College and Research Libraries Letters Resume Essentials To the Editor: Job seekers and job changers who may have sought counsel' from Thomas M. Gaughan's article, "Resume Essentials for the Academic Librarian " (C&RL , March 1980), were probably disappointed. Gaughan clarified little in the obscure world of the academic librarian selection process. While it is true that "academic librarian" is not a profession cited in the "how to" litera- ture of resume writing, in most cases adaptation and interpolation of existing sam- ples ( cf. , Gaughan's reference 4) should pro- duce acceptable results . However , two steps in the personnel selection process that Gaughan only touched upon briefly do deserve further attention . These are the expanding use of search committees and the requirement for submitting letters of reference at the point of application , rather than after the first in- terview or equivalent time. Further study into both of these activities would assist personnel librarians in determining the efficiency of these procedures and would also help the job applicants to understand the arcane practices in the world of academic librarian selection. Such studies would go far to enlighten these largely ignored areas of library practice and add more to the literature of the field than Gaughan ' s article.-Franette Sheinwald , Atlantic Beach , New York. Response To the Editor: Franette Sheinwald is correct in her COllEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES assertion that study of the use of search committees and letters of reference in the selection process would be of benefit to job seekers and library administrators. How- ever, she seems not to have understood that the intent of my article was to " ... identify the elements of information in a resume that are of greatest importance and interest to academic libraries seeking to fill vacant positions" (p.123), rather than to attempt an explication of the whole of the selection process. I must also take issue with her assertion that adaptation of the literature of resume writing to academic librarians' resumes "should produce acceptable results." Cer- tainly it can, but the evidence that reaches my 9ffice daily ' in the form of resumes more appropriate for professional salesper- sons that for academic 'librarians , was the impetus for this study-Thomas M. Gaughan . NCHEMS Handbook To the Editor: The March 1980 issue of C&RL includes on pages 186-87 an abstract of the NCHEMS Handbook. Readers may be in- terested to learn that the ALA Office for Research is currently revising that version in conjunction with the LAMA Statistics Section and under contract with the Nation- al Center for Education Statistics. Mary Jo Lynch , of the ALA Office for Research , ex- pects to complete the revision by the sum- mer of 1980.-.Katherine Emerson, Univer- sity of Massachusetts, Amherst. I 353 An indispensable tool for: Economists Teachers Students Researchers Authors Reference Librarians Index of Economic Articles prepared under the auspices of The Journal of Economic Literature of the American Economic Association Each volume in the Index lists, both by sub- ject and by author, articles in major eco- nomic journals and in collective volumes published during a specific year. The Index volumes also include articles or testimony from selected congressional hearings or gov- ernment documents published during the year. Many of the features in the Index can- not be found in any other single reference source. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Currently available are: Volume XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI Year Covered 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 Future volumes will be published regularly to keep the series as cur- rent as possible. Price: $35.00 per volume (special 30% discount to A.E.A. members) istributed by RICHARD D. IRWIN, INC. Homewood, Illinois 60430 ote: Volumes I through X, VI-A, and VII-A, previously published by Irwin, are available at $7.95 per copy .