College and Research Libraries Analysis of Retrieval Performance in Four Cross-Disciplinary Databases: Article 1st, Faxon Finder, UnCover, and a Locally Mounted Database Scott Stebelman As an increasing number of cross-disciplinary databases become accessible over the Internet, librarians are presented with the dilemma of which to choose to support patron research. Several factors, such as cost, retrospective coverage, and document delivery, are usually considered in making a decision. However, one key factor-citation retrieval performance-is often overlooked because comparative data have been unavailable. A study of four cross-disciplinary databases was undertaken to provide those data. In addition to citation fre- quency distribution, two other variables were examined: percentage of unique periodicals cited per search and relevancy of citations to stated search topic. An analysis of the data is provided, with its implication for database selection. II he advent of commercial cross- disciplinary databases that can be searched on the Internet has been welcomed and enthusias- tically promoted by librarians. These data- bases are seen as important supplements to traditional printed indexes, to special- ized CD-ROM databases, and to other more expensive commercial systems, such as those produced by DIALOG and BRS. In some cases searches are free, while in others the library (or user) either pays an annual subscription fee or a fee for each search statement. If databases are ac- cessed over the Internet, telecommuni- cation charges are negligible. Several articles have been written about the merits and user reaction of one system versus another, but no article has been published that compares citation retrieval rates for the different systems.1 This factor, however, is important to many researchers, who often need to lo- cate as much literature as possible ger- mane to their topics. To make such an assessment, three popular and extensively marketed data- bases were chosen: Articlelst (a data- base on OCLC FirstSearch), UnCover, and Faxon Finder. A locally mounted consortium database, called GENL, was also included in the assessment. This da- tabase is comprised of six Wilson data- bases: Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, Business Periodicals Index, Humanities Index, Social Sciences In- dex, General Science Index, and Index to Legal Periodical Literature. Scott Stebelman is a Humanities/Social Sciences Librarian at the Gelman Library, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052; e-mail: The author wishes to thank the following librarians who assisted in the citation relevancy assessment: Daniel Barthell, Shmuel Ben-Gad, Deborah Bezanson, W. Chris Filstrup, Elizabeth Harter, Rebecca Jackson, ]ames Kaser, Patricia Kelley, ]ames Kelly, Caroline Long, and Virginia MacEwen. Of course any error in data analysis is attributable to the author. 562 METHODOLOGY Thirty subjects spanning a variety of disciplines were searched. These sub- jects were chosen because they have been discussed frequently in the media, or because they have been common re- search topics for students and faculty at the author's institution. The searches were conducted during a five-day pe- riod in January 1994. Because GENLand UnCover include references predating 1990, but Article 1st and Faxon Finder do not, the search period was restricted to 1990-93. UnCover does not index book, motion picture, or music reviews, so these also were excluded. Newspaper articles and duplicate citations appear- ing in the same search were also left out. To be consistent, searches were entered in the same manner for all databases; this provided advantages for Article1st, UnCover, and Faxon Finder, which auto- matically "and" terms in bound phrases. RESULTS Table 1 indicates the citation frequen- cies for the thirty searches. Figure 1 illus- trates the differences. The range incitation frequency distribution is considerable, with the best performing database outpac- ing the worst by a magnitude of 3.3 to 1. To place the citation counts in perspec- tive, it is necessary to indicate the approxi- mate numbers of periodicals indexed by each database at the time searches were conducted.2 Article1st 8,500 UnCover 14,000 Faxon Finder 10,000 GENL 2,200 Hence, even though Article1st re- trieved only 57 percent of the number retrieved by UnCover, it indexes only 61 percent of the latter's journal number. In some cases the disparity in retrieval count can be largely explained by the disparity in numbers of journals in- dexed by each database; however, this correlation breaks down when GENL' s figures are examined. The number of pe- riodicals it indexes represents 6 percent of the total, yet it retrieved 45 percent of the total number of citations. Its nearest rival, UnCover, which indexes 40 per- Analysis of Retrieval Performance 563 800 600 400 200 Artide1st Faxon Find. UnCover GENL FIGURE 1 Citation Frequencies cent of the total journals, retrieved only 24 percent of the total citations. The ex- planation for GENL's superior perform- ance probably lies ·within its subject indexing, a feature lacking in the other three databases, and the frequency with which abstracts are included with cita- tions.3 This last feature is also included in Article1st, and to a lesser degree in UnCover, but is totally absent in Faxon Finder. It should be noted that keyword searches in Article1st omit the journal title field; this would reduce its retrieval capacity vis-a-vis the other databases. A chi-square analysis was made to determine whether the statistical differ- ences among the databases were signifi- cant. When GENL is included in the analysis, p < .01, df = 3. Because GENL is a unique composite