College and Research Libraries Cyrillic Transliteration and Its Users Alena L. Aissing A wide diversity exists in the current practice of transliterating Cyrillic scripts for use in bibliographic records in online catalogs. Without knowing which transliteration table was used, it is difficult to retrieve the desired record successfully or efficiently. Retrieving an item (e.g., titles or an author's name) from a library's online catalog (OPAC) where it is given only in transliterated form can be a confusing task, even for users who know the Russian language or at least the Cyrillic alphabet. This study explores the problems besetting three groups of Russian-language students faced with romanized Cyrillic bib- liographic records. It also tries to investigate students' ability in searching the Russian records romanized according to the Library of Congress (LC) translit- eration table. Analysis of the test results show the students' success-and-error rate before and after instruction. The findings of this study establish that transliteration is one of the factors limiting access _by Russian language stu- dents to the Slavic collections. tudents in foreign language classes usually experience various difficulties in finding library materials in the lan- guages they study.1 One of the most in- tractable problems confronts readers of Russian, since records they want to ac- cess have been modified (i.e, romanized) by transliteration or transcription into the Roman (English) alphabet. Translit- eration is a process in which each char- acter of the source language is converted into a character of the target language; for example, Russian crryTHHK (compan- ion, satellite) becomes sputnik. Translit- eration needs to be distinguished from transcription, in which the sounds of the source words are conveyed by letters in the target language. For example, an English transcription of former Presi- dent Mikhail Gorbachev' s name would have to be Gorbachoff, to reflect the way it ·is pronounced in Russian.2 There are several different translitera- tion systems for Cyrillic script used throughout the world. Most of the cur- rently used systems are based on graphi- cal and/ or phonologic similarities between Cyrillic and the target lan- guage. However, not all transliteration Alena Aissing is German and Slavic Studies Selector and Slavic Studies Cataloger at the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries, Gainesville, Florida 32611. The autlwr wishes to express her appreciation to the Department of Germanic and Slavic l.Jmguages and Literatures at the University of Florida, the Department of Modern lAnguages at Florida State University, the Department of Slavic lAnguages and Literatures at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for their cooperation; Olga Campara and Graig N. Packard from the Center of Applied Linguistics in Washington, D.C., for valuable information in the field of Slavic linguistics; Joan Aliprand from the Research Libraries Group for inspiration, editing and updates on computer software developments; Frank DiTrolio, Dolores Jenkins, and John Van Hook from the Collection Management Department at University of Florida Libraries for editing this manuscript; Bill Covey from the Systems Department at the University of Florida Libraries for editing the statistical analysis and my husband, Gerrard Aissing, for encouragement and input on this research design. This research was funded in part by a grant, from the University of Florida, Division of Sponsored Research. 207 208 College & Research Libraries or transcription is systematic. Both transliteration and transcription depend on the source and target language, and differ from case to case (see table 1). A searcher has to be aware of the array of variations in transliteration schemes, particularly if the search is being done in more than one database.3 A translitera- tion scheme that is systematic does not necessarily have a broad application. For example, the transliteration scheme used by Physical Review is intended for scholarly application. The Library of Congress transliteration is intended for the general user and is standard for most academic libraries in the United States. Recently, the LC transliteration system in its simplified form (without the dia- critics) has been appropriated by vari- ous scholarly publishing organizations.4 Since these problem areas could affect the student's academic performance, it is important to question the effective- ness of transliteration as a method for bibliographic control and its usefulness for the user. This phenomenon has been analyzed during the past years by sev- eral authors, although no research has been done involving actual users.5- 9 This study tries to fill this gap by investigat- ing whether bibliographic searches for transliterated Russian titles or names are May1995 difficult for someone who knows the Russian language or at least the Cyrillic alphabet. The data for this research were gathered using three-part tests. These tests were distributed among Russian- language students at the University of Florida, Florida State University, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham- paign during the period 1990-1993. BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW Several Cyrillic transliteration schemes have been proposed on the local, na- tional, and international levels at vari- ous times. Some were attempts at cor- recting and improving existing schemes. Others came up with new proposals, such as Dekleva' s Uniform Slavic Trans- literation Alphabet (USTA) that con- sisted of ninety-seven graphemes com- bining Roman letters and diacritical,u It was never adopted, how- ever, probably because its features were unfamiliar to both English- and Slavic- speaking readers. Because the number of Roman letters in the English alphabet is less than the number of Cyrillic letters in the Russian alphabet, most of the transliteration sys- tems have to resort to the use of diacritics or letter combinations to achieve a com- TABLE 1 EXAMPLE OFTRANSLITERA TION OF THE WORDS 'll:IL.4.;7JJ.Hfi AND .Y.llElilUill4 AND .f().lll.KiilJHl.l IN V ARlO US TRANSUTERA TI ON SYSTEMS System "4HTaJibH51 System XJie6HHQa System I0mKeBH"4 LC chital'nfl LC khlebnitsa BM Yushkevich ISO (:ital'nja ISO hlebnica NUC (LC) fDshkevich BSI chital'nya NYPL khlebnitza GNC Ju~kevi(: MR. (:ital'nya SR khlebnica OFC Iouskevich Abbreviations used in this table LC Library of Congress SR Slavic Review ISO International Organization for BM British Museum Standardization BSI British Standards Institution NUC National Union Catalog NYPL New York Public Library GNC German National Catalog MR Mathematical Review OFC Old French Catalog plete transliteration. 12 This can present several problems for the users of the catalog who have to deduce how these diacritics or letter combinations trans- late back to the original Cyrillic charac- ters.13 The differences among the various schemes are considerable, especially for those Cyrillic letters for which no Ro- man equivalent exists: e, JK, x, Q,q, lll, I.Q, ~q and 11. 14 In addition, Russian has no h and represents this sound mostly as r, therefore, transliterating Hamlet from Cyrillic back to Roman script results in Gamlet. 15 A Russian name beginning with 11 might be transliterated into ia, ja, or ya with major retrieval problems un- less the conversion system is known. A further problem is that certain phonemes characteristic of Slavic languages cannot be written unambiguously as a single Roman letter (assuming English pro- nunciation).16 The Library of Congress offers a sepa- rate transliteration table for every Slavic language written in Cyrillic scriptsY This can lead to more inconsistencies. For example, Q is used when transcrib- ing Ukrainian e and old Russian-B. That is, the same combination of Roman let- ters is used for two completely different Cyrillic letters! The user has to know or recognize the original language in or- der to find the corresponding translit- eration when searching the library's online catalog. Readers of non-Roman documents usually want to see the original script, because it is more familiar to them than the romanized version. 18 Cyrillic script has been implemented on a number of systems. The first American library to automate Cyrillic script was the New York Public Library, where Cyrillic script records were included in its book-form "Dictionary Catalog," phototypeset from machine-readable copy.19 Cyrillic script ca- pability was added to the Research Librar- ies Information Network (RLIN) in 1986.2° Cyrillic is one of the scripts imple- mented on ALEPH, the Israeli library system. 21.22 The British Library's online catalog includes not only the characters of modern Cyrillic script but also Old Church Slavonic.23 VTLS, Geac, and Cyrillic Transliteration 209 IME24 have contracts to develop systems for Russian libraries; Cyrillic script capa- bility is a fundamental requirement. Few American libraries have taken ad- vantage of these developments because of the pervasive belief that romanization is adequate for those languages written in Cyrillic script. (The results of this study undermine this belief.) Because of this conviction, most libraries do not own systems that can utilize other scripts, nor do they have enough fund- ing and concern for the multilingual needs of their community.25 Users cannot search and display a bibliographic record in the script of the original document.26 Most local OPACs are limited to Roman character sets and do not provide the proper typographical facilities necessary for the display of non-Roman languages. Therefore, romanization of non-Roman scripts is necessary if the automated . catalog is to be a comprehensive repre- sentation of the library's holdingsP Most local OPACs are limited to Roman character sets and do not provide the proper typographical facilities necessary for the display of non-Roman languages. · .' Yet there are some hopeful signs that this situation is changing. Several authors have discussed the problems for users caused by romanization, and the attitude of librarians toward minority users is changing.28 Allen and Plumer cite many examples of practices and methods that tend to alienate a library's international clientele: awareness is the first step toward correction. 