiency by means of three major components: (1) the use of OCLC as the principal locator source with telefacsimile machines to relay requests directly from borrow- ing to lending library; (2) the use of a central re- source library (Cleveland Public) to screen all re- quests for which OCLC did not provide a poten- tial lending library; and (3) the use of referral cir- cuit utilizing telefacsimile to route the remaining unfilled requests among member libraries. A statistical analysis of the ILL requests during the period indicated that more than one-half of all the requests were handled directly between the bor- rowing and lending libraries; of the remaining re- quests, one-third were filled by the resource li- brary; and less than one-third of all requests were placed on the circuit. The evaluation concluded that the experimental system was successful and should be continued. Other recommendations and the questionnaire used in the evaluation are included in the report. - A Glossary of ERIC Terminology. Comp. by Marilyn R. Laubacher. ERIC Clear- inghouse on Information Resources, Syra- cuse Univ., N.Y. 1978. 25p. ED 168 506. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82 . Designed to be of assistance to the new ERIC user, this glossary provides brief definitions of more than sixty terms associated with the ERIC data base and the search process. These include titles of indexes , agencies, and acronyms peculiar to ERIC as well as terms used to describe com- puter search strategy. A directory of ERIC net- work components-including the sixteen clearinghouses-is also provided. Design and Testing of a Method to Reach Agreement for Responsibilities in Collec- tion Building among Libraries. Final Re- port. By Gretchen Redfield. Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library System, Cleve- land, Ohio. 1978. 37p. ED 171 237. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. As a first step toward resource sharing among libraries in the Cleveland Area Metropolitan Li- brary System (CAMLS) , a method, called the Site Appraisal for Area Resources Inventory (SAFARI), was developed to examine the library . collections. This approach was different from others in that collections were compared by ex- perts in a specific field . After a committee was organized, specific libraries that had significant collections were visited; other libraries with per- tinent materials, but perhaps smaller collections, were canvassed through questionnaires. Six dif- ferent subjects were studied in this manner- education, music, business, local history and genealogy, religion, and nursing-and the findings were published in a written report. Since the technique provides a fairly quick inventory of resources, the information can be used by faculty members and individuals working in the subject area as well as by librarians. Furthermore, the compilations provide the beginning steps toward delineating subject responsibilities to specific li- braries for the purposes of joint acquisition pro- grams and eventual resource sharing. An NCATE Evaluation of a University Li- brary: A Case History. By Donald S. MacVean. 1979. 27p. ED 171 240. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. This report documents the procedures and problems encountered during the evaluation of Western Illinois University's library by the Na- tional Council for Accreditation of Teacher Edu- cation (NCATE) and proposes recommendations for future evaluations of university libraries. Basic problems with the NCATE evaluation involved: (1) an unqualified library evaluator; (2) the ab- sence of a library specialist on the visiting team and the failure of the provost and dean of educa- tion to check on visiting team qualifications; (3) providing detail about the library in the institu- tional report, which resulted in misinterpretation by the evaluator; and (4) the lack of library evalu- ation due to vague standards and unqualified evaluators. It is recommende~ that visiting team members should be more conscientiously selected from rosters of nominees provided by NCATE's constituent and associate organizations and that NCATE should arrange with one of the library associations to nominate persons qualified to evaluate college and university libraries. In par- ticular, NCATE should revise its standards on li- braries so that they are more specific and mean- ingful. A Study of the Administration of Library Use Instruction Courses by Committee. By Jeanne Biggins. 1978. 51p. ED 171 241. MF -$0.83; PC-$4.82. This study examines the effectiveness of a course committee in the administration of a li- brary use instruction program by analyzing the committee on library instruction at Milne Li- brary, State University College, Oneonta, New York. The study describes the development and operation of the course committee, analyzes its position in the college's and library's organiza- Recent Publications I 181 tional structures, and evaluates the committee and its role. Information and data were collected through selective reviews of the literature of li- brary use instruction and course committee documentation, interviews with and questionnaire surveys of committee members, and review of relevant library and college administration docu- ments. Criteria for evaluation included the scope of the committee's activities, its current role, its relationship to the library's organizational struc- ture and to the college administration, and the al- location of resources to its work. A limitation of this study is the lack of cost data for this site. It ·was found that the committee on library instruc- tion has effectively administered library use courses despite limited resources and support. Future needs include staff support and budgetary allocations, along with formal recognition in the organizational structures of the college and li- brary. An Alerting Service Bibliography on Librar- ies, Media, and Educational Technology. Comp. by Marilyn R. Laubacher. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N.Y. 1979. 37p. ED 171 250. MF -$0. 83; PC- $3.32. This annotated bibliography has been de- veloped as a means of alerting ERIC users to re- cent commercially available publications in their fields. Titles have been selected on the basis of usefulness and general interest rather than very specialized technical reports for a restricted audi- ence. All books chosen deal with some aspect of libraries, information science, media or educa- tional technology, though not necessarily in an educational context. Citations are arranged in al- phabetical order by author, and a simple subject index lists titles under the headings of bibliog- raphies, catalogs, directories, guides, and in- dexes; broadcasting and communications; catalog- ing and classification; computers; film, radio, and television; how to do it; information management, models, and systems; instructional design and de- velopment; instructional media; libraries, librar- ians, and librarianship; miscellaneous; and school media programs and learning resource centers. A director of publishers is appended. The Alternatives for Delivery of Materials between Pennsylvania Libraries. Final Report. By Michael B. Wessells and others. Battelle Memorial Inst., Colum- bus, Ohio. 1979. 99p. ED 171 251. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. Problems encountered in the first seven years of operation of the Interli~rary Delivery System 182 I College & Research Libraries • March 1980 (IDS) for the transport of interlibrary loan mate- rials among libraries in Pennsylvania prompted this study of present delivery at the local and state levels, with the objectives of evaluating benefits, costs, routing, funding, and governance of delivery systems. This report describes the de- velopment of IDS, evaluates its current opera- tions and costs in comparison with those of the U.S. Postal Service and other commercial car- riers, and evaluates the feasible alternatives to IDS. The major recommendations are that IDS should be retained with much of its present structure, but that an annual appropriation should be sought from the state legislature to subsidize the service in lieu of LSCA funds, giving it the stability in funding that it needs for sound plan- ning and development. Data collected through on-site visits, interviews, and questionnaires are presented in twenty-seven tables, and maps showing the various systems, delivery areas, and routes are provided. Archival Stability of Microfilm-A Techni- cal Review. By Albert R. Materazzi. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1978. 36p. ED 171 255. MF -$0.83; P.C-$3.32. The purpose of this report is to acquaint all Heritage on Microffint Rare and out-of-print titles and documents on 35mm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. GENEW\L MICROFilM COMP~Y 100 Inman St. , Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel. (617) 864-2820 personnel with some technical aspects of mi- crographics. The various film types used in the production of microfiche are discussed, including silver halide, diazo, and vesicular filmf. Other imaging systems used in micrographics are re- viewed, and a basic introduction to sensitometry is given. The archival considerations of mi- crographics are explained in terms of their use properties and image stability, as well as predic- tion of image stability by chemical kinetics. The microfiche testing program currently underway at the government printing office is reviewed, and recommendations for the use of the three primary types of film are offered. A Directory of Bibliographic Instruction Programs in New England Academic Li- braries. Comp. by Joan Stockard. Associ- ation of College and Research Libraries, New England Chapter. 1978. 188p. ED 171 259. MF -$0.83; PC-$12.32. This computer-produced directory lists New England college, university, and institute librar- ies and their bibliographic instruction programs based on responses to a questionnaire. "Program" is used to describe an instructional unit defined by characteristics such as format, target audience, materials used, subject focus, and frequency or repetition. Arranged alphabetically by name of academic institution, entries are divided into sec- tions that describe the institution of which the li- brary is part, the scope and staff of the library, details of the administration of the library's in- structional program, an in-depth review of some aspects of each current program, and the availability of information about the programs. Each program description includes a title for easy identification, format, indication of when the pro- gram was established, who triggers the im- plementation of the program, average annual at- tendance, frequency with which the program is offered, target audience, site where the program occurs, publicity, evaluation, print or audiovisual materials used to implement the program, the subject focus of the program, and comments by the respondent. A detailed classified index is pro- vided. Narrative Evaluation Report on the Infor- mation and Referral Services Traineeship at the University of Toledo. By Ray McBeth. Dept. of Library and Informa- tion Services, Univ. of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. 1978. 