College and Research Libraries 86 College & Research Libraries January 1983 formulas for shelving capacities for books, a historical overview of methods for hous- ing sound discs, and a bibliography of ap- proximately sixty monographs, theses, and periodical articles dating from 1881 to 1977. The author's figures are based on actual measurements that were made for an ex- pansion of facilities at the Indiana Univer- sity Music Library. Orchestral and choral parts were excluded from those measure- ments; they are discussed only briefly in his book. Also, materials in the Library of Congress Class MT for musical instruction and study were not measured because of the mixture of books and scores in this cat- . egory; a formula has yet to be developed. In general, the formulas that have been presented may not be completely suitable for every music library. Nonetheless, this slender, succinctly written volume should provide an invaluable preliminary step in analyzing the space needs of any music li- brary. Many music librarians have recently been confronting the problem of insuffi- cient shelf space. Ann Basart' s article, "Criteria for Weeding Books in a Univer- sity Music Library" (Music Library Associa- tion Notes 36:819-36 [1979-80]), offers guidelines for one alternative to this di- lemma of the I 1 space crunch,'' namely, the selection of books for storage or dis- carding. Now for the first time, librarians have a working model for yet another alternative-the reevaluation of music col- lections in terms of redistributed, ex- panded, or brand-new shelving areas. Mr. Fling certainly deserves to be congratu- lated for this landmark in music librarianship.-Victor Cardell, Yale Univer- sity Music Library. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Library Instruction in California Aca- demic Libraries: The State of the Art. By Kathleen Coleman and Esther Gras- sian. 1980. 24p. ED 215 675. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This comparison of the results of two surveys of library instruction programs in California ac- ademic libraries, conducted in 1974 and in 1980 by the California Clearinghouse on Library In- struction, includes discussions of the number of survey returns by library type; teaching methods used for library instruction; materials used to teach course-related instruction, formal credit courses, self-paced cre(iit instruction, and noncredit instruction; libraries by type in 1980 reporting instructional activities such as self-guided tours and library handbooks; and use of audiovisual media by library type. These survey results are also compared with those of two national surveys reported by Project LOEX (Library Orientation/Instruction Exchange) in 1973 and in 1979. Eleven tables and four refer- ences are provided, as well as a copy of the 1980 questionnaire and a list of nine commercially published texts used in library instruction courses. A Method for Correcting Typographical Errors in Subject Headings in OCLC Records. Research Report by OCLC On- line Computer Library Center, Inc., Dublin, Ohio. By Edward T. O'Neill and Rao Aluri. 1980. 31p. ED 215 680. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. The error-correcting algorithm described was constructed to examine subject headings in on- line catalog records for common errors such as omission, addition, substitution, and transpo- sitional errors, and to make needed changes. Essentially, the algorithm searches the author- ity file for a record whose primary key exactly matches the test key. If an exact match is not found, the algorithm identifies records in the authority file, first with the same initial charac- ters, or if that is unsuccessful, with similar end- ings. The heading is then examined to see if by making simple changes, it can be modified to match a valid record in the authority file. If no match can be found, even after modification, it is then assumed that the heading is one of ques- tionable validity-being either a valid heading with no corresponding record in the author file or an invalid heading containing extensive er- rors. The algorithm separates the subject head- ings into groups of valid headings, corrected headings, and questionable headings that re- quire manual examination. Provided are one ta- ble, five figures, and twenty-one references. Emerging Personnel Requirements in Aca- demic Libraries as Reflected in Recent Position Announcements. By David Block. 1980. 17p. ED 215 703. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. This study of the personnel requirements and hiring patterns of academic libraries draws on data collected from academic-library position announcements issued nationwide during the fourth quarter of 1980. Data on 224 announce- ments were analyzed using the Statistical Pack- age for the Social Sciences, and the resulting statistics are interpreted as a means of describ- ing facets of the contemporary job market-its positions and salaries, geographical distribu- tion, and required skills for technical services, public services, administrative, and other posi- tions. Traditional positions, principally in cata- loging and reference, account for the majority of the listings, and requested skills in the physi- cal sciences, business, mathematics, and com- puter applications were found to be conspicu- ous by their absence. Six tables display the data discussed in the report, and eight references are listed. Report of the Task Force on Reorganiza- tion. Paley Library. Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. 1980. 