College and Research Libraries ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on In- formation Resources, School of Education, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Repro- duction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and include payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. Map Study Committee. Final Report. By Bob Heidlage and others. Library, Missouri University, Columbia. 1980. 40p. ED 195 255. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. A study undertaken to evaluate the status of the map collections of the University of Missouri, Co- lumbia, is described in this report, and forecasts are made for necessary facilities, equipment, and personnel to accomplish a proposed reorganization and online cataloging of the university's geology and geography map collections. Included in plans for creation of a centralized map unit within the library system are specifications of storage and ac- cess space, equipment, and personnel require- ments. Statistics for cataloging retrospective and current map materials are derived from processing times and equipment, personnel, and start-up costs. Presented in the report is a policy statement regarding the extent of commitment to preserva- tion work for the map collections. Final recom- mendations are to (1) begin immediately to catalog all current map acquisitions, (2) establish a central map unit, and (3) prepare a grant proposal for retro- spective map cataloging. Supplementary materials include bibliographies on map preservation and map library development, sample processing forms, tables of processing times, and the formula used to calculate yearly work hours. 1980: Prologue to the Future. Minutes of the Meeting of the Association of Research Li- braries (96th, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15-16, 1980). Association of Research Li- braries, Washington, D.C. 1980. 159p. ED 195 258. MF-$0.83; PC-$10.82. This report on the proceedings of the 1980 meet- ing of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) contains the following papers: "On the Need for a Recent Publications I 393 New Energy Consciousness" by James L. Clayton; "Video: Information Technology of the 80's" by Kenneth Winslow; "Linking Bibliographic Utilities" by Donald A. Smalley; "Preservation" by Pamela W . Darling; "Bibliographic Control of Ma- terials in Microform" by Richard W. Boss; and three views on the future of ARL by David C. Weber, Anne Woodsworth, and Jay K. Lucker. Reports on various ARL projects and activities are included. Appendixes provide ARL membership data, the report of the ARL task force on national library network development, the national interli- brary loan code, the auditor's report, and a sum- mary of the Office of Management Studies annual report. The Foundations of United States Informa- tion Policy. A United States Government Submission to the High-Level Conference on Information, Computer and Communi- cations Policy for Economic Cooperation and Development (Paris, France, October 6-8, 1980). By Arthur A. Bushkin and Jane H. Yurow. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 1980. 20p. ED 195 257. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Described in terms of their objectives and their continuing validity and responsiveness to current developments, the United States information policies presented in this paper form the principles upon which the United States generally approaches international information policy issues. The various . aspects of U.S. information policy that are dis- cussed fall into two broad categories: the legal foundations of information dissemination and access , and the economics and management of information. University of California Prototype On-Line Catalog: Preliminary Specifications for the Patron Interface. Working Paper No. 7. By Katharina Klemperer and Mike Berger. University of California, Berkeley. 1980. 62p. ED 195 272. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. The online catalog discussed in this report ex- tends the present microfiche union catalog de- velopment by providing online access to biblio- graphic records for the holdings of the University of California Libraries. The specifications for the user interface through which the library patron com- municates with the online systems to locate mate- rials are outlined, and the catalog's searching capabilities, display options, user information com- ponents, help facility, nonautomated aids, termi- nals, consultation ability, and evaluation mechanisms are described. The report also exam- ines the design criteria for the patron interface, the human-machine dialogue, the search component, 394 I College & Research Libraries • july 1981 the help function, the catalog's interlibrary loan function, and its bibliography-building capability. On-Line Public Access to Library Biblio- graphic Data Bases: Developments, Issues, and Priorities. Final Report. By Neal K. Kaske and Douglas Ferguson. Ohio Col- lege Library Center, Columbus; Research Libraries Group, Branford, Conn. 1980. 70p. ED 195 275. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. This report describes project activities designed to identify the critical issues and problems in de- signing and developing library bibliographic re- trieval systems for direct patron use. The results of a survey, an issues analysis paper, and .a working session indicate four priority areas for study and action: user and use characteristics, interface characteristics, the library environment, and the computing environment. Recommendations made by the working-session participants highlight the consensus of their concerns-the analysis of user requirements and behavior, the monitoring of existing public access systems, the development of materials for cost management, and the develop- ment of distributed computing and system links. A summary and analysis of participant-developed definitions of an online catalog, a summary of exist- ing and developing systems, and detailed tabula- tions are appended. A Report on the State University ofNew York Budget Development-Preparation Process, with Focus on the Four-Year College Li- brary. By Peter P. Olevnik. State Univer- sity of New York, College at Brockport. 1979. 24p. ED 195 281. MF-$0.83; PC not available from EDRS. This paper provides background information for SUNY librarians, in particular those in the four- year colleges, concerning the budget preparation- implemention process. Included is a step-by-step summary of that process, in the form of timetables illustrating the interrelationships among the execu- tive and legislative units of state government, SUNY Central Office, local campus administration, local campus departments, and other separately funded units; and the relationship between the local campus administration and the local campus library. Linking the Bibliographic Utilities: Benefits and Costs. Technical Report. By Donald A. Smalley and others. Columbus Laborato- ries, Battelle Memorial Institute, Colum- ~ swets subscription service ~ A DIVISION OF SWETS & ZEITLINGER B.V SWetS PO. Box 830, 2160 SZ Lisse-Holland Phone 02521-19113/ Telex41325 Swets North America lnc.-P.O. Box 517, Berwyn, Pa 19312, U.S.A.Jel. 215/644-4944 bus, Ohio. 1980. 314p. ED 195 276. MF-$0.83; PC-$19.82. This study of the benefits, methods , and costs of linking two or more bibliographic utilities for use by public and academic libraries assessed the im- pact of linking on three distinct areas of library op- erations: shared cataloging, interlibrary loan , and reference searching. The analysis was restricted to bibliographic records for monographs in OCLC, RLG/RLIN , WLN , and Library of Congress databases. The findings and analyses of data are presented in two parts . The effects of linking on libraries and their patrons are discussed, and de- tailed analyses of the benefits of linking are pro- vided for each of the three areas studied in the first part. The second focuses on the technical require- ments for establishing a link, and three promising alternatives are identified: tape exchange of re- quested records , online access using the "native mode" of the linked utility, and online access with automatic translation of searches and responses . Requirements for developing each of these alterna- tives are described and comparisons are made . A summary of conclusions and recommendations concludes the report. Appendixes include support- ing data, a glossary, more detailed discussions of several topics , and a summary description of the BIBLINK model. A bibliography and several refer- ence lists are provided . Linking Bibliographic Data Bases: A Discus- sion of the Battelle Technical .Report. By C . Lee Jones. Council on Library Re- sources, Inc., Washington, D. C. 1980. 