145p. ED 171 265. MF- $0.83; PC-$9.32. This document explains and evaluates the in- formation and referral services traineeship pro- gram, which was designed to take information professionals who work in information and refer- ral centers and provide them with information training to meet the needs of the constituent groups they serve more effectively. Trainees, who were recruited and selected according to specific criteria, were instructed using an open cur- riculum model that allowed student selection of courses on the basis of individual need. Data for evaluation were gathered from the trainees, -di- rector, and faculty, using oral and written in- struments during on-site visits and follow-up evaluations. Data indicated that two program ob- jectives were reasonably well achieved-trainees increased their understanding of library services, information needs, and cooperation, and many increased their skills in information retrieval. The third objective, to improve agency information services, was achieved in only two agencies and was deemed an unrealistic expectation. The lais- sez faire method of conducting management functions was experienced as largely counter- productive. Trainees cited the faculty members and director for their unique contributions, con- cern, helpfulness, and warmth . In conclusion, trainees saw themselves as better prepared to provide an unusual and increasingly important community service following completion of the program. Program and evaluation materials are appended. An Assessment of the Impact of the Man- agement Review and Analysis Program (MRAP). By Edward R. Johnson and others. Pennsylvania State Univ., Univer- sity Park. 1977. 206p. ED 171 277. MF-$0.83; PC-$13.82. The effectiveness of the Management Review and Analysis Program (MRAP) of the Association of Research Libraries, an "assisted self study" in- volving administrators, librarians, and staff in an internal study of management procedures and practices, wa.S ·evaluated in 1976177 by research measuring its impact on twenty-two participating academic and research libraries. The goals of MRAP were identified and evaluated according to behavioral, attitudinal, and organizational changes in the climate, performance, and effectiveness of each library and its management determined as a result of their involvement in the MRAP process. Methodology included the following procedures: (1) questionnaires were sent to ninety-two indi- viduals from ten libraries; (2) fifty-four "key informants" were interviewed in-depth; (3) a "goals-Delphi" procedure compared goal state- ments for a management self-review process made by forty MRAP participants and forty non-MRAP participants; (4) eleven library direc- tors answered a questionnaire to assess the effect of "authoritarianism" on the process; and (5) three Recent Publications I 183 libraries readministered an "organizational profile" and the results before and after the MRAP experience were compared. Results indi- cated difficulties before, during, and following MRAP. These included the time element, com- plexity of the program, methods of implementa- tion, selection of study teams, and the role of management. Data tables, questionnaires, and other related materials are appended to the re- port. Bibliographic Access in Pennsylvania. By Alexander Strasser. Pittsl;mrgh Regional Library Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1979. 108p. ED 171 279. MF-$0.83; PC- $7.82. In Pennsylvania 375 public, academic, and spe- cial. libraries were surveyed in an effort to gather information concerning their interlibrary loan ac- tivity during April 1978; personal discussions with librarians across the state were also conducted. Both sources were used in the development of recommendations for improving bibliographic ac- cess. The results from the 254 libraries that re- sponded, which consisted of a representative cross-section of types, showed that (1) the fill rate for interlibrary loan is more than 70 percent; (2) the main reason for not filling requests was that the library did not own the item; (3) more than 85 percent of borrowing and lending was in-state; (4) monographs predominated over periodicals; (5) 50 percent of the activity concerned demand for material published since 1972; (6) OCLC is heav- ily used for bibliographic verification and as a lo- cation tool; and (7) in-state interlibrary delivery system is the predominant form of delivery. Im- plications of the survey and the discussions with librarians led to the recommendations to develop a coordinated plan to expand access to older bib- liographic records within Pennsylvania, including retrospective inputs into the OCLC data base by a greater number of libraries and the creation of a statewide, on-line union list of serials; to provide incentives for libraries to share their collections; and to encourage existing agencies that produce indexes to subject collections in Pennsylvania li- braries to adopt compatible formats and ter- minologies. A Brief Resource Guide to Sources of In- formation about Microform Equipment. By Marilyn R. Laubacher. ERIC Clear- inghouse on Information Resources, Syra- cuse Univ., Syracuse, N.Y. 1979. lOp. ED 171 280. MF -$0.83; PC-$1.82. This resource guide provides the user who is considering purchasing microfiche equipment with annotated citations of: (1) books that include 184 I College & Research Libraries • March 1980 general selection guidelines and criteria for the purchase of many types of audiovisual equipment, (2) directories and guides that are useful for de- scriptions of equipment and in the comparison of different types of equipment, (3) articles con- cerned with equipment evaluation, and (4) arti- cles concerned with the training of equipment users. Also included are a list of associations whose memberships are interest~d in some as- pect of micrographics, a list of titles of periodicals and newsletters whose articles may deal with mi- crographics , and a list of dealers of microform equipment. Correlating the Classes of Books Taken out of and Books Used within an Open-Stack Library. Research Report. By Ralph E. Domas. 1978. 22p. ED 171 282. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation existed between the classes of books checked out of the San Antonio College Library and the classes of books used in the library. Data for out-of-library and in-library use were collected during February 1978 and arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) tens. · By using the Pearson product-moment correlation formula, the author found a significant positive correlation be- tween out-of-library and in~library use of books . It was also concluded that over-the-counter circu- lation count is a reliable indicator of total library use within the DDC tens class spans. LIP Notes: A SyUabus for the Library In- struction Program, University Library, California State University, Long Beach. Ed. by Janice Koyaina. University Li- brary, California State U niv ., Long Beach. 1978. 8lp. ED 171 292. MF- $0.83; PC-$6.32. Prepared for students who participate in the California State University Long Beach (CSULB) Library Instruction Program (LIP), this document is both a working syllabus for classroom use and an outline of the lecture presentations given by librarian instructors, though it can also be used as a reference guide to review library research methods , major bibliographical and information sources, and the various procedures in construct- ing a search strategy. Three features facilitate its usefulness: (1) questions, selected from actual ones asked frequently at the reference desks, in- troduce the chapters; (2) instruction . in the selec- tion and content of reference sources is accom- plished with annotated, sample pages from . bibliographies, indexes, and catalogs; (3) the summary chapter, "Search Strategy," presents a · flexible model of library research methodology. The order of the chapters logically proceeds from a description of the library with floor plans to the card catalog, filing rules, subject headings, classi- fication and location, bibliographies, indexes, ref- erence works, biographical dictionaries, book re- views, and government publications. A short chapter on style manuals is also provided. A P08ition Paper on the PropoBed Virginia Integrated Library Network. By Gerard B. McCabe and others. 1979. lOp. ED 171 299. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. In the spring of 1978, the Virginia State Li- brary commissioned The Computer Company to conduct a feasibility study of the possibility of es- tablishing a statewide library network for the Commonwealth of Virginia. In this report, the authors respond to that study by identifying three areas of concern for academic libraries: (1) the need for academic libraries in Virginia to acquire on-line circulation control systems-the develop- ment of a statewide circulation system; (2) the need to clarify the right and responsibility of academic libraries to participate in national networks-the ·establishment of a state policy for such participation; and (3) the need for careful study and planning for the integrated library network proposed in the study-a recommenda- tion to study, weigh , and debate the concepts and standards essential to such a network. At- tached to the report is an outline on circulation control and data base utility. Proceedings of Institute on Library Service to the Handicapped: Instructional Mate- rial for Inclusion in the Core Curriculum of Library Schools, Held at Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, August 27-September 1, 1978. School of Library Science, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee. 1978. 252p. ED 171 301. MF-$0.83; PC-$16.82. Faculty members of many different library schools participated in an Institute on Library Service to the Blind and Physically Handicapped at Florida State University, August 27-September 1, 1978. These proceedings from that institute in- clude the instructional materials-revised as a re- sult of the discussions at the institute-used in five core courses at the Florida State University School of Library Science; five presentation pa- pers on library services to the handicapped; a selected bibliography on library services to the handicapped; and a list of the institute's consul- tants, speakers, and participants. The subjects of the core courses described are foundations, ad- ministration, information services, materials, and research methods; the subjects of the papers are national library service for the handicapped, an historical summary of library service to the handicapped and institutionalized, current re- search on library service to the handicapped, standards for such library service, employment of handicapped librarians, and audiovisual materials on the handicapped-the latter paper also pro- vides a directory of producers and distributors and a subject index to the materials. Use of Computer-Baaed Reference Service. in Tema Informatio,a Exchange Libraries. By Gary- L. Menges. 1978. 13p. ED 171 306. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. The Texas Information Exchange (TIE) is a statewide library network organized in 1967 for the purpose of sharing resources among Texas li- braries. Its membership includes thirty-seven col- lege and university libraries, the Texas State Li- brary, and ten public libraries that serve as Major Resource Centers in the Texas State Library Communications Network. In April 1978 the members of TIE were surveyed on their use of computer-based reference services; this report provides a summary of their questionnaire re- sponses concerning fifteen different topics, num- bered to correspond to the questions on the sur- vey form: libraries providing computer-based ref- erence services, vendors and numbers of searches, data bases searched most frequently, average search time, organization, equipment, marketing users, financing, evaluation, impact, SDI or current awareness services, batch search- ing, numeric or statisti~ data, and future plans. The survey form is included. Course-Related and Personalized Library Instruction. By Mary Mancuso Biggs and Mark Weber. Clifford Library and Learn- ing Resources, Evansville University, Evansville, Ind. 1979. 