College and Research Libraries 278 College & Research Libraries May 1985 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Seroice, P. 0. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials for Classroom Use. A Briefing Paper for Teaching Faculty and Administrators. Association of Research Libraries, VVashington, D.C. July 1983. 18p. ED 241 052. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Intended to serve as reference material for discussions with teaching faculty and other members of the university community, this pa- per and its attachment provide guidelines for members of the Association of Research Li- braries (ARL) on fair use and the classroom and library photocopying provisions of the Copy- right Act of 1976 (PL 94-553). Factors involved in determining whether a particular use is a fair use of a copyrighted work are outlined. The provisions of the 1976 "Classroom Guidelines" are reviewed and described as unsuitable in the context of postsecondary education. Also out- lined are issues related to the reproduction of musical works, copying for reserve room use, and the "umbrella" statute recommended by the Association o American Publishers (AAP). Attachments include a briefing paper for librari- ans and archivists on current issues in library photocopying and copyright and a University of Wisconsin-Madison policy statement on photocopying for teaching and research, which is suggested as a model for other universities. The policy statement covers copying that is completely unrestricted, copying that is permit- ted, copying for which teachers should obtain permission, and publishers' guidelines for making multiple copies for classroom use. In- formation on how to obtain permission for copying and a sample letter requesting such permission are also provided. College Library Buildings in Transition- Looking at the 1980's. By Richard L. Snyder. Talk delivered before the Con- ference on College and Academic Li- brary Buildings in the 80's (New Stan- ton, Penn., Oct. 14-15, 1983). 44p. ED 241 057. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. This paper examines the likely effects of tech- nological developments on the planning of American academic library buildings during the 1980s and shares Richard Snyder's experi- ences in the design and construction of a new library building at Drexel University in Penn- sylvania. Descriptions of general, economic, policy, psychological, and sociological prob- lems in projecting technological developments are followed by an outline of design and con- struction considerations including modular de- sign, library entrances, ceilings, floors, floor coverings, windows, walls, doors, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), acoustics, electrical power, lighting, energy us- age, communications, security and safety, and future expansion. Guidelines on planning for library spaces are also provided, covering ad- ministrative organization; general space calcu- lations; reader space; collection space for mag- netic disks, video and optical disks, access to electronic publishing, microforms, reserve and reference materials, browsing and special col- lections, maps, and audiovisual materials; staff space; and other library facilities including pub- lic catalog areas, classrooms, exhibit space, and machine-repair and photographic space. It is emphasized throughout the paper that library buildings should be designed for the foresee- able future with a maximum of flexibility to ac- commodate future technological changes. User Studies in ARL Libraries. SPEC Kit 101. By Jocelyn Foster. Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. Feb. 1984. 