College and Research Libraries 378 College & Research Libraries Elsewhere drywood [sic] termites are de- scribed as living only in wood. It is very unlikely that the clothbound, publisher's binding shown in the plate has wooden boards. Careless editing further serves to detract from the worth of this book. The index re- fers the reader to the section of plates in the center of the book by listing the plate by number. However, the plates them- selves are not numbered, so one must count from the beginning of the section of plates to locate the correct one. At least one entry in the index is duplicated. Hickin refers several times to the threat that certain types of insects pose to books, yet the specifics of how they damage them are meager. In his introduction to the ge- nus Anthrenus (which contains several of the carpet beetles commonly found in book and archival collections) he says that it is "a most important one for those con- cerned with conservation of books.'' And yet, when the two most common of these beetles are described there is no mention of how they damage library collections July 1987 other than 11 old leather-bound books may be damaged." The implication is that _. newly bound leather books are not at- tacked. Does this also mean that collec- tions that do not contain any leather will not be attacked by carpet beetles? This is not my experience. Overall, Bookworms gives good, detailed physical descriptions of insects and pro- "' vides a great deal of useful information about them. It also contains some excel- lent illustrations and photographs with which to identify adults and larvae (but not always both). However, I found that the information was scattered in a way that made it inconvenient to use the book as a reference tool. Furthermore, mis- 1 takes, ambiguities, and omissions have the potential for producing frustration and erroneous conclusions. Less empha- sis on entomology and more on the practi- cality of dealing with insects in book col- lections would make this work more useful for library staff (and probably, book • collectors).-Bonnie Jo Cullison, Newbery Li- brary, Chicago. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepard by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number may be or- dered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Accreditation: A Way Ahead. "To Explore Procedures and Guidelines for Partici- pation of a Variety of Associations in the Accreditation of Programs of Library and Information Science Education." By the Committee on Accreditation, American Library Association, Chi- cago. 1986. 97p. ED 272 201. MF-0.75; PC-$7.20. To involve other professional and educa- • tional groups in the accreditation process of ed- ucational programs in the field of library and in- formation science, for which the American Library Association has current responsibility, this project developed specific recommenda- tions with respect to the following needs: (1) to effect procedures and interorganizational ar- rangements that will provide the basis for par- ticipation of multiple societies; (2) to establish guidelines by which the specific interests and concerns of each participating society will be recognized in the accreditation process; and (3) to revise as necessary the 1972 Standards for Accreditation, which provide the current basis for evaluation of programs. The report consists of eight chapters and four appendixes. The first • chapter is an executive summary, intended to serve not only as an introduction but also as a freestanding document, suitable for communi- cation of the results to a large audience. The sec- ond chapter is a background paper describing the current accreditation process and the role of THE RESOURCE AUTHORITIES. !1-aeaclae laforadillaoa nller u proclacu ucl Hnictl aUcktcl: 0 American Medical Periodicals 1797- 1900 0 U.S. and Interna- tional Patent Documentation 0 Patent Search and Awareness Services 0 International Newspapers on Microfilm 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 Toll-free: HlOO-REACH-RP TWX: 711l-465-6345 FAX: 203-397-3893 Journals of Science, Technology, and. Medicine, in microform, from one source. Guaranteed availability, when you want them. Research Publications has taken journals in micro- form a giant step forward- every title filmed and delivered when your patrons need them. All current and back:file volumes are filmed in their entirety from the first issue forward. The point is, you get them without