College and Research Libraries 102 College & Research Libraries support, while sharing many of the expe- riences at Stanford. Joan Segal provides a very informative chapter on networking and networks. The specific considerations of networks vary, and Segal discusses the variety of defini- tions, methods of cooperation and opera- tion, levels of networking, program devel- opment, marketing and user services, and finally, the financing of networks. This is a very good and clear explanation of how most networks function and what their ca- pabilities are within certain governance parameters. Nina Cohen offers an explanation of what external contracting for library ser- vices consists of and means in different environments. How viable this practice is for academic libraries or how common I am not sure, however, it is an alternative. Theodore Welch shares information about how to attract donor dollars and external contributions. Again, what may be suc- cessful at one institution may not work at another, and practices vary widely. Strat- egies should contain common practices in January 1986 the fund-raising world and will reflect working with other development person- nel on campus. The entire volume reflects many differ- ent ideas, and unfortunately a common thread is missing. Each article contains useful information, descriptive and pre- scriptive, for making planning more effec- tive in the context of academic libraries . How much influence this volume will have collectively is uncertain, but individ- ual articles are distinquished and merit reading and discussion. The conference must have generated ample discussion, and it is too bad that the book does not in- clude those sentiments and viewpoints. The bibliography is not, by any means, comprehensive nor complete but does in- clude a few basic and common entries in each subject area. It is difficult to make a book of such readings more important, but this one will be useful, because the in- dividual articles are very worthwhile and credible.-Julia Gelfand, University Library, University of California, Irvine. . ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further inf()ffllation on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Videodisc and Optical Disk Technologies and Their Applications in Libraries. A Report to the Council on Library Re- sources. Information Systems Consul- tants, Washington, D.C., 1985. 200p. ED 257 433 MF-$0.83; PC-$12.32. This report examines the potential impact of optical media-videodiscs, compact audio discs, and optical discs, tapes, and cards-in library-related applications. A detailed consid- eration of the technology includes discussion of the underlying principles, the various forms in which the technology is marketed, production methods and costs, and the capabilities of each different medium. An introductory chapter outlines the different forms of optical media and their potential applications in libraries. Each of the remaining eleven chapters then ad- dresses the details of one of the following tech- nologies: videodiscs; interactive videodiscs; re- cording digital data on videodisc; videodisc production; compact audio discs and CD ROM (compact disc read-only memory); videodiscs and CD ROM as digital publishing media; opti- cal digital discs; optical digital products; and erasable optical media. A number of video and compact audio disc projects currently being de- veloped or investigated in library settings are examined in the appropriate chapters, includ- ing audio and video applications at Video Pat- search, the National Library of Medicine, and the Library of Congress; digital data publishing projects at MiniMARC, Information Access Corporation, Carrollton Press, the Library Cor- poration, and other companies; and library ap- plications of optical digital disk technology at Now Reaching Research Publications is as easy as 1-800-REACH-RP Announcing toll-free calling to Research