College and Research Libraries Designing Library Instruction for Undergraduates: Combining Instructional Systems Design and Naturalistic Inquiry Delia Neuman An instructional systems design (ISD) process guided the creation of MAJIK/1, a HyperCard program delivering basic, individualized library instruction in preparation for classroom teaching in more advanced topics. A technique derived from naturalistic inquiry (NI) was incorporated into the program's formative evaluation, which was administered to twenty-eight upperclassmen at the University of Maryland, College Park. Analysis of the data revealed that students had little difficulty with the content of the program but extensive difficulty in navigating within tbe HyperCard environment. The combination of ISD and NI suggests an effective approach to developing similar materials for library education . • agazine and Journal Instruc- tional Kit, Part 1 (MAJIK/1) is a HyperCard introduction to periodical indexes, to the pro- cedures for using the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) Serials List to locate specific articles, and to the arrangement of periodicals throughout the UMCP Libraries System. MAJIK/1, the first and most basic of an anticipated four-module system on locating period- ical articles at UMCP, is designed both to be used in conjunction with UMCP ju- nior composition courses and to stand on its own as a self-paced module for individuals seeking to review and up- date their skills. The creation of the module followed an eight-step process based on instruc- tional systems design (lSD) as explicated by Robert Gagne and Leslie Briggs, Wal- ter Dick and Lou Carey, Jerrold Kemp, and others.1 Derived from research and theory in the fields of learning, commu- nication, systems engineering, and in- structional technology, lSD consists of a set of principles and techniques for sys- tematically designing and developing Delia Neuman is assistant professor, College of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 207 42-4345. The Council on Library Resources Cooperative Research Grant Program supported the research reported in this paper. The author wishes to thank two University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) staff for their contributions to the project and their suggestions for this article: Rebecca Jackson, UMCP Libraries Coordinator for Instructional Services and coprincipal investigator for the project, and Sandra Dwiggins, doctoral student in the College of Library and Information Services. 165 166 College & Research Libraries effective instruction. The process is gen- erally defined in terms of the specific steps designers follow to create a prod- uct. For MAJIK/1, these steps can be di- vided into two segments. The first six-needs ·analysis, learner analysis, specification of goals and objectives, de- velopment of test items, selection of the delivery medium, and development of materials and activities-comprised the design phase. The final two steps-for- mative evaluation and revision-com- prised the evaluation phase. While several authors have suggested an lSD approach to designing biblio- graphic instruction, none has sought to incorporate techniques of naturalistic in- quiry (NI) into that approach. 2 Nl, are- search paradigm gaining renewed prominence in all areas of social science inquiry, is generally defined by contrast- ing it with the so-called rationalistic par- adigm that guides more traditional social science research. Thus, NI is char- acterized by five inajor differences from the rationalistic paradigm: its focus on "natural" rather than experimental set- tings, its attempt to generate context- bound insights rather than universal generalizations, its assumption that the researcher rather than any paper-and- pencil or electronic tool is the preferred instrument for data collection and anal- ysis, its emphasis on issues of import- ance to those who participate in the research rather than on questions posed a priori by the researcher, and its reliance on the collection and analysis of verbal rather than quantitative data as the pri- mary source of its conclusions. In MAJIK/1, a particular NI technique- derived by the researcher from the larger NI arsenal and defined by her as "inter- active observation" -was the primary strategy used in the formative evalua- tion. This paper describes the MAJIK/1 project in an attempt to demonstrate the potential effectiveness of combining lSD and NI in the design of library instruc- tion materials for undergraduates. Com- plete details of the effort appear in the final project report, which is available upon request. 