College and Research Libraries Recent Publications 85 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST The ALA Yearbook 1983: A Review of Library Events 1982. V.8. Ed. by Robert Wedgeworth. Chi- cago: American Library Assn., 1983. 370p. $65 cloth. LC 76-647548. ISBN 0-8389-0369-X. Automation in Libraries: A LITA Bibliography, 1978-1982. Comp. by Anne G. Adler and oth- ers. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian, 1983. 192p. $18.95 cloth. LC 83-62104. ISBN 0-87650- 157-9. The Basic Business Library: Core Resources. Ed. by Bernard S. Schlessinger. Phoenix, Ariz .: Oryx, 1983. 232p. $32.50 cloth. LC 82-14495. ISBN 0-89774-038-6 . Beach, Janet L. How to Get a Job in the San Fran- cisco Bay Area. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1983. 353p. $9.95. LC 83-5126. ISBN 0- 8092-5692-4. Book Printing in Britain and America: A Guide to the Literature and a Directory of Printers. Comp. by Vito J. Brenni. Westport, Conn.: Green- wood, 1983. 163p. $29.95 cloth. LC 83-12656. ISBN 0-313-23988-6. Bookman's Price Index: A Guide to Values of Rare and Other Out-of-Print Books. V.25. Ed . by Daniel F. McGrath. Detroit, Mich.: Gale, 1983. 773p. $135 cloth. LC 64-8723. ISSN 0068-0141. ISBN 0-8103-0638-7. The Boston Composers Project: A Bibliography of Contemporary Music. Ed. by Linda I. Solow. Cambridg~, Mass.: MIT Pr., 1983. $50 cloth. LC 83-9922. ISBN 0-262-02198-6. British Library History: Bibliography 1977-1980. Ed . by Denis F. Keeling. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1983. 242p. $30 paper. No LC (British) ISBN 0-85365-805-6. Cave, Roderick. The Private Press. 2d ed. New York: Bowker, 1983. 389p. $59.95 cloth. LC 83-7163. ISBN 0-8352-1695-0 . Chernik, Barbara E. Procedures for Library Media Technical Assistants. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1983. 280p. $25 cloth. LC 83- 7070. ISBN 0-8389-0384-3. Historical Periodicals Directory. Volume 3, Europe: East and Southeast; USSR. Ed. by Eric H. Boehm and others. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1983. 180p. $89. ISBN 0-87436-020- X. Literary Market Place 1984: The Directory of Ameri- can Book Publishing. 45th ed. New York: Bowker, 1983. 926p. $45 paper. LC 41-51571. ISBN 0-8352-1753-1. McClure, Charles R., and Hernon, Peter. Im- proving the Quality of Reference Service for Gov- ernment Publications. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn . , 1983. 270p. $35 cloth. LC 83-3754. ISBN 0-8389-0388-6. Noble, J. Kendrick, Jr., Trends in Textbook Mar- kets. V.l, no.2. New York: Bowker, 1983. 28p. $40 each for BISG members/$50 each for non- members. ISSN 0733-4699. Online Searching Technique and Management. Ed. by James J. Maloney . Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1983. 195p. $25 paper. LC 83- 11954. ISBN 0-8389-3285-1. Purcell, Gary R., and Schlachter, Gail Ann. Ref- erence Sources in Library and Information Ser- vices: A Guide to the Literature. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1984. 400p. $45. ISBN 0- 87 436-355-1. Reading in the 1980s. Ed. by Stephen Graubard. New York : Bowker, 1983. 267p. $14.95 cloth . LC 83-11753. ISBN 0-8352-1758-2. Reference Service: A Perspective. Ed. by Sui H. Lee. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian, 1983. 148p. $18.95 cloth. LC 83-60917. ISBN 0-87650-136- 6. Saffady, William. Introduction to Automation for Librarians. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1983. 304p. $35 cloth. LC 83-7164. ISBN 0- 8389-0386-X. SPEC Kit #98, "Telecommunications in ARL Li- braries" and Subject Index to SPEC Kits. Office of Management Studies, Association of Re- search Libraries. 1527 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. SPEC Kit single copies $15; Index sells for $5 . Subject Directory of Special Libraries and Informa- tion Centers: A Subject Classified Edition of Mate- rial Taken from "Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers." 8th ed. Ed. by Brig- ette T. Darnay. Detroit: Gale, 1983. Sv. $500 set/$110 Individual volumes. LC 82-11789. ISBN 0732-927X. World Dictionaries in Print 1983: A Guide to Gen- eral and Subject Dictionaries in World Languages. 1st ed. New York: Bowker, 1983. 579p. In- dexes. $99.50 cloth . ISSN 0000-0604. ISBN 0- 8352-1615-2. Wright, Kieth C., and Davie, Judith F. Library and Information Services for Handicapped Indi- viduals, 2d ed. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Un- limited, 1983. 184p. $20 U.S./$24 elsewhere. ISBN 0-87287-391-9. \l • Backllles from 1975 to tile present. . • The annual subscription price forth~ 't A Ualque Befennce IJRea complete collection ( Diicroflche and The topic could be Latin America or abstracts and indexes) is only $718. Mrica, National Security or the Kennedy (Prices slightly higher outside the U.S. and Assassination. Whatever the information, Canada.) The Decle.ssi/1ed Document Reference Sys- · To order, or for more information on tem is the only comprehensive compilation either the Declassit1ed Document Reference of its kind. 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