College and Research Libraries ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University . Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF ) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P .0. Box 190 , Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and posage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Major U.S. Government Publications Sys- tems: A Summary. By Melvin S. Day. Paper presented at the 45th Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions , ·Copen- hagen , Denmark, August 27-September 1, 1979. 1979. llp. ED 187 310. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. This paper focuses on the two agencies that distribute U.S. government publications in the largest number and on the greatest range of sub- jects : the Government Printing Office (GPO) and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS ) of the U.S. Department of Commerce . Similarities and differences in operations are dis- cussed as well as some of the issues surrounding the programs administered b y these organiza- tions. How Librarians Can Influence Government Printers and Publishers and the Policies Which Govern Them. By Bernadine E. Abbott Hoduski. Paper presented at the Conference of the International Federa- tion of Library Associations and Institu- tions (45th, Copenhagen , Denmark, Au- gust 27-September 1, 1979). 1979. 20p. ED 187 317. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Intended to aid librarians, this guide explores the methods librarians can and do use to influ- ence government publishers , printers , distribu- tors, and indexers of government information , as well as those who create and interpret the poli- cies governing those programs. Case studies from Canada, England, and the United States are cited to illustrate the effectiveness of librarians ' in- volvement with government information dissemi- Recent Publications I 173 nation . Seventeen ways in which librarians can exert their influence are detailed, as are several areas in which such influence is needed. Refer- ences are included. A Clearing House for Library Literature- Past Experience and Future Possibilities. By Russel Bowden. Paper presented at the 45th Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions , Copenhagen, Denmark, Au- gust 27-September 1, 1979. 1979. ED 187 318. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This report on the problems facing editors of professional information and library science jour- nals in developing and developed countries sug- gests broad solutions that might help to transfer and make available the surplus of products in one geographic area to another in which such prod- ucts are in short supply. Areas addressed include (1 ) historical background , (2) professional orga- nizations , (3) the paucity of authors, (4) profes- sional responsibilities , (5) editors' requirements , (6) unwanted articles , (7) the industrial world 's problems , and (8 ) the need for a centralized clearinghouse. New Patterns in Serials Publishing. By P. W. Lea. Paper presented at the Con- ference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (45th, Copenhagen, Denmark , August 27-September 1, 1979). 1979. llp. ED 187 319. MF-$0.83 ; PC not available from EDRS. This discussion reviews the effects of technolo- gy and economics on the publishing and influence of scholarly journals and their role as a com- munications medium . Areas covered include the functions of the primary journal, economic pres- sures , and the availability of new technologies such as computers , synoptic journals, microforms , word-processing equipment , electronic journals, and the digitized tran smission of information . Im- plications of these innovations for the future of the scholarly journal are considered. Information Technologies for the 1980's; Lasers and Microprocessors. By William D. Mathews. Paper presented at the 45th Conference of the International Federa- tion of Library Associations and Institu- tions, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 27- September 1, 1979. 1979. 20p . ED 187 320. MF-$0.83 ; PC not available from EDRS . This discussion of the development and ap- 174 I College & Research Libraries • March 1981 plication of lasers and microprocessors to informa- tion processing stresses laser communication in relation to . capacity, . reliability, and cost and the advantages of this technology to real-time in- formation access and information storage. The in- creased · capabilities of microprocessors are re- viewed, and a general assessment of the impact of these technologies is provided. Articles on Library Instruction in Colleges and Universities, 1876-1932. No . 143. By John Mark Tucker. Graduate School of Library Science, University of Illinois , Urbana. 1980. 47p. ED 187 330. MF- $0.83; PC not available from EDRS . Emphasizing journal literature from the late 1800s to the mid-1930s, this chronologically arranged compilation annotates articles about li- brary instruction in colleges, universities, and schools of teacher education in the United States . It provides access to secondary materials for historians and librarians interested in academic li- brary development and, more specifically, the origins and growth of library instruction. The in- troduction specifies the criteria used in the selec- tion of entries, and both author and subject in- dexes are provided . An institution index identifies schools whose programs were described in many of the entries, as well as those institutions that responded to a questionnaire distributed by Hen- ry R. Evans in 1914 but that are not mentioned in any other source . The Bibliographic Databases in History. By Joyce Duncan. Paper presented at a Con- ference on Data Bases in the Humanities and the Social Sciences (Hanover, N . H. , August 23-24, 1979). 1979. 20p. ED 187 331. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This examination of abstracting-indexing ser- vices for the field of history focuses on Historical Abstracts (HA) and American-History and Life (AHL), and their relationship to the American Bibliographical Center's Subject Profile Index (ABC-SPindex). The history, scope, se lection criteria , and classification arrangements of the two data bases are described, as is the indexing system of ABC-SPindex . Sections also explore the processing of entries, the kinds of personnel in- volved in the bibliographic process , user input, and the cost-effective aspects of HA and AHL. The concluding section provides a summary of major points . The 1979 Directory of College and Universi- ty Libraries in New York State with Sta- tistical Data for FY 1978. 12th ed. New York State Education Dept., Division of Library Development, Albany. 1979. 196p. ED 187 344. MF-$0.83 ; PC- $12.32. This edition of a directory to 265 college and university libraries in New York State, compiled from data furnished by the State Education De- partment, includes address and telephone num- ber, library director, institution president, num- ber of volumes, number of periodical titles re- ceived, annual expenditures for library materials, annual total operating expenditures, number of professional staff, reference services librarian, interlibrary loan librarian, type of institution, 3Rs identifier, and publications issued by the library. Statistical data are summarized in the appended tables. Data on libraries are organized by size of collection, by highest earned degree granted, and by type of institution classification . The directory concludes with an alphabetical listing of head librarians . The White House Conference on Library and Information Services, 1979. Sum- mary, March 1980. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, Washington , D.C. 1980. 86p. ED 187 347. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. This report to the president of the United States presents a summary of the planning, pro- ceedings, and resolutions of the White House Conference on Library and Information Services. Questions the delegates addressed to the confer- ence included : do libraries, the traditional store- houses of information and knowledge, have a place in this fast-moving information age? If so, what should it be? When should information be private, when should it be without cost , and how should freedom of information principles be ap- plied? Is there a need for a national information policy , and, if so, what elements should it in- clude? Can we apply the principles of access to increase the free flow of information across national borders and through the barriers of con- flicting governmental philosophies? Sixty-four res- olutions developed by the conference set the fol- lowing major goals: to reshape the library and in- formation services to serve the people in more useful ways, to maintain local control of these ser- vices , and to insist on more economy and account- ability from the institutions that provide these services. Separate sections of the report detail goals and objectives, organization and finance, technology resource sharing and education, spe- cial constituent concerns, international issues, and conference follow-up and recommendation. ARL Annual Salary Survey, 1978-1979. Comp. by Gordon Fretwell. Association ~en, il you need .DianageDient data that last you'll have to go online ••• with I ,.AsliiN'FoR'M:.-o-;;t:""R'C-52----------------------------, 620 South Fifth Street, Louisville, KY40202 U.S.A YES .... vour database of management and administrative information for decision makers interests me . Please send the following free literature : 0 The complete ABI/INFORM Journals List pl us A rticle Retrieval availability. 0 More information about ABI/INFORM and the ABI/INFORM User Guide. 0 Y our new Getting Acquainted With Online booklet. N ame __________________________________________________ __ O rganizati o n ______________________________________________ _ A dd ress ________________________________________________ ___ 1 In U .S . , pl ease include zip co de. L----------------------·---------------------~ 176 I College & Research Libraries • March 1981 of Research Libraries, Washington, D .C. 1980. 48p. ED 188 580. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. This report includes tabulations of median and beginning professional salaries for budgeted posi- tions in all Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member libraries and tables listing average salaries for filled positions in ARL' s university li- braries. The tables display information on average salaries by position , sex, minority-group mem- bership, and geographical location, size, and type of institution . The report is divided into the fol- lowing general headings : (1) salary levels for per- sonnel in ARL libraries ; (2) median and beginning professional salaries in ARL nonuniversity librar- ies ; (3) average , median, and beginning profes- sional salaries in ARL university libraries ; and (4) distribution of personnel and average salaries for positions in ARL university libraries. Explanatory notes are provided . A Library Instruction Program for Begin- ning Undergraduates. By Clark N. Hall- man. University Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha. 1980. 36p. ED 188 633. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. Intended to aid college instructors in need of library and bibliographic instruction presenta- tions , this report describes a program that was designed by reference librarians at the University of Nebraska at Omaha to introduce beginning undergraduate students to the use of the uni- versity library and its resources. The report pre- sents background information , as well as informa- tion on audiovisual presentations , library tours, and the Library Orientation Workbook , which is included in its entirety. The workbook contains sections on the card catalog, Library of Congress subject headings, encyclopedias , periodical index- es, location of magazine call numbers , newspaper indexes , abstracting services , and the monthly catalog of United States government publications, followed by exercises for the student. Chapters on grading the exercises and evaluating the suc- cess of the program are included in the report . Materials Centers: A Dream of Their Fu- ture. By Lucille E. Kerr. University Li- brary, Governors State University, Park Forest South, Ill. 1979. 