106p. Ed 214 493. MF-$0.83; PC-$7.82. A self-examination of the Central Library Sys- tem (CLS) at Temple University was under- taken by a task force made up of staff members to examine the current organizational structure in the light of technological, financial, curricu- lar, enrollment, and library service consider- ations, as well as such organizational concerns as work flow, appropriate staffing, and report- ing relationships. Each library department was asked for a description of its operations, includ- ing an organizational chart, and a master orga- nization chart for CLS was prepared based on these data. Additional information on the back- Recent Publications 87 ground of the CLS was assembled by the task force, and the structure of four libraries at uni- versities comparable to Temple was examined. Data on the individual departments were ana- lyzed in terms of strengths and weaknesses and interviews were held with each department along with library administrators to discuss the findings. In the design phase, emphasis was placed on two main problems: one relating to the organization of functions, and the other to the structure of library administration. Design options were discussed with cooperating con- sultants, and three alternative organization plans were developed which comprise the ma- jor part of this report. Financing Online Search Services in Pub- licly Supported Libraries. The Report of an ALA Survey. By Mary Jo Lynch. Chi- cago, Ill.: American Library Associa- tion, 1981. 60p. ED 215 704. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. In May 1981 the American Library Associa- tion (ALA) conducted a survey to determine how online search services are financed in pub- licly supported libraries and in libraries in non- profit organizations. The survey questionnaire was prepared by the ALA Office for Research (OFR), and three vendors of online services- BRS, Lockheed, and SOC-mailed the surveys to their subscribers in the population of inter- est. Completed questionnaires were returned by 985 libraries and processed by the Library Research Center at the University of illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The survey provides data on decisions made by publicly supported li- braries on such questions as whether or not to charge for online services, how many searches are performed per year, and what factors should be considered in deciding hDw to fi- nance online services . Data are summarized in eighteen tables . Appended are the question- naire and its covering letter, the ALA position statement on free access to information, a sup- plemental report on free structures by Susan Bonzi, and a review of the related literature. A thirty-seven-item reference list is provided. User Surveys and Evaluation of Library Services. SPEC Kit #71. Washington, D. C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1981. 116p. ED 214 541. MF-$0.83; PC-not available from EDRS. This set of materials assembled by the Sys- tems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC) of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) contains seven examples of general use surveys and eight samples of user surveys on specific topics from a group of major research libraries. 88 College & Research Libraries January 1983 Among the items included are (1) a fi~al r~port on a library user survey from the Umverstty of California at Riverside; (2) a user survey from the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library at New York University; (3) questionnaires on the adequacy of library service at Emory University; (4) li- brary use surveys from Colorado State Unive~­ sity, the University of Colorado, and ~he~~­ versity of New Mexico; (5) an avatlabthty analysis report from the University of Arizona; and (6) an undergraduate library availability study from the University of Tennessee, a user assistance tally from the University of Georgia, a faculty questionnaire on branch and division libraries from the University of Colorado, a search-services-user and availability-of- citations questionnaire from Boston University, and the executive summary of a Cornell Univer- sity user survey on the libraries' research- support performance. Faculty Perceptions of Librarians: A Sur- vey. By John Budd and Patricia Coutant. 1981. 31p. ED 215 697. MF-$0.83; PC- $3.32. In the fall semester of 1981, librarians at the Sims Memorial Library of Southeastern Louisi- ana University (SLU) surveyed the faculty of the university to ascertain their perceptions of the status and professional contributions of li- brarians. Of the 264 questionnaires sent out to faculty at the four major colleges (business, ed- ucation, humanities, and science and technol- ogy), 137 were returned completed, represent- ing a response rate of 51.9 percent. Responses were analyzed for each major college according to the rank of the respondents (i.e., professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or in- structor). The questionnaire was modeled after an instrument developed at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (SIU-C), covering such topics as the frequency of library use by faculty members, the importance of librarians as assis- tants in research and teaching, whether or not librarians should conduct research, what type(s) of research librarians should conduct, and whether librarians should be granted full faculty status. It was found that a majority of faculty view librarians as professionals and that most of those surveyed felt that librarians should be granted faculty status. Data are pre- sented in twelve tables, and a reference list and twenty-five-item bibliography are attached. Computer-Based National Information Systems. Technology and Public Policy Issues. Congress of the United States, Washington, D. C. Office of Technology Assessment. 1981. 