127p. ED 241 065. MF-$0.83; PC-Not available from EDRS. This collection of library documents, which il- lustrates current techniques for conducting user studies in order to facilitate specific public services planning and priority-setting efforts at the member libraries of the Association of Re- search Libraries (ARL), contains excerpts from (1) four general user studies conducted at the University of British Columbia, the University of New Mexico, New York University, and the University of California, Riverside; (2) three sci- ence user studies conducted at the University of Swets ... an attractive, many facetted and transparent subscription service. We would be pleased to send you our informative brochure as well as detailed documentation of our services. contact: Swets SubSCription Service Heereweg 347-b 2161 CA Lisse 280 College & Research Libraries Colorado, the University of Arizona, and the University of Texas, Austin; (3) four automated services studies conducted at the University of Cincinnati, the University of illinois, Pennsyl- vania State University, and Texas A & M Uni- versity; and (4) three studies of special classes of library users conducted at the University of Arizona, Michigan State University, and Cor- nell University. Excerpts presented include sample questionnaires and descriptions of sur- vey results. At the beginning, a concise sum- mary of issues and trends related to library user studies covers types of survey methodology, types of information collected, and types of user and nonuser groups studied; a 12-item bib- liography and an evaluation sheet for this ARL Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC) kit are also provided. A Study of Collection Use at the Univer- sity of Cincinnati Central Library. By Paul M. Anderson. 1983. 58p. MF- $0.83; PC-$4.82. A usage study of monograph and serial li- brary holdings at the University of Cincinnati was conducted in 1982 to select candidates for retrospective conversion of catalog records and May 1985 to determine what materials would be housed in a remote storage facility. The study mea- sured both in-house and circulation use for each Library of Congress (LC) subclassification. Methodologies from other use studies by L. E. Middleswort, Herman Fussier and J. L. Simon, Richard Trueswell, Allan Kent, and Mary Jane Pobst Reed were adapted for use in the Cincin- nati study. It was found that material showing charges back to 1977 (six years) and 1975 would have to be kept in the main collection to satisfy circulation and in-house demand respectively; materials with recent imprints received far more use than older materials although it was not possible to determine a cutoff date that would enable the library to meet 90 percent of user needs; the overall ratio of monographs to serials used was 1.3 to 1 but this ratio changed rapidly over time; disciplines in the sciences and social sciences showed the greatest use of serials and materials with recent imprints; and the humanities demonstrated less use of serials and far more pronounced use of older materi- als. This report describes the study methodol- ogy and its results, uses in decision making, costs, and benefits. Extensive appendixes pro- vide information on the distribution of usage by LC subclassification. The Barnhart DICfiONARY COMPANION "The series belongs in every school, public, and academic library." "Truly a magnificent achievement in its present state, and a program aglow with promise." Reference Books Bulletin The ONLY quarterly newsletter devoted to updating general dictionaries 800 new words and meanings annually plus book reviews special articles free binder Lexik House Publishers, P.O. Box 247, Cold Spring, N.Y. 10516 abscam adventure training AIDS airhead audioastronomy Bambi syndrome beam dump bicoastal birth mother break dancing build-down channel multiplier coercive persuasion Compact Disc computerphobia Contadora countermole cross-subsidize Cuisinart dancercise dangerman devastator bullet donor card droid electronic church electronic mail Euromissle exit poll festival seating flexiplace flying picket ._ ________________________________ free -base The User Friendliness of the Library Cata- log. Occasional Papers Number 163. University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. Graduate School of Li- brary and Information Science. Feb. 1984. 