College and Research Libraries Letters To the Editor: Readers of my The University Library in the United States, Its Origins and Develop- ment (University of Pennsylvania Press , 1981) are invited, nay urged , to send me any corrections and suggestions for amplification that may occur to them from their own read- ing and experience. There will apparently be a second printing in a year or two and any COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES such material may be useful for at least mi- nor revisions. Known are omissions from the index of Yale, Princeton and the University of South Carolina, also the erroneous date for the Li- brary Company.-Arthur T. Hamlin , Pro- fessor and Director of Libraries Emeritus, Temple University , Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania. lr-- -y-! : I Acquisition Librarians . . . . . t t I I ~ I I II J j t '. i • II '' I i Now is the time to try the best source for: • any book in print • accurate invoicing e meaningful reports • rush order service • competitive discounts • PLUS MANY OTII ER SERVICES CALL TOLL-FREE TODAY 1-800-248-1146 In Canada & Michigan CALL COLLECT (517) 849-2117 OTHER SERVICES ..... include binding of paperbacks upon request, returning slips in books, standing orders, staff orders, and up to date information on open orders. the BOOK HOUSE JOBBERS SERVING LIBRARIES WITH ANY BOOK IN PRINT SINCE 1912 208 WEST CHICAGO STREET JONESVILLE . MICHIGAN 49250 SAN 169·3859 I 403 No reference theAC6/H 4NN4LS SERIES ACGIH's ANNALS SERIES, hard-bound library quality books, pre- sent the latest state-of-the-art information available on subjects of current importance to occupational safety and health professionals. Volume 1: Dosimetry for Chemical and Physical Agents includes an overview of chemical and physical aspects; monitoring and reporting to meet regulatory requirements; passive monitors; physical agents; and, instrumentation. 351 pages. Price: $90.00. Also Available Volume 2: Agricultural Respiratory Hazards-details agents and meta- bolites that affect man, the work- place and-agricultural environment; infectious and immunologic agents from livestock and farm structures; dusts and allergic response; respi- ratory response and control of grain dusts. 220 pages. Price: $60.00. Volume 3: Protection of the Sensi- tive Worker- This volume is an in-depth toxicological review. Protection of the Sensitive Worker defines and recognizes the sensi- tive individual; occupational exposure limits; employer- employee relations; legal and eth- ical issues. Approx. 260 pages. Price: $75.00. Available Soon Volume 4: Transactions of 1982 Meeting Volume 5: A Look at the Field of Industrial Hygiene- Past, Present, Future The Source for technical reference literature American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Dept. K, 6500 Glenway Ave., Bldg . D-5, Cincinnati , OH 45211 (513) 661-7881 library discounts olfered • subscription agency inquiries invited