ordering and then having to wait, and wait, and wait . . .. Research specialists, engineers, chemists, doctors, and the general public can access entire years of jow::naJ.s in microform. Your paper issues can continue to circu- late. And it's all cost-efficient from your first sub- scription on. One purchase order, one invoice, and your current microform subscriptions will be ful- filled within three months of the end of the volume year. For further information, use the form below: Or calll-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477) now: From Connecticut, Alaska and Canada, call collect (203) 397-2600. D Please send me your cata.log of Journals In Microform D Have a representative call me Tille IDBtltuUon City State Zip Code 0 Newspaper Phone Indexes For further information, or to place your order · : Ef~l-aoo:(El~-•cs-oo~ 73 :ip 0 Reference Books G 380 College & Research Libraries the ALA Committee on Accreditation. Chap- ters 3 and 4 are concerned with procedural is- sues related to organizing and financing the ac- creditation process in the context of the involvement of multiple professional societies. Chapters 5 through 8 are concerned with sub- stantive issues involved in the evaluation of ed- ucational programs in the field, with emphasis July 1987 on the interests of participating societies. The appendixes contain the 1972 accreditation stan- _. dards, a table showing accredited programs from 1925 to March 1986, a bibliography of rele- vant documents, and listings of participating societies and individuals that donated their en- ergies to this project. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 1987 Gale Directory of Publications. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 1,453p. $135 (ISBN 0-8103-1498-3). Aby, Stephen H. Sociology: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources. Littleton: Libraries Unlimited, 1987. 231p. $36 (ISBN 0-87287- 498-2) LC 86-27573. Academic Year Abroad. Ed. by Edrice Howard. New York: Institute of International Educa- tion, 1987. 525p. $26.95 (ISBN 87206-149-3). American Diaries: Diaries Written from 1845-1980. Ed. by Laura Arksey, Nancy Pries, and Mar- cia Reed. American Diaries. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 501p. $98 (ISBN 0-8103-1801-6) LC 83- 8860. American Libraries 1986 . New York: K. G. Saur, 1986. 726p. (ISBN 0-89664-3603). Australian & New Zealand Academic Library Statis- tics. Ed. by A. Leong. Perth, Western Austra- lia: Curtin Univ. of Technology, 1987. 345p. $59 (ISBN 0-908155-29-8). Beiser, Karl. Essential Guide to dBase III+ in Li- braries. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1987. 274p . $19.95 (ISBN 0-88736-064-5). Biebuyck, DanielP. ArtsofCentralAfrica: An An- notated Bibliography. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1987. 300p. (ISBN 0-8161-8601-4) LC 86-29555. Book of Days 1987: First Annual Encyclopedia of In- formation Sources on Historical Figures and Events, Keyed to Calendar Dates. Ann Arbor: Pierian Pr., 1987. 786p . paper, $59.50 (ISBN 0-87650-224-9) . Bradbury, Nicola. An Annotated Critical Bibliog- raphy of Henry James. New York: St. Martin's, 1987. 142p. $35 (ISBN 0-312-00481-8). Buckley, JoAnn. Database Management Systems. Essential Guide to the Library IBM PC. West- port, Conn.: Meckler, 211p. $19.95 (ISBN 0- 88736-050-1). Burwasser, Suzanne M. File Management Hand- book for Managers and Librarians . Studio City, Calif. : Pacific Information, 1986. 165p. paper, $24.50 (ISBN 0-913203-15-7). Canadian Almanac and Directory, 1987. Ed. by Su- san Bracken. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 1,283p. $75 (ISBN 0-7730-4096-X). . Chen, Ching-chen. Scientific and Technical Infor- mation Sources . Cambridge: MIT Pr ., 1987. 2v . 824p. $55 (ISBN 0-262-03120-5) LC 86-7310. Children's Literature Review. Ed. by Gerard J. Senick. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 287p. $80 (ISBN 0-8103-0344-2) LC 75-34953. The Community College and Its Critics . Ed. by L. Steven Zwerling. San Francisco: Josey- Bass, 1986. 120p. paper, $9.95 (ISBN 87589- 708-8) LC 85-81881. Conservation Directory. Washington, D.C.: Na- tional Wildlife Federation. 307p . $15 (ISBN 0- 912186-75-5) LC 70-10646. Contemporary Authors . Ed. by Linda Metzger and Deborah A. Straub. New Revision Se- ries. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 495p. $90 (ISBN 0- 8103-1949-7) LC 81-640179. Contemporary Authors. Ed. by Hal May. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 424p. $90 (ISBN 0-8103-1919-5) LC 62-52046. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. by Daniel G. Marowski. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 739p. $88 (ISBN 0-8103-4414-9) LC 76-38938. The Corporate 1000: A Directory of Who Runs the Top 1000 U.S. Corporations. Ed. by William Wade. Washington: Washington Monitor, 1987. 758p. paper, $95 (ISBN 0-89664-3603) . Corry, Emmett. Grants for Libraries. Littleton: Libraries Unlimited, 1986. 343p. $35 (ISBN 0- 87287-534-2). Davis, Elisabeth B. Guide to Information Sources in the Botanical Sciences. Littleton: Libraries Unlimited, 1987. 175p. $32.50 (ISBN 87287- 439-7). Dictionary of Anthropology. Ed. by Charlotte Seymour-Smith. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1987. 450p. $39.95 (ISBN 0-8161-8817-3). Directory of Research Grants, 1987. Phoenix: Oryx Pr ., 1987. 980p. paper, $110 (ISBN 0- 89774-337-7) . Directory of Selected National Testing Programs . Phoenix: Oryx Pr., 1987. 288p. paper, $35 (ISBN 0-8977 4-386-5). Encyclopedia of Health Information Sources . Ed. by Suzanne Grefsheim. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 483p. $135 (ISBN 0-8103-2135-1) LC 86-22794. Encyclopedia of Information Systems and Services. Ed. by Amy Lucas and Kathleen Young Mar- caccio. 7thed. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 3v. 4,742p. ., BIOSIS®& Biological Abstracts® Celebrating 60 Years of Service to the Biological Community BIOSIS 2100 Arch Street I Philadelphia, PA 19103-1399 USA I (215) 587-4800 CRL7871CB 382 College & Research Libraries $370 (ISBN 0-8103-2492~X). Encyclopedia of Medical Organizations and Agen- cies. Ed. by Anthony T. Kruzas, Kay Gill, and Robert Wilson. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 975p. $180 (ISBN 0-8103-0324-8). LC 84-640206. Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology. Vol- ume 3. Ed. by Leslie A. Shepard. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 1,618p. $77 (ISBN 0-8103-0196-2). LC 84-3990. European Sources of Scientific and Technical Infor- mation. Ed. by Anthony P. Harvey. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 356p. (ISBN 0-582-90153-7). Everyone's United Nations: A Handbook on the Work of the United Nations. New York: United Nations, 1986. 484p. $9.95 (ISBN 92-1- 100274-5). Evinger, William R. Directory of Federal Libraries. Pheonix: Oryx, 1987. 272p. $65 (ISBN 0- 89774-244-3) LC 86-42744. Expert Systems in Libraries. Ed. by Forbes Gibb. London: Taylor Graham, 1986. 98p. paper, $25 (ISBN 0-947568-10-7). The Far East and Australasia 1987. London: Europa Publ., 1986. 1,000p. $155 (ISBN 0- 946653-23-2) LC 74-417170. First Printings of American Authors: Contributions toward Descriptive Checklists. Ed. by Philip B. Eppard. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 370p. $100 (ISBN 0-8103-0934-3). Folk Artists Biographical Index. Ed. by George H. Meyer. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 496p. $40 (ISBN 0-8103-2145-9) LC 86-15029. 'From Radical Left to Extreme Right: A Bibliography of Current Periodicals of Protest, Controversy, Advocacy, or Dissent, with Dispassionate Con- tent Summaries to Guide Librarians and Other Educators, 3d ed. Ed. by Gail Skidmore and Theodore Jurgen Spahn. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 503p. $59.50 (ISBN 0-8108- 1967-8) LC 86-29735. German Fiction Writers, 1914-1945. Ed. by James Hardin. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 382p. $90 (ISBN 0-8103-1734-6) LC 87-216. Government Regulation of Business: An Informa- tion Sourcebook. [Ed]. by Robert Goehlert and Nels Gunderson. Oryx Sourcebook Series in Business & Management. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 425p. $55 (ISBN 0-89774-261-3). Government Research Directory: A Guide to Ap- proximately 3,000 U.S. Government Research and Development Centers. Ed. by Kay Gill and Susan E. Tufts. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 977p. $350 (ISBN 0-8103-0473-2). Griffith, Nancy Snell. Edward Bellamy: A Bibliog- raphy. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 201p. $22.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1932-5). Hahn, Harvey. Technical Services in the Small Li- brary. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1987. 12p. paper, $1.95 (ISBN 0-8389-5689-0) LC 86-32118. July 1987 Health Services. Ed. by Anthony T. Kruzas, Kayn Gill, and Karen Backus. Medical and Health Information Directory. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 767p. $160 (ISBN 0-8103-0263-2). Heeks, Richard. Personal Bibliographic Indexes and their Computerisation. London: Taylor Graham. 1986. 189p. paper, $28.50 (ISBN 0- 947568-11-5). Historical Dictionary of Nigeria. Ed. by A. Oyewole. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, ·-"~ 1987. 411p. $37.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1787-X) LC 85-1792. Innovations in Planning Facilities for Sci-Tech Li- braries. Ed. by Ellis Mount. New York: Haw- orth, 1986. 158p. $22.95 (ISBN 0-86656-592-2) LC 86-14849. International Directory of Arts 1987-88. Frankfurt: Art Address Verlag, 1986. 2v. 1,708p. $148 (ISBN 3-921529-25-5). The International Directory of Business Information Agencies and Services. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 378p. $75 (ISBN 0-8103-2140-8). The International Foundation Directory. Ed. by H. V. Hodson. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 434p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-2047-9) LC 73-90303. International Tradeshow Directory 1987. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 474p. $100. Kies, Cosette. Marketing and Public Relations for Libraries. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 200p. (ISBN 0-8108-1952-2) LC 86-20219. LC Rule Interpretations of AACR2, 1978-1986, First Update. [Ed]. by Sally C. Tseng. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 496p. $32.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1991-0) LC 85-14527. Libraries in Colleges of Further and Higher Educa- tion in the UK. Ed. by Ann Harrold. London: Library Assn., 1987. 87p. paper, $17.50 (ISBN 0-85365-717-3). Libraries in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, 1987. Ed. by Ann Harrold. London: Library Assn., 1987. 171p. paper, $17.50 (ISBN 0-85365-807-2). Library Research News: The Garvin/Waters/Woods Archive. Ed. byK. E. Garay. Hamilton, Ont.: McMaster Univ., 1986. 98p. Library Services for Hispanic Children: A Guide for Public and School Librarians. Ed. by Adela Ar- tola Allen. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 200p. paper, $30 (ISBN 0-89774-371-7). Loeb, Catherine, Susan E. Searing, and Ester Stineman. Women's Studies: A Recommended Core Bibliography. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1987. 538p. $55 (ISBN 0-87287- 472-9). Malinowsky, Robert H. International Directory of Gay and Lesbian Periodicals. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 226p. $55 (ISBN 0-89774-297-4). Microcomputers and Libraries: A Bibliographic Sourcebook. Ed. by Thomas L. Kilpatrick. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 738p. $49.50 MLS-160 People, 2 7 Years of Service to Libraries Jay Askuvich General Sales Manager Scott Schmidt Midwest Carl Dorr Southeast Lawrence Nagel West Forrest Link Northeast Kim Anderson Lorraine Best Mountain Plains Canada I Midwest Library Service 114.43 St. Charles Rock Road Bndgeton , MO 63044, USA Call toll-free 1-800-325-8833 Missouri librarians call toll-free 1-800-392-5024 Canadian librarians call toll-free 1-800-527-1659 384 College & Research Libraries (ISBN 0-8108-1977-5) LC 86-31341. Morris, John W., Charles R. Goins, and Edwin C. McReynolds. Historical Atlas of Oklahoma . Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1987. 208p. paper, $14.95 (ISBN 0-8061-2001-0). The Musical. Hubert Wildbihler and Sonja Voelklein, eds. New York: K. G. Saur, 1987. 320p. $60 (ISBN 3-598-10635-1). Myers, Patti. Publishing with CD-ROM: A Guide to Compact Disc Optical Storage Technologies for Providers of Publishing Services. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1987. 98p. paper, $19.95 (ISBN 0-88736-181-1). National Directory of Addresses and Telephone Numbers. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 1,903p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-5050-5). National Directory of Bulletin Board Systems. Ed. by Ric Manning. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1987. 40p . paper, $19.95 (ISBN 0-88736-092- 0). New Methods and Techniques for Information Man- agement. Ed. by Mary Feeney. London: Tay- lor Graham Publ., 1986. 363p. paper, $43.50 (ISBN 0-947568-12-3) . The New Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigr- apha: A Guide to Publications, with Excursuses on Apocalypses. Ed. by James H. Charlesworth . ATLA Bibliography Series, no. 17. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. Need help developing your preservation program? Articles, news, bibliography, book reviews, meetings, education, products, people, grants, positions available, technical advice, and more! Conservation Administration News A Quarterly Publication of Library and Archival Preservation Recipient of the American Library Association's H. W. Wilson Periodical Award Subscription rate is $18 per year from the CAN Business Office, Mcfarlin Library, The University of Tulsa , 600 South College Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104 . Complimentary issue on request July 1987 468p. $42.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1845-0). LC 85- 18350. Nicholson, John B. Reading and the Art of Li- braianship: Selected Essays of John B. Nicholson, Jr. Ed. by Paul Dubois and Dean H. Keller . New York: Haworth, 1986. 281p. $29.95 (ISBN 0-86656-584-X) LC 86-128442. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. V.14. Ed. by Cherie D. Abbey. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 559p. $90 (ISBN 0-8103-5814-X) LC 81-6943. Once Upon . . . A Time For Young People and Their Books : An Annotated Resource Guide. [Ed] . by RitaKohn. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 219p. (ISBN 0-8108-1922-8) $19.50. Palmer, William J. The Films of the Seventies: A Social History . Metuchen, N.J . : Scarecrow, 1986. 279p. $25 (ISBN 0-8108-1955-4) . Pearson, Barbara C., and Katherine B. Ellwood. ~ Guide to the Petroleum Reference Literature. Lit- tleton: Libraries Unlimited, 1987. 193p. $45 (ISBN 0-87287-473-7). Popkin, J. M. Musical Monuments . New York: K. G. Saur, 1987. 250p . $55 (ISBN 3-598- 10628-9). Reid, William H. Four Indications of Current North American Library and Information Doc- toral Degree Programs. Champaign: Univ. of Il- linois Graduate School of Library and Infor- mation Science, 1987. 85p. $3 (ISBN 0276-1769). Religion Index Two: Multi-Author Works. Ed. by Frederick T. Custer. Chicago: American Theological Library Assn . Religion Indexes. 1986. 533p .·paper. Research Services Directory. Ed. by Robert J. Huffman and Mary Michelle Watkins. De- troit: Gale, 1987. 641p. $290 (ISBN 0-8103- • 0246-2). Robertson, Steven D. PublicMicrocomputing: Fa- cilities and Usage in Public Libraries. Studio City, Calif.: Pacific Information, 1986. 110p. paper, $24.50 (ISBN 0-913203-16-5). Rubin, Richard. In-House Use of Materials in Pub- lic Libraries . Champaign, Ill.: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1986. 213p . $15. Scrivener, Ronald S. USSR Economic Handbook. London: Euromitor, 1986. 246p . $80 (ISBN 0- 86338-156-01). Shakespearean Criticism: Excerpts from the Criti- cism of William Shakepeare's Plays and Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluations. Ed. by Mark W. Scott. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 714p. $85 (ISBN 0-8103-6128-0) . LC 84-4010. Small Business: An Information Sourcebook . [Ed .] by Cynthia C. Ryans. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 285p. $37 (ISBN 0-89774-272-9). Something about the Author: Facts and Pictures about Authors and Illustrators of Books for Young &·MONTH TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION! READERS' GUIDE ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS AND INDEXING ON TYPESET FICHE The Wilson Company now offers high-quality abs~r~cts for its best:kn~wn i~dex, Readers' Guide to Periodical Uterature. Comb1n1ng abstracts w1th 1ndex1ng on easy-to-read typeset microfiche, Readers' Guide Abstracts makes research faster, easier, and more efficient than ever before. QUALITY INFORMATION IN A QUALITY PACKAGE High-Quality Abstracts Well-written, accurate abstracts accompany the entry for each article Indexed. Readers' Guide Indexing The full cross-reference structure and indexing for each of the ":JOre than 180 periodicals covered 1n Readers' Guide are offered in Readers' Guide Abstracts. Readability Readers' Guide Abstracts retains the format and ty~raphy of Readers' Guide, us1ng bold face and italic type to distinguish the components of each entry. , Easy to Display and Store Each cumulation is delivered already filed in a durable display kit. Currency Readers' Guide Abstracts is updated and cumulated eight times each year. Retrospective Coverage Indexing and abstracting coverage beginning January 1986 is cumu- lated with recent material in every issue of Volume II (1987). MICROFICHE READER AND READER/PRINTER AVAILABLE As a special offer to Readers' Guide Abstracts subscribers, Wilson is offering