database, reflecting the idiosyncratic choices of a local con- sortium, and because its subject index- ing provides it an intrinsic advantage over the other databases, a separate chi- square analysis was made which omit- ted GENL. A significance level of .05 was established, but the differences among the three databases did not meet this level. The null hypothesis-that the fre- quency distributions are attributable to chance-cannot be rejected. UNIQUE PERIODICAL CITATION COUNTS In addition to citation frequency counts, unique periodical citation counts are 564 College & Research Libraries November 1994 TABLEt CITATION COUNT BY SEARCH TOPIC Subject Article 1st Faxon UnCover GENL Abortion and sex education 1 0 1 13 AIDS and Asia 6 6 11 19 Arms control and China 3 5 4 18 Art and psychoanalysis 3 6 5 23 Autobiography and women 3 11 1 31 Capital punishment and juveniles 1 1 0 5 Copyright and piracy 9 6 8 56 Epic poetry 4 4 9 27 Fellini 14 18 10 12 France and terrorism 0 1 4 7 Frank Lloyd Wright 29 44 52 40 Free trade, protectionism, and Mexico 0 1 1 19 Gene therapy and ethics 6 6 3 11 Humor and 19th century 0 0 3 2 Hypertext and literature 0 0 3 2 Ishmael Reed 1 6 3 8 Islam and fundamentalism 5 5 3 40 Jackson Pollock 7 12 7 16 Leadership training 48 25 92 19 New historicism 15 35 57 15 Nuclear plants and Russia 2 0 2 0 Ontological argument 8 12 14 8 Ozone layer and Antarctica 1 3 1 13 Poetry and San Francisco 0 2 2 2 Pornography and the First Amendment 0 2 5 21 Poverty and health 40 63 54 181 Rap music and violence 2 1 2 22 Suicide and drugs 7 6 8 56 Transcendentalism 3 11 16 32 Vietnam War fiction 1 1 5 6 Total 219 293 386 724 provided. Unique periodical citations is erences on a subject is manifestly supe- defined as the number of individual pe- rior. This may not be the case if the rna- riodicals cited in a given search; for ex- jority of citations come from a few ample, on the topic of "Copyright and sources. Conversely, a database that has Piracy," Articlelst retrieved nine cita- a lower citation frequency count none- tions, seven of which were to different theless may be a valuable resource to periodicals. Unique periodical citation scholars because it retrieves citations count is viewed as an important factor in from a greater variety of publications. the assessment, because if a database Table 2 displays the data. Chi-square cited more magazines then its competi- analysis established the differences to tors, it would have an advantage (maga- be significant at p= <.01. The anomaly zines are published more frequently previously mentioned is disclosed in than journals). Second, a popular, and these statistics. Although GENL had the sometimes incorrect inference, is that a highest citation frequency and the high- database that cites a high number of ref- est number of journals cited, it had the TABLE2 UNIQUE PERIODICAL CITATIONS Unique Total Journals Database Cites Cited % Article 1st 219 189 86 Faxon Finder 293 239 82 UnCover 386 302 78 GENL 724 467 65 TABLE3 CITATION RELEVANCY FIGURES Total Total Number Number % Database of Cities Relevant Relevant Article 1st 219 136 62 Faxon Finder 293 199 68 UnCover 386 215 56 GENL 724 327 45 lowest percentage of unique periodicals within its searches. That means its sub- ject descriptors are retrieving more cita- tions but to fewer individual titles. Moreover, those databases retrieving the fewest number of citations-Article 1st and Faxon Finder-have the highest ratio of unique periodicals to total citations retrieved. Finally, if GENL is omitted in the database comparison, an inverse cor- relation exists between the number of journals indexed by a database and the percentage of unique periodicals cited. Article1st, indexing 8,500 journals, has the highest percentage, while UnCover, indexing 14,000, has the lowest. What these data suggest is that the numbers of journals covered do not necessarily pre- dict unique journal citation strength. One might argue that this analysis is beside the point, given that the raw fig- ures indicate that the databases indexing the highest number of journals retrieved the highest number of unique periodical citations. However, defining database superiority is not so simple: if Database A, which indexes 10,000 journals, re- trieves 200 unique journal citations, and Database B, which indexes 7,000 jour- nals, retrieves 180 unique journal cita- tions, can one necessarily assume that Database A outperformed Database B? Analysis of Retrieval Performance 565 Libraries may be more impressed with Database A for the sheer number of unique journals cited, but in terms of measuring the inherent tenacity of a database's retrieval performance (ex- pressed as a ratio between the number of unique journals covered and the num- ber of unique periodical citations re- trieved), a cogent case could be made for Database B. In spite of this perspective, · however, the highest raw numbers will probably be compelling to most users, whose need for journal variety is often a paramount consideration. Unique periodical citation count is viewed as an important factor in the assessment, because if a database cited more magazines then its competitors, it would have an advantage. Another statistic judged to be useful was the number of unique journals cited in one database search and not cited by the other databases. This was thought valuable because libraries and users might want to know how rich a particu- lar database might be in covering peri- odicals not indexed by its competitors. If all four databases had the same searchable fiel~s, such an analysis could be undertaken; unfortunately, the search field discrepancies already noted pre- cluded this. RELEVANCE Although a database might be suc- cessful