College and Research Libraries Book Reviews The Digital Word: Text-Based Comput- ing in the Humanities. Ed. by George P. Landow and Paul Delany. Cam- bridge, Mass.: MIT Pr., 1993. 362p. (ISBN 0-262-12176-X). The computer-aided analysis of text, an area of the humanities that is by no means new and that has, in fact, seen several decades of activity, is now ex- periencing a new surge of interest among scholars. The Text Encoding Ini- tiative promises to provide all areas of textual study with thorough and practi- cal guidelines for the electronic encod- ing of text; scholarly publishers such as Chadwyck-Healey and Oxford Univer- sity Press have embarked on substantial electronic text publishing projects; promi- nent scholars in editorial theory have held out great hope for a reconceiving of the ''Edition" through electronic texts; and in many places around the United States and Canada we see the introduction and growth of electronic text centers in librar- ies. At a time when interest in these matters is growing rapidly in both the mainstream of many academic disciplines and in li- braries, there is a compelling need for books that bring together a body of thought that touches on a broad spec- trum of issues. Rosanne Potter's Literary Computing and Literary Criticism (1989) is one such work and serves admirably to bring the researcher or librarian into contact with a variety of literary and computational perspectives. The Digital Word, edited by George Landow and Paul Delany, is a welcome addition, as it likewise speaks to a broad audience about issues and ideas related to the computerization of text. Like Pot- ter's work, it is a collection of essays, many of which have been previously published. That one of the essays is more than six years old emphasizes the con- tinuum of work and ideas that exists in this area. Still, there are many aspects of The Digital Word that are fundamentally unsatisfying. Delany and Landow set out to show how a broadly conceived sense of textual computing is redefining the "traditional activities of humanities scholars." To that end, they offer essays that illustrate three facets of textual computing: it rede- fines the form of the traditional text; it produces a text with qualities unique to the electronic format; and it melds aspects of creation, transmission, and analysis. Exploring all of this in a single volume would seem to be a difficult task, and perhaps such ambitiousness is at the root of this work's problems. Reading it, one feels that the editors have not used the space of the book well; the selection of the essays lacks focus, making The Digital Word often seem disjointed, lurching from one essay to the next without apparent connection. One is left with an impression of very uneven qu- ality, with a mixture of significant, intel- lectually challenging essays, functional though ordinary guides, obsolete and sometimes inaccurate assessments of the current state of the technology, and works better left out altogether. Although this book makes significant contributions to issues of textual analy- sis, many other areas of text-based com- puting are barely treated, or treated in such a way that the book is already dated. The editors throw together such diverse computational and analytical areas as Internet-accessible catalogs, document retrieval, text management software, textual analysis, and critical editions, making it difficult to find one's way in a sea of irrelevant noise. With all of that said, it may come as a surprise that this book is energetically 83 84 College & Research Libraries recommended. The Digital Word brings together some of the best thinking about textual analysis and the state of scholarly communication. • There is probably no better statement on the relevance and conceptual foun- dations for descriptive markup schemes for textual computing than the essay by James H. Coombs, Allen H. Renear, and Steven J. DeRose. Its republication in this volume is cer- tainly welcome and needed. • Allen Renear and Geoffrey Bilder make an excellent contribution to cur- rent thinking on scholarly com- munication. Their discussion of both current and future use of the medium goes to the heart of the nature of the digital word in our increasingly net- worked world, making clear that most frequently the electronic medium is . used for something other than scholar- ship or scholarly communication. • Peter Robinson's essay on the critical edition will be an important point of reference for the growing number of discussions in this area. His argument brings together many of the ideas ar- ticulated in recent editorial theory and computer-aided analysis. The com- puter promises to offer to the critical edition the flexibility and, through the ways it documents its decisions, the credibility it may have previously lacked. • Jeremy Clear offers an excellent report on the British National Corpus Project. His detailed description of the most important tool in the history of corpus linguistics will satisfy both the unini- tiated and the more knowledgeable. • Nancy Kaplan and Stuart Moulthrop are not the first scholars to have cri- tiqued Marcia Peoples Halio, who suggests that the composition skills of students may be negatively in- fluenced by their choice of an operat- ing system, but they use their analysis as the foundation of a more interesting argument concerning the relationship between the way we perceive and the way we write. • Jacques Vir bel provides interesting in- sight into the development of the new January 1994 Bibliotheque de France with his de- scription of their scholar's worksta- tion project, a project both visionary and functional. While criticisms of the workstation will abound, it is clear its designers worked with rather than in isolation from researchers in under- standing issues of research in an elec- tronic environment. · There is far more that is excellent in The Digital Word than there is that is bad. It is a shame, however, to have included those essays that are so disappointing, and that the editors did not use an or- ganizing principle less ambitious and more coherent.-John Price- Wilkin, Uni- versity of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia . Dordick, Herbert S., and Georgette Wang. The Infonnation Society: A Retro- spective View. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage, 1993. 168p. (ISBN 0-8039-4186- 2); paper (ISBN 0-8039-4187-0). To paraphrase a cliche, inside this slender volume there is a book strug- gling to emerge. Perhaps it is more accu- rate to say that this is a book in embryo. Embryo, that is, as Groucho Marx de- fined it in a letter: "My plans are still in embryo. In case you've never been there, this is a small town on the outskirts of wishful thinking." The authors set out to examine "to what extent an information society has emerged, and whether the promises of the past 30 or more years have been met." They also aim to explore the con- sequences of "informatization" on na- tions either newly industrialized or yet-to-be-industrialized. Both Dordick and Wang are experienced researchers and commentators on the social and cul- tural aspects of information technology applications. Following a brief review of the premises and assumptions, hopes and expectations expressed by the infor- mation society forecasters in the 1970s and 1980s, the authors describe three scales for measuring the informatization of a country. The infrastructure scale is measured by the density of telephone lines, television sets, newspaper circula- tion and the amount of data terminal equipment on public telephone and telex