29p. ED 195 274 . MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. This document establishes the context, sum- marizes the contents , and discusses the Battelle technical reyort, noting certain constraints of the study. Further steps for the linking ofbibliographic databases for use by academic and public libraries are suggested. Committee on Library Orientation Report to the Directors Council Library Sign System. By Linda Lester and others. University of Virginia, Charlottesville . 1980. 21p. ED 196 452. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This report by the Committee on Library Orien- tation at the University of Virginia reviews the need for a unified, well-designed sign system to assist users of the university libraries , and discusses the categories and functions of such signs as iden- tified in the relevant literature. A discussion of the current situation at the university and problem areas revealed by a survey of existing signs leads to recommendations for the development of an im- proved sign system. Specific recommendations are concerned with the types of signs to be used- Recent Publications I 395 orientation, directional, identification (both inte- rior and exterior) , conditional and regulatory, in- structional and current awareness-and the process of implementation and installation, including ser- vices to be provided by a design consultant, priorities for installation, and the provision of an in-house facility for sign production. A list of refer- ences and a copy of the survey form for existing signs are attached . OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Afro-American History: Sources for Research. Ed. by Robert L. Clarke. Washington, D .C. : How- ard Univ. Pr., 1981. 250p. $17.50. LC 80-19197. ISBN 0-88258-018-3. American Women Writers : A Critical Reference Guide from Colonial Times to the Present, V.3, Li to R. Ed . by Lina Mainiero and Langdon Lynne Faust. New York: Ungar, 1981. 566p. $50. LC 78-20945 . ISBN 0-8044-3151-5. Annus Notabilis: An Exhibition of Books and Man- uscripts at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library Commemorating the 350th Anniversary of the Birth of john Dryden (1631 ). Los Angeles : William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA , 1981. 47p . $7 . 50 . (Available from: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Uni- versity of California, Los Angeles, 2520 Cimar- ron St., Los Angeles, CA 90018.) L'archivio di Foscolo Lombardi conservato nell'Is- tituto storico della Resisten za in Toscana/ inventario a cura di Rosalia Manno Tolu . Firenze: Giunta regionale toscana: La nuova Italia, 1980. 104p. Lire 10,000. (Available from La Nuova Italia Editrice, 50100 Firenze, Casella Postale 183, Italy.) Arntzen, Etta, and Rainwater, Robert. Guide to the Literature of Art History. Chicago: American Library Assn. , 1981. 634p. $75 . LC 78-31711. ISBN 0-8389-0263-4. Available Pay Survey Reports: An Annotated Bibli- ography. 2d ed. Ed . by Steven Langer. Park Forest, Ill.: Abbott, Langer & Associates, 1980. 517p. in 3v. $150/set. V. 1: U.S . Pay Surveys (Excluding Those by the Federal Government). 321p. $95. ISBN 0-916506-44.,.4. V.2: U.S. Fed- eral Government Pay Surveys . 116p. $40. ISBN 0-916506-45-2. V.3 : Non-U.S. Pay Surveys . SOp . $45. ISBN 0-916506-46-0. Biography and Genealogy Master Index: A Con- solidated Index to More Than 3,200,000 Bio- graphical Sketches in Over 350 Current and Ret- rospective Biographical Dictionaries. 