44p. ED 242 328. MF-$0.83; PC- Not available from EDRS. This paper reviews nineteenth and twentieth century English-language literature dealing with the user friendliness of library catalogs and cataloging. Sections cover literature on (1) the need for catalogs and the possibility of substituting subject bibliographies for the sub- ject catalog; (2) user needs and the dichotomy between designing catalogs based on individ- ual needs and the standardization of catalog- ing; (3) the basic purposes of catalogs and cata- loging; ( 4) the advantages and disadvantages of various physical catalog forms, including card, book, and microform catalogs; (5) methods of arranging catalogs in dictionary or divided for- mat and the comparative advantages of alpha- betical and classified catalogs; (6) the content of catalog records, especially the amount and type of information included; (7) the nature of cata- log entries, specifically the number and type of entry points for each item in the collection; and (8) the arrangement of alphabetical entries, i.e., in true alphabetical or alphabetico-classed for- mat . It is concluded that the literature of the li- brary catalog shows a concern for the catalog user but that the concern has been unsystem- atic and based on untested assumptions regard- ing user needs and wants. A review of twelve objectives of a user-oriented system, as enu- merated by Dehning, Essig, and Maass, and the author's vita conclude the publication. Recent Publications 281 Copyright Policies in ARL Libraries. SPEC Kit 102. Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. Mar. 1984. 118p. ED 242 338. MF-$0.83; PC-Not available from EDRS. This collection of copyright policies from member libraries of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) contains (1) ARL briefing pa- pers on reproduction of copyrighted materials for classroom use and current issues in library photocopying; (2) university copyright policies from New York University, Rutgers University, University of California-Davis, and University of Wisconsin; (3) university library general guidelines from University of Missouri-Colum- bia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and Univer- sity of Virginia; (4) eight library resetye room policies; (5) photocopy guidelines from Colum- bia University, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Califor- nia-Riverside, and Yale University; (6) interli- brary loan copyright policies from Florida State University, University of California-Berkeley, and UCLA; (7) nine media and music reproduc- tion policies; and (8) manuscripts and archives policies from Duke University, New York Uni- versity, Notre Dame, and UCLA. A concise summary of copyright issues and trends fo- cuses on reserve room policies; intra- and inter- library copying guidelines; reproduction of mu- sic, media, and unpublished materials; copyright problems related to new information technology; and the public lending right. A 27- item bibliography and an evaluation sheet for this ARL Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC) kit are also provided. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Abel, Ernest L. A Dictionary of Drug Abuse Terms and Terminology. Westport, Conn. : Green- wood, 1984. 187p. $29.95 cloth. LC 83-22867. ISBN 0-313-24095-7. Afro-American Fiction Writers After 1955. Ed . by Thadious M. Davis and Trudier Harris. Dic- tionary of Literary Biography, V.33. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 350p. $82 cloth. LC 84-18724. ISBN 0-8103-1711-7. Allison, Roy. Finland's Relations with the Soviet Union, 1944-1984. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 211p. $29.95 cloth. LC 84-17694. ISBN 0-312-29066-7. American Colonial Writers, 1735-1781. Ed. by Emory Elliott. Dictionary of Literary Biogra- phy, V.31 . Detroit: Gale, 1984. 421p . $82 cloth. LC 84-13533. ISBN 0-8103-1709-5. Anderson, Robert 0. Fundamentals of The Petro- leum Industry. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr ., 1984. 