College and Research Libraries 492 College &: Research Libraries much information about books that the in- dividual codex becomes lost. For instance, because the catalogue places such weight on texts, it does not treat the illustrated codex in an integrated fashion. The separation of identifications of text from subjects for images within the catalogue may reflect traditional discipli- nary divisions Qiterary history versus art history), but it violates the experience that a reader turning the pages of an illustrated book has. Pictures are embedded in texts, and modern researchers like medieval readers before them, need to understand their relation. Shailor' s identification of subjects for illustration is buried among the physical description in close proximity to analyses of artistic style, as though that were the primary information one would wish to know about pictures. I suspect that it would have been more useful to the general reader of the volume if the identi- fication of subjects for illustration had been integrated into the description of the text so that readers could easily see how pictures focus attention on particular texts, either reinforcing or, in fewer cases, rearranging the reader's experience of the written word . Such concerns are no longer simply the focus of art historians; increasingly historians and literary theo- rists are taking illustration of individual manuscripts into account when interpret- ing the text. My few criticisms about the treatment of visual material in Shailor' s catalogue should not detract from its value. This book is a solid piece of scholarship which attempts to introduce the Beinecke collec- tion to a broad audience.lts thorough cat- alogue entries provide a wealth of infor- mation that scholars will mine for many years.-Anne D. Hedeman, School of Art & Design, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign. Preservation Microfilming: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists. Ed. by Nancy Gwinn for the Association of Re- search Libraries. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1987. 212p. $40 (ISBN 0- 8389-0481-5). LC 87-10020. As preservation is becoming recognized as an important function of libraries and July 1989 archives, microfilming is assuming a role as an integral part of preservation in a growing number of institutions. Preserva- tion Microfilming: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists fills an important gap in library and archival literature by providing an ex- cellent in-depth introduction to the sub- ject. Heretofore it was difficult to obtain a good overview of preservation microfilm- ing. Preservation Microfilming pulls to- gether and integrates information that was only available before from a variety of sources, and it contributes new informa- tion as well. Preservation Microfilming achieves its purpose and scope as they are set forth in the preface: You can approach this book in many ways; as an overview of the whole process of preserva- tion microfilming, as a detailed-but not exhaustive-guide to each step of the opera- tion, as a reference book to other documents or programs to meet your specific needs, as a fact book, as a checklist, as a place to find sample forms or photos-in short, as a helper to keep right behind your desk. Read it through, then go back as needed for specific facts and refer- rals. You won't find in detail every procedure that you will require-many of them must mesh . with local priorities and conditions-but the critical issues are all covered. We hope the book will end up being well-thumbed. Preservation Microfilming is the work of several people. Different authors wrote the first drafts of the chapters; these cover all phases of preservation microfilming, from the selection of materials for micro- filming to the bibliographic control of mi- croforms. The first chapter presents an ·overview of administrative decisions and serves as 11 an extended abstract of the en- tire manual.'' Rigorous editing has mini- mized the overlap from chapter to chap- ter, and the careful attention of many reviewers has ensured the accuracy of the information presented. One of the most impressive things about Preservation Microfilming is the emphasis maintained throughout on placing micro- filming within the broader contexts of the preservation program, the institution, and the national agenda. This treatment begins with the introduction, which pro- vides a historical context and examines the environment in which local microfilming programs operate, and is continued in all the chapters. For instance, the chapter on selection of materials for microfilming stresses the variety of options that exist in a comprehensive preservation program and defines microfilming's niche within such a program. The afterword points out the need for preservation microfilming to be given the same attention as other criti- cal library or archival functions. This is not to say that Preservation Micro- filming emphasizes the theoretical at the expense of the practical. For example, the manual can serve as a checklist to ensure no important step or consideration in ami- crofilming program is being omitted. It can guide a reader through the decision making required for preservation micro- filming, including how to determine when microfilming is the best preserva- tion option. It can help a reader become a more effective advocate of microfilming within the organization and better under- stand his or her responsibilities vis-a-vis those of curators and bibliographers, scholars and faculty members, conserva- Recent Publications 493 tors, and catalogers. Finally, in addition to providing answers, the book suggests what questions should be asked in order to build a preservation microfilming pro- gram consonant with the goals and proce- dures of the institution. The book's clear organization; excellent index; and abundant references, foot- notes, and lists of suggested readings make it useful as a reference manual. Th~ appendixes contain citations to published standards and specifications and infOifua- tion ~n how to obtain them, a sample con- tract for microfilming services, a glossary, and a listing of institutions and organiza- tions that can be contacted for more ad- vice. The authors and editor of this volume deserve to be congratulated for the clear and thorough way in which they have captured the issues and steps involved in preservation microfilming. Preservation Microfilming: A Guide for Librarians and Ar- chivists is already well on its way to becom- ing a classic in the field.-Connie Brooks, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, Cali- fornia. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Allaby, Michael. Dictionary of the Environment. New York: New York Univ. Pr., 1989. 423p. $70 (ISBN: 0-8147-0591-X). LC 88-19184. American Magazine Journalists, 1850-1900. Dic- tionary of Literary Biography, V.79 Ed. by Sam G. Riley. Detroit: Gale, 1989. 387p. $98 (ISBN 0-8103-4557-9). American Short Story Writers, 1880-1910. Dictio- nary of Literary Biography, V. 78. Ed. by Bobby Ellen Kimbel. Detroit: Gale, 1989. 402p. $98. (ISBN0-8103-4556-0). LCBS-30994. Audiovisuals. Ed. by Malcolm H. Brantz and Lynn White. Farmington: Lyman Maynard Stowe Library, Univ. of Connecticut Health Center, 1988. 430p. $28. Bell, Arthur H. Complete Manager's Guide to In- terviewing. Homewood, Ill.: Dow-Jones- Irwin, 1989. 206p. $24.95 (ISBN 1-55623-109- 1). LC 88-29963. Books to Help Olildren Cope with Separation and Loss. V.3. Ed. by Joanne E. Bernstein and Masha K. Rudman. New York: Bowker, 1989. 532p. $37.95 (ISBN 0-8352-2510-0). LC 88-7591. Brandes, Paul D. History of Aristotle's Rhetoric; with a Bibliography of Early Printings. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1989. 230p. $32.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1952-X). LC 88-33713. Bromberg, Murray, and Julius Liebb. Hot Words for the SAT. New York: Barron, 1989. 224p. $5.95 (ISBN 0-8120-4120-8). LC 88-34272. Brooke, Robert, and John Hendricks. Audience Expectations and Teacher Demands. Carbon- dale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr.,· 1989. 138p. $10.95 (ISBN 0-8093-1514-9). Burress, Lee. Battle of the Books: Literary Censor- ship in the Public Schools, 1950-1985. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1989. 395p. $42.50 (ISBN 0-8108-2151-6). LC 88-30775. Classical Sparta: Techniques Behind Her Success. Ed. by Anton Powell. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1989. 210p. $32.50 (ISBN 0- 8061-2177-7). LC 88-20748. Congregate Care by County: A Directory for the Se- nior Living Industry. Comp. by Oryx. Phoe- nix: Oryx, 1989. 346p. $150 (ISBN 0-89774- 567-1). Consultants and Consulting Organizations Direc- tory. Ed. by Janice McLean. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 2,727p. 2v. $380/set (ISBN 0-8103-2231- 5). Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television. V.6.