2d ed. Ed. by Miranda C. Herbert and Barbara McNeil. Gale Biographical Index Series, no.1. Detroit: 396 I College & Research Libraries • july 1981 Gale, 1980. 6,000p . in 8v . $575/set. ISBN 0-8103-1094-5. Bishop, Olga B. Canadian Official Publications. New York: Pergamon , 1981. 297p. £17/$41. LC 80-41572. ISBN 0-08-024697-4. Book World Directory of the Arab Countries, Tur- key and Iran . 1st ed . Comp. by Anthony Rudkin and Irene Butcher. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 143p. $85. ISBN 0-8103-1185-2. Bourne, Charles P. Technology in Support of Li- brary Science and Information Service with Par- ticular Emphasis on Computer-Assisted Refer- ence Service. Sarada Ranganathan Lectures 12, 1978. Bangalore, India: Sarada Ranganathan En- dowment for Library Science, 1980. 78p. Rs . 96/$12; paper Rs . 128/$16. (Available from: The Secretary, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Sciences, 100/1 , Fourth Main Rd., lOth Cross , Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003, India.) Buenker, John D. ; Greenfield, Gerald Michael; Murin, William J.; and Chudacoff, Howard P. Urban History: A Guide to Irtformation Sources. American Government and Hi9tory Information Guide Series, V.9. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 448p . $36. LC 80-19643. ISBN 0-8103-1479-7. Canadian Books. in Print 1980: Author and Title Index . Ed. by Martha Pluscauskas and Marian MCGREGOR "PERSONALIZED SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE" Evtty customer Is assigned an experienced "Home Office" representative. You correspond direct; any tide nHds, changes, cancellations or problems can be handled promptly by letter or phone. This makes your job easier and keeps you abreast of your subscription needs at all times. With over 45 years experiftnce, McGregor has built a reputation of prompt and courteous service on both domestic and international tides. We prepay subscrip- tions ahead of time. Our customers, large and small, like the prompt attention we give them. We think you would tool Ask about McGregor's "Automatic Renewal" plan de- scribed in our new brochure. Write today for your fnlt copy. OUR 48th YEAR Mount Morris, llllnola81054 Butler. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Pr. , 1981. 78lp. LC 70-418272. ISBN 0-8020-4582-0. ISSN 0068-8398. Canadian Selection: Books and Periodicals for Li- braries, 1977-1979 Supplement. Comp. by Isabel McLean and Edith Jarvi. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1980. 398p. $27.50. ISBN 0-8020-4593-6. Children's Authors and Illustrators: A Guide to Manuscript Collections in United States Re- search Libraries . Comp. by James H. Fraser. Phaedrus Bibliographic Series, no.l. New York: K . . G. Saur, 1980. 119p. $14.80 . LC 79-24990. ISBN 0-89664-950-4 . Cordasco, Francesco, and Alloway, David N. American Ethnic Groups: The European Heri- tage: A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations Completed at American Universities. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1981. 376p. $17 .50. LC 80- 28775. ISBN 0-8108-1405-6. Countries of the World and Their Leaders Year- book 1981 . A Compilation of U. S. Department of State , Central Intelligence Agency, and Other Official Reports on Contemporary Political and Economic Conditions, Governmental Personnel and Policies, Political Parties, Religions, History , Education, Press, Radio and TV, Climate, and Other Characteristics of Each Nation. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 1,289p. $48. ISBN 0-8103-1101-1. ISSN 0196-2809. Dictionary Encyclopedia Handbook Review. Vol- ume 1, Number 1, Spring 1981. Philadelphia: Translation Research Institute, 1981. Published twice yearly (March and September). Annual subscription: $5. ISSN 0270-3750. First issue 22p . (Available from: Translation Research Insti- tute, 5914 Pulaski Ave ., Philadelphia, PA 19144.) "The purpose of DEH Review is to identify and evaluate English-language references of poten- tial value to translators , bilingual lexicographers , terminologists , and other language specialists." Directory of Contemporary American Musical In- strument Makers. Comp. and ed. by Susan Caust Farrell. Columbia: Univ. of Missouri Pr. , 1981. 