178p. ED 214 500. MF-$0.83; PC-$12.32. A general introduction to computer~based national information systems, and the context and basis for future studies are provided in this report. Chapter one, the introduction, summa- rizes computers and information systems and their relation to society, the structure of infor- mation policy issues, and public policy issues. Chapter two describes the background and purpose of the study, and chapter three exam- ines the current states of computer technology and information industries and their projected future developments. These topics are elabo- rated on in chapters thirteen and fourteen. Po- litical, economic, and social trends are identi- fied in chapter four, and chapter five dismsses political, economic, and social trends that affect the use of computer-based information sys- tems. An analysis of selected policy issues that may confront Congress over the next decade are discussed in chapters six to twelve and in- clude innovation, productivity, employment, privacy, computer systems security, govern- ment management of data processing, society's dependence ·on information systems, c?nstitu- tional rights, and regulatory and other tssues. Emergencies and Problems: A Procedures Manual for trinity University Library. By Katherine D. Pettit. Trinity Univer- sity, San Antonio, Tex. 1981. 73p. ED 214 527. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. The first of six sections in this manual outlines a series of steps to be followed when an emer- gency or problem occurs. These procedures are divided into four categori~s: (1) behavioral emergencies, i.e., bomb threats, building take- overs, problem patrons, or thefts; (2) building emergencies, i.e., elevatorfailure, fire, flooding of building/water leaks, power failure; (3) med- ical emergencies, i.e., animal bites, death, drug or psychiatric problems, or fumes (possibly toxic); and (4) weather emergencies, i.e., heavy rain/icy conditions or tornados. Sources of as- sistance are listed in the second section under emergency organizations, which include emer- gency medical services, the fire department, hospitals, the infirmary, and security. Library floor plans in the third section indicate the loca- tion of fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and fire stairs. The remaining sections provide a listing of members of the Library Executive Council with their home and office telephone numbers, . a telephone directory of library administrators and emergency services, and a keyword index to the manual. An Approach to Study the Relationship between Organizational Information I I I Keep on top of new Also of interest . .. management and research techniques with these ACADEMIC PRESS titles. MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES FOR LIBRARIANS SECOND EDITION G. EDWARD EVANS 'Judiciously expanded and revised since its initial pub- lication in 1976. Applies basic management concepts to libraries, media centers, and information centers. 1983, in preparation ISBN: 0-12-243856-6 (t) * THE EFFECTIVE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN DIANA M. THOMAS ELIZABETH R. EISENBACH ANN T. HINCKLEY Introduces the library school student and the new librarian to the complexity of actual reference work. 1981, 224 pp., $17.50 ISBN: 0-12-688720-9 (t) * THE MUL TIMED lA LIBRARY SECOND EDITION MATERIALS SELECTION AND USE JAMES CABECEIRAS Examines the broad range of information materials· currently available to libraries, describes each medi- um's characteristics, and discusses the selection and utilization of materials and equipment, as well as their integration into library information systems. 1982,282 pp., $19.50 ISBN: 0-12-153952-0 (t) * ADVANCES IN LIBRARIANSHIP OLUME 12 Edited ·by WESLEY SIMONTON 1982,320 pp., $32.00 ISBN: 0-12-024612-0 ournal subscriptions are for the calendar year and are ayable in advance. Prices include postage, handling, nd air freight where applicable. Individuals may re- uest information regarding personal subscription rates. lease direct all orders and inquiries to the Journal Sub- ription Fulfillment Department. On book orders, send ayment with ord~r and save postage and handling. All rices are in U.S. dollars and are subject to change ithout notice. COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS STATUS AND EVALUATION ELAINE B. KERR STARR ROXANNE HILTZ A Volume in the HUMAN COMMUNICATION RESEARCH Series Presents the systematic findings of a panel of ex- perts who designed and evaluated computer-medi- ated communication systems including computer- ized conferencing systems, electronic mail, and office information-communication systems. 1982, 232 pp., $26.50 ISBN: 0-12-404980-x SOURCES AND METHODS OF HISTORICAL DEMOGRAPHY J. DENNIS WILLIGAN KATHERINE A. LYNCH A Volume in the STUDIES IN SOCIAL DISCONTINUITY Series Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of major source materials, integrates diverse strands of re- search, and expands methodological and theoretical approaches to historical demographic research. 1982, 528 pp., $39.50 ISBN: 0-12-757020-9 (cloth) 1982,528 pp., $18.00 ISBN: 0-12-757022-5 (t) (paper)* JOURNAL OF MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS Editors in Chief: J. L. ALTY and M. J. TAYLOR In 1982 Academic Press took over from Liverpool University Computer Laboratory the publication of the Journal of Microcomputer Applications. This international quarterly journal provides a forum for all those involved in the applied areas of micro- computing in university, industrial, and commer- cial environments. Volume 6, 1983, 4 issues Annual subscription rate: $87.00 ISSN: 0143-3792 *To obtain examination copies of asterisked titles, please write to the Sales Department. Give the title and enrollment of the course for which the book will be considered. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers New York • London • Toronto • Sydney • San Francisco 111 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 90 College & Research Libraries January 1983 Processing and Organizational Climate in Academic and Public Libraries. By Charles R. McClure. 1981. 