29,3° Recent developments in computer software and standards will eventually do away with this limitation.31-34 In the past, research and formulation of stand- ards for the automation of non-Roman scripts was slow and fragmentary. In ad- dition, the library community devel- oped its own standards in isolation from the standards-making of the computer ind ustry.35 These standards were incorpo- rated into USMARC and UNIMARC.36,3 7 210 College & Research Libraries Today, there is a new universal multi- script character set, International Stand- ard ISO/IEC 10646.38 The Unicode™ character set, which is code-for-code identical with ISO /IEC 10646, is being implemented in products from leading computer companies.39 The advent of this new standard facilitates the devel- opment of global software capable of processing any script. No longer will li- braries have to develop systems on their own; many of the features needed for multiscript processing will be included in the standard package or can be added easily. This will be a boom to the users of various non-Roman scripts. Service to the user and provision for the most di- rect access to dissimilar documents (i.e., documents not in the predominant script used by the library) need to be seen as the prime responsibilities of libraries. Pretest RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY A sample of 50 Russian language stu- dents was randomly chosen from the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures at the Uni- versity of Florida during the spring se- mester of 1991. None of the students was familiar with the LC transliteration ta- ble. The data were collected using three tests consisting of a list of titles and proper names in Russian. The students were then asked to transliterate the Rus- sian items on the list. The objective of these tests was to determine: Test A- How correct are the students' searches without the knowledge of the translit- eration table and what are the problems involved? Test B-How correct are the students' searches after receiving in- struction and practicing the translitera- tion in the library? Another test (C) consisted of retrieving and locating at least three items-one title search, one author search, and one journal search. Most of the students visited the library, located the items, and brought back the call numbers and the location codes of the materials requested. Test B was then given to the students after they practiced what they learned from my instruction. May 1995 I tried to ascertain whether they still had problems and how much they had im- proved. After the data were statistically analyzed, the findings showed that without the knowledge of the LC trans- literation practice of Russian letter .R by a, for example, 80 percent of the stu- dents chose ya, whereas only 7 percent were correct. When students had to deal with Russian Ill (phonetically very simi- lar to English sh), 91 percent were suc- cessful even without knowing how to transliterate. It is likely that any graph- eme transliterated by a letter combina- tion for which the English pronunciation does not resemble the Russian sound becomes a barrier to access. This pretest concentrated on transliteration of only 7 letters-those for which transliteration could be problematic: .R,IO, Q, ~. H:, x, and )1(. None of the students was able to transliterate all 7 tested letters correctly (the average correct score of the tested individuals was only 1.1 correct out of 7). The instruction and approximately one week practice resulted in an overall improvement in the scores for the indi- vidual letters (the average score in- creased to 4.3 out of 7). Results of a paired t-test indicated that the improve- ment of the test scores is highly signifi- cant (t = 0.001). Finally, only 14.6 percent of the students were able to transliterate all 7 letters. 40 Actual Research Because the sample size was rather small and the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Florida offers only un- dergraduate classes in Russian, infer- ences from the data analyses were limited and showed a high degree of uncertainty. To get a more reliable pic- ture of the problem, the study was ex- tended to include more students from Florida State University and the Uni- versity of Illinois, including graduate students. One hundred forty-five under- graduate and graduate Russian lan- guage students from these three universities were the sample size for the actual research. The randomly selected students were tested by the use of three specifically designed tests and a ques- tionnaire. Tests A and B were similar to those used in the pretest, consisting of a list of Russian proper names and titles in an (ideally) isomorphic representation of the title pages of several actual docu- ments in the Cyrillic alphabet.41 In both tests, special attention was given to those graphemes that cannot be rebuilt reversibly and to those that are difficult to transliterate: n,10, u., 11\, H:, x, and 11<. Test A was intended to investigate how successful the students would be in searching and