390p. $29.95 cloth . LC 84-40271 . ISBN 0-8061-1909-8. Annual Bibliography of British and Irish History . Ed. by G. R. Elton. New York: St. Martin' s, 1984. 180p. $29.95 cloth. LC 81-641280. ISBN 0-312-69472-5. Argentina, Australia and Canada: Studies in Com- parative Development. Ed. by D.C.M. Platt and Guido Di Tella. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 237p. $29.95 cloth. LC 84-17884. ISBN 0-312-04868-8. Aronson, Jonathan David and Cowhey, Peter F. Trade in Services: A Case for Open Markets . Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise In- stitute (for Public Policy Research), 1984. 46p . 282 College & Research Libraries LC 84-72784. ISBN 0-8447-3570-1. Aslib Directory of Information Sources in the United Kingdom: Social Sciences, Medicine and the Hu- manities. V.2. 5th ed. Ed. by Ellen M. Codlin. London: Aslib, 1984. l,OOOp. $135 cloth. ISBN 0-85142-184-9. Austrian Poetry Today-Osterreichische Lyrik heute. Ed. and trans . by Milne Holton and Herbert Kuhner. New York: Schocken, 1985. 274p. $25.50 cloth. LC 83-20221. ISBN 0-8052- 3903-0. Axe, John. The Encyclopedia of Celebrity Dolls. Cumberland, Maryland: Hobby House, 1983, 420p. $27.50 cloth. ISBN 0-87588-186-6 . Axe, John and Mandeville, A. Glenn. Celebrity Doll Price Guide and Annual. Cumberland, Maryland: Hobby House, 1984. 475p. $5.95 paper. ISBN 8-87588-255-0. Barclay, Janet M. Emily Bronte Criticism, 1900-1982: An Annotated Check List. West- port, Conn.: Meckler, 1984. 162p. $40 cloth. LC 83-17433. ISBN 0-930466-63-2. Basic Facts About The United Nations. New York: United Nations, 1984. 140p. $2.75 paper. Beetz, Kirk H. Tennyson: A Bibliography, 1827-1982. Scarecrow Author Bibliogra- phies, no. 68 . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 539p. $35 cloth. LC 84-1274. ISBN 0- 8108-1687-3. Bibliographies for African Studies 1980-1983. Comp. by Yvette Scheven. New York: Saur, 1984. 312p. $36 cloth. ISBN 3-598-10487-1. Bodio, Stephen. A Rage for Falcons. New York: Schocken, 1984. 135p. $16.50 cloth. LC 84- 5590. ISBN 0-8052-3931-6. Bookman's Price Index: A Guide to Values of Rare and Other Out-of-Print Books. V.28 . Ed . by Daniel F. McGrath. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 874p. $155 cloth. LC 64-8723. ISBN 0-8103-0641-7. Breen, Jon L. Novel Verdicts: A Guide to Court- room Fiction. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 280p. $18.50 cloth. LC 84-14110. ISBN 0-8108-1741-1. British Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century. Ed. by C. C. Eldridge. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 72p. $29.95 cloth . LC 84-9984. ISBN 0- 312-10299-2. Brown, Dorothy S. Handle With Care: A Question of Alzheimer's. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus, 1985. 120p. $14.95 cloth . LC 84-61253. ISBN 087975-271-8. Bryan, George B. An Ibsen Companion : A Dictionary-Guide to the Life, Works, and Critical Reception of Henrik Ibsen. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 472p . $49.95 cloth. LC 83- 18551. ISBN 0-313-23506-6. Buckley, ·Peter J. and Casson, Mark. The Eco- nomic Theory of the Multinational Enterprise. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 235p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-18198. ISBN 0-312-23636-0. May 1985 Business Organizations and Agencies Directory. 2d ed. Ed. by Anthony T. Kruzas, Robert C. Thomas, and Kay Gill. Detroit: Gale, 1984 1,37lp. $220 cloth. LC 84-4179. ISBN 0-8103- 1199-2. Campana, Dino. Orphic Songs. Trans. by Charles Wright. Field Translation Ser., no. 9. Oberlin, Ohio: Field Translation, 1984. 130p. $6.50 paper. LC 83-063448. ISBN 09-32440- 169. Cave, William C. and Maymon, Gilbert W. Soft- ware Lifecycle Management: The Incremental Method. New York: Macmillan, 1984. 172p. $27.95 paper . LC 84-11264. ISBN 0-02- 949210-6. Children's Literature Awards and Winners: A Di- rectory of Prizes, Authors, and Illustrators. 1st ed. supplement. Ed. by Dolores B. Jones. De- troit: Gale, 1984. 