15p. ED 213 403. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. The proposed research project is designed to better understand the impact of organizational information processing variables on other orga- nizational variables such as the organizational climate. A brief summary of the research re- lated to organizational information processing and climate is followed by a suggested research design to study information processing and cli- mate in academic and public libraries. Follow- ing the specific hypotheses for the project, the paper concludes by noting that such research will assist investigators to identify organiza- tional climate contingencies where information variables are maximized/minimized, to de- scribe the effect of various informational proc- essing variables on specific aspects of organiza- tional climate, and to develop models to predict the effect of information processing and organi- zational climate on overall organizational effec- tiveness. Included are twenty reference notes. Diverse and Disparate Options: A Range of Future Choices for York's Library Ser- _._ COM CATALOGS • CONVERSION • OCLC PROCESSING • EDIT LISTS • AUTHORITY CONTROL GRCCC@liYIT GENERAL RESEARCH CORPORATION LIBRARY SYSTEMS P.O . Box • 5383 Hollister Avenue Santa Barbara , California 931110770 (805) 964-7724 • Vera Fessler vices. By Anne Woodsworth. York Uni- versity, Downsview, Ontario. 1981. 40p. ED 216 702. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. As a part of York University's academic plan- ning process, the library staff prepared a list of possible alternatives for twenty-six library func- tions to be used as a basis for the development of a three-to-five-year planning guide. Com- piled over a period of two months, these repre- sent a range from pie-in-the-sky to bare-boned or eliminated operations. Included are options for audiovisual services, automated systems, cataloging, circulation services, various aspects of collections, equipment and furnishings, hours of service, cooperation and loans, library management, online searching, acquisitions, reprography, physical facilities, ptiblic rela- tions, reference services, and the reserve collec- tion. A five-year plan for development of a minicomputer-based library system is ap- pended. The COM Catalog: A Plan for Implemen- tation. By Lois R. Reibach. 1981. 34p. ED 213 405. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. A brief statement on the advantages of using computer-output microform (COM) for library catalogs introduces a general plan for imple- menting such a catalog in an academic library. The factors involved and types of decisions that must be made are discussed for each of eight steps in the process: determining the objectives of the catalog; choosing the format; data ele- ments to be used; the visual presentation of the data; choosing a microfiche reader; determin- ing the number of readers needed; choosing a service bureau; and user instruction. A formula for determining the monthly cost of maintain- ing the COM catalog is appended. The more than sixty references provided are listed in sub- ject categories. Preservation Conditions, Practices, and Needs in the General Libraries: A Report by the Preservation Committee. Texas University, Austin, General Libraries. 1981. 153p. ED 214 503. MF-$0.83; PC-not available for EDRS. The survey documented in this report was conducted in 1981 to investigate the preserva- tion conditions, practices, and needs of the units of the University of Texas at Austin Gen- eral Libraries. The report is divided into six ma- jor portions. The first five sections report there- sponses to questionnaires on specific formats: books and serials; audiovisual materials (in- cluding microforms); newspapers; maps; and archives, manuscripts, and broadsides. Pro- cessing, storage conditions, handling, and re- pair are considered in each section. The sixth section is concerned with environmental condi- tions, including air conditioning, humidity, lighting, and particulate control and related housekeeping functions. A narrative summary, preliminary recommendations on how to better environmental conditions or materials conser- vation, and collated responses to the question- naires are provided for each section. Copies of the survey instruments are appended. International Federation of Library Asso- ciations Annual Conference. Papers of the Plenary Session: Library Associa- tions on the Move (47th, Leipzig, East Germany, August 17-22, 1981). By K. Torp and others. International Federa- tion of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands). 1981. 88p. MF-$0.83; PC-$6.32. These seven papers delivered by representa- tives of library associations from Norway, Hun- gary, Singapore, Czechoslovakia, the United States, and Latin America describe activities, trends, and developments within local, re- gional, and national library associations . In- cluded are: "Library Associations on the Move," by K. Torp; "The Role of the Associa- tion of Hungarian Librarians in Forming the National Library Policy," by Dr. J. Zsidai; "Li- brary Association of Singapore on the Move," by Wee Joo Gim; "Advisory Library Bodies in the CSSR," by Dr. Helena Kolarova-Palkova; "Local and Regional Library Associations: Views beyond National Library Associations' Boundaries,'' by Peggy Sullivan; ''The Charac- teristics of National Professional Associations in the Library/Information Fields,'' by Joseph- ine Riss Fang; and "National and Regional Co- operation regarding Libraries in Latin Amer- ica," by Luella M. de Jimenez. Private Use, Private Property and Public Policy: Home Recording and Reproduc- tion of Protected Works. By David Ladd. 1981. 20p. ED 215 684. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. This discussion of the difficulties of protect- ing copyright for audio and video recordings fo- cuses on the application of the 1976 Copyright Act and the Fair Use Principle to educational off-air taping and private horne recording. Court cases such as Encyclopaedia Britannica Edu- cational Corporation v. Crooks and Universal Stu- dios, etal. v. Sony Corporation of America, etc., are discussed as well as German and British copy- right legislation . Recent Publications 91 Library Handbook for Faculty. By Ange- lina Martinez, ed. California Polytech- nic State University, San Luis Obispo. Library. 1981. 45p. ED 215 677. MF- $0.83; PC-$3.32. Discussions of library resources, services, and related activities as well as library materials selection and acquisition are provided for fac- ulty to facilitate and enhance their use of the li- brary. Included in the library resources section are books, periodicals, microforms, and special collections and archives . Instruction in library use, computerized literature searches, interli- brary loans, and audiovisual services are among the library services described. The re- lated activities described focus on library publi- cations. Ten appendixes include reserve book request forms, senior projects standards and procedures, and floor plans. Library Statistics of Colleges and Univer- sities, 1979 Institutional Data. By RichardM. Beazley. National Center for Education Statistics (ED), Washington, D.C. 1981. 187p. ED 215 679. MF- $0.83; PC-$12.32. Based on data gathered in a survey of college and university libraries which was part of the Higher Education General Information Survey conducted by the National Center for Educa- tion Statistics, this report provides highlights of the findings and brief discussions with tables summarizing data on collections, transactions, expenditures, library staff, library staff salaries, and management data. Appendixes include a description of the survey methodology, techni- cal notes on microform acquisitions and hold- ings, and a list of joint libraries and member in- stitutions. The bulk of the report comprises three tables providing statistics on U.S . college and university libraries: (1) number of volumes in collections by state or other area and institu- tion for 1978 to 1979 and fall1979; (2) library op- erating expenditures, by category of expendi- tures and by state or other area and institution, for 1978 to 1979; and (3) indexes on operating expenditures for 1978 to 1979, book stock held at the end of 1978 to 1979, and library staff as of fall1979. The Next Five Years for York University Li- braries. By Anne Woodsworth. York University, Downsview, Ontario. 1981. 29p. ED 216 703. MF-$0~83; PC-$3.32. Following a brief history of York University li- braries, this document outlines current objec- tives of library operations, the problems faced in establishing future priorities, and the objec- 92 College & Research Libraries ANEW ARRANGEMENT FOR NORTH ' AMERICA HMSO Books & Kraus-Thomson Organization Ltd HMSO, the British government publisher, are delighted to announce the appointment of the ·Kraus-Thomson Organization Ltd as their new agent in the USA and Canada from 1st January, 1983. Orders for HMSO titles should be sent as follows: Standing Orders, Subscriptions and Official Publications Bernan Associates, Inc 9730-E George Palmer Highway Lanham, Maryland 20706 USA (301) 459-7666 All other HMSO books Kraus-Thomson Organization Route 100, Millwood, New York 10546 USA (914) 762-2200 •• Kraus-Thomson Organization Ltd HMSO BOOKS January 1983 tives for implementation or investigation for the next three to five years. The current mission and operating objectives in the functional areas of collecting, organizing, storing, and retriev- ing and disseminating are presented. The ma- jor and most pressing problems of the libraries are identified, and a statement of interim library goals that was developed to address these prob- lems is discussed. Long-range-planning goals have been established for a three-to-five-year period, and currently place primary importance on collection development. The impact of such external factors as changing copyright law, a national centralized periodicals system, finan- cial constraints, electronic communications net- works, and proliferation of publications is ex- plored. Six appendixes present statistical information about personnel, collections, book and serials holdings, expenditures, acquisi- tions, and Telex functions. Development of a Computerized System to Catalog and Book Videotapes. By Rich- ard Lee Brunk. 1981. 74p. ED 215 663. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. The purpose of this project was to develop a computerized videotape catalog and booking system to serve school personnel in the 109 schools of Pinellas County, Florida. This sys- tem was designed to eliminate manual file maintenance, decrease time spent in booking, shipping, and receiving videotapes, and reduce the cost of producing and updating videotape catalogs. Results of the interviews and survey conducted during the six-month period follow- ing the introduction of the system indicated that booking procedures were simplified and confirmations were made more rapidly. Profes- sional staff time involved in manual file mainte- nance was eliminated, and booking, shipping, and receiving time was reduced. The respon- dents to the questionnaire provided evidence that the videotape microfiche catalog and book- ing system were more effective than the manual system, and production costs for the new mi- crofiche catalog were less than for the previous catalogs. This system was adopted for perma- nent use in the Pinellas County School District. Twenty-two references are listed . Subject Access in the Online Catalog. By Pauline A. Cochrane. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., Dublin, Ohio. 1982. lOp. ED 215 686. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This essay focuses on use of the Library of Congress subject headings in online catalogs for the retrieval of information by subject. Among the topics addressed are differences among catalog forms (card, microform, and computer); user interface with different forms of catalog; the types of subject indexes em- ployed in present online catalogs; and factors to be considered in designing future online cata- log systems, including several desirable fea- tures not provided by current systems. Accom- panying the essay are seven figures, three tables, and a fourteen-item reference list. Online Services in Some Academic, Public and Special Libraries: A State-of-the- Art Report. Occasional Paper Number 151. By Marcy Murphy. University of Il- linois, Urbana. Graduate School of Li- brary Science. 1981. 25p. ED 213 407. MF-$0.83; PC-not available from EDRS. A survey of more than 200 academic, public, and special libraries in thirteen selected states was conducted in the fall of 1979 to provide a state-of-the-art report on online or computer- ized reference services. Libraries were selected from states that had demonstrated leadership in networking, and data were sought in four ar- eas: (1) users of online information, (2) suppli- ers of those services, (3) training and retraining of searchers, and (4) funding patterns. Of the 192 libraries that responded, 91 offered com- puterized reference service-35 academic, 16 public, and 40 special libraries. Findings indi- cate that: (1) the technical-professional commu- nity received the most service, followed by graduate students, faculty, and undergraduate students; (2) in decreasing order, Lockheed, the System Development Corporation, and the Bibliographic Retrieval Service were the major vendors; and (3) these vendors trained most of the users, who are primarily the professional staff in all types of libraries, to search online. In the area of funding patterns, it was found that most academic and public libraries recovered at least partial costs from their clients, and fees were rarely charged in special libraries. The questionnaire is appended. Two figures and twenty-two references are provided. Slide Library of the History of Art Depart- ment, Cornell University: Classifica- tion and Retrieval System. By Judith Nemethy. 1981. 56p. ED 215 681. MF- $0.83; PC-$4.82. A study was conducted to develop a retrieval system for slides in the History of Art Collection at Cornell University to make it more consistent and easier for patrons from other academic dis- ciplines to use than the system currently in use. To determine whether slide library systems at Recent Publications 93 other institutions could be adapted to the His- tory of Art Department's needs, five systems were examined: (1) the International Museum of Photography at the George Eastman House; (2) the Smithsonian Institutions's National Col- lection of Fine Arts (NCF A) Slide and Photo- graphic Archives; (3) the Santa Cruz Classifica- tion System; ( 4) the slide library of Cornell University's College of Architecture, Art, and Planning; and (5) the slide classification scheme of Stanford University's Art Department. Based on such criteria as adaptability to machine-readable classification and the subject terminology used, the NCFA system was se- lected to test a sample of approximately 250 slides by assigning them to subject was found that NCFA is applicable, with some modifications, to the History of Art Depart- ment's slides of paintings, graphic arts, and sculpture. Recommendations for reorganizing the slide library include adapting general filing procedures and indexing the slides by subject. A twenty-two-item bibliography and three ap- pendixes, one a prototypical thesaurus, are provided. Salary Compensation Systems for Librari- ans: A Study of Ten Members of the As- sociation of Research Libraries. Occa- sional Paper Number Five. By William G. Jones. Washington, D.C.: Associa- tion of Research Libraries, 1981. 29p. ED 214 542. MF-$0.83; PC-not available fromEDRS. This paper presents the results of a review of professional compensation systems in anum- ber of major academic libraries which was con- ducted in order to advance the understanding of librarian compensation and to help libraries choose and develop systems that best promote librarians' interests. The systems of compensa- tion identified during the review are briefly de- scribed, including free form, professional rank- ing, position classification, and mixed. As background to the discussion, the most com- mon industrial compensation systems are re- viewed . An outline of professional compensa- tion systems are reviewed . An outline of professional compensation methods, specifi- cally position description, standard job evalua- tion, generic classification, the career-curve ap- proach, and the individual contribution approach, is also provided. The salary compen- sation systems represented by libraries contrib- uting information to the study are then dis- cussed in detail, with special attention paid to professional ranking with and without subdivi- sions and to position classification as in the fed- eral system. Among major issues reviewed are 94 College & Research Libraries January 1983 institutional and financial constraints on library compensation systems, the use of merit review procedures, job value, and alternate reward systems. A nine-item reference list is included. Boston College Libraries: Systems, Ser- vices, Resources. By Rhoda K. Chan- ning and John C. Stalker, editors. 1982. 49p. ED 216 693. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. Prepared to inform and update Boston Col- lege faculty and administrative personnel on the impact of automation and resource sharing on the Boston College library system and the services it provides, this report contains sec- tions on: OCLC and its interlibrary loan subsys- tem; the consortia in which the Boston College libraries participate; present and future serials handling systems at Boston College; the totally integrated automated system anticipated for the new central library (including a public on- line catalog); and the relationship of faculty re- search and teaching needs to collection devel- opment, media services, bibliographic instruction programs, and special collections. The emphasis throughout is on the evolution of systems and services to aid faculty in teaching and research. Included are numerous illustra- tions, a glossary of library terms, and a direc- tory of Boston College library personnel. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST Abstracting and Indexing Services Directory. 1st ed. Ed . by John Schmittroth, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 149p. $85, paper/three-issue sub- scription. LC 82-11743. ISBN 0-8103-1649-8. Acronyms & Abbreviations in Library & Information Work. Comp . and ed. by A. C. Montgomery. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Pr., 1982. 98p. $15.50. ISBN 0-85365-904-4. Aitken, William Russell. Scottish Literature in English and Scoti,j_ A Guide to Information Sources. V.37 in tfir American Literature, En- glish Literature, and World Literature in En- glish Information Guide series. · Detroit: Gale, 1982. 421p . $40. LC 82-2997. ISBN 0- 8103-1249-2. ALA Yearbook 1982: A Review of Library Events 1981. V.7. Ed. by Robert Wedgeworth. Chi- cago: American Library Assn., 1982. 378p. $60 cloth. LC 76-647548. ISBN 0-8389-0350-9. Alcohol and Reproduction: A Bibliography. Comp . by Ernest L. Abel. Westport, Conn.: Green- wood, 1982. 220p. $29.95. LC 82-6202. ISBN 0-313-23474-4. American Education : A Guide to Information Sources. V.14 in the American Studies Infor- mation Guide series. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 247p. $42. LC 82-15387. ISBN 0-8103-1265-4. Annual Obituary 1981. Ed. by Janet Podell. New York: St. Martin's, 1982. 821p. $74.50. ISBN 0-312-03876-3. Annual Report of the Library Company of Philadel- phia for the Year 1981. Presented at the Annual Meeting, May 1982. Philadelphia: The Li- brary Company of Philadelphia, 1982. 63p . Biochemistry Collections: A Cross-Disciplinary Sur- vey of the Literature. Special Collections, V .1, no.2. Ed. by BernardS. Schlessinger and Lee Ash. New York: The Haworth Press, 1982. 156p. $29.95 cloth. LC 81-13408. ISBN 0- 917724-48-8. Bratt, David. Tom Stoppard: A Reference Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. 264p . $35. LC 82- 11739. ISBN 0-8161-8576-X. Canadian Resources in Scottish Libraries: Proceed- ings of a Seminar Held on 11th December 1981 in Edinburgh University Library. Ed. by Peter B. Freshwater . Edinburgh, Scotland: Edin- burgh University Library, 1982. 43p. $1.85. ISBN 0-907182-02-X. Censored: Hard-to-Locate Sources of Information on Current Affairs. 12th ed. Bonita Springs, Fla.: Bayliss Corbett, 1982. 54p. $8 paper, single copies (U.S. )/$10 Worldwide Air Mail. LC 81- 642893. ISSN 0163-2280. ISBN 0-933152-03-5. Chrisman, Miriam Usher. Bibliography of Stras- bourg Imprints, 1480-1599. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Pr., 1982. 418p. LC 82-2639. ISBN 0-300-02891-1. Conrad, James H. Reference Sources in Social Work: An Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 207p. $15. LC 81- 21219. ISBN 0-8108-1503-6. Daniel, Walter C. Black Journals of the United States: Historical Guide to the World's Periodicals and Newspapers. Westport, Conn.: Green- wood, 1982. 432p . $45. LC 81-13440. ISBN 0- 313-20704-6. De Grazia, Edward, and Newman, Roger K. Banned Films: Movies, Censors and the First Amendment. New York: Bowker, 1982. 455p. $24.95 cloth/$14.95 paper. LC 82-4314. ISBN 0-8352-1509-1. Egan, David R.; Egan, Melinda A.; and Genth- ner, Julie Anne . V. I. Lenin: An Annotated Bib- liography of English-Language Sources to 1980. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1982. 482p. LC 82-659. ISBN 0-8108-1526-5. Everywoman's Guide to Colleges and Universities: An Educational Project of the Feminist Press. Ed. by Florence Howe, Suzanne Howard, and Mary Jo Boehm Strauss. Westbury, N.Y.: The Feminist Press, 1982. 512p. $12.95 paper. LC 82-1756. ISBN 0-935312-09-9. Gubert, Betty Kaplan. Early Black Bibliographies, 1863-1918. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1982. 380p. $42. LC 81-43340. ISBN 0- 8240-9290-2. Handbook of Medical Library Practice. 4th ed. V .1. Ed. by Louise Darling and by assoc. eds. David Bishop and Lois Ann Colaianni. Chi- cago: Medical Library Assn., 1982. 330p. $22.50. ISBN 0-912176-11-3. Handbook of Special Librarianship and Infonnation Work. 5th ed . Ed . by L. J. Anthony. London: Aslib, 1982. 416p. U.K., $19, $16.50 to mem- bers/overseas, $23, $19.50 to members, cloth. U.K., $12, $10 to members/overseas, $14.50, $12.50 to members, paper. ISBN 0-85142-160- 1 cloth. ISBN 0-85142-161-X paper. Harrison, Alice W.; Collister, Edward A.; and Willis, R. Ellen. The Conseroation of Archival and Library Materials : A Resource Guide to Au- diovisual Aids. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 202p. $13.50. LC 82-652. ISBN 0-8108- 1523-0. Index to Micrographics Equipment Evaluations. Comp. by Paul A. Napier. Westport, Conn.: Meckler Publishing, 1982. 22p . $35. ISSN 0733-9577. ISBN 0-930466-61-6 . Index to Periodical Articles on South African Politi- cal and Social History since 1902: Biographies on South African Political History . V.3. Comp. by P . W. Coetzer and J. H. LeRoux. Boston: G . K. Hall, 1982. 616p. $69.95 cloth (U.S.). LC 78-11842. ISBN 0-8161-8518-2 . Jolly, Brad. Videotaping Local History. Nashville, Tenn .: American Assn. for State and Local History, 1982. 