retrieving transliterated records without any instruction. This also showed how well the library had been preparing students in the past. Test B was given to the students after they were instructed in the use of a translit- eration table. This transliteration table was a simplified form of the LC translit- eration table for the Russian language without the diacritical marks. (Diacriti- cal marks are generally ignored in OPAC indexing.) The results would indicate whether there was significant improve- ment or whether there were still residual problems. Test C included both translit- erated titles and proper names where no part of the original data remains un- changed, and the matching process can become cumbersome. This is exactly how the student would find the biblio- graphic data on an OPAC display screen in the library. The students had to show how they were able to decode, reverse, match, and identify the names of authors or titles of works back into the Cyrillic script. In other words, the users had to match each letter of the roman- ized script with the original alphabet equivalent. For a reader familiar with the language and the original script of the work, the transliteration could be a serious obstacle resulting in partial or even total loss of information. This test, therefore, tended to indicate the obsta- cles in the matching process. At the end of the testing, each student was asked to fill out a questionnaire. This questionnaire was developed to as- sess not only transliteration use but also primary library use patterns and utiliza- tion of collections, services, and facilities Cyrillic Transliteration 211 I by Russian-language students. Basic demographic data such as number of years in school were collected as well. Additional information about the users (education, library use, problems with online searching, their personal opin- ions, etc.) was used in interpreting the tests. For example, if the student did not use the library often, the probability in making errors in online searching might be relatively higher. The ·Russian-lan- guage students were asked: • whether they use library services; • whether they were familiar with the library's online catalog/OPAC; • whether they had problems with re- trieving English bibliographic records; • whether they had problems with re- trieving Russian bibliographic records; • whether they were familiar with the LC transliteration table; and • whether they would prefer using and displaying the Cyrillic alphabet, etc. The data were compiled, tabulated, and analyzed using the statistical soft- ware JMP, version 2.0 for the Macin- tosh.42 FINDINGS Success-Failure Report Test A. Students transliterated a list of selected titles and names in the Russian language with no prior instruction and no transliteration table provided. Stu- dents had to create their own search struc- tures depending on whatever knowledge of Russian phonology and orthography they had, making use of their own con- cept of transliteration. In some cases, the result was a combination of translation, transliteration, and transcription. Out of 145 students who took test A, 14 par- tially translated the Russian words into English instead of transliterating them. Table 2 shows the frequency distribution of number of mistakes by the number of students who made them. There were 93 letters (19 words) in test A. Commonly encountere.d titles, such as AAeKCaH4P n YIIIKHH or Pocom nepBan A 10 6oBh, were used. The largest possible number of mistakes was 93, since there were 93 letters. Test results showed that in any situation of not knowing the 212 College & Research Libraries May1995 TABLE2 NUMBERS OF ERRORS MADE IN TESTS A AND B TestA TestB Interval Count• % Count• % 0 0 0 20 15 1-5 4 3 59 43 6-10 19 13 20 15 11-15 28 19 13 9 16-20 25 17 7 5 21-25 26 18 6 4 26-30 12 8 5 4 31-35 15 10 2 1 36-40 6 4 2 1 >40 10 7 3 2 Total 145 137 •The difference in total counts was due to the fact that some students did not participate in the second test. transliteration table, none of the stu- dents would be able to conduct a 100 percent successful search. The lowest number of mistakes made was one, and only one person achieved this rate. The average number of mistakes made was 21.6. The largest group of students, 28, made between 11 and 15 mistakes. For a reader familiar with the language and the original script of the work, the transliteration could be a serious obstacle resulting in partial or even total loss of information. Test B. Test B consisted of 82letters (in 16 words) which included words similar to the ones used in the first test (for example, in examining the soft vowel n, test A included the word nepaan and test B had the word coapeMeHHan). Table 2 showed the frequency distribution of mistakes by the number of students who made them. The table shows that the library instruction and practice resulted in a clear overall improvement. Twenty students transliterated all 82 characters without any mistakes, followed by 59 students who made fewer than 6 mis- takes in their search structure. This con- stituted the largest student unit, forming 43 percent of the total