3 This paper has two pri- March 1991 mary foci: first, it highlights the most notable illustrations of the use of lSD in the project and, second, it concentrates on the contribution of the interactive-ob- servation strategy to the project's forma- tive evaluation phase. DESIGN OF MAJIK/1 Step 1: Needs Analysis Needs analysis, the attempt to identify the gap between actual and desired learner performance, is designed to en- sure that lSD projects are undertaken to meet genuine instructional needs that are clearly understood and thoroughly defined. The experience of designing MAJIK/1 underscores the significance of this critical but often neglected step because the actual instructional need was not apparent wt the beginning of the project but revealed itself as the process evolved. The UMCP Library Instruction Pro- gram for undergraduates is com- prehensive but consists primarily of two one-hour instructional sessions. The first, an introduction to basic library re- sources and their uses, is offered in con- junction with the freshman composition program. The second, an explication of more advanced library research skills, is offered in conjunction with the junior composition program. Problems identi- fied by UMCP Libraries staff responsible .for the second session suggested the gen- eral need for the module: these staff con- sistently encountered students who were not ready to learn the higher-level concepts included in the junior curricu- lum. Many of the students had not mas- tered the basic concepts covered in the freshman component. The staff was therefore forced to spend its limited in- structional time covering these basics rather than addressing such topics as the formulation of successful search strate- gies. In order to address this problem, the UMCP Libraries System Associate Director for Public Services convened the UMCP Library Education Commit- tee in the spring of 1988.4 Charged originally with improving the junior component of the Library In- struction Program, the committee ini- tially focused on the instructors' experi- ences in that setting. Discussion, however, soon began to focus on im- proving the freshman component. Com- mittee members reasoned that a point of achievement at this level is a prerequisite to successful instruction for juniors. Ul- timately, however, the committee recog- nized that the key instructional problem did not necessarily involve either the freshman or the junior component. Transfer students and ·students who place out of the freshman composition requirement do not necessarily encoun- ter the basic concepts covered in the freshman component; other students do not necessarily use those concepts until two years after instruction. Therefore, many juniors' lack of appropriate back- ground is clearly extraneous to the qual- ity of the freshman component. The committee concluded that the primary need was not a revision of the freshman or the junior program but the develop- ment of an intermediate instructional ex- perience for any students who had to master basic concepts before they could profit from advanced instruction. Step 2: Learner Analysis Unlike the needs analysis phase of the project, the learner analysis for MAJIK/1 was straightforward. The committee identified the general audience as ju- niors taking the UMCP's required upper-level composition course, which includes a requirement for a paper in- volving library research. More specific- ally, the audience would be transfer students, students who had placed out of the required freshman composition course, and other students who wanted to refresh their skills. This broad range of students pre- cluded any finer delineation of learner characteristics. Although students were sure to vary widely in the important characteristics of age, prior learning ex- periences, special abilities and disabili- ties, and specific entry behaviors, the nature and extent of such variations within a large group were both unknow- able and beyond the scope of a single Designing Library Instruction 167 package to accommodate. Conse- quently, the materials were developed at a general level to make them accessible to a broad audience. Step 3: Specification of Goals and Objectives Step 3 was similarly straightforward, consisting of committee members iden- tifying the concepts students should master before encountering advanced instruction. Two committee members who became the primary members of the instructional design team for MAJIK/1 translated these concepts into the goals and objectives that provided the frame- work for the remainder of the project. As shown in appendix A, four major catego- ries of goals and objectives defined the four major components of the final ma- terials: introduction to periodical in- dexes, using periodical indexes, using the UMCP Serials List, and locating pe- riodicals in UMCP Libraries. For the pur- poses of this paper, the objectives have been selected and condensed from their original, more UMCP-specific form in order to highlight their scope and detail. Step 4: Development of Test Items Thirty-five test items based on the ob- jectives for MAJIK/1 were devised for the formative evaluation of the materi- als. These items were compiled into sim- ple pre- and posttests that were administered to students in an attempt to determine the contributions of the program to their learning. Step 5: Selection of the Delivery Medium Several considerations merged to sug- gest HyperCard as the most appropriate delivery mode for MAJIK/1. First, be- cause not all students need elementary instruction, an independent, stand- alone module seemed the best solution to the instructional problem. Although other independent learning formats were considered (for example, videocas- sette), computer-assisted instruction (CAl) was ultimately chosen because of its individualization, self-pacing, im- mediate feedback, and flexible schedul- ing. 168 College & Research Libraries CAl enables individual students to progress through the presentation of concepts and the completion of practice exercises at their own rates rather than at the pace dictated by large-group in- struction. Moreover, well-designed CAl allows students to make choices about the sequence they will follow and, in some instances, the