in retrieving high numbers of ci- tations on a topic, it was uncertain how many of these were relevant. To make such a determination, twelve subject specialists at George Washington Uni- versity evaluated the searches most closely congruent with their subject re- sponsibilities. For example, the subject specialist in biology assessed citations retrieved from the "Gene Therapy and Ethics" search, and the subject specialist for art assessed those retrieved from the "Art and Psychoanalysis" search. As previously mentioned, those databases 566 College & Research Libraries including subject descriptors and ab- stracts have an advantage over those da- tabases that do not. To control for these differences, subject specialists were in- structed to base their decisions exclu- sively on the citation and to ignore additional fields. Judgments of rele- vancy were determined by only one cri- terion: Was the subject of the citation germane to the search topic? It must be stressed that because of the large number of search topics and cita- tions retrieved, interscorer reliability was not established for the data. Given the inherently subjective nature of these judgments, the results must be viewed as suggestive rather than conclusive. Table 3 displays the data analysis of variance, which established the differ- ences to be significant at p= <.01. The pattern of data parallels that of table 2. GENL, highest in retrieval frequencies, is also highest in the number of relevant articles retrieved. However, the infer- ences that can be drawn from these num- bers are equivocal: while a large number of relevant articles were retrieved, this number-as a ratio of the total number of citations retrieved-was lowest among the four databases. This suggests that in spite of the subject descriptors, some other field in the database is producing false drops. It might be assumed it is the abstract field: abstracts can generate higher numbers of irrelevant citations, because key words within an abstract may be separated by any number of sen- tences.4 However, Articlelst has the sec- ond-highest relevancy rate; yet it also includes abstracts. More research is needed to explain this negative correlation. CONCLUSION The results of this study demonstrate that a database that includes subject de- scriptors and a large number of abstracts has the ability to retrieve more citations than a database that restricts searches to the basic citation fields. Particularly noteworthy was the fact that GENLout- performed its competitors on this meas- ure, even though it indexed far fewer periodicals, and that the citations it re- November 1994 trieved yielded the highest number of unique periodicals. Although GENL re- trieved the highest number of citations, the percentage of its citations that were judged relevant to the search topics was lowest among the databases. Ironically, those features that provided GENL with a retrieval ad vantage-descriptors and abstracts-may also have reduced preci- sion. Statistical analysis of multiperfor- mance measures reveals that none of these databases is clearly superior. Although GENL retrieved the highest number of citations, the percentage of its citations that were judged relevant to the search topics was lowest among the databases. In determining which database would be most advantageous for its patrons, libraries will probably consider other factors in addition to retrieval perform- ance. For example, a database that yields a lower number of citations than its competitors might be more user- friendly, and this factor may be weighed more heavily than others in making a final decision. A database might also be offered as part of a package by the ven- dor that includes auxiliary databases critical to one's clientele. Cost, of course, is another factor: a database that can be searched freely over the Internet, such as UnCover, and that indexes unique periodicals not covered by the others services, will be inherently attractive. Finally, the document delivery fea- tures of a service will probably be an important criterion for selection: those services that provide a multitude of suppliers, or that allow orders to be transmitted directly to the interlibrary borrowing unit, will be more competitive than those that do not. As this study indicates, the identifica- tion of a superior database is not always an easy process. Performance has many measures, yet statistics can play a large part in determining which database is an appropriate institutional choice. Analysis of Retrieval Performance 567 REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. See Candace R. Benefiel and Steven Smith. "FirstSearch: A Survey of End-Users," OCLC Micron 7 (Dec. 1991): 16-18; Katherine Fuller McKenzie, "FirstSearch in Virginia Libraries," Virginia Librarian 39 (Apr. /June 1993): 21-23; Susan M. Riehm," A First Look at FirstSearch," Online 16 (May 1992): 42-53; and Karen R Snure, "The FirstSearch Experience at the Ohio State University," Library Hi-Tech 9, no. 4 (1991): 25-52. 2. The GENL figure was derived by adding the periodicals listed in the Wilson paper editions. Figures for the other databases were given at the time of database logon or were indicated in the vendor's literature. 3. A useful review of the strengths and weaknesses of free text versus controlled vocabulary searches can be found in C. P. R. Dubois, "Free Text vs. Controlled Vocabulary: A Reassess- ment," Online Review 11, no. 4 (1987): 243-53. 4. The increased recall and false drops that occur when the abstract field is searched has been noted by Carol Tenopir, "Searching by Controlled Vocabulary or Free Text?," Library Journal 112 (Nov. 15, 1987): 58. 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