215p . $24. LC 80-24924. ISBN 0-8262-0322-1. Directory of Illinois , Oral History Resources . Comp . and ed. by Kathryn Wrigley. Springfield, Ill.: Oral History Office , Sangamon State Univ . , 1981. 54p. No price. (Available from: Oral His- tory Office, Sangamon State University, Springfield, IL 62708.) Directory of Non-Governmental Agricultural Or- ganizations , Set Up at the European Community Level. Sixth Edition, 1980. Munchen : K. G. Saur, 1980. 402p . $40. ISBN 3-598-10147-3. (Dist. in the U.S. by Gale Research Co.) Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers . 6th ed. in 3v. Ed. by Margaret L. Young and Harold C. Young. Detroit: Gale, 1981. LC 79-16966. V.l: Directory ofSpecial Li- braries and Information Centers in the United States and Canada. 1,425p. $160. ISBN 0-8103- 0258-6. V.2: Geographic and Personnel Indexes. 776p. $l25. ISBN 0-8103-0259-4. V.3: New Spe- cial Libraries. Inter-edition subscription, $135. ISBN 0-8103-0281-0. ISSN 0193-4287. Education for the Research Library Professional: The Minutes of the 95th Meeting. An edited tran- script of the ninety-fifth membership meeting of the Association of Research Libraries, held Oc- tober 16, 1980, in Arlington, Virginia. Washing- ton, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1981. Available prepaid for $7.50 (ARL mem- bers, $5.00). Government Reference Books 78/79: A Biennial Guide to U.S . Government Publications. Sixth Biennial Volume . Comp. by Walter L. New- some. Littleton, Colo . : Libraries Unlimited, 1980. 537p. $25 U.S./$30 elsewhere. LC 76- 146307. ISBN 0-87287-242-4. Grimes, Janet, and Daims, Diva. Novels in English by Women, 1891-1920: A Preliminary Checklist. New York: Garland Publishing, 1981. 750p. $100. LC 79-7911. ISBN 0-8240-9522-7. Health Care Costs and Financing: A Guide to In- formation Sources . Ed. by Rita M. Keintz. Health Affairs Information Guide Series, V.6. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 258p . $34. LC 80-32862. ISBN 0-8103-1482-7. Information Sources in Education and Work. Ed. by Kenneth Dibden and James Tomlinson. But- terworth's Guides to Information Sources. Bos- ton: Butterworth, 1981. 166p. $22.95. LC 80- 41801. ISBN 0-408-70923-5. International Bibliography of Historical Sciences. V.45-46 (1976-77). Ed. by Michael Francois, Nicolas Tolu, and Michel Keul. Munchen: K. G. Saur, 1980. 492p . $58. ISBN 3-598-20402-7. ISSN 0074-2015. (Dist. in the U.S . by Gale Re- search Co.) International Biographical Dictionary of Central European Emigres, 1933-1945. V.1: Politics, Economics, and Public Affairs. Cosponsored by the Munich Institute for Contemporary History and by the Research Foundation for Jewish Im- migration, Inc. Munchen: K. G. Saur, 1980. 875p. $210. ISBN 0-89664-101-5. (Dist. in the U.S. by Gale Research Co.) International Marketing Data and Statistics 1981. 6th ed. London : Euromonitor Publications Ltd., 1981. 317p. $150. ISBN 0-903706-45-8. ISSN 0308-1938. (Dist. in the U.S. by Gale Research Co.) Iran : A Bibliographic Research Survey, with Comments and Annotations. Ed. by Eckart Ehlers. Munchen: K. G . Saur, 1980. 44lp. $50. (Dist. in the U.S . by Gale Research Co.) Recent Publications I 391 Kumar, Krishan. Reference Service. Second Re- vised Edition. New Delhi, India: Vikas Publish- ing House, 1980. 444p. $18 .95. ISBN 0-7069- 0637-3. (Available from: Advent Books, 141 E. 44th St. , New York, NY 10017.) Ladley, Barbara, and Wilford, Jane. Money and Finance: Sources of Print and Nonprint Mate- rials. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1981. 208p. $19.95. LC 80-13943. ISBN 0-918212-23-5. McMillan, Patricia, and Kennedy, James. Library Research Guide to Sociology: Illustrated Search Strategy and Sources. Library Research Guides, no.5. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Pr., 1981. 80p. $12.50/cloth; $5.95/paper. LC 80-83513. ISBN 0-87650-121-8 cloth; 0-87650-122-6 paper. Mexico. Secretaria de Educaci6n Publica. Direc- torio de Bibliotecas de la Republica Mexicana : Sexta Edici6n . Suplemento. Mexico : La Sec- retaria, 1980. 