136p. $50 paper. ISBN 0- 8103-0173-3. ISSN 0749-3096. Children's Literature Review: Excerpts from Re- views, Criticism, and Commentary on Books for Children . V.7 . Ed. by Gerard J. Senick. De- troit: Gale, 1984. 276p . $70 cloth. LC 75- 34953. ISBN 0-8103-0332-9. Cole, Garold L. Travels in America. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1985. 310p. $48.50 cloth. LC 84-40273. ISBN 0-8061-1791-5. Committee on Cataloging: Description and Ac- cess Cataloging and Classification Section, Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Assn. Guidelines for Using AACR2 Chapter 9 for Cataloging Microcomputer Software. Chicago: American Library Assn ., 1984. $4.50 paper. 32p. LC 84-11168. ISBN 0- 8389-3311-4. Computer Applications in Ontario Government Li- braries. Ed. by Brian H. Morrison . Toronto: Ontario Government Libraries' Council, 1984. 82p. $5 paper. ISBN 0-7743-9774-8. Corenthal, Michael G. Cohen on the Telephone: A History of Jewish Recorded Humor and Popular Music, 1892-1942. Milwaukee, Wise.: Yester- day's Memories, 1984. 107p. $12 paper. LC 110-397. Cummings, Stephen and Ullman, Dana. Every- body's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines: Taking Care of Yourself and Your Family with Safe and Effective Remedies . Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1984. 312p. $8.95 paper. LC 84-8472. ISBN 0- 87 477-324-5. de Lerma, Dominique-Rene. Bibliography of Black Music: Theory, Education, and Related Studies . V.4. Greenwood Encyclopedia of Black Music. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 254p. $39.95 cloth. LC 80-24681. ISBN 0-313-24229-1. Development Policy and Planning: A Third World Perspective. Ed. by Pradip K. Ghosh. Interna- tional Development Resource Books, no. 8. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 626p. $55 cloth. LC 83-26492. ISBN 0-313-24144-9. Diment, Judith A. and others. Catalogue of the Natural History Drawings Commissioned by Jo- seph Banks on the Endeavour Voyage 1768-1771: Part 1: Botany: Australia. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1984. 183p. $75 cloth. LC 84-4655. ISBN 0-930466-92-6. Dissertations in the History of Education , 1970-1980. Comp. by Edward R . Beau- champ. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 267p. $22.50cloth. LC84-14125. ISBN0-8108- 1742-X. Doran, James M. Erroll Garner: The Most Happy Piano. Studies in Jazz, no . 3. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 500p . $29.50 cloth . LC 84- 17886. ISBN 0-8108-1745-4. Dow ns, Robert B. Perspectives on the Past: An Autobiography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 240p. $17.50 cloth . LC 84-5589. ISBN 0- 8108-1703-9. Driver, John C. and Foxall, Gordon R. Advertis- ing: Policy and Practice. New York: St. Mar- tin's, 1984 . 165p . $25 cloth. LC 84-40336 . ISBN 0-312-00731-0. Economic Integration and Third World Develop- ment. Ed. by Pradip K. Ghosh. International Development Resource Books, no . 12. West- Recent Publications 283 port, Conn . : Greenwood, 1984 . 397p . $45 cloth . LC 83-26686. ISBN 0-313-24148-1. Economic Policy and Planning in the Third World . Ed . by Pradip K. Ghosh. International Devel- opment Resource Books, no . 7. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 711p. $59.95 cloth . LC 83-26493. ISBN 0-313-24143-0. The Economics of Relative Prices: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association in Athens, Greece. Ed . by Bela Csikos-Nagy, Douglas Hague, and Graham Hall. New York: St. Martin's, 1985 . 551p . $35 cloth. LC 83-40163. ISBN 0-312-23442-2. Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology: A Compendium of Information on the Occult Sci- ences, Magic, Demonology, Superstitions, Spirit- ism, Mysticism , Metaphysics, Psychical Science, and Parapsychology. 3v. 2d ed. Ed. by Leslie A. Shepard. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 1,800p . $220 cloth. LC 84-3990. ISBN 0-8103-0196-2. Engineering Research Centers: A World Directory of Organizations and Programmes. Ed. byT. Arch- bold, J. C. Laidlaw, and J. McKechnie. Lon- don: Longman, 1984. 