College and Research Libraries 496 I College & Research Libraries· September 1981 'walk-on' actors on the administrative stage." The book is divided into seven broad tradi- tional areas: management development, planning process, organizing, staffing, direc- tory' principles of control, and changes; not much new material is being introduced in these sections. The authors have maintained the basic approach used in the first edition. The space allotted to each area is too brief to accomplish the purpose of the book. For ex- ample, chapter I, "Management Develop- ment: A Historical Overview" (13 pages), provides a basic introduction or overview, but is a waste of time for students who need to learn dates, people, etc., as a requirement for management understanding. There are inac- curacies about people and their relationships to various management schools in the first edition which are still present in the second edition (i.e., May Follette, Elton Mayo, Hen- sis Lickert are included in the "human behav- ior school") . There are factual errors and awkward sentences throughout the work that Organize ...... documents, prints, clippings , magazines, photos. Highsmith 's expanded selection of Shelf- files let you save space, save time searching for loose materials. Styles and sizes to suit any need; guaranteed quality for long use. Among the thousands of items for libraries, schools, offices in the newest Highsmith catalog . Send for your own free copy. Bl8hsrnlth have not been corrected. No attempt has been made to correct chapters that are merely top- ical outlines. Contingency management is not mentioned. This reviewer feels that too much has been attempted in a limited, com- pact book. The bibliographies at the end of each chapter could serve as a sound reading list for the beginning library manager, but the bibliographies do not deal strongly with theories of management. These critical comments are not meant to imply that this title is not useful. It is of value for the beginner's level. The authors do not relate well the skills of management to the management process.-] ohn Goudeau, Flor- ida State University, Tallahassee. Managing Fiscal Stress: The Crisis in the Public Sector. Ed. by Charles H. Levine. Cha- tham, N.J.: Chatham House, 1980. 344p. $9.95. LC 79-27266. ISBN 0-934540-02-1. Essays in Public Finance and Financial Man- agement: State and Local Perspectives. Ed. by John E. Petersen and Catherine Lavigne Spain. Chatham, N.J.: Chatham House, 1980. $8.95. 176p. LC 79-24847. ISBN 0-934540-03-9. The Levine book of readings on fiscal stress analysis, explanation, and management takes as its theme the problem(s) of economic growth, direction, and management. The second title in the pairing for this review is also a reader; it limits its content to state and local financial management. Thus, from the top down (or the bottom up, even), readers can find in these two volumes a wide array of scholarly papers on a wide variety of eco- nomic movements. Levine's collection is well chosen and well balanced; its readings will give sophisticated and unsophisticated (like us), but seriously oriented persons, a broad horizon of contact with causes of fiscal stress, decision making (relative to fiscal stress), resources, produc- tivity, and cutbacks (sections of the volume). This reviewer cannot evaluate the merit of the economics concept, but he states unequiv- ocally that the solutions given are uniformly readable, topic/case oriented, and structur- ally well conceived. There is the light touch, also, which helps the reader see the point without being stuck with tedious explana- tions. This praise is less fulsome for the Peterson/ The world's largest installation of movable compact shelving is in the world's most famous library, in Washington, D. C. RHC-Spacemaster manufactured and installed the entire system, including unique microprocessor controlled opera- ting and safety systems. Housing rare books in the law library of a major university, RHC-Spacemaster movable compact shelving provides twice as much capacity as conventional shelving would have pro- vided in the same space. The mechanically-assisted operating system is shown. If all movable shelving systems save space, why is RHC-Spacemaster movable shelving better? 1. We manufacture and install very large jobs (the world's largest installation is shown here) or very small ones. Your needs determine the size. 2. We offer sophisticated electronic controls or simple, but effective, manual controls. Your needs determine the kind of operation . 3. 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The organiza- tion, not by sections but by some unexplained listing, demands closer attention to overall concerns for state-local finance aspects. information center managers as it is to any- one concerned with fiscal operations respon- sibility. Neither volume will solve specific budget procurement/ allocation/ evaluation problems. Either one-or both-will add much background information and provide considerable food for thought. It is hoped that such food will not aggravate additional stress, financial or otherwise, among our information-focused personnel.-Harold Goldstein , Florida State University , Talla- hassee. This collection, according to the introduc- tion, "provides an overview of research activ- ities in the major financial and problem areas of state and local government finance." They were published originally as part of a volume of current research in the field of state/local government finance. The issues selected, de- fined, and delineated in the volume are im- portant for scholars and workers in public (nonfederal) finance. The range of topics is indeed comprehensive, from policy to collec- tive bargaining to authority to the improve- ment of productivity. Each piece stresses a research concept couched in terms of exam- ples of activity. There is, overall, a nontech- nical level of language that promotes both attention and understanding. DDC Dewey Decimal Classification. Proposed Revision of 780 Music. Based on Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index. Prepared under the direction of Russell Sweeney and John Clews. Albany, N.Y.: Forest, 1980. 101p. LC 80-16730. ISBN 0- 910608-25-3. Available for review. This revision of the 780s of the DDC has been issued as a separate monograph so that librarians may have the opportunity to eval- uate it before the DDC Editorial Board makes a decision as to whether it will be used Financial stress is as important to library/ 96year.r of engincz.ering literature Rapid recall: print or microfile. Since 1884, Engineering Index, Inc. (Ei) has com- piled the world's most comprehensive transdis- ciplinary engineering bibliographic data base for retrospective access to technical literature. Each year Ei 's professional editors scan documents publ ished internationally, on engineering and the interrelated areas of science and management. Material of significant and lasting research value is extracted , acccurately summarized and pub- lished with standard bibliographic citations . 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