28p. ED 172 724. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. Effective library instruction must be course- and assignment-related, planneara, Calif.: Clio Pr., 1979. 197p. $25.25. ISBN 0-903450-15-1. Provides annotated entries on works dealing with Saudi Arabia's history, geography, economy, and politics and with its people, cul- ture, customs, religion, and social organization. Clotfelter, Cecil F., and Clotfelter, Mary L. Camping and Backpacking: A Guide to Infor- mation Sources. Sports, Games, and Pastimes Information Guide Series, V.2. Detroit: Gale, 1979. -327p. $24. LC 79-84659. ISBN 0-8103- 1437-1. Communications and Information Handling Equipment and Services : A Semi-Annual Directory/Index of Advertisements and Evalua- tions; A Multidisciplinary Approach. Ed. by C. I. Park. Morton Grove, Ill.: Advertisement Di- gest, 1979. 244p. $10; Annual subscription $18. {Available from: Advertisement Digest, P.O. Box 165, Morton Grove, IL 60053.) Formerly titled.Advertisement Digest: Library and Information Services . Provides a directory/digest/index to advertisements and evaluations of equipment and services printed in selected professional and trade journals. Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Congressional Quarterly's Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, Inc., 1979. 1,022p. $65. LC 79-20210. ISBN 0-87187 -184-X. Describes the Supreme Court's origins and procedures, provides biographical information on the 101 men who have served on the court, and gives summaries of the court's major deci- sions from 1790 to the summer of 1979. Congressional Quarterly, Inc. National Party Conventions, 1831-1976. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, Inc., 1979. 227p. $6.95. LC 79-20005. ISBN 0-87187-189-0. "Offers a comprehensive chronology of every major party nominating convention since 1831, when the Anti-Masonic Party held the first na- tional party convention in American history, through the Democratic and Republican con- ventions of 1976." Continuing Library Education Network and Ex- change. Who's Who in Continuing Education: Human Resources in Continuing Library- Information-Media Education. 1979. Munich, New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 304p. $32.25. ISBN 3-598-08016-6 Munich; ISBN 0-89664- 024-8 New York. Crowley, Ellen T., ed. Trade Names Dictionary: Company Index . A Companion Volume to Trade Names Dictionary, with Each Company Entry Followed by an Alphabetical Listing of Its Brands and with a Special Section Giving Addresses of the Companies. 2d ed. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 897p. $95. LC 79-19239. ISBN 0-8103-0695-6. Dewey, Melvil. Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index. 19th ed. Albany, N.Y.: Forest Pr., 1979. 3v. LC 77-27967. ISBN 0-910608-23-7. {Available from : Forest Press, 85 Watervliet Ave., Albany, NY 12206.) Directory of Accredited Institutions with Pro- grams in Biocommunications. Comp . by HeSCA Committee on Education. 3d ed . Wauwatosa, Wis.: Health Sciences Communi- cations Assn., 1979. 46p. $3. {Available from : HeSCA, Phyllis Duke, 2343 N. 115th St., Wauwatosa, WI 53226.) Dir:ectory of Online Databases. Comp. and ed. by Ruth N. Landau, Judith Wanger, and Mary C. Berger. Santa Monica, Calif.: -Cuadra Asso- ciates, Inc., 1979-- . V.l, no.l- . $48/yr; $90/2yr. LC 79-54776. Published four times a year with two complete directory issues and two mini-directory sup- plements. Drazan, Joseph Gerald. The Pacific Northwest: An Index to People and Places in Books. Metuchen, N.J.: 1Scarecrow, 1979. 164p. $9. LC 79-16683 . ISBN 0-8108-1234-7. Provides access to the contents of 320 English- language books whose contents are concerned either with the Northwest as a regional unit or with smaller areas within that region. Eddleman, Floyd Eugene, comp. American Drama Criticism: Interpretations, 1890-1977. 2d ed. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1979. 488p. $27.50. LC 78-31346. ISBN 0-208- 01713-5. The Effects of the Dioxins on the Environment: A Selective Bibliography . Library Bibliography Series, no. 7. Orlando, Fla.: U niv. of Central Florida Library, 1979. 13p. $1. (Available from: Gifts and Exchange Department, University of Central Florida Libraries, P.O. Box 25000, Or- lando, FL 32816.) Evans, James M . Guide to the Amerikansky Russky Viestnik. V. I: 1894-1914. Fairview, N.J.: Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center, 1979. 508p. $9.50. LC 79-55333. ISBN 0-917242- 05-X. (Available from: Carpatho-Ru yn Re- search Center, 355 Delano Pl., Fairview, NJ 07022.) Designed to facilitate the location and retrieval of information from micrbfilmed volumes of the Rusyn immigrant serial publication Amerikansky Russky Viestnik. A second volume is in preparation. Glashan, Roy R., comp. American Governors and Gubernatorial Elections, 1775-1978. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1979. 370p . $45. LC 79- 15021. ISBN 0-930466-17-9. "Contains fac:;ts about the nearly 2,300 indi- viduals who have served as chief executive of the states and territories since Revolutionary times, plus statistics for past gubernatorial elec- tions in all 50 states." Gordon, Beverly. Domestic American Textiles: A Bibliographic Sourcebook. Ambridge, Pa. : Center for the History of American Nee- dlework, Old Economy Village, 1979. 217p. $14.95. ISBN 0-934074-03-8. (Available from: Center for the History of American Nee- dlework, Old Economy Village, 14th & Church St., Ambridge, PA 15003.) Handbook of the Nations/1979: A Brief Guide to the Economy, Government, Land, Demograph- ics, Communications, and National Defense Es- tablishments of 187 Nations and Other Political Entities. Detroit: Grand River Books, 1979. 