1,031p . ISBN 0-582- 90018-2 . Ericksen, Stanford C. The Essence of Good Teach- ing. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984. 180p. LC 84-47983. ISBN 0-87589-615-4. Midwest Library Service You won't find more personal attention .. . anywhere College and university librarians : We have what you ' re looking for. While Midwest ut ilizes state-of-the-art computer systems , we realize machines can 't do it all. So when you want to place an order , ask a question, or discuss a problem, you can call direct on Midwest's toll-free WATS line and conduct business on a name- to-name basis with your personal customer service representative . It's the kind of attention that Midwest has provided to college and university libraries for 24 years . Midwest Library Service 11443 St. Charles Rock Road Bridgeton. MO 63044 Call toll-free (800) 325-8833 Missouri librarians call toll-free (800) 392-5024 Canadian librarians call collect (314) 739-3100 284 College & Research Libraries European Marketing Data and Statistics 1984. 20th ed. London: Euromonitor, 1984. 360p . $175 cloth. ISBN 0-86338-012-3. Dist. by Gale. Falco££, Mark. Small Countries Large Issues: Stud- ies in U.S .-LatinAmericanAsymmetries. Wash- ington, D . C. : American Enterprise Institute, 1984. 126p. LC 84-14634. ISBN 0-8447-3563-9 . Fike, John L. and Friend, George E. Understand- ing Telephone Electronics. 2d ed . Dallas: Texas Instruments Learning Center, 1984. 284p . $14.95 paper. LC 84-50902. ISBN 0-89512- 159-X. Fleming, Jacqueline. Blacks in College: A Compar- ative Study of Students' Success in Black and in White Institutions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984. 276p. $19.95 cloth. LC 84-47984. ISBN 0-87589-616-2 . II Fonda Guicciardini nella Biblioteca nazionale cen- trale di Firenze: catalogo, Sec. 19, A-F. Inventari e cataloghi toscani, 14. Firenze, Italy : La Nuova ltalia, 1984. 278p . ISBN 88-221-0120-0. Foreign Aid and Third World Development. Ed. by Pradip K. Ghosh . International Develop- ment Resource Books, no. 10. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 365p. $45 cloth. LC 83-26450. ISBN 0-313-24146-5. Frew's Daily Archive: A Calendar of Commemora- tions. Comp. by Andrew W. Frew. Jefferson, Heritage on Microfiln1 Rare and out-of-print titles and documents on 3Smm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. ~~tJ~[M ~COv\PfNY 70 Coolidge Hill Road Watertown , MA 02172 (617) 926-5557 May 1985 N.C.: McFarland, 1984. 374p. $24.95 cloth. LC 84-42612. ISBN 0-89950-127-3. Friend, George E. and others . Understanding Data Communications. Dallas: Texas Instru- ments, 1984. 268p. $14.95 paper. LC 84- 50867. ISBN 0-89512-158-1. Gibaldi, Joseph and Achtert, Walter S. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 2d ed. New York: Modern Language Assoc., 1984. 221p . $7 .50 paper . LC 84-10819. ISBN 0- 87352-132-3. Goodin, George. The Poetics of Protest: Literary Form and Political Implication in the Victim-of- Society Novel. Carbondale: Univ. of Illinois Pr., 1985. 220p . $19.95 cloth. LC 83-27179. ISBN 0-8093-1173-9. The Grant 's Register, 1985-1987. Ed. by Norman Frankel. New York: St. Martin' s, 1984. 854p. $37.50 cloth. LC 77-12055. ISBN 0-312-34409-0. Green, Karen. Classic Cold Cuisine. Los Angeles : Tarcher, 1984. 258p. $9.95paper. LC84-2752. ISBN 0-87477-336-9 . Dist. by Houghton- Mifflin. Greenberg, Jan. The Teenager's Guide to the Best Summer Opportunities. Boston: Harvard Com- mon Pr., 1985. 197p. $9.95 paper. LC 84- 19717. ISBN 0-916782-58-1. Gysbers, Norman C. Designing Careers : Counsel- ing to Enhance Education, Work, and Leisure. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984. 660p. LC 84-47986. ISBN 0-87589-618-9 . Haggin, B. H . Music and Ballet, 1973-1983. New York: Horizon, 1984. 282p . $18.95 cloth. LC 84-15739. ISBN 0-8180-1226-9 . Handbook of the Nations: A Brief Guide to the Econ- omy, Government, Land, Demographics, Com- munications, and National Defense Establish- ments of Each of 191 Nations and Other Political Entities. 