high-quality Bell+ Howell microfiche readers and reader/ printers at reduced rates. The Micro Design 895 (48x) microfiche reader is available to subscribers at $188, non-sub- scribers pay $288. The Micro Copy 10 (48x), reader/ printer is available to subscribers at $399; non-subscribers pay $499. SPECIAL OFFER! &·Month 'ft'ial Subscription With your no-risk 6-month trial subscription to Readers' Guide Abstracts, you will not be invoiced until you enter your order for an annual subscripti' tn. If after your 6-month examination period you are not satisfied, we will arrange for the return of the fiche you have received-there will be no financial obligation. Your subscription to Volume II (1987) of Readers' Guide Abstracts brings you eight cumulations issued approximately every six weeks, beginning May 1987. ~ach cumulation of Volume II contams retrospective coverage beginning in January 1986. An annual sub- scription is priced at $675 U.S. and Canada, $750 other countries. To Order Call Toii·Free 1·800·367·6770 In New York State, call 1-800-462-6060; in Canada, call collect 212-588-8400. THE H.W. WILSON COMPANY 950 University Avenue Bronx, New York 10452 (212) 588-8400 386 College & Research Libraries People. Ed. by Anne Commire. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 306p. $66 (ISBN 0-8103-2256-0). LC 72- 27107. Sports Market Place: The Answer to Sports Re- search. Ed. by Richard A. Lipser. New York: Alan Taylor Communications, 1987. $115. State Government Research Directory: A Descrip- tive Guide to Basic and Applied Research. Ed. by Kay Gill and Susan E. Tufts. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 349p. $175 (ISBN 0-8103-1591-2) LC 86- 27101. Statistics-Europe: Sources for Social, Economic, and Market Research. [Ed.] by Joan M. Harvey. Beckenham, England: CBD Research, 1987. 320p. $130 (ISBN 0-900246-48-0). Subject Directory of Special Libraries and Informa- tion Centers. Ed. by Brigette T. Darnay. De- troit: Gale, 1986. 5v. 2,000p. $650 (ISBN 0- 8103-2118-1). Tabor, Stephen. Sylvia Plath: An Analytical Bibli- ography. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1987. 268p. $47 (ISBN 0-88736-100-5). Treaties and Alliances of the World. [Ed.] by Henry W. Degenhardt. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 495p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-2347-8). LC 86-21009. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. V.1. Ed. by Dennis Poupard. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 586p. $90 (ISBN 0-8103-2404-0). LC 76-46132. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism . V.2. Ed. by Dennis Poupard. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 571p. $90 (ISBN 0-8103-2405-9) . LC 76-46132. Tyee, Richard. Edward Albee: A Bibliography. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 224p. $22.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1915-5). Vacation Study Abroad 1987: Ed. by Edrice How- July 1987 ard . New York: Institute of International Ed- ucation. 410p. $16.95 (ISBN 0-87206-148-5). Victorian Prose Writers before 1867. Ed. by Wil- ~ liam B. Thesing. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 379p. $90 (ISBN0-8103-1733-8). LC 86-25837. Walford, A. J. Walford's Guide to Reference Mate- rial, 4th edition Volume 3: Generalities, Lan- guages, and the Arts and Literature. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1987. 768p. $80 (ISBN 0-85365-836-6). Walton, Robert, and Nancy Taylor. Directory of <~­ Microcomputer Software for Libraries. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 576p. $37 (ISBN 0-89774-342-3). The Waterloo Directory of Irish Newspapers and Pe- riodicals. Waterloo, Canada: North Waterloo Academic Pr., 1986. 840p. $300 (ISBN 0-921- 075-00-6). Weather Almanac: A Reference Guide to Weather, Climate, and Air Quality in the United States and " Its Key Cities. Ed. by James. A. Ruffner and Frank E. Bair. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 811p. $110 (ISBN 0-8103-1497-5) LC 81-644322. World Economic Survey 1986. New York: United Nations, 1986. 178p. paper, $15. World Guide to Foreign Services 1986-87. Ed. by · Michael Jackisch. Weissensberg: World "' Guides Internationale, 1986. 838p. $155 (ISBN 3-926393-00-9). The World of Learning 1987. Index of Institutions . Detroit: Gale, 1986 . 1,933p. $190 (ISBN 0- 946653-28-3). LC 47-30172. World Survey on the Role of Wo1J1en in Develop- ment. New York: Unitar, 1986. 237p. paper, $11 (ISBN 92-1-330103-0). 'r