Publications. We made a good thing better. We made it free. Research Publications, a worldwide information publisher serving high school,academic, public and commercial libraries has complimented its customer services by introducing toll-free calling from around the country. Providing our customers with nationwide, toll-free access to our services is just one example of our longterm commitment to service. W~'re making it easy for you to reach us. Caii1-800-REACH RP for ordering, information and general customer service needs. When you need to reach Research Publications, reach for the phone, and caii1-800-REACH RP -toll-free, nationwide. 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 Toll free 1-800-REACH RP m (203) 397-2600 TWX: 710-465-6345 FAX: 203-397-3893 carch publications® Outside North and South America: P.O. Box 45 Reading, RG1 8HF England TEL: 0734-583247 TELEX: 848336 NADL G FAX: 011-44-734-591325 104 College & Research Libraries -' the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, the National Air and Space Museum, the Public Archives of Canada, and Disclosure Information Group. An appendix explains the process of converting text, graphics, and audio to digital form. Reauthorization of the Library Services and Construction Act, 1984. Hearing be- fore the Subcommittee on Education, Arts and Humanities of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session, on Pro- posed Legislation Authorizing Funds for Programs of the Library Services and Construction Act. Washington, D.C., 1984. 126p. ED 257 457 MF-$0.83; PC~ $9.32. This document records testimony before the January 1986 U.S. Senate on the reauthorization of Public Law 84-597, the Library Services and Construc- tion Act (LSCA). The original purpose of the LSCA was to bring library services to rural areas and to those citizens who had previously been deprived of access (the handicapped, disadvan- taged, and those who speak English as a second language); library services are currently avail- able to 96 percent of Americans and the number of libraries nationwide has grown to 100,000. The focus of the LSCA in the 1980s is statewide sharing of existing resources; keeping pace with the information-technology revolution; and preserving the history that libraries have been asked to keep . The prepared statements that constitute the major portion of the docu- ment were presented by experienced practi- tioners, state librarians, urban library directors, and interested people who have devoted count- less hours of volunteer time to maximizing the potential of libraries throughout the nation. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Achtert, Walter S. and Joseph Gibaldi. The MLA Style Manual . New York: Modern Lan- guage Assn., 1985. 279p. $15 cloth . LC 85-4972. ISBN 0-87352-136-6. The Administration's 1985 Tax Proposals . Ameri- can Enterprise Institute Legislative Analysis, no.53. Washington, D.C.: American Enter- prise Institute, 1985. 118p. ISBN 0-8447-0268-4 . Agriculture and International Relations: Analysis and Policy : Essays in Memory of Theodor Heidhues. Ed. by Hartwig de Haen, Glenn L. Johnson, and Stefan Tangermann. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 316p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-27606. ISBN 0-312-01474-0. Barba, Harry. Round Trip to Byzantium . Ballston Spa, N.Y.: Harian Creative Books, 1985. 381p . $15.95 cloth. LC 84-80153. ISBN 0-911906-28-2. Bell, H.erbert W. How to Get Your Book Published: An Insider's Guide. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Books, 1985. 262p. $15.95 cloth. LC 85-17796. ISBN 0-89879-193-6. Berger, Peter L. and Michael Novak. Speaking to the Third World: Essays of Democracy and Devel- opment. Washington, D.C. : American Enter- prise for Public Policy Research, 1985. 68p. paper. LC 85-13329. ISBN 0-8447-3581-7 .. Enser, A.G.S. Filmed Books and Plays: A List of Books and Plays from which Films Have Been Made, 1928-83. Lexington, Mass. : Lexington, 1985. 