232p. $20. ISBN 0-8103-1028-7. (Available from Gale.) A reprint of National Basic Intelligence Factbook, compiled by the Central Intelligence Agency and issued in January 1979. Hey, John D .- Britain in Context. New York: St. Martin's, 1979. 189p. $22.50. ISBN 0-312- 09741-7. This fact book "is designed to present Britain both in a temporal context and in a world con- text; to place the Britain of today in perspec- tive, relative both to the rest of the world, and to the Britain of yesterday." Holst, Per A. Computer Simulation, 1951-1976: An Index to the Literat~re. London: Mansell, 1979. 438p. $49.50. ISBN 0-7201-0734-2. Illinois. University at Urbana-Champaign. Li- brary. Guide to the Heinrich A. Rattermann Collection of German-American Manuscripts. By Donna-Christine Sell and Dennis Francis Walle. Robert·B. Downs Publication Fund, no.4. Urbana, Ill.: Univ. of illinois Library and Recent Publications I 189 the Graduate School of Library Science, 1979. 215p. $15. LC 79-16018. ISBN 0-87845-052-1. (Available from : Publications Office, Graduate School of Library Science, 249 Armory Bldg., Champaign, IL 61820.) International Congress on Archives, 8th, Wash- ington, D .C., 1976. Proceedings of the 8th In- ternational Congress on Archives (Washington, 27 September-1 October, 1976) = Actes de se Congres international des Archives (Washing- ton, 27 septembre-1er octobre 1976). Ar- chivum, V.26. New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 207p. $26. LC 79-10212. ISBN 0-89664-135-X. International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA Annual 1978: Proceedings of the 44th Council Meeting, ~trbske Pleso, 1978 Annual Reports. New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 197p. $30. LC 72-623655. ISBN 0-89664-112-0. jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the USA. Ed. by Herbert A. Strauss. Sponsored by the Research Foundation for Jewish Immigration, New York. New York: K. G. Saur, 1978- 6v. $155. LC 78-26930. ISBN 0-89664-026-4. Volume 1: Archival Resources, comp. by Ste- ven W. Siegel. 279p . $32.25. ISBN 0-89664- 027-2. Kesler, Jackson. Theatrical Costume: A Guide to Information Sources. Performing Arts Informa- tion Guide Series. V.6. Detroit: Gale, t979. 308p. $24. LC 79-22881. "ISBN 0-8103-1455-X. Kilpatrick, Thom~s L., and Hoshiko, Patsy-Rose. Illinois! Illinois! An Annotated Bibliography of Fiction. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1979. 617p. $27.50 . LC 79-13011. ISBN 0-8108- 1222-3. Includes historical novels, story collections, so- cial commentary in fictional format, biograph- ical novels, serialized fiction, humor, and gen- eral light fiction with Illinois backgrounds. Kosa, Geza A., ed. Biographical Dictionary of Australian Librarians. 2d ed. Melbourne, Aust .: Burwood State College, 1979. 20lp. $Al0. (Available from : Dr. Geza A. Kosa, Bur- wood State College, 221 Burwood Hwy. , Bur- wood, 3125, Victoria, Australia.) First edition issued in 1968 under the title Who's Who in Australian Libraries. Kyed, James M., and Matarazzo, James M. Sci- entific Engineering, and Medical Societies Pub- lications in Print, 1978-197-9. New York: Bowker, 1979. 57lp. $35. LC 79-17264 . ISBN 0-8352-1212-2. Learning Independently. A Directory of Self- Instruction Resources including Correspon- dence Courses, Programmed Learning Prod- ucts, Audio Cassettes, Multi-Media Kits, and Conventional Learning Materials Such as Books Intended for Non-Fortnal Education. Ed. by Paul Wasserman, James Sanders, and Elizabeth Talbot sanders. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 370p. $55. 190 I College & Research Libraries • March 1980 LC 79-21025. ISBN 0-8103-0317-5. Lewytzkyj, Borys, ed . The Soviet Union, Figures-Facts-~Data = Die Sowjetunion, Zahlen-Fakten-Daten. New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 614p. $74. LC 79-11237. ISBN 0-89664- 010-8. Provides information on population, structure of administration, party and state apparat, sci- ence and education, national economy, and public organizations in the fifteen republics of the Soviet Union . Lunin, Lois F . Health Sciences and Services: A Guide to Information Sources . Management In- formation Guide, 36. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 614p . $24. LC 77-80614. ISBN 0-8103-0836-3. Merenda, Merilyn D., and Polichak, James W. Speech Communication and Theater Arts; A Classified Bibliography of Theses and Disserta- tions, 1973-1978. IFI Data Base Library. New York: IFI/Plenum, 1979. 326p. $75 . LC 79- 9373. ISBN 0-306-65182-3. Meyer, Manfred, and Nissen, Ursula, comps. Ef- fects and Functions of Television: Children and · Adolescents; A Bibliogra]1hy of Selected Re- search Literature, 1970-1978 . Communication Research and Broadcasting, no .2. New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 172p. $13. LC 79-248. ISBN 0-89664-171-6. The National Faculty Directory, 1980: An Alpha- betical List with Addresses of about 472,000 Members of Teaching Faculties at Junior Col- leges, Colleges, and Universities in the United States and at Selected Canadian Institutions. lOth ed. Detroit: ·Gale, 1979. 2v. $135. LC 76-47916 . ISBN 0-8103-0490-2. National Preservation Report. Ed. by Imre T. ]army. Washington, D .C. : National Preserva- tion Program Office, Library of Congress, 197~ . V.l, no.l- . Free on request. LC 79-641059. (Available from: Central Services Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540.) The three issues published each year report on national and international developments in the preservation, bibliographic control, and loca- tion of endangered and deteriorating library materials. Nichols, Harold . Local Studies Librarianship . Outlines of Modem Librarianship, 3. London: qive Bingley; New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 128p. $10. ISBN 0-85157-272-3. Discusses the functions and procedures neces- sary to the development of a local studies or local history library. Olevnik, Peter P. A Guide to Reference Sources in Higher Education. Occasional Paper Number 3. Buffalo: Dept. of Higher Educa- tion, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1979. 