29p. ED 188 635. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. This paper presents an overview of the rationale of curriculum materials centers in academic libraries from their initial formation to their present status and envisions possible future roles . Terminology current in the field is defined , and materials centers are discussed in terms of curriculum materials centers and curriculum materials laboratories . A history of materials centers is traced from the 1920s when curriculum laboratories were first conceptualized , and the rationale provided focuses on two areas: the col- lection of teaching materials of all kinds , selected, organized, and maintained for use and study by students, faculty , and teachers ; and the workshop or laboratory for developing and constructing cur- riculum and supplementary teaching materials. The first criteria is apparently being met , while the second varies qualitatively and quantitatively from institution to institution . Roles of other in- structional materials centers are examined as each relates to a special subject field or to the teaching of specific groups of individuals. The future is postulated in terms of funds , human resources , and space . A possible enhancement of a materials center is presented as an addendum. The list of references cites twenty-six titles. An Online Union List of Serials: Meeting the User Needs. By Barbara Settel and Tom Gearty. Paper presented at the Na- tional Online Information Meeting (New York, N.Y. , March 25-27, 1980) . 1980. 26p. ED 190 053. MF-$0.83 ; PC- $3.32. This paper reports on the development of an on-line union catalog of serials using OCLC by the Central New York Library Resources Coun- cil. The project , now in the third of four years, is converting from a hard-copy union catalog of se- ials to an on-line catalog that will have the impor- tant advantage of immediate update . Using the OCLC interlibrary loan subsystem , the inquiring library may look at a display of library holdings and find up to five locations for a given serial- thirty of the forty-five libraries in the Central New York system currently have OCLC capabil- ity. The final year of the project will be used to complete the catalog, complete the transition from manual to on-line operation , and gain user acceptance .. A users' manual furnishes instruction on reading bibliographic entries , preparation of serials requests , and submission of change infor- mation. A directory of participating libraries is in- cluded. Collection Development in Ten Small Academic Libraries: A Report to the Council on Library Resources. By W. E. Hannaford, Jr. Council on Library Re- sources, Inc., Washington , D.C. 1979. 40p. ED 190 074. MF-$0 . 83; PC- $3.32. This investigation of how ten small , private- college libraries go about collecting books focuses on the degree of responsibility and control those libraries exercise over what is included in their collections. The findings and conclusions of the study are based upon interviews with library administrators and acquisitions librarians at Mid- dlebury College, Bowdoin, Colby, Bates, Welles- ley, Amherst, Trinity, Hamilton, Union, and Col- gate. These colleges were chosen because of their similarities of purpose, staff size, student enroll- ment, faculty, number of library volumes added annually, library budgets, and library holdings. Chapters identify the objectives of the study, the methodology used, findings, conclusions, and rec- ommendations. Appendixes include the applica- tion for a fellowship to conduct the study, the collection development questionnaire, and the tabulated answers. Cooperative Collection Development Work- shops. A Report. By Mary Alice Wills. 1 Virginia State Council of Higher Educa- tion, Richmond. 1980. 31p. ED 190 134. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. This report describes the Library Networking Committee's cooperative collection-development project, focusing on workshops that met to dis- cuss five subject areas with the greatest potential for cooperative acquisition in northern Virginia: art resources, energy and environment, health science, law, and urban affairs. Workshops in the areas of local history and interlibrary loan also are summarized. Other aspects of the project out- lined include use of the Virginia Library Associa- tion Region V newsletter, a summary workshop to review project activities, additional grant pro- posals, administration and progress reports, in- kind contributions, and project evaluation. Appendixes list the purposes and goals of the committee, the committee members, member in- stitutions of the Consortium for Continuing Education in Northern Virginia, and project per- sonnel. A map of the region is included. The Emerging Internationalism of Online Information Retrieval. By Roger K. Sum- mit. Paper presented at the National Online Information Meeting (New York, N.Y., March 25-27, 1980). 1980. [unp.] ED 190 103. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Until 1980 on-line information retrieval and dissemination services were for the most part based in the United States. Today, however, a variety of information services as well as packet- switched networks are emerging in other coun- tries. Although U.S.-developed software still pre- dominates in overall use, activity in Europe and other countries is developing rapidly. Information access services are coming to be seen not only as economically viable but also as an essential part Recent Publications I 177 of each country's national interests. A rivalry be- tween government-subsidized services and com- petitive nonsubsidized services is emerging. Competitive services discourage monopolistic practices and offer the user protection from ac- cess controls and price exploitation with the assur- ance of high-quality service and supplier respon- siveness. Government-subsidized services have encouraged tariff barriers and bilateral agree- ments detrimental to the user's interests; a user's bill of rights is needed in the areas of privacy, charges, domestic and international telecom- munications, availability of services, access to source documents, and encouragement of com- petition. The Impact of Automation on the Staff and Organization of a Medium-Sized Aca- demic Library: A Case Study. By Gary Kraske. 