College and Research Libraries 556 I College & Research Libraries • November 1980 Venkatappaiah. Executive editors: C. V. Subba Rao and Amitabha Chatterjee. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1979. 626p. $37.50. ISBN 0-7069-0482-6. (Exclusive U.S. Distributor: Advent Books, Inc., 141 E. 44th St., New York, NY 10017.) Professor P. N. Kaula is an eminent li- brarian, a prolific writer, an organizer, a leader, and a distinguished teacher with universal recognition. He is one of the fore- most disciples of the late Dr. S. R. Ranga- nathan and has been a dominating personal- ity in the Indian library movement since the 1950s. Due to his matchless contribu- tions, sixty-two librarians from all over the world have honored him by contributing articles on various aspects of library science in March of Library Science: Kaula Fest- schrift. This monumental volume is divided into fourteen parts (A-N) under different subject headings, such as philosophy of library sci- ence, comparative librarianship, organiza- tion of knowledge, cataloging of documents, document procurement, bibliographical organization, information transfer, scientific management, education for librarianship, university and research libraries, and school libraries. Some of the prominent contribu- tors to this festschrift are Jesse H. Shera, Nasser Sharify, Edward Holley, J. F. Har- vey, Anis Khurshid, G. Bhattacharyya, S. N. Raghav, K. W. Humphreys, and Clare Liljia. The essays throw light on the progress of various aspects of library science in India, the United States, Latin America, the Re- public of South Africa, the Socialist Repub- lic of Serbia, Germany, Sri Lanka, Israel, Iran, the German Democratic Republic, France, the USSR, and England. Thus the festschrift has an international coverage. There are chapters on Melvil Dewey, the role of UNESCO in the development of li- braries and librarianship, NUC pre-1956 im- prints, the information explosion, the role of microfilms in research libraries, and costing in university libraries. In short, it is an ex- cellent collection of essays with a few minor omissions. N. R. Satyanarayana in his essay "A Survey of Literature in Periodicals in In- dia," for example, did not mention the ex- istence of the Indian Librarian, the oldest leading quarterly library journal of India. On the other hand, there are some excel- lent essays, one of which is Nasser Sharify' s "Beyond the National Frontiers: The Inter- national Dimension of Changing Library Education for a Changing World." In this essay the author talks about the changing role of librarians and says, "They [librarians] wish to be contributors to knowledge rather than to remain solely the makers of the keys to the treasury of knowledge." In his view, "The librarians of tomorrow would be more than mere organizers of recorded know- ledge. They would take part in reshaping and creating it. The key to the treasury would remain in their hands; however, the nature and the shape of the key would change." Dean Shera, in his essay "Of Peacocks, Elephants, and the Philosophy of Li- brarianship," has suggested that American librarians should borrow · rich philosophical traditions from India and give Indians "our technical expertise, or machines" and make the international cooperation more meaningful and practical. Most of the essays are well written and very informative. Scholars and librarians can glean information on various aspects of librarianship in different countries in this book; it is a valuable addition to the library literature . Though the price of this fest- schrift is very high, it is recommended for all types of libraries and librarians.-Ravin- dra N. Sharma, Colgate University, Hamil- ton, New York. Lane, Jack C. America's Military Past: A Guide to Information Sources. American Government and History Information Guide Series, V. 7. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 280p. $28. LC 74-11571. ISBN 0-8103- 1205-0. The subject of this well-arranged bib- liography is the history, and the many phases or parts thereof, of American mili- tary forces (militia, regular army, Army Air Force, National Guard, marines; the navy is not included) from the early 1600s to the present. This is covered by 1, 743 numbered citations, plus an addendum of 32 entries, of books and articles on the organization, administration, and composition of such forces by federal and local government, in The first in-depth index to proceedings and individual papers in the social sciences and humanities . .. Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings TM Use the coupon to send for FREE information. • Provides all of the information needed for fast verifications ... for ef- fective retrospective searches .. .for in- formed acquisitions decisions. • Offers complete bibliographic de- tails of over 900 proceedings each year in the social sciences and humanities ... gives users access to over 19,000 pa- pers from a wide range of disciplines by indexing the complete proceedings tables of contents and individual papers. • Includes six index sections that allow fast easy searches to the level of individual authors and papers. An au- thor's name, .. a sponsor ... a general category ... a meeting location ... title words ... or an author's organizational affiliation .. .leads the user to complete descriptions of proceedings contents and individual papers. • Issued quarterly; cumulated an- nually. For more information about ISSHP™, the Index to Social Sciences & Humani- ties Proceedings, just fill in and mail the coupon to Dept. 101-2390 at the address below. D Please send me more information about the Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings'•, the first in-depth index to proceedings and the individual papers in the social sciences and humanities. Name Title Organization/University Dept. Address City State/Province Country ZIP/Postal Code Phone D c~Oc® ~ Institute for Scientific Information II') 1 o 1-2390 Dept. 101-2390 C1980 1s1 3 501 Market St .University Ctty Science Center.Philadelphia .PA 19104 U S.A.Tel:(215) 386 -0lOO ,Cable: SCINFO .Telex:84 - 5305 558 I College & Research Libraries • November 1980 regard to their employment, deployment, and performances domestically and in for- eign wars, in regard to their leaders , and also in regard to American public reaction to and support (or lack of it) for a developed standing army . Chapter 1 lists writings covering these topics throughout the nation 's history while the remaining seven chapters are set up to cover the topics chronologically in well- defined and significant periods , as from 1607 to 1783 or from 1783 to 1815, which is a good, useful arrangement and in fact seems the only logical one. Concluding the book are an author index and a subject in- dex whose simplicity and brevity increase their usefulness. A helpful feature is found in the compil- er's short descriptive annotations on the content of most of the works listed; these are of considerable aid to the user in choos- ing which items would be worthwhile to pursue or peruse. Sometimes, however, the annotations make one wonder why some writings happen to have been included: MCGREGOR "PERSONALIZED SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE" Every customer is assigned an experienced "Home Office" representative. You correspond direct; any title nHds, changes, cancellations or problems can be handled promptly by lett8r or phone. This makes your job easier and keeps you abreast of your subscription needs at all times. · With over 45 years experl*nce, McGregor has built a reputation of prompt and courteous service on both domestic and International titles. We prepay subscrip- tions ahead of time. Our customers, large and small, like the prompt attention we give them. We think you would tool Ask about McGregor's "Automatic Renewal" plan de- scribed In our new brochure. Write today for your free copy. OUR 48th YEAR MCG , GO~ ~Jiu~ Mount Morris, llllnols81054 such cases are certain biographies and per- sonal narratives , some writings having to do with nonmilitary groups such as Tories in the 1770s or suffering southern civilians during the Civil War, some reports on in- ternational politics and propaganda, the CIA, or American industry in more recent wars. Such writings appear to this writer to be outside a strict concept of subject con- text, but they are not numerous. On the other hand , while there are some relevant citations , there could have been more in respect to the major armaments de- veloped and employed from period to period and also the weapons , accounter- ments , uniforms , and way of life of the sol- diers composing the armed forces over the years. Some of the early official publications giving guidelines and regulations from when our military strength was first being formal- ly organized might have been included, too. While pagination is always given , it would be helpful if some small mention or signal had been incrud~d to let one know whether illustrations , maps , or charts are present in a cited work. These criticisms are , however, all minor ones, and perhaps carping, because overall this is a bibliography that is compact, com- prehensive, and easy to use. The compiler has made a very good selection of informa- tive materials, resulting from what must have been lengthy and exhaustive search- ing. The citations are arranged in conve- nient groupings or sequence and also in a typographical format that is, happily, easy on · the eyes . And, finally , Professor Lane's descriptive annotations-which represent much time spent by him , even to making them as concise as they are-are invaluable and will save any researche~ using this book much of his own time.-Richard B . Har- rington , Anne S. I( Brown Military Collec- tion , Providence , Rhode Island. Ashby , Peter~ and Campbell, Robert. Mi- croform Publishing. London, Boston : Butterworths , 1979. 189p. + 1 micro- fiche. $36.95. LC 79-40407. ISBN 0- 408-10606-9. (Available from : Butter- worths, 10 Tower Office Park, Woburn, MA 01801.) For a long time there has been a need among librarians for an understanding of the