38p. $3 (prepaid). (Available from: Dept. of Higher Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, 479 Christopher Baldy Hall, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260.) Parry-Crooke, Charlotte, ed. Contemporary British Artists, with Photographs by Walia. New York: St. Martin's, 1979. lv. unpaged. $30. LC 79-87712. ISBN 0-312-16655-9. This directory of 212 modem British painters and sculptors provides biographical information on each artist and a statement by the artist (or an art critic) on his or her own work. Pa~terson, Margaret C . Author Newsletters and Journals: An International Annotated Bibli- ography of Serial Publications Concerned with the Life and Works of Individual Authors. American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series, V.l9. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 497p. $24. LC 79-63742 . ISBN 0-8103-1432-0. Pollak, Oliver B., and Pollak, Karen. Rhodesia/ Zimbabwe. World Bibliographical Series, V.4 . Oxford, Engl.; Santa Barbara, Calif. : Clio Pr., 1979. 195p. $25.25. ISBN 0-903450-14-3 . Provides annotated entries on works dealing with Rhodesia/Zimbabwe's history, geography, economy, and politics and with its people, cul- ture, customs, religion, and social organization. Publishers' International Directory = Inter- nationales Verlags-Adressbuch. 8th ed. Comp. by Michael Zils. Handbook of International Documentation and Information, V. 7. Munich, New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 798p. $129. ISBN 3-598-20502-3 Munich; ISBN 0-89664- 100~7 New York. This revised and expanded edition lists 101,000 publishers' addresses. Smaller, remote com- panies, societies, and institutions that publish only occasionally have been included as well as those active in publishing. Ray, Sheila G. Children's Librarianship. Outlines of Modern Librarianship, 1. London: Clive Bingley; New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 126p. $10. ISBN 0-85157-268-5. Reed, Robert D. How and Where to Research Your Ethnic-American Cultural Heritage. Saratoga, Calif.: Robert D. Reed, 1979. 12 booklets. $3.50/per booklet . (Available from: Robert D. Reed, 18581 McFarland Ave., Saratoga, CA 95075.) The series includes booklets covering black Americans, Chinese Americans, German Americans, Italian Americans, Japanese Ameri- cans, Jewish Americans, Mexican Americans, native Americans, Polish Americans, Russian Americans, and Scandinavian Americans. Reginald, R. Science Fiction and Fantasy Litera- ture. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 2v. $64. LC 76- 46130. ISBN 0-8103-1051-1. "Th~ first volume lists 15,884 English-language first editions of books and pamphlets published between 1700 and 1974 in the fields of science fiction, fantasy, and weird supernatural fiction. Approximately 2,000 retitlings are also in- eluded. Only prose works are listed; drama and verse are excluded." There are six different in- dexes: author, title, series, awards, and Ace and Belmont Doubles. The second volume, "Contemporary Science Fiction Authors II[,] is the second edition of a biographical directory first published in 1970 as Stella Nova ... and later reprinted with slight revisions as Contem- porary Science Fiction Authors, First Edition (1975). It includes 1,443 bibliographies of sci- ence fiction and fantasy authors active in the twentieth century." Showers, Victor. World Facts and Figures : A Unique , Authoritative Collection of Compara- tive Information about Cities, Countries , and Geographic Features of the World. Rev. enl. ed. New York: Wiley, 1979. 757p . $19.95. LC 78-14041. ISBN 0-471-04941-7. Updated and expanded version of the author's World in Figures published in 1973. Smith , Dwight L., ed . The American and Cana- dian West: A Bibliography. Clio Bibliography Series, no.6. Santa Barbara, Calif. : American Bibliographical Center-Clio Pr. Oxford, En- gland: European Bibliographical Center-Clio Pr. , 1979. 558p. $98 .50. LC 78-24478. ISBN 0-87 436-272-5. Annotated bibliography of periodical literature concerned with Western history. Items of pre- history and developments after 1945 are excluded. The geographic region covered in- cludes the trans-Mississippi West and the trans-Shield Canadian West. · Sperry, Kip . Index to Genealogical Periodical Lit- erature, 1960-1977. Gale Genealogy and Local History Series, V. 9. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 166p. $24. LC 79-9407. ISBN 0-8103-1403-7. Stensland, Anna Lee. Literature by and about the American Indian : An Annotated Bibliogra- phy. 2d ed. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English , 1979. 382p. $6."75 ; $6 NCTE members. LC 79-18073. ISBN 0-8141- 2984-6. Tayyeb, Rashid. AACR 2: A Selected Bibliogra- phy. Halifax, N.S.: Saint Mary's Univ., 1979. 12p. $2. (Available from: Rashid Tayyeb , Pat- rick Power Library, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, NS B3H 3C3.) Tver, David F. Ocean and Marine Dictionary . Centreville, Md. : Cornell Maritime Pr., 1979. 358p. $18 .50. LC 79-1529. ISBN 0-87033-246- 5. A comprehensive resource to most aspects of life in the ocean , "from the history of ships that sail its waters to the animals and vegetation that exist in its great expanse." Twentieth Century American Nicknames . Edited by Laurence Urdang . Comp . by Walter C . Kidney and George C. Kohn. With a foreword by Leslie Alan Dunkling. New York: Wilson, 1979. 398p. $18 U.S. and Canada, $21 foreign. Recent Publications I 191 LC 79-23390. ISBN 0-8242-0642-8 . United States Government Publications, Monthly Catalog: Quinquennial Cumulative Personal Author Index , 1971-1975. Ed . by Edward Przebienda. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Pr. , 1979. 218p. $24 .95. LC 4-18088. ISBN 0-87650-097-1. Wagle, Iqbal, comp . Research Collections in Mi- croform in Ontario and Quebec University Li- braries . Ontario, Canada: Ontario Council of Univ. Libraries, Conference des Recteurs et des Principaux des Universites du Quebec, 1979. 143p. $5. ISBN 0-919592-04-X. (Avail- able from: McMaster Univ. Library Press , Mills Memorial Library, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. West , Hamilton, Ontario, Canada LBS 4L6.) ' · Walters, LeRoy , ed . Bibliography of Bioethics. V.5. Assoc . eds., Maureen L. Canick and Renee Johnson . Detroit: Gale, 1979. 334p . $44. LC 75-4140. ISBN 0-8103-0986-6. Covers 1,601 documents published in journals, newspapers , monographs , essays in books , court decisions , bills , audiovisual materials, and unpublished documents from 1973 through 1978. Wilkins, Kay S. Women's Education in the United States: A Guide to Information Sources . Edu- cation Information Guide Series , V.4 . Detroit: Gale , 1979. 217p . $24 . LC 79-54691. ISBN 0-8103-1410-X. Winckler, Paul A. History of Books and Printing: A Guide to Information Sources. Books, Pub- lishing, and Libraries Information Guide Se- ries, V.2. Detroit: Gale, 1979. 209p . $24 . LC 79-13006. ISBN 0-8103-1408-8. World Dictionary of Awards and Prizes. London: Europa, 1979. 386p . $45. ISBN 0-905118-32-4 . "Contains information on over 2,000 interna- tional and national awards from 62 countries. The emphasis . . . is on achievement of an in- tellectual nature and of truly national and in- ternational standing. " Available in North America from Gale. The Writers · Dictionary , 1980-82. 4th ed. New York : St. Martin ' s, 1979 . 1389, 159p. $40 . ISBN 0-312-89426-0. " Lists more than 15,000 living writers in En- glish from Australia, Canada, Ireland , New: Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States , as ~ell as writers in English from other countries ." Wiister , Eugen. International Bibliography of Standardized Vocabularies = Bibliographie in- ternationale de vocabulaires normalises = In- ternationale Bibliographie der Normworter- bucher. 2d ed. Infoterm Series, 2. New York: K. G. Saur, 1979. 540p. $64.50. LC 78-13537. ISBN 0-89664-075-2. - Revised and updated edition of the bibliogra- phy published in 1955. Social History & Welfare BUCKS COUNTY TAX LIST, 1782-1860 76rolls ......................... . $1,520.00 THE BUREAU OF SOCIAL HYGIENE PROJECT & RESEARCH FILES, 1913· 1940. Printed guide. 31 rolls .......... . ............... $1 ,240.00 CHESlER COUNTY, PA., ESTATE PAPERS, 1700-1820 86 rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,295.00 COINTELPRO: THE FBI COUNTER- INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM FILE 30 rolls . ................. . .. .. ... . . $750.00 MARCUS GARVEY: FBI INVESTIGA- TION FILE I roll ....... ... .............. ... .... $25.00 THE GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES. James Levin, Ed. Printed guide & index . IS rolls ............................ $600.00 GENEALOGICAL NOTES ON CAPE COD FAMILIES, 1620-1901. Lydia B. Brownson, Grace W. Held, & Doris V. Norton , Comps. · 8 rolls ....................... . ..... $240.00 JOURNAL OF THE GYPSYLORESOCIElY, 1888-1973 6 rolls .. ... . . ................. ..... $225 .00 THE JOURNAL OF PRISON DISCIPLINE AND PHILANTHROPY, 1845-1920; and THE PRISON JOURNAL, 1921-1971 Srolls .... . ........................ $175.00 MARTIN LUTHER KING , JR.: FBI ASSAS· SINATION FILE 25 rolls ........................... . $625.00 THE MINUTES OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE POOR FOR BALTIMORE, 1833-1935. Blanche D. Coli, Ed. 2 rolls ... . .............. . ........... $50.00 J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER: FBI SECURfiY FILE 4 rolls ............................. $100.00 THE SOCIAUST PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES: THE PERSONAL PAPERS OF DARLINGTON HOOPES, 1917-1968. Ronald L. Fileppelli, Ed. 25 rolls ............................ $625 .00 MALCOLM X : FBI SURVEILLANCE FILE 2 rolls .. ... . . . .... .. ................ $50.00 Personal Papers THE PROFESSIONAL PAPERS OF FRANZ BOAZ. Printed guide. 44rolls ... ... . . .................. $1,760.00 THE CHARLES CARROll PAPERS. Thomas O 'Brien Hanley, Ed. Printed guide. 3 rolls .... .... ....... . ............ .. $75.00 THE CALVERT PAPERS. RichardJ. Cox, Ed. Printed guide. 27 rolls ..... . ...................... $540.00 THE JOHN ERICSSON COLLECTION OF THE AMERICAN SWEDISH HISTORICAL FOUNDATION. Esther C. Meixner, Ed. Printed guide . Broils . .... ...................... . . $160.00 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S ACCOUNT BOOKS . Printed guide. 3 rolls ........ .. ............ . . .. .. . . $99.00 THE PAPERS OF ALBERT GALLATIN. Carl E. Prince & Helene H . Fineman, Eds. Printed guide. 46rolls ... . ... .. ......... .. ... ..... $920.00 THE ROBERT GOODLOE HARPER FAMILY PAPERS. Bayly Ellen Marks, Ed. Printed guide. 5 rolls . . .... . ...... . ........ . .... .. $110.00 THE JOHN PENDLETON KENNEDY PAPERS. John B. Boles, Ed . Printed guide. 27 rolls . · ........................... $594.00 THE LLOYD PAPERS. Gary Arnold, Ed. Printed guide . 41 rolls ...... .. .......... .... ...... $902.00 THE THOMAS PENN PAPERS, 1729-1836. John D. Kilbourne, Proj . Dir . Printed guide. 10 rolls . . ................... .. ..... $200.00 1HE LETTERS AND PAPERS OF RICHARD RUSH. Anthony M. Brescia, Ed . Printed guide & index. 40rolls (approx .) . . ..... . ........ .. $1 ,400.00 THE DAVID BAILIE WARDEN PAPERS. Bayly Ellen Marks, Ed. Printed guide. 8 rolls ................. .... ........ $176.00 THE WILLIAM WIRT PAPERS. John B. Boles, Ed. Printed guide . 24 rolls ..... .... ................... $528.00