College and Research Libraries 80 I College & Research Libraries • January 1981 tion , the most useful of which are an anno- tated list of periodicals and one of organiza- tions. The latter is especially valuable in that a short history of the organization is supplied along with details of its activities and publications. These appendixes are fol- lowed by a glossary and an extensive, anno- tated bibliography that is convenie ntly di- vided by chapter. In all , Swartzburg ex- hibits a familiarity with a wide range of archival , museum, and library literature . I have only two criticisms of this volume . The first is that though Swartzburg general- ly avoids detailing specific preservation pro- cedures , she does make some unusual ex- ceptions. In the case of the matting of · prints , for example , the detail provided seems unjustified in that other easily learned techniques are given only the briefest of descriptions. Second , the useful- ness of the volume would have been en- hanced by a more comprehensive index. These are , of course , minor quibbles . Swartzburg' s work is indeed a valuable one and should be required reading for most . . . and again, the most complete catalog of Library and AV Equipment, Furniture & Supplies ever published. Write today for your free copy. Highsmith P.O. 25 CR9 Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 practicing librarians and all library stu- dents.-Roy H. Tryon , Th e Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies , Philadelphia . Chan, Lois Mai. lmmroth's Guide to the Library of Congress Classification. 3d ed. Library Science Text Series. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1980. 402p. $22.50. LC 80-16981. ISBN 0-87287-224-6. This a fine revision of Philip Immroth' s work , Guide to the Library of Congress Classification, last published in 1971. Lois Mai Chan has updated this guide to reflect the revision and expansions in the Library of Congress classification schedules as well as changes in Library of Congress policies and practices. The first four chapters have been reorga- nized and rewritten , and the effect on the reader is more positive. The introductory chapter covers the history of classification, systems used by the Library of Congress, and the purpose of the Library of Congress classification. Chapter 2, "Principles, Struc- ture and Format," describes the notation , display, and general characteristics of the classification schedules and includes new material on the use of Library of Congress cataloging records and on the revisions and expansions in the classification schedules. Chapter 3 is a discussion of the Library of Congress call number notation and includes an excellent explanation and description of the uses of Cutter numbers in the Library of Congress classification schedules. Chap- ter 4 discusses the various tables used in the schedules-form, geographic, chronologi- cal, subject, and author. Chapter 5 is the class-by-class breakdown of the system . There are some new examples in addition to those used in earlier editions. All examples have been verified at the Library of Con- gress. Each of these chapters contains up- to-date bibliographies . The author has added a new chapter, "Classification of Special Types of Library Materials." Included in this chapter are ex- planations of Library of Congress classifica- tion usages for serial publications, mono- graphic series, collected sets and collected works, abstracts, indexes, supplements , materials cataloged under corporate head- ings, juvenile materials, nonbook materials, microforms , incunabula, translations, "bound-with" books, pictorial books , and biography. The appendix contains tables of general application throughout the Library of Con- gress classification schedules, Cutter num- bers for individual biography , and tables used with individual classes. Finally, the in- dex is very usable. Throughout this work past and present Library of Congress prac- tices are explained in a clear and concise manner , which clarifi e s variations some- times puzzling to the cataloger. The format of the work is a great im- provement over the earlier e ditions. The type is darker and headings and subhead- ings are in heavy type . The effect on the reader, at least this reade r , is very positive. For the refe rence librarian, Immroth 's Guide to the Library of Congress Classifica- tion , third edition, is a very good reference tool and introduction to the classification system. For the practicing cataloger or clas- sifier it is a reference tool and a source of information for new Library of Congress practice. For the library school professor and student it is an excellent teaching tool and textbook-Barbara A. Gates , Brown University, Providence , Rhode Island . ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion , Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche ( MF ) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service , P .0 . Box 190, Arlington , VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired , and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Textbook Classification Scheme. A Report from the Educational Materials Review Center (EDMARC). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Office of Education, 1979. 27p. ED Recent Publications I 81 Special Report: The Library Catalog: COM and Online Options by Richard W. Boss/Deanna B. Marcum Boss and Marcum discuss the advantages to be gained and pitfalls to be avoided when a library chooses a COM or online alternative to the traditional card or book catalog . The emphasis of this special report is on turnkey systems which can be purchased from commercial vendors. The report includes information on six COM catalog vendors and eleven probable vendors of online catalogs. Included also are four excellent appendices : Sample Specifications for a COM Catalog , Sample Specifications for an Integrated System. A Glossary of Terms, and a selected bibliography. In the September/ October issue of Library Technology Reports, Volume 16 No. 5.-$40.00 . Library Technology Reports is a unique bimonthly publication of the American Library Association that provides critical evaluations of products and services used in libraries, media centers and other educational institutions. Its purpose is to enable librarians and educators to make economical purchasing decisions and to alert manufacturers ofthe·needs of libraries and the standards of performance expected by them . Annual subscription (6 issues)-$135 Library Technology Reports American Library Association 50 East Huron Street · Chicago, IL 60611