1978. 16p. ED 190 153. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. A case study examining the general effects of automating operations in a medium-size academic library on both the staff and the organization over a ten-year period reveals that the major impact has been the reappraisal of functional objectives and their accomplishment. In regard to person- nel, there has been an overall savings in labor costs, and, while it has decreased professional- staff requirements, it has increased support-staff positions, many of which require greater skill, ex- perience, and training. Major organizational effects have been recognized through the creation of two new units-systems development and op- erations-which have had a centralizing impact upon the library. The implications of these findings for other libraries are discussed. Academic Reference Collection Develop- ment: Policy Statements. By Barbara Lehocky. Paper presented at the Missouri Library Association Annual Conference (September 28, 1979). 1979. 9p. ED 190 160. MF-$0.83; PC not available from EDRS. This paper discusses the need for and provides guidelines for the preparation of policy state- ments on reference-collection development for academic libraries. Policy elements recommended for inclusion are statements on collection objec- tives, collection scope, physical size, types of material, selector roles, removal procedures, and interdepartmental relationships. Criteria for the selection, retention, or removal of reference materials are provided, and a bibliography of twelve titles is attached. The Ecology of the Academic Library: Artic- ulating Library Needs to the College 178 I College & Research Libraries • March 1981 Planning Process. By Willis M. Hubbard. Paper presented at the Missouri Library Association Annual Conference (Septem- ber 28, 1979). 1979. 15p. ED 190 161. MF-$0.83; PC not available from EDRS. This paper discusses the importance of an an- alytic planning model to academic libraries in the context of campus-wide planning and briefly de- scribes two projects funded through the Council for the Advancement of Small Colleges (CASC) to develop appropriate management products. The first project focused on the development and test- ing of analytic planning models capable of being replicated at other colleges; the second developed and tested a series of management information systems to provide the data for an analytic plan- ning cycle, as well as other planning and data ser- vices . These projects resulted in the implementa- tion of an analytic planning model on the cam- puses of most of the fifteen participating colleges and the generation of nine management modules (or data systems) capable of providing interinstitu- tional data for comparative purposes . These mod- ules, which are available to interested colleges from CASC , cover library costs and services, per- sonnel and compensation, instructional program , faculty activity, college goals and climate, student recruitment, student attrition , student financial aid, and fund raising. An outline of characteristics common to many analytic data systems and a de- scription of the library-oriented module are included. Online Forecasting Capabilities: Futurscan and Its Alternatives. By Herbert G. Ger- juoy and Gerald T. Owen. Paper pre- sented at the National Online Information Meeting (New York, N.Y ., March 25-27, 1980). 1980 . 25p . ED 190 158. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. This paper provides an overview of the field of on-line information retrieval systems whose data bases are programmed to predict future eve nts. These systems rely on data of past events and use mathematical techniques such as regression analy- sis and statistical probability to provide forecast data. The history of these systems is traced through the advent of the IBM QUICKTRAN program in 1967 and descriptions of thirteen other predictive systems. Recent trend-impact analysis studies have led to the development of INTERAX and FUTURSCAN , which offer sophis- ticated and complex predictive on-line capabili- ties . A list of fifteen references is provided. The Small Academic Library and the New Cooperation. By Harold F. Smith. Paper presented at the Missouri Library Asso- ciation Annual Conference (September 28, 1979). 1979. 8p. ED 190 163. MF- $0.83; PC not available from EDRS. Although spiraling costs and reduced budgets require that small academic libraries form clusters to share resources and services , consortia and li- brary networks so far have taken only tentative or shallow steps in this direction. Real and meaning- ful steps can and must be taken to develop joint acquisition policies, effective and timely interli- brary loan procedures , cooperative reference ser- vices, and division of responsibility for periodi- cals. Resource utilization in the areas of technical processes , staff, and equipment can be improved, and librarians need to adopt an attitude of inter- dependency and shared mutual responsibility . Clusters of five to ten libraries within a limited geographic proximity offer a feasible framework with an individual in each committed· to seek out , develop, and maintain cooperative programs . The IBM System 7 On-Line Circulation Sys- tem at Slippery Rock State College. By Richard J. Wool. Slippery Rock State College, Pa. 1980. 58p. ED 190 095. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. This article describes and evaluates the IBM System 7 automated circulation system in use at Slippery Rock State College Library since 1973. Background information is furnished on the li- brary and its locale as well as the general rationale and objectives for automated circulation systems . The presentation of the IBM S/7 in- cludes (1) reasons for its selection ; (2) transaction override; (3) descriptions of reports and lists such as daily circulation , overdue, fines , statistical summaries , and special printouts ; (4) descriptions of hardware and software ; (5) historical de ve lop- ments; (6) evaluation of the syste m and its com- ponents ; (7) enumeration of system problems ; (8) considerations for future development; and (9) costs . This seven-year review serves to summa- rize a state in automated library systems. Appen- dixes provide details of operating features , statis- tical data, reports , and sample forms. Experimental Online Catalog for the Dart- mouth College Library. By Emily Gallup Fayen . Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. 1980. 13p. ED 190 145. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. This on-line pilot project demonstrates the feasibility of using the OCLC transaction tapes to create an on-line catalog and the utility of the BRS data-base structure for loading this data and for on-line searching. It also shows the feasibility of a user-cordial interface for patrons and for staff and provides an opportunity to test many factors involved in developing a successful system for use by students, faculty , and staff, as well as trained on-line searchers . Preliminary results from a series of controlled experiments using the on-line catalog and the card catalog show that recall is similar. The on-line catalog is generally much more effective and faster for those topics not ade- quately represented by LC subject headings, but the card catalog may be more efficient for very simple author/title search. Further experiments with the on-line catalog at Dartmouth will con- tinue, thus enabling a decision as to whether it is an acceptable alternative to the card catalog. Cur- rent planning is to use both for at least one calen- dar year or until a clear choice is evident. OTHER PUJ3LICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Aaron , Shirley L. A Study of Combined School- Public Libraries . School Media Centers: Focus on Trends and Issues, no. 6. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1980. 120p. $7. LC 80-19785. ISBN 0-8389-3247-9. African Book World and Press . 2d ed . Ed . by Hans M. Zell. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 253p . $75. LC 76-56994. ISBN 0-8103-0990-4. American Book Publishing Record Cumulative 1876-1949: An American National Bibliogra- phy . A Cumulation of American Book Produc- tion for the Years 1876-1949 , in 15 Volumes , as Catalogued by the Library of Congress and the National Union Catalog . Arranged by Sub- ject according to Dewey Decimal Classification and Indexed by Author and Title with a Sepa- rate Subject Guide including Library of Con- gress Subject Tracings , Dewey Decimal Clas- sification Numbers and Library of Congress Classification Numbers . New York : Bowker , 1980. 17,219p . 15v. $1,975/set plus shipping and handling. LC 66-19741. ISBN 0-8352-1245- 9. ISSN 0000-0639. American Novelists Since World War 11. Second Series. Ed. by James E. Kibler, Jr. Dictionary of Literary Biography, V.6. Cumulative Index to Volumes 1-6 of the Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit: Gale , 1980. 404p. $54. LC 80-22495. ISBN 0-8103-0908-4. Articles on the Middle East, 1947-1971 : A Cumulation of the Bibliographies from the Middle East journal. Ed. by Peter M. Rossi and Wayne E. White. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Pieri- an Pr . , 1980 4v. 1,645p. $160/set. LC 79- 91337. ISBN 0-87650-030-0. The Bibliography of Museum and Art Gallery Rece~t Publications I 179 Publications and Audio-Visual Aids in Great Britain and Ireland 1979/80. Ed. by Michael Roulstone. Westport, Conn.: Meckler Books, 1980. 500p. $89 .50. LC 80-15709 . .ISBN 0- 930466-23-3. Black Women and Religion : A Bibliography. Comp . by Marilyn Richardson. A Publication in Black Studies . Boston : G . K. Hall , 1980. 139p. LC 80-20457. ISBN 0-8161-8087-3. Books in Series , Third Edition . Original , Re- printed, In-Print , and Out-of-Print Books. Pub- lished or Distributed in the U.S . In Popular, Scholarly, and Professional Series. New York : Bowker, 1981. 3v. 6,563p. $150/set plus ship- ping and handling. LC 76-41665. ISBN 0-8352- 1314-5. ISSN 0000-0515. British Education Theses Index (BETI ) 1950- 1980. Ed. by J. R. V. Johnston and Joan V. Marder. Leicester, England: Librarians of ln- .stitutes and Schools of Education , 1980. ISBN 0-901992-07-2. Cumulation One, 1959-74, £20; Cumulation Two , 1950-80, £35 (£13 to pur- chasers of Cumulation One); Cumulations One and Two, 1950-80, £33. Microfiche , 48 X , with a full-size hard-copy introduction. (Available from: Michael Argles [Treasurer, LISE], c/o University Library , Lancaster , LA1 4YH , England. ) Heritage on Microfilnt Rare and out-of-print titles and documents on 3Smm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. ~ .. ~~~ 70 Coolidge Hill Road Watertown, MA 02172 (617) 926-5557 180 I College & Research Libraries • March 1981 Checklist of British Official Serial Publications 1980. 11th ed. Ed. by Eve Johansson and Janet Pearson . London: British Library Reference Division, 1980. 102p. £5. ISBN 0-904654-53-2. ISSN 0084-8085. (Available from: British Li- brary, Reference D~yision Publications, Great Russell St., London WClB 3DG, England.) Childhood in Poetry: A Catalogue, with Bio- graphical and Critical Annotations, of the Books of English and American Poets Compris- ing the Shaw Childhood in Poetry Collection, Library of the Florida State University; with Lists of the Poems That Relate to Childhood, Notes , and Index . Third Supplement. By John Mackay Shaw. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 671p. $75. LC 80-22588. ISBN 0-8103-0480-5. Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Liter- ature. 2d ed. Ed. by Jean-Albert Bede and William B. Edgerton. New York: Columbia Univ. Pr., 1980. 895p. $50 . LC 80-17082. ISBN 0-231-03717-1. Commonwealth Children's Literature . Checklists on Commonwealth Literature, no.l. London: Commonwealth Institute, 1979. 