160p. $11.95 paper, $9 .00 to AASLH members. LC 82-8730. ISBN 0- 910050-57-0. Kleinbauer, W. Eugene, and Slavens, Thomas P . Research Guide to the History of Western Art: Sources of Infonnation in the Humanities . No.2 . Chicago: American Library Assn., 1982. 230p. $20. LC 82-6867. ISBN 0-8389-0329-0. Korean and Japanese Women: An Analytic Biblio- graphical Guide. Comp . and ed. by Hesung Chun Koh . Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 904p. $65. LC 81-80305. ISBN 0-313- 23387-X . Kummings, Donald D. Walt Whitman, 1940-1975: A Reference Guide. Boston: G . K. Hall, 1982 . 264p. $45 cloth . LC 82-11845 . ISBN 0-8161-7802-X. Laguerre, Michel. The Complete Haitiana: A Bib- liographic Guide to the Scholarly Literature, 1900-1980. 2v. Millwood, N.Y .: Kraus Inter- national Publications, 1982. 65 chapters. $250 cloth. LC 81-17190. ISBN 0-527-54040-4. Librarianship: A Definition. (Occasional Papers, Recent Publications 95 no.155) Dr . J. G. Meijer. Champaign, TIL: Univ. of lllinois Graduate School of Library & Information Science, 1982. 42p. $12 subscrip- tion/$3 for single papers. ISSN 0276-1769. Library Seroices for the Handicapped Adult. Ed . by James L. Thomas and Carol H. Thomas. Phoenix, Ariz.: OryxPr., 1982. 152p . $25. LC 82-2544. ISBN 0-89774-007-6. Library Trends: Standards for Library and Infonna- tion Seroices. V .31, no .l, Summer 1982. Ed. by TerryL. Weech. Urbana, ill.: Univ. of illinois Graduate School of Library Science, 1982. 187p. $6. ISSN 0024-2594 . Mainstreaming the Exceptional Child: A Bibliogra- phy. Comp. by Mary Cervantes Clarkson. San Antonio, Tex.: Trinity Univ. Pr., 1982. 240p. $25 cloth/$18 paper. LC 81-84656. ISBN 0-911536-92-2. Mallery, MaryS., and DeVore, Ralph E. A Sign System for Libraries. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1982. 33p. $5 paper . LC 82- 11612. ISBN 0-8389-0377-0. Matthews, Elizabeth W. Access Points to the Law Library: Card Catalog Interpretation . 1st vol. Buffalo, N.Y.: WilliamS. Hein & Co., 1982. 66p. $20. LC 82-80900. ISBN 0-89941-156-8 . Newsome, Walter L. Government Reference Books 80/81: A Biennial Guide to U.S. Government Publications. 7th biennial vol. 1982. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlim.ited, 1982. 425p. $37.50 U.S./$45 elsewnf'tie. LC 76-146307. ISSN 0072-5188. ISBN 0-87287-291-2. Official Publications of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe 1945-1980: A Select Annotated Bibliogra- phy. Ed. by Gregory Walker. Bronx, N.Y.: Mansell Publishing Ltd., 1982. 620p. $64. ISBN 0-7201-1641-4. Pardo, Thomas C. Basic Archival Workshops: A Handbook for the Workshop Organizer. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1982. 72p. $8 to SAA members/$11 to others. LC 82-61143. ISBN 0-931828-52-X. Ready, William Bernard. Files on Parade. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 268p. LC 81- 23310. ISBN 0-8108-1516-8. September 1982 Microfiche Edition of the Center for Research Libraries' Card Catalog. Funded by the Higher Education Act, Title II-C grant. Li- brarians should note that most cataloging is pre-AACR2 standards. The filmed file also includes some temporary cards . The latter will be replaced in annual supplements as they are cataloged. The complete catalog con- tains approximately 400,000 catalog cards. Initially, a specified number of free copies of the catalog will be mailed to each center member and associate member's library. Nonmembers of the center may purchase the fiche catalog for $65, which includes the cost of postage and handling for all prepaid or- 96 College & Research Libraries January 1983 ders. Contact CRL's Public Information Of- fice for more information. Serials Librarian: The International Quarterly of Se- rials Management. V.6, nos. 2/3. Winter 1981/ Spring 1982. $40 per-volume subscription. ISSN 0361-526X. Sourcebook on Death and Dying. 1st ed. Ed. by James A. Fruehling. Chicago: Marquis Who's Who, Inc., 1982. 788p. LC 82-82013. ISBN 0- 8379-5801-6. SPEC Kit/Flyer #87: Collection Description and As- sessment in ARL Libraries. 117p. Kits are avail- able by subscription from: SPEC, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washing- ton, DC 20036. Individual kits may be pur- chased (prepaid only) for $15 (U.S.) with a check payable to ARL Office Management Studies. Library members of ARL receive kits for $7.50. ItS Time To Try ANew ROUTE. Introducing ROUTE ,The Newest Module In Faxons LIN X System. Now there's a computerized system for creating, updating and printing journal routing slips. The ROUTE system . With ROUTE, all the time-consuming details of managing routing Walz, Eugene P. Fram;:ois Truffaut: A Guide to References and Resources. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. 320p. $35 cloth. LC 82-6201 . ISBN 0- 8161-8337-6. Weber, R. David. Energy Information Guide. Vol- ume One. General and Alternative Energy Sources . Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1982. 334p. LC 82-8729. ISBN 0-87436-317-9. Who's Who in America: Index 1982-1983. 42d ed. Geographic Index; Professional Area Index. Chicago: Marquis Who's Who, 1982. 514p. LC 4-16934 . ISBN 0-8379-1502-3. Women in Management: An Annotated Bibliogra- phy and Sourcelist. Ed. by Judith A. Leavitt. Phoenix, Ariz.: OryxPr., 1982. 197p. $25. LC 82-2190. ISBN 0-89774-026-2. lists are taken care of for you . ROUTE keeps track of wh o gets what publications; it lists readers by name. location, address and other iden- tifiers you specify; it can pri ori tize ro uting order by title or other parameters; and it produces all your routing slips for you . .------------, ROUTE also gives you valuable I 0 Show Me The ROUTE. I management and statistica l reports. lrm looking for a way to manage periodical I a simplified procedure for changing d b · ffi 1 d 11 reader records. and much more. I t~~tfac~:~~~ ;,~~eR~~~~ns~~t!~n rig~: a':..ay. 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