sample. Only one person had all 82 letters wrong. The average number of mistakes made was 8.9. Special attention was given to the let- ters that either cannot be rebuilt revers- ibly and to those that must be trans- literated by letter combinations. These let- ters were n,IO, ii, Q, w, x, )1(, q, and I.Q. The results for these letters are compiled in figure 1. In the comparison of the two tests significant improvement is seen. It also becomes clear that the students are dealing with two groups of letters: those that represent sounds similar to the ones encountered in the English language and those that represent sounds that are alien to English speakers. The improve- ment in the second group is more im- pressive than that experienced in the ·first group. The first group consists of the letters Q, q, and w, whereas the sec- ond group is formed by'IO, n, ii, x, )1(, and I.Q. In the first group the average im- provement after instruction is almost negligible; in the second group it is al- ways more than 27 percent. It also seems that the vowels are more difficult to transliterate than the consonants. A good example of the problems in trans- literating Cyrillic letters is given by the Cyrillic Transliteration 213 Count 200~--------------~~-----------------. 100 0 ['- 0 ,.... Letter II TestA D TestB FIGURE 1 Comparison of Test A and Test B for the Letters Jl, 10, u;, III, X, .IK, q, I..Q, and .ti letter 10. In modern American English there are several ways one could write this sound, including ewe, yu, you, or even u. In fact, the version used by LC "fil" is counterintuitive, because there seems no relation between the translit- eration and the everyday "sound" of the Cyrillic letter. Test C. After instruction, test C was given to the students as well. This test included a list of transliterated Russian titles and authors' names. If a student were to search a book written in a Cyril- lic script in the online catalog, this would be the way in which it would display. The user then would have to match the transliterated information with its Cyril- lie version and reestablish the text in its original characters to determine if a given record matches the one sought for. The reconstruction or back-translit- eration can be performed only between two alphabetic scripts and depends on the rules governing the relationships be- tween the letters of these two scripts.43 Applying the rules of transliteration in reverse can cause some difficulties since this process involves at least three different stages: (1) the user must know how the word appears in the original (i.e., Cyrillic) alphabet; (2) the user needs to know how to use the translitera- tion rules; (3) the user should be skilled in recognizing that this transliterated 214 College & Research Libraries information does indeed match its origi- nal equivalent. Obviously, users will dis- cover this only if they apply the back-transliteration. An additional step would be needed in dealing with proper names, especially those used in Western languages (e.g., Baker) as well as adjec- tives derived from proper names (e.g., Copernican theory). For example, when a user deals with a transliterated text from Russian alphabet where the name "Brown" is included, the user needs to know how this name is spelled in its original (in this case English script). In addition, the user needs to be aware that the Russian version will be BpayH. Cyril- lization of foreign names is frequently done by phonological transcription, not by transliteration since the latter would result in an unintelligible and unpro- nounceable result to a Russian reader. Back-transliteration of "BpayH" could also refer to a German author "Braun," but for the English language, the user needs to know the correct spelling of the name. This example clearly demon- strates that back-transliteration and/ or retranscription is sometimes impossible without tracing the identity of the origi- nal name and its spelling. Figure 2 shows the frequency distribu- tion of mistakes made by students. on test C. The data were collapsed into 16 groups showing that after instruction, 3 students did not make any mistake in reversing the transliteration process. May 1995 The largest group, consisting of 20 stu- dents, made 3 mistakes while only 5 stu- dents made as many as 16 to 17 mistakes. Cyrillization of foreign names is frequently done by phonological transcription, not by transliteration since the latter would result in an unintelligible and unpronounceable result to a Russian reader. Another factor examined in test C was the total number of mistakes that stu- dents made individually for each Rus- sian letter. This analysis is shown in table 3, where as predicted, the letters 10 and n, (represented combinations of two Ro- man letters when romanized) caused a lot of trouble. The most misunderstood letter was 11 (140 mistakes), followed by hi (94) and i1 (80). The underlined parts of the following words show where the students made most mistakes on test C: A1-14peii. .