56p. £1 plus shipping costs. ISBN 0-900906-86-3. ISSN 0143-5477. A guide to the holdings of the Library and Re- source Centre, Commonwealth Institute, Ken- sington High St., London W8 6NQ, England. PaperllaeJc RaeJcs ForAn~ Budget Highsmith has files and racks to hold virtually any size paperback and most children's books. An unequalled selection of colors, sizes and capacities in adult and children's heights. In wood, wire, steel, even economical fiberboard. All yours to shop for in the newest Highsmith Library/AV catalog. Write today for your free copy. Blthsndth P.0.25CR9 Ft. Atkinson, WI 53538 Comprehensive Guide to the Manuscripts Collec- tion and to the Personal Papers in the Univer- sity Archives. Comp. by Marilyn Priestley. Se- attle, Wash.: Univ. of Washington Libraries, 1980. $25. Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibiliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction , Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures, Television , and Other Fields. New Revision Series, V. l. Ed . by Ann Evory. De- troit: Gale, 1981. 736p. $58. LC 62-52046. ISBN 0-8103-1930-6. Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction , Poetry , journalism, Drama , Motion Pictures , Television , and Other Fields. V.97- 100 in the continuing series. Ed. by Frances Locher. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 584p. plus 183p. cumulative index to the CA series. $58. LC 62- 52046. ISBN 0-8103-1900-4. Contemporary Literary Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights , and Other Creative Writ- ers. V. l5 . Ed . . by Sharon R. Gun ton and Laurie Lanzen Harris . Detroit : Gale , 1980. 598p. $58. LC 76-38938. ISBN 0-8103-0103-2 . Dictionary of Foreign Quotations . Comp . by Robert and Mary Collison. New York : Facts On File , 1980. 407p. $29.95. ISBN 0-87196- 428-7. Education in the Use of Libraries and Infomw- tion: A Bibliography. Part 2: 1955-1969. Comp. by Ian Malley. Leicestershire , England: Ian Malley, 1980. 55p. £1.50 . ISBN 0-904641- 15-5. (Ian Malley, British Library Information Office for User Education, Library, Lough- borough University of Technology, Lough- borough, Leicestershire LEll 3TU, England.) Educational Film Locator of the Consortium of University Film Centers and R. R. Bowker Company . 2d ed. New York : Bowker, 1980. 2,6llp. $50 plus shipping and handling . LC 78-67185. ISBN 0-8352-1295-5. ISSN 0000- 0590. English English. 2d ed. Ed. by Norman W. Schur. Detroit: Gale , 1980. 332p. $28. LC 77- 20390. ISBN 0-930454-05-7. The Far East and Australasia 1980-81: A Survey and Directory of Asia and the Pacific . 12th ed. London: Europa Publications Ltd., 1980. 1,365p. $100. LC 74-417170. ISBN 0-905118- 51-0. ISSN 0071-3791. Financial Aspects of Library and Information Services : A Bibliography. Comp. by Alan Cooper. CLAIM Report no.5. Loughborough, England : Centre for Library and Information Management (CLAIM), 1980. 117p. £10 paper. ISBN 0-904924-23-8. (Centre for Library and Information Management, Department of Li- brary and Information , Loughborough Uni- versity of Techno)ogy, Loughborough, Leices- tershire LEll 3TU, England.) The Future: A Guide to Information Sources. 2d ed. Comp. and ed. by the World Future Soci- ety. Washington, D.C.: World Future Society, 1979. $25. 722p. ISBN 0-930242-07-6. Future Survey Annual 1979: A Guide to the Re- cent Literature of Trends, Forecasts, and Poli- cy Proposals. Ed. by Michael Marien. Washington, D.C.: World Future Society, 1980. 255p. $25. ISBN 0-930242-10-6. Garraty, John A.; Klemperer, Lily Von; Taylor, Cyril J. H . The New Guide to Study Abroad . 1981-1982 ed. New York: Harper, 1981. 464p. $16.95. LC 77-11533 . ISBN 0-06-011423-1 hardcover; 0-06-090849-1 paper. Historical Rhetoric: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Sources in English. Ed. by Winifred Bryan Homer. A Reference Publica- tion in Literature. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. 294p. LC 80-21947. ISBN 0-8161-8191-8. Hoffmann, Christa F. B. Getting Ready for AACR2: The Cataloger's Guide. White Plains , N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1980. 225p. $24.50. LC 80-15168. ISBN 0-914236-64- 4. Indexing and Abstracting: An International Bib- liography. Comp. by Hans H. Wellisch. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1980. 320p. $22.75. LC 80-11907 . ISBN 0-87436-300-4 . Indian Literature in English: A Checklist . Comp. by Ronald J. Warwick. Checklists on Common- wealth Literature, no.5. London: Common- wealth Institute, 1979. 87p . £1 plus shipping costs. ISSN 0143-5477. ISBN 0-900906-88-X. A guide to the holdings of the Library and Re- source Centre, Commonwealth Institute, Ken- sington High St. , London W8 6NQ, England. International Who 's Who in Music and Musicians' Directory. 9th ed . Ed. by Adrian Gaster. Cam- bridge: Melrose Press , Ltd ., 1980. 960p. $90. LC 73-91185. ISBN 0-900332-51-4. (Distrib- uted in U.S. by Gale Research Co .) Jones, Peter. A Reader's Guide to Fifty American Poets. Reader's Guide Series. London: Heine- mann ; Totowa, N.J. : Barnes & Noble, 1980. 386p. $16.50. ISBN 0-435-18491-1 Heinemann; 0-389-20140-5 Barnes & Noble. First published 1980 by Pan Books as An Intro- duction to Fifty American Poets in the Pan Literature Guides Series. Jules Verne: A Primary and Secondary Bibliogra- phy . Comp. by Edward J. Gallagher. Masters of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. 387p. LC 80-20206. ISBN 0-8161- 8106-3. Land Tenure and Agrarian Reform in East and Southeast Asia: An Annotated Bibliography. Comp. by the staff of the Land Tenure Center Recent Publications I 181 Special Report: The Library Catalog: COM and Online Options by Richard W. Boss/Deanna B. Marcum Boss and Marcum discuss the advantages to be gained and pitfalls to be avoided when a library chooses a COM or online alternative to the traditional card or book catalog . The emphasis of this special report is on turnkey systems which can be purchased from commercial vendors. The report includes information on six COM catalog vendors and eleven probable vendors of online catalogs. Included also are four excellent appendices : Sample Specifications for a COM Catalog, Sample Specifications for an Integrated System . A Glossary of Terms, and a selected bibliography. In the September/October issue of Library Technology Reports, Volume 16 No. 5.