705p. $44 cloth . LC 84-21789. ISBN 0-669-09735-7. Entwistle, Basil. Japan's Decisive Decade: How a Determined Minority Changed the Nation's Course in the 1950's. Bridgeport, Conn.: Gros- venor, 1985. 190p. $16.95 cloth. LC 85-047506. ISBN 0-901269-85-9 . Essays in Contemporary Economic Problems : The Economy in Deficit, 1985. Ed . by Phillip Cagan. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise In- stitute, 1985 . 336p. LC 82-642433. ISBN 0-8447-1371-6. Eurodollars and International Banking. Ed. by Paoloa Savona and George Sutija. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 226p. $29.95 cloth. LC 84-26197. ISBN 0-312-26748-7 . European Communities Index: An Abstracting and Indexing Guide to Publications and Documents of the European Communities . V.1. no .1.1985. Maastricht, Netherlands: Europe Data, 1985. 156p. ISSN 0255-9900 . Gitisetan, Dariush.lran: Politics and Government under the Pahlavis: An Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 214p. $15 cloth. LC 84-23587. ISBN 0-8108-1770-5. Godman, Peter. Poetry of the Carolingian Renais- sance. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1985. 385p. $39.50 cloth. ISBN 0-8061-1939-X. Goodchild, Peter. Survival Skills of the North American Indians. Chicago: Chicago Review Pr., 1985. 224p. $9.95 paper. LC 84-23255 . ISBN 0-914091-69-7. Government Research Directory. Ed. by Kay Gill. Detroit: Gale, 1985 . 675p. $325 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-0463-5. Green, Robert . R. C. Hutchinson: The Man and His Books. Scarecrow Author Bibliographies, no.70. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 160p. $15 cloth. LC 85-2024. ISBN 0-8108-1801-9. Hackett, Nan. XIX Century British Working-Class Autobiographies: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: AMS, 1985. 241p. $34.50cloth. LC 84-45278. ISBN 0-404-61605-4. Hahn, H. George and Carl Behm, III. The Eighteenth-Century British Novel and Its Back- ground: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Topics. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 402p. $29.50 cloth. LC 85-1745. ISBN 0-8108-1786-1. Harner, James L. On Compiling an Annotated Bib- liography. New York: Modern Language Assn ., 1985. 40p. $5 paper. LC 85-3009. ISBN 0-87352-138-2. Havlice, Patricia Pate. Oral History: A Reference Guide and Annotated Bibliography. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1985. 140p. $29.95 paper. LC 84-43227. ISBN 0-89950-138-9. Health Media Review Index: A Guide to Reviews and Descriptions of Commercially-Available Non- print Material for the Medical, Mental, Allied Health, Human Service and Related Counselling Professions. Ed . by Jill E. Provan and Joy W. Hunter. Metuchen, N.J .: Scarecrow, 1985. 862p . $59.50cloth. LC84-14079. ISBN0-8108- 1739-X. Heng, Li. Dictionary of Library and Information Recent Publications 105 Sciences: English-Chinese/Chinese-English. New York: Saur, 1985. 327p. $41 cloth. ISBN 3-598-10532-0. A Heritage Fulfilled: German-Americans. Die Er- . fullte Herkunft. Ed. by Clarence A. Glasrud. Moorhead, Minn.: Concordia College, 1984. 237p. $6 paper. Herrick, Jim. Against the Faith: Essays on Deists, Skeptics and Atheists. Buffalo, N.Y.: Pro- metheus, 1985. 250p. $19 .95 cloth. LC 85- 43040 . ISBN 0-87975-288-2. Hillman, Howard. The Computer Log: The Best Thing Next to Your Computer. New York: New American Library, 1985. 190p. $12.95 paper. LC 84-25417. ISBN 0-452-25648-8. Hine, R. C. The Political Economy of European Trade: An Introduction to the Trade Policies of the EEC. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 294p. $29.95 cloth . LC 84-1603. ISBN 0-312-62254-6 . History of Technology: Ninth Annual Volume 1984. Ed. by Norman Smith. New York: Mansell, 1985. 210p. $44 cloth. ISBN 0-7201-1709-7. Holland, R.F. European Decolonization 1918-1981: An Introductory Survey. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 321p. $29.95 cloth. LC 84- 1980. ISBN 0-312-27060-7. Holloway, Robert E. Educational Technology: A Critical Perspective. Syracuse, N.Y.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, 1984. 60p. $7.95 paper. "INVALUABLE" Don't take just our word for how well the BIOSIS Previews Search Guide meets users' needs! " ... the 8/0S/S Search Guide, 8/0S/S Previews Edition, ... provides invaluable assistance in building BIOSIS search strategies." - Barbara Newlin, Answers Online: Your Guide To Information Databases, 1985 "It is imperative that a searcher consult the 8/0S/S Search Guide prior to using this database (8/0S/S Previews) . . . the Master Index section of the guide is a good· source of suggested terminology." - Robert Skinner, " Searching the History of Science Online," DATABASE, June 1983 Introducing the new 1985 edition of the 8/0S/S Previews Search Guide- containing over 1000 additional entries to the Master Index, revised Scope Notes for the Concept Codes, an expanded list of taxonomic references . . . and much, much more! The pric'e? Only $85.00. Order your copy today! Contact BIOSIS Customer Service, 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1399, U.S.A. or call toll free (800) 523-4806 (U.S.A., except AK, HI, PA); worldwide: (215) 587-4800. Telex: 831739. Overseas subscribers should contact aBIOSIS Official Representative. If you have something to say about the 8/0S/S Search Guide, we'd love to hear from you! BIOSIS is a not-for-prof it organization serving the biological commun ity since 1926. CRL18611 ---1 106 College & Research Libraries Holmes, Martin. The Labour Government, 1974-1979: Political Aims and Economic Reality. New York: St. Martin's, 1985 . 206p. $27.50 cloth. LC 83-40506. ISBN 0-312-46289-1. Holton, R. J. The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 234p . $27.50 cloth. LC 84-17805. ISBN 0-312- 81454-2. Horak, Stephen M. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: A Bibliographic Guide to Recommended Books for Small and Medium-Sized Libraries and School Media Centers. Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, 1985. 387p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-25053. ISBN 0-87287-469-9. How Does the Constitution Secure Rights? Ed. by Robert A. Goldwin and William A. Scham- bra. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1985. 125p. LC 85-4020. ISBN 0-8447-3521-3. Hubatsch, Walter. Studies in Medieval and Mod- ern German History. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 199p . $25 cloth. LC 83-4508. ISBN 0-312-77096-0. Huff, Cynthia. British Women 's Diaries: A De- scriptive Bibliography of Selected Nineteenth- Century Women's Manuscript Diaries. New York: AMS, 1985. 139p. $32.50 cloth. LC 84-5280. ISBN 0-404-61604-6. Jennings, J. R. Georges Sorel : The Character and Development of His Thought. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 220p. $25 cloth. LC 84-24894. ISBN 0-312-32458- 8. Jessop, Bob. Nicos Poulantaz: Marxist Theory and Political Strategy . New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 409p . $39 .95 cloth . LC 85-1855 . ISBN 0-312-57266-2. John Colet's Comme11tary on First Corinthians. Ed . by Bernard O'Kelly and Catherine A . L. Jar- rott . Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies. V.21 . Binghamton, N .Y.: Centerfor Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, 1985 . 348p. $20 cloth. LC 82-12403 . ISBN 0-86698-056-3. Josling, Timothy E. and Alex F. McCalla. Agri- cultural Policies and World Markets . New York : Macmillan, 1985. 300p. $38 cloth. LC 85-8782. ISBN 0-02-949840-6. Joyce, David D. and Michael Kraus . The Writing of American History. rev. ed. Norman: Univ . ofOklahomaPr., 1985. 464p. $32 .50cloth. LC 84-40689. ISBN 0-8061-1519-X. Kaid, Lynda Lee and Anne Johnston Wadsworth. Political Campaign Communica- tion: A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature, 1973-1982 . Metuchen, N .J. : Scarecrow, 1985. 