concepts they will study rather than requiring them to pro- ceed according to the needs of a larger group. The immmediate feedback pro- vided for individual answers avoids misleading students and allows them to monitor the success of their own learn- ing. Finally, because CAl can occur at any time the hardware is available-for example, in an all-night computer lab- students can arrange their own instruc- tional time without regard to the constraints imposed by class schedules. For all these reasons, the committee de- cided to make MAJIK/1 a CAl module available in several campus locations, including a lab in the UMCP Undergrad- uate Library. Students could be assigned to complete the package independently before the library instruction session, freeing instructors to use their limited class time to focus on more advanced library research topics. Computer-assisted instruction (CAl) was ultimately chosen because of its individualization, self-pacing, immediate feedback, and flexible scheduling. HyperCard is the innovative software that allows Macintosh computers to present CAl (and other kinds of pro- grams) in a nonlinear, associational form rather than in the hierarchical structure inherent in traditional software. Because users move through HyperCard pro- grams directly from one segment to an- other rather than through a series of segments linked in a hierarchy, HyperCard offers especially rapid and flexible movement through information according to individual preferences and needs. HyperCard was chosen for deliv- March 1991 ery of MAJIK/1 in order to exploit this instructional potential, to provide ap- propriate software for new Macintoshes that had recently been purchased by the UMCP Libraries, and to allow the de- signers to explore the possibilities of this exciting new format as they relate to li- brary instruction. Students could be assigned to com- plete the package independently ... freeing the instructors to use their lim- ited class time to focus on more advanced library research topics. HyperCard programs are called "stacks," and individual screens are called "cards." Users move through stacks by using the Apple mouse to move the cursor to a particular area of a card called a "button" and depressing the panel on top of the mouse to "click on," or select, that button; the program then moves directly to the program seg- ment indicated by the button. A button can be a special typeface (such bold) or an icon, a visual symbol of a program segment. In MAJIK/1, for example, the question mark icon is the button for the "help" segment. Students can click on this button to move to the card that re- views general concepts important to the program. Figures 1 through 4 show how MAJIK/1 takes advantage of HyperCard through a structure that al- lows flexibility of movement across and within components. Figure 1, the table of contents card, shows that students may choose to go through one, two, three, or all four segments of the package in any order. Students may also proceed in a linear fashion by clicking on the "next" and ''back" buttons to move forward and backward through the cards in se- quence. Figure 2, which contains all the major icons used in the program, shows a variety of options. At almost any point in MAJIK/1, students may leave one segment and go to another by clicking on the icon for the desired destination. Stu- dents may also click on the "1" icon to Designing Library Instruction 169 [Dnnnn (Click on the boldface word and you will go to that section). Introduction Periodical I ndeHes UMCP Serials List Where to Find Periodicals Back Next Figure 1. Table of Contents Vou have finished the Introduction . To go to the section on Periodical Indexes click on the II button . To go to the section on the UMCP Serials List click on thelamal button. To go to the section on ¥/here to Find Periodicals click on the-button . Card one ? • HELP ~ * Serials list Where to go II Figure 2. Major MAJIK/1 Icons [Dnnnn Back Next 170 College & Research Libraries March 1991 If you are just beginning to use periodical articles for research, start with the section called Periodical Indexes. Vou wi 11 1 earn how to: • choose a periodical indeH, • choose appropriate subject headings, •identify the items within each citation, ·find periodical titles on the UMCP Serials List, ·1 ocate periodicals within the UMCP Libraries System. Card one ? • HELP I ~ • [Dnnnn Serials list 'w'here to go - Figure 3. Boldface for Definitions 'il'il 5. Safety in engineering design and construction a. National NeJJispaper lndea b. Rrt lndeH c. Rpplied Science and Technologglndea (® Click on the button for the right answer. 