[xoHTOB, Coq>J::Ul, Aape.u Map11.1:1 Me411'111; c6opHHK q>aHTaCTH'IeCKHX npHKA!Q'IeHWi, 3aKoH npyno.4hl. The word "npHAJO'Iei-mii" was the most dif- ficult for students to transliterate. The transliterated word "prikliuchenir" is the genitive plural of "npHKAID'IeHHe" (in English adventure). Since the R~ssian language changes its noun endings in particular cases, the user needs to take this into consideration when transliter- TABLE3 .ERROR COUNT FROM TEST C BY LETTER Letter Count Letter Count Letter Count a 5 G 0 B 2 r 1 A 3 e 15 :;) 1 )I{ 4 3 10 H 140 " 80 K 2 J\ 3 M 1 H 5 0 2 n 3 p 5 c 1 T 10 y 25 5 X 35 ~ 31 'I 11 Ill 11 11\ 22 bl 94 10 90 JI 96 Cyrillic Transliteration 215 Mistakes missing 11 16-27 5 14 2 13 2 11 2 10 2 9 7 8 8 7 9 6 13 5 13 4 17 3 20 2 19 1 11 0 3 0 10 20 30 Number of Students FIGURE2 Frequency Distribution of Mistakes Made by Students on Test C ating from Russian and/or back-translit- erating into Russian. When students dealt with transliteration of the word "npHKAIO'Iemtif," in most cases, they omitted one of the last letters or substi- tuted the English letter y for them. (Phonetically Russian if is considered identical with the English y as in yes.) Even though transliteration assumes following the rule of "write what you see" (i.e., performing exclusively ortho- graphic transliteration where the user should concentrate only on the letters not on their sounds), the example above demonstrates that the users attempted to base their transliteration on both or- thographic and phonetic rules at the same time. In practice, it could mean that all bibliographical transliteration systems contain some elements of phonological transcription that are based on the historical habit of pro- nouncing certain letters in a certain way. These habits are probably acquired in childhood, and it is just as difficult to change them as any other phonetic at- tributes of articulation such as stress, pitch, and intonation. The study shows 216 College & Research Libraries that the students tend to transliterate according to the spelling and pronun- ciation convention governing their own (i.e., English) language. Questionnaire Undergraduates comprised the larg- est group of students (79 percent), and, of these, 40 percent were seniors. The remaining 21 percent were primarily graduate students. Only 1 percent of the group were Ph.D. students. Thus the data gathered in this survey represent primarily undergraduate students' pat- terns rather that those of the total Rus- sian-language student population (see table 4). One of the first questions the students were asked in the survey was "Do you use the library services?" In response to this question, 9 percent of the students said that they did not use the services offered by the library while 85 percent answered yes. Nine st.udents (6 percent) did not answer the question at all. Additional analysis of the relationship between the familiarity with the online catalog and the students' years in school is shown in table 4. Based on the fre- quency distributions, it was expected that students who spent more years at school would be more familiar with the library online catalog and the concept of biblio- graphic access. Table 4 shows this to be primarily the case. Of those students who were freshmen, only 35 percent said that they were familiar with the online catalog, while 65 percent of graduate students and 100 percent of doctoral students re- May1995 ported that they were familiar with the online catalog in the library. Another question of the survey dealt with the students' experience of problems in the retrieval of Russian bibliographic records. Table 5 shows that 37 students (26 percent) answered that they "sometimes" had problems, followed by those who did not know (28 = 19 percent) and those who answered no (27 = 19 percent). When answering the question "What kind of problems did you have in retriev- ing a Russian bibliographic record?" 48 (33 percent) students indicated transliteration as a major problem (table 6). One question also dealt with stu- dents' familiarity of the transliteration system. Table 7 indicates that 73 re- spondents (50 percent) indicated that they can search Russian materials with the help of the transliteration table. Those who felt that they could search witJ:lOut a table numbered 40 (28 per- cent) and 2 students (1 percent) said that they could not search at all. To find out students' opinion about possible use and display of the Cyrillic alphabet in their online search, the fol- lowing question was asked: "Do you think that it would be easier for you if you had the option of using the original Cyrillic alphabet in your search?" The majority of the Russian-language stu- dents (105 = 72 percent) answered yes. IMPLICATIONS The intent of this study is to examine the public reaction to online retrieval of material involving Cyrillic script trans- TABLE4 FAMILIARITY WITH ONLINE CATALOG, BY YEARS IN SCHOOL Years in School Freshman Sophomore J Junior Senior Graduate Doctoral Familiarity with online catalog No. % No. % I No. % No. % No. % No. % Yes 7 35 7 47 12! 