223p. $16.50 cloth . LC 84-23508 . ISBN 0-8108-1764-0. Kirby, John . Creating the Library Identity: A Man- ual of Design. Brookfield, Vt.: Gower, 1985 . 150p. $53.95 cloth . ISBN 0-566-03496-4. January 1986 Koschnick, Wolfgang J. Standard Dictionary of the Social Sciences, V.1: English-German. New York: Saur, 1984. 664p. $50 cloth. ISBN 3-598-10526-6. Krolow, Karl. On Account Of: Selected Poems. Trans. by Stuart Friebert. Field Translation Series 10. Ohio: Oberlin College, 1985. 117p. $11.50 cloth. LC 84-062769. ISBN 0-932440-18-5 . Lagemann, Ellen Condliffe. Jane Addams on Edu- cation. Classics in Education, no.51. New York: Teachers College Pr., 1985. 237p. $9 pa- per. LC 85-2740. ISBN 0-8077-2783-0. Laurd, Evan. The United Nations: How It Works and What It Does. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 195p. $11.95 paper. LC 78-21471. ISBN 0-312-83311-3. Law of the Sea: A Selected Bibliography. New York: United Nations, 1985. 94p. LC 94-41863 . Leading Consultants in Technology. 2v. Wood- bridge, Conn.: Research Publ. , 1985. 2006p. $195 cloth . ISBN 0-89235-089-X . Lenz, Elinor and Barbara Myerhoff. The Femini- zation of America: How Women 's Values Are Changing Our Public and Private Lives . Los An- geles: Tarcher, 1985. 276p. $15.95 cloth. LC 85-9752. ISBN 0-87477-369-5 . Dist. by St. Martin's. Leopold's Way: Detective Stories of Edward D. Hoch. Ed . by Francis M. Nevins and Martin H . Greenberg. Carbondale, ill. : Southern Illi- nois Univ. Pr ., 1985. 360p. $22.50 cloth. LC 84-27554. ISBN 0-8093-1233-6. Library and Information Science Education Statisti- cal Report. Comp . by Association for Library and Information Science Education . State College, Pa .: Alise, 19,83. 240p. paper . Library Technology Reports. V.18, no. 4. Ed. by Howard S . White . Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1983. 113p. $40 paper. Lind, Peter. Marcuseand Freedom. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 319p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-27699 . ISBN 0-312- 51445-X. Littlefield, Daniel F. , Jr., and James W. Parins. A Bibliography of Native American Writers, 1772-1924. suppl. Native American Bibliog- raphy Series, no.5 . Metuchen, N.J . : Scare- crow, 1985. 350p. $27.50 cloth . LC 85-2045. ISBN 0-8108-1802-7. Loveday, Simon. Th e Romances of John Fowles. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 174p . $25 cloth. LC 84-13396 . ISBN 0- 312-69107-6. Maalouf, Amin. The Crusades Through Arab Eyes. New York: Schocken, 1985. 311p. $16.95 cloth. LC 85-8367 . ISBN 0-8052-4004- 7. Mabbett, Ian. Modern China: The Mirage of Mo- dernity. New York: St. Martin's, 1985 . 231p . $29 .95cloth. LC85-2114. IBN0-312-53786-7 . Macfarlane, L. J. The Theory and Practice of Hu- man Rights. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 193p. $25 cloth. LC 84-27743. ISBN 0-312-79716. MacKay, David. In the Wake of Cook: Exploration Science and Empire 1780-1801. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 216p. $27.50 cloth. LC 85-40080. ISBN 0-312-41177-4. Marquis Who's Who in Cancer Professionals and Fa- cilities. Chicago: Marquis, 1985. · 830p. $150 cloth. ISBN 0-8379-6501-2. . Martin, Gottfried. Arithmetic and Combinatorics: Kant and His Contemporaries. Carbondale, lll.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1985. 226p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-5476. ISBN 0-8093-1184-4. A Matter of Fact 1984: A Digest of Current Facts, With Citations to Sources. Ed. by C. Edward Wall. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Perian Pr., 1985. 280p . $24.50 paper. LC ISBN 0-87650-197-8. McCullough, Christopher J. and Robert Woods Mann. Managing Your Anxiety: Regaining Con- trol When You Feel Stressed, Helpless, and Alone. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1985. 305p. $15.95 cloth. LC 85-9743. ISBN 0-87477-352-0. McCunn, Ruthanne Lum. Sole Survivor. San Francisco: Design Enterprises, 1985. 