-$40.00. Library Technology Reports is a unique bimonthly publication of the American Library Association that provides critical evaluations of products and services used in libraries, media centers and other educational institutions. Its purpose is to enable librarians and educators to make economical purchasing decisions and to alert manufacturers of the needs of libraries and the standards of performance expected by them . Annual subscription (6 issues)-$135 Library Technology Reports American Library Association 50 East Huron Street· Chicago, IL 60611 182 I College & Research Libraries • March 1981 Expert Evaluations of Photocopiers, Microfiche Readers, Printer Terminals by Library Technology Reports Photocopiers-Test reports on eight electrostatic office copiers, seven of which use plain paper and four mini-copiers which can be purchased for $500 to $1,000 . An introductory article discusses selection criteria and coin operation . In the January/ February 1980 issue , Vol. 16 No . 1.-$40.00 Microfiche Readers-This latest set of reports includes laboratory results and informed judgements on the performance of a group of fifteen popular microfiche · reader models suitable for either source document or COM fiches . In the March /April1980 issue, Vol. 16 No . 2.-$40.00 Printer Terminals-A new category of library equipment which may soon be as common as the card catalog and the date stamp. Joseph Becker, international authority in the field of library automation and information science, describes current printer technologies and discusses selection criteria . Also included are reports on nine typical printers suitable for library use . In the May/June 1980 issue, Vol. 16 No . 3.-$40.00 Library Technology Reports is a unique bimonthly publication of the American t.ibrary Association that provides critical evaluations of products and services used in libraries , media centers and other educational institutions. Its purpose is to enable librarians and educators to make economical purchasing decisio,ns and to alert manufacturers of the needs of libraries and the standards of performance expected by them . Annual subscription (6 issues)-$135 Library Technology Reports American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Library under the direction of Teresa J. Ander- son. A Reference Publication in Asian Studies. Boston: G . K. Hall, 1980. 557p . LC 80-18049 . ISBN 0-8161-8221-3. Livingston, Barbara, issue ed. New Public Li- brary Buildings/H. LJ Special Report # 17. New York: Bowker, 1980. 64p. $7; $5.95 pre- paid. ISBN 0-8352-1338-2. ISSB 0362-448X. Microform Market Place 1980-1981 : An Interna- tional Directory of Micropublishing. Ed . by Ardis Voegelin-Carleton. Westport , Conn. : Microform Review Inc., 1980. 212p. $20 .95. LC 74-4811. ISBN 0-913672-37-8 . Nigerian Literature: A Bibliography of Criticism, 1952-1976. Comp. by Claudia Baldwin. Bib- liographies and Guides in African Studies . Bos- ton : G . K. Hall , 1980. 147p . LC 80-18715. ISBN 0-8161-8418-6. Parlato, Salvatore J. Films ex Libris: Literature in 16mm and Video. Jefferson , N .C.: _McFarland & Company, 1980. 27lp. $15.95. LC 80-10181. ISBN 0-89950-006-4. Personal Name Index to the 1856 City Directories of Iowa . Ed. by Elsie L. Sopp. Gale Genealo- gy and Local History Series , V.13. Detroit : Gale , 1980. 154p. $30. LC 80-25085 . ISBN 0- 8103-1486-X. Personal Social Services Bibliography. 2d ed. Comp. by Gillian Stewart. London : The Li- brary Association, 1980. 129p. $19.50. ISBN 0- 85365-513-8 . (Distributed by : Oryx Press , 2214 North Central at Encanto, Phoenix, AZ 85004. ) Piele, Linda J. ; Tyson, John C. ; and Sheffey, Michael B. Materials & Methods for Business Research . New York: The Library Works , 1980. 180p. $14.95. LC 80-20332 . ISBN 0- 918212-15-4. Progressive Reform : A Guide to Information Sources . Ed . by John D. Buenker. American Government and History Information Guide Series, V.8 . Detroit: Gale , 1980. 366p. $30 . LC 80-23992. ISBN 0-8103-1485-1. Public Administration in American Society : A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by John E . Rouse , Jr . American Government and History Information Guide Series , V.ll . Detroit : Gale, 1980. 553p. $30 . LC 80-24633. ISBN 0-8103- 1424-X. Religious Books and Serials in Print 1980-1981. Books: Sacred Works Index. Subject Index . Au- thor Index . Serials: Subject Index. Title Index . New York: Bowker, 1980 . 1,326p . $42 plus shipping and handling. LC 78-63633. ISBN 0- 8352-1306-4. ISSN 0000-0612. Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms , and Abbreviations Dictionary : A Companion Volume to the Acronyms, I nitialisms , and Abbreviations Dic- tionary , with Terms Arranged Alphabetically by Meaning of Acronym, Initialism, or Abbre- viation. Ed. by Ellen T . Crowley. (V.3 of the 7th ed. of Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbrevia- tions Dictionary.) Detroit: Gale, 1980. 1,314p. $74. ISSN 0270-4390. ISBN 0-8103-0506-2. Roger Zelazny: A Primary and Secondary Bib- liography. Comp. by Joseph L. Sanders . Mas- ters of Science Fiction and Fantasy . Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. 154p. LC 80-20253. ISBN 0- 8161-8081-4. The Romantic Movement: A Selective and Critical Bibliography for I979 . Comp . by David V. Erdman. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, V.211 . New York: Garland Pub- lishing, 1980. 350p. $35. LC 80-8494. ISBN 0- 8240-9512-X. Samuel R. Delany: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography , 1962-1979. Comp. by Michael W. Peplow and Robert S. Bravard. Masters of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Boston : G . K. Hall, 1980. 178p. LC 80-20108. ISBN 0-8161- 8054-7. Samuel Richardson: An Annotated Bibliography of Critical Studies. Comp. by Richard Gordon Hannaford. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, V.150. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1980. 292p. LC 79-7916. ISBN 0-8240-9531-6. Schmidt , Michael. A Reader's Guide to Fifty British Poets 1300-1900. Reader ' s Guide Series. London : Heinemann ; Totowa, N.J . : Barnes & Noble , 1980. 