73 25 54 13 65 2 100 No 5 25 3 20 12 9 19 3 15 0 0 Little 8 40 5 33 I s 15 12 26 4 20 0 0 Number of students 20 14 15 10 1 33 23 46 32 20 14 2 1 X2 = 11.12; df = 8; Cramer's V = 0.194 Cyrillic Transliteration 217 TABLES FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION FOR PROBLEMS WITH ONLINE CATALOG IN GENERAL AND WITH RETRIEVAL OF RUSSIAN TITLES Online Catalog R~sponse Frequency Unknown 28 Always 12 Sometimes 37 Seldom 10 No 27 Never tried 31 TABLE 6 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION FOR KIND OF PROBLEMS WITH RETRIEVAL OF RUSSIAN TITLES Kind of Problems with Retrieval Frequency Unknown 76 Transliteration 48 Diacritical marks 3 Not familiar with online catalog 7 Other 11 TABLE 7 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION FOR FAMILIARITY WITH TRANSLITERATION Familiarity with Transliteration Frequency % 52 33 2 5 8 % Unknown 26 18 Can search with transliteration table 73 50 Can search without transliteration table 40 28 Cannot search at all 2 1 Needs help 4 3 !iterated into Roman letters in a primar- ily English-language environment. The diffiCulty of searching for transliterated Russian records for someone who is fa- miliar with the Russian alphabet was tested, involving students at three uni- versities. The analysis of the findings % 19 8 26 7 19 Retrieval of Russian Titles Frequency % 14 10 2 1 41 28 28 19 41 28 19 13 provides insight into the problems of Russian-language students when they try to access transliterated Cyrillic biblio- graphic records. These data enable the author to determine any statistical sig- nificance of particular variables on stu- dents' success-failure rate. As expected, the measurements strongly suggest that the use of transliteration in biblio- graphic records forms a barrier to ac- cess even for those skilled in the original script. A number of other factors, such as unfamiliarity with online searching and with library resources, exacerbates this problem, but such factors are, of course, not peculiar to language students. The important'"point is that, even after hours of instruction in the LC tables, most stu- dents still felt that searching in the origi- nal alphabet would be more efficient and easier. It seems likely that such feelings are not limited to the Cyrillic alphabet, but would apply to records in other non- Roman scripts as well. Any academic library needs to exam- ine its user population in order to develop and implement appropriate services. As- sessing the needs of foreign-language students in American colleges or uni- versities ought to be an integral part of library instruction programs. Because of the scale of the problem, library instruc- tion for Russian-language students should not only be the responsibility of reference librarians but also of the Slavic studies faculty, too. Both groups must, on the strength of this study's findings, include a session on translit- eration that will help students acquaint 218 College & Research Libraries themselves with the system and teach them how to interpret particular charac- ters in the Cyrillic script that could be troublesome. Transitions in computer standards that support multiple-character sets in the libraries are predictably slow. Never- theless, multiscript-character set, the Unicode standard/ISO 10646, that su- persedes the traditional ASCII (American Standard Code Information Interchange) May1995 character set has been developed. Per- haps academic libraries will eventually acquire systems based on this new stand- ard. Implementation of this sixteen-bit character encoding that can represent the principal written languages collected qy American academic libraries, would mean a revolutionary change in serving foreign language students. It is up to the librari- ans, developers, and programmers to make the change. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Virginia P. Sorensen, "Searching for Materials in a Foreign Language," Research Strategies 9 (Summer 1991): 152-55. . 2. David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1987), 346. 3. Catherine E. Pasterczyk, "Russian Transliteration Variations for Searchers," Database 8 (Feb. 1985): 68-75. 4. William Edgerton, "One More Look at the Problems of Transliteration," Slavic Review 48 (Winter 1989): 97-99. · 5. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, "Transliteration Systems for the Russian Cyrillic Alphabet: Report on a Survey," International Cataloguing: Quarterly of the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing 5 (Apr./June 1976): 8. 6. Hans H. Wellisch, "Bibliographic Access to Multilingual Collections," Library Trends 29 (Fall 1980): 223-44. 7. George C. Steyskal, "A Plain-Letter Romanization for Russian," Library Resources and Technical Services (Spring 1980): 170-72. 8. K. Ahmad and G. G. Corbett, "Bilingual Terminals: Input and Output in Cyrillic and Roman Scripts," in FEOLL Workshop: Computer Simulation in University Teaching (Amsterdam: North Holland, 1981), 237-a2. 9. Sylva Simsova, "Multilingual Information and the Computer," Information Development 1 (Apr. 1985): 103-108. 10. B. Dekleva, Uniform Slavic Transliteration Alphabet (USTA) (Berkeley, Calif.: Univ. of California Pr., 1973). 