240p. $14.95 cloth. LC 85-71877. ISBN 0-932538-61-4. McCurdy, Dwight R. Park Management. Car- bondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1985. 262p. $19.95 paper. LC 84-27653. ISBN 0-8093-1202-6. McCusker, John J. and Russell R. Menard. The Economy of British America: 1607-1789. Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Pr ., 1985. 509p. $35 cloth. LC 84-17197. ISBN 0-8078-1635-3. McFarland, Philip. Sea Dangers: The Affair of the Somers. New York: Schocken, 1985. 308p. $19.95 cloth . LC 85-1852. ISBN 0-8052-3990-1. Means Electrical Cost Data. 8th ed . Ed. by Albert J. Sauerbier. Kingston, Mass.: R. S. Means Co., 1985. 356p. $36.95 paper. LC 84-645813. ISBN 0-911950-92-3. Means Historical Cost Indexes. Ed. by William D. Mahoney. Kingston, Mass.: R. S. Means Co., 1985. 20p . $15.95 paper. LC 81-642889. ISBN 0-911950-76-1. Means Mechanical Cost Data. 8th ed. Ed. by Melville J. Mossman. Kingston, Mass.: R. S. Means Co., 1985. 450p. $36.95 paper. LC 84-645379. ISBN 0-911950-91-5. Means Square Foot Costs. 6th ed. Ed . by F. Wil- liam Horsley. Kingston, Mass . : R. S. Means Co., 1985. 426p. $39.95 paper. LC 82-643175. ISBN 0-911950-94-X. Means Systems Costs. lOth ed. Ed. by Arthur Thornley. Kingston, Mass.: R. S. Means Co ., 1985. 548p. $38.95 paper. LC 76-17689 . ISBN 0-911950-95-8. Recent Publications 107 Meister, Charles W. Chekhov Bibliography: Works in English by and about Anton Chekhov; Ameri- can, British, and Canadian Performances. Jeffer- son, N.C.: McFarland, 1985. 192p. $39.95 cloth. LC 84-43221. ISBN 0-89950-154-0 . Methodist Union Catalog: Pre-1976 Imprints. V.6. Ed. by Kenneth E. Rowe. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 360p. $27.50 cloth . LC 75-33190. ISBN 0-8108-1725-X . Moody, Marilyn K. and Jean L. Sears. Using Government Publications: Searching by Subjects and Agencies. Phoenix, Arizona: Oryx Pr., 1985 . 224p. $67.50 cloth. LC 83-43249. ISBN 0-89774-094-7 . Page, Renuka. Sources of Economic Information: Ireland. Dublin, Ireland: Institute of Public Administration, 1985. 120p. $19.95 cloth. ISBN 0-906980-41-0. Philipp, Hans-Jurgen. Saudi Arabia: Bibliography on Politics, Society and Economics from the 18th Century to the Present. Bibliography on Re- gional Geography and Area Studies, V .4. New York: Saur, 1985. 405p. $41 cloth. ISBN 3-598-21134-1. The Philippines after Marcos. Ed . by R. J. May and FranciscoNemenzo. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 239p. $27 .50 cloth . LC 85-1851. ISBN 0-312-60419-X. Phillips, D. C. and Jonas F. Soltis. Perspectives The Academic Librarians' Choice with CLASS • Over 18 Million Records • Subject Access/Boolean Capabilities • Choice of Accounts: • Search Access • Online Cataloging • Acquisitions • Interlibrary Loan Contact: CLASS, Dept. AC, 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 101, San Jose, CA 95112 408/289-1756 108 College & Research Libraries on Learning. New York: Teachers College Pr., 1985. 98p. $8.95 paper. LC 84-26854. ISBN 0-8077-2761-X. Piaget, Gerald W. and Barbara M. Binkley. Overcoming Your Barriers: A Guide to Personal Reprogramming. Fair Hills, N.J.: New Hori- zon, 1985. 244p. $14.95 cloth . LC 85-7740. ISBN 0-88282-005-2. Police and Law Enforcement: 1975-1981. V.3. Ed. by Robert J. Homant and Daniel B. Kennedy. New York: AMS, 1985. 544p. $47.50 cloth. LC 73-7210. ISBN 0-404-11207-2. Popell, Steven. Big Profits from Small Companies: A Manager's Guide. Mountain View, Calif.: Lomas, 1985. 232p. $19.95 paper. LC 84-52647. ISBN 0-932485-45-6. Powell, Walter W. Getting into Print: The Decision-Making Process in Scholarly Publish- ing. Chicago: Univ . of Chicago Pr., 1985 . 260p. $19.95 cloth. LC 84-23962. ISBN 0-226-67704-4. Pressnell, L. S. and John Orbell. A Guide to the Historical Records of British Banking. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 130p. $29.95 cloth. ISBN 0-312-35303-0. Privacy and Data Protection: An International Bibli- ography. Ed . by David H. Flaherty. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Pub., 1985. 276p. $36.50 cloth. LC 84-15415. ISBN 0-86729-121-4. The Private Sector in the Public School: Can It Im- prove Education? Ed. by Marsha Levine. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise In- stitute, 1985. 77p . LC 85-1222. ISBN 0-8447-2251-0 . Proceedings of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Geosci- ence Information Society: Maps in the Geoscience Community. November 5-B, 1984. Ed. by ClarenM. Kidd, Alexandria, Va.: Geoscience Info. Soc., 1985. 209p. $20 paper. Pruett, James W. and Thomas P. Slavens. Re- search Guide to Musicology. Chicago: Ameri- can Library Assn ., 1985. 175p. $30 cloth. LC 84-24379. ISBN 0-8389-0331-2. Publishers' International Directory with ISBN In- . dex. 12th ed. 2v. Ed. by Barbara Verrel. New York: Saur, 1985. 1,887p. $145 cloth. ISBN 3-598-20529-5. Rassmussen, Richard Michael. The UFO Litera- ture: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography of Works in English . Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1985. 263p . $29.95 cloth. LC 84-43213. ISBN 0-89950-136-2. The Red Pages: Businesses across Indian America. Toppenish, Wash.: LaCourse Communica- tions, 1985. 282p . $65 paper. Regents of Nations: A Systematic Chronology of States and Their Political Representative in Past and Present. A Biographical Reference Book. 3v. Ed. by Peter Truhart. New York: Saur, 1985. 2,980p. $200 cloth. ISBN 3-598-10491-X. January 1986 Rhetoric and Form: Deconstruction at Yale. Ed. by Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer. Nor- man: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1985. 255p. $16.95 cloth. LC 85-1002 . ISBN 0-8061-1895-4. Royster, Vermont. The Essential Royster: A Ver- mont Royster Reader. Ed. by Edmund Fuller. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin, 1985. 345p. $18.95 cloth. LC 85-1302. ISBN 0-912697-19-9. Saffady, William. Video-Based Information Sys- tems: A Guide to Educational, Business, Library, and Home Use. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1985. 240p. $30 paper. LC 84-21567. ISBN 0-8389-0425-4. Scientific and Technological Information for Devel- opment: Proceedings of the Ad-hoc Panel of Ex- perts on Information Systems for Science and Technology for Development held in Rome, Italy 21-25 January 1985. New York: United Na- tions, 1985. 152p. Scott, Robert Owens. William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Barron's Book Notes. Wood- bury, N.Y.: Barron's, 1985. 117p. $2.50 pa- per. LC 85-1389. ISBN 0-8120-3548-8. Settlement and Society: Aspects of West European Prehistory in the First Millenium B.C. Ed. by T. C. Champion and J. V. S. Megaw . New York : St. Martin's, 1985. 243p. $29.95 cloth. LC 85-2112. ISBN 0-312-71317-7. The Sixth Annual Study of General Manufacturing Climates of the Forty-eight Contiguous States of America. Chicago: Alexander Grant & Com- pany, 1985. 138p. $35 paper. Skarmeta, Antonio. I Dreamt the Snow Was Burn- ing. New York: Reader International, 1985. 220p. $14.95 cloth. ISBN 0-930523-06-7. Dist. by Persea. Smith, J. David . Minds Made Feeble: The Myth and Legacy of the Kallikaks. Rockville, Md.: As- pen, 1985. 205p. $19.95 cloth . LC 84-28416. ISBN 0-87189-093. Society and Economics from the 18th Century to the Present. Bibliography on Regional Geogra- phy and Area Studies, V.4. New York: Saur, 1985 . 405p. $41 cloth . ISBN 3-598-21134-1. The Soviet Worker: From Lenin to Andropov. 2d ed. Ed. by Leonard Schapiro and Joseph God- son. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 326p. $29 .95 cloth. LC 83-24712. ISBN 0-312-74924-4. Steiner, Rudolf. Friedrich Nietzsche: Fighter for Freedom. Blauvelt, N .Y.: Spiritual Science Li- brary, 1985. 222p . $15 cloth. LC 60-11803. 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