588p. No price. ISBN 968-804- 250-1. (Address inquiries to: Guadalupe Car- rion , Directora de Bibliotecas, Subdirecci6n de lnvestigaci6n y D~sarrollo, Cordoba 23, 3er. piso, Mexico 7, D. F. ) Natural History Manuscript Resources in the British Isles. Comp. by Gavin D. R. Bridson, Valerie C . Phillips, and Anthony P. Harvey. New York: Bowker, 1980. 473p. $245. LC 79- 92886. ISBN 0-8352-1281-5. New Pseudonyms and Nicknames: First Supple- ment to Pseudonyms and Nicknames Dictionary. Issue no. l. Ed. by Jennifer Mossman. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 296p. $45, two supplements (second supplement ready late 1981). LC 80-29315. ISBN 0-8103-0548-8 (set). New Training Organizations: A Periodic Supple- ment to the Second Edition of Training and De- velopment Organizations Directory. Issue no .- 1, March 1981. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 151p. Two is- sues, $85. ISBN 0-8103-0312-4 . Oklahoma Image Materials Guide . Ed. by Anne Hodges Morgan. Oklahoma City: Oklahoma De- partment of Libraries, 1981. lOOp. No price. LC 81-620001. Paxton, John. Everyman's Dictionary of Abbrevia- tions . London: J. M . Dent & Sons Ltd., 1981. 392p. $20. ISBN 0-460-04538-5. (Available in U.S. from Rowman & Littlefield, 81 Adams Dr. , Totowa, NJ 07512.) Prominent Scientists: An Index to Collective Biog- raphies. Ed. by . Paul A. Pelletier. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1981. 311p. LC 80-23224 . ISBN 0-918212-41-3. Robinson , William H. Phillis Wheatley : A BiD- Bibliography. Boston: G . K. Hall, 1981. 166p. $18. LC 81-900. ISBN 0-8161-8318-X. A Refer- ence Publication in Afro-American Studies. Science Fiction Book Review Index , 1974-1979. Ed. by H. W. Hall. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 39lp. $78. LC 81-1490. ISBN 0-8103-1107-0. 398 I College & Research Libraries • july 1981 Scientific and Technical Libraries in the Seventies: A Guide to Information Sources . Ed. by Ellis Mount. Books, Publishing, and Libraries Infor- mation Guide Series, V.4. Detroit: Gale, 1981. 157p. $34. LC 80-25910. ISBN 0-8103-1491-6. Sex Magazines in the Library Collection: A Scholarly Study of Sex in Serials and Periodicals . Ed. by Peter Gellatly. A monographic supple- ment to The Serials Librarian (V.4, 1979/1980). New York: Haworth Pr., 1981. 142p. $19.95. LC 80-15011. ISBN 0-917724-16-X. Slavic-American Imprints: A Classified Catalog of the Collection at Lovejoy Library , Southern Illi- nois University at Edwardsville. Supplement 1. Ed. by Stanley B. Kimball. Bibliographic C~n­ tributions , no.9. Edwardsville, lll .: Lovejoy Li- brary, Southern Illinois Univ.-Edwardsville , 1979. 135p. $5. (Order from: Slavic and East European Friends of Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville , Lovejoy Library , Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL 62026.) Smith, Ron . Mythologies of the World: A Guide to Sources . Urbana , Ill. : National Council of Teachers of English, 1981. 347p. $9. 75; NCTE members, $8 .50. LC 81-666. ISBN 0-8141- 3222-7. Songe, Alice H. The lAnd-Grant Idea in American Higher Education: A Guide to Information Sources. Munchen: K. G. Saur, 1980. 62p. $9.80. LC 80-13055. ISBN 0-89664-272-0. (Dist. in the U.S. by Shoe String Press, Inc.) Soundings: CoUections of the University Library. Volume XII, 1981, Whole No. 18. Santa Barbara, Calif.: University of California at Santa Barbara Library, 1981. 69p. $2. ISSN 0038-1853. Spec Kit #73: External User Services. Washington, D.C. : ARL Office of Management Studies, 1981. 112p. $15 prepaid, plus $2 per order handling charge. (Contains six examples of general access policies, three documents on reference service, five examples of circulation policies, _and four cooperative agreements.) Subject Catalog-Africa: Volume 4 , Social and Cultural Anthropology. Ed. by Irmtraud Diet- linde Wolcke. Munchen: K. G. Saur, 1980. 590p. $110. ISBN 0-89664-974-4. (Dist. in the U.S. by Gale Research Co.) Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geog- raphers , Volume 42 . Ed. by James Scott. Corval- lis, Oreg.: Oregon State Univ. Pr., 1981. 172p . $7. LC 37-13376. ISBN 0-87071-242-X.