6. Mi crocompuler applications in business a. Business Periodicals lndea b. Rpplied Science and Technologglndea c. Reader's liuide to Periodical literature (i) Click on the button for the right answer. Figure 4. Buttons for Checking Answers Back Next return to the title card, the "help" icon to review general program information, or the "contents" icon to return to the table of contents card. This card serves as an orientation point for students, a familiar home base to which they can return at any time to reenter any compo- nent of the program. Figure 3 shows that, within components, students may click on boldface terms and phrases to move to definitions of key concepts according to their own individual needs for infor- mation. Figure 4 shows that they may click on the icon of the button to check their answers in the practice exercises. Thus MAJIK/1 provides a variety of op- tions for movement within and across segments. This structure capitalizes on the advantages of CAl in general and HyperCard in particular to enable stu- dents to determine their own paths through the material and to tailor the time spent with the program to best meet their own needs. Step 6: Development of Materials and Activities The majority of the MAJIK/1 develop- ment time involved creating the proto- type HyperCard materials. While this is typical of any lSD project, the composi- tion of the MAJIK/1 design team led to an interplay that is not typical of lSD projects but that was a strength of this one. The subject matter expert (the UMCP Libraries Coordinator for In- structional Services) was experienced in instructional techniques as well as con- tent; the instructional designer (a faculty member of the UMCP College of Library and Information Services) was knowl- edgeable about library issues as well as about instruction; and the technical sup- port specialist (a programmer who was also completing an M.L.S.) brought con- tent knowledge as well as programming expertise to this role. Although project tasks were divided according to the tra- ditional functions of each of these roles, the particular backgrounds of the team members enhanced their collaboration throughout the development of MAJIK/1. Designing Library Instruction 171 This development occurred in four stages, each corresponding to one of the four content areas covered by the mate- rials: introduction to periodical indexes, using periodical indexes, using the UMCP Serials List, and locating period- icals in UMCP Libraries. Each compo- nent includes the presentation of the appropriate content and instructions for navigating in a HyperCard environ- ment. The two middle components, which comprise the major portion of the instruction, include exercises in which stud~nts actually use the concepts pre- sented. The total package is comprised of approximately 230 cards: eighty con- taining primary instructional informa- tion and 150 containing definitions, answers, and similar supplementary material. EVALUATION OF MAJIK/1 Step 7: Formative Evaluation During the suinirl'er of 1989, three composition classes at UMCP partici- pated in the formative evaluation of MAJIK/ 1. One class served as a pilot for the evaluation processes and instrumen- tation, while the other two furnished the data upon which revision decisions were made. Twenty-four students provided pre- and posttest data; twenty-eight pro- vided naturalistic data through the inter- active observations that were the heart of the evaluation strategy. Data Collection After hearing an explanation of the project and completing the pretest, par- ticipating students used the materials while a doctoral student from the Col- lege of Library and Information Services conducted the interactive observations. Upon completion of the program, stu- dents took the posttest. · The pretest-posttest strategy is typical of formative evaluation approaches, while the interactive-observation strat- egy is not. Derived from the principles and procedures of naturalistic inquiry (NI) as described by Egon Guba, Yvonna Lincoln and Egon Guba, and Delia Neu- 172 College & Research Libraries man, the strategy requires the researcher to interact freely with the students as they use the prototype version of in- structional materials. 5 For this project, the strategy involved three tactics: inter- rupting students as they used the pack- age to ask about problems they were encountering; questioning them upon completion of each component of the program; and interviewing them upon completion of the entire experience to capture their insights about strengths, weaknesses, and necessary and desir- able improvements. The observer had been trained specif- ically for this project and used a protocol designed to structure both her observa- tions and the planned analysis of the data. The two-page protocol contained six sections: an identification section for the student's name and the date and time of the observation; a summary section for the student's summary comments; and one section for each of the four major content areas of the program. Items within those sections addressed whether the section had been selected; what strengths and weaknesses the student had found in the section's presentation of concepts and tasks; what strategies the student had used to complete the section; what comments and sugges- tions for revision the student could offer; and what comments and suggestions the observer could make based on the obser- vations. The use of NI data collection strategies in a contrived setting like an lSD evalu- ation is inconsistent with one of the basic tenets of NI-that the paradigm is best used to investigate phenomena that occur in natural settings. Using interac- tive observations capitalizes, however, on several other NI tenets-that individuals' perceptions and experi- ences are the most important data and that interaction between the researcher and the participant yields the best un- derstanding of those perceptions and ex- periences. Incorporating naturalistic strategies into formative evaluation thus enables the instructional designer to get maximum revision information from learners. March 1991 In the case of MAJIK/1, the approach produced the most important informa- tion derived from the evaluation: that students had more difficulty navigating the package than they had mastering its content. The design team had not antici- pated this difficulty, and, consequently, did not include it in the categories in the observation protocol. Nevertheless, the observations revealed that navigation was the most important area to be ad- dressed during the program's revision. If the evaluation had relied only on the pre- and posttests, which addressed the program's content, the most serious flaw in the materials, which related to the processes required to traverse that con- tent, might have been overlooked. Data Analysis Data analysis proceeded along two fronts: statistical treatment of the pre- and posttest scores and naturalistic as- sessment of the observational data. As is appropriate in formative evaluation, the evaluation design involved neither ran- domization nor a control group, and the statistical analysis attempted only to draw general inferences about the in- structional effectiveness of the materials for the participating students.6 The anal- ysis of the basic differences between pre- and posttest scores for the twe~ty-four students for whom such data were avail- able revealed a modest gain, an increase of approximately 15 percent in mean scores, suggesting that MAJIK/1 has promising instructional value. Because of the small number of stu- dents (28) observed using the material, the observational data were analyzed manually rather than by computer. Pre- liminary data analysis consisted of creat- ing tables that displayed the data for each student according to each of the categories in the observation protocol. Final analysis involved summarizing this information by category (including the new "HyperCard" category revealed during the observations) and drawing the conclusions and implications de- scribed below. In contrast to the encour- aging but cursory result provided by the pretest-posttest analysis, analysis of the observational data yielded a number of specific and incisive suggestions for re- vising MAJIK/1. Most significantly, the analysis re- vealed the details of students' difficulty in navigating the program. Initially, for example, several students were unfamil- iar with the standard HyperCard no- tions of clicking, buttons, and icons and had to be instructed by the observer. A quarter of the students expressed dis- may about the amount of navigational material-particularly icons-they were expected to know in order to use the program: "We're supposed to remember all these?" A number of students also failed to remember that clicking on a boldface item would lead to its defini- tion, and several made navigational er- rors due to their unfamiliarity with moving through HyperCard rna terial: "How do you get back to the ... [e.g. the help] section?" Other findings emerged from the anal- ysis of the observational data as well. Many students were pleased with the MAJIK/1 practice exercises. Students gave evidence of active engagement (e.g., nodding their heads as they pro- ceeded) and offered such positive com- ments as "good," "helpful," and "There were enough exercises to make you feel comfortable with the material." The number and tenor of students' com- ments suggest that the exercises are a useful and attractive feature. The pres- ence of both behavioral and verbal data engenders more confidence in that find- ing than would be warranted by similar survey or questionnaire data. However, several students found the directions for completing the exercises unclear, indicating that these should be revised. The primary source of students' confusion seems to be the design of the exercises rather than the directions themselves. The exercises are a series of multiple-choice questions with lettered options and an instruction to answer each question mentally and then click on a button to confirm the correctness of the answer. Almost half the students, how- ever, initially tried to enter the letters of their choices, expecting the program to Designing Library Instruction 173 accept and judge their responses in the now-familiar format of comparable CAl tasks. Apparently, because the MAJIK/1 task ran counter to their expectations, it initially disconcerted the students. They overcame their confusion readily, how- ever, suggesting that the problem is a minor one. Almost all students' summary com- ments about MAJIK/1 were positive. Students focused on such features as the program's good graphics (13 com- ments), clear text (10), helpful practice exercises (9), self-pacing (7), and ease of movement within the package (5). Students' general comments focused on the informative, useful, easy-to-use, and creative nature of the materials, with one student commenting on the good bal- ance between text and graphics and an- other pronouncing the program "very worthwhile." One student noted that "[I] learned as much from the module as I had in class." Nine students in the group explained that the materials had been a review for them, while the others did not offer that information. Several suggested that the package would be good for freshmen, sophomores, and transfer students. One recommended that it be compulsory for freshmen and another wished it had been a variable "when I was a freshman." Not all summary comments were pos- itive: five students criticized the amount of detail in the program, five complained that the icons are difficult to remember, three protested the amount of time