College and Research Libraries 156 I College & Research Libraries • March 1982 grate theory and practice there is a need for a learning environment such as a working li- brary, which becomes, in essence, the labora- tory. This model would allow the interrela- tionship of theory and practice. Freedom, relevance, and discovery · are the elements seen as necessary to provide the methodology of integrating theory and practice into the teaching-learning process. This volume brings together most if not all of the arguments pertaining to the discussion of theory versus practice in library education, and in that sense serves a useful function. The bibliography and references are extensive and add depth to the work. There are also, unfortunately, some as- pects of the book that detract from its strengths. The text is laborious to read, pri- marily because of the extensive use of hyper- bole and a vocabulary that does not lend itself to readability. The other shortcoming is the lack of analytical as~essment of the material that has been gathered. The material is pre- sented in a straightforward way, but few conclusions are drawn from the available in- formation. The final conclusion that is put forward is perhaps too simplistic: freedom, relevance, and discovery will reconcile the- ory and practice in the teaching-learning process. The expectation of an actual theory or model to address the question was not met.-Irene B. Hoadley , Texas A&M Uni- versity, College Station , Texas. A Unifying Influence: Essays of Raynard Coe Swank. Ed. by David W. Heron. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1981. $13.50. LC 80-28595. ISBN 0-8108-1407-2. Raynard C. Swank's distinguished career in American librarianship included service as a director of two research libraries, as an as- sociation executive, and as a library school dean. Swank received his doctorate from the Graduate Library School at the University of Chicago in 1944. After several years as direc- tor of the University of Oregon library, he moved to Stanford, where he directed the Stanford University Libraries from 1948 to (~\ PUBLICATIONS FROM THE ~UNITED NATIONS Statistical Yearbook 1979-1980 . Th~ new St~tistical Yearbook cove~s through 1980 and provides a compen- dium of 1nternat1onally comparable soc1o-economic statistics. ~ata in the Statistical Yearbook makes it possible to study trends and changes 1n population and its composition, production, productivity, external trade, energy and. transpor_tation. T.ables illustrate social statistics such as employ- ment, hous1ng, med1cal serv1ces and the consumption of fundamental com- modities. E/F.81.XVII.1 $60.00 UNBIS Thesaurus The principal information search and retrieval tool of the United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBIS); lists terms used to index and cata- logue documents and other United Nations material. E.81.1.17 $25.00 UNITED NATIONS Room A-3315 New York, N.Y. 10017 PUBLICATIONS Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland ' New from Noyes UP-TO-DATE REFERENCES FOR YOUR SPECIALIZED NEEDS Available Spring 1982 ACID RAIN INFORMATION BOOK by Frank A. Record et al: ISBN 0-8155-0892-1; $24. BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF COPPER-Copper Proteins, Ceruloplasmin, Copper Protein Binding by Charles A. Owen, Jr.: ISBN 0-8155-0891-3; $28. BIOMEDICAL SENSORS-FundaJDentals and Applications by Harry N. Norton: ISBN 0-8155-0890-5; $20. CHEMICAL ADDITIVES FOR FUELS-Developments Since 1978 edited by M.T. Gillies: ISBN 0-8155-0886-7; $48. COAL CLEANING TECHNOLOGY edited by D.L. Khoury: ISBN 0-8155-0875-1 ; $45. COAL-OIL MIXTURE COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY edited by M.M. Schumacher: ISBN 0-8155-0878-6; $48. EPOXY RESIN TECHNOLOGY -Developments Since 1979 edited by J.I. DiStasio: ISBN 0-8155-0888-3; $48. HANDBOOK OF GERIATRIC NUTRITI