College and Research Libraries 620 College & Research Libraries a certain international flavor: ''about 66% of the total working populations ist doing information handling services" (p.13); and "National Library of Medecine" (p .108). An index would have been useful. And so would a foreword acknowledging the fifteen contributors by title and pro- viding some context about the preparation of this work. The book was presented to Welsh at a special reception sponsored by the publisher, K. G. Saur, during the Fifty-first Council and General Confer- ence of the International Federation of Li- brary Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in August 1985. Was this festschrift pre- pared especially for this event? Honoring Bill Welsh requires no justifi- cation, of course. The wonder is that honor isn't done more often. His achieve- ments should be more widely acknowl- edged and appreciated outside library cir- cles. This book is a fine tribute.-Nina W. Matheson, William H. Welch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Mary- land. Harman, Keith and Charles R. McClure. Strategic Planning for Sponsored Project Administration: The Role of Information Management. Westport, Conn.: Green- wood, 1985. 279p. $45. LC 85-9881. ISBN 0-813-24931-8. This is another quality and timely prod- uct of the prolific McClure publication fac- tory. The team of Keith Harman, director of the Office of Educational Grants at Southeast Missouri State University, and Charles McClure, associate professor in the School of Library Science at the Uni- . versity of Oklahoma, has produced a "theoretical treatise and a desktop hand- book" to assist sponsored-project admin- istrators in their understanding and use of strategic planning and information man- agement techniques. As the premier volume in the new Greenwood Press series, Emerging Pat- terns of Work and Communications in an Information Age, the work focuses on es- tablishing a conceptual framework for core organizational and management concepts-systems theory, strategic plan- . ning, boundary spanning, organizational culture, contingency management, orga- November 1986 nizational role and information manage- ment-and on outlining the key elements of the strategic planning process and -of decision support systems. What distin- guishes this treatment of these now very familiar concepts and techniques is the ef- fective and essential link drawn~between information resources management and strategic planning and the focus on ad- ministrators working with grants, con- tracts, and cooperative agreements sup- porting research and development projects. The authors recognize that significant changes are taking place in the grants en- vironment, as the interests and support levels of federal agencies, foundations, and corporations shift dramatically. They also note that the role of the project ad- ministrator in many organizations has ex- panded from management of single proj- ects to organization-wide responsibility for sponsored-project performance. These developments demand new approaches and the promotion of a "planning cul- ture" characterized by effective informa- tion identification, acquisition, organiza- tion, evaluation, and dissemination. The central premises are summarized early in the volume, on page 52: "through a decision support system, sponsored proj- ect administrators may arrange and interre- late the information-processing mecha- nisms and tools needed to provide timely, valid and reliable information .... Bound- ary spanning offers a means by which sponsored projects administrators may communicate relevant information regard- ing sponsored projects to key clients (fun- ders), constituents (organization decision makers), support staff/units, and project · personnel. Contingency management pro- vides an administrative posture which em- phasizes a situational or adaptive ap- proach. Strategic planning serves as the fulcrum or transforming agent by produc- ing ongoing plans which help identify those environmental factors, organiza- tional resources, problems, and opportuni- ties most relevant to the organization's sponsored projects effort.'' Subsequent chapters provide detailed discussions and prescriptive information about these concepts and their underlying Introducing a unique collection of never-before-published historical records. UNPUBLISHED US. 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Fresh historical insights With this exciting new documents collection, you'll get: • a new and unique "sense of the times" for more than 100 years of history • new additions to the legislative histories of dozens of key laws · • a behind-the-scenes look at important con- gressional investigations • revealing glimpses of some of the nation's most intriguing public officials. Write or call for free information For more information on this important new collection call CIS toll-free to request a free brochure: 800-638-8380 Or fill in and mail the coupon below. 0 Please rush me more information on the CIS Index to Unpublished U.S. Senate Com- mittee Hearings and companion microfiche collection. Name Dept. Organization Address City / State / Zip MAIL TO: DIS Congressional Information Service, Inc. 4520 East-West Hwy., Suite 800-C Bethesda, MD 20814-3389 Tel. 301-654-1550 622 College & Research Libraries assumptions and components. Readers are effectively marched through the fun- damental steps in the strategic planning process: analysis of environment, identifi- cation of strategies, formulation of action plans, construction of objectives, genera- tion of goals, review of strategies, creation of ''early warning system'' to monitor progress, implementation of action plans, adjustment of plans as required, and recy- cling of planning process. The reader will appreciate this well-organized and clear presentation of strategic planning and its focus on the effectiveness of the monitor- ing, measuring, and communication de- vices. The reviewer was particularly in- trigued by the concept of MBWA- Management by Walking (or Wandering) Around. The presentation would have been improved by expanding attention to the relationship between the planning and budget processes and by discussing the need for organizationwide commit- ment to the planning effort. The chapter on the relationship of infor- mation resources management and deci- sion support systems to strategic planning is crucial to the book's thesis. A well- designed information system provides an empirical basis for planning and decision making; presents intelligence about the environment; encourages assessment of historical, current, and future conditions; and permits evaluation of the planning process and monitoring of progress. The important role of online database services and the institution's library in supporting access to information resources is cited. The general principles advocated for effec- tive information management systems- integration, interaction, flexibility, and needs orientation-will be familiar to li- brarian readers. Harman and McClure have provided a well-organized and -documented study. The literatures of organizational theory, planning, information management, and sponsored-project administration are ef- fectively integrated. Graphics, charts, and tables are used liberally to present com- plex ideas and synthesize research find- ings, and each chapter is clearly organized and concluded with a well-written sum- mary of the key concepts. The most signif- November 1986 icant weakness of the work and perhaps, in my view, its greatest strength is the seeming focus on sponsored-project ad- ministration, as indicated in the title. Some potential readers will thus not be at- tracted to the volume, although much of the material would be of value to a broad audience. One could read the book, freely substituting a host of professions for the sponsored-project administrator. The au- thors conclude that "people are the orga- nization and information is the most criti- cal resource at their disposal." Haven't librarians been advocating these ideas for years?-]ames G. Neal, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park. Keaveney, Sydney Starr. Contemporary Art Documentation and Fine Arts Libraries. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 181p. $17.50. LC 85-22234. ISBN 0-8108-1859- 0. A Reader in Art Librarianship. Ed. by Philip Pacey for the Section of Art Li- braries. IFLA Publications, no . 34. Miin- chen: K.G. Saur, 1985. 199p. $20 ISBN 3-598-20398-5. The examination of the information flow in the contemporary art world and the im- pact of the resulting interrelationships on library collecting patterns is an adaptation of Keaveney's doctoral thesis. After re- viewing information science techniques for measuring the flow of information in other fields and applying them to the art world, she tested her assumptions against the survey results on library holdings of a set of contemporary artists. She also inter- viewed a number of artists and others in the art world to determine patterns of communicatiop. and the placement of ''gatekeepers'' on the path of information as it flows from the artists to society at large. Keaveney selected forty contemporary American artists and analyzed the holdings of fourteen New York City-area art li- braries (five museum libraries, five aca- demic libraries, and four public libraries), checking holdings in both card catalogs and vertical files but not in periodical files or indexes. Additionally, she checked sev- eral major bibliographic sources, including the database of the Research Libraries In-