11. Graphemes are the smallest units in a writing system capable of causing a contrast in meaning. In the English alphabet, the switch from cat to bat introduces a meaning change; therefore, c and b represent different graphemes. For more information, see David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1987), 194. 12. B. Weinberg, "Transliteration in Documentation," Journal of Documentation 30 (Mar. 1974): 18-31. 13. Hans H. Wellisch, "Script Conversion Practices in the World's Libraries," International Library Review 8 (Jan. 1976): 55-84. 14. --,The Conversion of Scripts-Its Nature, History, and Utilization (New York: Wiley, 1978). 15. Susan MacDougal, The State of the Art in the Handling of Vernacular Scripts in Library Systems (Canberra: The Author, 1991). 16. Phonemes are the minimal units in the sound system of a language. For more information, see David Crystal, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1991): 258. 17. Library of Congress; Processing Services, LC Romanization Tables and Cataloging Policies (Metuchen, N.J.; Scarecrow, 1990). 18. Alena L. Aissing, "Computer Oriented Bibliographic Control for Cyrillic Documents with or without Script Conversion," Information Technology and Libraries 11 (Dec. 1992): 340-44. Cyrillic Transliteration 219 19. S. Michael Malinconico, Walter R. Grutchfield, and Erik J. Steiner, "Vernacular Scripts in the NYPL Automated Bibliographic Control System," Journal of Library Automation 10 (Sept. 1977): 205-25. 20. The Research Libraries Group News 10 (May 1986): 3-4. 21. "Panel on Cyrillic Systems: ALEPH, RLIN VTLS," International Federation of the Interna- tional Library Associations and Institutions Satellite Meeting on Automated Systems for Access to Multilingual and Multiscript Library Materials (presented at second meeting held in Madrid: 1993) Proceedings (Munich: Saur, 1994). 22. Susan S. Lazinger, "ALEPH: Israel's Research Library Network: Background, Evolution, and Implications for Networking in a Small Country," Information Technology and Libraries 10 (Dec. 1991): 275-91. 23. Roger Butcher, "Multi-lingual OPAC Developments in the British Library," Program 27 (Apr. 1993): 165-71. 24. Information from respective vendors. The features of the VTLS system are described in "Panel on Cyrillic Systems" (see note 21 above). 25. Sylva Simsova, "Coping with Foreign and Nonstandard Character in Libraries," in John Eyre, ed., Small Computers in Libraries (London: Meckler, 1988), 13-15. 26. James Edward Agenbroad, Nonromanization: Prospects for Improving Automated Cataloging of Items in Other Writings (Washington D.C.: Library of Congress, 1992). 27. C. Summer Spalding, "Romanization Reexamined," Library Resources and Technical Services 21 (Jan. 1977): 3-21. 28. Joan M. Aliprand, "Nonroman Scripts in the Bibliographic Environment," Information Technology and Libraries 11 (June 1992): 105-19. 29. Mary Beth Allen, "International Students in Academic Libraries: A User Survey," College & Research Libraries 54 (July 1993): 323-33. 30. Plummer Alston Jones, Jr., "Cultural Oasis or Ethnic Ghetto," North Carolina Libraries 50 (Summer 1992): 100-105. 31. Mark Leggott, "Unique, Universal & Uniform Character Encoding," Canadian Library Journal 48 (Oct. 1991): 345-46. 32. Charles Petzold, "Move Over, ASCII! Unicode Is Here," PC Magazine 12 (Oct. 1993): 374. 33. Charles Petzold, "Viewing a Unicode True Type Font under Windows NT," PC Magazine 12 (Nov. 1993): 375. 34. Charles Petz~;>ld, "Typing Unicode Characters from the Keyboard," PC Magazine 12 (Dec. 1993): 426. 35. John Clews, Language Automation Worldwide (Harrogate: United Kingdom SESAME Com- puter Projects, 1988). 36. USMARC Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, Tapes, prepared by Network - Development and MARC Standards Office (Washington, D.C.: Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, 1990). 37. Brian P. Holt, Sally H. McCallum and A.B. Long, UNIMARC Manual (London: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Programme, British Library Bibliographic Services, 1987). 38. Joint Technical Committee ISO /IEC JTC1, Information Technology-Universal Multiple-Oc- tet Coded Character Set, Part 1: "Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane, ISO/IEC 10646: 1993" (Geneva: International Organization for Standardization, 1993). 39. The Unicode Consortium, The Unicode Standard: Worldwide Character Encoding, Version 1.0 (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1991-92); supplemented by The Unicode Standard, Version 1.1 (prepublication ed.) (Mountain View, Calif.: Unicode Consortium, 1993). (Uni- code is a trademark of Unicode, Inc.) 40. Alena L. Aissing, The Effectiveness of Cyrillic Transliteration (poster session given at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, July 1991). 41. Isomorphic representation-data are expressed exactly as found in the original documents, in this case, in the Russian characters. 42. SAS Institute JMP User's Guide, Version 2.0 (Cary, N.C.: September 1989). 43. Alena L. Aissing, "Computer Oriented Bibliographic Control for Cyrillic Documents with or without Script Conversion," Information Technology and Libraries 11 (Dec. 1992): 340-44. TIME OUTSIDE CONSIDER .0 N G HELP?