430p. $16.50. ISBN 0- 435-18811-9 Heinemann ; 0-389-20137-5 Barnes & Noble . First published 1980 by Pan Books as An Intro- duction to Fifty British Poets 1300-1900 in the Pan Literature Guides Series. Scientific and Technical Books and Serials in Print 1981. Books: Subject Index, Author In- de~, Title Index . Serials : Subject Index, Title Index . New York: Bowker, 1980. 2,829p. $59. LC 78-640940. ISSB 0000-054X. ISBN 0-8352- 1313-7. Seymour-Smith, Martin. A Reader's Guide to Fif- ty European Novels. Reader's Guide Series. London : Heinemann ; Totowa, N.J . : Barnes & Noble, 1980. 528p. $19.95. ISBN 0-435-18812- 7 Heinemann ; 0-389-20138-3 Barnes & Noble. First published 1980 by Pan Books as An Intro- duction to Fifty European Novels in the Pan Literature Guides Series. The Southern Books Competition at Twenty-five: A Silver Anniversary Tribute. Comp. by John David Marshall . Jackson , Miss .: Howick House , 1980 . 207p. $15. (Available from: Howick House, P.O. Box 20483, Jackson , MS 39209.) Stained Glass: A Guide to Information Sources . Ed. by Darlene Brady and William Serban. Art and Architecture Information Guide Series, V.10. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 572p. $30. LC 79- 23712. ISBN 0-8103-1445-2. Recent Publications I 183 Stanley Kubrick: A Guide to References andRe- sources . Comp. by Wallace Coyle . A Reference Publication in Film. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. 155p. LC 80-20649. ISBN 0-8161-8058-X. Statistics and Econometrics: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources . Ed. by Joseph Zaremba. Econom- ics Information Guide Series , V.15 . Detroit: Gale, 1980. 701p. $30. LC 80-24832. ISBN 0- 8103-1466-5. Technology and Values in American Civilization: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Stephen H . Cutcliffe . American Studies In- formation Guide Series , V. 9 . Detroit: Gale, 1980. 704p. $30. LC 80-23728. ISBN 0-8103- 1475-4. The Third Americans: A Select Bibliography on Asians in America with Annotations. Comp. by Te-kong Tong with the assistance of Robert Wu. Oak Park, Ill.: CHCUS , Inc., 1980. 69p. LC 80-66854. ISBN 0-937256-00-5. Thompson , John Cargill. A Reader's Guide to Fif- ty British Plays 1660-1900 . Reader's Guide Series . London: Heinemann ; Totowa, N.J. : Barnes & Noble, 1980. 448p. $16.50. ISBN 0- 435-18881-X Heinemann ; 0-389-20139-1 Barnes & Noble. First published 1980 by Pan Books as An Intro- duction to Fifty British Plays 1660-1900 in the Pan Literature Guides Series. Doubled Coverage & New Subject Format! With this 1980 annual , Reference Sources dramatically doubles its coverage. Nearly 600 (compared to only 270 in 1979) journals which have included reviews of reference materials are indexed in the 1980 RS. Plus, entries are now arranged by Library of Congress Subject Headings, followed by citations containing complete bibliographic descriptions of each item , in- cluding the Dewey and Library of Congress Classifica- tion numbers. In sum , Reference Sources is the most comprehensive current guide to reference sources ever published. No reference department is complete without it. (Review coverage dates from 1970 ; back volumes available.) Compiled & edited by M. and S. Balachandran. 402pp $65.00 Order from Pierian Press, 5000 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104 184 I College & Research Libraries • March 1981 To St . Lucia, with Love: The Bibliography of a Library Collection for the People of St. Lucia upon Achieving Independence . Presented by the People of the United States of America. Camp. by Robert V. Vaughn. Frederiksted, St. Croix, V.I. : AYE-AYE Press, 1980. 49p. $6.65 . (Available from : AYE-AYE Press, P.O. Box 1224, Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00850 U.S. A.) Training and Development Organizations Direc- tory: A Reference Work Describing Firms , In- stitutes, and Other Agencies Offering Training , Professional, and Personal Development Pro- grams for Business , Industry, and Govern- ment . 2d ed. Paul Wasserman, managing ed . Detroit: Gale, 1980. 955p. $90. LC 80-23591. ISBN 0-8103-0314-0. A Union List of Microform Collections in Nassau and Suffolk County Libraries . Camp. by Richard P. Feinberg. Occasional Paper no.2. Stony Brook , N . Y.: The Libraries , SUNY at Stony Brook, 1980. 220p. $3 . (Distributed by the Long Island Library Resources Council , Bellport, N.Y.) U.S. Book Publishing Yearbook and Directory 1980-81 . White Plains, N.Y. : Knowledge In- dustry Publications, 1980. 246p. $35. LC 79- 649219. ISBN 0-914236-63-6. U.S. Foreign Relations: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Elmer Pischke. American Government and History Information Guide Series, V.6. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 715p. $30 . LC 74-11516. ISBN 0-8103-1204-2. U.S. Higher Education: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Franklin Parker. Education Information Guide Series, V.9. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 675p. $30. LC 80-21959. ISBN 0-8103- 1476-2. Urban Law . A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Thomas P. Murphy. Urban Studies In- formation Guide Series , V.ll. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 322p. $30. LC 80-19138. ISBN 0-8103- 1409-6. The Video Source Book. 2d ed. New York: National Video Clearinghouse, Inc., 1980 . 1,262p. $65. LC 80-52459. (Distributed by Gale Research Co.) Women: A Bibliography of Bibliographies. Camp. by Patricia K. Ballou. A Reference Publication in Women's Studies. Boston: G . K. Hall, 1980. 155p. $16. LC 80-21042. ISBN 0-8161-8292-2. Women in Management , 1970-1979: A Bibliogra- phy. Camp. by Judith A. Leavitt . CPL Bib- liography no.35. Chicago: CPL Bibliographies, 1980. 40p . $8. LC 80-22716 . ISBN 0-86602- 025-7. (CPL Bibliographies, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637 .) Woolard, Wilma Lee Broughton . Combined School/Public Libraries: A Survey with Conclu- sions and Recommendations . Metuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow , 1980 . 204p. $11. LC 80-36742. ISBN 0-8108-1335-1.