4th ed. Originally pub. and comp. by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency as The World Fact Book. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 274p. $64 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-1647-1 . A Handlist of British Parliamentary Poll Books. Ed . by John Sims. Occasional Publication, no . 4. Univ. of Leicester History Dept. and Univ. of California, Riverside, 1984. 260p. $15 paper. ISBN 0-906696-04-6. Harry S. Truman: A Bibliography of His Times and Presidency. Ed. by Richard Dean Burns . Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1984. 297p. $50 cloth. LC 84-20223. ISBN 0- . 8420-2219-8. Heller, Michael. Conviction's Net of Branches: Es- says on the Objectivist Poets and Poetry. Carbon- dale: Southern illinois Univ. Pr. , 1985. 126p. $13.50cloth. LC84-1339 . ISBN0-8093-1176-3. Herman, Kali. Women in Particular: An Index to American Women. Phoenix, Ariz .: Oryx, 1985. 740p. $95 cloth. LC 84-1019. ISBN 0-89774- 088-2. Hollywood and American History: A Filmography of Over 250 Motion Pictures Depicting U.S. His- tory. Comp. by Michael R. Pitts. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1984. 332p . $24.95 cloth. LC 84-42733. ISBN 0-89950-132-X . International Business Travel and Relocation Direc- tory: The Who, What, and Where Handbook for International Business Travel and Operations. 3d ed. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 978p. $300 cloth. LC 81-20111. ISBN 0-8103-1639-0. International Financial Reporting: A Comparative International Survey of Accounting Requirements and Practice in 30 Countries. Ed . by S. J. Gray, L. G. Campbell, and J. C. Shaw. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 584p. $45 cloth. LC 84- 40409. ISBN 0-312-42202-4. International Marketing Data and Statistics 1984. 9th ed. London: Euromonitor, 1984. 376p . $175cloth. ISBN0-86338-013-1. Dist. by Gale. Kopp, Sheldon. Even a Stone Can Be a Teacher: Learning and Growing from the Experiences of Everyday Life. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1985. 211p. $8.95 paper . LC 84-26695. ISBN 0- 87477-341-5. L 'Archivio Ceramelli-Papiani: Conservato Dal Comune Di Colle Val D'Elsa. Comp. by Brunella Ragoni. lnventari e Cataloghi Tos- cani, no. 5. Firenze, Italy: La Nuova Italia, 1984. 71p. ISBN 88-221-0127-8. Law and Legal Information Directory. 3d ed. Ed. by Paul Wasserman and Steven Wasserman . Detroit: Gale, 1984. 902p. $225 cloth. LC 82- 48987. ISBN 0-8103-0174-1. Lazerowitz, Morris and Ambrose, Alice . Essays in the Unknown Wittgenstein. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus, 1984. 233p. $25.95 cloth . LC 83- 62923. ISBN 0-87975-234-3. Leckie, William H . and Leckie, Shirley A. Un- likely Warriors: General Benjamin Grierson and His Family. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1984. 383p. $19.95 cloth. LC 84-40275. ISBN 0-8061-1912-8. Leff, Lawrence S. and Podos, Arlene. Computer Programming in Fortran the Easy Way. Wood- bury, N.Y.: Barron's, 1985. 256p. $7.95 paper. LC 84-18526. ISBN 0-8120-2800-7. Levi, Primo. The Periodic Table. New York: Schocken, 1984. 240p. $16.95 cloth. LC 84- 5483 ISBN 0-8052-3929-4. Library Serials Standards : Development, Implemen- tation, Impact: Proceedings of the Third Annual Serials Conference. Ed. by Nancy Jean Melin. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1984. 164p. $35 cloth. LC 84-3789. ISBN 0-88736-008-4. Lightwood, Martha Bolar. A Selected Bibliogra- phy of Significant Works About Adam Smith. Philadelphia: Univ . of Pennsylvania Pr., 1984. 82p. $25 cloth. LC 84-3718. ISBN 0- 8122-7930-1. MacKenzie, Charles H. C.; Power, Michael E.; Recent Publications 285 and McDorman, Ted L. Liner Shipping Confer- ences: An Annotated Bibliography. Lexington, Mass .: D . C. Heath, 1985. 149p. $23cloth. LC 84-7165. ISBN 0-669-08660-6. Malpractice and Liability in Child Protective Ser- vices. Ed . by Wayne Holder and Kathleen Hayes. Longmont, Colo.: Bookmakers Guild, 1984. 186p. 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