it took to complete the package, and two noted confusion over the use of boldface. And as one candid critic noted, "The only reason a person would go through all this would be if the professor made them." In summary, both statistical and natu- ralistic analyses of student performance suggest that the prototype package ef- fectively met the needs it set out to ad- dress. In particular, students' comments and behaviors indicated that the limited number of students who used the mate- rials found them attractive, useful, and reinforcing. More importantly for this project, the level of detail provided by 174 College & Research Libraries the analysis of the . observational data ensured that the MAJIK/1 revisions di- rectly and thoroughly addressed the · most problematic aspects of the package. Step 8: Revision Drawing upon this analysis, the de- sign team incorporated a number of re- visions to improve the package's navigability for all students-even those unfamiliar with HyperCard. Brief labels were added to the icons, enhancing their visual stimulus with a written one. Sev- eral icons were made more representa- tive of the functions they symbolize. Hints and prompts about the meanings and uses of the various buttons were incorporated directly into appropriate screens to serve as reminders through- out the package. . Most importantly, an optional tutorial explaining the features of the program and suggesting navigational strategies was included at the beginning. The tuto- rial includes instruction in the meanings and uses of buttons and both graphic and verbal information designed to en- hance students' abilities to proceed inde- pendently. An overview of the entire package as well as overviews of individ- ual components were included to help students develop an appropriate con- ceptual structure to guide their progress through the materials. Similarly, instruc- tions in such navigational strategies as using the table of contents as a focal point were included to give students a way to orient themselves throughout the program. CONCLUSIONS The MAJIK/1 project has resulted in several products of use to library instruc- tors: the program itself, increased knowledge about the application of HyperCard to library education, and a development approach that is poten- tially the most significant outcome of the project. This lSD /NI approach, combin- ing insights from two separate academic disciplines, provides guidance for the entire development cycle for library ed- ucation materials. Following this sys- March 1991 tematic and straightforward approach can result in materials that effectively meet the needs of the students for whom they are designed. The MAJIK/1 project has resulted in several products of use to library in- structors ... [including] a development approach that is poten- tially the most significant outcome of the project In the design phase, the use of lSD techniques provided well-grounded analyses of instructional needs and learner characteristics, a precise specifi- cation of relevant goals and objectives, a writing of test items directly related to those goals and objectives, and a system- atic development of prototype materials designed to address these goals and ob- jectives for the identified learners. More- over, the "team" approach common to lSD efforts led to the collaboration of experts in three areas-library educa- tion, instructional message design, and HyperCard programming-to ensure that all appropriate areas of expertise were tapped. The iterative process char- acteristic of lSD guaranteed that all three developers would review and comment upon one another's efforts, ensuring that the prototype reflected the insights of the group as a whole. Formative evaluation and prototype revision are inherent in lSD, but formally and extensively employing NI tech- niques during evaluation in order to get optimal information for revision is a new strategy. In this project, however, draw- ing upon the assumptions and tech- niques of NI brought important strengths to the MAJIK/1 materials. Of obvious value are the insights related to specific revisions gleaned through the interactive observations. Even more sig- nificant, however, is the discovery of the major deficiency in the original pro- gram, the lack of adequate support for navigating the HyperCard materials succe~sfully. Thus, while the more tradi- tional pretest-posttest approach yielded little information for revision (and none on this important topic), NI provided insight into the revisions that are most likely to enhance the quality and utility of the materials. This insight suggests an area of concern for the designers of other .instructional materials in a hypertext format as well: student groups will un- doubtedly include learners who are un- familiar with the terminology, conceptual structure, and navigational possibilities inherent in such a format. Therefore, de- signers must incorporate features that will enable all students to use hypertext packages independently. The hallmark of NI is its underlying assumption that the individuals in are- search study are participants with valu- able insights to offer rather than subjects to be tested according to the researcher's own preconceptions and beliefs. The NI strategy used in this study capitalized on this assumption and ensured that repre- Designing Library Instruction 175 sentative individuals had an opportu- nity to react to the materials, to identify effective and ineffective instructional approaches within them, and to suggest ways to improve the product. Clearly, incorporating this information into the lSD revision step leads to a more suitable product. The creation ofMAJIK/1 thus provided a test case for combining the techniques of lSD and NI into a new approach for developing and testing an interactive in- structional package for basic library ed- ucation. The MAJIK/1 experience suggests that the basic approach is feasi- ble for similar development projects. And because this project has served as a preliminary validation of the approach, it can be used in similar projects with confidence that the resulting materials will be effective with and attractive to the audiences for whom they are de- signed. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Robert M. Gagne and Leslie J. Briggs, Principles of Instructional Design, 2nd ed. (New York: Holt,l979), passim; Walter Dick and Lou Carey, The Systematic Design of Instruc- tion (Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman, 1985); Jerrold E. Kemp, The Instructional Design Process (New York: Harper, 1985). 2. Keith M. Cottam and Connie V. Dowell, "A Conceptual Planning Method for Devel- oping Bibliographic Instruction Programs," Journal of Academic Librarianship 7:223-28 (Sept.l981); Patricia A. Kenney and Judith N. McArthur, "Designing and Evaluating a Programmed Library Instruction Text," College & Research Libraries 45:35--42 (Jan. 1984); Marian I. Miller and Barry D. Bratton, "Instructional Design: Increasing the Effective- ness of Bibliographic Instruction," College & Research Libraries 49:545--49 (Nov. 1988). 3. Delia Neuman and Rebecca Jackson, MA]IK/1: HyperCard Introduction to the Use of Periodicals. University of Maryland Libraries System. University of Maryland. College Park. Final report to the Council on Library Resources, Cooperative Research Grant Program, CLR Grant# 4048-F (Washington, DC: June 1990). 4. Members of the Committee included the UMCP Libraries Coordinator for Instructional Services, a faculty member of the College of Library and Information Services with a background in lSD, two UMCP librarians who teach in the Library Instruction Prcr gram, and a faculty member of the UMCP English Department representing junior composition teachers whose courses include a library instruction session. 5. Egon G. Guba, "Criteria for Assessing the Trustworthiness of Naturalistic Inquiries," Educational Communication and Technology ]ournal29:75-91 (Spring 1981); Egon G. Guba, "Naturalistic Evaluation," New Directions for Program Evaluation 34:23-44 (Summer 1987); Yvonna S. Lincoln and Egon G. Guba, Naturalistic Inquiry (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1985), passim; Delia Neuman, "Naturalistic Inquiry and Computer-Based In- struction: Rationale, Procedures, and Potential," Educational Technology Research and Development 37:39-51 (Fall1989). 6. Kemp, The Instructional Design Process, p. 229. 176 College & Research Libraries APPENDIX A. MAJIK/1 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I. Introduction to periodical indexes GOAL: The user will describe the nature and purposes of indexeS. OBJECTIVES: March 1991 1. The user will define a periodical index and name two different types of period- ical indexes. 2. The user will differentiate between a general and a specialized index. 3. The user will state the titles of three different periodical indexes. II. Instruction in the use of periodical indexes GOAL: The user will select appropriate indexes and subject headings and identify the elements of a citation in a basic index. · OBJECTIVES: 1. Given a particular topic, the user will select an appropriate general index for that topic and will locate appropriate subject heading(s) within the index for that topic. 2. The user will identify all the elements in a given citation: article author, article title, periodical title, volume, date, pages. III. The user will match abbreviated journal titles to the full titles. GOAL: The user will use subject headings, subheadings, citations, and cross refer- ences in index entries. OBJECTIVES: 1. Given a page from an index, the user will identify the subject heading, a sub- heading, a citation, and a cross reference. 2. The user will follow a cross reference to its referent. IV. Instruction in the use of the UMCP Serials List GOAL: The user will identify locations and holdings for any periodical within the UMCP Libraries. OBJECTIVES: 1. Given a periodical index citation, the user will identify the UMCP Serials List as a source of information to locate that article. 2. Given a periodical title, the user will select the correct microfiche card to be used and will use the index at the top of the card to locate that title on the card. 3. Given a periodical title, the user will determine the call number for that title. 4. Given a specific issue of a periodical, the user will identify the format of that issue (microfilm, microfiche, bound, unbound) and will determine which li- brary /libraries hold the issue. V. Instruction in the arrangements of periodicals in the various UMCP Libraries GOAL: The user will determine where in the Libraries s/he can find a periodical. OBJECTIVES: 1. The user will explain the difference in the ways periodicals are stored in the two largest UMCP Libraries. 2. The user will identify the appropriate strategy for finding periodicals in the other UMCP Libraries ..